Toxic Avenger - Part IV: Citizen Toxie, The (2000)

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Toxic Avenger - Part IV: Citizen Toxie, The (2000)

Post by bunniefuu »

Fifteen years ago in Tromaville,

New Jersey, the Toxic Chemical
Capital of the world

little mop boy Melvin Fyrd,
a -pound weakling

was teased taunted, and other bad stuff,

until he fell into a barrel of
toxic chemical waste.

Transforming him into a hideously
deformed creature

of superhuman size and strength;

Melvin became The Toxic Avenger,
the first superhero from New Jersey!

Then two really shitty sequels were made...
sorry about that.

This is the real sequel.

Okay kids, today we're going to celebrate
our special friends below the border.

We are going to celebrate take
a Mexican to Lunch Day.

Can we say that?

Very, very good.

Now that's where the hard working
Mexicans take naps during the day.

Just like us?

Just like us. Exactly like us.

Tito, v_hat do you think you're doing young

Listen bitch, just because I’m a tard

doesn't mean that you have to treat
me like one.

But because I’m ''special,'' I don't
think I’m ever gonna get laid,

so why can't I masturbate?

Tito! Okay kids, now do you know
what you're eating?

That's right tacos. Can you say taco?


All right you f*cking retards drop your

f*ck this man, I’m outta here.

What on earth do you think you're doing,
young man?

I’m trying to teach a class here.

What kind of man are you?

This kind.

We interrupt our coverage of the Smith-Vale Home for the Elderly m*ssacre

to bring you this very special report.

Well folks it looks like we've got

You take this one.
I did the last three.

The t*rror1st group in question,
the Diaper Mafia,

have taken the Tromaville School
for the

We're going to go live now to the
Tromaville School for the Very Special

where our correspondent Cindy Tata

Tromaville police chief Newman
about this very subject.

Stick with us after the break where
our very own Josh Levitsky

will share some of those mouth-watering
recipes for butternut squash.

Oooh, aaah, I like that
That's good

Like a living Martha Stewart
But isn't she still alive?

n*gga, please.

Chief Newman, what caused the
Diaper Mafia

horrible acts of v*olence?

Well, uh, ah, no comment.

I can't believe this is happening in

You ask me, these diaper mafia punks

What is the use of sending these
retards to school in the first place?

All right, Tex, time to
k*ll another one.

Yes, daddy.

Chief Newman, the Diaper Mafia has said
they will execute

a special student every half hour
until their demands have been met.


Yet it's been at least minutes since

never mind

Well, that's a damn shame it had
to happen on

Take Mexicans to Lunch Day and all.

You hear that, pigs, you hear that?

You hear that hear that hear that?

A tard dies every five minutes unless

You got that?!

Got that got that?

I’m working on it, really
I’m working on it.

Please don't sh**t any more
of those tards.

I mean those special kids.

f*ck the f*cking tards! I’m sick and
tired of their drooling and whining!

Now why is it when I shit my pants,
it's a f*cking social faux pas?

But when a tard shits his pants,

a good-looking nurse wipes his ass
for him, huh?

She's got her head up her ass.

Tex, Tex, Tex check it out! Pregger
pi-ata! HA HA HA!!

Hey hey, you've got your head
up your ass!

f*ck you!

Fuckin people!

That's what separates us from the
pussies like the Trenchcoat Mafia,

the Flat Top Mafia, and
the No-Pants Mafia.

Didn't you hear what Kazinski said?
f*cking tard.


Mayor Goldberg, how do you feel about

Try not to harp about the five
that are dead.

Think about the hundreds of students
that are still living, still breathing,

and let's pray for an end to all
this m*rder and mayhem and garbage.

Let's pray.
Let's pray.

Get off the phone!

Let's pray, goddammit!

You too.

Oh lord, in your divine wisdom,
please find it in your heart

to put an end to this m*rder
and filth and trash and garbage.

Oh, and please help us to get
re-elected one more time ok?

Thank you very much God, and amen.



Thank God you're here.
What took you so

I had to change. It takes a while.

Yeah, ok. All right, kid, hold on,

I got the Really Real Bikini TV crew here.

The Diaper Mafia's demands have not yet
been issued, and yet,

speculation has already begun as to the
motivation behind the senseless attack

on the mentally feeble student body.

What do you think, Nick?

I’m gonna have to go with heavy
metal music on this one, Jason.

Aah, interesting.

But what about that best-selling
video game k*ll All the Retards?

Could be a factor, Jason

But we cannot forget about
the rap music.

Very popular with the kids. I
personally, am not a fan of rap music.

I think you could put a c in front
of rap and call it you-know-what.

I don't think you should go that far.

Not a fan.

I think you're going too far.

Not a fan.

All right, I think you've
established that.

You know I think the worst part is that
we'll never know

Well that won't stop me from casting my

_ll, it certainly couldn't be v*olence in the Ne;r_J

Oh God no.

I mean we may broadcast death and

in his heart, and I think you'll
back me up on this

I will back you up.

We would never glorify it.

You like that, don't you ret*rd?

Hello, Tex, Samantha Chambers,
Really Real Bikini TV.

This is my morbidly obese sidekick.

I mean, cameraman, Joe.

Well Samantha, looks like I won't
have to frisk you for weapons.

Hey, listen lady, I didn't call you
in here to f*ck you.

I called you in here because the
Really Real Bikini TV show is

the number one show in America.

Now tell fatty there to turn
on the camera.

I’m gonna show ya something.

You see this bitch right here?

Wasting perfectly good tax dollars
trying to ''teach'' the un-teachable.

