Punisher, the (2004)

Batman, Superman, Avengers.. etc.. Movie Collection.

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Punisher, the (2004)

Post by bunniefuu »

[thunder rumbles]


[film projector running]





[foghorn wailing in distance]

So I'm gonna get a three-to-one
return on my money?

[man ] Bobby, he's the real deal.

I met him in a hash bar in Amsterdam.

He speaks Russian, German, Arabic.

[man ]
Mr. Astrov's trust is not gained easily.

Two years it took me.

You see, Micky, he doesn't like new faces.

So, tell me, why am I
looking at a new face?

Otto Krieg, meet my friend Bobby.

He's helping me with the financing.

He's not a cop.

Let's see the money.

[clears throat]

[man speaks Russian]

[Otto speaks Russian]

- [man speaks Russian]
- [snaps fingers]

[locks clicking]

You like it?

Yeah, I like it.

We have deal?

We have deal.

[helicopter approaches]

[sirens wailing]

[agent ] Take him down! Move!

Move it!

[overlapping shouting]

[agent on PA] This is the FBI!

Put your hands in the air!

- [overlapping shouting]
- [weapons cocking]

- What is this?
- You brought a cop, Micky.

And he brought his f*cking friends!

Don't look at me!

This is not good.
My father's gonna k*ll me.

You're under arrest for the importation
and sale of contraband firearms!


[helicopter hovering]

- [agent ] g*n! g*n!
- Drop the g*n!

- Drop the g*n!
- [man] sh**t him!

Whoa, whoa, whoa!


This is not my deal.

This is not my deal.

I don't even know these guys!


[man ] Cease fire!

[man ] Okay, we're clear.

[indistinct shouting]

Holy shit.

Holy shit.


[man ]
All right. Let's get them out of here.


Stay down!

[shouting continues]

I'm calling it.

It's : am.

Bag him and ship him.

[siren wailing]


[dispatcher on radio]



God, I hate this job.

- Give me a hand, fellas?
- Yeah.

[man] Hurry up, Frank.
We got to get you out of here.

What the hell happened? Who's the kid?

Well, it's definitely not in the plan,
but we beat the spread.

This isn't football.

Ah, it's a figure of speech.

People weren't supposed to die out there.

Get 'em ID'd, get 'em to the morgue.

And get me my pants!

[man] Can we get some pants over here?

Ah, shit.

[all] Surprise!

[cheering and applause]

- [man ] Ooh!
- [man ] Hey, Frank!

To Frank Castle.

The finest soldier,

the finest undercover op,

the finest man I've ever know.

What am I going to do without you?

Get a girlfriend.


Have fun in Puerto Rico, man.

Say hello to your folks.


Agent Weeks.

He's Robert Saint. Howard Saint's son.

More paperwork for Tampa PD.


No, we can handle this.

- [man] See you, buddy!
- See you, fellas!

[woman gasps]

[glass breaks]

Bail him out.

Bring him to the club.

[car approaches]

[tires screech]

Don't hit me. Don't hit me.

- Hey, Micky.
- Don't... Don't hit me.




You sell homegrown pot by the ounce,
Micky, not by the barrel.

You sell badly forged
fake passports to Haitians.

What inspired you to become

the Mr. Universe
of international arms dealers?

Micky, you should apologize for
the death of Mr. Saint's youngest child.

Okay, I know how it looks,

but Bobby, he buys pot from me

and-and when he found out
what I was doing,

he insisted on coming in.

He put up half the cash.
He came of his own free will.


If you're going to k*ll me,

will you leave my face alone,
for my mother?

We just made your bail.

Now, if I wanted to k*ll you,

I would have left you in jail
where we have friends,

and in some way that I can only describe
as deeply pornographic,

you would have been k*lled.

But you're a small piece of shit,

and I don't want the karma
of your death on my soul.

But on the other hand, maybe I...
I don't believe in karma,

so, guys, please.

No, no, no, I'll tell you
anything you want to know.

Okay, then this'II be quick.

I want to know one thing only.

Who brokered the deal?

His name is Otto Krieg.

And if it's any comfort to Mr. Saint,
he's dead, too.

[Howard] Well, it's not.

It's actually no comfort at all.

But what might be comforting to me

is to watch the slow death of the man

who was supposed to be
taking care of my son

and making sure that he did not
get into trouble.

Oh, Micky.

What would your father think of this?

Your father, who gave his life for me...

What would he say?

I didn't know it was gonna happen
like this. Please.


ignorance is no excuse.

The man who's responsible
for my son's death must die.

[man grunts, groans]

[Howard] I told you to never
let him out of your sight.

Mr. Saint, Bobby told me to stay.

Tell him, John.



Mr. Saint!

It was Bobby's idea!

He wanted to go alone!

He thought he could impress you
or something.

Thank you for that explanation.

My son didn't need to impress me.

More boxes, guys.

This was a hard one.


This was the last one.


[sighs] It's over.

Tell that to your son.

He doesn't believe me.

Where is he?

You know.

You know what I miss most about Buck?

He could catch a ball.

