10x16 - Run, Sheep, Run

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Gunsmoke". Aired: September 10, 1955 - March 31, 1975.*
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Marshal Matt Dillon tries to prevent lawlessness from overtaking Dodge City, Kansas.
Post Reply

10x16 - Run, Sheep, Run

Post by bunniefuu »

(theme music playing)

(both g*ns fire)

ANNOUNCER: starring
James Arness as Matt Dillon.

All right, take a deep
breath and hold it.

- (yawns)
- I said hold it, hold it.


- Now let it out.
- (exhales)

All right, do it again.


Oh, this is ridiculous.

- What'd you say?
- I said this is ridiculous.

I ain't gonna do it.

Well... y-you want me
to examine you or not?

You've examined me enough...
Just tell me how I'm doing.

I want to get out of here.

I'm tired of being
put through my paces

like some joke of a lapdog.

Man's got his dignity, ain't he?

You doctors just
hide your ignorance

behind this kind of stuff.

Well, Doc?

- Well, what?
- How am I?

Well, you're about as mean and
as ornery as you ever have been.

My morals ain't none
of your business.

I'm asking you the
state of my health.

Well, now, maybe if you'd
come in here sometime

and let me examine you, I
could tell you something about...

Come on, Doc, you must
have some idea. Tell me.

Oh, yes, yes, I've got
an idea as far as I went.

You're just about the same
as you were the last time

when I went as far as I went.

How much do you
expect for that information?

Office call is two dollars.

- Whistle for it.
- Nothing's changed

about that, either.

You're a very lucky man.

Lucky? What are
you talking about?

Nobody's shot you yet.


(hammering nearby)

- Hi, Marshal.
- Hello, Mary.

- Hello, Marshal.
- Tom.

- How are you?
- Fine.

You're in time for supper.
It'll be ready in about an hour.

- Can you wait that long?
- Well, wish I could, Mary,

but I got to head back to town.

Well, I ain't heard
no sh**t', Marshal.

Dodge seems quiet
enough. (chuckles)

Well, maybe they're waiting
for you to get into town, Tom.

- What do you got there?
- Oh, this.

I traded my old .45
for it the other day.

- Do you like it?
- Well, an old .36 Colt Navy.

You don't see many of
those around anymore.

It's a little different.

I guess maybe
that's why I liked it.

Sure. Well, if you decide
you don't like it anymore,

you can always trade it
off and come out pretty well.

What are you doing
out here camping?

Why don't you come on into town?

Oh, I am going into
town in the morning,

pick up my money...
Dan Braden owes me

- $1,200.
- Braden?

I sold my ranch to
him two weeks ago.

Well, I thought you
were doing fine out there.

Oh, we was doing all right.

Tom promised to
take me to California

when he married me, Marshal.

And I'm finally living up to it.

We sold everything but
what you see here, Marshal.

We're gonna start a-fresh.

We're gonna buy
another ranch in California.

$1,200 is a lot of money
out there, they tell us.

(chuckles): $1,200 is a
lot of money anywhere.

I'm going in in the
morning to pick it up,

and then we're gonna
start out about noon.

Well, I'll miss you
two around here.

Miss those good
dinners, too, Mary.

It'll only be about an hour.

Oh, I wish I could stay.

But I'll be out to say
good-bye to you in the morning.

Thank you.

Oh, say, Marshal. Dan
Braden is in town, ain't he?

Well, he was last
time I saw him.

Good. I'll see you
in the morning.

Oh, sorry you're gonna
miss a good supper.

So am I.


How you doing, Louie?

Tom Stocker! What are
you doing in town today?

Ain't seen you for
some little time, Tom.

Well, I been busy, Louie.

You know, I don't
get into town much.


Still got the habit?


- Nah, I give that up years ago.
- (laughs)

Did you, now?

Well, in that case, Louie,
here's a little reward for you.

Oh, my goodness,
Tom, I don't deserve this.

I didn't say you
deserved it, now, did I?

Go ahead, warm your belly.

I thank you, Thomas.

I do thank you.

- Braden?
- Over here.


- Morning, Dan. How are you?
- Good morning.

Come by to get my money.

