Toxic Avenger - Part III: The Last Temptation of Toxie, The (1989)

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Toxic Avenger - Part III: The Last Temptation of Toxie, The (1989)

Post by bunniefuu »

Tromaville, New Jersey, . Melvin
Junko, a mop wielding healthclub janitor,

a scrawny, skinny, weakling of a nerd

fell into a misplaced barrel of toxic
chemical waste.

Melvin was suddenly transformed into
a hideously deformed creature

of super-human size and strength.

He became the Toxic Avenger, the
first super-hero from New Jersey.

The Toxic Avenger, or Toxie as he is
affectionately called,

went on to crush crime, beat

and blast chemical waste in his
hometown of Tromaville.

ARer cleaning up Tromaville, in
, The Toxic Avenger rose from beneath

rubble of retirement to challenge the
evil Chairman of Apocalypse Inc.

Toxie's awesome adventure took him on
an outrageous journey

to Japan where Toxie continued to
crush crime.

ln Japan, Toxie learned the spiritual
discipline of Sumo wrestling.

And the power, beauty and grace of

made him better able to rip bad
people's heads off.

Now, evil has returned to Tromaville.
You are about to witness what may be

The Last Temptation of Toxie.

l can't make up my mind. l can't make
up my mind.

Oy, Lionstein.


How many times l have to tell you? You
don't put Redneck Zombies

in with the Walt Disney.

Did you see the Redneck Zombies? That
was gruesome.

Gruesome! You want gruesome, you should
see my mother-in-law. That's gruesome.

Drop those video cassettes or l'll blow
your brains out!

My boy, my boy.

Listen up. Listen up good cause we got
some big news for youse.

You guys suck.

Pick up the phone. Please pick up the

Please don't hurt me. l'll do anything
you want. Just don't hurt me.

What do you guys want?

Shut the hell up. There's too much
variety in this store.

Now that this is a company town,
you're all gonna rent company tapes. Right?

From now on, only the top twenty
video tapes

will be available in this store.

The Top Five= The Apocalypse
Self-lmprovement Tapes from Apocalypse.

We like having a lot of choices.

We don't want iust top twenty. We like
those movies from Troma.

Screw Troma movies.

Wait a minute. Do you want variety? Do
you want choice?

Well there's plenty of variety here=



and Paramount

And we're the Warner Brothers.

Tear it up!


Please pick up the phone.

lt's amazing how they make this cardboard
piece of shit look real. Piece of shit.

Look what they're doing.

You know dude, you don't have much
intestinal fortitude.

Oy, oy, oy.

Tore your guts out. Skip to my lou,
skip to my lou my darling.

Excuse me folks. How about checking out
or adult section?

Good looking guy.

Very good. Very good.

Hey f*gg*t!

You talking to me?

Hit 'em. Kick 'em.

Don't touch that dial.

You must die.


People of Tromaville, The Toxic Avenger
is back and better than ever.

The Toxic Avenger's back.

He's a real man.

Thank you Toxie. You saved us.

Yeah. But it was a rough day. Even for a
hideously deformed creature

of super-human size and strength.

What a mensch.

Yes, l was a Toxic mensch. l was back
fighting crime, corruption and toxic waste.

But it wasn't always that way.

Who would believe that iust a few short
months ago l had actually joined

the forces of evil. l had actually
broken my oath to protect the little people

of Tromaville. l, the Toxic Avenger had
become a bad dude. A toxic trouble-maker.

lt's a long story, so you better sit
back. This is how it all began.

On the surface, everything seemed
terrific. Tromaville was safe,

happy and prosperous.

This period became known as ''The
Golden Age of Tromaville.''

My mom was pretty proud of the fact
that everybody in Tromaville liked me.

My mom was even prouder of the fact
that Claire, my non-seeing girlfriend

who you remember in Toxic Avenger
Part Two, was now going to be my fiancee

and live with me forever in Part Three.

You got any change?

Mommy's little Melvin had finally
grown up.

Good day, Officer Lloyd.

Yes, on the surface, everything
seemed wonderful.

But deep inside of me were swirling
feelings of horrible insecurity.

l was now twenty-five years old. But
who was l? What was l?

Yes, l had rid Tromaville of all evil,
but now l had nothing to do.

There weren't even any parking tickets
to give out.

l, the Toxic Avenger, was reduced to
preventing old ladies from cheating at cards.