And if there's one thing the Diaper
Mafia hates more than RETARDS,

it's genetic traitors.

Now, I’m gonna show you what we do
to b*tches like that.

Oh my god, it's the Toxic Avenger,Tromaville's famous creature of superhuman size and strength!

lf that's the Toxic Avenger,
where's his

ward and sidekick Fatass?

It's Lardass, punk!

Let's fight.

Toxie's got his head up his ass.

I've got my head up my ass.

Children, duck! Duck! No no no no!


No. You can't k*ll me Toxie.

You see this exploding timing device
on my chest?

You see that b*mb over there
in the corner?

Kiss your school goodbye.

Oh my God!

Five seconds after my heart stops
this school is nothin'

but dead tards and charred lard.


That's right! Kazinski said you'd
be here. Oh that's right!

Sergeant Tito Kazinski, Tromaville A*F.
Where do you think I got all these g*ns

in the first place anyway, huh?

He understands this world is full of
unthinking cattle that need to be

led into the new millennium
with a new order.

And the first step in the process is to

genetically mutated freaks and shit!

That' wasn't a nice thing to say.

Excuse me, miss Wiener

Toxie, you were always my best student


No Toxie! Don't let your Tromatons


Think Toxie, if his heart stops
the b*mb'll go off!

Aaaaagh! put it back in! Aaaaaaagh!

Ugh, there you go, good as new! Oh darn it.

Oh darn it.

Come on Toxie let's get these kids
out of

This building's about to explode!

This b*mb is now armed.
Detonation in T

This would be easier if I had a mop.

minus seconds.

These dr*gs are gonna blow my ass off

Whoa. What the?

Didn't your special helper tell you
that dr*gs are bad for you?

f*ck off super zero!

I’m just trying to act like
all the other cool cats my age.

Ahh! What's the deal Tox?

Well the deal is, I just can't standby

I’m not killin' myself
dr*gs k*ll my pain.

Being a teenager sucks.

Um, well

Being a Ret*rded teenager sucks worse.
dr*gs make it suck less.

You're pretty articulate for a
druggie special student.

What's articulatit?

Ahhh! Ummm! Come on!

No Toxie! Church and state must
remain separated!

Holy cow! Lardass, I have to go

Action sausage nunchuks
Deli style!

T minus seconds.

Oh Toxie hurry! Do you feel
what time it is?

Oh yeah, yeah, YEAH!
Ugh. Ooooh. Ungh.

Oh Toxie, in my blind eyes you are
the most beautiful man in the world.

I can't believe it's not butter!

You know Sarah, I have a good feeling
about the sex we had just now

I really think I got you pregnant.
Oh! What time is it?

Oh! Melvin what's gotten into you?

I know you're really excited about

the results of the pregnancy test
aren't you?

Umm yeah that's it Sarah

No Sarah I gotta get back to the school,
the special kids are in trouble

What am I to you anymore Melvin?
I feel like a giant ovary

with a hundred and ten pounds
of flesh attached. God!

Sarah, what are you saying?

That's not what it is at all.
I love you.

Well I just can't seem to understand
why Lardass can't do some of the

crimefighting by himself some of the time.

I know I know Lardass is all grown up
now, but when I made him my ward

all those years ago,
I promised him we'd be partners.

I know he's a big boy now
a really,

really big boy now but he's just
not to defend Tromaville on his own.

You go to your Lardass! Maybe he'll have

I love you Sarah.

Toxie's here!

Sgt. Kabukiman N.Y.P.D why aren't
you in there helping the Toxic Avenger?

I’m a New York City police officer
this is not my jurisdiction

besides Toxie suggested I stay out here
and stake out the area.

Yeah because I can guard everyone

out here with my amazing
oriental super powers

and so everyone should be safe outside
with me here behind this fence.

I think you should actually come
in here

T minus seconds.

Toxie, Toxie!
The b*mb is about to go off!

T minus second.

Thank heavens for my emergency

Come on kids.

Let's go, we have no time to waste!
We've got to evacuate the building.

You're dead. You? You're dead.

Let's get out of here!
Come on, let's go, move it!

T minus seconds,
the b*mb will now blow

Thank you for shopping at Kmart.

Lardass, what are you doing?
We've got to get out of here!

No Melvin, there's no time!

There are too many people in the
building, we'll never get them out.

Lardass, no! Don't eat the b*mb

Lardass, NO!

Even your superhuman stomach
can't contain it! Noooo!

What have I done?

It's ok, Toxie, sweetie loves you

Speak for yourself, biatch.
f*ck this man,

I’m outta here. Get outta my way pussies.

Oh Lardass!
My friend.

Alright men, ready, aim,

make g*ns go bang.

Alright men, move after him
and use extreme caution.

That lumpy headed bastard is dangerous.

Get in the car!!

Oh? Ok. I suppose I owe you a thanks.

Don't mention it boss,
I’m just glad I decided to stick around.

You just can't trust school
kids these days.

Crack deal?

Crack deal? Sgt. Kabukiman NYPD
what are you talking about?

Sgt? NYPD? What?


What's wrong with you, Noxie?

Are you selling the crack or
are you smoking it?


Shit! Hang on Noxie!


Did you see that? That was a stop sign!



What are

Those are police!

What's wrong with you Noxie?

You'd think you've never been
chased by the cops before.

I haven't.

Everybody back, everybody back,
just relax, stay calm.

Toxie you alright?
What happened in there?

Hey medics, get over here,
get Toxie over to the emergency ward.

You alright?

Come here!

Stay back everybody! He's armed.

What the hell did you do to the chief?

Wow! Go Toxie!

