10x12 - Innocence

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Gunsmoke". Aired: September 10, 1955 - March 31, 1975.*
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Marshal Matt Dillon tries to prevent lawlessness from overtaking Dodge City, Kansas.
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10x12 - Innocence

Post by bunniefuu »

(theme music playing)

(both g*ns fire)

ANNOUNCER: starring
James Arness as Matt Dillon.



(horse snorting)

Looking for anybody
in particular, little lady?

I am, in particular,
not looking for you.

Say, who are you, anyway?

I'm a stranger.

Would you put my
bags in the office

and I'll pick them up later?

Excuse me, sir.


You're a doctor.

Well, I didn't know it showed.



Yeah, my name's Doc Adams.

What can I do for you?

Escort me.

Escort you?

There's a place around here

called the Long
Branch, isn't there?

Yes, it's right over there.

Well, I'd appreciate

the company of a gentleman, Doc.

My name's Elsa Poe.

Well, I'm happy to
know you, Miss Poe.

Now you... you have in mind

me taking you to the Long Branch

and, uh, buying
you a drink, is that it?

Not yet.

But I am gonna work there

and I'm a week late already,

so shall we, uh... go?

Don't look like I got

very much choice in the matter.

But, you know, I like it.

(Elsa laughs)


I want this horse
shod all around.

I just got a loose shoe.

Why don't you take
care of this one first?

He can fix it as soon as
he shoes my horse, mister.

Now, why should I wait for that?

Well, now, maybe I
can make it clear to you.

- Yeah?
- QUINT: Hold on a minute.

You're gonna do any
fighting, do it outside.

What, I got two smart alecks?

No, you haven't
got two smart alecks,

but if you want
your horses shod,

you bring 'em in one at a time.

Otherwise, I
don't do 'em at all.

Oh, is that right?

Suppose you do what
he tells you to, huh?

Ooh, U.S. Marshal.

What's your name?

Art McLane.

And yours?

Bob Sullins.

All right, get 'em out of here.

You're getting kind of
pushy, ain't you, Marshal?

Mister, I can't remember

when I've treated a
couple of hardnoses

as good as I'm treating you.

Now get a-moving.

I hope it won't be
too much bother

to take care of my
horse before dark.

I might not do it at all.

I don't know why I
come to this rotten town

in the first place.

Looks to me like you're
gonna have your hands full

as long as those
two are in town.

Yeah, maybe they'll wind
up k*lling each other, huh?

- Miss Kitty.
- Hello, Charlie.

How's the freight business?

Well, the freight business
never was any good, Miss Kitty.

The help lives
better than we do.

Yeah, well, knowing
you and Joe Rogers,

you probably overpay everybody.

Well, the way we figure it,

a man drives a freight wagon...

can't be overpaid.

I knew it.

You're never gonna get rich.

- (Charlie laughs)
- Kitty?

- Hello, Doc. -Doc.
- DOC: How are you?

This is Elsa Poe. Kitty Russell.

Well, how are you?

I'm a week late.

(laughs) At least you're here.

Elsa, this is, uh, Charlie Ross.

He's an old friend of ours.

Mr. Ross.

It's a pleasure to
meet you, Miss Poe.

Uh... you gonna work here?

If Kitty'll still have me.

I think you'll do.

Elsa and I met by letter

through friends in Wichita.

Well, you two probably
got a lot to talk about.

I'll be running along.

- Good luck, Elsa.
- Thank you.

DOC: Charlie, I'll-I'll...

I'll be with you,

- I'll go along.
- CHARLIE: Fine.

That is, if, uh, I can
be excused now.

Doc, I owe you a drink.

You sure do, and
I'm gonna collect it.

(Elsa laughs)

Doc's a nice man.

Well, they're both
pretty nice people.

I guess you know
they aren't all like that.

I can spot the nice
ones at 20 paces.

(Kitty laughs)

Glad you're not bitter.

Why should I be?