No matter how hard you threw it.

He was right there.

[boy] Why are we always moving?

This is the last time.

You said that last time.

I did?


You said we were leaving California...

that we were going to move to Virginia,

and you'd work in Washington...

and we'd never move again.


Yes, I've said a lot of things, son.

So why London?

London's a safe place
where we can all be together.

No more moving around, I promise.

Some day when you're older, Will, uh...

I'll tell you why we had to move so much.

He was such a special boy.

Mr. Saint, are you identifying this body
as your son Robert Saint?

He deserved better.

Somebody lied to him,

promised him one thing...

gave him another.

Do you know that I used to have
to dress him till he was ?

I'd tie his ties,

comb his hair.

I'll have to get him a new suit.

Who is Otto Krieg?

Who are the people who work for him?

Who are his friends?

Who would stand to make money
from this deal?

Tell me.

We can't talk about the case, Mr. Saint.

Now, I understand your grief,
but for your own safety,

leave this to professionals.



I'll do that.

[softly] I'll do that.

Goodbye, son.

[man] We called New York,
we called Las Vegas,

we called Europe and Hong Kong.

We even got the Sicilians in it
for old times' sake.

With what you're paying, Howard,

we'll know everything there is to know
about Otto Krieg within hours.


- Come on.
- That was cool.

Leave it. We'll be back.

Race ya?

- Yeah.
- Got anything left?

I don't see it!

Come on!

[woman] I picked the right guy.

He did his free ascent on the first try.

I've seen navy SEALS do worse.

- All right! Great, honey!
- That's what we like to hear!

I'm so proud of you!

Good job, babe.

Hey, Frank, is that
that, uh... Candelaria?

[Frank Sr.] Yeah. Manuel.

People around here
call him a witch doctor.

Lives on that island way off the point.

Only one damn fool I know
crazy enough to swim over there.

- [laughs]
- Gee, let me guess.

- [chattering]
- [tapping bottle]

This is the first family reunion
we've had in five years.

And that's too long.

- That's too long.
- [clapping]


Two families,
and when you put them together, you get...

you get this.

My grandson!


I just want to say that...

I'm very happy that you're all here.

I'm very proud that you're all here
and that...

- I love you. [laughs]
- [all agreeing]

Love you, too, Dad.

- [cheering]
- ¡Salud!

[all] ¡Salud!





What happened? What's wrong?

Ah, you know.

I can't believe...

- [laughing]
- ...I'm home!

That I could ever be so lucky.

'Cause there were times, Maria,
I got to tell you...


I lost so much time, with both of you.

- And I'm really sorry.
- Stop. Hey, hey, hey.

I married you.

I knew what I was doing...

and I'd do it again.

You and I...

we're not lucky.

We are blessed.

[bells tolling]

See you at home, son.

[man] His name's Frank Castle.

Senior agent.

Just got the Bureau's London desk.

His alias, connections,
apartments in Europe...

None of it was real.

Not even his death.

Well, maybe it was. Maybe he...

died and came back to life
so he could die again.

You have your chance.

He's leaving for England next week

and he's at a family reunion
in Puerto Rico.

I think you should be there

so you can come back
and tell Livia how he died.

All right.

[Livia] Wait.

His family.

His whole family.

That's what you want?

- Morning.
- Hey.

[Frank] We should have another.

I'm ready.

[Will] Another what?

[Frank] Morning, Will.

Come here. [yawns]

They were selling T-shirts in town.

One of them was really scary.

The guy in the shop said
it wards off evil spirits.

It's really intense.

- Did you know about this?
- Mm-hmm.

Let's see here.

This is interesting.

Like it?

Like it?

I love it.


[both mouthing words]

[reggae music playing]


[chattering continues]

[camera beeps, shutter clicks]


Here you go. There's the camera. Okay.

Come on. You got to see this. Come on.

[cocks g*n]

Your Colts.

You've done something to them.

You could say that.

I bored the chambers
and customized the triggers

and... added some compensators.

They used to be pretty good,
but now they're nail drivers.

Now let's see.

Hey, Mom.

- Look.
- Wow!

Look at that. It's a stingray.




- [gasps]
- Mom?



Get down, honey! Get down!

Get over here.

Get under, honey. Get under it.

[g*nf*re continues]




[motorcycle starts]


[woman whimpers, gasps]

[cocks g*n]





[g*nf*re in distance]


I'm gonna count to three,

and we're gonna run
to the jeep. Okay, honey?

What about Dad?

Dad will be okay.

- [g*nsh*t]
- [grunts, groans]

One, two, three.




- [g*nf*re]
- Come on.



You hang on, honey!

[Will] Mom!

You okay?

[a*t*matic g*nf*re]

Mom's gonna get help, okay?



Come on, baby.

Get out of the car.

[Will] Mom, my arm.

Come on, honey. You can do it.

- Come on.
- My arm.

I broke my arm.

I know, baby,
but we have to keep moving, okay?

I need you to be a big boy
and you have to keep moving, okay?

Keep walking.

Keep walking. Help!


Somebody, help me!

Come on, baby!

