10x22 - Winner Take All

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Gunsmoke". Aired: September 10, 1955 - March 31, 1975.*
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Marshal Matt Dillon tries to prevent lawlessness from overtaking Dodge City, Kansas.
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10x22 - Winner Take All

Post by bunniefuu »

(theme music playing)

(both g*ns fire)

ANNOUNCER: starring
James Arness as Matt Dillon.

- (men shouting, clamoring)
- (horse neighing)


Oh, good morning, Miss Karen.

I heard Curly came
back on the morning train.

Yeah, he came
in on the cattle car.

He's in there now,
him and Festus.

- (horse neighing)
- What's all the commotion?

Well, they all
figure it's a horse,

but, uh, I'm betting
it's a mountain lion.

Excuse me.

(horse neighing)


(men whistling,
shouting, laughing)

(horse neighing)

(men shouting, laughing)


Come on!




Whoa, now.

Good morning, Festus.

He, uh, drag you all the
way from Kansas City?

Ha, fiddle!

A horse ain't been foaled
yet that a Haggen can't handle.


Got him, Festus?

he's gentle as a lamb.

Thought he was
gonna hurt himself.

He'll be all right now.

(singsongy): Curly.

Be back in a minute.

Why don't you just walk
him around for a while?

Well, if you handled that horse

as easy as she handles him,

you'd be a lot better off.

Well, if this horse
had been looking at me

like he's looking at her, I
wouldn't have had no trouble.

Welcome home.

That's no kind of welcome.

(Karen moans)

Curly, please!

Leave me some little
shred of reputation.

What do we care
about what they think?

Honey, I missed you.


It's only been ten days.

That's ten days too long.

Well, we'll make up for it.

How do you like the
present I brought you?

That horse?

Why, he's half-wild.

Well, you like them
wild, don't you?

What I like is taming them.

Then you stick to taming me.

He don't need it.

He's calmed down now.

He just didn't take to
riding in that railroad car.

It's a lot of horse.

Yeah, well, there's not a
horse in Dodge can touch him.

Not even that big roan
stallion of my brother's.

Now, he's mostly Irish hunter

with a strand of Kentucky, and

I paid over a thousand
dollars for him.


How you doing, Pinto?

You paid a thousand
dollars for that toy?

1,200 to be exact.

It's a gift for Karen.

I see.

I think I better go now, Curly.

Your big brother here doesn't
seem to care for me much.

Stay right here, Karen.

Later when you're free.

First time I trust you
with any responsibility...

Send you back there
to sell that herd...

And you pay $1,200 for a gift

for that cheap,
little... (grunts)


Still trying, huh?

(men shouting)

(both grunting)

How do you reckon
folks get the idea

that them Renner
brothers don't get along.

I don't know.

Beats me how rumors like
that get started in the first place.

Hey, what do you say we
go over to the Lady Gay

and, uh, pay our respects, huh?

Well, if you're
doing the paying,

I'm ever so much
obliged for the invite.

I ain't got a cent on me.

What do you mean
you ain't got a cent?

Well, I ain't been paid yet.

You didn't know that

when you give me
the invite, did you?

Well. Hello, Pinto.


Something I can do for you?

Well, the fact
is, Marshal, I, uh,

I got family trouble.

Yeah, I heard
about your little, uh,

set to you had this morning
down at the railroad yard.

Sit down.

Oh, that. (chuckles)

Kid just lost his head
and swung on me.

But he ain't never
whipped me yet.

He's not gonna.

Pinto, did you
ever stop to think

that with your ma and pa
both dead and you two running

that ranch alone that maybe
you ought to call a truce?

Well, nothing I'd
like better, Marshal.

Provided the kid
would straighten up,

start acting like a man.

"Acting like a man"...
What do you mean?

Acting growed up.

Well, you see how he is
when he comes into town here.

Hell-raising all over the place.

He rides down to
Tascosa, it's even worse.

Down there, he
really cuts loose.

Three, four days
straight sometimes.

Yeah, maybe that's 'cause
he feels important down there.

Sure, they flatter him,

and at the same
time take his money.

Maybe if you made him
feel a little more important

around the ranch, he wouldn't
have to buy it somewhere else.

