10x25 - Breckinridge

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Gunsmoke". Aired: September 10, 1955 - March 31, 1975.*
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Marshal Matt Dillon tries to prevent lawlessness from overtaking Dodge City, Kansas.
Post Reply

10x25 - Breckinridge

Post by bunniefuu »

(theme music playing)

(both g*ns fire)

ANNOUNCER: starring
James Arness as Matt Dillon.


(imitating trumpet march)

- Morning.
- Good morning.

Did you just come in
on the stage, did you?

Yes, that's right.

I reckon you're looking
for a room, then, ain't you?

Yes. I actually need
more than a room.

- I'm looking for an office.
- A office?

Huh, well, if you're a doctor,
you're in the wrong town

'cause we already
got us a sawbones.

He's-he's kind of a
ornery old scudder,

but we're gettin'
kind of used to him.

Well, no, I'm not a doctor.

A dentist, maybe?

'Cause if you are, well,
we got one of them, too.

Same feller does the doctoring.

No, I'm not a dentist.

- I'm a lawyer.
- A lawyer?

Well, golly Bill,
you hit 'er lucky.

We ain't got any
one of them in town.

You don't?


Well, I'm surprised,
a town of this size...

Well, we had us one,

but, uh, he didn't last.

What happened to him?

Well, he lost his first case

and the feller he was
a-lawyering for shot him.

Say, you fixin' to settle down

here in Dodge City, are you?


Yes, if I can, uh,
scare up a practice.

But you need a office.


Kind of a bedroom,
settin' room thing

that looks up and
down Front Street here?

Y... well, that sounds ideal.

You know such a place?

Well, of course I do.

Just the place.

Why, it couldn't
have been no better

if I'd a-knowed you was a-coming

and fixed it up for you special.

- Fine!
- Right up the street yonder.


And the feller I work
for'll let you have this

for half what you'll have to
pay over yonder at the hotel.

Well, I don't know.

The Dodge House was
highly recommended.

Well, well, but the Dodge
House ain't got no view.

Now, this here, look...

y-you can see plumb
up and down Front Street.


Mister, y-you
don't need no blind.

Not when you're plumb
up here on the second floor.

Nobody could
see in at you at all.

I-I-I realize that,
but I just don't think...

Well, but-but the most
important thing is right here.

Look at this bed.

Just soft as a mother's arms.

Why, you haven't saw a bed...

But the big thing
is the location.

Being right next door
to the Long Branch,

in case you're a drinking man.

Well, no, I'm not, really.

O-Or a gambling man.

Why, them dealers over
yonder are such dumbbells,

they just fair give the
house money away.

Well, I-I really
think I ought to...

Oh, no! Now, you
ain't even saw the extra

in this whole deal.

This here could be your office.

Now, if you're fixin'
to go into business,

you gotta have
yourself a office.

Now, look, Mr. Haggen.

- I...
- (g*nsh*t)

What's ha... what's happening?

There's a ruckus bustin'
out down at the Long Branch.

Looks like it's gonna be
a pearl button bangle Billy!

Come on!

(screaming, shouting, g*nf*re)

MAN: Get out of here!

(indistinct shouting)

What is all this?

Sled Grady, in his meaner...


Get out of here!

Well, isn't he liable
to hurt someone?

Well, if he don't, it
ain't for lack of trying.

Get out of here, you
yellow, thieving jackrabbit!

That's no jackrabbit.

(man whoops)

(shouting, crashing)

(man yelling)

You figure you got
something to grin about?

Well, you did leave
there rather hastily.

Well, dang, if you don't
fight pert near like a Haggen.

Except you'd ought
to have kicked him

after you thumped him down.

You see what he done, boys?

He jumped me!

Yeah, I saw the dude.

And he's laughing.

I told you, you'd ought
to have kicked him.

Come on, fellas.



Hold it!


- (g*nsh*t)
- Sled Grady, Matthew!



Now, you get out
of here, Marshal!

You leave me alone or I'm
gonna blow your head off!

What's the matter with you?

I didn't do nothing!

You've done all you're going to.

Get up.

It's all his fault.

He wouldn't give
me another drink.

Well, you didn't have
no money left to pay for it.

You should've quit giving
him drinks three hours ago.

