01x06 - Fallon's Wedding

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dynasty". Aired: January 12, 1981 – May 11, 1989.*

Moderator: infinitebabbler

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Follows the gloriously over-the-top trials and tribulations of the fabulously wealthy and none-to-nice Carrington and Colby clans.
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01x06 - Fallon's Wedding

Post by bunniefuu »

Blake: Yes?

Oh, yes, yes.

I'll take it.


Peter Burrows.

Good morning, Peter.

No, that's quite all right.

I'm awake.

Well, how do I know that
Cecil Colby's actually gonna

transfer that money?

We're not talking about the
refinancing of an automobile


We're talking about a major
transfusion of corporate funds.

Suppose the board of directors
says no.


Of course Colby is my friend.

No. No, I don't.

I don't trust him any more than
he trusts me in this.

Because he has the heart of a
rattlesnake and the soul of a


If it served his purpose to cut
me off, he woul...

Hold on a minute, Peter.

I got a call on my hot line.




The funds were transferred
10 minutes ago.


Darling, I think it'd be nice if

you invited our good friend
Cecil Colby to drop by this

afternoon, have a little lunch
and a glass of champagne with


Joseph: Mr. Carrington?

Phone call for you.

Steven: Hello?

Ted: Steven?

It's Ted. How are you?

Steven: Fine. You?

Ted: Real good.

Steven: So, how's New York?

Still, uh, holding up?

Ted: She was as of last

I'm here in Denver.

Steven: You're here?

Ted: I took the red-eye.

I just got in.

Steven: W-what are you doing

Ted: Business.

Steven: How long?

Ted: Just overnight.

I've got this meeting with the
brigham people.

I want to try and sell them on
one of my revolutionary ad


You know, kidnap the account.

Uh, listen, when can we get

together and talk over old

There's a bar here in the hotel.

Steven: Ted, I I can't see

We made an agreement, and we
have to leave it that way.

Ted: Hey, I'm not asking for
a lifetime commitment.

A half-hour.

I've come all this way.


Steven: Okay.

Where are you staying?

Ted: I'm at the marlowe

Steven: Okay.

Blake: Morning, Steven.

You all right?

Steven: I'm fine.

Blake: Who was that on the

Steven: It was, uh, a guy
that I work with... Reminding me

that, uh, I'm on the 2
night shift.

Krystle: Good morning.

Steven: Morning.

Fallon: Daddy, anything in
there about the party here

Saturday night?

"Carringtons entertain the

Blaisdel and lankershim."

Blake: I doubt it a lot.

Fallon: I'm sorry, Steven.

No offense to your bosses.

Forgive me?

Steven: I'll think about it.

Fallon: Speaking of parties,
I went to one the other night.


Talk about the pits.

But you know, at one point I
went out onto the terrace and I

overheard this couple whispering
in the shadows.

The two of them were married,
but not to one another.

Quel scandale.

Krystle: Aren't you going to

Finish your story?

Fallon: No.

It's really a bore.

Nothing you want to hear about.

Krystle: Don't you want to
tell us who the couple was?

Fallon: No.

I don't think so.

Joseph: Mrs. Carrington,
Jeffrey Colby's here and would

like to see you.

Shall I show him in?

Krystle: Uh, yes.

Ask him in, please.

Blake: Well...

Fallon: Jeff Colby at this
hour of the morning?

I wonder what he wants.

Maybe he wants to go
skinny-dipping with me again.

Hey, are you with us?

Don't you even care that
somebody tried to seduce your


Steven: Good throw.

Jeff: Good morning.

Blake: Good morning, Jeff.

Krystle: Good morning.

Jeff: Good morning, fallon.

Fallon: Good morning.

Jeff: I'm sorry to barge in
on you.

Blake: Not at all.

Sit down. Join us.

Krystle: Can Marie get you
something to eat?

Jeff: Uh, no. Just coffee.

Black, please.

I tried to phone you yesterday,

Unfortunately, I couldn't get
a hold of you.

Fallon: We were all out...

Scattered like big old pin
rubies looking for their lost


Jeff: Well, anyway, I wanted
to apologize.

Saturday at the party.

Making a fool out of myself.

Fallon and me jumping into the

Krystle: Well, an apology

isn't necessary.