Naughty, naughty.

Or occasionally l found myself trying
o get naughty children to eat their lima beans

l couldn't even get that right. Oh
brother. How low could a super-hero go?

Claire and l were living in the same
old dump. l wasn't bringing in any money

as a super-hero and l became a terrible
burden living off Claire's welfare check.

Claire had a brilliant career going as
a dental hygienist

and she was making very good money.
Until one day she had a tragic accident

involving mouthwash rendering her

Hi honey, l'm home.

l think l'm losing my edge, Claire.

Oh, Toxie, don't say that. If only that
Lavoris hadn't splashed in my eyes,

l could see to help you. Aw, if l could
only see.

Hey! Wait a minute. l don't believe
this. Wait a minute.

You're gonna see. Dr. Ron Goldberg says
that your sight can be restored.

Dear blind person, conditions caused by
retinitis pigmentosa

found in association with the wide angle
glaucoma may now be successfully

treated due to the modifications of the
argon laser.

l can't believe it. l can't believe it.

lt doesn't matter, Melvin. It's worth

This procedure has been perfected on
cave bats.

lt's been tested on them in labs and
fiRy percent of them lived.

l can't believe it. l can't believe it.

Uh oh.

There's a catch.

Three hundred and fiRy seven thousand

l actually thought l'd be able to see.
Oh well. It was a nice dream, anyway.

l thought at last l was going to be
able to see my dear sweet Melvin.

Gee...l'm not so sure you'd like what
you'd see.

Oh Melvin, l iust know l would. You're
the nicest boy l ever met.

l iust know you're handsome.

What's the matter, baby?

Nothing. l iust don't want to lose you.

C'mon, we don't know this operation is
dangerous. And besides, at that price,

it's only a dream unless l win the
_maville Times' Rich and Famous Sweepstakl

l'm happyiust the way l am. l look at
it this way, l'll never have to see uglinesss

or w*r or poverty or pollution or the
Cheverolet Nova.

but it was a mess.

No way. This time we're gonna get you
that operation 'cause l'm gonna get that job.

You're going to get a iob and l'm going
to be able to see.

Because of my love for Claire, l took
the only job available. The most horrifying

and humiliating iob known to mankind.
l became a representative of

the Internal Revenue Service.

Hello, taxman's here.

Oh. Ow. Stop it. Stop. Stop throwing
things. Cut it out. Watch out.

Go back home. Go back to the iungle.
We got him.

l tired moonlighting in the high tech
world of video cassette sales,

Sir, here. l got the tapes you wanted.

Oy vey. God in heaven. Every time you
touch the tapes, they melt.

l told you a thousand times, don't touch
the tapes. Look what you've done.

Shmuck, you're fired.

My iob changing automobile mufflers was a
real bust.

Let me reconnect these two little wires.
Hey, what's that smell?

Since Claire and l were failing in the
material world, we decided to spend more

time devoting ourselves to the spiritual

Amazine grace

How sweet the sound

That saved a wretch

Like me

kneel down and worship me# '' Thus
endeth the lesson.

l once was lost

But now am found

Do not be tempted by evil. The reading
for today is from Mathew four,

verse eight and nine, and l quote. ''The
Devil taketh Jesus up to an

exceedingly high mountain and showeth
him all the kingdoms of the world.

And the Devil sayeth unto him, 'All these
things l will give thee if thou wilt

l was so depressed and insecure that
l began having nightmares.

Phoo! Where's my deodorant?

Hi guy. Hey, you do stink. But that
_dorant's not going to help you. Remember m

lt's Melvin, the way you used to be
before you fell into that toxic waste

and became a hideously deformed creature
of super-human size and strength.

Look at ya, ya bum. Ya can't even get a

l had a iob, even though l was a mop boy
at a health spa. Look at ya.

Tromaville doesn't need you anymore.

l betcha can't even get it up, can ya? l
betcha can't even get a woody.

l could always get it up, even though l
was always alone. Give me a shot at Claire.

l wanna boff her. C'mon man, c'mon.
Let me boff her and show you what

a real man can do.

h*m*, wimp, geek. l oughta k*ll you.

All these things l will give thee if
thou will fall down and work for me.

Look at you. You can't get a iob. You're
a bum. You can't get a job.

You can't get a iob. You can't get a iob.
You can't get a job.

Let me boff Claire. Let me boff Claire.

Melvin, what is it? What is it Melvin?