He gets all the
respect he deserves.

If he wants more, he
ought to try and earn it.

You know, Pinto, uh,

it's a little tough for
a man Curly's age

just to be a kid brother.

He's only treated
the way he acts.

Maybe he only acts
the way he's treated.

Did you ever think of that?

I sent him back to Kansas
City to sell some steers.

He got $18,000 for them.

- That's a good price.
- Yeah, it would be

if I had it, but he
won't turn it over to me.

Why not?

Well, because of
that set to we had, or...

'cause I, uh, I jumped him
for buying a $1,200 horse

for that 30-cent dancehall
girl he's hanging around.

I got to have that money!

I got accounts
due, pills to pay!

Pinto, your pa left that
ranch to you and Curly jointly.

Now, it's gonna be up
to the court to decide

how much money belongs to who.

Well, I'm not going to court
and calling my brother a thief.

What I want is for
you to scare him a little,

straighten him up.

That's not my job, Pinto.

Marshal, I'm running
out of patience.

That money ain't in the
bank by noon tomorrow,

I'm gonna whip that kid
within an inch of his life.

I ain't fooling.

(door opens)

(door closes)

(crickets trilling)

Miss Dean?


Oh, I wonder if I can
see you for a minute?

- Of course.
- Well, good.

Say, uh, you're a
pretty good friend

of Curly Renner's, aren't you?

You could call it that.

How much influence
do you have on him?

What's on your mind, Marshal?

I'm afraid there's
some trouble building

between Curly and his brother.

Well, there usually is.

Well, this is worse than usual.

Why can't Pinto leave him alone?

Well, you see, Curly
has got some money

that belongs to
Pinto, and he refuses

to give it to him.

Pinto's getting pretty
worked up over it.

Well, Curly can
take care of himself.

Curly's wrong.

Why? For standing
up against Pinto

for the first time in his life?

He's picked the wrong
way to make his stand.

And you want me
to talk him out of it.

Is that it?

You'd be doing him a big favor.

Doing Pinto a favor, you mean.

And I wouldn't
help Mr. Big Brother

if he were going
down for the third time.

He just might
take Curly with him.

How do you figure
in this, Marshal?

Has, uh, Curly got
another big brother now?

No, I'm just a
friend, Miss Dean.

I was kind of
hoping you might be.

Well, Pinto can
collect his own debts.

It's none of my business.

Good night, Marshal.

Hi, boys.

Hey, Matt.

How you doing, Marshal?

Nice looking
animal you got there.

Yeah, he's a beauty, ain't he?

He's a beauty, all right,

but he's not gonna make
a very good workhorse.

Yeah, well, his ma didn't
raise him to be a workhorse.

Yeah, well, I wish my
ma had felt like that.

Well, that's it.

Curly, can I talk to
you for a minute?

Thanks, Quint.


I don't mean this
personal, Marshal,

but if Pinto sent you, you
can just save your breath.

I'm not running
any errands, Curly.

Wouldn't surprise me
none if he'd sworn out

a warrant against me.

You figure he's got reason?

(quiet laugh) Who'd
listen to what I figure?

Well, what I want to
hear is your reason

for keeping the $18,000.

Why not? It's as
much mine as it is his.

Yeah, but you don't
have a whole lot

of back bills to account for.

I told him I'd pay them if
he'd turn them over to me.

But no, big brother ain't about

to let me get out from
under that tight fist of his.

You really believe that?

Believe it? I know it!

It ain't the accounts
he's worried about, either.

It's getting the
money back from me

so he can go on
cracking the whip.

I better be going, Marshal.

What do you figure
to do with that money?

(short laugh)

I ain't thought much about it.

Been so doggone
much fun just having it,

I ain't planned no
further than that.

Well, your brother says if
he doesn't get that money

by noon today, there's
gonna be a whole lot of trouble.

If he makes trouble, Marshal,
he's gonna get trouble.

Now, you tell him that
for me when you see him.

And sending the law around
ain't gonna change nothing.

Curly, I didn't come
here as a lawman.

I came here as a
friend of the family.

(sighs) I know that, Marshal.

I-I ain't blaming you.

Still ends up the same thing.

See ya.




You don't do bad
for a working girl.