- I ain't got it.
- What?

I've been gambling
some; nothing but bad luck.

Well, now, I'm sorry
to hear about that,

but... I want my $1,200.

I'm plumb out of
cash, like I said.

Now, wait a minute,
Dan, I told you a week ago

I was coming in here this
morning to pick up my money.

You're just gonna
have to wait for it.

How long is that gonna be?

Oh, I don't know.

$1,200 ain't easy to
come by, you know?

You leave me be, now. I'm busy.

Now, wait a minute,
Braden, you listen to me.

My wife and I are camped
out there by the river.

We're leaving for
California this afternoon.

Let me know where you
settle... I'll send you the money.

Oh, no, now, Dan,
that's no good.

We'll move back to
the ranch if we have to.

That's my ranch now.

I don't want nobody on it.

It ain't your ranch until
I get my money for it.

Forgetting you signed
the deed over to me?

Well, you signed
the note right here.

It says that you owe
me $1,200 today for it.

It just says that I
owe you $1,200.

All right. So?

It does make a difference.

While you're looking,
take a look at the date.

You're not gonna get
away with this, Braden.

N-Now, now, hold on.

Shut up. Stand up.

Now, you get walking out
onto the street. Go ahead.

I ain't gonna fool around
with you. Come on.

Come on.

Well, he owes you
$1,200, all right.

The month and the day are
right, if you wait a year from now.

Marshal, it can't be
legal to date that note

a year ahead of what
I thought it was, can it?

Why not?

You gave him the
deed to your property,

and he gave you a
note promising to pay

a year from now... It
happens every day.

All right, Braden,
there's your deed.

Now, Marshal, just
because I got excited

and didn't notice what
date he wrote down...

It's all clear and legal, Tom.

- All right, Braden, make him your offer.
- What?

What are you gonna
offer him for the ranch?

Well, I'm kind of
broke right now.

I guess I could raise
$500 or $600 on the store.

That is, if the bank's
willing, of course.

What are you talking about?

What he's saying, Tom,
is that if you want to go

to California, he'll
give you about $600

for the ranch.

Oh, I get it.

That's pretty smart.

I'd never collect the rest
of the money, would I?

Not likely, from California.

So I've been robbed
of half of my money.

Well, unless you want to stay
around Dodge for another year,

or else come back
from California.

Oh, that's some
choice, that is, Marshal.

You got the money... You're
lying about being broke!

I got the deed to the
ranch; that's what counts.

Marshal, ain't there
nothin' I can do about this?

I wish there was, Tom.
I wish I could help you.

Braden's as rotten
a man as I ever met.

But I don't think there's
a thing you can do.

Well, he can stop herding
me around in front of a six-g*n,

that's one thing he can do.

I just may be
wearing a g*n myself

the next time you try that.

You're too much of a
coward to wear a g*n.

(sighs): Tom, I... I'm
sure sorry about this.

Oh, Marshal, what
am I gonna tell Mary?

I promised her I'd take her
to California, I swore to it.

Then why don't you take
the $600 and go, Tom.

Chalk it up to experience.

Do you know how hard I worked

to make that ranch
worth $1,200, Marshal?

I know, Tom.

How about a cup of coffee?

No, thanks. I
think I need a drink.

- I'll see you later.
- Liquor's not gonna solve it, Tom.

You better go home
and talk it over with Mary.

I couldn't face her, not now.


It's getting kind of late, Tom.

You want me out of here, huh?

Only for your own good.

Mary's probably
worried sick about you.

Well, I guess I got
to face her sometime.

Miss Kitty, I want to thank you
for listening to me a while ago.

(laughs softly) That
was three hours ago.

But you're welcome anyhow.

You know, I thought that...

it might do some good.

Talking about it, I mean.

I ain't so sure now.

Things will probably
look better in the morning.

I don't know how.

Anyway, thank
you and good night.

Good night, Tom.


(crickets chirping)

(dog barking in distance)



(yawning quietly)

What are you doing
in there, Braden,

getting ready to go to sleep?

Who's that?

What do you want?

Tom Stocker.

Came to get my $1,200.

You've got it, I know you have.

