Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer (2007)

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Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer (2007)

Post by bunniefuu »

Last night, the FAA was
forced to ground all aircraft,

leaving thousands stranded

when electronic failures
and mysterious power outages

crippled the west of United States.

But the big story today,

the much-anticipated wedding

of fantastic couple

The wedding of Reed
Richards and Susan Storm,

will take place this Saturday.


Just there are bizarre anomalies
are occurring all over the world,

defying every known law of physics

and all the media
want to know about is,

what China pattern Sue
and I picked out.

But which ones did you pick?

The blue ones with them little flowers?

I really liked them.

Excuse me, would you mind?

It's happening again, isn't it?

Yeah, sure.


We are not postponing
anything, not this time.

This is gonna be the wedding
you always dreamed of,

and I'm not gonna let anything
get in the way of that.

Not even the mysterious transformation
of matter at the subatomic level.

That's the most romantic thing
you've ever said to me.

Which is really pathetic,
when you think about it.

Dr. Richards?

I'm very sorry, but it seems
we're overbooked.

But we do have some seats
available in coach though.

Ok, here we go.



Look, Mom!

Hey. Let me get one more.

That should be fine.

That's my seat.


Excuse me.

What do you guys think
about trying to get an

endorsement from an airline?

Get us a private jet?

I think we have enough
endorsement deals already.

That's funny.

No, but seriously.

Reed it could help you subsidize
all your little inventions.

No, thanks.
Excuse me.

Consider it.

I'll talk to you guys later.
Johnny, where are you going?

I don't fly coach.

I hope it rains.

The snoxfall came with no warning,
no temperature changes,

and covered the pyramids
in inches of snow.

And in Japan, some else suggesting
the solidification of the bay

was due to underwater
volcanic activity.

Although no such activity
has been reported in the area.

Scientists have ruled
out global warming,

as the cause of the
extraordinary climatic events

being reported around the globe.

With scientists unable to explain
the extraordinary events,

some are beginning to wonder
if the hand of God is at work.

Now in other news,

Reed Richards
and Susan Storm's wedding,

has Manhattan all abuzz.

The guest list includes
many of New York's power elite.

Hey, honey.

The city's trying to charge us for three
squad cars they say we destroyed...

this during that armored car robbery.


I only remember two
squad cars getting thrown.


Alright, alright, alright.
I'm putting it away.

You were saying?

I have a fitting in half an hour.

The musicians after that.

I haven't picked out the
place settings or the flowers.

There's too much to do.

Hey. Don't worry about it.

I'm sure between the two of us,
we'll get it all done.

And what were you doing
when I just walked in?

I was inputting my to-do list.


Scout's honor.

Hey, guys.

The new uniforms just showed up.

What do you think?

I think there is no way
we're wearing that, Johnny.

What do you have against capitalism?

What's this?

Just a little hobby of mine.

Would it make a good toy,
or is it something...


A little of both.

You know, I've always been both
impressed and disgusted at that.


Sue says I'm addicted to it.

I wonder why she'd say that.

Hey, Johnny.

Keep it quiet but...

I've cross-referenced and
analyzed the global disturbances.

They're being caused by cosmic radiation
not unlike the kind which gave us our powers.

That's really boring.

So listen,

I have a very important wedding
issue we need to talk about.

Yeah, of course.

Your bachelor party.

No. Seriously, Johnny.


Focus testing showed that
Johnny skewed a little young.

Seriously Johnny, no bachelor party.

It's not my kind of thing.

Then do it for Ben.

It means a lot to the big guy.
You're gonna break his heart.

He does have some
sort of rock like heart, doesn't he?

I've got too much to do
before the wedding,

Frankly, I think Sue might have
a problem with it.

You know what Sue
would have a problem with?

If somebody told her,

that you were actually investigating,

global disturbances
and cosmic radiation,

instead of focusing on the wedding,

like you promised.