Toxie, what could've prompted this

vicious attack on the citizens of Tromaville'

No f*cking comment.

Here how bout some hand me downs.


Any final statement?

Shut your f*cking cake hole!

This doesn't look good.

No it doesn't f*ckin' look good.

We should do something

Do something like what? Did you see
what he just did to the f*ckin' chief?

f*ck that, I’m leavin'. Are you comin'?

Yeah, ok.

f*gg*t # meet f*gg*t # . Bingo!

Say it ain't so Toxie, say it ain't so.

Lt is so. Hold this fat ass. Oopsie daisy!

Coming up at =OO, Toxie kills
virtually everyone in Tromaville.

And our very own Josh Levinsky
gets jiggy with it.

Hang on Noxie, I can't pass this up.

Kabukiman! That was an illegal U turn!

Old Lady dead ahead!

This is an American made car.

Every time they flip feet in the air
and crash down,

they blow up! Let's get out of here.

God damn.
Oh Toxie!

Toxie, the children picked these for you.

Ah, go f*ck yourself.

What the hell is going on here?

What is going on indeed.
The events, which you are witnessing,

have proven my theories regarding
the truly fragile nature

of the space-time continuum.




As you can plainly see,
for every dimension,

there exists a diametric opposite of
that dimension. When two explosions

of equal mass occurred simultaneously,

the barrier between Tromaville, and
it's dimensional doppelganger,

Amortville, was weakened for a moment.
This breach caused the Toxic Avenger,

and his evil opposite the Noxious
Offender to enter each other's reality.

Well, that's pretty good for a shriveled
up cr*pple, who can't get it up.

That is it hell-bitch. I don't need to
take this shit from you.

My erectile dysfunction has been
resolved see. Thanks to the modern

miracle of penile implant it merely
takes a few squeezes of my scrotal

bubble to bring my once flaccid member
to a permanent state of tumescence

Now get over here and
I'll show you shriveled.

Unzip me, and you'll be happy to launch

I die, but my insane theories live on.

_ey Noxie! Where ya been? Long time no see

Hey Noxie, want some of this?

Ah No thank you.
Thanks for the offer but no.

What is this evil, evil place?

Toxie! Nice work at the school my friend.
You need a ride some place?

Grandma, grandma, grandma, grandma,
grandma, grandma, grandma

How am I supposed to smoke this crack
without a f*cking pipe?

f*ck off Spazmo, that's the deal.

But, but, but, the deal was the three
of you guys for a rock and a stem.

Look, look, look, you got your crack
right, right? Now, go smoke your shit,

and get out of here.
We'll try not to f*ck her up

too bad for you, okay?
Bu but but, that wasn't the deal

That's it. Now I’m going to have
to freak you.

Stop that right now.

Hey, hey Noxie. What's going on man?
You wanna help us beat up the Ret*rded

Or you, hey you wanna help us r*pe her?

Yeah, yeah.

Didn't you learn your lesson last time
I Disemboweled you, shoved your head

up your ass, and k*lled you
with your own diaper?

What? What? Huh?

Guess not.

Sweetie, are you okay?

The bad boys were trying to touch me.
Bad boys, bad boys.

They're gone now, everything is okay.
Keep calm you sweetie and honey.

What's your name little girl?

Sweetie Honey.

Uh, okay. Do you know where you live?
We gotta get you home.

I tried but, my home was gone.
Maplegrove Rd. Tromaville, New Jersey.

Just like Grandma said,
and it was gone.

And you? What the heck were you doing?

Looking for a crack pipe.
What did it look like I was doing?

Lt looked like you were selling
Sweetie Honey for dr*gs!

And it looks like I saved you
from a severe beating.

What are you doing here,
and where is your home?

Man, I don't have a home. I am a loner.
And Sweetie's house is gone,

just like she said.

That is ridiculous.
Come on, Sweetie Honey.

See kids, here's the dump, right where
I said it would be.

Now we'll go in my shack
and call your parents.

Parents? No parents, mom and dad died
and then Auntie Em took me in,

but Auntie Em hit me too much so then
nice lady took me to grandma.

Well, we'll call whoever, and Sarah
will make you some lunch, and

Where's my shack? It was right here.

See? I told you.

I don't think we're in Tromaville
anymore Toto.

Tito, my name is Tito.


What are you going to do now,
Mr. Kingshit?

I don't know. I really don't know.

I’m hungry. You said that I was
going to have lunch.

I’m really really hungry.

You want lunch too?

No, see I am a junkie, so I
don't have to eat. But boy am I thirsty,

do you have any whiskey or any booze?

Here you go kids, something to eat
and drink.

Eww, gross. This whiskey tastes
like pregnant lady's piss.

What kind of sandwich is this?

Congratulations Sorry you're pregnant.
You know, I don't know why on

the commercials, they say these
pregnancy tests are hard to read,

this seems pretty clear to me.
Oh my gosh, we did it! I’m gonna

A daddy?

Yeah, I made a baby.



I love babies.

Yes! Yes! Ha ha ha!

Wait a second, wait a second

I gotta find Sarah.

I gotta find out how to get home.
I gotta do something.

You gotta get me lunch.

Okay. I’m gonna figure out how
to get us home,

I’m gonna get you some lunch.

And uh.

and you two stay here.
Stay here?

Stay here.

Yeah, it's a lot safer here.

It's dangerous and unpredictable
out there.

So just stay here and I'll be back for
you just as soon as I can, okay? Bye.

Stay here, stay here, stay here.

Who does the Toxic Avenger think he is?
My parents? f*ck this place man,

I’m out of here.