But you're here, and it's

Blake: Of course not.

It's perfectly acceptable to me
as well.

Jeff: Thanks, sir.

I, uh, I guess I had too much to

Fallon: You had two bourbons

Is this how you showed me to do
it, Jeff?

You know, between the two of us,
there wasn't any writing on that

cigarette we smoked.

This is how you do it, right?

Okay, we got stoned.

And it was my fault.

I really did let things get out
of hand.

Fallon: Oh, you're so noble,

Why can't you be more like my

Hardworking, miserable,
depressed, anxiety-ridden.

Steven: Fallon, get off of my

Fallon: Steven, I was only

Blake: Excuse me.


Steven: Yes?

Blake: How's it going?

Steven: What do you mean,
"how's it going"?

Blake: I mean how's it going?

Steven: Oh, you mean how
close are Matthew and Walter to

bringing it in, what are their
prospects, and when do I think

you can come in and take over
their leases?

Is that what you mean, dad?

Blake: You really think a lot
of your father, don't you?

You are now drilling at 4,200

They just put an order in for
600 feet of new pipe.

The number 2 mud pump jammed
last Friday.

Do you want me to go on?

I don't need you as a spy,

Krystle: Steven?

Um... it's something to lighten
your shift.

It's a new novel by
Rupert Harper and a box of

chocolates from harrods, mind

Steven: Harper and harrods.

Sounds like a law firm.

Thank you.

Krystle: You're welcome.

I, um...

I hope you don't ever think
that I'm being intrusive, like a

stepmother watching over you.

Steven: I like it.

It's good you being here with
us, krystle.

And fallon... She'll get to feel
the same.

You see, she's got this thing
about my father...

Not wanting to share him.

Not with anybody.


Krystle: Bye.

Bobby: My favorite kind of

candies itty-bitty chocolates.

Steven: Oh, you want them?


Bobby: No. Thanks.

But I'll hog out on a batch

Steven: Eat as many as you

Ed: Oop!

Steven: Sorry, ed.

Ed: Hey, that's okay, Stevie.

It ain't often I get to rub
shoulders with the hoi polloi.

Steven: Hoi polloi.

That's me.

It means "common folk" in Greek.

And inside, I'm just like
everybody else.

Common as earth.

Ed: A carrington, huh?

Common as earth, huh?

Yeah, sure, except you forgot to
say it's manured with a gold


Bobby: That's what I've
always liked about you, Eddie.

Ed: What's that, Bobby?

Bobby: Your nice way of
putting things and your terrific


Walter: The papers are


Just plain Gonzo.

Matthew: Yep.

Walter: When's the last time
you saw them?

Matthew: Well, I worked on
them Friday night till 8:00.

I know I put them in here.

Walter: You know, we had a
situation like this right after

the w*r up there in the Yukon
when we were drilling around

'45, 46.

There was a young fellow working
there that was the nephew of our

biggest competitor.

Had a lot of information

That boy, he was a pretty good
worker and a pretty nice-looking

boy till we found out he was the
one taking the information and

giving it to his uncle.

It changed his look somewhat
after that.

Steven: Morning.

Matthew: Good morning.

Steven: How's it going?

Walter: Fair.

Did you have a good day off?

Steven: Pretty good.

Went hiking.

Walter: Around these parts?

Steven: No.

Uh, near la gorda.

Here's the tax forms you asked
me to fill out.

Matthew: Oh, yeah.

I got something for you.

My wife asked me to return this
with her thanks for the party

and the book.

Steven: No.

I meant for her to keep it.

Matthew: I guess she didn't
realize that.

Anyways, it got somebody else's
name in it...

Ted something.

Steven: Oh, right.


Well, got to work.

Walter: Suppose he was really

Matthew: It wasn't him,

Walter: Well, I never said it

Steven: Ted?

It's Steven.

Okay, I'll met you tonight...

Say about 7:30.

Ted: There's a bar here in
the hotel.

Steven: No.

I won't be able to get back into

There's a place over in

It's right off the highway.

Avenue 17.

Fallon: Yes?

Blake: Are you interruptible?

Fallon: Seeing how it's you,

Blake: You know, I think it
was very nice of Jeff to drop by

this morning.