I'm a barkeep, not a nursemaid.

That's the trouble
with this town.

Long as you got a
little bit of money,

they lick your boots.

But when you ain't,
they stomp you!

This happens to you every
time you come to town.

You start out fine,

then you get drunk and get mean,

you get into a fight.

What if you'd k*lled somebody?

SLED: Maybe I will k*ll somebody

if I get my g*n back.

I'll tell you what
you're gonna get

is two hours to
get out of this town

and stay out. Is that clear?

Just a minute, Marshal.

Aren't you, um...

overstepping your
authority a little?

Aren't I what?

Ordering this man out
of town without a trial.

Without even preferring
charges against him.

Is he a friend of yours?

No, I never saw him before.

But I'm a lawyer, Marshal.

And I'm aware,
as I'm sure you are,

that even a man like this

has certain inalienable rights.

Yeah, well, he'll
still have them

when he rides out
of town in two hours.

Right, Sled?

I reckon.

You can pick up
your g*n at the jail

on the way out.

If that's all right with you.

Well, Marshal...

Matthew's a little riled up now.

What you'd ought to
do is go up to jail directly

and get acquainted with him.

Yeah, well, I intend to do that.

Mr., uh... Grady.

I, uh, I think it would
be to your advantage

if we had a little talk.

I ain't got no money.

You're worried about money
and I'm worried about justice.

You know, it's usually
the other way around.

Uh, let's sit over
here, shall we?

Marshal Dillon.

I, uh, have a
restraining order here

for you, signed
by Judge Murcott.

Well, so you really
are a lawyer, huh?

I have a license to prove it.

Murcott sober
when he signed this?

You know, that question

could sound like
contempt of court, Marshal.

Well, you call it
what you want to.

If you didn't get
to him before noon,

I doubt that he knew
what he was signing.

That's a legal order, Marshal.

Is that so?

Yes, that's so.

And it restrains you

from harassing, annoying
or illegally interfering with

the affairs of my
client Sled Grady.

Well, now, it so
happens that your client

is a no-good, troublemaking bum.

Who has the same rights
under the law as anybody else.

Tell me something,
Mr., uh... Taylor.

How long have you been
out here on the frontier?

Oh, about, uh...

four hours, near
as I can estimate.

And you figure
that's long enough

for you to know more
about keeping the peace here

than I do, huh?

No, Marshal, I don't.

But whether it's
back east or out here,

you have to respect due process.

The law is the law everywhere.

Mr. Taylor, let me
tell you something.

If you're interested
in your client,

you'd better get him out of
Dodge as fast as you can.

And keep him out,
because in the mood he's in,

if he stays here he's
either gonna k*ll somebody

or get k*lled.

Aren't you, uh...

exaggerating just
a trifle, Marshal?

Mr. Taylor, I'm busy.

If you'll excuse me...

This was signed by
your own local judge.

He's a justice of the
peace, not a judge.

It's still a legal order.

Good day, Mr. Taylor.

(Taylor sighs)


Now I want to say something.

I know it took courage for
you to go into the saloon

and disarm Sled
Grady the way you did.

But it takes more
than raw courage

to administer the
law judiciously.

I think you need to learn that.

You... you can't do
this to me, Miss Kitty.

I told you to cut him off.

I did!

That's what made him so mad.

But you kept right on
serving him for two hours,

until he ran out of money.

I had to!

Otherwise, he was
gonna cause trouble.

What do you think he did cause?

Pay him off, Sam.

Yes, ma'am.

Oh, you sure you
can spare that much?

That's three days more
than you got coming.

Of course, if you
don't want it...

Good luck, Jocko.

You're the one that's gonna
need the luck, Miss Kitty.

What was that all about?

Well, if he'd done
what he was told,

there wouldn't have
been any trouble

and I wouldn't
have had to fire him.

Say, Matthew, is that
young Taylor feller

still stuck in your craw, is he?

Well, I think I got
rid of him temporarily.

Who's Taylor?

Well, he's some young
dude lawyer, Kitty.

Rode in on the morning
stage and he's trying to tell me

how to run the
law in Dodge City.

Oh, really?

Now, you did run Sled
Grady out of town, didn't you?

Well, I haven't
been able to find him.