No! Tito, you can't go. Toxie said
to stay here. He's over there,

and you're over there and we have
to stay here. Tito, no,

cause I don't want to be alone.
Cause Toxies goin' over there,

and you're goin' over there
and I have to stay here

and mommy and daddy ran away,

and Auntie Em was really mean,
and Uncle Bobby was really mean and

I don't want to be alone! Tito
I don't want to be alone!

Tito come back! Come back!

Okay, Okay.

Okay. You are giving me
a stomachache in my brain.

lf you don't want to be a lonesome
you have to come with me

but I am in charge
I make choices out here.


Let's go. I am in charge.

Thanks Tito. Will you hold my hand.

That's okay. Please hold my hand.

You know Toxie I used to think that
you were one of those namby pamby

p*ssy-footin' mother f*ckers.
You know one of those bleeding heart

heroes that's always makin'
my job difficult.

But you're actually a bad guy.
You're all right.


Uh oh. You better split Toxie.
This press conference is about you.

I'll hang around and
see what the deal is,

then we'll meet at your house later.
Go on.

My place?
Go go go.

Oh lick my balls. Mother fucker.
Jesus f*cking H. Christ. f*ck.

I never trusted Toxie!

I knew he was bad from day one!

That's my husband you're talking about.
He loves you people!

Bullshit! We all loved Chief Newman.
Face it! Toxie's gone mad!


Wait! Wait Everybody!

Toxie saved me and my unborn child
from the b*mb. Toxie's a hero!

Hero's don't double amputate
police chiefs

and hurl twelve-year-old children
into brick walls!

Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!

Please. Please. Quiet down folks.
Let's get down to the Lord's work.

We all saw the Toxic Avenger k*ll,
not only our beloved police chief,

but innocent bystanders as well.

So, we've got to bring him in.
For questioning!

Not shot by some
vigilante citizens group.

Fear not citizens!

I have assembled the only team capable
of bringing him in.

Super Heroes, united one and all,
to protect Tromaville.

And I thank God for it.

Now to introduce them

first, please put your hands together
and give the clap to The Vibrator.



Our next superhero protects creatures
of the ocean.

Please give a warm Tromaville
welcome to Dolphin Man!

Unfortunately, there's not much water
here so Dolphin Man is pretty useless.

But, we have somebody stronger,
more powerful, much better looking.

Who are they going to bring out next?
A cow that walks upright?

Please welcome Mad Cowboy!

Jesus Christ!

Now, when rock super star
Mastur G

and mild mannered
sex offender John Bator

went into the same faulty elevator

little did they realize that they would
emerge as one man

a man that could fight crime with

shear repulsion and bad rhyming.

Please give a warm welcome to combined
Mastur G and John Bator


Yeah, yeah, yeah. I’m the masturbator,
the freaky palm god.

[...] my egg nog. Look out
Here it comes, here it comes,

it's comin' up Tromaville.
Yeah, ooh, ooh hoo. Here I go, yeah.

And now, last but not least,
the man to beat the man,

the creme De la creme

the greatest superhero of all
please welcome Sgt. Kabukiman NYPD

Thank you mayor.
Thank you very much sir. Thank you.

I just want to assure every citizen
of Tromaville that

Sgt Kabukiman, NYPD, can single-handedly...
that I can end Toxie's reign of terror

What a dumbass.

Why, I could take him out with
my heat seeking chopsticks,

or, or I could suffocate him with my
computerized bite sushi,

or burn him, burn him with my
pyro projectile parasols.

I have many more to take him out, but
I don't think that will be necessary,

Toxie will come in on his own.
He was just having a bad day.

We all have bad days! You know,
maybe we don't go around ripping

off the arms of the police chief, and
bash priests and cops in the heads with

Thank you!

He's probably bi-polar. Abraham
Lincoln was bi-polar and what did he do?

He freed the slaves.

So you see, if we just sit back, relax,

everything will come to a
peaceful Kabuki conclusion.

Thank you Kabukiman well as you can see
Tromaville is in very capable hands.

This concludes our press conference.

Now, the moment you've all been
waiting for= the puppet show.

f*cking metal ball, f*cking grass,
f*cking street, f*cking fence,

f*cking fat girl.

Toxie? Toxie, I’m your biggest fan!!

That's great.

Even a simple crack whore like me,
working her way through art school,

can appreciate the finer aspects of you.

Where is my house?

Maybe we should follow the signs.

Hmm, Toxie's Shack

The plastique palace.

That's me!

That's just wrong.

Hold on!

Oh sh**t! There goes one of his arms.
Oh, poor baby.

Oh yeah. Look at that. Oh, he got

He's a little bitty boy.

You see that thing runnin' after us
with the mop?

I don't know, man, but he sure is ugly!

C'mon step on it, let's go!

He's getting mighty close.

Oh no, he's jumping into the back
of the car.

Stop, you! Stop the car!

What the good g*dd*mn was that!?
What're we gonna do?

What're we gonna do?
Will you say something?

Aaaah! I’m afraid, I’m afraid!

Get away from me, please please,

I was only kiddin'! Please, no,
don't attack me, please!

Hey ugly, ugly

come here!

Gee, I’m really sorry you
lost your body.

It's ok ugly hero, it hurts but
I've been through worse.

You know a black man in America
gets used to having nobody behind him.

I guess I just got nobody at all

Hey, what are we gonna do about
that crazy ass white boy up there?

Well, I know what we can do
with that mutha fucker.

White power! White Power! White power!

Hey boys I brought you a present.

White Power!
Hey, don't you recognize me?

White Power! White Power!
What you doin?

That was fun. Thanks again for saving
my life super guy. Hey my name's Pompey.