Mom, there!

Grandpa's boat.

Run, honey!





[a*t*matic g*nf*re]







[John] My mother and father
send their regards.


This time they're not blanks.

- Maria.
- [g*nsh*t]


It's me, Castle. Candelaria.

I'll take care of you.


[speaking Spanish]

Paulie, you gonna make love to that car,
or you gonna park it?

Get the junk out of here!

Thank you.

Come on, fellas.

Big crowd tonight, Mr. Saint.

You look beautiful, Mrs. Saint.

[Livia] Little prick.

[Micky] Holy shit.

[salsa music playing]

To Bobby.

- Bobby.
- To Bobby.

To a score settled.

[salsa music ends]

[slow music playing]


Quentin, dance with Liv.

♪ Are these feelings ♪

♪ From my intuition ♪

♪ Or are they just...

When did you speak to him?

[man] About an hour ago, Mr. Saint.
He said the... [continues, indistinct]

♪ Do I really know you ♪

♪ Or have I been sweetly deceived? ♪

Try Grand Turk.

♪ If you only knew
How crazy I feel ♪

- ♪ How deeply I fall
- [man continues, indistinct]

I How slowly I heal I

Are we comin' undone

♪ Or am I the jealous one? ♪

I got something for you.

[Livia] Harry Winston.

They're beautiful.

Without you, they're just diamonds.

I asked you to avenge our son and you did.

Thank you.

[Candelaria] Vaya con Dios, Castle.

Go with God.

God's gonna sit this one out.

[car approaches]

[rock ballad playing on speakers]


[singing “La Donna E Mobile"]

- [rock song playing on speakers]
- You are insignificant.

You are a coward.

You are a great disappointment
to your mother and I!

Ohh! Yes!

Die! Die! Die!

I am the most amazing man in the world.

[engine revving]

[revving continues]

It's really loud.

Is it supposed to be that loud?

Oh, it's beautiful.

He hasn't slept all week.

[man ] How do you know?

'Cause I haven't slept all week.

[man ] What do you think he does?

Maybe he's an artist.

Wow. Our neighbor is an artist.

Now you're the expert on artistes?

I've known a few.

[man ] So what do you think he's doing?

- Ask him.
- [revving continues]

Oh, yeah, right. Ask him.

I'm late for work.

Bye, Joan.

- Bye, Joan.
- [Joan] Bye.

[tires screeching]

This is undignified.

[car door closes]

You're supposed to be dead.


[Frank] Let's talk.

Stay away from me, Castle.

I have friends, you know!

Let's talk about your friends.

[Micky] Make your own friends, buddy.

I'm not saying nothing.

I talk to you, they'll k*ll me.


You don't help me,
I'll k*ll you now, Mick.


The Saints tell me nothing.


They pay your rent...

your legal bills.

You should know something.

What's the torch for?

, degrees, Mick.

Enough to turn steel into butter.


It won't hurt at first.

It's, uh, too hot, you see.

The flame sears the nerve endings shut,
k*lling them.

You'll go into shock and...

all you'll feel is...


Isn't science fun, Micky?



I don't know shit!

You'll smell burning meat and then...

then it'll hurt.

I swear I'm telling the truth!


Son of a bitch!


[screaming continues]

Stop! Oh, my God!

Should we call the police?

Let's stay out of it.
He's a very scary man.

He's k*lling someone, and we're next.


No. Wait. Wait.


You smell that, Mick?
I'm burning off some of your fat.


I'll tell you anything!

Anything, anything,
anything you want to know.

- That's a good boy.
- Okay, okay.

Any discussion of Howard Saint's business
involves two Cubans,

the Tom brothers.

They control all the prostitution
and gambling

up and down the Gulf Coast.

Tons of cash.

They give their dirty money
to Howard Saint,

who transports it in cigarette boats

to his banks in Grand Cayman,

washes it, and wires it back
clean as a whistle.

[breathing heavily]


For the love of Go...

[chain rattling]

You are not a nice person.

So what's up? You gonna string up
Howard Saint and blowtorch him?

I like that idea.

- [shutter clicking]
- But I have something better.

And guess what?

You're gonna help me.

Unless you want to stay
Howard Saint's lackey

for the rest of your life.

I hate the Saints.

All of them.

Tell me about them. What they do.

Where. When.

Howard Saint's a man of strict habits.

He has first tee time five days a week
at Tampa Springs.

Never fails.

He likes money,

he likes power,

- but the thing this guy covets most...
- [camera shutter clicking]

- The Wife, Livia.
- [car alarm chirps]

What happened to your family,

Howard did that for her.

She's just like him,
and she's just as predictable.

Every Thursday she works out,
gets her nails done,

- and goes to the movies.
- [car alarm chirps]

Howard knows every move this broad makes.

Any man who looks at her wrong,

- he ends up in Tampa Bay.
- [car alarm chirps]

Let's not forget Johnny boy,

the son you didn't k*ll.

What a putz.

Last but not least, Quentin Glass.

Been with Howard years.

The family consigliere,

lawyer, CPA,

and a sadist.