I got an idea this young
Taylor fella's got him hid out

till Judge Danby
gets here tomorrow.

He's not gonna take
this in front of Danby?

(laughs) That's what he said.

And I say further, Your
Honor, we are not speaking here

merely of an isolated
incident of illegal harassment,

but of a calculated
and deliberate affront

to the entire institution of
American jurisprudence.

Now, if-if you allow this man

to be a law unto himself,

to be, in effect,
judge and jury,

to flaunt the honor and
dignity of a duly appointed judge

of this county...

Just a minute,
son, just a minute.

Now, all this "honor
and dignity" business,

are you referring
to Percy Murcott?

Well, yes, I am, Your Honor.

Hmm, well, uh, go on.

Thank you. Well,
if-if you allow this man

to ignore a legal order,

then you set a
precedent, Your Honor,

that may well set
back law in the West

for a hundred years.

Now, I ask... No.

May I demand this court
enjoin Marshal Dillon

to respect the legal order
you have on your desk.

And indeed to give due
and respectable attention

to all documents

and legal orders emanating
from the duly qualified appointees

of the court of this county,

this state and this nation.

Is that all?

Well, yes, Your
Honor, that's-that's all.

(short laugh) In short,

you want me to,
uh, tell the marshal

that he cannot throw
your client out of town.

Is that right?

Well, my client or
anyone else, Your Honor.

Young man, you know,

I've sat here and listened
to a lot of highfalutin words

about American jurisprudence

and the meaning of the law.

And what it all boils
down to is the fact

that you know absolutely
nothing whatsoever

about the problems of keeping
the peace out here in the West.

But, Your Honor, I...

Now, I listened to you,

now you're going
to listen to me.

If it weren't for men
like Marshal Dillon,

men with the courage

to go out and risk
their necks every day

of their lives for a
measly $15 a month,

there wouldn't be
any law whatsoever

out here in the West.

And if we had just a
few more men like him,

there'd be less
need for men like me

and absolutely none
for men like you.

Your Honor, I see no reason...

I'm not finished.

Now, one of the ways of
keeping the peace out here

in the West is to throw
troublemakers out of town.

Now, that may not
agree with all you learned

in that fancy
Eastern law school.

But it works.

It saves time.

It saves jail space.

And very often, it saves lives.

Now, if the marshal
were to go out and arrest

every two-bit hard
nose that got out of line,

there wouldn't be enough
jails in the whole of Kansas

to hold them.

Matthew Dillon is one
of the finest marshals

we have out here in the West.

If not the finest.

And if you do your job just
half as well as he does his,

you might one day
become a fair-to-middling

country lawyer.

Are you...

going to revoke the
restraining order?

Yes, I am.

But I will give you 24 hours

to persuade your client to
get out of town and stay out.

But that's illegal harassment!

You call it what you like.

But if you don't
get him out of town,

I'll instruct the marshal
to lock you both up.

Case dismissed.



Well, Judge, I'm afraid
you were a little hard on him.

Ah, he'll get over it.

A kind of a likable
young fellow, wasn't he?

Well, he doesn't give up easily.

I'll say that for him.

Well, I hope that 24-hour stay

I gave his client doesn't
give you any trouble.

Oh, I don't think so.

Sled doesn't have
any money left.

I don't see how he can get

in too much trouble
when he's sober.

Five dollars.

How come?

Figured maybe you could use it.


What do you want from me?

What? Nothing.

You were throwing
your money around

pretty free when you had it.

I'm just giving you
back some of it, that's all.

Well, I never figured
to get any of it back

once somebody
got their hands on it.


Forget it.

You can pay me back someday.

Yeah, sure.

If I had my...

my g*n back right
now, I'd feel halfways

like a human being again.

Marshal's still got it, huh?


Reckon he's gonna throw
me out of town tomorrow.

That dude lawyer got it put
off for one day, but that's all.


Well, um... how
would you like to leave

with your pockets
full of money, huh?

What are you getting at?

I asked, uh, if you'd like
your pockets full of money?

Well, sure, but it ain't
that easy to come by.

Oh, it's easy enough.

If you know how.

Well, suppose you tell me how.

Well... it's payday
for the railroad g*ng.

And there's two big
herds in from Texas.