Pleased to meet you Pompey, I’m Toxie.

Well here we are Pompey,

the Plastique Palace.

Oh yeah dude, you don't got to give me
the play by play,

just get me my body back.

Will do.

Mr. Offender

Oh I thought you were inspecting
the hot dog factory today.

It's not the penile implant, is it?

No no no!

I mean, um no! Everything's fine
with the uh penile implant.

But will you fix my friend here?

Oh hey, how ya doing there?

Pretty ugly.

I can hear that bitch!
Who you calling ugly?

Get my f*cking head out of this
bag here and just give me

my body back alright?

I think we can take care of it!


ls that what you do here? Give me a new
body. I mean build me one.

Think you can give me one of those
bionic bodies or something like that.

Get me a new body, alright?

Hotdog parts.
Yes ma'am.

You make a brother into a hotdog?
You lucky I ain't got my feet!

I'd kick yo ass!

I’m really hungry. I’m really hungry.
Ok Ok. You are so annoying!

No wonder everybody hates
Ret*rded people!

I’m really hungry.
Hungry hung Ry hungry hungry hung Ry.

Hey, lets go to the office and f*ck!

C'mon let's get you some hot dogs.

Hot dogs! I really love hot dogs,
Hot dogs.

Aaaah! Help me! Help me!

So that's how they make hot dogs.

I’m never eating hot dogs again.

Get me out of this bucket of body parts
and help me find my real body.

Help me, oh my God!

Hey, buddy

can you spare some change
for an out of work particle physicist?



f*ck you, Mr. Lumpyhead!

I can't believe you're alive!
I thought you were dead.

First of all, my name's not Lardass,

it's Chester.
I resent the implication.

Secondly, I wish I was dead.

I was a scientist, one of the
greatest in the world,

and now I’m reduced to being
the greatest cocksucker in the world.

Without my Claire, life is meaningless.

Hey, that's my wife!

ls that what you call her?

So you're really not my Lardass?

I’m not Lardass, I’m Chester!

I’m just a common street whore
who happens to know

the key to inter-dimensional travel.

Inter-dimensional travel?

The ability to travel
between dimensions.

And then my Claire was kidnapped,
by your g*ons, evil crime Lord.

Then I just gave up the project,
gave up my life as I knew it.

But what do you care? To you I’m just
a little piece of human shit

another life shattered by your evil reign.

Another story to tell your cronies
while sitting up in your mansion

up there blocks up on the right.

What's the matter? My lips aren't sweet
enough for your toxic testicle nectar?

Don't worry, Chester, I'll be back.

Well when you come back
you'd better bring cash or pastries

or you're not gonna get to touch this ass.

Melvin, is that you?
I heard what happened at school today.

You can hear?

Of course I can hear.

I was so worried about you.

After all, our soon to be baby
needs a daddy.

And look at the little baby outfit
I made, there's even a little mop.

Wait. You're pregnant?

Well, yeah I’m pregnant.


your hands,

they're so soft.

Oooh, your manly chest,
it's not quite so manly anymore.

Umm, I've been eating a lot of
melons lately.

Oooh, Melvin! Somehow your wiener has
miraculously turned into a vag*na.

What's going on around here?

Just relax.

It's good for our relationship,

it's good for the baby.

Yeah, ok. Whooo!

Yeah, it's good for the baby, baby.

I don't know what Noxie
sees in this bitch, anyways.

ass is so much sweeter than hers! Where is _

Noxie, hey baby!

Get off me, you

Cock chugging masochist!

Look you pervert, just get get off!

Woo, ok, it's time for the rough stuff.
I'll be right over here, Noxie.

Excuse me, madam.

Claire, wake up, wake up, Claire.
Rise and shine, come on.

Don't worry, we'll get you outta
here in a jiffy.



Wait a second,

you can see?

Of course I can see, stupid.

You're deaf?

What is this, some kind joke?

I wish I took those sign language
classes at Tromaville Community College.

Well, that's ok. I can read lips,
you dirty dumb dumb dumb ass!

What's a matter? Why don't you
r*pe me r*pe me and beat me beat me

like you usually do,
you f*ckin' pervert!

Fill my chocolate starfish
with your chunky, chunky d*ck snot.

Come on, come and do it now.
Come and get it over with.

No, no. Hold it, hold it,
you don't understand.

Yeah. Oooooh, yeah.


It's expl*sive.

Well ladies, now that you're
all warmed up,

are your chocolate starfish ready
for my chunky d*ck snot?

Oh my God,

get that thing away from me!

Where you going?

Where did the lovely lady go?

You're about to find out all the
answers to all your questions.

Look, not that I can't,
but I’m married.

Will you get off!?

I’m trying, damn it!

Claire Claire

Look Claire, look, I know I may look
like that Noxie character,

but I’m not him.
I’m totally different.

What's a-matter, did I do
something wrong? Have I been a bad girl?

I'll do anything you want.

Just don't hurt me no more!

Chester sent me.


I’m your daddy now.

I’m about to have your abortion.

Better not be another
Jehovah's witness.

f*ck off! Oh, it's you.

Toxie, I've got a little proposition
for you.

What say we take a little ride?

Ok. Wait, can we stop for ice cream?

Hey, hold it right there, Noxie!

What's wrong with you man? You're

and now what? Takin' the sex sl*ve
out for a romantic dinner?

I don't know what's gotten
into you, but it's not right.

Now why don't' you take that slut
back to the pit where she belongs

and come with me.
We've got something to discuss.

What the f*ck!?

[...] Well listen to this!

Run Claire Run!

I knew it.