A bachelor party could be fun.

But no exotic dancers.

This is it?

I don't know anybody here.

I would have invited some of your friends,
but you don't have any.


Johnny, we had a deal.

They're not exotic dancers.

They're just hot.

You're Mr. Fantastic, aren't you?

That's so awesome.

You're really cute.

I'm gonna need a pitcher with
the biggest handle you've got.

No problem.

Good evening,
and welcome to the Baxter...

Could I help you?

No, you can't use that elev...

Ms. Storm will be with your shortly.


Thanks, Roberta.

May I help you?

We're here to see Dr. Richards.

I'm sorry. He's not here right now.

Is there anything I can help you with?


You can take me to see Dr. Richards.



When the universe began,
it was no bigger than a marble.

Then, bang!

It exploded.

And in a trillionth of a second...

it expanded exponentially to what
became the universe we know today.

You're really smart.

Well, thanks, Candy.
That means a lot to me.

I love this song. Wanna dance?

Oh no, I don't really.
Yes, you do.

No, no, honestly.
Come on, you'll be great.

I don't want to embarrass you guys.

Just loosen up.

Have some fun.

That's it.


That's it.

Guy really knows how to loosen up.

You're not kidding.

There he is.



For him.

Shall we?

Think it might be clobbering time.


What are you...

General Hager.

Let's talk somewhere private.

Unless you need to do Jell-O sh*ts
off someone's stomach.

I was just explaining to the girls about...

how the big bang led to...

This was Johnny's idea. I just...

went along.

How does Reed know the general?

A few years back, the guy was trying
to push a new m*ssile defense system.

Reed testified that the technology
would not work.

I'm only here Richards, because I'm under
direct orders from the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

Personally, I don't like the idea of sharing,

sensitive information
with a civilian scientist.

Especially one who enjoys the...

public spotlight so much.

Always a pleasure
to see you too, general.

What can I do for you?

As you may know, there have been recent
unusual occurrences all over the world.

Officially, we've downplayed
their significance to the public,

but we're concerned that these...


might pose a credible threat
to our national security.

These were taken by one of our
spy satellites three days ago.

What is it?

We were hoping Dr. Richards
could tell us.

I'm afraid I've never seen anything like it.


Well, I would say that it was a meteor,
but the trail's all wrong.

This thing's giving off its own energy.

Take a look at this.

These have been appearing
in remote areas throughout

the world since the events started.

Field personnel estimate its diameter
to be meters.

If we're gonna find out
what this is all about,

we need a way to locate
and intercept that object.

It'd be possible to build a sensor,

tie it into the Baxter
building satellite grid

and we can pinpoint
the exact location of the object.

Good, so then you'll build
the sensor for us,

we'll tie that to the...
I'm afraid I can't.


You see, I'm getting married
this Saturday.

I just don't have the time.


your country needs your help.

Look, why don't you call
Professor Jeff Wagner?

He's head of the Physics
Department at Brown.

I'm sure he can help you.

I expected more, Richards.

Even from you.

John Storm,

Fantastic Four lncorporated.

You ever done any
professional modeling?

Not interested.

Because you got
an amazing complexion.

Not interested.

And you...

just walked away.

I was definitely still talking.

I can't believe you just turned down
a science project.

They can build a sensor without me.

The most important thing right now
is our wedding.

No postponements. No interruptions.

Thank you.

And look,

about what you saw back at the bar...

Don't worry about it.

I know you.

I'm glad you had fun.

Thank you.


it was nothing compared to what
I did at my bachelorette party.

Talk about wild.


Come on.

Hey, what are you doing up here?

Nothing. Just...

needed some air.

You're making that thing
for the general, aren't you?

I'm guessing Susie
doesn't know anything about it.

Don't worry,

my lips are sealed.

That is, they would be if I had any.

Look, don't tell Johnny.

Don't tell Johnny what?


Are you building that thing?

No, it's...

