10x21 - Song for Dying

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Gunsmoke". Aired: September 10, 1955 - March 31, 1975.*
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Marshal Matt Dillon tries to prevent lawlessness from overtaking Dodge City, Kansas.
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10x21 - Song for Dying

Post by bunniefuu »

(theme music playing)

(both g*ns fire)

ANNOUNCER: starring
James Arness as Matt Dillon.


Yes, sir.

Passed me back there
about an hour ago.

No question it was him?

Mister, the way
you just told it to me,

I could pick him out
with my head in a bucket.

Yes, sir, even riding
hard, like he was.

Riding hard?

Real hard.

But... tired.

You know what I mean.

Nothing else, I'll be moving on.

If I get home too late,
my old lady gets sandy.

(man grunts)


He seen him, Pa.

About an hour back.

Says he was
riding the other way.

Like I figured.

He's headed for Dodge.

(low, indistinct chatter)

Well, I'll be a bobtail hound.

A guitar.

Now, there's the one thing

that'll make a good
drink taste better.

Festus Haggen.

Reckon you've
heared of the Haggens,

- being from the hill country.
- I'm not.

I'd like to talk to the owner.

In that case, you
can talk to me.

- My name's Kitty Russell.
- Howdy.

And, uh, this is Doc Adams.

FESTUS: Don't rightly believe
I heared you say your name.

KITTY: I don't believe
he said it, Festus.

The singer.

That'll be good enough.

Not unless you sing.

If you're asking, ma'am.

You from up north
someplace, are you?

Could be.

- Nebraska maybe, huh?
- Might be.

You don't like to
talk much, do you?

No, ma'am.

You, uh... just
like to play, huh?

Yes, ma'am.

And sing.

And drink.

They mostly go together.

Sam, bring this
gentleman a drink.

(tuning guitar)

Do you know "Hannah on
the Roof Three Crow High"?

Or "Kick My Dog
Down the Dusty Road."

- That's one of the best songs...
- I pick my own tunes.


♪ I ride an old paint ♪

♪ I lead an old Dan ♪

♪ I'm going to Montana ♪

♪ For to throw the Hoolian ♪

♪ They feed in the coulees ♪

♪ They water in the draw ♪

♪ Their tails are all matted ♪

♪ Their backs are all raw ♪

♪ Ride around, little doggies ♪

♪ Ride around them slow ♪

♪ For the fiery and the snuffy ♪

♪ Are rarin' to go ♪

♪ Ride around, little doggies ♪

♪ Ride around them slow ♪

♪ For the fiery and the snuffy ♪

♪ Are rarin' to go ♪


♪ Old Bill Jones ♪

♪ Had two daughters and a song ♪

♪ One went to Denver ♪

♪ The other went wrong ♪

♪ His wife, she died ♪

♪ In a pool room fight ♪

♪ Still he keeps singing ♪

♪ From morning till night ♪

♪ Ride around, little doggies ♪

♪ Ride around them slow ♪

♪ For the fiery and the snuffy ♪

♪ Are rarin' to go ♪

- (song continues)
- It's kind of mournful.

It's sure purty.

I'm gonna go get Matthew.

♪ Are rarin' to go ♪


♪ When I die ♪

♪ Take my saddle from the wall ♪

♪ Put it on my pony ♪

♪ And lead him from his stall ♪

♪ Tie my bones to his back ♪

♪ Turn our faces to the west ♪

- ♪ And we'll ride the prairie ♪
- That's him.

♪ That we love the best... ♪

So he's really that good, huh?

Oh, he's dang pert near as
good as Obadiah Cruikshank.

Obadiah Cruikshank? Who's that?

Oh, he's a feller
we got back home,

sings pretty as a bird.

Except he sings
kind of sweet like,

and this feller
sings lonesome like.

Well, let's go hear him.