It's my life. I chose it.

Elsa, I think you and I

are gonna get along just fine.

I hope so.

KITTY: When would
you like to start?


Good. Come on.

- I'll show you your room.
- Good.

(lively piano music playing)

(men laughing)

Well, Elsa, that finishes me.

I'm plumb broke
now till next payday.

And you're gonna hate me
every day from now till then.

No, that's not right.

I like you.

I'll be back right off.

I'll be here.

Good night, Elsa. Thank you.


Drink for the little lady here

and one for me, too.

Make it a bottle!

Name's Bob Sullins, Elsa.

- Oh...
- And there's a lot more

where that come from.

You must be a very rich man.

I'm a trail boss from Texas.

Took a herd to
Abilene, got paid off,

and had me a
lucky streak at faro.

Yes, ma'am, I'm richer
than most of the trash

you've been meeting around here.

And money is everything,

isn't it, Mr. Sullins?

Well, now, what have
you been working for?

You take what you need.

(music ends)

(patrons applaud)

(lively piano music playing)

Mud in your eye.

Here's to the
prettiest little old gal

I ever met anywhere.

Ooh... Well, I mean it.

You know what? I come in here,

I was pulled to you like you
had me on the end of a rope.

Why, you will undoubtedly end up

on the end of a rope,

but I will not be
doing the pulling.

Doggone, Elsa, you got spirit.

You and me's
gonna get along fine.

Just fine.

(clears throat) Uh...
- Mister... - Huh?

Uh... that little gal
sitting over there.

You know her?

Oh, she's new here.

You like her?

Yeah, I like her.

Kind of looks like
she's spoke for.

Oh, for the time being, anyway.

That don't mean a thing.

You gonna bust
right in there now?

No, no, no. No, that'd
just get her upset.

There's plenty of time.

You ever been
to St. Louis, Elsa?

I got plenty of
money for everything.

We'll go down to
Mississippi to New Orleans,

and catch us a
boat to Galveston.

You'll love Texas,
I swear you will.

Yeah, it'd be a
nice trip, all right.

You mean you'll go?

Hmm... maybe someday.

When I've saved up enough money.

BOB: Doggone, you're
a slippery one, Elsa.

But I got patience.

When I see something I want,

I don't never give up.


Elsa Poe, I'm Art McLane.

Mind if I sit down?

I'm waiting for a friend.

Ah... forget him.

- You're with me now.
- What?

I seen you with Bob
Sullins last night.

He's no good for you, Elsa.

Oh, but you are, huh?

Well, I'm gonna be.

Hmm, pretty sure of
yourself, aren't you?

Well, where you're
concerned, I am.

Now there's a man
who knows his own mind.

Are you married, by any chance?

Married? Now, what
makes you think that?

Because I've known
a lot of married men

who get very unmarried
the minute they hit town.


No, I'm a drifter, Elsa.

I never stopped one place
long enough to get married.

You're a drifter,

but you're gonna be
very good for me, right?

Well, a man can change, Elsa.

Are you proposing
marriage to me?


Is that what you want?


Well, what, then?

I want to have
dinner with my friend,

as I planned.

Bob Sullins, huh?

No, not... Bob Sullins.

Mr. Ross, over here.

I was afraid you weren't
coming, Mr. Ross.

I was just trying to
explain to this gentleman

that you and I have
a dinner engagement.

Well, now he knows.

Doesn't he?

(clears throat)

Well, I'll see you later, Elsa.

We'll, uh... we'll do
some real talking.

Well, come by the Long Branch.

You can be buying
drinks at the same time.

You're all business, ain't you?

Always, with strangers.

Well, we ain't
strangers no more, Elsa.

I'll be around.


I'm terribly sorry, Mr. Ross.

Well, I'm not.

And my name is Charlie.

I just had to get rid of him.

Oh, excuse me.

Won't you sit down?


Uh, have you eaten?

No, I haven't yet.