If Sue finds out, you'll get
an invisible kick in the nuts.

Hey, hey. We're
keeping this quiet.

I know.

Don't worry.

They're calling it the
wedding of the century.

Reed Richards and Susan Storm...

also know as Mr. Fantastic
and the Invisible Woman,

will try again to tie the knot today
in a ceremony in New York.

Look at these parasites.


Have they no shame?

Hey! Hey, listen!

Listen, everybody!

This is a very special
day for my sister,

probably the most
important day of her life.

So I just want to say to you guys,

please respect our privacy.

Come on, Johnny.

I'm just kidding.

We're auctioning off
the exclusive wedding photos,

to the highest bidder, so go online,

and place your bids. Thank you.

Johnny, are you planning...

So, what's it take to date
the Human Torch?

Fireproof lingerie and a lot of aloe.

Thank you.

Are you alright?
How are you?

Invitation, sir?

I should be on that list.

Stan Lee.

Yeah, nice try, buddy.

No, really. I'm Stan Lee.
Nice try.

This isn't how I imagined it.

It never is.

No Alicia,

it just doesn't feel right.


I think even superheroes are allowed
to have wedding-day jitters.

It's more than that.

Is my life always gonna be a circus?

Do we really want to raise kids
in all this?

Face it, we're not exactly normal.

Ben and I aren't normal...

but we don't let it
get in the way of us being happy.

Do you love Reed?

More than I've ever loved anyone.

Then you have nothing
to worry about.

Thank you.


Oh, great.

I've got a zit.

Have you got any make-up?

No, no, I got it.

There, crisis averted

Now all I have to do is concentrate on
that area continuously for the next hours.

Reed, come on.

You're gonna miss your own wedding.

Just a minute.

Almost done.


I'm putting the sensor online...



If there is a surge in cosmic radiation,

anywhere on the planet,
you'll know about it.

Let's hope so, Richards.

We've already gotten reports
of two more craters.

Here comes the bride

Alright, alright, alright,
just linking it to my P.D.A.


that's it.

Good, that's great.

Now shave and put on your tux.

You're getting married
and you look like a bum.



I'm getting married.

Oh, jeez.

I'm getting married.

I heard of getting cold feet...


Hey, Johnny.

Does that amaze anyone else?

How did she know it was me?
I didn't say anything!

Well to be honest,
you kind of smell like ash.

You're late.

Let's not make today about me.

It's Reed and Sue's big day.

Let's give them the attention
for a change.

Don't do that.

Ok, you're perfect.
You're perfect.

I'll see you upstairs.

Bye, Johnny.

So, it seems like you
and Alicia are doing well.

Annoyingly so, in fact.

Yeah, I'm a lucky guy.

Yeah, you are.

Question for you, though.

How do you guys...

That's none of your business!
Ok. Alright, I'm just concerned

I'd hate to wake up one morning and
find out she was k*lled in a rock slide.

I'll show you a rock slide!

What are you?

Thank you.


You should not tease him so much..

It was a joke.

I don't know,

I think it bothers you to see
him really happy and in love.

I think you're jealous.

You think I'm jealous?

Have you seen the women I've dated?


You can only fool yourself
but for so long, Torch.



It's the bride of stretchy man.

Don't start.

Don't listen to him.
You look gorgeous.

We'll see you out there, sweetie.

Come on.

We're on.
Ok. Ok.

You know, you don't look
completely ridiculous in that dress.

Is that obnoxious brother talk
for you look kind of nice?

You look beautiful.

Thank you.

Dad would be proud.


Reed, will you shut your cell phone off?

Actually, this is a...

Dearly beloved,

we are gathered here today to...

Sue and Reed,

congratulations on your wedding!

Where was I? Oh, yeah.

Dearly beloved,

we are gathered here today
to join this couple,

Reed Richards and Susan Storm,

in the bond of holy...



I can't believe you
brought that to our wedding.