Get out of here! Leave me alone!

I ain't leaving
without my money.

I'm coming in to get it, Braden.

Get out! Get out!

I don't want no fight.

Come on out here
where I can see you.




Mary, wake up.


- Tom, what is it?
- Get up quick.

We got to get out of here.

Tom, what's the
matter? What happened?

Where are the saddles, Mary?
We got to find the saddles.

We got to leave the
wagon here, everything.

- Where are they?
- They're in the wagon.

Well, you get 'em. I'll
bring the horses around.

Tom, wait.

I'm not gonna move till
you tell me what's happened.

Mary, I just shot a man.


Dan Braden... I k*lled him.

Now, come on. We
got to ride fast, Mary.

Get that canteen full of water

and get a couple of
blankets. And hurry.

(fire crackling)

- Help! Fire! Fire!
- Fire! Fire!


Doc Adams ain't there, Marshal.

But he left a note saying he
was going on a call in the country

and maybe wouldn't
be back till this evening.

Ah. Well, I'll have to
wait to get an autopsy.

That body's burned so bad

I don't know what the
cause of death was.

Well, if you ask me, he got
hisself a bellyful of smoke

and fell down and hit his
head and burnt to death.

Well, it looks that way. Louie,

you want to make
yourself some extra money?

Why, sure, Marshal.
What do I do?

Well, I want somebody to stand
guard around here for a while.

I'll do it gladly, Marshal.

Be at least 24 hours.

I can spare the time. But
don't you worry, Marshal,

I'll keep a real
good watch here.

All right, Louie.

(calling): Hello?

Well, glory be, a woman.

Now, what in tarnation are you
doing out here all by yourself?

I'm not by myself.
My husband's with me.

Why, I don't see
any husband around.

He's out after meat.
He'll be back any minute.

Now, you don't have to
worry about me, ma'am.

I never harmed
nobody in my whole life.

I'm Lem Hubley, ma'am.
Just a harmless old man.

You got nothing to fear from me.

I'm sorry. I didn't
mean to act afraid.

It's natural. A woman
out here alone.

But I'm not alone.

- You, uh, live around here, do you?
- No.

You're traveling mighty light.

Well, what difference
does that make?

Nothing, except how
you gonna cook the meat

your husband's coming back with?

Well, I'm not a
greenhorn, Mr. Hubley.

I can get along without
pots and pans when I have to.

You don't have to. I got plenty.

Well, that's one way of
inviting yourself to dinner.

But I'm throwing in some taters,
some lard and some coffee.

And after dinner, I'm gonna tell
you some of the doggonedest lies

you ever heard.

You're invited, Mr. Hubley.

Then just set down
there and take it easy.

I'll get the stuff
off the burro,

and then I'll gather
some wood for a fire.

It's been a long time

since I've had a chance
to set and eat with anybody.

It's gonna be a
great pleasure for me.

Hello. I'm Lem Hubley.

I'm having dinner with you.

- Tom...
- What is he doing here?

It's all right. He's
just a lonely old man.

- What is he doing here?
- Well, he's having dinner with us,

and he's supplying part of it...

The potatoes and
coffee and whatnot.

No, I don't like it, Mary.

He's gonna ask questions.

What's our name, what
are we doing out here.

Listen, you... you
tell him... that...

we've changed our minds.

- We're moving on.
- Oh, Tom,

he's harmless. It means so much
to him to have a little company.

Go on and tell him.

Tom, this isn't like you.

Now, listen to me, Mary,

last night I k*lled a man.

That's not like me either.

Now, you go on and
get rid of that fella.

I'll saddle up your horse.

(crickets chirping)


Doc, I didn't know
you were back yet.

Yeah, well, I got back
about a half hour ago.

I got your note about
old Braden, but...

I can't do anything
about it right now.

I got to go out to Sam
Perkins... It's his wife.

- She have another baby?
- Yeah.

Well, Doc, I got to get an
exact cause of death on him

as soon as I can.

You mean you don't know?

Well, you're saying
he burned to death?

Well, no, I can't
say that exactly.

You know, old Dan
had a bad heart.

It could've taken him anytime
in the last three or four months.