Who knows what's going on with this guy.

[no audible dialogue]

[shutter clicking]

[engine revving]

[cell phone rings]


Bohr“ Pop, you're not gonna believe this.

Oh, I think I might.

[man] Chief Morris, will the budget cuts

- mean less officers on the street?
- No comment.

- [reporters shouting questions]
- Thank you. Thank you. No comment.

What impact will all this have
on police layoffs?

- [man] Castle?
- [woman] Frank Castle?

Hey, I thought you were dead!

[all shouting]

Where've you been?

It's been five months
since my family was k*lled.

I don't see one man in jail.

- Obviously, you're upset.
- Upset?

Is that the word?

I used to get upset
when I had a flat tire.

I used to get upset
when a plane was delayed.

I used to get upset
when the Yankees won the Series.

So if that's what "upset" means...

then how do I feel now?

If you know the word, tell me, because...

I don't.

[reporters shouting]

[man] Taxi!

[thunder rumbles]


Enrique, ¿qué pasó?



[elevator bell dings]


[ballad playing on speakers]

[metal clangs]

[cocks g*n]

[g*n clatters]

Get up.

Wheel the money out.

Fill that up.

[air hisses]

[man] You know whose money this is?

You know whose building this is?

[Frank] Howard Saint's.

He's gonna f*ck your life up.

He already f*cked my life up.

[glass shatters]

Now, out the window.


Out the window.

- [horn honks]
- [tires screech]

[door opens]

[horn honks]

[woman] Oh, my God!

[screaming, shouting]

- [tires screeching]
- [crash]

[car alarm blaring]

[elevator bell dings]

Good business, m*rder?

Does Saint pay you for each one,

or does he get a group rate discount?


[reporter ] Our top story this morning,
a double homicide in downtown Tampa.

Two men were gunned down
in the lobby of the Saint building.

[reporter ]
Now to our other breaking story,

Frank Castle is alive and back in Tampa.

You may remember Castle's
the FBI agent presumed dead

- after his family's gangland-style...
- He speaks six languages.

He did two tours
with th Special Ops CTU.

- What's CTU?
- Counter Terrorism Unit.

At this hour, right now,
Tampa police do not have a motive

and no arrests have been made.

- That's the latest news at this hour.
- [banging]

We'll have more on this developing story...

It's him.

[TV continues, indistinct]

[hinge creaking]

Hi, there.

[door closes]

[thunder rumbles]

[Frank Sr.] [just want to say that
I'm very happy that you're all here.

I'm very proud that you're all here.

[Frank] I guess I've said a lot of things.

[Maria] We 're not lucky. We are blessed.


H-How is he still alive?
I don't know, Quentin. I wasn't there.

Why is he still alive?
Now that... that's an interesting question.

Maybe he's still alive
because he was meant to suffer more.

I don't know.

But how can we make him suffer
if we can't find him?

He's daring us.

No, no.
He misses his family and he wants to die.

He's asking for help, so let's help him.

The Toros call?

They'll be here tomorrow morning.

You invited them to this house?

They invited themselves, Howard.

Mike, Joe, welcome.

Let's get a drink.

We don't have time for that, Howard.

Oh, my God, this weather.

Yeah, just a little polluted,
don't you think so?

I've seen hurricanes.

I've seen it rain like cats and dogs.

But never in all my years
have I seen it rain hundred-dollar bills.

Yeah, this rainmaker, Castle...

Dead. no?

Guys, look, come on.

Working together for ten years.

It's the first time anything
like this ever happened.

At a personal loss to us
of $ million, Howard.

That's one time too many.

Do you want us to find another banker?



Look, we want our money back, all right?

And we want protection
on the next shipment.

Do you guarantee our money this time?

With everything I've got.

In hours, Castle's a memory.

A pro from Memphis. The best.

Come on, Joanie. Open up the g*dd*mn door!

[shouting] f*cking... Bitch!

[country music playing on speakers]

[man] You hurt my feelings.

I want to talk to you, now,
how you hurt my feelings.

Joanie, open up the g*dd*mn door!

Joanie, you hurt my feelings, you bitch!

Um, dude?

It's kind of late.

Yeah? What time is it in Hawaii?

You should leave right now.

Shut your face, you lard-ass.

Joanie. Come on, honey. Let me in.

I'm gonna call the cops.

Oh, yeah?

- You gonna call the cops?
- Oh!

You gonna call the cops?

Call them. Call them, call them!

Call them, call them, call them.

[Frank] Hey.

Get out.

What? Wha-wha-what?

- Why, he don't have this one.
- [knife clicking]

It's a trick, see, boy?

And the speed. Huh?



You shouldn't play with knives.

[grunts, groans]


[loud groaning]

- [door unlocks]
- No one's ever stood up for me before.

Whew. Come on, champ.
Let's get some ice on that.

Come on.

Frank kicked his ass, huh?

He's fine. He's all right.

I, uh...

I've lived in seven cities in seven years

and... in each one I've managed to find

the one guy who will treat me the worst.

But I'm trying to fix that.

You're Castle.