I know, but there is a good reason.

We have to get through this quickly.

That's romantic.

Should I continue?

Yes, please.

There are many kinds of love.

Could you skip to the end, please?


Excuse me?

What's going on?
What happened?

We've lost power!

We're going down!
We're going down!

It's too late.

Pull up!
I'm trying! I'm trying!



This is Dolce.

Flame on!

Man, he's fast.

That is cool.

Hey, taxi!
Oh, man!


Time to end this.

Can we talk?


you win.

Flame on!

Come on!

Flame on!


Your herald summons you.

Another world awaits.

Let it be done quickly.

It looked like a man,

but completely covered in silver,
and it was flying this like...

like a surfboard type thing.
I know that sounds crazy.

Oh no, not at all.

So did you follow the shiny man

to the Lollipop Land
or to Rainbow Junction?

Look I know what I saw.
Thank you.

It's alright, Johnny.

Whatever this thing's
physical appearance is,

it has the ability
to convert matter and energy.

So it caused the anomalies?

It seems to radiate cosmic energy
when it exerts itself,

randomly affecting matter.

Evidently this...

entity, this...

Silver Surfer...

didn't want to be detected. It...

destroyed the sensor.

It knew it was being monitored?

And traced it back here.

We're dealing with something
highly resourceful.

Are you feeling ok?


I just... l got to walk this off.

We have to destroy this thing
before it att*cks again.

Richards find me another way
to track it.

Sue, I am so sorry.

The only reason I didn't tell you about it,

is because I didn't want you to worry.

I'm not mad that you built the sensor.

It was the right thing to do.

Oh, great.

I wasn't finished.

Ok. Sorry. Please continue.

See, this proves exactly what
I've been saying all along.

Could you drop the force field, please?

We can't even...

We can't even have a wedding without it
turning into World w*r three.

I know.

But once we are married,
everything will be back to normal.

We will never have normal lives
as long as we do what we do.

How could we possibly
raise a family like this?

I'm going...
I'm going to go check on Johnny.


Hey, are you alright, pal?

Are you alright?


Johnny, are you ok?

I don't know.

I feel really strange since
my run-in with surfer boy.

Maybe we should get you checked out.

Why did you do that?

I didn't do anything!

Stop, drop and roll!
Stop, drop and roll!

Oh, my God, Sue!


Just hang on! I'll get you, ok?

Flame on!

Hey, watch it.





I'm on fire! Help!


What's going on?
I'm on fire!

You're on fire!
You think?

Hold on!

Pull me in! Help!

Hey, it's the Human Torch!

Johnny! Johnny!

I'm not Johnny!

Sue, how did this happen?

I touched Johnny and then, this.

Where is Johnny?

Try it again.

Nice to see.

Hey, get out of there.

Sue your clothes.

Why does this always happen to me?

All of Sue's results are normal.

But Johnny's...

Johnny's are what?

Your encounter with the Surfer
has affected your molecules,

they're in a constant state of flux.

Is that bad?

Well, it caused you to temporarily
switch powers with Sue.

Ideally, I'd like to run some more tests.
Would you like a volunteer?

No, no, hey!
No, no, no!

No, no, hey!

This is serious!

I just wanted to give him a hug.

We don't know the extent
of his condition yet.

It could be progressive.
It could be degenerative.

It could be fun.
No, Ben!



Hey, it's me!

I'm back!

Oh, my God!

Come on!

We just said this is serious!

Oh, yeah, serious.

Oh, you got to be kidding me!

Hey, not bad.



you better be able to fix this!
I'm right on it.

Ben, stop it that!!

I'm starting to see why you like that..

Oh, no, no, no, no, no.


That's not funny.

What am I supposed to do
in the meantime?

Just try to keep your distance from us.

You and me are gonna be spending
a whole lot of time together, pal!