Fallon: Do you?

I think it was jerky of him.

Blake: Why?

You didn't seem to find him so
hard to take Saturday night.

I understand that you kids have

some strange courting habits
these days, but if it works for

you both, that's terrific.

Fallon: Daddy, what do you
mean, "courting habits"?

One courts when one is going to

Blake: Mm-hmm.

Fallon: Mm-hmm what?

Did Cecil Colby say something to

Blake: Well, maybe weddings
are getting to be a contagious,

if somewhat benign, disease in
this house.

Fallon: It was Cecil, wasn't

Blake: You might say that
he he kind of touched on it.

Fallon: He had no right to
say anything to you.

It's my life.

Blake: Well, let's not be so
hard on him.

We were at the club yesterday
having a couple of drinks, and

one thing led to another and...

All right.

We don't have to talk about it.

Fallon: Let's not.

Blake: It is your life, and
you can move at your own pace.

But, fallon, I hope you don't
think that I'm interfering,

Fallon: Daddy, you're really

not gonna let up on this, are

Blake: I was about to say
that if this thing did happen,

I'd be very pleased.

I'd feel very good about it.

Now, you got a date for lunch?

Fallon: I'm meeting someone.

Blake: Ooh, anyone I know?

Fallon: Why ask me?

You seem to know everything


Lady's moping.

Fallon: Mind your own damn
business and drive.

Michael: Am I gonna see you

Fallon: Just drive, please.

Michael: Listen, about

I got a date.

Fallon: Pay her the $10 and

Michael: That'll be the day.

Jennifer: Hello, miss carrington.

Oh, I do love your outfit.

Fallon: Thank you.

I'd like to see Mr. Colby.

Is he in?

Jennifer: Yes, but he's in a
board meeting now.

Fallon: Could you please buzz
him and tell him I'd like to see

him as soon as he gets out?

It's urgent.

Jennifer: Yes.

Could I offer you anything in
the meantime?

Fallon: No. Thank you.

Jennifer: All right.

Mr. Colby, miss carrington is
here to see you.

Cecil: Would you like a

I have an amusing white wine, an

I just got a case.

Fallon: No, thanks.

Cecil: Hey.

You're upset.

Come on. Sit down.

Fallon: I just spoke to my
father a little while ago.

You told him that I'm going to
marry Jeff.

Cecil: And?

Fallon: Why?

Cecil: Why shouldn't I have?

Fallon: Cecil, I've tried to
live with this, but I just don't

think that I...

Cecil: Yes?

Fallon: That I can go through
with it.

We're different.

We're so different Jeff and I.

Cecil: We have an
agreement you and I.

Fallon: I know we do.

But why can't I marry you?

Cecil: Because that wouldn't
benefit either of us.

And because we made a deal, and
a deal is a deal.

Fallon: Cecil, I wouldn't be
good for Jeff.

The two of us together would go
very slowly and very quietly


You and I we'd be something
very special.

We were starting to get along.

Cecil: That night...

It was very good between the two
of us.

But people like us, we don't put
personal pleasures first.

We do what's best in the larger
scheme of things.

Now, what's best for you is that
I bail out your father.

What's best for me is that you
marry my nephew.

Fallon: I'll take that drink

Cecil: You'll have the wine?

Fallon: Anything.

Cecil, he hasn't even asked me

What am I supposed to do hit
him over the head with a mallet?

Cecil: You're resourceful, my

You'll find a way.

Fallon: Dictation, anyone?

Jeff: Fallon.

Come on in.

What are you doing here?

Fallon: I don't know.

Just here.

Smaller than your uncle's

Jeff: Yes. A lot smaller.

Fallon: The plants are an
appropriate two feet shorter.

Jeff: At the least.

Fallon: And that painting is

Jeff: Well, I'll have it
destroyed immediately.

Can I get you some coffee?

Fallon: No, thanks.

I will take lunch, though.

It is about time for that around
here, isn't it?

Jeff: Oh, sure.

It's, uh, just that I have a
meeting, though.

Fallon: Okay. Okay.

Jeff: With you.

Fallon: Oh, that's better.

I mean, let's face it, Jeff.

Colbyco oil can get along
without you for a few hours,

can't they, hmm?

