01x08 - The Bordello

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dynasty". Aired: January 12, 1981 – May 11, 1989.*

Moderator: infinitebabbler

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Follows the gloriously over-the-top trials and tribulations of the fabulously wealthy and none-to-nice Carrington and Colby clans.
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01x08 - The Bordello

Post by bunniefuu »

Whew. Well, I think that's about it.

Why don't you two go get some rest?

We will. Fine.

Steven, how's it going?

Uh, fine.

Did I say something
or do something wrong?

No. Why? I don't know. It's
just the past couple of days...

you've been avoiding me
like I ate five pounds of garlic.

No, uh, it's nothing.

Speaking of food, why don't we go
get some breakfast, Steven?

All right.

I got a great little place
over in Brisas. You'll love it.

That's 40 miles away.
I know it. But it's fantastic.

Go get cleaned up.

Well, now...

you sure are being, uh,
nice to him all of a sudden.

Yeah. Well, I was wrong
about him, Matthew.

He's given us
a good day's work for a day's pay.

Can't ask any more of a man than that.

Well, I'm glad to
hear you say that, Walter.

I mean, I think that's terrific.

There any reason why
I shouldn't be nice to him?

No. I know you, and I just thought...

you know, somebody with Steven's problems,
uh, well, you know...

I just thought maybe it might make you feel
a little uncomfortable to be around him.

Well, it does. There ain't nothing ever been
so broken it can't be fixed.

You remember that.
Yeah, I will.

See you tonight.

Claudia, it's Steven Carrington.

I'm sorry if I woke you up.
That's all right.

Uh, I wanted to thank you for having me
over to dinner the other night.

Well, that's nice, Steven...

but it's 6:00 in the morning.

Well it's just
the best evening that I've ever had.

Well, I and II thought that I ought to
call to say something about...

what happened at the end.

That you kissed me?

I'm, um What I mean
to say is that, uh

Yes? I was going to say that
I'm sorry, but I'm really not.

I mean, for somesome reason,
I just don't feel sorry.

Claudia, is that wrong?
No, it's not. I'm not sorry either.

I've gotta go now.


Mrs. Carrington. Mrs. Carrington?

Mr. Carrington is in the library, ma'am.
He'd like you to come down.

Damn it, Taft.
We have a crisis here.

I need that information
within the next two hours.

Now, Taft, if the sun comes up
on this one, and it's not settled...

we can all meet
on the unemployment line.

What is the latest obituary
from our mortician Taft?

It seems definite. The revolutionary
government has confiscated the oil.

Your reserves
have been nationalized.

Are you hurrying with those?
As fast as I can, Mr. Laird.

Andrew, I'm not sure
I wanna go through with those papers.

Why not? It's a gift.

There is no law that says
a man can't give a gift to his spouse.

Besides, Blake, you have no other choice.

I'm gonna have to insist that you do it.

I do not want to
get her involved in this.

Well, if she's not, then we're all
going to be out of business.

Why are you taking this down?
You told me to.

You write when I tell you to write.
Yes, sir.

Krystle. Come on in, please.

Are you all right?
Oh, yes. Yes, I'm fine.

Well? What's it gonna be?

Would you all mind waiting
in the living room, please?

Joseph will see that you get breakfast.

Thank you.

I'm sorry about this, Krystle.
Blake, what's this all about?

Krystle. Krystle, would you, uh,
come with me a moment?

Why don't you sit down
right there, please.

Now we'd appreciate it
if you would sign these, please.

What are they? Some papers we
need you to sign as Blake's wife.

In the middle of the night?
It couldn't wait?

No, I'm afraid it couldn't wait.

I remember some other papers
you asked me to sign.

The premarital settlement.
Uh, that was just a formality.

The implication was that the wedding
wouldn't go on until I signed.

Is this the same kind of formality?

Krystle, this is the situation.

I'm in a jam.

Now, I have to put my holdings someplace
where my creditors can't get at them.

Now, this will make you
a corporate officer.

An executive in charge of several
newly formed subcorporations.

I need you to sign those papers.

Now, will you sign them for me?

Is it legal?
What are you asking him for?

I just explained everything to you.
Now will you sign the papers?

Hello. Yes, he's here.

Just a moment.
I'm sorry.

II didn't mean to be so rough.
It's just that

Blake, it's for you. London.