Used to be.

We saw you on TV.

I don't have one.

I'm Joan.

Dave's the one with all the, uh-...

the metal.

And-And Bumpo's the...

Well, you can probably figure out
which one Bumpo is.

We're really sorry.

About what?

About your family.

Did you know them?


I'm over it.

Don't let your memories k*ll you.

They won't k*ll me.

[car alarm chirps]

[car alarm chirps]

[zipper opens]

- [rapid beeping]
- [lock clicks]

- [beeps]
- [engine starts]


[cell phone ringing]


Quentin Glass?

Who is this?

[distorted voice]
I have certain photographic studies

of you and your boyfriend.

Meet me at the bar at the Wyndham Hotel.

Bring $ , and I'll give you the photos.

You wouldn't want Howard Saint
to see them, Mr. Glass.


[rapid beeping]

Good evening, sir. Welcome to the Wyndham.

Thank you.

Thank you, sir.

Thank you, sir. Have a good night.

Quentin's late. Do you know where he is?

I have no idea.

Have you seen your mother?

It's Thursday, Pop.

Right. Movies.

Mr. Saint?

I know where Mr. Glass is.

I saw him pull into the Wyndham Hotel
a couple hours ago.

[laughing] Howard...

will never...



Howard. Come here.

I was just telling Quentin
about the movie.

Where have you been, Quentin?

I've been looking for you.

I dozed off out by the pool.

That's funny.

What's funny?

Well, Micky said that he saw you
at the Wyndham.

Micky should have his eyes checked.

So he's mistaken?

Yes, Howard, he's mistaken.


Oh, my goodness, these pancakes
are really good, Joan.

What's he been doing
for the last few days?


A lot.

- [door opens]
- [bell dings]

Morning, sir. Sit anywhere you like.

♪ I can hear what you're thinkin' ♪

♪ All your doubts and fears ♪

♪ And if you look in my eye
In time you'll find ♪

♪ The reason that I'm here ♪

♪ And in time all things shall ♪

♪ Pass away, in time ♪

♪ You may come back someday ♪

[tapping guitar]

♪ To live once more ♪

♪ Or die once more

♪ But in time your time Will

♪ Be no more ♪


Do I know you?

I know you.

You're that boy in the newspaper,

came back from the dead.

I didn't catch your name.

You like that song?

I wrote that for you.

I'm gonna sing it at your funeral.

- [door opens]
- [bell dings]

[door closes]

[bell clanging]

[tires screeching]

[engine revving]


[engine revving]

[tires screeching]


[tires screeching]

You are one dumb son of a bitch.

Bring a knife to a gunfight.

[cocks g*n]


[body thuds]

[overlapping shouting]

Más rápido. Más rápido.
Come on. Let's move!

Let's move!



[beeping continues]

All of it?


[Mike] Look at this, Joe.

- This is what I'm talking about.
- Don't you f*ckin' touch me! ¡Cojone!

Don't tell the Toros till we have a plan.

[Mike] Just look at this place.
Isn't it beautiful?

Howard, we had chicken
a la Havana tonight.

Very tasty.

Don't touch the Cubans.


Have you heard the news?

A shipment of cash
was torched on Mullet Key.

Whose money was it, huh?

Our mother always put her cash
in the mattress,

which I thought it was a good idea,

till the house burned down.

It was a big fire.

She lost everything.

That's what happens when you
don't watch your money.

You lose everything, Howard. Everything.

Fourteen shipments are perfect.

One went bad, and I get this? Why?

Because you want to scare me?

There's no insurance in this business.
You know that.

So I'm not covering your f*cking losses.

And, Mike, if you don't like it,
just remember one thing.

I've got more g*ns than you do.

This is not even Cuban, Howard.

It's Honduran.

[speaking Spanish]

They're animals.

With all due respect,
we don't have more g*ns.

- It's my duty to inform you...
- It's your duty to make Castle dead!

I don't care what it takes, what it costs!

Call the Russian.




Mr. Castle, we, uh,
need your help right now because

the guy who's after Joan is
in her apartment right now.

We want you to have dinner with us.

[Joan clears throat]

I know it's not Thanksgiving,

but, uh...

I'd like us to all say
what we're thankful for.

I'll start.


I'm thankful to be alive this year...

and to have a job...

and to be sober.

Yeah, I'm thankful for my mom...

getting out of jail.

You know, which... is cool.

And this girl gave me her number...

which is also cool. [chuckles]

Thanks for leftovers. I'm full.

Uh, thanks for Diet Pepsi,

and thanks for good neighbors.

Thanks for dinner.

There's dessert.

Ice Florentine.

You have to try my ice Florentine.
Come on, Dave.

Come on. I need your help.

[door opens, closes]

[Frank clears throat]

No, no, I'll do that.

I know what it's like.

I know what it's like
to try and make your memories go away.

You can make new memories.

Good ones.

Good memories can save your life.

I'm not what you're looking for.

[door opens]

[door closes]

[record player: "La Donna E Mobile"]

- [man singing on record]
- [mouthing words]





[grunts, groans]


[music continues]



- [singer vocalizing]
- [growls]

[music continues]

- [record skips]
- Did you feel that?