Fallon: Don't bother.

I'll be leaving with Mr. Colby.

Michael: Well, try to stay

Jennifer: May I help you?

Michael: Want to come again
on that?

Jennifer: I asked is there
something I could do for you?

Michael: Liverpool, like in
the Beatles, correct?


London, as in covent garden...

Tower of.

I'm sorry, but I never eard

them two groups, love.

Michael: I'm

miss carrington's driver.

She thinks she might have left
her purse on your desk.

Jennifer: No.

I don't think so.

Michael: What part of London?

Jennifer: Chelsea.

Michael: Near the embankment?

Jennifer: Fulham road.

Michael: Ah, memories.

Good pubs, great restaurants...
Don Luigi's, raja pur... Jade.

You know them.

Jennifer: All.

Well, sorry.

There's no purse here.

I could check Mr. Colby's

Michael: She said
specifically Cecil Colby's

private secretary's desk.

Do you mind a blunt question?

Jennifer: It depends who's

Michael: How about me?

Jennifer: How about the

What do you do with your

nights when you get out of here?

Jennifer: Well, first things
first, I usually dine.

Michael: Well, around these
parts we say supper, ma'am.

I have been known to sup as


Pick me up at 7:00.

By the way, the name is

Michael: Michael.

Well, ciao.

Jennifer: Ciao.

Cecil: Here's to you,

Krystle, in honor of your having
married the second richest and

the second handsomest and the
second smartest man in Colorado.

Krystle: The first being?

Cecil: I'm glad Blake won't
be joining us for a bit, because

there's something I've been
wanting to give you.

It's a sort of wedding present.

Krystle: You've already given
us a beautiful present.

Cecil: That was for you and

This is for you alone.

Uh, it's not something you can
wear or drive or even put up on

your mantelpiece.

Krystle: Something to eat

You baked cookies.

Well, in fact, it may be a bit

hard for you to swallow.

It's advice.

Krystle: Okay.

Cecil: We're a different
breed of cats Blake and I.

And that's why I can say this to
you because we're alike.

Blake carrington is a hunting

He's sleek and fast.

But it's the hunt, the
wanting, the chase, the running

to ground that's exciting to

More even than the prize.

Krystle: And I'm the prize.

Cecil: Here's my gift to you,

Here's what I've brought you.

Figure out what it is that Blake
wants most, and then don't give

it to him.

Krystle: That doesn't sound
like very friendly advice to me.

Cecil: That's the nice thing
about a gift.

You can keep it, or you can
throw it away.

Krystle: Cecil, I don't
understand this kind of talk.

Cecil: I was afraid you might

Krystle: I married Blake
because I love him and because I

want to make him happy.

And I hope he feels the same
about me.

I'm not somebody's prize.

I'm not a handful of oil leases.

I'm not somebody's mineral

And I did not, as half the
people in Colorado seem to

believe, marry Blake carrington
because of his money.

Cecil: That, my dear, was
probably your first mistake,

but we can deal with that.

Okay, it was wrong for me to say

I shouldn't tease you.

But for now, consider my gift
carefully before you reject it.

If you remember this, it could
help you.

Your husband is a dangerous
hunter because he's led the

pride for so long.

He's willing to take more risks
than perhaps he should because

he knows that he won't be able
to fight off the pack forever.

Blake: Hello there, Cecil.

Cecil: Oh, hi, Blake.

We were just talking about you.

Blake: All lies I expect.

Cecil: Worse.

The truth.

Ted: Hello, Steven.

Steven: Ted.

Ted: So, this is the place.

Steven: Yeah, this is it.

Ted: You look good.

Steven: You do, too.

Ted: Can't say I care very
much for your wardrobe.

The old man push you into
working for him?

Steven: No.

I'm working for some other

Ted: Your choice?

Steven: Oh, yeah.

They're the enemy camp.

Ted: Good for you.

Steven: Well, so far, so

So, how did the meeting go?

Ted: There was no meeting.

I just walked around Denver,
took in the sights.

Not bad.

On a clear day like today, you
can see a lot of images.

I mean, never having been here,
but being where you grew up.

Are you planning on staying?

Steven: Yes.

Ted: Look, when you left the
apartment, you said you might

come back.