Can I buy you dinner?

Well... that sounds fine.

I'm sure glad I happened by.

Well, so am I.

At the Long Branch, I have
to drink with whoever asks me,

but when I'm outside, I like
to choose my own friends.

You don't belong in no saloon.

(laughing): Mr. Ross,

that's a terribly old line.

Ah, I mean it.

Yeah, I know you do.

And my name is still Charlie.

All right, Charlie.



Well, weren't you
gonna do something

about ordering dinner?


Oh, dinner.



Good afternoon, Joe.

Hi, Charlie.

How much did we lose today?

I ain't sure.

Fess Clayton says he
needs more time to pay up.

Well, this was due
last month, wasn't it?

JOE: Yeah.

Well, let's give him
another 30 days.

BOB: Maybe you'd
better say that again.

ART: Well, are you
deaf as well as dumb?

I said stay away
from my gal, Elsa Poe!

BOB: And what are
you gonna do if I don't?

ART: I'm gonna
whip you, Bob Sullins,

I'm gonna whip you
within an inch of your life.

BOB: Well, now, you
got a big mouth, McLane.

How are you on action?

b*llet in the belly
or a fist in the mouth,

I'm ready to fight
you either way.

But that would deprive
me of the satisfaction

of knocking your teeth
right down your throat.

I may k*ll you anyway,
just for the fun of it!

Come on out in the street,
where you've got room to fall.

After I get through
with you, McLane,

I don't want to hear Elsa
Poe's name out of your...

My gal, Sullins! My gal!


- (onlookers exclaiming)
- MAN: Hit him!

You know who they are?

No, but one of 'em
was at Delmonico's

with that girl I was
telling you about.

(onlookers shouting)

(all cheer)

Break it up, break it up!

Come on! All right!

- Cut it out!
- All right, now, men,

there's no need
to k*ll each other.

Now come on. The
fight's over now.

Nobody won and nobody lost.

So let's be friends
and shake hands.

Now come on, shake hands!

I wouldn't put out my
hand to pull him out of a fire.

Next time I put out my
hand, it'll have a g*n in it.

All right, all right, all
right, the fight's over!

Now come on. Everybody
go on about your business.

Go ahead!

(crowd murmuring)

Hello, Sims, I
wonder if I could talk

to this young lady
for just a minute.

Okay, Marshal. Don't
make it too long, huh?

That's fine.

Well, I guess you'd be Elsa Poe.

And how would you know that?

Well, the word gets around
pretty fast in this town, Elsa.

Whatever it is, I didn't do it.

You're innocent, huh?

Well, that might be
stretching a point.

Let's just say I'm not guilty.

I understand you made a few
friends since you been here.

I try very hard not to
make any enemies. Why?

I'm thinking of a couple of
men named McLane and Sullins.


Well, they're both pretty
stuck on you, it seems.

Of course, not that I blame 'em.

Thank you.

They're spreading
word around town

that you're their
girl, both of 'em.

Oh, happy day.

Oh, I can't say I'm
flattered, Marshal,

but I really don't
see... You don't see

- what business this is of mine.
- What business this is...

- Yeah.
- Something like that, yeah.

Well, Elsa, seems they were
both at each other's throats

before they met you.

Now I'm just afraid that now
that they're both stuck on you,

it's gonna lead to
a lot more trouble.

Marshal, are you trying
to suggest, tactfully,

that I shouldn't give those
men any encouragement?

Something like that.

(laughs) Well, you can set
your mind at rest, Marshal,

because up to now,
I've done everything

but insult them to their faces,

and I wasn't planning to change.

Fair enough.

Nice to have met you, Elsa.

Nice to have met you, Marshal.

Sims, thank you.

Oh, thank you, Marshal.

- Sullin?
- Hey, Doc.

Thought that was
you. How's the eye?


You know, it's a good
thing you came to me with it.

You would have
lost it, you know?

If they hadn't stopped that
fight, I'd have k*lled him.