Especially one that never works.


Why, Pinto, I work
real hard at times.

I'll bet you do.

It's nice of you to
be concerned though.

I'm not concerned.

I'll give you $800
for that horse.

Curly paid $1,200.

Yeah, it ain't worth it.

And I'll put another
thousand with it.

For what?

For you to get out
of town and stay out.

You are concerned.

I'm concerned about my brother.

He spends another couple of
months hanging around you,

he won't be worth the powder
to blow him to kingdom come.

You flatter me.

If that's the way
you want to take it.

Do you really think Curly needs

all this mothering
that you give him.

That's my worry, not yours.

Well, he might make a
man if you'd stand back

and give him a chance!

Now, I made you an offer.

You gonna take it or not?

(quiet laugh)


Just for leaving town.

I was thinking some
of leaving anyway.

Then it's a deal?

Do I get it in cash?

- Any way you want it.
- When?

Just as soon as I beat some
sense into that kid's head,

and make him turn over that
money from that cattle sale.


So, he's still
holding out on you.

He wasn't fool enough to hide

that money with you, was he?

(laughs) Wish he had.

I might manage to
get it for you though.

For half?

I offered you the
only deal I'm going to.

Suppose I left town,
and took Curly with me.

Hmm, that's no good.

I'm paying you to keep
your hands off him.

Tell me something, Pinto.

Isn't this really

where you want
me to put my hands?

What's that perfume
you're wearing?

It's called Belle Dom.

You like it?

It stinks.

I think you've just about
worn out your welcome here.

Now, suppose you get out of my
room before I cut you wide open?

It's easy money.

You better think about it.

Get out.


Well, howdy, Miss Kitty.


Festus, welcome home.

The prodigal returns.

Or more accurately,
the bad penny.

Oh, now don't talk
about money, Doc.

'Cause that's something
I ain't got a cent of.

You haven't?

I thought you earned
$200 on that trip.

Sat right here and listened to
you and Curly make the deal.

Yeah, but earning it and
getting it's two different things.

Now, Pinto Renner says that
Curly's got all the ranch money

and he's just up and vanquished.


That's what I said.

He's lost.

Now, he's probably out
somewheres with that Karen

trying out that new horse.

And there ain't no
sense in looking for him

'cause you can't
talk money to a man

that's got love in his heart.

Well, if you wanted money,
why didn't you say so?

I can let you have a dollar.

Oh, well, just plain-out
asking for money

kind of sticks in
the Haggens' craw.

- No...
- Well, I don't know why it should.

Stealing it never bothered a
Haggen any, the way I hear it.

Well, golly Bill!

That's different.

Dollar ought to be
plenty. (quiet laugh)

What good's a
dollar gonna do you?

I got me a hunch.

Forget it.

I make a living off
of people's hunches.

Yeah, but this here
one's different, Miss Kitty.

This here's a
pearl-buttoned bangled Billy,

a real Haggen special.

You mean to tell me that
you're gonna take that dollar

you borrowed from
me and gamble with it?

Well, now, don't
get all upset, Doc.

I know what I'm a-doing.

This here dollar of
yourn is just as safe

as a wheel in a
barrel full of cottontails.

Give her a whirl, Miss Kitty,

and we'll show this old
scutter what a real Haggen

hunch means.

You won.

Well, a Haggen hunch
ain't never wrong.

Especially that, um...

bangled Billy one.

- Yeah.
- Mm-hmm.

All right.

There's your dollar
back, and 35 more.

Much obliged to you, Miss Kitty.

Much obliged to you, Doc.

Yeah, well, don't mention it.



- What in tar...?
- Shh!

I'm trying to catch up
with them vibrations I had.

Now... shh!

Yeah, she's still there.

Right in my head.

Saying number 12 just as plain

as you can say it.

Give her another
whirl, Miss Kitty.

(Festus humming)

Now, why didn't you... (shushes)

when I told you to?

You went and busted my spell.

You are late.

Yes, I know.

But I'll take you late,
early or any other time.

Now, we better be going.

Honey, you gonna fall
in love with this horse.

The reason I'm late is
because I had a caller.


What do you mean
you had a caller?

Your brother.

What he want?