Yes? Yes, Jenkins.

Is there any word at all
out of Saudi Arabia...

about anything getting through
the Persian Gulf?.

Well, there's got to be some word.
Well, you've got to

Right out here in the middle of
this grazin' land...

and I'm tellin' you, the prime oil
just seeping right out of the ground.

That farmer comes to me and says,
"Boy, my cattle can't drink that stuff.''

I couldn't believe it.
Where was this?

It was back in the panhandle, '63, '64,
somewhere around in there.

Uh, '64. Got a divorce that year.
I should never forget that.

Walter, how many times you been married?

What happened?
Oh, I think mostly my fault.

I never could settle down, boy.

Like my last wife says, you know, "You just
keep right on chasing that big oil well.

"But me, I'm getting tired
ofbeing a gypsy.

So, piecake, toodleoo. '"Ha. Piecake.

She had a bad habit
of calling me piecake...

and that "toodleoo'' like to
drove me up a tree.

Wanna know the truth? I believe
that's why I never tried to get her back.

Say one thing, boy

When it came to being a woman,
she was something fierce.

She had skin just like Chinese silk.

Had a mouth like one of them
little Valentine hearts.

And a body, oh
that body'd drive you right up a tree.

Guess you don't, uh, know what
I'm talking about though, do you, boy?

Sure I do.

You do? Well, that's good.

That's good.

What's this? Well, in the words
of that famous "Eyetalian''...

whose name I can't remember
but gave places like this their name...

it's known as a bordello.

You've gotta be kidding.
No. No, I'm not kidding.

Well, I mean, maybe
it was a Spaniard. I'm not sure.

Now, listen. I'll tell you something.

Steven, and you're young enough
to appreciate it and benefit by it.

I mean, well...

you take fast horses, good automobiles,
beautiful women...

those things are important.

And if you go to your grave without 'em,

then the whole durn
thing's just been a waste.

I mean, that's the natural way.
That's the way the Lord made it.

Well, that's the way it's supposed to be.
A man and a woman.

That's why he made 'em the way he did.
I mean, they just kind of fit together.

Look, Walter,
I appreciate your interest.

But II'm tired and I don't feel like it
this morning. Some other time, okay?

Hiya, sweetface.

Hey. How you doing? Yeah.

Well, I mean a fella shouldn't put off
till tomorrow what he can do today.

Now, this business with girls,
it's just like learning to swim, you know?

I mean, sometimes you just have to
jump in, do it all at once.

Look, Walter, not today, okay?
Some other time.

All right. Your choice.

I mean, we either do it now, or I break
both your legs. That's your choice.

Good morning, Walter. It's been some time.

Well, yeah, it has.
So much so, in fact, you forgot that...

we don't open
before noon on Saturdays.

I know, but you gottayou gotta
make an exception for an old friend.

I mean, what we got here is kind of
an emergency. You know what I mean?

Yeah, I know what you mean.

Okay. Come on in.

Well, how 'bout a drink?
Oh, no. I don't think so.

I mean, there are certain things folks
don't like to do in the morning, you know?

Have a seat. Please.

Here. These are photographs of my girls.
Just take your pick.

Yeah, thank you.

Oh, boy.
Yeah, I don't think we need that book.

I mean, what we do need
is a lovely young girl...

who would like to meet
a handsome young man here.

Well, I think Sarah Pat.

She's new and she's from Atlanta
and she's very genteel to a point.

Yeah? That'd be fine.

Walter, what about you?

Oh, no.
No, I'll just wait down here. Thank you.

You sure?
Yeah. Yeah.


She's a nice girl, that one.
Got a nice place here too.

Keeps it neat as a pin. I like that.

Oh, boy.

Mozart's "C major Sonata.'' That's real
nice, Walter. Where'd you learn to do that?

Oh. When I was a little boy.

Too young to know any better, I imagine.

My mom used to call it
the music box song.

I'd come home from school, so many times,
she'd be sitting there...

looking a little pale and weak.

She'd say, "Sonny, it's been
so quiet around here all day.

Could you play that
music box song for me?''

And I'd play it.

You're not gonna go blabbing it
all over town now are you, boy?

Okay, sweetface, you ready?


Go on, boy.

Second door on the left.

And be gentle now.

