01x30 - Forget Me Not

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Gilligan's Island". Aired: September 26, 1964 – April 17, 1967.*
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Series follows the comic adventures of seven castaways as they try to survive on an island where they are shipwrecked.
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01x30 - Forget Me Not

Post by bunniefuu »

["The Ballad Of
Gilligan's Island"]

♪ Just sit right back
and you'll hear a tale ♪

♪ A tale of a fateful trip ♪

♪ That started from
this tropic port ♪

♪ Aboard this tiny ship ♪

♪ The mate was
a mighty sailing man ♪

♪ The Skipper brave and sure ♪

♪ Five passengers
set sail that day ♪

♪ For a three hour tour ♪

♪ A three hour tour ♪

[thunder rumbling]

♪ The weather started
getting rough ♪

♪ The tiny ship was tossed ♪

♪ If not for the courage
of the fearless crew ♪

♪ The Minnow would be lost ♪

♪ The Minnow would be lost ♪

♪ The ship set ground
on the shore ♪

♪ Of this uncharted
desert isle ♪

♪ With Gilligan ♪

♪ The Skipper too ♪

♪ The millionaire ♪

♪ And his wife ♪

♪ The movie star ♪

♪ And the rest ♪

♪ Are here on Gilligan's isle ♪

[instrumental music]

[music continues]

Skipper, you sure we'll
finish the signal platform

before the navy ships go by?

Gilligan, according
to the radio report

the navy will hold their
maneuvers day after tomorrow.

Yeah, they are gonna
go right by here.

Exactly. We'll build a signal
fire, they'll come and rescue us

because I would've
given 'em semaphore.

Oh, yeah.

Now keep busy,
get some more vines, Gilligan.

- Yes, sir. Aye, aye.
- Thank you.


Skipper? Skipper, what
are you doin' on here?

You're supposed to
be up there working.

No napping. Wake up.
Come on, Skipper.

Mm, must have fainted
from exhaustion.

Skipper? Mm, hm,
I hate to do this, but, uh

somebody ought to
finish our work.


Here goes.


What happened up?
I'm soaking wet.

It was a flash storm,
it's all over now.

Oh, thanks. Wait a minute,
who are you?

Who am I?
That's pretty funny.

- Wh-what and who am I?
- Who are you?

Skipper, you are
the Skipper, Skipper.

Skipper, who?

Skipper, do you feel alright?
I mean, you okay?

Will you stop
calling me Skipper?

- Where am I?
- Where are you?

If you don't know where you are,
I'm not gonna second guess you.

I better go get the Professor.
He's very good, who's who.

Hey, Professor?
Hey, Professor.

Something really terrible has
happened to the Skipper.

I was vining picks
so we could finish signals

and semaphore the navy.
And when he..

- See, see?
- Skipper, you're just in time.

I think something's wrong
with Gilligan.

Who's Gilligan?

It's me. Don't you remember
your little buddy?

- I don't have any buddy.
- Why is he wet?

I threw water on him. This
happened when he took his nap.

- Maybe he's sleepwalking.
- I see.

Skipper, you and I ought to
have a little talk.

But who are you?

What do you mean?
I'm the Professor.

- Is something wrong with you?
- Oh, I feel fine.

But...why do you keep
calling me "The Skipper?"

'Because you are the Skipper.'

Don't you remember the Minnow
and how we got lost at sea

and shipwrecked on this island?
Doesn't any of this ring a bell?

Not even a tinkle.

'I see.'

Perhaps, you'd better sit down.

Why, I don't feel tired.

- Alright then, stand up.
- Well, thank you.


- Gilligan.
- Yeah.

I think the Skipper's
got amnesia.

- An whatcha?
- Amnesia.

That's when people
can't remember anything at all.

That can't be too serious,
happens to me all the time.

It's happened to the Skipper.
Keeps rubbing his head.

Could you have hit him

No, hitting a Skipper is a court
martial offence. I'd be hung.

Not if it's an accident.

I remember pulling the vine,
a pole fell, then napped.