I knew something was wrong. You're not
the real Noxie after all, are you?

That may be,

but I know Sgt. Kabukiman NYPD
and you sir are no Sgt, Kabukiman NYPD.

in his special piece
about lesbians titled

Strappin' it on and getting
up over in there.

Lord, Jesus, Mother Mary, you up there.
It's me, Mayor Goldberg of Tromaville.

Rootin' around.

Hey, I know where I’m gonna be at .
Hey, that's appointment TV!

I really really need you. Lord,
I need a sign, just any sign,

just to show me that you're here
for the people of Tromaville.

Please Lord, just just any sign
just a sign. Please any sign.

Oh well, thanks for taking the
time to listen.

I feel better for asking.

Coming up at , Mayor Goldberg out
Toxie in.

Toxie? Toxie?

What? Who's there?

Look, my name ain't Mister Head, man,

it's Pompey.
Oh, Pompey, it's very

nice to meet you. My name is Tito.

Yah how you doin', Tito?

Pompey, lets make a deal.

lf you chew through my ropes,

I won't let you become meat product, ok?

Shit, that sounds like a plan to me,

Tito. Come here.

Chew, chew, Pompey! Chew like the wind!

Chew Pompey, but hurry or else you'll

become Pompey headcheese...

Wha! Not headcheese, no!

Almost.... Alright, got it

Come get me, get me.

f*ck this man, I’m outta here.

Me too! Me too! Help! Me too! Me too!

Ok, ready, here we go.

Wait Tito! Toxie needs help.

No! No no no!

What do I do?

You big Ret*rded p*ssy!

You better get your ass over there

and help that Ret*rded girl.

You go girl! You hit him!

Hit him again! He'll survive that.

You get him, Ret*rded girl.

Work it out.

Come, we gotta get out of here.

Dead end. Dead end. Dead end.

Toxie, we've got to go.

Oh no, no no. What happened?

Kabukiman's coming. We've got to go.

Come on, let's go, let's go.
Jump, chickenshit. C'mon Let's go.

I don't want to go I don't want to go.


Damn they're very slowly getting away

Oh Well, f*ck'em.

Tromaville news on the march.

Mayor Goldberg, Tromaville's liberal

kubla khan, dead at .

What is to become of Tromadu?


What will happen to the stately

pleasure dome he built with the

taxpayers money?

Tromadu, where man and beast play,

and women play with each other.

Tromadu, haven to the artsy

and to the fartsy,

and who can forget the

interpretive dancers?

People are letting it all hang out

at one of the famous Tromadu

grotto parties.

Look here, it's the Toxic Avenger,

Tromaville's newest mayor.

Mr. Toxie, how did you find cultural

conditions in Tromaville?

With great difficulty.

Hey Toxie, what do you make of this

easy on the eyes Jackson Pollack-esque

painting here?


well I guess everyone's a critic.

Look at these young lovers, enjoying

the bounteous pleasures at Tromadu.

I could die in these breasts.

Cupid strikes again.

And so does Toxie.

That's what I call a facelift.
Looking good, Toxie.

At Tromadu,
Toxie is always ahead in the polls,

or a pole in the head.

Whoopsie daisy.

Uh oh, the party's over says Toxie.

Wow. It looks like Toxie's
really tuckered out.

Uh, What's that on your face, Toxie?
Nose blood.

Toxie promises his first action
as mayor will be to k*ll

all those goofy superheroes,
especially Kabukiman.

Oh my gosh, we're doomed.
We're doomed.

We're gonna die.

Wait, we getting all chicken, it's
about time we do some evil ass kickin'.

That's really nice, Masturbator,

but f*ck that.
I’m not going to die, not in Jersey.

Now I’m getting the hell out of here.

My God, I never thought of it
that way before.

Now let's save Tromaville.


Go Mad Cowboy.
Go Dolphin Man.

Go Masturbator. Speed it up Vibrator.

I’m cominggggggg!!!!

That Kabuki-f*gg*t ran away.

I kicked his ass good.

I guess that takes

well I guess that

I guess

I guess that takes care of that.

I, Sgt. Kabukiman NYPD am a failure.
I suck.

My arm is broken.

My leg is all f*cked up.

And I gotta pee like a race horse.

Where's the hospital?

Aaaaww shite!

This ain't no f*ckin' hospital!

It's not the fuckin hospital!

Hey, ya got a pisser in here?

Cause' I've gotta pee real bad.
Yes I do.

Oh my Gosh,

who could do such a thing
to a defenseless,


exceedingly attractive woman like that?

I must,

I must free her, yeah.

Here I come, Kabukiman to the rescue.

Hold on there damsel in distress.

Your hero is about to arrive, to save.

I’m here to rescue you.

Just grab these knots.

Undo these knots.

This knot.

This is not easy.

Have a pie.

See ya tomorrow?

Alright, alright, who's next?

Claire is that you?

Oh Chester.

Claire! I though you were dead!

I was dead without your love.

I dreamt of you every single night.


the r*pe, the t*rture, the corn holing
that fucker Noxie put me through.


Oh my darling look what he
did to your face.

That doesn't matter now.

All that matters is that I’m here

with you.

Oh Chester!

Ooh Yea!

Do you remember the cheese?

I saved the cheese for you, Claire.

I've been waiting so long to
cut the cheese for you, Claire.

Oh Claire, I love you.

You're pregnant!

That's wonderful doctor!

You're pregnant with two babies.

Two babies!?

From what appears to be two
completely different fathers.

And that's preposterous!

That must be


and evil.


Well what can I do about that doctor?

Well I’m glad you asked that question.