Wait a minute. You
know something

that just don't make any
sense to me at all, Sullin,

is why would you
want to k*ll a man

that just-just happened to
like the same girl you do?

(Elsa laughs)

McLane ain't the
only one I'd like to k*ll.

Hello, Elsa.

Hello, Charlie.

Well, I thought I was
here, but I guess I'm wrong.

(Charlie and Elsa chuckle)

I'm sorry. Good evening, Kitty.

I thought you two just met once.

Well, we kind of
ran into each other

at Delmonico's the other day.

I trapped him into
buying me dinner.

It kind of became a habit.

Nicest habit I ever had.

Wonder if it ever
occurred to either of you

that she was hired to get you
to buy drinks and not dinner.

Yeah, we figured that.
That's why I'm here.

Sam, give us a bottle, huh?

- (Elsa laughs)
- Yes, sir, Mr. Ross.


Why don't you
take a corner table?

It's more intimate.

Yes, ma'am.

Thanks, Kitty.

Sam, how many times do you
think Charlie Ross has been in here

in the last couple of years?

Oh, not more than
a half a dozen times.

He's not much of a drinking man.

Well, something tells me

we've got ourselves
another regular.

- Hello, McLane.
- Hey, how are you?

I thought you were gonna come by

and pay me for that
horse I shod yesterday?

- Oh, yeah, yeah, that's right.
- Yeah.

Plumb forgot about that.

- Well, thanks a lot.
- Thank you.

Sorry I missed that
fight the other day.

Well, maybe we could put
on another one just for you.

Well, that'd be
nice. I'd enjoy that.

Well, what's this?

Now, where the
devil are they going?

Looks to me like they're
going for a ride in the country.

A ride in the country?!

Well, why not?

It's a nice day, pretty girl.

That's Elsa Poe. That's my gal.

Well, it looks like she's
with Charlie Ross to me.

Well, I'll have his hide.

Let me give you a
little advice, McLane.

Now, I don't need
any advice from you.

Well, I'm gonna
give it to you anyway.

Charlie Ross is one of the
best-liked men in Dodge.

You start giving
him some trouble,

you're gonna have the
whole town on your back.

And you'll be among
'em, I suppose.

Well, Charlie
loaned me the money

to get started in this town
when he didn't even know me.

I'll be leading 'em.

Then I'll know who
to look for, won't I?

It ain't gonna make
any difference.

That's my gal,
and I aim to get her.

This is the best chicken
I ever tasted in my life.

Danged if Delmonico's isn't
getting better all the time.

- Delmonico's?
- Hmm.

I'll have you know I
cooked that chicken myself.

You did?

Yes, I did.

Well, I didn't know
you could cook.

A girl's got to
have some secrets.

As far as I'm concerned,

a girl can have all
the secrets she wants.

Don't make no difference.

That's easy to say.

I mean it.

Charlie, I'm a saloon girl.

That's all I've ever been

since I was old enough to...

know what life was all about.

I know that.

But it still don't mean
you belong there.

I told you that before.

Elsa... I want you
out of that saloon.

Well, I'm real grateful.

I'm asking you to marry me.

Charlie, I can't.

You don't want to?

It wouldn't be fair to you.

You... you'd be running
into men who knew me

in Abilene, Wichita,
Kansas City...

I've worked half the
saloons west of nowhere.

If you were to...

introduce me to people
as your wife, you'd...

you'd see a lot of people
with a lot of raised eyebrows.

Do you think I care?

Do you think I give a hoot
and holler what people say?

I've seen a lot of
women in my time.

I never met one

I wanted to spend the
rest of my life with...

till now.

I wish I believed that.

Well, now, look at me.

And look at me good.

I'm gonna tell you once more:

I don't care where you've been,

or what you've done,

or how many men there
have been in your life.

All I care is... do you love me?

And do you want to be with me?

Afternoon, Elsa.