That's what must have happened.

Oh, will he ever remember
to stop forgetting?

It's too early to tell. You
better take him back to his hut.

I'm gonna check this out
in my medical book.

Jeez, it's all my fault, huh.

Never forgive myself
unless I lose my memory.

Sir? Sir?

Would you mind coming
with me, sir?

Right this way.

You can rest here for a while.
Used to share this with a buddy.

- What happened to him?
- You won't believe me.

- Sure I would.
- He forgot himself.

- I don't believe you!
- See, I told you.

Look at this,
dust all over the place.

Whoever lived here
was a real slob.

- I wouldn't say that.
- Oh, I would.

Maybe you know better.

Look at this,
socks all over the place.

Look at the size
of holes in the socks.

Well, he had big feet.

He should've kept them
in his big shoes.



What's this pile of junk
doin' on the floor?

Junk? That's my
buddy's seat chest.

He has his vital
possessions in there.


Huh, what's this a picture of?

Back of a mule?

No, that's my buddy
in a football huddle.

Here's his favorite hat.
It's just about your size.

Here, try it on.
Look here, look.

Look, look in
there. See.

See, does that remind
you of anything?

- Sure does.
- Yeah?

It reminds me
I need a haircut.


(Mary Ann)
Hi, Gilligan.
Hi, Skipper.

Howdy, ma'am.

Howdy ma'am?

That's a silly thing
to say, I'm not a ma'am.

To the Skipper you are,
he lost his memory.

He did? Oh, my gosh!
I better tell the Professor.

No, wait, I already told
the Professor. Mary Ann.

Oops! Hi, Skipper.

Well, hi, beautiful.

Hey, honey.
What's your name?

Why, Ginger, big boy,
what's yours?

Oh, I don't care
what my name is now. Hmm.

Skipper, are you alright?

I'm fine and may I say, you are
a bit of alright yourself.

Oh, Skipper,
that's not like you.

I don't know what
I used to be like

but I like what
I'm right now.

Oh, I know what it is.

Your sailor's blood's finally
coming to a boil, huh?

It's about time.

Wait a minute. I mean..
After all, you're a leader.

A man above men.

Well, I don't know what type
I am, but you're my type.

Help me!

Skipper, Skipper.

What's happened
to the Skipper?

Why, he's got amnesia.
He can't remember a thing.

I wouldn't say that. There are
few things he hasn't forgotten.



We have to hurry.

The navy's here and I wanna
be the first to be piped aboard.

It'll be so exciting
to set foot on water again.

Skipper, I'd like you
to meet Mr. and Mrs. Howell.

My! Aren't we formal today?

Beg your pardon.
What'd you say your name was?

Oh, Skippy, you're playing
games again.

Mrs. Howell, this is no game.
Skipper's lost his memory.

Wonder if he could've
left it here.

It's hard to tell
in all this mess.

You think we've packed it
in the steamer trunk?

Lovey, he's lost his memory,
doesn't know who he is.

Don't be silly.
He's the Captain.

Aren't you the Captain, Captain?

Well, I don't know
who I am, lady.

Oh, the poor man.

Yes, and besides
he's the only one who knows

how to signal
those navy ships.

Oh, good heavens.

Uh, Captain, you always told me
that you wanted a new ship.

- I did?
- Yes, yes, you did.

If you remember who you are,
I'll give you a 100-foot yacht.

I don't know.

Two hundred?

I still don't know.

Three hundred?
Four hundred?

Honey, there are times

when financial promises
don't mean a thing.

May JP Morgan have mercy
on your soul.

I'd like to try and help you, if
somebody would give me a clue.

But I gave you the answer.
You are the Skipper.

If I could only believe you.

I am a Skipper?

So, to sum up, amnesia
is still a medical mystery.

It can last a day,
a week or 20 years.

Twenty years? Oh, we'll be
too old to be rescued by then.

There must be some cure.
Couldn't we try alcohol rubs?

We gotta cure the Captain. He's
our friend, he's our leader.