Now, the Long Branch is
gonna take in a lot of money

between now and closing time.

What's that got to do with me?

I can tell you how to get

your hands on that money.

I used to work there,
remember, huh?

I know just how
they handle things.

You mean rob the place?

Well, why not?

You'd be taking less chance
than you did sh**ting it up.

And you'd be getting
paid for the risk.

How come you're coming to me?

Why don't you do it?

Sled, I just got
fired from there.

I'm the first one
they'd come looking for.

If it wasn't for
that, believe me,

I wouldn't cut anybody else in,

and give them most of the money.

Well, what do you
figure that you got

that worth's paying for then?


You wouldn't have a chance

unless you know how
things are done there.

How about it?

I don't know.

I-I ain't even got a g*n.

Well... there's one
there waiting for you.

I can tell you all about it.

I'd better think it over.

Sled, do your thinking later.

It's got to be done tonight.

How about it?

Well, I reckon there ain't

no harm in just
hearing about it.

(indistinct chatter)

(rhythmic clapping)

I wish you'd quit that.

It makes me nervous.

Well, I'd say ten minutes

just figuring out one
little old move is...

Is what?

Well, it's just plain cowardice!

That's what it is.

You just hold your taters.

Now, I'm a-setting a trap.

- Doc?
- Hello, Kitty. How are you?

- Festus.
- Kitty.

Whose move is it?


Yeah, he's, he's,
he's setting a trap.


Well, Doc, I'm surprised at you.

Hmm? What?

Can I show you something?

Well, I'd rather you
wouldn't, 'cause...

- Take that one.
- Wait a minute!

- Thank you.
- You gave away a king there, I...

And, uh, take that one.

Well-well, if you're
gonna give them away,

I could've did that.


Take that one.

Wait, that's another king!

And one and two
and three and four

and five.

That's a king, Doc.

Didn't you notice?

Pick them up, Festus.

Golly Bill, I didn't know she
could play checkers like that.

You ought to see her sh**t pool.

You know something, Doc?

This is getting dangerous.

- What is?
- All these dang women!

They're taking over every place.

And it ain't gonna be long

till they take over this
whole dang country.

You mark my words.

Us Haggens has got us a
notion, if men don't start put...

Don't tell me about the notions
that you Haggens have got.

I'm not gonna...

I concede the game...
Is that enough?

I con... Not to you, to Kitty.

Now, wait a minute, Doc.

You're one of the very ones
that's a-helping them to do it.

Do what?

Take over this country.

Now, look at this checker game.

All she done was make
three little old moves.

I had them all set up for her.

And you give her the game.

(music stops)

Come on.

I'm sorry, Sled.

You know you can't
get served in here.

See there? You
see what I told you?

Yeah, well, now wait a minute.

Well, it-it-it ain't fair.

There's lots of worse
people in here than I am.

Well, just name one.

You see there? You
see what she called me?

- Well, now hold on...
- Well, it ain't fair!

This here's a public
place, and I'm public.

I'll say you are. You're
a public nuisance.

He does have a point, miss.

After all, he hasn't been
convicted of a crime.

Well, he should've been.

How many times in two days

do you think I want
this place shot up?

I ain't even wearing a g*n.

I wouldn't put it past
you to throw rocks.

You could've k*lled
somebody yesterday

if you'd been sober
enough to sh**t straight.

Now, I'm not gonna fool
around with you anymore.

Not now, not ever!

Are you gonna let
her get away with that?

Why don't you get a-a-a
court order or something?

Well, now, I couldn't very
well do that tonight, could I?

How about if I, uh, if I
take full responsibility?

Guarantee his
behavior so to speak.


If I got to have a nursemaid
every time I come in here,

I ain't even coming in.

Well, don't wait
for me to coax you.

Well, it wouldn't
do no good anyway.

And I'll tell you
something else.

You ain't half as pretty
as you think you are!

Where does he think he's going?

Out the back way.

Well, it looks to me like
you just lost yourself a client.

Well, I wasn't able to do him
much good anyway, was I?

(laughs) Maybe
a drink will help.

I'll buy.

Well, thank you.
Thank you very much.

Thank you.

No. Thank you.

This is the first friendly thing

anyone's done
since I got to town.