Steven: I said "might."

Ted: Yeah.

We, uh, have new neighbors.

It's a graduate student and his

And their dog.

It's a collie, and it barks

Did Lassie ever bark loud?

Steven: Only when she had to
save a kid from the river.

Ted: That's exactly what I

Steven: I thought miss Brooks
didn't allow pets.

Ted: Ah, they slip her
10 bucks a month.

It just goes to show you anybody
can get bought off, including

the witch of Perry street.

Steven: Want one of these?

Ted: Yeah, sure.

Steven: A couple more of
these, please.

Ted: It's lonely there,

How about you?

Steven: Yeah, I-I get pretty

Ted: Nobody else?

Steven: No.

Ted: Me neither.

Not that I haven't been

I mean... What, with my winning
ways and leaping accounts.

Clay mariner.

Do you remember him?

Steven: One of your bosses?

Ted: Yeah.

Steven: Isn't he married?

Ted: Mmm.

He tried to hit on me.

He's such a...
Steven: Ted...

I've got to be honest with you.

I'm not particularly interested.

It's not that important to me.

Here you are.

Ted: Okay, buddy, be honest
about things that are important.

Why did you leave?

We never even really talked
about it.

You just you just came in and
announced one day that you were

splitting, and you split.

Steven: I think the phrase is
that I'm trying to find myself

to sort out my life.

Ted: The phrase used to be
"I love you."

Ah, Steven, look, I know about
the social pressures.

I know that your father is
Blake carrington.

And you don't want him to find

Steven: He knows.

Ted: How did it go?

Steven: Not very well.

Ted: Big scene?

Steven: Scene.

Ted: Then why the hell don't
you come home with me?

What are you doing staying on

Steven: Ted, I'm trying to
put it all together...

To decide when and if I really
want to come back.

You don't want me there if I
don't want to be there.

Do you understand that?

Ted, I want you to understand.

And I want you to know that...

Images and... And memories...

I got them, too.

And they're inside of me...
Deep inside.

I have to go.

Ted: No.

Um... dinner.

Steven: I can't.

Ted: I'm leaving tomorrow
morning if you change your mind.

Steven: I won't.

Ted: I'll take care of that.

Steven... we'll stay in touch.

Blake: Are you asking me
where blaisdel is getting the


Well, maybe he found it in a
hollow tree.

You find out who's extending him
the credit, and you do something

about it.

And don't bother me again with
this business until it's


Hardesty: Well, now, we're a

Small bank, but we are

And, of course, any help at all
we can be to Mr. Carrington

would be an honor to say the

So, Mr. Uh...

Michael: Michaels.

Hardesty: You know, I'm bad
on names.

Shouldn't be, but I am.


And so whatever kind of help we
can be to Denver-carrington...

Michael: As a matter of fact,
Mr. Carrington sincerely hopes

that you will be helpful to us
in this situation.

You see, I have been dispatched
by Mr. Carrington to tell you

that he is not pleased.

Hardesty: About what?

Michael: If I can get right
to the point, you your

bank has been extending
credit to Matthew blaisdel and

Walter lankershim, and it's
troubling Mr. Carrington.

Hardesty: I see.

Well, what does he plan to do
about it?

Sue? Revoke our charter?

Michael: I'm just an
associate of his, Mr. Hardesty.

I don't get in on the finer

You have very nice-looking


Shame the way some kids get
themselves screwed up these


Dope, booze...

Into accidents.

I'd like to be able to tell
Mr. Carrington that credit will

be withdrawn before the day is

Walter: Doesn't sound like

good news.

Matthew: No.

That was the bank.

They just cut off our credit.

Something funny, something awful

Blake: And you walk into a
bank and thr*aten a man.

And you tell him you're working
for me.

And you say you may hurt his

Michael: I didn't mean that.

I saw it in a movie.

Blake: Do you know what could
have happened if that man hadn't

phoned me?

He could have phoned the FBI
and you'd be in jail and I'd be

right there along with you.

Michael: You've got top

Blake: And I've got an idiot

Michael: I'll go.

I mean, I'm fired, right?

But I want you to know this...
I was just trying to help you,

give you the best I've got.

Blake: Sit down.

I said sit down.