Besides, he's the only one
who can signal those ships.

However, amnesia isn't hopeless,
anything can happen.

Sometimes it'll
clear up by itself.

'Sometimes a blow on the head
will snap the victim out of it''

Wake up. What you say
your name was again?

Gilligan, Skipper.

Oh, okay,
Gilligan Skipper, can..

Would you mind
if we switched hammocks?

I can't sleep
on this lower one.

You don't like the upper.
You're afraid of heights.

I don't know what
you're talking about.

Down here feels like
I'm sinking in quicksand.

Okay, let me sink, I'm lighter.

[dramatic music]

The coast is clear.

Yes, my dear. I'm afraid it is.

Oh, Thurston,
I know you hate v*olence.

But you said yourself
it's for the Captain's own good.

I know, but it's so physical.
It's almost manual labor.

Wonder if my muscles
are up to it.

Of course, they are, darling.
You're so big and strong.

Come to think of it, I am.

Now, remember, the Captain's
in the bottom bunk.

And it's for a good cause.

- Us.
- You're so good.



I hate to do this, Skipper,
but it's...for your own good.




What have I done?
Oh, no.

Lovey, I made
a terrible boo-boo.

Gilligan's sleeping
in the wrong hammock.

Oh, you have to talk to him.
He never does anything right.

I can't go back there.
I'm emotionally exhausted.

Oh, darling, you're overawed.

I'll do it.

Oh, no. I wouldn't hear of it.
It's not ladylike.

I won't tell a soul.

I'll just close my eyes
and pretend I'm bowling.

Hey, Gilligan Skipper.

You're right.
I don't like it up here.

I don't like it down here
too much either.

You're sure a nice guy
for being a stranger.

Would you mind switching
the hammocks again?

I wish you'd say that
when you didn't have amnesia.

I don't know how you're still
almost down there.

[dramatic music]


Here I go for spare.


Oh! Gilligan.

Now, just relax, Skipper.

Just relax and concentrate
on this shell.

Just keep your eye
on this shell.

Now, Skipper,
I want you to go back

to a time before
you were hit over the head.

Swell, I'd sure like
to know who I am.

Now, go back, Skipper.

Go back in time
to the good old days.

'To a time before
you were hit over the head.'

'Go back, Skipper.'

'Go back to the good old days.'

Alright, Skipper,
you can wake up now.

Hi, kids. Ha ha.

Are we gonna be late
for school?

Let's play catch.

Come on, let's play
catch together.

Ah, here's a good ball.
Here, Skeky, catch.

- He's acting like a kid.
- Oh, he thinks we're kids too.

Gee, Professor, I think you
took him back a little too far.

It'll take him years
to grow up.

Now, you're
growing up, Skipper.

You're no longer a little boy
playing with toy boats.

The years are passing.

'You're now sailing
around the world.'

And you've come to an island
in the South Pacific.

An island in the South Pacific.

A tiny island somewhere
in the South Pacific.

Alright, Skipper,
you can wake up now.

Oh, no!

I'm surrounded by the enemy!
Help! Help!

Professor, I'm too tired
to be tired.

Well, we've looked everywhere.

You know, there's
one place we missed.

- Where?
- I'm too tired to remember.

I just heard the
latest news on the radio.

According to the reports
by the navy maneuvers

those ships should be passing
here sometime this afternoon.

We must be rescued
because those navy doctors

will be able
to help the Skipper.

Without him, who'll
signal the ships?

I grew up on the yacht. I know
something about signals.

Yes. Thurston can signal
for the cocktail hour.

- A third round of martinis.
- But can he signal for help?

Good heavens. After
the third round

what do you think
I'm signaling for?

You and the girls better
finish making that signal tower.

Come on, Mr. Howell,
I'll get the signal flags.

Alright, you come
along too, Lovey.

I'll cut some more bamboo
for extra flags.

Here, Mr. Howell,
you take these.

Mrs. Howell, you take
this telescope.

Oh, come along, Lovey.
We'll practice.