Well, you know,
Matt Dillon's got

an awful lot of
friends here, and...

well, when you practically
declared w*r on him...

Oh, now, I did not.

I merely asked that the marshal

respect the very
law he's enforcing.

There's nothing
personal in that.

- The law is the...
- Now, wait a minute.

You'd better save that
kind of talk for a jury.

Well, there are just certain
principles I believe in.

Well, I think we all
believe in principles,

but, uh, here in Dodge,
we learn to believe in them

without talking
about them too much.

All right.

What would you
like to talk about?


You married?

No, are you?


Oh, you do have a
sense of humor, don't you?

You know, I think
I'm gonna like you

when I get to know you.

(crickets chirping)



Ring around the moon tonight

could bring some rain.

Yeah, well, if you're no
better at predicting the weather

than you are at
playing checkers,

I'll expect a long,
hot, dry spell.

Well, now, all I done

was to have a run of bad luck.

Festus, let me
tell you something.

When you have played
checkers as long as I have,

you'll know that there
is no such a thing

as bad luck in checkers,

just bad checker players.

What do you mean by that?

I'm just a little too
tired to explain it to you.

Danged ornery old scudder.

Ain't you gonna say good night?

Need any help, Sam?

No, I can handle it
all right, Miss Kitty.

We sure had a good night.


Miss Kitty,

we have had one
of the best nights

we've had in a long time.

And isn't that just fine?

(chuckles) I'll see
you tomorrow, Sam.

- Good night, Miss Kitty.
- Good night.





Sam, I...


What did you do to Sam?

I slugged him a little.


You stay right where you are.

You keep your mouth shut

unless you want
some of the same.

Why don't you just take the
money and get out of here?

'Cause I wouldn't even
get to the edge of town

before you sicced them on to me.

Too bad you had to come
down them stairs again tonight.

If you hadn't,

neither one of us would
have any problems.

But you did.


And I can't see doing to you

like I done to
that fella in there.

That'd be a waste.

What are you gonna do?

I'm gonna take you with me,

Miss High and Mighty.

That fella in there
might be dead.

I hit him pretty hard,
you know what I mean?

So from now on,

you're gonna do just
what I tell you to do.

Now let's get going.

Matthew, in all my born days,

I ain't never stewed up

a better pot of
coffee than that.

Well, I'm glad to hear it.

Got just the right
lacing of chicory in it.

Fine, and how are
those beans coming?

Are they warmed through yet?

Well, they...

They're warmish like,

but they ain't
what you'd call hot.

Oh, well, fine.

I wouldn't want you to
burn your finger there.

Well, my old Grandma Haggen

always used to test
beans with her fingers.

Oh, well, far be it
from me to interfere

with an old family custom.

All I wanted was
the coffee, anyway.

Wait a minute. Now,
are you trying to tell me

you think I got dirty fingers?

Oh, nothing like that, no.

Not anymore, anyway.

(door opens)



Festus, go get Doc.

Here you are, Sam.

Sam, tell me what happened.

(labored): Well,

ain't much to tell, Marshal.

Except... somebody
was waiting for me

when I went to put
that money away.

Well, did you see who it was?

No, I didn't.

Whoever did it hit
me from behind.

I didn't see him.

But... not only that, Marshal.

Miss Kitty's gone.


Yeah, I went
upstairs to her room.

The door was open.

The bed hadn't been slept in.

All right, Jocko, where is she?

I don't know!

I'm telling you the truth,
Marshal! I don't know!

I heard you threatened
her when she fired you.

All right, so I was mad.

I've been in this
poker game all night.

Ask these men.

He's telling the truth, Marshal.

Game's been going all
night; he never left his chair.

What's going on here?

The Long Branch has been
robbed and Kitty's missing.

By the way, where's your client?

(sighs) Well, I have no idea.

The last time I saw him
was last night around 11:00.

Where was this?

At the Long Branch.

He, uh... he asked me to
try to get them to serve him.

When Kitty refused, he...

he stormed out mad.

You don't suppose he
went back there, do you?

DILLON: He could've,
but how would he know

where the money was?

That's true.

He never worked there.

DILLON: Now, Jocko, I'm
gonna ask you once more.

Did you have
anything to do with this?

(gulps) All right.