Yeah. Well, I told
you I'd be around.

Mm-hmm. All
right, you're around.

Now, do you mind terribly?

- I've got things to do.
- No, I'll help you.

- Let me get it.
- If you don't want to wear that,

you'd better keep
your hands off it.

That's what I like
about you, Elsa.

- (Elsa sighs)
- You got spirit.

Can't you understand this?

I am not interested
in you, McLane.

I was not interested yesterday,

I am not interested today,

I will not be
interested tomorrow.

Now, is that clear?

Well, you ought to know by now

I'm a feller who just can't
take "no" for an answer.

- (sighs)
- Look, why can't we be friends?

I just want to take you
for a ride or something.

What's wrong with that?

- Nothing.
- Well, hey...

But I don't want to go.

You went for a ride
with that Ross fella.

That's right.

Well, what's he
got that I ain't got?

Now, look, McLane.

I have told you this once before

and I'm going to
tell it to you again,

because you are
very hard to reach.

If you want to see me,

you come to the Long Branch.

Nah... that ain't no good.

You, uh, you're always
with that Sullins fellow

or some of them other cowhands.

I can't even get
close to you there.

Why, you're just
breaking my heart.

This whole town
is full of other girls.

Make one of them happy

and leave me alone, will you?

After you, there
ain't any other girls.

After you, McLane,
there's nothing.


Welcome to the
Long Branch, stranger.

Where you been, anyhow?

Well, I had to go to
Jetmore on business.


Well, it seems like you
left town at the wrong time.

What's the matter?

Take a look over there.

He's been like that
since early this morning.

And Sullins is even worse.

He's tried to pick a fight with
Charlie Ross twice already.

Yeah, what's Charlie
Ross doing in this?

He's cut 'em both out.

- Charlie?
- Mmm.

I'm just afraid there's
gonna be some bad trouble.

I sure wish they'd hurry
up and get married.

Get married?


They just told me
about it tonight.

Excuse me.

Charlie, Elsa...
- Marshal.
- How are you?

Charlie, you're
not to be trusted.

Well, I guess I never was.

By golly, I go out of
town for a couple of days,

come back and find out
you're getting married.

I just can't help myself.


Well, Charlie, I
can't say I blame you.

When's the wedding?

Day after tomorrow.

We just decided.


Thank you.


I don't know if you
know how people feel

about Charlie Ross in this town,

but they like him.

Everybody likes him.

Now, you take my advice

and you stay out
of this situation.

All the way.


Come in.

No, wait a minute!

Who is it?


All right, I'm coming.

What are you doing here?

I want to have a
word with you, Elsa.

- No.
- A word, that's all.

You owe me that much.

I don't owe you anything.

Are you crazy?

I want you to come
away with me now.

There's a stage
leaving for the East

in about a half an hour.

We can slip out
of here and be on it

before anybody
knows the difference.


Don't even have
to pack your stuff.

I'll buy you everything
you want in St. Louis.

Have you heard by any
chance that I'm getting married?

Charlie Ross.

What kind of a man is that?

You need somebody
strong like me.

Not Charlie Ross.

Charlie Ross is
exactly what I need.

Well, now, uh... I can
teach you different.

Let me make this
real plain for you.

If I'd never met Charlie Ross,

I wouldn't be going
away with you.

Not now.

Not ever.

You mean that?

I may be a lot of things,
mister, but I don't lie.

You mean, y-you wouldn't
have anything to do with me

even if it wasn't
for Charlie Ross?

That's right.

I wouldn't.

But... but you don't
know me, Elsa.

That's the trouble.

You just don't know me.


Get out now.


But you just don't
know me, Elsa.

If you'd listen to...

- Matt.
- Hello, Doc.

You're not ready yet.
What's the matter?

Well, I'll be ready in a minute.

You know Kitty's parties.

It's gonna be a long evening.

Well, it's not polite
to be late, you know.

Well, we don't have to be
there to greet the guests, do we?