Oh lovely, just like that. Thank you.

What I have done is extracted the actual
fluid from the feti inside your body.

This is the good fluid,
this is the evil fluid.

You can tell because it's red.

Now, inside your body you
have to make a choice

because these two right, they're
fighting, fighting, fighting.

One will win, and eventually
this is what it will look like.

That sizzles.

That will be you.

The choice is very simple
and clearly yours.

Either A, you can choose to explode,
or B, you can choose to abort.

Explode or abort.
What does one do?!

I'll have to think about that, doctor.

Ponder not too long because actually
you only have about two or three hours

until this whole process takes place.

Melvin, where are you!?

Doctor, don't you think it's time you
removed the thermometer from my behind?

Well, let me check.

Tromaville Abortion Clinic,
may I help you?

I’m sorry but the doctor's
still in the topless bar,

uh, I mean an appointment.

Would you like his voicemail?

Choose life or die!
Choose life or die!

Choose life or die!
Choose life or die!

Choose life or die!

Woah, it sure is hot out here today.

Excuse me,

is this the line for
the family planning?


Burn in hell, abortion bitch!

At least this sweet gentle rain
will cool things off today.

Oh my goodness!

Oh my goodness, sweetie, look at you!

Quick we gotta get you in the wash ASAP.
Careful. We'll take good care of you.

Well, I’m really only here
to weigh my options.

Options? Oh we've got lots of options!

Let's see, first we open up your
vag*na with this speculum,

and take this instrument,
a little sort of like a harpoon,

and we can shove on in and

Why, what's the matter, my dear?

I think I'm going into labor.

Oh my goodness, we better abort
in a hurry, Doctor Cassidy!

What seems to be the problem,
Miss Scraper?

This young lady needs to be
De-foetused, stat!

Ah, an excellent choice, my dear.
And so much better for the children,

I’m sure you'll agree.

Now let's just take a tiny
little listen, ok?

Whoa, my, my, that one is lively,
isn't it.

That f*ckin' speculum, I told you to
put the mother-fucker away!

That speculum! I told you to put that speculum away!
I said: would you please put that speculum away.

There's a case
for the speculum!


My anus!
My f*ckin' butthole!

Call a doctor!

Tromaville Abortion Clinic,
may I help you?

I’m sorry but the doctor just
died of rectal hemorrhaging.

Would you like his voicemail?

It's alright, it's ok.

It's ok Toxie.

Look! I told you he'd be here!

Claire says that she knew
you'd be here, in this dump!

It's the only place I know.

We'd like to thank you again,
for bringing us back together.

Yes, thank you.

So come on, let's get you out of here.

What's the point?

I mean I belong here in the dump with
the garbage and the rotting food.

You seem to have forgotten something.

I’m a physicist. When I said I was
gonna get you out of here,

I meant this dimension!


Come on.

Come on.

Let's go.
We Go

A scientific comrade of mine was
recently k*lled in a freak accident,

and he bequeathed me his
entire laboratory, and all of his insane
theories about inter-dimensional travel.


I hope you don't mind the mess.

Um, no, I didn't even notice it.

Now let's get you back to Tromaville.

I think I've got it, Toxie.

I've found the key to
inter-dimensional travel

in this seldom read scientific tome.

Please tell me it doesn't
involve exploding

a school full of special children.

No, it's much simpler.

You see Toxie, You've had the power
to go home this whole time.

These will help you find your way.

Oy gevalt.


The operating procedures
are quite simple.

All you have to do is think of home
and click your heels three times.

You may have to try this
more than once.

Inter-dimensional travel is not
an exact science.

You might find yourself in Heaven.

Or you might find yourself on a
's gay porno set.


Upsy daisy.

Come on, Tito.
Come on, Tito, hop up.

I’m not going.

What do you mean you're not going?

Tito, come on, we've got to go
back to

We don't belong here.

I don't belong anywhere.

But as long as there are people
like evil mabuki pagoop

Kabukiman running around, I must stay
and protect the citizens of Amortville.

I have become the Ret*rded Revenger!

Don't forget about your sidekick, Pompey,

the baddest bodyless mother-fucker
in all of Amortville.

I want you to have this,
in memory of Lardass.

Actually, Tito, you've already
made me proud.

My man

I will miss you,

Toxic Avenger.

I'll miss you too, Tito.

can I have my blanket?


There's no place like Tromaville.
There's no place like Tromaville.

There's no place like Tromaville.

Uh Oh What's
What the What the

Owch Ow Ooh!
I never felt


Alfred Jones


Jeffrey Smith


Bill Gullow


God, I kinda think they invented
a cure for that one.

Goddammit! Well that's alright.

Every time they come up with a cure
for one disease,

I come up with something
even more deadly!

AIDS. Now that was a good one!


Yeah, what do you want?

We just wanna go home.

You bastard!
What do you wanna go home for!?

This is Heaven!
This is the best place around!


God, I think this is the
Toxic Avenger, he's from Tromaville.

Alright, you can go back to Tromaville,

but you gotta do me two favors!

First you gotta kick the asses
of all the murderers and child rapists!


And, you tell the pope, stop talking
about me, he doesn't know me.

He's an assh*le and tell him
his hat looks f*cking stupid.

Uh, yes sir
Get outta here.

Alright God! You're awesome!

All those other super human heroes
would've died anyways.

Now I've got Toxie's shack,

we're drinkin' we got some bimbos
on the way, it's all good.

There's no place like Tromaville.
There's no place like Tromaville.

Noxie he's gonna k*ll.
Oh what do I do?

I just had the weirdest dream!
And Sgt. Kabukiman NYPD you were there.