Oh, it was horrible. It was horrible.
l couldn't stop falling.

l iust kept falling and falling. l
couldn't stop.

Oh, poor Melvin. You're very frustrated.
What can l do to relieve you, baby?


Yes, Melvin?

Where's my blanky?

Right here, Melvin.

My good news is that the newly formed
five families federeation has successfully

l know it always makes you feel better,

While my depression and insecurity led
me to experience unbelievably

realistic nightmares, they were only
nightmares. But across the river,

in the big city, there was a giant
_orporation called Apocalypse Incorporated,

and it was creating a nightmarish

used their drug network to sell
ioactive grenades to all the third world countr

Our pilot program in the North Seas is
going well. We're dumping thirty tons of

Well, we'll iust have to do away with

PCB's per week. And even better, we're
dumping seventy-five tons of radioactive

isotopes per day in the Atlantic. An
excellent record.

l am pleased to report that our profits
from the Above Land Subsidiary,

is real good. And we are now pumping
massive doses of radiation high in the sky.

Of course there are still some Sierra
Club sissies in Congress who are afraid of

contamination up there in space. But
we all know that's baloney, right?

Yeah, right!

l think that at this point, if there's
anyone we still can't buy off.


Very good.

Yes. Excellent.

Thank you.

Very impressive.

for a bunch of rank amateurs!

Who do you think you're talking to here?
l'm going for something

bigger than that. Now, ever since we
Iost Tromaville to the Toxic Avenger,

Apocalypse Incorporated has been
treading water, going nowhere.

Am l getting through to you? Is there
something that's unclear?


Good. Then it's settled then. You know
what l want ladies and gentlemen.

Toxic Avenger. Delendus est.

From this valley they say you
Ieaving. l will miss your bright eyes

and sweet smile....

Claire gave me an appreciation of her
most important hobby, music.

And l gave her an appreciation of my
favorite pass-time...

video games.

And she learned to play very
skillfully by ear.

Hey, Toxie baby. How's it hanging?

See this new video game, Five Levels
of Doom?

lt kicks!

Meanwhile at the headquarters of
Apocalypse Incorporated

the plot was thickening

and l was to be the cornstarch.


With all the evil, rotten, corrupt,

despicably low people in the world,

why is it so difficult for me to get
some help?'s because...l mean...
l find

Stop babbling, Malfaire!

You better get the Toxic Avenger on
the payroll boss.

We can work with that. With some
clever maneuvering,

we can have this monster working on
our very own payroll.

Have the legal department draw up a

But how are you going to convince him
to work with us?

No beast so fierce but knows a touch
of pity.

He has a girlfriend, does he not?

And that girl needs an eye operation,
doesnt she?


Two eyes coming up.

As my emotional tailspins spiralled
downward,these radioactive chemicals

inside my body were going nuts.
Finally, l decided to end it all.

Perhaps Claire could pick up a few
dollars by donating my body to science.

But even at su1c1de i was a toxic

Oh, Melvin. How could you even think
of taking your own life?

l know. It's these chemicals. They've
taken over

my life. What am i saying? l dont have
a life. l have

a half-life. Whats to become of me, of

Don't talk like that Melvin. It scares

Anyway, this came for you while you
were gone.

lt smells important.

lt's probably more bad news. They
probably want

to repossess this dump. Here, you
read it.

Ok. It says, uh, you iust won the

Peace Prize and the Tromaville
Times' Rich

And Famous Sweepstakes and they're
going to

give you your own Toxic Avenger
TV show.

What? Give me that you crazy, silly
goose. Dear

Out-of-Work Super-Hero. Great

salary? Benefits out of this world?

What is it, Melvin?

lt's a iob opportunity. They want
me to

represent their company and be their

l can't believe it.

Claire, this is what l've been praying

l'm so exited. Look, l'd better
jump over there right now.

But Melvin, you should put on a fresh

Mr. Chairman, Mr. Chairman. The Toxic
Avenger's here. And his smelly mop

is dripping all over our reception area.

Melvin Junko?

Yes sir, That's me, sir.

Right on time. And you brought your

Uh, yes sir, right here.

Health club mop boy, good. First
super-hero from New Jersey, even

better. Special skill, leaping
relatively tall buildings with a

running start and playing video games.
Fantastic, very impressive.