Well, I'm getting thirsty.

Let's go.

Aha, now you're
finally getting around

to telling the truth.

Well, sit down a minute.

I don't want to sit down.
I just pressed my pants.

Hey, Quint.

Evening, Doc.

Well, everybody ready to go?

Well, I've been ready an
hour. Matt's holding us up.

Hey, you kind of look
different somehow tonight.

I do?


Got my best suit on.

- Pressed it all up myself.
- Oh.

DILLON: Let's get started.

Yeah, you look
fine, Doc, but, uh,

you should've got your hair cut.

Doc, you know, you really
ought to get that suit pressed.

(muffled groans)

Now, shh, now.

Now, now, take it easy.

I-I'm not gonna hurt you.

I just don't want you to scream.

Shh, now be quiet.

Why can't you leave me alone?!

Elsa, I just want to talk...

Look, I am getting married!

I am going to
marry Charlie Ross!

Can't you get that
through your head?!

I know that, I know that.

I just, I just want to
wish you happiness.


You couldn't do that downstairs?

Now, you said to stop
bothering you, and I was...

I was afraid that Ross
fella might not understand.

Yeah, well, might
be right at that.

The way you've been pushing
him for the last two days.

I was wrong. I...

I just want the
best for you, Elsa.

Well, that's very nice of you.

No, look, I...

Come on, just let me tell you...

Now, when I got here, I-I...

I know I was wrong, I...
I should've got me a job,

bought me a house and just
showed you I could settle down.

You will someday.

You'll find somebody.

No, no.

If I'm gonna miss out on you,

I'd just as soon miss
out on all of them.

Well, I-I mean it.

Then why don't I believe you?


You didn't come up here
to wish me happiness.

You came up here
because you're still trying

to figure out some way to
keep me from marrying Charlie.

I am going downstairs now!

So get out of my way.

You got me wrong, Elsa.


You got me all wrong.

All wrong!

(crowd clamoring)

Well, Kitty, how are you?

Well, just fine. How are you?

I'm just fine.

Say, this-this is
all free, isn't it?

Well, you bet it is.

Just go on over to the
bar and help yourself.

You bet I will.

Hey, he's got that thirsty look.

Keep an eye on him.


Kitty, you ought to
do this more often.

It sure brings out the crowd.

Free's the magic word.


(clamoring, indistinct chatter)

Now, hold it...
everybody. Hold it!

I want to make a toast to
my friend Charlie Ross here.

One of the best
men that every lived.

(crowd cheering)

Hold it, hold it!

And to his bride Elsa.

The best looking gal in
the whole state of Kansas!

(crowd cheers)

(clamoring, indistinct chatter)

Evening, Miss Kitty.


I was just passing by.

And I heard all the
noise and everything.

And I kind of wondered
what was going on.

It's a party, Louie.

And you've probably
known about it since noon.

Come on in and
make yourself at home.

A party.

Well, ain't that nice?

I might just take a
look around at that

long as I'm here and every...

I sure thank you, Miss Kitty.

(crickets trilling)

Good night, Miss Kitty.

Good night, Rudy. Thanks.


Are you gonna be able
to make it home all right?

Oh, sure.

I'm-I'm fine, Miss Kitty.

Well, that was a
mighty successful party

you gave, Miss Kitty.

CHARLIE: Yeah, it sure was.

(Elsa laughing)

You ought to be in bed, Elsa.

It's a big day tomorrow.

And then I'm gonna
look old and haggard.

You're gonna look
pretty as always.

But I still want you to run
along upstairs now, huh?


You see what good
care he takes of me?

Oh, if I don't go
now, I never will.

Good night.

Oh, good night.


Hey, you've got
yourself a wonderful girl.

I know it, Miss Kitty.

Elsa's been
through an awful lot.

But marrying you has
made it all worthwhile.

Those are her words, not mine.

Well, I sure aim
to do right by her.