I didn't know that.

Here's something else I
don't think you knew either.

Take a look at that.

Is that a b*llet hole?

Well, like I said, Matt,
he's pretty badly burned...

It's hard to know for sure.

But if I get a b*llet
out of there I'll know.

You're pretty sure
right now, aren't you?

Well, I'm sure
enough that I think

you ought to start
looking for his m*rder*r.

How soon can you get
the b*llet out of there, Doc?

Well, kind of depends
on Mrs. Perkins.

Maybe by noon tomorrow.

All right.

You have any idea
who might've shot him?

I'm afraid I do, Doc.

Find anything?

There's a small ranch
on the other side.

We'll ride around. Won't
take but a few minutes.

But you said you weren't
going near a ranch.

We need food, Mary.

I've got to admit, I've
kind of used up the rabbit

we had last night.

I was a fool to be out
sh**ting yesterday.

We can't afford it anymore.

Might as well be
sending up smoke signals.

You're awful sure the marshal's
on your trail, aren't you?

Why shouldn't he be?

But if you shot Dan Braden
in self-defense like you said...

Mary, nobody saw me.
I can't prove anything.

If nobody saw you, then
nobody can prove you did it.

Mary, there's something I
haven't explained to you.

You see this?

That's an old Navy Colt .36.

Now, .36 is a
rare caliber, Mary.

At least, it's rare enough
that if they find a .36 b*llet

in Dan Braden and put it next
to my motive for sh**ting him,

I'd say they got a
hanging case against me.

But that's only
circumstantial evidence.

You want me to go back and
take my chances on that, huh?

We can't run forever.

Maybe not, Mary,
but I sure aim to try.

Come on. We're not sure
how close the marshal may be.

(chickens clucking)



Beth, we got company.

You know 'em?


Well, they're in time
for dinner, anyway.

- Howdy.
- Hello.

Well, get down and
come on in, mister.

And the missus, too.

My name is Bill Miller.

This is my wife Beth.

- Howdy do?
- Hello.

We, um, come to
ask for some food.

A little bread and some
meat if you can spare it.

Well, now, isn't that something?

Dinner's gonna be on the
table in less than half an hour.

Just give you enough
time to wash up.

Thank you.

But if you could just wrap up

some bread and
meat, uh, that'll be fine.

Just where is it you're
heading for, mister?

Um, friends, uh,
on up north here.

Well, do we get the food or not?

My wife invited you
to the table, mister.

And I said that
we couldn't stay.

Please, missus, can
we have some food?

We're in an awful hurry.

No one's in that much of a
hurry unless they're in trouble.


That's what I said.

But it ain't none
of my business.

Now, why don't you just
keep on riding, mister?

Sure. "Keep on riding."

You stand right
where you are, mister.

Don't you move. Not one step.

Tom, don't.

I won't if they do
just what I tell them.

Oh, please.

Please, mister, don't sh**t him.

All right, then you
get in that house,

and get us some
food like I told you.

Make it fast.

I'll do it!

No tricks, missus!

Now, you just turn
around and stand quiet.

You're quite a fella.

And keep your mouth shut.

Must be real bad trouble
you're in to act like this.

Maybe I just don't like
to eat with strangers.

You keep on, you're gonna meet

nothing but
strangers in this world.

You keep on, there might not
be any world left for you at all.

You may just mean that.


Tom, you might've k*lled him!

Maybe I did.



Well, what's the matter?

You won't hit her.

I can't sh**t him, Beth.

Why not? He liked to k*lled you.

Well, somebody
else will have to do it.

Someone sure will the way
that man's running scared.

(horses galloping nearby)

- Howdy.
- Howdy.

Hi, you fellas want to water up?

Oh, we watered a few
miles back, thank you.

Say, uh, you a lawman?

U.S. Marshal from Dodge.

That's right where I'm heading.

Dodge City.

Oh, you been far?

Well, I'd say 65 years is a
mighty long way, Marshal.

(chuckles) I meant traveling.

I've been traveling
since I was eight.

Left my folks.

Ran away from home.

Now, look, you haven't
by any chance run across

a young man and woman
out here, have you today?