Mr. Junko, we're looking for a special
person to be the spokesman for

the Apocalypse Corporation. Someone
with charm, charisma and a

nice appearance to act as spokesman
and spread the good

Just what are your policies?

Our policy, Mr. Junko. Giving, that's
our policy.

Giving to the people what they need.
Fulfilling desires, Mr. Junko.

That's what l've always done best.But
you ask yourself, how; it's

iust words, but how do you do it? By

by growing,by taking small towns like
Tromaville and

revitalizingthem into thriving industrial

But l always thought Tromaville was nice
the way it was.

But any place can be nicer. Everything
can be better.

l mean, dont we all strive for more?
Don't you deserve more?

And i can offer you wealh and... your
taste is something we can work on.

Don't you deserve more? l'm a man of
wealth and taste.

Melvin Junko, come on up!Look out
there, my boy.

Let me show you your future. Ta-da.

Toxic shock!

No, no,no,no. No toxic shock. Just
your imagination set free.

Look out there, Melvin. More than
you've ever dreamed of. A shining

world with a Porsche in every driveway.
Chicken McNuggets in every pot.

And you Melvin, smack dab in the middle
of it

with more than you ever wished for.
Loved by millions the world over.

You'll be more popular than the Beatles
and Elvis combined.

That sounds like an awful lot on
minumum wage. l didn't say minimum wage.

Who said minimum wage? Did l say
minimum wage? What hideously

deformed creature of super-human size
and strength works for peanuts?

Uh, none l guess.

Melvy, your'e a star, bubullah.

All these things l will give thee if
though willfall down and work for me.

Where have l heard that before?

Must be some sort of flashback from that

lorn Maiden concert when i was fiReen

No this is no flashback. Three hundred
nd fiRy-seven

thousand dollars. And it's all yours.
Count it, boy. Smell it. l bet

a smart boy like you could put it to
good use. Buy something

nice for your girlfriend. Something she's
had her...eye on?

:ould pay for her operation! You got a deal, IV

And ,uh, we'll see you, uh, on Monday.
Oh, and uh, Melvin...

Just sign on the dotted line, right here.

Woops. Sorry the pen slipped. Welcome

Yes, Mr. Chairman?

Get rid of that mop. It looks like hell.

Here comes mommy, Melvin. Melvin it's
your mommy.

l Brought your favorite snacks. Melvin,
where are you?

Wait a second. l'm on the bowl. l'll
be right there. Just let me wipe.

Darling, what's that smell?

Whoo, stinks in here.

Melvin, have you been eating properly?
You look mighty thin to me.

Mom, never mind that, mom. Look at this.
l got my own business card.

Your own card. Why, Mr. Melvin Junko,
assistant to the chairman.

Yeah mom, isn't it great! And mom, l
get to make special

appearences. And l get to talk to
people. And l get to use all

my charm iust like you taught me, mom.

Oooh, it's wonderful.

And l almost forgot the best part.
The piece de resistance, the bank book.

Your own bank book? What?

Three hundred and fiRy-seven thousand
dollars? Oh, l don't believe it.

And mom, feel the numbers. l had them
raised so Claire could feel them.

Aw, you're such a darling boy. You're
so sweet.

Now we can get Claire that eye operation
she needs.

l love you mommy.

l love you too darling.

Oh, but Claire, l think l should stay
here with you.

And miss your first day at work? Oh,
Melvin. It's ok.

And a microwave oven for me. Aw, l'm so
proud of you darling.

lt's iust going to be tests today, any
way. And l

have the doctor and Mother Junko here.
It'll be ok.

Thats's right, Mr. Junko. l'll take good
care of her.

He's a wonderful doctor He's a member of
the country club.

Are you sure you want me to go, Claire?

Oh, Melvin. l love you.

l love you too, Claire. And l'll be back
for the operation.

Ladies and gentleman. You haven't waited
for nothing. Soon you'll

be in the presence of a real leader. And
here he is. Right on time.

And he's brought you a special surprise,
a new employee who you all

know and love. Someone you and l can
trust and depend on.

Someone who really knows how to clean
up this town.

Hi everyone. Hi mom.

Now citizens, the Chairman.

Hello, how ya doin'? Hi, how are ya?
Hi people of Tromaville.

Hi everybody.Hi mom. Hi everybody.
Look, l got a job.