Oh, forget it. It
doesn't matter.

Karen... what'd he want?

He tried to offer me money
to get me to leave you.

What else, Karen?

Nothing else.

At least, not in so many words.


He made me feel like...

(smacks lips) Forget it.

Well, that self-righteous sneak!

Oh, let it go, Curly.

He just got the wrong
idea about me is all.

What right's he got
having any idea about you?

You belong to me!

Well, I guess he doesn't
take that very serious.

His kid brother's girl.

Well, I'll see that he
does take it serious.

Curly, listen to me.

Let's got away
together, you and me?

- Go away where?
- Anywhere.

Just so it's away from
Dodge and away from Pinto.

It's never gonna
be any good here.

He won't let it be.

Well, he can't do
anything about it.

Yes, he can!

By bothering me,

and by always keeping
you right under his boot heel

like he's always done.

- Now, that ain't true, Karen.
- Yes, it is,

and you know it!
He's not ever gonna let

you stand up and be a man

because then you won't
go on taking orders from him.

I don't take orders from him!

Oh, Curly, listen to me!

(door opens)

What do you want?

You know what I want.

It's past noon.

Well, I don't care
what time it is.

Now, I told you, Pinto,
I'd give you the money

when I get good and
ready to give it to you!

You got no more to say about it.

I've been trying to puzzle out

just what you might've
done with that cash.

And I figure I know

just where to put
my hands on it.

See, you've never been a hider.

You always kept your
belongings close to you.

I reckon that's just
what you're doing now.

No, you don't, Pinto!

So, I'm right, huh?

Be back at that
ranch by supper time.

I got chores laid out for you.

You stay away from
that horse, Pinto.

You touch those saddlebags,
and I'm gonna k*ll you.

You lay off that fool kid talk.

It won't get you nowhere.

Uh, I warned you, Pinto!


(horse neighs)

(quietly): Pinto?

I didn't mean to...

I didn't mean to k*ll you!

Hey, we got to get out of here.

Somebody might've heard that.

I warned you, Pinto!

Curly, let's go!

Come on, Curly... All right!

You say you want
to get out of Dodge,

run away somewhere?

All right.

That's just what we're gonna do.

But this is different, Curly.

I'm not sure if I want to...

I'm not asking you, Karen.

I'm telling you.

The law's gonna
be after you, Curly.

How far do you
think you can get?

However far it is,

you're gonna be
right there with me.


Come close.

B-Been staying alive...

tell you something.

All right, you folks, move back.

Festus, Quint,
give him some air.

Ooh, somebody ought
to find Curly, and tell him.

Somebody will.


Well, now, he's gone.

Anybody see what happened?

Well, I went out
to get a bite to eat.

When I came back, he
was just laying over there

right where you see him now.

Looked like he was trying
to crawl toward the door,

and couldn't make it.

There was nobody else around.

Anybody here when
you went to eat?

Yeah, Curly was here.

Saddling up his two horses.

I saw him about
an hour ago, Matt.

He was heading out of town
with that girl named Karen.

They were heading
south in a dead run.


Take care of
things, will you, Doc?


I reckon you'll be going
after Curly, won't you?

Yeah, if I know him, he's
probably heading for Tascosa.

I think he's got friends there.

Well, I'll be glad to go
along and help you out.

No, that's all right,
Festus. I can handle it.

Curly's no gunman.

Ah, it sure is a
crying dang shame.

They both of them decent men.


Hey, what did he
want to tell you?

Oh, it doesn't matter.

It was an outright lie anyway.


Mr. Renner!

Well, this is a
welcome surprise.

- How are you, Daller?
- (chuckles)

This is Daller, Karen.

Miss Dean.

Honor, ma'am.

Well, what's your pleasure?

Nothing right now.


could you hide us
out for a week or so?

Hide you out?


I'm in trouble.

The law?


Well, I'd sure like
to, Mr. Renner.

You know I'd do
most anything for you,

as good a customer
as you've been

and friends, too, I mean.

But I just can't
do it, I... Why not?

As long as I come in here
and throw money around

like chicken feed, I'm
a big man, I'm the boss.

But the minute I
need a little help,

you don't even know me!

It ain't that, Mr. Renner.