[needle scratches, record resumes]


- [music continues]
- No, no, no, no, no, no.

[singer vocalizing]

[record continues]

- [singer holds note]
- [ends]






[Frank coughing]



[Frank groaning]

[Bumpo] Mr. Castle?


I'm fine.

He's not.


We got to get him to a hospital.

He needs a doctor.
You need... You need a doctor.

No hospital, no police.

- All right.
- I know what he wants.

[Frank groaning]

[stopper pops]

Okay. Okay.




Well, it sure looks like you know
what you're doing, Joan.

I don't know much,
but I'm good with a needle.

Don't ask.

This'll hurt.

He looks weak.

Is he gonna die?


Appearances aren't everything.

You can let go now.

We have to move him!

[Bumpo] Where? There's no place to go.
What do we do?

[motor starts]


Okay, come on. Let's go.

- [gasps]
- It's okay, okay.

Where's Castle?

Frank Castle...

who lives here.

I asked you a question, fat man.

Leave him alone.

Then I'll ask you.

Where's Castle?

He's not here.

[Quentin] Really?

- [Frank groans]
- Are you sure?


What'd you say? Hmm?

I'm having a difficult time hearing you.

I said...

I'm not saying shit.

Well, I don't want you to say shit.
I want you to answer me.

You don't want to say anything
about anything you might know?


[chair rattling]

[Quentin exhales]

Well, maybe we should get to know
each other a little better.

What's your name?


You go to school around here?

You don't go to school?


No. I dropped out.

You dropped out?

You're not doing dr*gs, are you?

Not right now.

And what are you doing
with all this stuff?

What is that?



Did it hurt when you do that?

A little bit.

You like that?

That it hurt a little bit?


That's a special one there, isn't it?

That your favorite?

That's hard to get.

- Yeah.
- Mmm.

Answer my question, please.


- Come here. Come here.
- No!

[Dave grunts]

[groans, gasps]

- Come here.
- [whimpering]

Your friend's about to have a bad day.

You can save him by talking.


- [Dave groans]
- Doesn't have to be this way.

You think you know about pain, boy?

Think you know about pain?



That's okay.

- [groans]
- That's okay.

You gonna tell me?

- [whimpering]
- Dave?

Little Dave?

You gonna tell me?

[Dave] No!

Okay, why don't you and I just see

if we can discover
the true nature of... of pain?

[yelps] Stop.

- Come here, Dave.
- [Dave groaning]

Come on. Hey.

- You want to talk to me?
- [screams] No!

- Talk to me.
- No!

Talk to me, Dave.

No! No! [crying]

If they knew, they would have talked.

They must not have known.

If... When he shows up-...

k*ll him.

- [thunder rumbles]
- [telephone rings]

Go ahead.

[John] Castle's alive, the Russian's dead.

- Where's Quentin?
- At home.

I'm at the office.

Close the club.

Get everyone in.

We're going hunting.

I'll be back after : .


It's Thursday.

Bye, sweetie.

[thunder rumbling]

[thunder rumbling]





[body falls down stairs]

Look what they did to him.

They tried to make me talk.

I gave 'em nothing.

You don't owe me.

You don't owe me anything.

I've brought you nothing but trouble.

Why were you ready to die for me?


you're one of us.

You're family.

Get him to a hospital.

[Bumpo] Come on, champ.
They'll get you all fixed up.

[thunder crashes]


Say you k*ll them all...

then what?

What makes you any different from them?

They have something to lose.

[voice breaking]
You're gonna die tonight, aren't you?

Is that what you want?

[door opens]

[door closes]

I leave this as a declaration of intent,

so no one will be confused.

One: Si vis pacem, para bellum.


The boot camp sergeant made us
recite it like a prayer.

Si vis pacem, para bellum.

"If you want peace...

prepare for w*r."

[car alarm chirps]


[cell phone ringing]


[distorted voice] Quentin,
those pictures of you, I changed my mind.

The number's now $ , .

Be at McNabb's, the men's store
on Broadway, at : p.m.,

Or they'll have their own website.

You listen to me, you son of a...

Remember, : pm.

Just do it, Glass.

- [beeps]
- [phone clatters]


[phone numbers beeping]

[cell phone ringing]


Duca speaking.

You're on.

Mr. Saint,
how do you want me to pay for this?

Pay for what?

I was detailing Mrs. Saint's car
and found this ticket.

Just take care of it. Where was it?

The Wyndham Hotel.

- What's that date?
- September .

Last Thursday.

Where did you say Quentin was
last Thursday?

The Wyndham Hotel.

But Mrs. Saint was at the movies
last Thursday.

I mean, wasn't she?

You have a key for Quentin's house?


I do his laundry.


Get me last month's phone bill.

Yes, sir.

[tires screech]

[watch beeps]

Need help with some underpants, sir?

Go f*ck yourself.

Evening, Quentin.

[thunder rumbles]


What are you doing here?

Jim Bowie.

[Quentin] Excuse me?