Do you want me to undress you,
or do you wanna do it yourself?

Oh, II can do it.

Come on.

Can't be your first time,
handsome guy like you.

No, of course not.

It is, isn't it? It's okay.

Hey. That happens
to be my specialty.

Making newcomers feel right to home.
Come on.

Come on.

Look, iit's not the first time,
and it's not what you're thinking.

Is it me? Did I do something wrong?

Honest. I'm real good.

Just tell me what you like.

Some woman must've hurt you real bad.
Is that what it is?

I'm tired. I've been on
the graveyard shift...

and I'm feeling very tired.

What'd you come here for?

My friend, Walter, he, uh


What was it?
Some kind of bet or something?

Oh, I'm sorry.


CouldCould we just
sit and talk a little?

I don't get paid to talk.

How old are you, Sarah?
Sarah Pat.

Sarah Pat.
I'm old enough to be here.

What do you wanna see?
A work permit or something?

Now I'm sorry.

Make us even?

Well, uh, we could just watch some TV
or something if you'd rather.

I'd rather.

Except that, um, well, I hate to do it...

but I'm gonna have to make you pay.

I know how hard you work for your money
and everything, but it's the house rules.

It's okay, Sarah Pat.
You sure?


You know, this place
is just busting over with house rules.

I think it's just about time
for the Rookies too.

Of course, I've seen every one
of them a good 10 times.

It's gonna be a rerun, but

Next to Happy Days, I'd have to
say it's just about my trueblue favorite.

Now, wasn't I right?

Wasn't that better than
a barbecued beef sandwich?

And more beautiful than Paris and Rome
and all the sunsets you've ever seen?

Yep, you're right, Walter. That's just
the beginning. That's just chapter one.

I've got some things to tell
you you're not gonna believe, boy.

Yeah. I knew we could fix it.

Hey. What do we have to do?
Serve you the ball in a paper sack?

She cut the ball.
There was topspin on it.

Hey, where the heck
did you learn to do that?

Sorry, guys. But tennis is
a blood sport around here.

People have been ex*cuted
for missing a backhand.

Doris, you're really
starting to embarrass me.

There are two of us. There's
only one of her. Yeah, so what?

I type 85 words a minute,
she only types 60. So?

So how come she gets the big house
and the jewels and the furs?

Sure. Give me my own tennis court and a pro
to teach me and inside of two weeks I will

I'm sorry, Krystle. I didn't mean it.

Hey, I understand.

What the hell?

Cut him down.

What the hell's going on here?
The bit twisted off.

And guess who did it?
Yeah. Big guess. It was Carrington.

Just what we needed, right?
Where were you? You're the damn driller.

I was trying to fix the shaker. I put
Carrington on a break for a couple minutes.

I thought I could trust him.
Get him down outta there.

Nah. We ain't letting him down until
he admits it. That he did it on purpose.

I ain't lettin' nobody
You heard the man. Ed.

Get him down.

You know what
we gotta do now, don't you?

I don't wanna hear it, Walter.

Well, I'm afraid you're
gonna have to hear it.

I'll get ahold of Carrington, or one of
those other rich birds at that party.

Colby, Harrison, what was his name?

See if they wanna buy
a little piece of the action here.

Try to get enough money
to finish this dude up.

I mean, it's not like we didn't try.
Not like we're giving up.

Or we can always go
to our second option, and that's go broke.

Well, give us a day, Walter.

If we've got to go to Carrington or
any of the others...

at least give us a day to try to find
another way out.

We'll just take a day.

I'll call him in the morning.

You okay? Huh?

There you go.

Matthew, I swear
I didn't do it on purpose.

I think it's best you leave, Steven.

I was just gettin' to like that boy too.

Well, it could've happened to any of us.

Yeah. But don't forget, it'sit's his father
that's the one that's been...

waiting around, just trying to take away
everything we've been working for.

Why don't you guys secure the rig
and take the rest of the day off, okay?

Yeah. Okay.

Boy, you're home early.
Would you like some lunch?

You changed shifts?

We, uh, we twisted off.
We shut down.

I know.
How do you know?

Bad news travels fast.

Bad news or good news?

You're right. I guess it does
depend on your point of view.

Dad, it was my fault.

Oh. That I didn't know.
Well, that could happen to anyone.