It's just things has changed.

Yeah, well, they sure have!

Well, I don't own
the place no more.

Sold it to a fella come to town.

- I'm-I'm just working for him.
- Well, what of it?

What's that have to do
with you doing me a favor?

Well, I got to ask him about it.


well, he's kind of took
over the town you might say.

What seems to be
the trouble, Daller?

Oh, no trouble, Mr. Relko.

Uh, this here's Mr. Renner.

He's always been a
very good customer.

And this is Miss Dean.

Well, it's my
pleasure, Miss Dean.

Mr. Renner has
had a little trouble.

Appears somebody
got k*lled, Mr. Relko.

He wants that I should
hide him out from the law.

Oh, huh?

And where'd this trouble happen?

Dodge City.

Then it'll be the U.S. Marshal

you're running from,
that's Marshal Dillon.

Now, that's a pretty
rough road, Mr. Renner,

as far as hiding you out.

We've got money.

A lot of money.

That's right, we're not
exactly asking for charity.

Well, now, wait a minute.

As I was about to say,
of course I'll hide you out.

I've got no friendly
feeling toward the law.

Money... we'll talk
about that later.

- Daller?
- Huh?

Take him over to Chong's,
and get him settled.

Give them whatever
they want. You got horses?

They're out front.

Have Beemer get rid of them.

Tell him to take
them up the wash,

and mix them in
with that herd of mine.

All right, Mr. Relko.

Follow me, Mr. Renner.


Oh, I'll charge you for it.

Enough to make a profit.

And we'll talk later.


Yes, Mr. Relko?

Looks like too nice a
deal to let the law in on.

Suppose you take care of things?

Yes, sir.

(horse galloping nearby)

(horse neighs)


Oh, howdy, Matthew.

Festus, what are
you doing out here?

I'm going down to Tascosa.

I thought we settled
that back in Dodge.

I told you I was going alone.

Well, I ain't a-going with you.

I'm going by myself.

There ain't but one road.

What do you
expect a man to do...

Sprout a set of wings?

You got business in
Tascosa, I suppose?

Well, if Curly Renner
just happens to be there,

he does owe me some wages.

All right, as long as
you're here, let's get going.

Now, wait a minute.

Now, what-what are
you gonna do now?

Well, I got to
tighten up my cinch.

You go ahead.

I'll catch up with you directly.


All right.



(both g*ns fire)


Maybe I better go on
over and pick up that food.

He said it be ready about now.

I'll bring you another bottle.

That one's not gonna last you.

I remember when Pinto
and I run away from home.

(Karen sighs)

We were just kids then.

We had a notion

we were going
somewhere to find gold.

Oh, look, Curly.

Storm come up
the first night out.

Spooked the horses,
and they run away.

Darn near drowned in the gully.

Lost all our food.

I was just about
scared out of my mind.

You know what Pinto did?

He held me.

He held me just like,

just like a ma would
hold a young'un.

All night long.

Kind of made
everything all right.

Curly, you got to
get a hold of yourself.

You're not a child anymore.

And thinking about it
won't change things.

I hadn't ought to run out.

I ought to stayed and faced it.

And let them hang you?

Maybe he wasn't even dead.


He might not be.

Maybe it wasn't
as bad as it looked.

Maybe we ought to go back.

Curly, stop it!

Now, listen to me.

Pinto's dead, and
we both know that.

And there's no going back.

Now, you've got to face that.

I know that.


Pinto's dead.

I was just talking crazy.

You've got a chance
to live your own life now.

To stand up and be a man.

You got to grab that chance.

For both our sakes.

(smacks lips)

You're strong.

You know that?

I didn't know that.

Yeah, I'm strong.

But I can't be strong
enough for both of us.

You with me, Karen?

I mean, it's you
and me now, ain't it?

See anybody else around?

Better not.

Don't worry, honey.

You won't.


I got to go get that food now.

Don't go away.

This should hold
you till morning.

I'm sure it will. Thank you.

You want somebody
to walk you over?

No, I'll be all right.

I came over for some food

and liquor and things.

Daller fixed it up for me.

It's been a long time, Kurt.

Too long.

I should've kept
you when I had you.

I tried to tell you.