♪ Ride around, little doggies ♪

♪ Ride around them slow ♪

♪ For the fiery and the snuffy ♪

♪ Are rarin' to go ♪

♪ Ride around, little doggies ♪

♪ Ride around them slow... ♪

Man sings like that, it
don't hardly seem right.

♪ I ride an old paint... ♪


Do we have to?

Ain't-ain't there some way else?

You heard what Pa said.

♪ They feed in the coulees... ♪

But he doesn't have to know.

We could maybe ride back and...

tell him that the
singer was gone.

♪ Ride around, little doggies ♪

♪ Ride around... ♪

Pa'd just ride in
and see for hisself.

Happens he finds out, I
wouldn't want to be close.

You hold the horses.

♪ For the fiery and the snuffy ♪

♪ Are rarin' to go. ♪

(song ends)

(people clapping)

(indistinct chatter)

You got any more like that?

(exhales) Got
any more like that?

I wouldn't be surprised.



DILLON: Hold it!




Who is he?

I don't know, Matt. I
never saw him before.

- Who was he after?
- Fella inside, singer.

Festus, get him over
to Foley's, will you?

Help me out here, Hode.

- Here you go. -Thank you.
- (Kitty exhales)

Doc said that man was after you.

- Do you know why?
- Suppose you tell me.

You don't know him, then?

No, I never saw him before.

Well, he must know you...
He was trying to k*ll you.

Maybe he just
didn't like my singing.

Oh. Well, I'll get a
wire off in the morning,

see if we can trace
him down somehow.

- You gonna be here?
- Good chance, I'll say.

All right, I'll see you then.

All right, boys, break it up.

Whole thing's over. Go on
about your business now.

Getting late. I'll
see you, Kitty.

Good night, Doc.

I, uh... I don't suppose

you're in any mood for
any more singing tonight.

(panting): Huh?

Uh... don't see why not.


Could've been k*lled.



♪ Well, tell old Bill ♪

♪ When he comes
home this morning ♪

♪ Tell old Bill when he
comes home this evening ♪

♪ Tell old Bill when
he comes home ♪

♪ Better leave them
downtown gals alone ♪

♪ This morning, this evening ♪

♪ So soon ♪

♪ Old Bill's wife
was baking bread ♪

♪ This morning... ♪

This is kind of a
strange one, isn't it?

Man comes into town, another
man takes a potshot at him,

almost kills him, he doesn't
know who the man is,

and nobody in town
knows either one of 'em.

Now, that's kind of
hard to figure, isn't it?

Yeah, it is.

Well, Doc, I'll see
you in the morning.

♪ This morning ♪

♪ No, no, that can't be so... ♪

(crickets chirping)

(galloping horse in distance)

Only one.

(horse approaching)

You get it done?

You found him all right?

Well... the marshal stepped in.

Where's Dave?

I asked you, Ben...
where's your brother?!

Why didn't he
ride back with you?

He's dead, Pa.

The marshal shot him.

All right.

Say the rest.

Say the whole thing.

Well, we... ride
up to the saloon,

and we heard the singing,

and then Davy tried
once, but he missed.

And then the marshal
started all this sh**ting

and yelling and... And
you turned and run.

Pa, it-it'd come on so fast.

There wasn't nothin' I could do.

I... I saw the badge.

Pa, we ain't fightin' the law.

(crickets chirping)

Pa, if you'd just listen, if
you'd just listen a minute.

Coming back, I got to thinking.

Riding alone like
that, you keep thinking.

Pa, you lost two already.

Ain't that enough?

How many more will it take...?


It's about time.

Come in. There's
some coffee there.

Help yourself.


(coffee pouring)

Martin Kellums.

I just can't believe it.

Believe it.


Fine pair of hands.

Great feeling for medicine.

And you swore an oath.

Didn't make me a priest!

I wanted to quit. (sniffs)

When did you quit?

Oh, uh... 12, 13 years ago.

What difference does it make?

(sighs) I'm not the
first; I won't be the last.