Well, I think we
all need a nightcap.

Let me fix something
real special.

Good idea.


(muffled screaming)

Now, this'll put a top on
anything you've been drinking,

and make you
sleep better to boot.

How come you never
made this before?

What's in it?

Well, I just now invented it.

The ingredients are secret.

How do you like it?

Oh, it tastes real good.

Whatever it is.

I have a feeling it's not
as gentle as it tastes.

Well, that's the whole trick.

(thumping nearby)

What was that?

I'd better go and have a look.

Excuse me.




Charlie's dead, Miss Kitty.

She's still alive.

Go get Doc quick.

How is she, Marshal?

Well, she's still
unconscious, Sam.

Look, I want you
to do me a favor.

- Yes, sir, anything.
- Find Quint.

And tell him to
check the stables

and meet me over at the
Dodge House, will you?

Yes, sir.

(rings bell)


Oh, Marshal.

What's wrong?

Where's Sullins?

Well, I don't know, Marshal.

He ain't been in his room

since early this afternoon.

What about McLane?

Well, he checked out
about two hours ago.

And, Marshal, I
think you should know

Joe Rogers and a
couple of his friends

was here about ten minutes ago.

And they was all
three carrying shotguns.

Which one were they after?

Well, I don't think they
much care, Marshal.

McLane or Sullins or both.

Just so long as they get
their hands on somebody.

That Joe Rogers
is like a crazy man.


(crickets trilling)

Did you check the stables?

Yeah, Sullins and
McLane are gone.


Well, Moss Grimmick
says they left

within ten minutes of each
other about an hour ago.

- Joe Rogers know that?
- Yeah, he knows all right.

Him and his friends are out
looking for McLane right now.

Well, we'd better find
them before Rogers does

or we're gonna have a double
hanging on our hands, Quint.




Sullins, all right.


I'll go this way.


Don't sh**t! Don't sh**t!

What are you after me
for? I ain't done nothing.

You'd better have a
pretty good alibi then.

I don't have no alibi.

That's why I'm trying
to run down McLane.

What are you talking about?

Well, I heard that Elsa and
Charlie Ross had been m*rder*d.

Well, you heard wrong.

Elsa's alive.

She can tell you who done it.

She's still unconscious.

Everybody's saying she was dead.

That's why I run out.

I've been pushing
Charlie about Elsa,

and I figured you'd think I
done it unless I caught him

and beat the truth out of him.

That's quite a story.

You say you're after McLane now?

I won't lie to you, Marshal.

I ain't found his trail yet.

All right.

We're going back to Dodge.

What about McLane?

You gonna let him get away?

We'll catch up with
him sooner or later.

Get saddled.

All right, hold it!

I never thought I'd be
glad to see a lawman.

Marshal, I told you before...

And I told you there'd be
no hangings in my territory.

Now, you said I'd have to
k*ll you to stop you; I'm ready.

Now get that rope off him.


All right, McLane,
you're coming with us.

(muttering): Charlie...

I want Charlie.

Elsa, Elsa?

It's Kitty.

I want Charlie.

Who-who did this to you?



Kitty, do you really
think it's fair for me

to marry Charlie?

I mean, me?

(footsteps approaching)

Oh, Charlie.

We sent for you right away,

when all this started.

(groaning continues)



How long's she been like this?

Over an hour.

I'd have been here sooner,
but I was out at the Carsons'.

Festus ran into me
on the way back.

Oh, Charlie, I'm
just a saloon girl.

That's all I've ever been.


I don't like this.

See how he takes care of me?

Kitty, has she, uh,
has she said anything?

I mean, mentioned a name
that might indicate who did it?

Not a word, no.

She don't make
no sense at all, Doc.

Just keeps calling for Charlie.

You'd keep running
into men I knew...

I want Charlie.

Well, what are you gonna do?

We're all gonna
do the same thing:


(crowd chattering)

We had him!