But it didn't happen to anyone.
It was me. It was my responsibility.

They gave me a chance.
They trusted me.

This was Matthew and Walter's big shot.


Dad, I want you to give them a chance.
I want you to extend their lease time.

Why in the world
would I wanna do that?

You know very well that
I've been waiting around for those leases.

Besides that, I've got problems
of my own right now.

Matthew and Walter didn't cause
your problems. I caused theirs.

Dad, I want you to help them.

I'll do anything you want.
II'll come back to work for you.

II'll try to be
the son you want me to be.


You mean that you wouldyou'd take a job
in my public relations office?

Yes, sir. You mean if I called
up Brian Cable and said that...

you wanted to date his daughter,
that you'd go out with her? Yes, sir.

Does that mean that you would give up your
curious New York ways?

Yes, sir.

And you would do all that for Matthew
Blaisdel, and you won't do that for me?

Dad, I want you to do what's fair.

I don't want your conditions. You understand
that? You don't give me any conditions.

You be what I want you to be.
Do you understand that?

Wait a minute.

Steven, I don't mean to hurt you,
and I know you don't mean to hurt me.

Why do you think
I've worked so hard?

Who do you think
I've built all this for?

I'm not gonna be around forever, you know?
It's for you. All of it.

I did it for you and your sister
and my family.

I'm sure you thought that's what
you were doing, and I appreciate it.

I really do.

But I still need to know

Are you going to let
Lankershim and Blaisdel up?


You're thinking?

I was thinking about
how beautiful it is here...

and how ugly sometimes.

Two for the price of one.

He's your son, Blake.
Your son opened up to you.

He threw himself at you at your mercy.

And you cut him off again. How can you
ever expect to be close to him?

Is it Steven that you're so concerned about
or is it Matthew Blaisdel?

That's a rotten thing to say.

Sometimes rotten things
have to be said.

And done... Carrington style.

What does that mean?
Matthew was your friend.

Up until six weeks ago,
hehe worked his heart out for you.

Yes, then he quit. He walked out on me.

End of loyalty. End of friendship, period.

He was trying to make it on his own,
just like you did. And he's failing.

And you did everything you could
to see that he failed, didn't you?

I did nothing.
You call the party "nothing''?

You invited him that evening
for nothing? You promised to help him.

But what you really were doing was trying to
seduce him back into your company, right?

Right. Yes. And I used this house...

and I used the wine
and the important guests to sell him...

to convince him about something that
I thought would help us both.

Supposejust suppose

that it only would've been
good for you and not him.

Well, mine is a practical business
sometimes a dirty business.

How about it's being a human business?

Look, I have stockholders
to answer to and a board of directors.

Yes, yes, I claw every now and then to
keep those people smiling.

But what you call seducing,
I call negotiating.

Now you learn that...

unless you want to see
Denver Carrington bailed out by Congress...

or worse than that, go under.

You do not survive
by giving anything away.

And survival is the only thing that counts.

There are the wolves,
and there are the sheep.

If you're a sheep, you
get k*lled and you get eaten...

because that's the way
it is in this world.

Then I guess I'm a sheep.
And what does that mean?

There's no other way to say it.

I was the one you used to seduce Matthew.

I'm going with you.

How about Fiji?
I've never been there.

Don't you wanna take your kid sister?


And to think that for siblings
we were getting along so well until now.

You're going to New York,
aren't you? Back to him.

To who?

You wanna play hideandseek, Stevie,
or you wanna talk like big people?

Look, Fallon, I'm not in the mood
to play any of your little games, okay?

How do you know?
I know.

I don't know his name,
but I know that he exists.

The name is Ted.

Is that for Theodore or Edward?
Oh, who the hell cares.

Why are you going back to him?

Because I want to.

Because he was a very important part
of my life for a while.

Because I don't have any life here.

What does he mean to you?
He was a friend.

Do you love him?
You ask too many questions sometimes.

What do you want, Fallon?

Okay. I'm in love with a man.

And you're married to
a man you don't love.

Now you tell me something,
which one is worse?

Which one is more immoral?
What makes you think I don't loveJeff?

Come on. I can see the way you treat him.
Jeff can't. HeHe

Does being gay
also make you clairvoyant?

I'm sorry, Steven.

What I am is somebody
who's in love with a person.

That's all.