It's this country, Galen,

it's no good for doctors.

Too much hate,
too much cold, too...

too much wind and rain and mud.

Too many miles to ride.

Too many excuses.

And too much whiskey.

Just to keep going.
Just to keep going.

Then it ends like last night,

somebody trying to
put a slug in your belly,

keep the whiskey company.

Did you know that fella?

(trembling sigh): Yeah.

One of Will Lukens' boys.

Well, why would
he want to k*ll you?

Not him.

His pa.

H-He ran a spread
about... 30 miles out.

q*eer sort, he...
kept to himself,

just him and the boys.

About two years ago,
he got married again.

Young girl, real young.

Word spread she
was expectin'. (sniffs)

Made some talk.

Then... one night
he... he was there,

hammering at the door,
back of the saddle shop.

Busts the lock off,
shakes me awake.

Says the baby's coming,
she's having trouble.

(sniffs) Doc's rode
off someplace,

and I've got to help.




Still full of a
two-day drunk and...

not even a forceps to work with.

Did you tell him?

Well, he was out of his head.

He had a g*n on me and
made me swear I'd ride out.

She never even lasted the night.

You can't blame yourself for
that... you did what you could.

I did nothing!


Never even got there.


Why didn't you tell
this to the marshal?

What's the use?

Strip myself naked
in front of the town?

Wh... Who would understand?

DOC: Well, don't
make any difference

about this town...
what they think.

You'll be gone.

You are leaving, aren't you?

Well, now, Martin...

Will Lukens knows you're
here, and he'll come back for you.

Probably k*ll you.

You know how long
I've been running?

(sighs) No.

I'm tired.

I can't run anymore.

Matthew, you want
to hear something?

Not particularly, but I, I got a
feeling I'm going to anyway.

Ain't you startin' to
itch before you get bit?

No, that's all right, just
go ahead on, do your work.

Probably wasn't even
worth bringing up.

Except I just get to wonderin'.

About what?

That singer.

Somebody is gunning
for you like that,

wouldn't you think he'd
be a-ridin' out of town

like he had a cocklebur
stuck under his tail?

Well, that's probably
what he's planning to do.

Can't do no riding,
you ain't got no horse.

- He's got a horse, Festus.
- He's a-fixin' to sell him.

Took him over to the
blacksmith this morning,

said, "You find somebody
wants to buy him, sell him."

Well, there's other ways
to leave town, you know.

Train, stage.

Yeah, I reckon you're right.

Say, did you find
out anything more

about that feller
who was k*lled?

No, I haven't, not yet.

You hear anything,
you let me know.

Oh, yes, I'll let
you know, all right.

If you amble over to
the Long Branch with me,

I might drink a beer with you.

(chuckles) Thanks, it's a little
early in the day for me, Festus.

Well, now, if you're
frettin' about the money,

I was a-fixin' to do the buyin'.

Leastwise, my own.

What, did you come into
a fortune or something?

No, this here is money I
earned with these two old,

hardworking hands... four bits!

For helping Mr. Foley lay
out that feller for buryin'.


Mighty hot out this morning,

and the beer'd go down
nice and cool, wouldn't it?

(chuckles) Well, thanks, Festus,

but I got to stop by
the telegraph office

and then Mr. Foley's.

Maybe some other time.

Some other time I ain't
a-gonna have four bits.


Pa, that singer
knows we're close.

It ain't likely he'll just
sit down there and wait.

If he's got any sense, he'd
have pulled out last night.

Ain't gonna be sure
unless I ride in and see.

Well, then
supposing he is there.

He's likely gone to the law.

Pa, that marshal'll
be looking for you.

Man's got a right to
claim his dead boy.


Let me go in.

I let you ride in last night.


Morning, Marshal.


I'd like to ask you something.
But I don't want to hold you up.

It's all right.

It's about that singin' fella,

the one they tried to
g*n down last night.