You know, Jim Bowie,

the colonel,
the... man who died in the Alamo,

had a knife named after him.

He was a gambler.

And when he was accused
of cheating at cards,

what he would do is he would take the guy
in the other room...

move the furniture, like so.

And he'd take his knife.

He'd throw it in the ground.

And the one that left...

[chair scrapes]

...got the money.

Well, gee, I didn't know that, Howard.

The only problem is that you
have too much furniture.

I'm not following this.

I'm accusing you.

Of What?


I've never taken a cent from you.


Where were the two of you
gonna do it next time?

- The Wyndham?
- Two who?

You and the whore.

I don't know what you're talking about.

Ooh. [chuckles]

You're good.

You should've been a stage actor.

Maybe next lifetime.

What are you... What are you doing?

You better pick up the knife, Quentin.

Because if you don't, I will.

I don't need to grab a knife, Howard.

[knife clinks]

This isn't funny, Howard.

- [knife slashes]
- Whoa!



How long have you worked for me?

What do you think, I'm an idiot?


Have you lost your mi...

- [stabs]
- [groans]

[thunder rumbles]

You were my brother.

I give you everything, denied you nothing.

- [groans]
- But it wasn't enough.

My Liv!

What did she tell you? [gasping]

Don't do this. [shouts]

Don't... [groans] Don't do this!

Don't! Oh, don't... Don't do this.


Howard. Howard.

You're k*lling me.

You're k*lling me.


Why are you k*lling me?

Why are you k*lling me?


[body thuds]

[thunder rumbles]

What the hell are you doing?

I know about you and Quentin.


You went to the movies
last Thursday, eight o'clock?


Then at nine o'clock
you called him from your car?

Must have been a short movie.

Howard, there's... there's an explanation.

Oh, I know.

You're f*cking him.

You're f*cking my best friend.

That would be a little hard
to accomplish, Howard.

Oh, so true.

So true.

[Livia gasps]


You should really learn
to pay your parking tickets!

I don't know what...

You... You thought we...

Howard, Quentin was gay.

You'd say anything!

I don't know what happened.

Would you just talk to me?

Howard. Howard!


You have to listen to me.

Please, Howard.

Please, Howard.

Do you recognize the neighborhood?

Little Cuba?

Just think...

First time I saw you was
only three blocks from here.

Look at me, Howard.

Of course, then the neighborhood was
so much more colorful.

Look at me. Howard, please.

Please, Howard.

Now it's just for whores.
You'll fit right in.

Look at that rock.

Look at it. No, take a look.

I gave you that when I had nothing,

and all I asked for in return was loyalty.

I have been loyal to you, Howard!

You're not making any sense!

Make sense? Here, look at this.

I found that in Quentin's bed.

Does that make enough sense for you?

Huh? Huh?

No! No.

Me neither!


[body thuds]

[train horn blowing]


Like to go to the club.

Need a martini.

[elevator bell dings]


, apiece...

and , more to the man who kills him.

If you accept this money,

you're in till it's over.

Where have you been?


- Where's Quentin?
- Oh, well...

He's wrapped up in something.

Called home, no one was there.

Your mother's gone.


She took the train.

[Frank thinking] Number two:

Frank Castle is dead.

He died with his family.

Number three:

In certain extreme situations,

the law is inadequate.

In order to shame its inadequacy,

it is necessary to act outside the law...

to pursue...

natural justice.

This is not vengeance.

Revenge is not a valid motive,
it's an emotional response.

No, not vengeance.


- [arrow whooshes]
- [g roans]

[thunder rumbling]


[dumbwaiter whirring]

[bell dings]

Hey, Eddie, more champagne, on the double.

Coming right up.

[man] There you go.

- [beep]
- Oh!





[elevator bell dings]







[body thuds]

[elevator bell dings]

- Stop!
- [beeps]



[glass breaks]



[John groaning]

You look like a strong kid.
You must work out.

Ever try isometrics?

This anti-personnel mine
weighs eight pounds.

Not much.

But... try holding it
with an outstretched arm.

Hell of a workout.

No, no, don't.

Don't leave.

Don't leave me like this.

Don't leave me like this!



[breathing heavily]

[Frank] Howard Saint.

Howard Saint!

You took everything from me.

You k*lled my son.

- [John screaming]
- [expl*si*n]

Both of them.


[groans, gasps]

I made you k*ll your best friend.

Made you k*ll your wife.


[moans] Oh, God.

And now I've k*lled you.


[thunder rumbles]



[engine starts]

- [groaning]


[screaming continues]



You're right.

Good memories can save your life.

When Dave gets out of the hospital,
check the cupboard. I left something.

For all of you.

You're leaving.

I have work to do.

Read your newspaper every day,
you'll understand.

Which section?


[Frank thinking]
Those who do evil to others,

the K*llers, the rapists,

psychos, sadists...

will come to know me well.

Frank Castle is dead.

Call me...

The Punisher.