My inside sources are telling me that

the unlucky bride-to-be Sue Storm,

turned invisible,

and it seems she's staying that way
after yesterday's embarrassing fiasco.

Coming up next, the Invisible Woman's,

greatest fashion blunders,

and an impromptu dance routine
from former scientist Reed Richards.


Why do you keep watching this?

Just ignore it.

I can't ignore it, Reed.

There's no getting away from it!

I believe there is.



No answer.

Yes, there is.

What if...

after this crisis is over...

we leave it all behind?

What are you talking about?

We move out of the Baxter Building.

I'll take a teaching position somewhere.

Get back to my research.

And the two of us will live out lives
and raise a family like normal people.

You would do that?

Nothing is more important to me
than our future together.

Oh, thank you.

What about Ben and Johnny?

Well, they'll understand.

Besides, Johnny's always
been more of a solo act.

Let's not mention it to them yet.

Johnny's got enough
to worry about as it is,

with his power problems.

You've been busy, my friend.

Your talents...

are impressive.

Can you understand what I'm saying?


we could be unstoppable.

Anything would be ours for the taking.

All that you know is at an end.

What do you mean by that?


I said, wait!

They're breaking up the team.

Reed and Sue, I just overheard them.

They want a nice, normal,
boring ass life.

No more Fantastic Four.


what do they expect us to do,
keep it going, just the three of us?

And call ourselves what?
The Dynamic Duo?

When were they gonna tell us?

They'll tell you when
they're ready to tell you.

It's their decision, not yours.

You can't be mad at them
for doing what makes them happy.


We've got a serious problem.

I cross referenced the Surfer's radiation
through every astronomical database.

Altair ,

Rigel ,

Vega .

He's been to all these planets?

And now they're lifeless.

Barren. Some even shattered.

Everywhere the Surfer goes,

eight days later, the planet dies.

How are we gonna stop him?

We don't even know where he is.

What about the craters?

They appear in a numerical sequence.

The last crater was formed
in Greenland so...

The next in the sequence should be...

latitude degrees, minutes north...


degrees, minutes west.

When he surfaces,

you've got to move the fight
away from the crowd.

No, he's too fast to be contained.

When I see silver, I'm hitting him!

Wait, you can't do that.

We've got to stick
to the plan and work as a team.

Oh, so we're a team now?
That's news to me.

What are you talking about?

You know what I'm talking about.

Look, we were gonna tell you guys...

When were you gonna tell us,

when you moved our stuff
out of the Baxter Building?

Johnny, this really isn't a good time.

Kid's got a point, Reed.

You should have told us.

Alright, alright!
That's enough!

We'll talk about this later.

What the hell is wrong with you people?

It's a whirlpool!

Oh, my God.

Get out! Get out!

Don't let go!

Come on! Go!

No, Johnny!


What are you doing?

Ben! Lift it higher!

I'll try.


Stay back,

before you get somebody k*lled.

Oh, my God.

What the hell was that?

We'll make adjustments.
Next time, we'll be ready.

Next time?

There's no next time.

You can't handle this alone.

That's why I'm bringing in some help.

General, if you bring in
more soldiers and weaponry,

you're gonna put innocent
people in danger.

No more than you already have.


What's the matter?

Afraid of ghosts?


Don't move!

Since you're a ghost,

you won't mind
if I break your little neck

Let him go.
Don't you know who that is?

He's Victor Von Doom.
He's here under my orders.

Ben, let him go.

How is this possible?

How are you still alive?

No thanks to you four,
that's for certain.

Von Doom's made contact
with the alien.

He's got valuable information.

Information that might
just help save the planet.

Now, let's be clear about this.

Shall we?

I hate you.

All of you.

But, the world's at stake and...

we need to work together to survive.

General, we know firsthand,

you trust Victor
and you're gonna regret it.

So far the only one I've regretted
trusting here is you...


Reed, don't agree to this.

Let's see what he's got.

I made a detailed recording...

of our little encounter.