I understand he's
trying to sell his horse.

You must've been
talking to Festus.

I don't have to talk to anybody.

Horse is standing over there,
tied up by the blacksmith's.

Does that mean he's gonna stay?

I don't know. Why
don't you go ask him?

I don't mean to question
your authority, Marshal.

It's just that we...

well, we figure it'd be
better for everybody

if he just rode on out of town.


I've been talking
to some of the men.

The fella that shot
him wasn't alone,

and there's lots of others
that might be coming after him.

Somebody could get hurt.

Even k*lled.

Now, this is trouble that
don't have to happen.

If he's not here when
they come after him,

there won't be any sh**ting.

That makes a lot of sense.

Well, then we can
figure you're with us.

Oh, all the way.

You'll run him out?

Be glad to

if you just give me
one good reason.

What's the matter with Hode?

Oh, same thing that's always
the matter with Hode, Doc...

He's not happy unless he's
worried about something.

- What is it this time, the singer?
- Yeah.

They get the impression he's
staying around town, I guess.

- He tell you he wasn't?
- Nope.

Why don't you just ask him?

Maybe I will.

WILL: Marshal?

Name's Will Lukens, Marshal.

I've come to get my boy
that was k*lled last night.


I'm sorry, Mr. Lukens.

Your boy came in gunning...
you got any idea why he'd do that?

Can you tell me where
they're keeping him?

Well, he's over there in
the undertaker's parlor.

I'll be needing his
horse to pack him out.

Well, his horse is
down at the livery stable.

- I took him over there.
- I'm obliged to you.

Mr. Lukens, there's no reason
to take your boy out of town.

No. We can give him a
decent burial right here.

This is Dr. Adams.

No, no. He never
had no taste for town.

I'll bury him.

And then I'll come back

and I'll bury that singing
fella that k*lled him.

Now, wait a minute, Mr. Lukens.

It wasn't him that
k*lled your boy.

It was me.

I heard... It was
on account of him.

I'll be back.

You come back,
I'll have to stop you.

I know, Marshal.

You got your duty...
and I got mine, too.

Like it says in the Book:
"An eye for an eye."

Mr. Lukens.

Don't come back.

I got to, Marshal.

I owe him double.

It just sorrows me that
I can only k*ll him once.

We're kind of setting
aside the day for grieving.

You can tell him
that he's got till night.

♪ Was once in the saddle ♪

♪ I used to go dashing ♪

♪ Once in the saddle ♪

♪ I used to be gay ♪

♪ Was first to the alehouse ♪

♪ And then to the jailhouse ♪

♪ I'm shot in the breast ♪

♪ And I'm dying today ♪

♪ Oh, beat the drum slowly ♪

♪ And play the fife lowly ♪

♪ Play the death march ♪

♪ As you carry... ♪

Don't you know
any spunk-up music?

I know some.

Well, then?

All right.

♪ Prettiest thing I ever saw ♪

♪ Was a redheaded gal from... ♪


New Orleans.

No. That doesn't rhyme.


Oh, I got one.

♪ Oh, Eliza, little Liza Jane ♪

♪ Oh, Eliza, little Liza Jane ♪

♪ I got a gal lives over
the hill, little Liza Jane ♪

♪ She ain't moved,
she lives there still ♪

♪ Little Liza Jane ♪

♪ Oh, Eliza, little Liza Jane ♪

♪ Oh, Eliza, little Liza Jane ♪

♪ Liza, she is ten feet
tall, little Liza Jane ♪

♪ Sleeps in the kitchen
with her feet in the hall ♪

♪ Little Liza Jane ♪

♪ Oh, Eliza, little Liza Jane ♪

♪ Oh, Eliza, little Liza Jane. ♪


That's more like it.


I've been wondering...

what makes a gal like
you come out and live here?


Eh, it's a long story.