And we was just about to
put a rope around his neck

when the marshal came
and took him away from us.

(shouting in agreement)

And he's got 'em both

right down there in that jail.

(shouting in agreement)

Now, men,

normally I ain't a
man who believes

taking the law in his own hands,

but one of them men
down there is guilty,

and if he don't confess,

the law's gonna
let 'em both go free.

(shouting in agreement)

Now, listen to me!

Listen to me!

There ain't a man here
didn't know Charlie Ross.

Why, he loaned at least
a half a dozen of you

the money to get
started in business.

And remember this:

there's nobody in this territory

ever had anything but
good to say about him.

Now he's dead!

(shouting in agreement)

I say the man who done that

- is worse than an animal.
- Right!

And I say he deserves
to be treated like one!


And they're both
down there in that jail.

Come on, let's go get them!

(shouting in agreement)

Here they come.

You ain't gonna let them
in here, are you, Marshal?

- Why don't you shut up?
- Well, I didn't k*ll nobody.

It ain't fair!

(crowd shouting)

All right, all right,
that's close enough.

All right, never mind
the talk, Marshal.

Now, you bring them men out
here or we're coming in after them.

Come on, let's
get 'em hung quick!

(shouting in agreement)

All right, now listen to me.

Sure, I've got those men
in there, both of them.

Sullins and McLane, but
only one of them's guilty.

Which one, Marshal?

I don't know which one.

Then we'll take both of them.

And hang an innocent man, huh?

(scoffs) I'd hang
an innocent woman

if it'd put me any
closer to a drink.

Oh, shut up, Beck.

Now, listen, Marshal, one
of them men is a m*rder*r,

and the only way to make
him pay for what he done

is to hang the both of them.

Now quit your stalling
and bring 'em out here.

They're staying
right where they are.

We're coming in, Marshal,

and you can't k*ll all of us,

so make up your mind.

(shouting in agreement)

All right, I'll tell
you what I'll do.

I'll go in and talk to
'em one more time,

see if I can find
out which one did it.

Now, I need a couple
of minutes. Fair enough?

All right, let's give it to him.

Let's see what happens.

Just a couple.

Quint, I got to
have a little time.

You suppose you can stall
them for a couple minutes?

- Sure.
- Then, afterwards,

meet me down at the
south edge of town, will you?


What's going on
out there, Marshal?

You're not gonna
turn us over to 'em?

I'm turning you
loose, both of you.


What-what do you
mean, "turning us loose"?

You-you pulled some kind
of a trick on us, Marshal.

I'm not gonna let
innocent people get k*lled

protecting a m*rder*r,
and I'm not gonna let a mob

get an innocent man,
but I'll tell you something.

Elsa Poe is gonna be
conscious in a day or two,

and when I find out
which one of you did it,

I'm gonna track him down,

and you're not gonna
get far enough in two days

to get away from me.

Now let's go.

(crowd chattering)

Man, if I don't
get a drink soon,

I'll sure enough start sh**ting.

Holler at him, Quint;
tell him his time's up.

You waited this long.

Why don't you give him a chance?

We've been waiting
since morning.

About the longest day
as I ever hope to put in.

You said you'd give
him two minutes, Beck.

Why don't you give it to him?

He's had his minute or
two, and we're going in.

- You ready, men?
- (shouting in agreement)

What do you say, Quint?

All right, go ahead.

Let's go, men.


They're gone; the marshal
must've let them go.

Well, they couldn't
have gone far.

Let's spread out and find 'em.

- Follow me!
- Come on, let's go...





You-you knew I was coming.

I figured one of you would.

Well, I had to come.

She'd have told you it was me.

I'm afraid not, McLane.

Elsa died a few hours ago.

Ain't that a funny way
for things to work out?




- Is he dead?
- Yeah.

Which one?


Sure makes us look kind
of foolish, don't it, Marshal?

Kitty, I think I
could use a drink.

I think we all could.

(muttering in agreement)
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