Mayor Cigarface, people of Tromaville.
Listen to me. Before you pass

any quick iudgements, who are you going
to listen to? A bunch of whining

enviornmentalists, who claim to be so
afraid of toxic waste, when we

all know that waste is the natural
by-product of every organic process.

Or are you going to listen to me?
The one who cares enough about you

and your families to build you a new
and better Tromaville.

No. Up yours, up yours.

On so noble enterprise as this, a profit
there will be.

Yes Ladies and gentlemen Dioxin means

Chemicals are cash. Say it to

Hold it down, hold it down. Just

He knows what he's talking about.

l know that some of you out there
seem to think

that chemicals are bad.

l submit to you, you are chemicals.

Everything is made of chemicals.

And ioin me now in embracing dioxin
and all her sister chemicals

and everything they represent.

Happiness, prosperity, life.

That, people of Tromaville, is the
Apocalypse way.

On my first big day working for

l was so excited about my good
fortune that l didn't notice

that the Tromavillians were actually
hostile to the Chairman.

Had l known then what l know now about
the evil excesses of capitalism

lncorporated. But l didn't even read
Mad Magazine, much less Forbes

and the power elite, l surely would
have never joined Apocalypse,

or the Wall Street Journal. How was l
to know that the true agenda

for Apocalypse, Incorporated was to
take over Tromaville and enslave

its people?

Let go of her.

l have to admit, l did think it was
strange that the Apocalypse employees

in the gas masks were beating my friends
senseless; and dragging

away even my mother into rehabilitation

But the chairman said that these were
the usual malcontents who turned

for any cause or function; iust there
to interfere with progress.

And l bought it hook, line and sinker.

When my new company put the children to
work making agent orange

and other chemicals, they told me it was
a wonderful thing

because all the child ren would be earning
minimum wage.

Besides, it would develop their small
motor skill. And they would really

learn their primary colors.

Come on. Get up. Get up.

So you think this is going to be the new
home for the blind, do ya?

Well, you're wrong. This is the new nerve
gas dump site.

Looks great. Better go check out our

How's he doing?


Not so heavy.

There you go.

Be careful.

One of my responsibities was to get the

to ioin the Apocalypse, Incorporated
Self-lmprovement Seminars.

l did everything l could to help these
volunteers find their way

to the right classrooms.

That's it. Stay in line.

Apocalypse, Incorporated had me doing a
little bit of everything.

Move it.

Tear down these crummy homes.

Thanks potato head.

Bye bye.

Why don't you nail that sign down the

Nurse, would you dispose of this please.

Of course doctor.

Melvin Junko? Melvin?

Yes Claire. l'm here.


l'm over here Claire, relax.

Mother Junko?

l'm here dear.



Claire, nothing to be afraid of. You're
going to be seeing all those

wonderful things soon. Just hold very

l don't want to poke your new eyes out
with these scissors.

Hold very still. l'm getting there.

Just another moment.

Keep your eyes closed until l tell you to
open them.

Open your eyes very slowly, that's it.

Melvin it's too horrible.

No Claire, calm down. Melvin is over


Melvin. Melvin, you're beautiful.

Claire. You can see. You can finally

l can see. This is the happiest day of
my life. Oh Melvin. Oh, darling.

No l want to see everything.

So this is your big, beautiful love

Yes. That's one of the advantages of
being a hideously deformed creature

of super-human size and strength.

When this land-fill is created, it will
be the largest chromium waste dump

within a thousand miles.

The Toxic Avenger is one of Apocalypse's
most promising young executives.

Well done, Melvin.

Melvin! l made your favorite breakfast.

Radioactive oatbran. Melvin. Melvin?

Melvin! Your breakfast is ready, sweetie.

Heey. No time babe.

Anyway, l gotta do an egg with the chairman
this morning!

Like wow, look at this. Waste Vacuum's
up three pointers.


Hey, hey. Don't be so glum. Soon it's
the weekend.

We'll do brunch. What are you gonna do
this morning, babe?

Well, l thought l'd take a nice long

...and go over and see the

They want me to help them save the
bird santuary.

But Melvin, what kind of talk is that?
Do an egg. Do Brunch.

That doesn't sound like New Jersey talk
to me.

Hey, hey, hey, hey. That's upwardly
mobile lingo, ya know?

But listen, l gotta go, go, go!

So, like he said, ok. S'ok? OK. So
listen, l got to go.

Oh. Kisses and hugs. Remember, you
gotta go, go, go!