But when I first
decided to come west,

I was, um, worried
about Indians and bears

and things like that,
and I met this lady

that had been all the
way to California and back,

and she told me the only
thing I really had to worry about

was the... the sun and
the wind and the dust...

and the men.

Men being the worst?

Well, that depends
on your point of view.


- Kitty.
- Matt.

The name Lukens
mean anything to you?

He just rode into town

to pick up his dead son.

Said he's gonna ride
back in tonight after you.

Got no cause.

Sometimes it's not
a matter of cause,

it's a matter of who's
got a g*n in his hand.

Well, you're the marshal;

you're paid to keep the law.

I'm just one man;

I can't be everywhere at once.

Matt, he didn't have anything
to do with that k*lling last night.

Lukens can't blame him for that.

Seems there's more to it
than just last night, Kitty.

Anyway, mister, seems
kind of foolish to me

to sit around waiting for
trouble to come to you.

You could get a
day's head start on him

if you saddle up
and ride out now.

No, I, uh... I can't ride out.

Horse went lame last night.

You're putting a
horse up for sale lame?

He's a good horse.

Just needs some rest.

Now, mister, let me
tell you something.

There's a stage out
of here this afternoon

and a train tonight.

I'll sell your horse for you
and send you the money.

You just tell me where you are.

You tellin' me I gotta pull out?

I didn't say that.

Well, then we're
just wasting time,

making talk about nothing.

I like it here, Marshal.

I'm gonna stay.

It's your life.

Like he said, it's my life.

♪ Oh, beat the drum slowly ♪

♪ And play the fife lowly ♪

♪ Play the death march ♪

♪ As you carry me along ♪

♪ Take me to the green valley ♪

♪ There lay the sod o'er me ♪

♪ For I'm a young cowboy ♪

♪ And I know I done wrong. ♪

DOC: Lukens!

I want to talk to you.

Ain't nothing to say.

Well, well... just a minute.


You're a better shot than that.

Now let me tell you something.

I've been looking all
over the country for you

and I'm getting sick of it.

Wasn't for these boys here,

I'd just ride on out and
let you hang yourself.

Pa, it won't hurt
to listen to him.

All right.

Say what you got
to say and then get.

All right.

Now, I know this
is a bad time for you

and I'm sorry about that.

But you got things
all twisted up.

There's another side to this.

There's no other side.

Only the girl layin'
there, trusting me...

and the pain tearing her apart.

And me with one hope:

that he was coming out.

Sittin' there, watching her die,

and telling myself,
"He give me his word."

He was coming out;
he was on his way out.

He stopped and
got hisself drunk.

He stopped to get one drink.

Did he tell you why?

Well, it was cold

and he hadn't done
any doctoring in years

and he was scared.

Because he never
figured to come.

Because her skin was red.

Because she was Indian.

That's not the truth.

Now, I'm gonna tell you...

And I'm telling you to get!

Now, you're smart...

you'll march yourself
back to that buggy.

All right.

And if you're
smart, which I doubt,

you'd better think about this:

Marshal Dillon's not
gonna let you ride into town

and k*ll anybody.

You come in with
one, three, or a dozen,

he'll be there waiting for you.

And if you care anything

about those two
boys you've got left,

you'd better do some
thinking about that.

(buggy rattling away)

Understand, Marshal,

I ain't speaking for
just us that's here.

Now, there's
lots of others, too.

DILLON: I understand that.

All we're asking is that
you run that singer out.

I can't do it.

Not even does a
majority want it?

Not when the federal
law says different.

Well, we don't know
anything about "federal law."

Well, I do, and I am telling you

the man's entitled to stay here,

and not only that, he's
entitled to protection.

Well, so are we, Marshal.

Boys, let me tell you something.

I think we're both
looking for the same thing.

A good, clean town
without any trouble.

Well, it so happens
I'm the law here

and I'm gonna have to play
this thing the way I see it.

Now, that's all there is to it.

Anything else?

That's all.

You sure are a-gonna
owe a heap of singin'.