I set him up.

But I had no idea he
was gonna take Miss Kitty.

Believe me. I'm
telling you the truth.

Got any idea where they went?

No, none.

I'll be back for you.


- Hank?
- (door opens)

Did you find anything?

No, I can't even find
the stableman yet.

You don't suppose
Sled took him along, too.

- No, I doubt it.
- (thumping)

All right.

All right, Hank, just
take it easy now.

Oh. (spitting)

(sighs) Dad-blamed
inhuman trick.

You gag a man and
his mouth full of corn;

dry corn gets wet,
starts to swell up.

Another half hour, I'd have
blowed my eyeballs clean out

the top of my head.

Hank, who did this to you?

That low-down,
no-good Sled Grady.

Come in here last night
in the middle of the night,

throwed a g*n on me,

made me saddle up
a couple of horses.

Had Miss Kitty with him.

Was she all right?

Well, she wasn't none too happy.

That Sled hit me with a g*n

and raised a big
bump back of my head.

Got any idea which
way they headed, Hank?

Well, I seem to recollect
hearin' him say something

about making it to Walnut
Creek before daylight.

But then I might've dreamt that.

Well, all right. We'll get Doc
up here to take a look at you.

Huh? Well, I don't need
Doc to take a look at me.

- Oh, I'm all right, Marshal.
- You sure?

Yeah, I'm... You go
ahead and hit the trail.

- All right, Hank.
- Yeah. I ain't got time.

I got to feed and
water these horses.

TAYLOR: Marshal,

I want to go along with you.

Forget it.

Wait a minute.

Look, I feel
responsible for this.

If anything happened to
Kitty, I'd never forgive myself.


Saddle Mr. Taylor a horse.

Come on! Get up here!

We should've been twice
as far along as we are.

Well, ride on if you want to.

Nobody's stopping you.


Not without you, sweetheart.

You're my ace in the hole.

Better get that horse moving.




I hope you're satisfied.

Now you done it.

Done what?

You lamed him.

Now he ain't gonna
be carrying nobody.

Look, why don't you
just ride on without me?

We're a long ways from Dodge.

By the time I can
get back there,

you could be clear
out of the country.


Maybe so.

But I'd sure be lonesome.

You know, um...

I've been stuck on
you for quite a while.

I didn't have no idea

that you were just gonna

fall into my lap this way.



Well, we, uh...

can't ride your horse double.

It'll slow you down.

They'll catch you.

They don't even
know where we went.

By the time they
find out, it'll...

(wheels rattling)

Lady... you keep
your mouth shut.

Hold up right there!

Now just what are
you up to, young feller?

Whereabouts you comin' from?

MAN: Back up the road.

WOMAN: We got a farm.

MAN: Yep. The only
one in these parts.

Most folks scared of Indians.

Yeah. We ain't, though.

Are you going to Dodge?

Yep. Trying to
make it 'fore night.

We need supplies.

Coffee and sugar, mostly.

We ain't got no money, though.

We buy against our crops.

It's on credit.

Well, get down off of there.

Come on!

That's all right, dear.

Don't worry.

(wind whistling, birds singing)

Well, golly.

Don't be afraid of him.

He won't hurt you.

You two married?


Figured so. Hmm.

You two gonna make Dodge
by night, you'd better get moving.

- Uh, well, look...
- Go on!

Get moving!

He's a real bad one.

Well, what can you expect,
running around like that

with that baggage that ain't
no better than she ought to be?


(laughing): Come on,
get up in the wagon.


(hoofbeats approaching)

Well, what now?

I don't know.

Last one stoled our buggy.

Maybe these ones'll
steal our belongings.

- Howdy, folks.
- Howdy.

My name's Matt Dillon.

I'm a United States
Marshal from Dodge City.

You're the law.

I'm certainly glad to hear that.

The last fella robbed us.

Was there a woman with him?


How long ago were
they through here?

Oh, less than an hour.

About five miles from our farm.

- Well, we're closer than we figured.
- Uh-huh. Which way

- were they headed?
- Uh, east.

I see. Well, look, if you
folks want to wait for us,

we'll pick you up on
the way back through.

- Sure. -All right.
- Thank you.

Be careful, Marshal.
He's a bad one!