Heh, hey. Yeah! Oh, l gotta check
_O= = , =OO= = ,There it is. There it is! It

Bye-bye. Heh, heh, heh, heh.

Babe? Do an egg? Waste Vacuum? Mmm.

Can you believe it?

l don't know.

Oh my God!

Hey girls. What's up? Hey, hey. Give
Me SOMe.

The worst of it was poor Claire. The
operation opened her eyes

iust in time to see her beloved
Tromaville overrun

with the parasites of corporate greed and
the vermin of political corruption.


And l was the cause of it.

C'mon over here.

How much will it take to get both of you
off the street? Go.

What's going on here? Hey you hookers.
Get out of here.

Lousy pimp.

Leave this young man alone. Whaddya think
your doin' here!

Vomit break. Vomit break.

C'mon. Puke or die, you bastards.

Get it up. Let's go. C'mon. Wheel out
that stomach.

C'mon, c'mon. Alright. Tromavillian
Aaaah. Go Home, puke,

come back in minutes. l don't want
to see anybody without puke stains.

Before l knew it, l'd become a toxic
yuppie on the fast track.

The Tromavillians tried to put on a brave
face, and made the best

of their mutated environment.

But what does one feed to a creature that
is half frog and half duck?

Worse yet, what would you call it?

Listen. Listen! l don't care if she's .

lf she doesn't have the rent at the end
of the month,

l want her out of there. Larry,
buballah, baby! How are ya?

Melvin. l want to talk to you.

Can't it wait, l'm on the phone.


Well, l gotta go. Claire's being a nudge.
Ah, yes.

Melvin, something's very wrong. This
company you're working for,

l think they're doing evil things

Don't be silly.

You've changed so much, lately. You seem
so different.

you're iust not yourself, lately.

Well, yes, but...How could you badmouth

l mean, c'mon. If it wasn't for them,

you would still be stumbling around on
that cane.

l know, but l'd rather be blind in heavan
than sighted in hell.

Tromaville's being destroyed.

And all you can do is listen to executapes
morning, noon and night.

Melvin, l think someone is trying to
brainwash you.

l don't have to listen to this garbage.

You iust remember, l signed that
contract for YOU!

And l gave up my blindness to see you
get involved in a plot

to pollute the world!? Hah!

What about all the people that counted
on you to clean up evil?

What about all those people in reel
of the first movie who stood up for you

What about the messengers, Melvin?
You're their hero.

What about all those marvelous people
out there in the dark?

What about your favorite patriots,

ls life so dear, or peace so sweet

as to be purchased at the price of

l know not what course others may
choose. But as for me,...

Give me liberty, or give me death!

l'm outta here.

Just walk out the front door and turn
your back on humanity.

Phooey on you, toxic traitor.

Boo, toxic bad guy.

Pick on Donald Trump.

Why don't you go out to Exxon.

l felt that my whole world was caving
in around me.

: to my favorite place to sit and think, the iun_

Coming to this place had always comfor
ted me.

But now, the old cars, the headlights
were staring at me.

The grills were grinning and mocking

Oh, oh, oh, oh.

$ ,OOO. It's all yours. Ha, ha,
ha, ha.

$ ,OOO for you. Ha, ha, ha,
ha, ha.

Oooh, ooh, oh, ooooh.

All these things....

Let me boff Claire....

We won't rescue you...Let me boff

$ ,OOO. Ha, Ha, Ha. $ ,OOO.
Ha, Ha, Ha. $ ,OOO.

All this can be yours!! If you will
work for me!

All this if you will fall down and
worship me!

Wait a minute! You said worship me.
You said worship me!

Not work for me. Where have l heard
that before?

All these things l will give thee if
thou wilt kneel down

and worship me!



How could l have thought l was helping

How could l have been so deluded? Oh,
l can't believe it.

Claire was right. What've l done?
Have l sold my soul?

What've l become? l'm evil.

What can l say to make it up to her?

Can't believe it.

Claire, Claire, Claire, Claire. Wake
up. Wake up.

Melvin, what's wrong? You're shaking.

Don't worry. l'll be alright.

l think your eye operation has helped
me to see.

You were right. Apocalypse is evil.
They do horrible things.

l've got to stand up and fight them.

But how? How are you going to do that?

Well, the sumos taught me that when you
face a formidable opponent,

you must make the first move.

l'm so proud of you, baby. But how will
you fight apocalypse?