Traveling light, moving fast?


Well, we'd ought
to hit the trail

one of these days, Matthew.

Run into 'em yesterday.

What? Where?

Back that way a piece.

The woman... she's
nice, but that young fella...

He's scared to death, Marshal.

Plumb scared to death.

You after him for something?

- I'm after him. Thanks a lot, old-timer.
- So long.

So long to you.


Where have you been? I
woke up over an hour ago.

I've been out hunting.

Hunting? But we still have
food from those people.

Horse hunting.

You mean the horses broke loose?

They're gone. I can't
find 'em anymore.

What are we gonna do?

Well, I got a plan.

Come on, I want to
show you something.

(chickens clucking)

(chickens clucking)

Mary, you stay here
and keep hidden.

Tom, be careful.

I will. Don't worry.
Just stay down low now.

(birds singing)

(rhythmic clatter of wheels)

- MAN: Whoa. Whoa, buddy.
- (wheels squeaking)

TOM: Hello.


How come you got no passengers?

Oh, stage broke down
at Rock Creek station.

Run this one out
there to replace it.

If I was carrying any
goods or passengers,

I'd also be carrying a shotgun,

and I wouldn't have
stopped for nobody.

That's your policy, huh?

You bet it is, son.

What's your story?
Lose your horse?

Busted a leg.

MAN: Oh, well, climb on aboard.


MAN: Why not?

TOM: You just sit right
there, mister. Don't move.

Now take out your g*n and
throw it to me very slowly.


Now climb down.

All right, now what?

Unhitch them
horses and do it faster

than you've ever
done it in your life.

You're making a
big mistake, son.

Don't you worry about that.

Just don't you
make any mistakes.

All right, now
get into the stage.

Hurry up.

Now don't try to
come after me, mister.

I'll go out of my way to
be at your hanging, son.

- My hanging? I didn't...
- MAN: I didn't say

you k*lled anybody.

As of this minute,
you're a horse thief.

What's the difference?


We're almost there, Mary.

Tom, I've got something to say.

Well, can't it wait until
you're out of the saddle?

You're awful tired.

I'm tired.

I'm too tired to
ride any farther.

Well, Mary, it's, uh,
just a few hundred yards.

No. In an hour, it'll be
dusk, and then it'll be dark.

I can't ride another hour.

Tom, I need some food, and

I need to lie down
and rest until morning.

Sure. Sure, you do.

Listen to me. You're planning
to ride up to that man's shack

and pull your g*n
and take some food

and then ride out
until it gets dark

and we can hide some place.

Mary, I-I ain't said a word
about drawing my g*n on him.

If he offers to share some
food with us, we'll accept,

and we'll eat it there, and
we'll rest there till morning.

I'm serious, Tom.

(wind whistling)

All right, that's the
way we'll do it, Mary.

Come on.

(hoofbeats approaching)


Your missus sick or something?

No, she's just tired and hungry.

Well, why don't
you take her home?

We ain't got no home.

We was traveling by
wagon. We hit a rock.

Busted the, uh, wheel right off.


We got some, um, relatives
about 25 miles west of here, though.

MARY: We'll be there tomorrow.

The truth is,
mister, I'm with child.

Well, why didn't you say so?

Get down out of there.

Here, let me help ya.

There you are.

I suppose you'll be
wanting to lie down?

I'd give you the bunk inside,
but it's not too neat in there.

Oh, that's all right.

I can fix her up a place
out here. She'll be fine.

All right. Now I was aiming

to have some salt pork
and potatoes for supper.

I'll go throw some more
in and I'll bring it out here,

and we can fix up a
table or something.

That's awfully
kind of you, mister.

Cox. Barney Cox.

Well, you take care of
her and I'll go fix supper.


He seems nice.

He didn't seem so nice
when we first rode in.

It was you telling him
about being a mother

that changed his mind.

Mary, why don't you go
over there and sit down?

I'll unsaddle the horses

and fix you a nice
comfortable spot.

Thanks, Tom.

Well, I found
their trail, Matthew.

They heading on west.

Ah. Well, we'll have to
be leaving you now, Crane,

but, uh, there'll be a
stage along tomorrow.