It was the bad company he keeps

made him that way,
more than likely.

She sure was pretty, though, Ma.



Pretty nice place to be,
way out here in the hills.

Well, now that you've
seen it, let's go on.

Yes, sirree, that'd make a...

make a real nice hideout.

Leastways, for tonight.

Planning to stay here, huh?

Sweetheart... fate
brought us in here.

Why, you see the way
that old horse just coming

to this trail all by his self?

Of course he did.

He was heading
for his home stall.

Now, listen, Sled,
if you think that I...

I think that I'm hungry!

And I think that you're
going in that house

and fix me something to eat.

Come on.

Come on!


Uh, don't you think

you're taking a big
chance stopping now?

You worried about
me getting caught?

You ought to be.

Why don't you just leave
me here and you go on?

Get in the house.


(Sled sighs)

You... you don't act much

like you know what
you're doing up there.

Who said I did?

Any woman can learn how to
cook if she puts her mind to it.

Yeah, I don't intend
to put my mind to it.

I think I'll learn you the same
way my daddy learned my mama.

If I don't like what you're
fixing up over there,

I'll just knock you
clean across the room.

Don't you ever try it.

It sounds pretty
rough, but it works.


Mama got to be a
pretty good cook finally.

If you learned how, I
might even marry you.

I'd rather be dead.



You don't mean all them...

them things you've been
saying to me like that.

You just been...
talking that way

so that I won't
think you're easy.

You'll never get that idea.

Well, I don't... mind a woman...

playing games...
just to save her pride,

long as she don't
go too far with it.

When the chips are down here,

all you got is me.

You might just as well
make up your mind to it.

You lay a hand on me, Sled,

and it'll be the last
move you'll ever make.

Well... (laughs quietly)

I was just foolin'.

Why, I would no more
think of bothering you than...

(Kitty grunts,
Sled laughs airily)

(Sled pants)

I knew you had spirit in you.

Real fire.

I like that.

I'm probably gonna have
to knock you black and blue

before you wise up,

learn to be polite to
me like a woman should.

(Sled laughs airily)

(Sled chuckles)

You see what a sharp
thing you was playing with?

(Kitty exhales deeply)

Um... you, uh... you
surprise me, Sled.

You're a lot more
man than I thought.

It, uh... kind of
changes things.

I knew you was my kind of
women when you get right down to it.

(gasps) No. Now,

we-we don't want to rush things.

Ain't no woman gonna tell
me what to do. (chuckles)

You seen 'em out there.

You dirty little sneak, I
ought to bust your head open!

Kitty, you all right?

Yes, Matt, I'm all right!

You won't be by the time
I get through with you.

your g*n out, Sled!

- Come on out of there!
- (Kitty whimpers)


Can't we rush him?

With Kitty in there?


(Kitty panting)

Now, we're going out of here,

just you and me,

and we're gonna get them horses.

(Kitty whimpers)

(shouting): Hold
your fire, Marshal.

I'm coming out!

(quietly): Let's go.

(Kitty panting)

Now, if either one
of you makes a move,

I'm gonna blow a
hole through her head!

(Kitty panting)

(wind whistling)

(birds singing)



(growling continues)


Do you mind keeping
a g*n on your client?

Not at all.

You all right?


(Kitty sighs)

Come on.

I want to talk to my lawyer!

Breckinridge Taylor!

I'm not your lawyer.

You got to be! I
can't get nobody else!

Leastwise, anybody'd
do it for nothing like you!

I wouldn't touch your
case with a ten-foot pole.

Well, that takes care of that.

He won't be out and
around for 20 years or so.

20 years?

Oh, at least, I'd say.

- That's ridiculous.
- What?

It's ridiculous. There are a lot
of extenuating circumstances.

Extenuating circumstances?

Well, sure.

Look, I know the man is guilty,

and I'll admit I think he
needs to be punished.

Off the record, I'll say I think
he was one of the most savage,

vicious, disgusting human beings

I've ever seen
in my entire life.

But that doesn't mean
any attorney worth his salt

couldn't get him off with
a reasonable sentence.

Of course.

Now, just for the record...

Oh, Marshal, this all started

with a case of illegal
harassment, right?

Well, a defense
attorney would then plea

that under those
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