You can't tell a man.

He has to learn for himself.

You saying that you've learned?

Still a little
pusher, aren't you?

Where have you
been for two years?

(quiet laugh) Here and there.

Dodge City for the
last sixth months.

That where you
picked up the kid?


Why'd you bother with him?

You used to have
a touch of class.

He was the only game in town.

Are you still playing?


He's packing $18,000 in cash.

Yeah, I figured from
the way you tipped me,

it was enough to be worthwhile.

What did he do...
Bust open a bank?

He k*lled his brother.


What do you say, Kurt?

An even split?

You and me?

(chuckles) Why? I
hold all the cards.

But I go with the deal.

Remember me?


Suppose we get the money first,

and count it afterwards?

That's easy.

The way he's hitting the bottle,

he'll be dead drunk
in a couple of hours.

What can I count on from you?

Just tell me what to do.

Get his g*n away from him.

All right.

I like being back, Kurt.

(crickets trilling)

(spurs jingling)


Now, don't go drawing
no p*stol on me.

(sighs) Festus.

You had quite a snooze
for yourself, didn't you?

How would a cup of coffee

and some hottered-up
frijoles set with you?


Well, that coffee
part sounds good.

You'd sprung quite a leak there,

but I think I got her
stopped up all right.


Well, thanks, Festus.

What happened?

You got yourself dry
gulched is what happened.

"Dry gulched"?

I sure never figured
Curly to do a trick like that.

Oh, it wasn't
Curly that done it.

It was a stranger.

What do you mean?

Well, I was trying
to catch up with you,

and I seen this feller haul
down on you with his r*fle,

so I just up and finalized him.

He was a-fixing to
sh**t another hole in you.


Well, I sure
appreciate that, Festus.

This b*llet still in here?

No, it went clean through.


Who was this fella?

Well, I went up yonder,
and took a look at him.

It wasn't nobody that
I'd ever saw before

in all my born days.

But he had this here on him.


It's a dishonorable discharge

from the Texas Rangers.

Tex Shipley.


You sound like you
might know who he is.

Yeah, I know of him, Festus.

Him and his partner Kurt Relko.

I didn't know they were
around this part of the territory.

They're both wanted men.

That sure figures

'cause he sure was an
ornery-looking yahoo.

Why do you reckon
he was a-laying for you?

(groans) I don't know, Festus.

Maybe we'll find out
when we get to Tascosa.

You gonna be all right?

Yeah, I think so.


I sure am glad you were
following along behind me there.


Ah, fiddle. It wasn't
nothing, Matthew.

I figured if you was dead,
I might never get paid.

Whoa, Buck.

Curly, I'm sorry
I took so long...

Bolt the door, Karen.

Daller sent over some food.

And another bottle.

I thought you'd have
that one finished by now.

Did you?

It's so stuffy, you can
hardly breathe in here.

Why'd you close the window?

So's not to make
it too easy for him.


The marshal will
never find us here.

Relko will see to that.

He's who I'm afraid of.

I think maybe
you've been hitting

that bottle a little too long.

I've been hitting life too long.

Oh, why are you
letting it bother you?

You didn't mean to k*ll him.

It just happened
without thinking.

Most things in
my life just happen

without thinking.

Including you.

Well, thanks a lot.

Give you time enough
and you'll have it worked out

so I'm the one who shot him.

No, I k*lled him.

I k*lled my brother.

Just like Cain k*lled Abel.

For the same reason.

A mess of pottage.

The mood you're in, uh,

maybe you better
not stop drinking.

(pouring whiskey)

When'd you meet Relko?

I don't know what you mean.

Don't lie to me, Karen.

Don't lie to me anymore.

Curly... Answer me.

Well, I met him a long time ago.

He was just an acquaintance.

I didn't think you'd understand.

That's why I didn't tell you.

You're a liar.

Well, you don't
have to believe me.

You and he were
lovers, weren't you?

Oh, all right. What of it?

You always knew
I didn't exactly lead

a sheltered life before
I came to Dodge.

Why you turning so
pure all of a sudden?

- What are you trying to prove?
- (cocks g*n)


I don't have to prove a
b*llet can k*ll somebody.

I've already done that.