It really don't matter, Marshal.

I get paid driving or not.

You did the right thing
by not trying to fight him.

You know how that young Stocker,

getting more
nervous all the time.

Yeah, he put up a
big front, Marshal,

but, uh, well, if you ask
me, he's scared to death.

We gonna stay on their
trail, are we, Matthew?

Well, won't we
catch up to 'em today.

They got too much
of a head start on us.

That means another
night camp on the prairie,

but we'll catch up to 'em
directly, maybe tomorrow.

Well, if we don't lose 'em.

Enjoy your day off, Crane.

- You about ready?
- Anytime.

How you feeling this morning?

I feel a lot better.

Good. You're just not
used to all this hard riding.

That's part of it.

Cheer up, Mary.
Things could be worse.


Well, what if you
really were with child?

Well, you leaving?


We want you to know how
grateful we are to you, Mr. Cox.


Feeding us when you
had so little for yourself.

We won't forget it.

I won't forget it neither.

Let's get started, Mary.

Say, you never did tell me.

What's the name of your
kinfolk 25 miles west of here?

Harper. William Harper.

Funny, I never heared of 'em.

Well, it's a long ways away.

Especially for a man
who ain't got a horse.

I got a horse. It's out grazing.

Mister... you and
your wife, you're liars!

Now wait a minute, Cox.

Never mind him, Tom.

I hate liars!

But you're probably
something even worse.

You're running, ain't ya?

You done something
bad and you're running.

Stay where you are, Cox.

Tom, get on your
horse and let's go.

No, he's up to something,
Mary. You go ahead, I'll follow.

- No.
- Go ahead and ride!

What was it you done, k*ll
someone or rob someone?

Don't come any closer, Cox.

Ah, I thought so, but
that g*n don't scare me.

I'll use it if I have to.

You're bad and you're evil!

But the law's on my side,
and you can't hurt me!

There's got to be a
reward out for you,

and I swear I'll get it!

You're crazy. There
ain't no reward on me.

(water running)


Want some water, Mary?

No, thanks. I'll wait a while.

What do we do now, Tom?

Well... we gotta
just keep riding.

We'll find something to
eat before dark, though,

don't you worry.

And tomorrow, what
do we do tomorrow?

Tomorrow will just
have to take care of itself.

No, I want to take care
of tomorrow today, now.

What do you mean, Mary?

I want us to go back into Dodge.

I want you to give yourself up.

You don't mean that. You can't.

We can't keep living like this.

We'll go back and
we'll take our chances.

No, Mary.

We're gonna keep on running,

and sooner or later
you will k*ll somebody,

and then it'll be m*rder.
It won't be self-defense.

I had to scare that fellow Cox.

He wanted me for the
reward. Now, you know that.

Either we go back
together or I go back alone.

Are you coming with me or not?

Mary... you wouldn't leave me.

To keep you from m*rder, Tom.



You want to know
something, Matthew?

That Tom Stocker is a-gettin'
hisself in deeper and deeper

all the time.

Too bad he isn't
here to listen to you.

Let's see if we can't
catch up with him.

I just don't understand it.

I just purely don't.

Yeah, it's strange
all right, Festus.

Just betwixt you and
me and the fence post,

it's a heap more'n strange.

Why don't you eat something?

Matthew, they're
a-heading for Dodge City.

Looks that way.

Well, it can't be that they're
backtracking on the trail.

That don't make a lick of sense.

If they're so all-fired set
on turning their selves in,

well, then why in the
thunder didn't they wait

at that water hole till we
could catch up with 'em?

Maybe they didn't know
we were following 'em.

Well, they know
somebody's a-followin' 'em.

They been a-running
like a danged old rooster

with a bobcat a-breathing
on his tail feathers.

I'll tell you, I'm just getting
plumb wore out a-chasing them.

Well, then why don't you eat
something and get some rest?

You know better than that.

When I'm a-figuring on
something, I can't quit

till I get 'er figured out.

Well, then I'm afraid

you're gonna have to figure
it out by yourself, Festus.

I'm gonna get some sleep.

Colder'n a well
digger's boot sole.