But I do know one thing.
I do know my sister.

And I know she's married to
a man that she doesn't love...

for some reason, and I don't like that.

You're just like your father.

Mr. Blake Carrington always has to have
some damned reason.

Let me tell you one thing.

You could afford to be
a little bit more like him yourself.

Steven, I don't care
who you go to bed with.

What I'm trying to tell you is you have
the chance to have everything here.


Everything you wanted.

Yeah, I want it. Sure I want it.

There's only one small problem though.
He's not gonna give it to me.

I tried again with him.

Oh, Steven, why can't you just take
advantage of being Blake Carrington's son?

Play by Blake Carrington's rules.

Take and be. But don't be selfdestructive.

Keep your private life
to yourself so that

you can take advantage
of your possibilities.

Please, Steven, for me. At least
give yourself a chance to think it over.

For one thing, I'll really
miss you if you're gone.

I go nuts around here without you

at least raving mad
and it'll be on your conscience.

I'll loathe you. I'll curse you every night
and day for the rest of my life.

Why are you doing this?
Why do you think I'm doing it?

Because you love me?
I do love you.

I love you too.

Even though you don't deserve it...
most of the time.

Will you tell me you're going to stay?

I'll stay.

Oh, great.
It's all right.

This way we can both sit...

feel sorry for ourselves and sulk.

Sometimes a man has a right.

Yes. A man has a right.

He has a right to show what
he's feeling inside.

Ifhe's feeling anger
or ifhe's feeling hurt, fear.

He has that right.
But not to sit there like some kind of...

imitation John Wayne, sucking on a bottle,
pretending that you're not hurting...

that you're not feeling something inside,
Matthew, this very minute.

Well, you see, I've never been to therapy,
so I don't know about that kind of stuff.

Maybe it's time
you learned, Matthew.

And maybe it's time you got off my back.

You know, it wouldn't bother me...

if you let me see your feelings.

Shared with me. Now, share it.

It's okay. I promise I'm not gonna
tell anyone you're a human being...

with anger, with fear.

And vulnerability.

And gentleness.

Come on.

I need to talk. Can we meet?

And you've worked for most of
the executives in the company...

so I know you've handled
private things for them.

Krystle, if this is about that necklace
you showed me, please don't even ask.

And I know that, uh,
you know places where they...

can copy jewelry so well
that not even the owner...

knows the difference between
the copy and the original.

The fake and the original.

And I know you know places where
you can get cash discreetly...

for certain items of value.
Krystle, I don't wanna do this.

But you will.

Because you're my friend.

Will you help me?
Look, I'd do anything in the world for you.

I mean, you help me out all the time.
Look, what I did once is

Come on. I couldn't have
gotten through that divorce without you.

I mean, you helped me out
when I thought it was all over.

But, Krystle, you've got a bigger problem.

I don't think you wanna face it.

What do you mean?
Which one of them are you in love with?

What do you mean?
Look, you're doing this for Matthew, right?

And Blake knows nothing about it.

So, which one of them are you in love with?

I love my husband.

I can't just wipe out the fact that
there was a Matthew in my life.

I never planned it this way. I mean, it's
not even supposed to be this way, is it?

So you love Matthew;
so you're gonna give him the money.

I was used, and I used Matthew, and I'm only
trying to make it up to him, and that's all.

Remember when Melanie
and I were up at your house...

and I was doing my bit
about what a princess you'd become?

Well, I was rude.
I was envious.

Feeling sorry for myself.

Living in my little threeroom apartment...

eating TV dinners, driving around
in that old Chevy.

But I'll tell you

Right now, I wouldn't change places
with you for all the big houses...

limousines and caviar in the world.

Will you help me?

Hello, Matthew.

May I come in?

How did you know where I was?

I found out.

Well, I don't know what this is all about

Matthew, I know you need it, so take it.

And before you say no, remember
youyou have a wife and a daughter...

and a lot of men that are counting on you
to bring in that oil well.

So just take it.

And, um, fish out that drill bit...

andand pay me back when you can.

How long do I have?

For six months I'm okay.

I know Blake wants this place.
We both do.

So why are you doing this?

Don't ask me why. I have my reasons.

Oh, Krystle, I love you.

I love you too.

No, Matthew.

I can't give you anything else
that belongs to him.

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