Except you were evil
and you kicked my ass.

And you!

You weren't there.

And you!

You weren't there either.

Who are you guys? What're you
doing in my shack?

Don't hurt me.

Kabuk, where's Sarah? What's going on?
What happened to you?


Toxie is that really you?
Is that the real you?

Yeah it's me.

Oh thank God,

Hey you've gotta stop yourself,
the evil version of you.

You've gone power mad.

The evil version of me?

Sweetie Honey!

Then it wasn't a dream!

Where's Sarah?

I saw her at the hospital.

She's been kidnapped by the evil
Toxic Avenger, the evil you, and

Wait, you don't wanna go in there.
It's all sealed up tight now

and they got a shit load of guards
and they all know kung fu and

Ok, ok.

We've got to get the other heroes
of Tromaville and storm the hospital!

They're all dead.

All of them?

Even Dolphin Man?

Oh yeah.

Alright, well then it's
up to the two of us.

C'mon, let's go.

Ok, I'll catch up with ya.
I'll be right there. Just gonna

What's your name?

Sweetie Honey.
I’m a big girl too.

Oh yes you are, Here would you
like a drink?

Yes, fight my son, Fight!

How long!?

I’m not sure.

Very well. If you need me I'll be
in the snack bar having nachos.

Kazinsky, we may have a problem.

What is it?
I’m due for my nose job.

I think Toxie's good again!

What misfortune.

Toxie, come in! Videhauffer says
you've turned good again!

What the hell is that?

Go check it out.

And make sure whatever he's talking
about doesn't make it to this floor!

I've gotta find Sarah!

lf there only were a giant map
like they have at the mall.

Tromaville Hospital!

Oh hello

let's see, I’m in here

and Noxie is here

and uh let's see here

armed guards that want
to k*ll me are here.

Oh No! Now I've got AIDS!

I've got to get out of here.

I've got to get out of here.


You blew up a school filled
with special children.

What's inside your head?

Let's find out shall we?

No, Toxie, no!



Yeah, I f*cked her.


Not only am I gonna k*ll you,
I’m gonna r*pe your virgin ass first.


I don't have to fill my body
with plastics and silicone!

My eye is real!


My d*ck is real!

And my colon is real
and my large intestine is real.

And my pancreas is real!

And my duodenal ulcer is real!

Most importantly

so is my heart.





I’m you.

I’m you.

Gimme a hug!
Oh Melvin.

Oh you're beautiful.

Sorry sorry sorry sorry.

I’m sorry. I’m sorry.

What is wrong with you?

That's what's wrong with me.
I’m from the other side.

Don't you know that?

Gimme some!

That's it.

I'll be back, mother-fucker!
If there's a sequel

I'll be back!

Sarah, it's ok honey, I’m here.

Oh Melvin, I’m so glad you're back.


ls there a doctor in the house?

Anyone, someone?

Oh my God

she's hemorrhaging!

No no, this is just d*ck tissue.

Hello? Hello?


Tonight at , bad Toxie goes out
good Toxie in.

And congratulations Toxie,
we heard it's a boy.

Hey, all right.
Also at

our very own Josh Levinsky

will be taking some of our local
super heroes shopping for tights.

He's a beautiful, big,
bouncing baby boy!

Sixty pounds and four ounces.

Oh, he is beautiful.

He looks just like you!

Oh, hey Ms. Wiener.

I just really wanted to thank you
for saving me and my beautiful baby


She looks just like her mother.

And I've also brought the special
students in to thank you, too.

Come on in kids.

Hey Sweetie.


we made this award for you
cause you're an alumnus

of the Tromaville School
for the Very Special

and you're very special.

Wow. Thanks kids.

And Toxie, I want you to have
the blanky for the baby,

cause I’m a very big girl now
and I don't need it.

Are you sure?

Just ask Sgt. Kabukiman.

Hey hey hey!

Hey! Sgt. Kabukiman NYPD,
my best friend.

How ya feelin'?

Not too bad.

Doctors say my arm and leg should
be healed in a couple of weeks.

I just can't wait to get the
stitches removed from my anus.

Anus anus anus anus anus anus!

Knock knock.

Pompey, you got a new body,
you're just not a head anymore.

Buddy I don't know who Pompey is, but you gonna
talk about bodies now you got some body on you!

Now we could talk about head
and all that stuff later,

but are you ready to meet your
other new child?

Wait a minute, another child?

The evil baby!

I think a child is as much a product
of his environment as anything.

And I think we have enough love to
raise any kid as a good kid.

Well, if you think so, Melvin.

Yeah, a real American family
for the new millennium.


Now let's take a peek.



Hey, cute kid.


Toxie, Toxie, I can explain.

I was drunk, she was tied down.

I forgot to zip up.

Alright, later.

Due to the depletion of the ozone layer

and the careless dumping of
hazardous nuclear waste

thousands of people
find themselves trapped

in an evil parallel universe every year
and the numbers are rising.

This film is respectfully dedicated
to those who have lost their lives

facing down their own
evil doppelgangers.

So if you find yourself thrust into an
alternate reality look to the horizon

One hideously deformed creature of
superhuman size and strength

will be there.

Yes dear reader he'll be there.
He's the Toxic Avenger.

And please don't forget to recycle
your bottles and cans.

This just in Jesus out, Satan in.

And I for one worship the dark lord.

Yeah I do,

You guys get together
and have worship?

We do. Actually this Sunday we're
having a calf slaughtering

at the ninety second street Y,

and our very own Josh Levinsky
will be running a cake walk

and then we're going to sacrifice him.


That's amazing.
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