We'll pretend we're back
on our yacht.

Then I've to pretend
I'm seasick.

- Mary, you take this pole.
- Okay.

- And Ginger you take this here.
- Okay.

Mary Ann, take your
pole, put it there.

And, Ginger, put yours
over here, okay?

No! Whoa!
Take it easy now.

Just kinda cross, come on.

What the hell?
I'll tell you what.

Put your pole down, Ginger.
Put your pole down.

Yeah, alright now.

Mary Ann, put your pole over
there and lash it, you know.

I'll go get some more vine.

Alright, you two. Stop the work
and come down out of there.

Well, Skipper,
What's the matter with--

Never mind all that whispering.

I'm wise to all the tricks
you Japanese soldiers pull.

Japanese soldiers?

He thinks we're
Japanese soldiers.

Come down out of there
or I'll sh**t.

I mean it. Now move.


I'm warning you, no tricks.

Make it snappy.
Move down out of there.

This is the CO
of the 177th Infantry

from Guadalcanal.

I've been cut off from my
platoon by a Japanese patrol.

But I've captured two Japanese
soldiers. Roger and over.

He thinks he's back in the w*r.
And he thinks we're men.

How could anybody
get that idea about me?

Besides having amnesia
he's got eye trouble.

Maybe, if we're a little more
friendly then we can reach him.

- Good idea.
- Skipper?

You can't send messages with the
radio, it acts as a receiver.

Never mind any of your tricks.

Hey, how come
you talk like that?

- Like what?
- Well, like a woman.

Being born that way helps.

You're one of those

You sound like a woman but you
look like a Japanese soldier.

Skipper, isn't it obvious
that I'm a woman?

That's a nice try
but not quite good enough.

Oh, Skipper, here. Sniff
this perfume just once.

I told you, never mind
with those tricks.

That's probably
poisoned perfumed gas.

Look at this.

Do you ever see legs
like that on a man?

Well, I must say
you're a lousy actor.


Oh, Thurston, you
look marvelous.

What was that signal for?

I think it means the polo field
is clear on Sunday.


'If this doesn't work out,
I have one in reserve, Lovey.'

- This one gets them every time.
- Oh, that should do it.

Universal code.

I got you.

Hello, Skipper. What are you
doin' with that bayonet?

Never mind that,
come out of there.

Yes, come down.
I'm coming right down.

Japanese soldiers
and you're my prisoners.

Ha ha. Don't be ridiculous.

We aren't Japanese.
Yes, we are.

Don't worry, Lovey.
Oh! We Japanese--

That's better.
Now, what's your rank?

How ranky you want, ho?

- Colonel?
- Di-ya-dum-momo.


Uh, sounds like,
we strike you out.

It-it sounds like, u-umpire.

- Ow-do-ooo-oh-oh.
- Em-em..

- Emperor?
- That right.

- Me-me Emperor.
- That's impossible!

- He's in Tokyo.
- Oh, no. I think big.

That-that was his real child.

Well, I want you to talk big.
I want names and information.

American fleet, you-you
signal, they come ashore.

- I don't believe you.
- No, you believe him.

He never lie, except
when truth don't work.

- Ah-ha!
- A-ah!

Another one of those
ventriloquists, eh?

We surrender on one condition!

- What's that?
- You don't hurt us!

That's a ruck!
Now, move out. Move.

Mr. Howell?

Mrs. Howell?

Hey, Professor,
the girls are missing.

So are Mr. and Mrs. Howell.

Huh, Mr. and Mrs. Howell.

Mary Ann, Ginger,
the Skipper. Huh!

Professor? Professor?

Professor? Professor?


I thought you were
missing too.

I'm afraid there are some things
missing that's more disturbing.

Our g*ns, amm*nit*on,
even our radio.

What do you mean?

Well, using the deductive
form of reasoning

taking the circumstances
as we know them

projecting forward
possible conclusions

it's pretty easy to say.

Easy for you,
difficult for me.

I'm afraid we've done something
to make the Skipper think

we're his enemies.