[man singing] ♪ One, two, three, go

[hard rock music playing]

- ♪ If you wanna step up ♪
- ♪ Step up ♪

♪ You're gonna get knocked down

♪ Knocked down

- ♪ If you wanna step up ♪
- ♪ Step up ♪

♪ You're gonna get knocked down

♪ You had your chance to walk away

♪ Live to see another day ♪

- ♪ If you wanna step up ♪
- ♪ Step up ♪

- ♪ You're gonna get knocked down ♪
- ♪ Knocked down ♪

J” You're gonna get knocked down I


♪ Broken ♪

♪ Yeah, you've been living
On the edge of a broken dream ♪

♪ Nothing ♪

♪ Yeah, that's the only thing
You'll ever take away from me ♪

♪ I'm never gonna stop
I'm never gonna drop ♪

♪ Ain't no different than it was before ♪

♪ So take some good advice ♪

♪ You better stop and think twice ♪

♪ Before you take your first step
Out that door ♪

- ♪ If you wanna step up ♪
- ♪ Step up ♪

- ♪ You're gonna get knocked down ♪
- ♪ Knocked down ♪

- ♪ If you wanna step up ♪
- ♪ Step up ♪

♪ You're gonna get knocked down

♪ You had your chance to walk away

♪ Live to see another day ♪

- ♪ If you wanna step up ♪
- ♪ Step up ♪

♪ You're gonna get knocked down

♪ Knocked down

♪ You're gonna get knocked down


♪ Suffering ♪

♪ Yeah, that's the only thing here
That's left for you ♪

♪ Nothing ♪

♪ Yeah, that's the only thing
You're ever gonna f*cking do

♪ I'm never gonna stop
I'm never gonna drop ♪

♪ Ain't no different than it was before ♪

♪ So take some good advice ♪

♪ You better stop and think twice ♪

♪ Before you take your first step
Out that door ♪

- ♪ So if you wanna step up ♪
- ♪ Step up ♪

- ♪ You're gonna get knocked down ♪
- ♪ Knocked down ♪

- ♪ If you wanna step up ♪
- ♪ Step up ♪

♪ You're gonna get knocked down

♪ You had your chance to walk away

I Live to see another day a“

- ♪ If you wanna step up ♪
- ♪ Step up ♪

♪ You're gonna get knocked down

♪ Knocked down

♪ You're gonna get knocked down

♪ You're gonna get knocked down

♪ And now you've crossed that line

♪ You must be out your mind ♪

- ♪ Go ♪
- [song ends]

[rock song playing]

[man singing] ♪ I've thrown away ♪

♪ Thrown away again ♪

♪ The pills that make me

♪ I've thrown away

♪ Thrown away again ♪

♪ The chance to want to change ♪

♪ I've thrown away

♪ Thrown away again ♪

♪ Standing all alone ♪

♪ I've thrown away

♪ Thrown away again ♪

♪ Eyes wired shut ♪

♪ Running through my brain ♪

♪ I'm pulling back the skin
It happens ♪

♪ We 're getting older

♪ Eyes wired shut ♪

♪ Running through my brain ♪

♪ It's all the same, but in the end ♪

♪ It keeps me coming ♪

♪ I've blown away ♪

♪ Blown away again

♪ The fear of failing ♪

♪ I've blown away ♪

♪ Blown away again

♪ The lies that make me sane ♪

♪ I've blown away
The chance to make it right ♪

♪ I want to be, I want to see ♪

♪ I want to make it back to me ♪

♪ Eyes wired shut ♪

♪ Running through my brain ♪

♪ I'm pulling back the skin
It happens ♪

♪ We 're getting older

♪ Eyes wired shut ♪

♪ Running through my brain ♪

♪ It's all the same, but in the end ♪

♪ It keeps me coming ♪

♪ Eyes wired shut ♪

♪ Running through my brain ♪

♪ I'm pulling back the skin
It happens ♪

♪ We 're getting older

♪ Eyes wired shut ♪

♪ Running through my brain ♪

♪ It's all the same, but in the end ♪

- ♪ It keeps me coming
- [song ends]

[rock ballad playing]

[man singing] ♪ I wanted you to know ♪

♪ That I love the way you laugh

♪ I wanna hold you high ♪

♪ And steal your pain away ♪

♪ I keep your photograph ♪

♪ And I know it serves me well ♪

♪ I wanna hold you high
And steal your pain ♪

♪ 'Cause I'm broken ♪

♪ When I'm lonesome ♪

♪ And I don 't feel right

♪ When you're gone away ♪

♪ You've gone away

♪ You don 't feel me here

♪ Anymore ♪

[woman singing] ♪ The worst is over now ♪

♪ And we can breathe again ♪

♪ I wanna hold you high ♪

♪ You steal my pain away

♪ There's so much left to learn

♪ And no one left to fight ♪

♪ I wanna hold you high
And steal your pain ♪

[man, woman singing] ♪ 'Cause I'm broken ♪

♪ When I'm open ♪

♪ And I don't feel like ♪

♪ I am strong enough ♪

♪ 'Cause I'm broken ♪

♪ When I'm lonesome... ♪

- ♪ And I don 't feel like
- [song fades]
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