All that you know is at an end.


I like the part where
he knocks you on your ass.

Look at where the energy levels
surge when he att*cks me.

There, you see it happening?

The energy was channeled through him,
but it originated from his board.

If we can separate him from the board,

we can cut off his power completely.

And that's what we have to do.


If I knew that,
I would not need you people, would I?

You two should get started right away.

I'm glad we have the opportunity
to collaborate again.

I'll try to talk slowly,

so you can keep up.

How can we be working
on the same side as Victor?

You got me pal.

Things were a lot simpler when
I could just whale on the guy

What's he doing? A fire.

Look at that.

I'll pay for that.

I got to tell you Ben,

I'm starting to feel like
a complete screw-up.

Hey, hey, you're not
a complete screw-up.

Thank you.

Look kid,

it's out of our hands.

It's up to the eggheads now.

You think Reed's right.

About the whole end-of-the-world thing?

He's never been wrong
about this kind of thing before.

You know, I'm not exactly
a deep kind of guy.


But if Reed's right...

and this is it...

how would you want to spend
your last few minutes?

Part of me would like to go out fighting.

But the truth is...

I'd like to spend my last
couple of minutes holding Alicia.

That sounds pretty good.

I mean not, the holding Alicia thing
that's you know.

She's your girlfriend, not mine.

I want nothing to do with her.
Not to say she's not attractive.

She's very attractive.

I mean she's you know...

so attractive.

Even with the... you know.

Can't think of a guy
that would not want to...

What I meant,

was that it's nice to have somebody.


you got me pal.

How's it going?

I can't find a link.

It's gonna be alright. You have...
No, it won't be!

The whole world's
counting on me and I...



you're gonna find the answer.

You always do.
Yeah, thanks Sue.

You just need to relax.
Yeah, right.

You do.

You need to relax.

Take a deep breath.


There you go.

Come on. Again.


I can already feel
your pulse slowing down.

Do you remember that time...
A pulse.

A tachyon pulse.

I love you.

Glad I can help.

So exactly how does this thing work?

When we activate the field,
it'll separate him from his board,

making him powerless.

Like a fish in a net.


In theory, anyway.

How long until before this it's operational?

Three hours.
Three hours?

I can only go so fast, since apparently
I'm working by myself now

What do you need to make this happen?

Actually there are a couple of things.

Do your field engineers
have a beryllium casing?

What are you doing?

Don't you knock?

You're supposed to be
helping Reed in the lab.

Tell him not to worry.

I'll be there to hold his hand and...

finish his little project for him.

Anything else?

How'd you do it?

How did you come back?

It scares you doesn't it?

The things I can do.

Did you know I could create
a force field inside someone's body,

and expand it until they explode?

Give it your best shot.

Just get back to the lab.

Mr. Storm?

We're heading to intercept
the Surfer in minutes,

with or without you.

Were you just...

waiting outside the bathroom
to try and catch me in a towel?

That was a joke.

I was joking.

Why are you so down on me?

You don't even know me.

I know you very well.

I read your personality profile.


Reckless. Irresponsible.


bordering on narcissism.

Ok, so you do know me.

All I've seen is a guy
that almost got his team k*lled.


I've been a little off my game lately.

This is not a game.

Sir, he's in position north of here.


General, give us a one-mile perimeter.

Forget it, Richards.

You had your shot and you blew it.

This is a military operation now.

So jam the signal,

get out of the way,
and let us do our job.

You don't understand.
No, you don't understand.

So let me make it clear for you
and your pack of freaks here.

I'm the quarterback.

You're on my team.

Got it?

But I guess you never
played football in high school.

Did you, Richards?

No, you're right,

I didn't.

I stayed in and studied,
like a good little nerd.

And fifteen years later...

I'm one of the greatest minds
of the st century.

I'm engaged to the hottest girl
on the planet.

And the big jock who played
quarterback in high school...

he's standing right in front of me,
asking me for my help.