He's probably holding
the others prisoners somewhere.

We searched
the whole island.

Yes. Except for that
one place you forgot.

I just remembered the place
I forgot. Come on.

See, I was right.
They're all in there.

Only person I can't
see is the Skipper.

Good. We better sneak in and
free 'em before he gets back.


They came.
Get us out of here.

- Shh, quiet, girls.
- Quiet, girls.

[all screaming]

Put your hands up, you two.
Get over there.

Ha ha.

Six Japanese prisoners
in 15 minutes.

I may take the whole
Japanese army single-handed.

Gilligan, Gilligan,
I don't wanna worry the others

but you're our only hope.

Now, talk to the Skipper
like his little buddy.


Hey, soldier, don't you remember
me? I'm your little buddy.

I don't have any little buddy.

What are you doin'
out here? Get back.

Skipper, you sure you don't
remember me, your little buddy?

If you were my little buddy, why
you wearing Japanese uniform?

Yeah, how come I'm
wearing Japanese uniform?

You're not wearing a Japanese
uniform. He just thinks you are.

But he's got the g*n,
what he thinks counts.

Look, soldier.

to the Geneva conference

I think it's time
for a-a coconut break.

I guess there's no harm in that.

Yeah, let me have the bayonet.
I'll give it a little jab.

Mr. Howell, those navy ships
may be out there right now.

This calls for drastic action.
Why don't we charge?

- Can't k*ll all of us.
- That's right.

I'll stay here
and tend to the wounded.

We have to plan
this very carefully.

This is our only chance.

Oh, Professor, there they are.
The navy ships are out there.

Japanese ships, eh?

Don't even sound
an alarm or I'll fire.

Skipper, Skipper,
you got to believe me.

We are marooned
on a desert island

and we are your friends
and you are the Skipper.

You've got to forget
everything else.

You are the Skipper.

You are the Skipper.

You are the Skipper.

Alright, sailor boy,
stomach in, chest out.

I won't stand
for mutiny on my ship.

- Your ship? I'm the Skipper.
- I'm the Skipper. It's my ship.

- What's happened to Gilligan?
- What's happened to Thurston?

I'll report you to the Admiral
and have you court-martialed.

When you talk to me,
say, "Sir!"

He thinks he's the Skipper.

Everybody thinks they're
the Skipper, except the Skipper.

- I'm the Skipper.
- No, I'm the Skipper!

- I'm the Skipper.
- I'm the Skipper!

[both arguing]

Quiet, you prisoners, quiet!

Will you prisoners be quiet?

- I'm a fat very..
- I'll put you in a..


[arguing continues]

Will you be quiet?


[arguing continues]

Gilligan? Mr. Howell?
What are you arguing about?

Will you two pipe down?

Gilligan, I'll have you know,
I'm the only Skipper here.

That goes for you too, Howell!

- He knows my name.
- Mine too!

That hit on the head
brought him back.

The Skipper's cured!
He's well now!

[all cheering]

How's he doing?

Any signs of anything, Gilligan?

[birds chirping]

No signs of the ships.

Boy, I really goofed this time.

Don't worry, Skipper.
It's an off season for rescues.


Gilligan, you alright,
little buddy?

- A-ah.
- What's wrong, Gilligan?

Ow, what happened?
Where am I?

Who are you?

Oh, no.
Not again.

♪ Now this is the tale
of the castaways ♪

♪ They're here
for a long, long time ♪

♪ They'll have to make
the best of things ♪

♪ It's an uphill climb ♪

♪ The first mate
and his Skipper too ♪

♪ Will do their very best ♪

♪ To make the others
comfortable ♪

♪ In the tropic island nest ♪

♪ No phone, no lights,
no motorcars ♪

♪ Not a single luxury ♪

♪ Like Robinson Crusoe ♪

♪ It's primitive as can be ♪

♪ So join us here
each week my friends ♪

♪ You're sure to get a smile ♪

♪ For seven
stranded castaways ♪

♪ Here on Gilligan's isle ♪
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