I hate to admit it, but you
remind me of myself when I was


You really do.

Michael, do you want to continue
working for me?

Michael: Yes, sir, sure.

Blake: How about a raise...
Say $100 more a week?

Michael: For doing what...
Almost getting you thrown in


I thought you were gonna fire

Blake: As dumb as it was, it
showed me some initiative.

I like that.

You will continue to drive for
me, but I may, from time to

time, ask you to do other things
for me.

They will go unquestioned.


Michael: Yes, sir.

Blake: I expect loyalty.

Loyalty to me is more important
than life.

Is that understood?

Michael: Yes, sir.

Blake: If you ever cross me,
you'll wish you hadn't.

Jeff: This is the longest
lunch hour I've ever taken.

Fallon: Jeff, that's not

chick harmon.

Jeff: Harmon?

I thought you said "Carmen."

Oh, no, no, no.

Leave it.

I like all that kind of good
vintage stuff.


I love it.

Fallon: I'm Carmen, and
you're Don Jose.

Jeff: I thought it was José.

Fallon: Okay. José.Olé.

Dance with me.


Fallon: Whoo!

Jeff: Oh!

Fallon: Ugh!

Jeff: Next time you steal the

keys to your daddy's plane, you
want to check out the weather


Fallon: That is not my

Paul, don't you know how to
drive this thing?


Jeff: I love you, fallon.

I want you so damn much.

Walter: Read em and weep.

Bobby: Ugh!

Take it.

Matthew: Well, just remember
I don't get mad.

I get even.

Well, I guess I better go call

Walter: Tell her I said

Ed: Evening.

I'm back.

Walter: Yeah, you sure are.

We could smell you coming.

Any cheap bourbon around, you'll
find it.

Ed: How's it been going?

You guys all safe?

Hey, carrington!

Someone's been eating all your

I sure hope they saved the
tutti-fruttis for you.

Walter: I think you'd better
go take a cold shower and get

some rest.

Ed: Mnh-mnh.

And take my chances when the
lights go out?

No, sir, boss.

I ain't gonna sleep in the same
room with him.

Walter: I think you're gonna
do what you're told.

Now, go take a shower.

Ed: Yes, sir.

Walter: Me and you are gonna
go do some work.


Ed: Hey, who was that, huh?

Who was that guy I saw you with
in the restaurant, huh?

Steven: None of your damn

Ed: It's all our business.

Cooped up here with a damn

Whoo! You should have seen em.

Touching each other, almost

Steven: You sorry...

Matthew: Hold it! Hold it!

Hold it!

The two of you knock it off!

Now, you, go outside and get
some fresh air.

Go on.

Now, what the hell's the matter
with you?

Ed: Nothing the matter with

How come you're sticking up for
some prevert, blaisdel?

You don't want to see him all
cut up and bruised?

Nice and smooth yourself?

Matthew: You know, I'm gonna
overlook you said that, ed,

'cause you had a few drinks and
I need you for the crew.

But don't push it.

Ed: You're calling me a
drunk, and you're sticking up

for the prevert.

Maybe you're one of them, too,
huh, blaisdel?

Maybe that's what drove your old
lady into the nuthouse.

Steven: Thanks, but I would

Have taken him on.

About like that last fellow you

took on.

Now, you want to tell me what
that was all about?

He saw me with a friend of mine,

a guy from New York.

We were roommates there.

Matthew: So what?

I had a roommate in college I
still see.

Steven: Were you in love with

Matthew: What the hell kind
of question is that?

Steven: I was, Matthew.

You see, I cared about him very
much, and he cared about me.

And he still does.

Maybe I still do, too.

I don't know.

But I do know this...

I'm not ashamed of it.

It was what happened for nearly
a year between us, and I'm not

ashamed of it.

I want to stay on here if it's
all right with you.

Matthew: You do whatever you
think is best, Steven.

Jeff: Hello!

Hi. Uh, guess what.

We just flew back from Vegas.

Fallon: We're married.

Blake: You're what?

Krystle: Oh, that's

Blake: Congratulations.

I love it.

Krystle: Oh, Jeff.


Fallon: Daddy!

Krystle: Oh, fallon!

Blake: Darling, that is

Just wonderful.
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