And I say he's not gonna
get a damn thing...

unless he does exactly
what I tell him to and...

starts treating my friends and me,

with some respect.

Give him what he wants.

I am so hot for you right now.

Me too.
Be careful, Johnny.

Alright, let's go to work.

This is it.

You have your coordinates.

Set up your posts and
rendezvous back here.

First squad, move out!


You scared me there, Smokey.

Look at you. You're cute.

Yeah, that's right.
Keep running, Boo Boo.

Overgrown furball.

What's our status?

Yeah. I'm good to go.

Same here.
Almost there.


We have a problem.

What's wrong?

He's here.

Get out of there, right now!

Why are you destroying our planet?

I have no choice.


What do you mean,
you don't have a choice?

There's always a choice.

Not always.

Why are you trying to destroy us?

I am not the Destroyer.

Come on, Richards.
Jam the damn signal.

Maybe he needs a little persuasion.

Fire one over the top.
Roger, out.

Open fire.
Open fire.

Open fire! Repeat, open fire!

Fall back! Fall back!

Let me just...
No, wait!


Come on, Sue.

Alright, it's up.


Got him.

Not so tough now,

are you?

Victor! Stay back!

You're the quarterback.

Eyes on!
Keep your weapons trained!

Perimeter secure!
Move him out.

Open the gate!

Get him to the debriefing room.

But general, we had an agreement.
Calm down.

The enemy has been captured.
Mission accomplished.

Where is he?


Mr. Sherman.

If you'll excuse us,
we have work to do.

I want to be there for the questioning.

That's not gonna happen.

Please make sure our guests
remain here, comfortably.

Yes, sir.

General, what about the board?

It's in a chamber which
continuously scrambles the signal.

There are certain things
I'm not permitted to do,

because they're considered
human-rights violations.

Fortunately, you're not human.

Are we prisoners?

How did that happen?

Apparently, they don't want us
interfering with their methods.

I can't imagine what they are doing
to him in there.

I say he gets what he deserves.

How can you say that?

I'm just saying that maybe
the general is right about this.

The guy was about
to destroy the planet.

He said so himself.

But it doesn't make any sense.

He protected me from the m*ssile.

Why would he do that?

Maybe he thinks you're cute.

There's a lot more going on here

He said he wasn't the Destroyer.

Maybe he lied?

We need to get inside there
and talk to him.

But, under the radar.


is there any way
we can get some DVDs

or popcorn or something,
just to pass the time?

I'll call it in, Mr. Storm.

Thank you. Semper fi.

That's the Marine Corps.
We're the Army.

Right, I know it's the Army.

Captain Raye. Access granted.


Von Doom wants to speak with you.

You should really be
a little more cooperative.

Mr. Sherman,

let's take a break.

I know you are there.

What's your name?

Come on, you must have a name.

I'm Susan.

You said you weren't the
one trying to destroy our world.

Then who is?

The one I serve.
Who do you serve?

Look I'm trying to help you,

but in order to do that,
youhave to tell me the truth.


It is known by many names.
My people called it...


the Devourer of Worlds.

It must feed on energy to survive.

Both thermal...

and organic.

How can you willingly serve this thing?

Because I must.

Doesn't it bother you,

all the worlds and innocent
people you've helped destroy?

My service spares my world...

and the one I love.

Why did you try to protect me?


you remind me of her.

Could you stop the Destroyer
if you wanted to?

It is not I who draws the Destroyer here.

It is the beacon.

What's the beacon?

The source of my power.

Your board?

Take joy in the last few hours
you have left...

for he is nearly here.


I helped deliver the alien to you,
as promised.

Now it's time to keep
your end of the bargain.

You can do your tests on the board...

but under armed guard,

and in my presence only.


General Hager. Access granted.

And the board draws it here.

How do you fight something
that eats planets?

We have to get to the board

and lead it away from
here before is too late.