And I've been
thinking about Pinto.

What he said.

He's right about most things.

He's right about you.

You're a tramp.

All right, I don't
care what you think.

Just put that g*n away, please.

You sit down over there.

Sit down!

Now, Relko's gonna be mad at you

for not getting the
g*n away from me.

So, you followed me?

The back window
came in real handy.

That's why I figured
I'd better close it.

Oh, look, Curly.

I was just stringing him along.

Because I had to.

I mean, I didn't know
what he might do

if-if I turned him down.

I never would've
gone through with it.

You know that.

Why would I?

Fifty-fifty split's
the way I heard it.

I just said that. I
didn't really mean it.

Oh, look, Curly, I'm no fool.

Staying with you, I'd
have all that and more.

I know how you feel about me.

Do you?

- Of course, I know...
- (cocks g*n)

Now, you sit there.

You're gonna sit here,
and we're gonna wait.

Wait for what?

For Relko.

He's gonna come in
here sooner or later.

And when he does,
you're not gonna warn him.

You're not gonna make a sound.

What are you gonna do?

I'm gonna k*ll him.

What about me, Curly?

Like I told you in Dodge, Karen.

However far I go,

you're going right
along with me.

Well, whatever life
there is around this town

seems to be in here.

(Spanish guitar music playing)

(music continues,
indistinct chatter)

I'm looking for Kurt Relko.


That's right. Where is he?

Well, he... (laughs)
he ain't here.

He ain't in town.


(music stops)

Something I can
do for you, mister?

Yeah, my name's Matt Dillon.

I'm the United States
Marshal from Dodge City.

Oh, that so?

Well, it looks like you
had a little accident there.

Yeah, not as bad as your
friend Tex Shipley had though.

Tex? Well...

well, I haven't
seen him in years.

Didn't even know he
was around these parts.

Gonna be around for quite
a while, the condition he's in.

You want to take
some flowers to him,

he's buried about four miles
north of town off the trail.


Can't imagine why
he didn't look me up.

Well, much obliged
to you, Marshal,

for riding in to
tell me about it.

Wait a minute.

I'm looking for Curly Renner.


Curly Renner?

Do you know
anybody by that name?

Yeah, I do kind of remember him.

He used to come in here a lot.

Uh, but I ain't seen
him for a long time now.

Sorry we can't
help you, Marshal.

You're gonna help me
before I'm through with you.

Ain't you just a little bit

out of your territory
here, Marshal?

I take my territory with me.

And right now, you're in it.

Now, where is he?

Told you I don't know him.

Renner probably made
some kind of a deal with you

to hide him out
when he got to town.

He told you I was
gonna follow him,

so you sent your friend
Shipley out to get me on the trail.

Now, why would I
go to all that trouble?

For the $18,000 Renner
was carrying on him.

You know, I think you better

try and peddle that
story someplace else.

I'm not through with you yet.

I'm through with you.

Now, where is he?

Uh, well, he's hiding out.

Not very far from here.

So I was right, huh?

Now, you've got it
all wrong, Marshal.

I wasn't hiding him out.

I-I knew the law would
be coming after him,

and I was gonna turn him over.

And your friend
Shipley just happened

to be on the trail, huh?

Now, come on,
you-you got me wrong.

I... I'm on your side.

I-I'll show you
where he's hiding.

All right, let's go.


He's got the door bolted.

Try knocking.


Who is it?

Kurt Relko. Let me in.


Hold it! It's Matt Dillon!

Curly, put the g*n down.

I'm coming in. I
want to talk to you.

N-No, Marshal.

I'm coming out to you.

In a minute.

Curly, please.

Brought me a long way, Karen.

But like I said,

however far I go,
you're going, too.

Curly, no!

(both g*ns fire)

(g*n drops to the floor)

Marshal, I... Get out of here.

Matthew, what was Pinto saying

when he died that you
figured he's lying about?

Well... (smacks lips)

said it wasn't
Curly that shot him.

Said it was a complete stranger.

If you'd have
told the jury that,

they'd have probably
believed you,

and like as not, they'd
have let Curly loose.

Well, Festus, I'll
tell you something.

Curly didn't need any jury
to tell him he was guilty.
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