I wished I had me a natural gift

I could turn into ready whiskey.

Even if I wasn't
fixin' to use it.

Festus, maybe he
doesn't feel like singing.

Well, golly Bill, Miss Kitty,

a cowpuncher don't
always feel like riding,

or a butcher don't
always feel like butcherin'.

He's right.

Cowhands should ride...

singers should sing.

♪ Who's gonna shoe
your pretty little foot? ♪

♪ Who's gonna glove your hand? ♪

♪ And who's gonna
kiss your red ruby lips? ♪

♪ Who's gonna be your man? ♪

♪ Who's gonna be
your man? Boy... ♪

♪ Who's gonna be your man? ♪

♪ Who's gonna kiss
your red ruby lips? ♪

♪ And who's gonna be your man? ♪

♪ Papa's gonna shoe
your pretty little foot ♪

♪ Mama's gonna glove your hand ♪


♪ Well, now,
Sister's gonna kiss ♪

♪ Your red ruby lips ♪

♪ And I'm gonna be your man ♪

♪ I'm gonna be your man, boy ♪

♪ I'm gonna be your man ♪

♪ Sister gonna kiss
your red ruby lips ♪

♪ And I'm gonna be your man. ♪

There, uh... something I
can do for you gentlemen?

Yes, sir.

There is.

We come as a peaceful deputation

to ask you to get out of town.

And if you feel you
can't leave peaceable,

maybe we can persuade you.

HODE: Take it easy, Mace.

We didn't come
here to make trouble.

MACE: We come
for action, didn't we?

Mace, hold on here a minute...

- Now stay out of this, Doc!
- Now just a minute! Wait...


DILLON: Hold it.

Festus, hold on.

You and your friends don't
hear very good, do you?

Now, I told you to
mind your own business

and let me handle this.

Now get on out
of here, all of you.

Go on home.

Stranger, I'm gonna
have to put you in jail.

What for?

Inciting a riot or
protective custody,

take your choice.


And I'll tell you this:

that old Mace is
just pure ol-D lucky,

you comin' in like you done.

You hadn't a-come
a-busting in, Matthew,

well, I'd have got on
him like ugly on a ape,

and I mean it.

And if he's got a
brain in his head,

he'll come back
here thanking you

for saving his
good-for-nothing skin.

DILLON: Mm-hmm.

It's your move.

You ain't changed your mind

about that singing
feller, Matthew?



Yeah, I sure don't want
to stomp on your feelings,

but I gotta say this.

I agree with Doc.

Oh, you talk too much.

Well, I do.

That's what I said.

I mean I agree with
you, you old scudder.

Festus, don't stand in
front of the window, will you?

You make a perfect
target with this light in here.

Why don't you
turn the light out?

Doc, if I turn the light out,

that's the same as telling
Lukens I'm scared of him.

Now, I'm not paid to be scared.

You turn the light out,
you're being careful.

You're paid for being careful.

Sooner he knows we're in here,

the sooner we're gonna
get this thing settled,

one way or another.

You won't deputize
anybody, will you?

Well, not unless
they offer to, no.

I don't notice anybody
breaking that door down

to get in here.

Well, Matt, you can't expect

anybody to bust the
door down to get in here

for somebody that
they never saw before,

somebody who rides
into town out of nowhere,

somebody they don't know.

How well do you
have to know a man

before he's entitled
to protection, Doc?

I ain't busted down no door,

but I'm here, Matthew.

Well, all right, Festus,
you're deputized.

Thank you.




Come in.

Thought I told you
to stay off the streets.

You're always telling
somebody something.

I brought him some food.

Aren't we worth feeding?

You really want
an answer to that?

(strumming guitar)

It's just sandwiches.

That's real kind of you.

Very kind.

Just wished I had some appetite.

Shame to bring
you over for nothing.

Well, maybe you can
eat them later on the train.



We'll just put it
on your account.