Well, do you think the general
will go for that?

He'll have no choice.

Thank you, general.

But I'm afraid...

the truth is...

sometimes Reed is right.


Hey, you. Come here.

Let me ask you something.




Ok, that one hurt.

Where's Reed?
Back here.

My bad.



We've got to get it back.

We need to get the Surfer.

He's the only one that
understands its' power

Even if we break him out of this place,

how are we gonna catch up to Victor?

Leave that to me.

Halt! Don't move!

Stay where you are!

Hey pal?

This is the luckiest day of your life.

What the hell is going on?

Where is General Hager?

He's dead.

And if we don't get him out of here,
we're all gonna be.


the world is literally at stake here.

You have to trust us.


We need to get to the roof.

It should be here by now.

What should be here?

Holy crap!


This is by far the coolest thing
you have ever done.

Of course.

Ok, Ben, you get inside.

Johnny, you fly behind us.

Dude, you got to let me fly this thing.

Forget about it, I'm the best pilot here.
I should drive.

Are you serious?

You're lucky if this thing can carry you!

I can fly circles around you blindfolded.

Shut up!

And move it!

I'm driving.

Flame on!

Ok. We're now officially enemies
of the United States of America.

Victor is out there somewhere
with unlimited power.

And we've got a giant
intergalactic force,

that's about to destroy our
planet in less than hours.

Did I miss anything?

I've got a lock Victor's energy trail.

He's headed over Southeast China.

Hang on.

Norrin Radd.


I was once called, Norrin Radd.

Norrin, we're gonna need your help
to save our world.

Do you understand?

What the hell was that?

Victor, the board is
drawing the Destroyer here.

You have to give it up.

You know, I've never
been the giving type, Reed.

Hold on!

We're sitting ducks!

We're gonna have to split up!

This ought to be fun!

Stay close to me, Sue!

He's really pissing me off!

Surf's up, metalhead!

Victor, only the Surfer
can stop the Destroyer.

But he needs his board.

Come and get it, Richards.


Let's all go for a spin!




Oh, my God.

Sue. Sue.

Oh, God.
Johnny, don't touch her!

Oh, God. Oh, God.

You need to find a way
to get the board.

Sue, l...

He is here.



Victor's got to have a pulse emitter
linking him to his board.

We take it out,

we can separate him from his board.

He's too strong for me.

I could whale on him,
if I could get close enough,

but he could see me coming
from a mile away.

It would take all of us.

Or maybe just one of us.

We don't know what it could do to you.

Let's not make this about me.

To quote a friend of mine...

it's clobbering time.

You ain't going down fighting, kid.

Not without me.

You've got to go.

Treasure each moment with her.

And tell her she was right.

We do have a choice.

Thought you could use a hand.

Oh, my God.

Why isn't it working?

We were too late.

I will no longer serve.

This is the end for us both.



What did I miss?

Hey! Hey, hey!

He did it.

Great job, kid.

Hey, wait.

I'm not changing.

Hey, that's right.


Ok, now you're making
me uncomfortable.

So I guess this is it.

We all go our separate ways.




If not for the team the whole
world would be gone by now.

We can't run away
from our responsibilities

and the people we need to protect.

This is who we are.

That's what I've been saying.

What about having a normal life?

A family?

Who says you have to be
normal, to have a family?

So are you up for another
media-circus wedding?

Fifth time's a charm.


I got a better idea.

Dearly beloved,

we are gathered here today,

to join Reed Richards,

and Sue Storm together in holy...


What is it?

Venice is sinking into the Adriatic.

Oh, boy. That's a biggie.

Could we just skip to the end?


The love these two share...
No, the very end.

Yeah great.

You have the rings?

Oh, yeah.

I now pronounce you man and wife,
and you may kiss the bride.


We should get out of here.

Gotta go, hon.

I have to throw the bouquet.


Heads up, Johnny.


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