I'll tell ya, it just beats all.

Now if they was a-figuring
on going back all the time,

well, why did they do all
the things that they've did?

If they wasn't
figuring to go back,

well, what made 'em
change their minds?


(louder): Oh, Matthew?

Golly Bill, just beats all.

A man does all the
working, all the tracking,

the cooking and
the fixing the bedrolls

and the saddling up,

and then he's got to do all
the worrying on top of that.



Gettin' just about
half tired of it.

(hoofbeats approach)

- Howdy, Louie.
- Louie.

Marshal, Festus.

Well, you fellas took
yourselves a long ride for nothing.

Kind of looks that way.

Seemed like we
rode all over Kansas,

and then tracked 'em right
back here to Dodge City.

Have you seen 'em, Louie?

I seen 'em. They're out
there at the wagon by the river.

Said they'd be waiting
for you right there.

What do you think
of that, Matthew?

Well, looks like Tom
decided to give himself up.

I got something
here for you, Marshal.

I found it in the
storeroom, on the floor

near where Dan Braden was.

A Colt .44.

Looks like Braden
was waiting for Tom.

Sure do look like it, don't it?

Louie, take this
back to my office

and wait there for me, will ya?

Right, Marshal.

Ride out and tell Tom
I'll be coming out, will ya?

I'm gonna stop by Doc's.

All right, I will.

- Matt.
- Doc.

Did you find anything?

Well, we found 'em, all right.

Trailed 'em right back to Dodge.

Did you get Braden buried?

Yeah, the autopsy
report's in your office.

What does it say?

Very simple language, said
he died of a g*nsh*t wound.

Did you find the b*llet?

Yeah, it's right over here.

You sure this is the b*llet?

Well, I'm reasonably sure. I
took it out with my own hands.

I'll let you know about
changing the autopsy report.

Change...? What?


Well, I guess you fellas
would have caught up with us

sooner or later
anyway, wouldn't you?

I reckon it'd just been
a matter of time, Tom.


But when a... a man's
out there like that,

he always thinks he's
got a chance to get away.

It has happened.

Not very often, huh?

Not too often, Tom.

I shouldn't have put
Mary through that.

I'll never forgive myself.

A man gets spooked,

he can't think too
good, you know?

I sure know that now.

I know that all right.

(hoofbeats approaching)

Here's Matthew.

Tom, you finally
quit running, huh?

Mary made me come back.

Should've never let
him get started, Mary.

I was scared, too,
Marshal. I ran with him.

Those the stage horses?

Yes. I'm a horse
thief, too, Marshal.

Marshal, did you know Tom
shot Dan Braden in self-defense?

You telling me that
he drew first, Tom?

I didn't go in there
to sh**t him, Marshal.

Scare him maybe,
but not to sh**t him.

I went in there to
collect my money.

And he shot at me
first, and I shot back.

There's the b*llet
that k*lled him.

That's there's a .44.

That's a .44 all right.

Wait a minute.

I don't understand
that, Marshal.

My g*n's a .36, and
I took a shot at him.

I'm confused. I...

You'd been drinking, hadn't ya?


Well, probably just
missed him, Tom.

We found a .44 lying beside him.

He must have fallen on it
when he was trying to sh**t you.

Oh, Tom, you didn't do it!

You're free, Tom!

Wait a minute.

Tom, I'd like to
know what happened

out at that nester's shack.

That Cox fella?

He knew we were running

and he thought there
might be a reward for Tom,

so he tried to hold him.

I put a couple sh*ts
close to him to scare him,

and then I rode off.

Is that what happened,
Mary? Did you see it?

I-I saw it from the distance.

But after the second
shot, I rode hard, too.

I rode right after her, Marshal.

And you didn't look back?

No. No, that I remember. Why?

We found the nester, Tom...

lying face down on the ground.

Shot dead.

Oh, I'm sorry, Mary.

Are you gonna jail him, Marshal?

I got no choice, Mary.

It's not far. Can
I walk him there?

All right.

Shall we go, Tom?

You gonna let 'em go
alone, are you, Matthew?

They're not alone, Festus.

They're together...

for about the last time.
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