How will l fight them? How will l fight
them?! How will l fight them?!!!

The old fashioned way, that's how!

Oh, Melvin!

Well, that's the whole, horrible,
terrible truth.

What a mensh!

But now l was ready to make amends.

Now l was ready to show the good
people of Tromaville

that they could look up to me once
again as their very own,

newly reformed, hideously deformed,

But first l had to earn their respect.

As quick as my two feet would take me,
l was out there giving my toxic all.

The Toxic Avenger is coming.

Melvin is back.

The Toxic Avenger's back

The Toxic Avenger's coming.

Melvin, bbbbbb.

Thank you for saving my dog. Toxie.

Here's your doggie, good citizen.

Helping to undo all the horrible wrongs
committed during my descent

into the Chairman's clutches.

But now, l was ready to confront the
evil chairman on his own turf.

l would mop up the evil in Tromaville

and make room for ''The Toxic Avenger
Part Four!''

Aah, my new assistant. Still carrying
that mop l see.

Here to clean up the new headquarters?

Ha, ha, ha...

Here to clean 'em out!

Ho, ho. It was a ioke! Melvin,
Melvin, Melvin. What's wrong?

l thought, uh, we were partners.
You and l had a deal, hm?

Toxic Avenger doesn't deal with evil.

Well, well. l think our boy knows

l think l know who you are!

A contract is a contract.

And you're a man of your word.

Right, Melvinnnnn!

l don't care about your dumb contract.

We want you out of Tromaville.

Good citizens of Tromaville,
Apocalypse is through.

Chairman, you're history.

Yes, Melvin. l am history.
Ah, ha, ha, ha.

What's happening? Oh my God,
Iook at that!

Oh, you still don't realize who
you're dealing with, do you?

See me as l AM! _GHHH!

Stay back. Stay back.

l'm totally confused.

Oh! The Devil.

You are one ugly amphibian.

Alright, Junko. Let's party.

No problem. l meant to do that.

What will it be? Dark places?

Magic swords? Choose your w*apon
and your arena.

Oh, l know.

You play video games, don't
you Melvin?

l'm going to show you the Five
Levels of Doom.

Earth, wind, water and the
Iast one...

but nobody gets to the last
one anyway.

The let the battle begin.

Ready or not, here we go!

Level One. Earth.

This is one load of toxic waste that
won't stay buried.

Get him. l'll give you a thousand
dollars to run that guy over.

Wait, the budget for this movie's
only two million.

Thirty! l'll give you thirty dollars
to run over that guy.

Get him! Get him! Run him over now.

Save my son.

The Devil has paralyzed me. l can't

That's my son.

Nice work, Mevlin.

But now, we're up to level two.

A personal favorite of mine...


l'll turn Tromaville into ashes.

Oh no we're out of water.

C'mon outta that tu-tu, John Henry.

Now l'm pissed.

Your friends save you. But can you
save your friends?

Oh, see the little children getting
on the school bus.

lt's fun and games time.

Don't make a fuss. Leave the driving
to us.

All aboard.

Melvin look.

They're all going my way.

No not the children. Your battle is
with me.

Safety first kids.

Hold on kiddies, we're going into a

Stay calm good citizen.

This is good pie.

That's pork rabbi!

Hey look.



Look out. Get out of the way.


That got 'em

Don't be frightened. l'm coming.

How do you like this level of Doom?

Oh, give up now Melvin, and they


Let's go.

l've got to save them.

Have no fear children. Toxic's here!

l can't do this. l'm not Superman.
l got it.

Don't iust stand there, Malfaire.
sh**t him!

lt's iammed.

There. Alright. Everybody out.
Quick more it.

Fall bus fall.

Hurry. The bus is about to fall.

Thanks Toxie.

There you go.

Thank you Melvin.

Don't mention it Glenn.

Get out now or you won't be around to
see how this movie ends.

Hurry. C'mon.

l'm melting.

The witch is dead.

Oh my God the Devil is fixing the bus.

He's putting it back together again.

You may have leR Malfaire flat. But
now you will perish, Avenger.

This next level of doom is a doosie.

Stop that bus.


You devil you.

Don't slip you.

Don't slip, hang on Melvin.

Don't drive into Bob Tall's Famous
Fantasy Acres Mud Bogs.

Oh no.

Oh no!

Oh God.

lt's an old Sumo trick.