I'll get it all back when
Quint sells your horse.

You, too.

You want me to go.


Maybe because I like you.

Man that plays like you
do shouldn't be wasted.

Maybe it's because,
long as I'm here,

the marshal's in danger.

(quiet laugh)

Matt can take care of himself.

I'm not sure you can.

Better take this.

You'll need the
fare on the train.

I won't be on the train.

Thanks just the same.

How is he?

Well, how would you feel
if you were sitting in there,

waiting to get shot?

I'll walk you home.


Good night, Doc.
Good night, Festus.

Night, Miss Kitty.

Now, you close this bolt,
and don't open it for anybody.

You won't put him
on the train, huh?

Kitty, if he wants
to get on the train,

I'll put him on and I'll
buy drinks all around.

But if I try to put him on
the train against his will,

well, I'd better take
this badge off first

'cause it doesn't mean a thing.

(horse snorts)

Best leave the horses here.

Walk in quietly.

Pa, it's wrong.

I mean, it ain't like
we don't understand.

We know how you felt for her.

Ain't nobody knows.


Pa, listen.

We know.

We loved her, too.

Made me young again.

Like in the Book.

Like old King David.

Made me young.


And then she was dead.

Pa, you ain't got no proof
that he could've helped her.

Might be that he couldn't've
done nothing at all.

He could've rode out.

He could have tried.

Thought maybe you'd be asleep.

Sleeping's like dying.

I'll be dead long enough.

Maybe so, but not here.

You're leaving
tonight on the train.

Oh, no.

What I said this
morning still goes.

I'm not running from
Lukens anymore.

Then I'm gonna give
you a prescription.

Stand up and take
a look at yourself.

And you'll see what I see.

You're not running from Lukens.

You're running from yourself
and what you could've been.

And what you're
letting yourself become.

Nobody asked you into the case.

Well, let's just call it
consultation without fee

for the public good.

Now, you listen to me.

I've got a big chunk of
myself right here in this town.

And anybody that
hurts it hurts me.

And the marshal?

Anybody that hurts him.

I'm not hurting the marshal.

You could.

Because he'd stand up for
you against one or a hundred.

Whether you're worth it or not.

Well, that's his job.

Put it on with his badge.

Is that the way
you feel about it?

All right, then
you just sit there.

Sit there and let other people
solve your problems for you,

like you have been
doing for ten years.

Quit... like you did
with Lukens' wife.

Was it because her skin was red?

Who told you that?

You've been talking to Lukens.

I rode out there this afternoon.

And I could've gotten k*lled.

What do you want to do that for?


You were trying to help me.

Martin, when you practice
medicine as long as I have,

it gets to be kind of a habit.

You don't really
believe that, do you?

About the girl?

Me not wanting to help her
because she was an Indian?

Of course not.

You think I ought
to go on that train?

Don't you?

You think I'd stand a chance?

Lukens couldn't touch you.

I don't mean with Lukens.

I mean me.

You think I could
start all over?

Don't think you'll
know till you try.

(crickets trilling)


Well, we won't
have long to wait.

The train will be
here in 15 minutes.

Come on.

Pa, we don't even know
where to look for him.

Ain't no place for him to hide.

We'll find him.



(guitar plays off key)



I've got no difference with you!

Give him a g*n and send him out!

Give me your guitar.

(guitar crashes to ground)

Marshal! Marshal!


Oh! It's my leg!

My leg!

I'm bleeding, Pa.

Someone... somebody help!

Help me.

Somebody help me!


He's just a boy.

Get back here!

He's dead, Marshal.

He's dead.

(Ben groaning)

Doc, it's his leg.

All right, Festus, get
him up to the office.



He was trying to
help the boy, Doc.

(train whistle
blowing in distance)

MARTIN: ♪ Throw
petals of roses ♪

♪ All over my body ♪

♪ Roses to deaden ♪

♪ The clods as they fall. ♪
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