They us it whenever they're in a
runaway school bus

that plunges into a deadly pool of
muddy, murky water.

'Scuse me. 'Scuse me, people. Get out
of the way.

l've gotta clean up this dirty mess in

You are becoming an annoying horsefly.
But swatting time is here.

l bring you, courtesy of hell

the final level of doom.

The mind is a terrible thing to waste;

_aste yours. , = = = , What's happening
so well.

You ought to treat those boils.

Oh, what's the matter, Melvin? Got a

Losing weight the easy way, Melvin.

Pull yourself together, Mevlin.

Oh, no. Oh Toxie.

Oh, my God. What's happening to Toxie?

Melvin, Melvin.

Claire, mommy, Claire.

Julie, Julie. l don't smell nuthin'.

Mommy! Mommy what happened to me?

Oy vey. You look iust like your father.

Oh, my poor boy.

Here's your Sumo diaper. Put it on.

Maybe this will help you. Remember what
your sumo friends taught you?

Oh, little Melvin. You don't even know
where you are.

Are you in Tromaville? Are you in
Japan? Where are you?

Oh look. Oh look. Little Mevlin.
Your girlfriend wants to help.

l denounce you, Satan.

Oh! Oh my God! l'm blind.

l'm blind again.

Melvin, Melvin.

lt's your mother.

What are doing to her?

ARer all, a boy's best friend is his

lf only l could find that contract.

Oh, if l could find that contract then
maybe l could help Melvin.

l don't know where he put it.

lf l could iust find the contract then
we could clean this this thing up.

Get out of my way, worm.

Look. Look at him. Look what's become
of the Toxic Avenger.

He's back to the sniveling mop boy you
all made fun of.

Where's that brail version of the
contract Toxie made for me?

lf l could iust find that contract,
then we could clean up this mess.

That's it.

Ah, look. Isn't he ready for

Aren't you tired of this pink
tutu'd pansy?

We're tired of you, Mr. Chairman!

And ve're tired of vat you're company
is doing to our Tromaville!

We're tired of ground water pollution.

And your sludge.

And the PCB's!

We're tired of your filthy lawyers and
accountants and we're fed up

with your perverted investment bankers.

The Toxic Avenger has always played fair
with us.

And he's the only toxie waste we need
around here.

This town has never had it so good.

lf you want him, you've gotta go
through us first!

l order you to go back to your hovels
and jump in your beds.

l iust might be willing to forget all

and let you show up for work tomorrow.

Please let us through.

Claire has found a way out of the

Excuse me. She's found an escape

Claire has found a way out.

Oh, oh my God. There's an escape

You, you tell them about it.

lt's very important.

The force maieure states= Clause
Eleven; Termination.

The employee's obligation hereunder
shall remain in full force

for all enternity.

However, said obligations shall be

and this agreement shall be rendered
immediately null and void,

upon a miraculous act of God.

And God is in the hearts of the

lt's and escape clause.

What about this? It's an escape
clause, see? What about it?

So where is he? On vacation in the
Grand Bahamas?

l don't see him around protecting
his interests.

l'm the only one interested in this
dirty little town.

And you're yesterday's waste, pal.

Excuse me, excuse me.

Message for Mr. Junko. Urgent message
for Mr. Mevlin Junko.

Can't you see we're busy here?

l think this takes priority.

No one takes priority over me.


Well, maybe one.

Let's get the hell outta here.

lt's the big guy. Let's get out of

Claire. Claire.

Madonna mia. Gott in himmel. Was
ist das?

lt's raining.

lt's wonderful.

lt feels tingly on my body.

lt's nectar from God.

lt's some healing liquid.

lt's sweet. It's soR. It's warm.

What's happening little Melvin?
What's happening?

Melvin, what, what... Beautiful Melvin.
Melvin your back.

There's my son.

l can see. l can see.

l am back. But now l feel like kickin'
some devil ass.

This has gone on long enough, devil.

Oy gevalt?

l think it's about time that somebody
put the fear of God in you.

Be reasonable. Think of what you're
giving up, Melvin.

That's Mr. Melvin to you!

This is more disgusting than General

Are you ok?

Up you go reverend.

Gee whiz. l've only had my eyes a
short time. And l've seen everything.

l do.

Then l now pronounce you man...

uh, monster and wife. You may now kiss
the bride.

Oh, my baby boy.

So me and mommy and Claire walked off
into that toxic sunset.
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