01x22 - Private Property

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Jetsons". Aired: September 23, 1962 – March 17, 1963.*
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Cartoon show features the Jetson family living in a utopian future where people live in housing in the sky, work a three-day workweek, drive aerocars that look like flying saucers and have incredible conveniences that leave them with plenty of leisure time.
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01x22 - Private Property

Post by bunniefuu »

Meet George Jetson

His boy, Elroy

Daughter, Judy

Jane, his wife

Okay, hold it, Mac.



A little more to the right.

Now to the left.

That's it!

Take it away!

Miss Asteroid, what's going on out there?
Who's making all that racket?

It's just a building
going up next door, Mr. Spacely.

Sounds more like
a building coming down.

Someone bought
that empty lot next door.

Well, one good thing about this.

Nobody could sleep
through this racket. Not even Jetson.



- Jetson!
- What? What? Oh, hi, boss.

Don't ''hi, boss'' me.
Why don't you just move a bed in here.

Huh? Oh, where would be put it?
It's pretty crowded already.

It'll be less crowded
after you're fired.

Now get to work
and start pushing some buttons.

Or are you trying to let that blowhard
Cogswell catch up with us?

Oh, never, Mr. Spacely.

I wonder who's putting
up that building next door.

Well, I'll say this for the builder,
he's getting the job done fast.

Yes, sirree.
Not like back in the old days...

...when it took them a week
to put up a building.

Hey, look, boss.
They're putting up the sign.

Now we'll find out
who our neighbors are.



Well, what kind
of a word is that?

Maybe it's a foreign company.

''Sllews Goc.''

Must be a new product.

Don't be ridiculous, Jetson.

''Sgoc Sllewgoc.''

''Cogswell Cogs.''

Oh, it wasn't
foreign after all.

Cogswell Cogs?

Why, that building
belongs to Cogswell.

He's moving next door
so he can spy on us.

No wonder his building
is so close.

Get to work, Jetson,
and no more goofing off!

Yes, sir.
Yes, sir. Yes, sir.

Oh, he's gone.
Oh, boy.

What a sl*ve driver.

Jetson! Caught you again.

Now, stop goofing off on my time!

Your time!
Yes, sir. Yes, sir.

Oh, boy. One Spacely is enough,
but six are positively sickening.

Yes? Yes, Miss Sunspot?

A Mr. Spacely is on his way in,
Mr. Cogswell.

I am busy!

I tried to tell him,
but he just kept going.

You're darn right, I kept going.
What are you trying to pull?

Well, if it isn't
the ex-king of sprockets.

What do you mean, ''ex''?

Cogswell's crummy cogs
never saw the day...

...they could compete
with my sprockets!

Spacely! You've still got one chance.

Sign a merger agreement...

...and I'll find some minor place
for you in my organization.

- Never!
- Better sign!

Otherwise, you'll be out of business
so fast your head will spin.

You mean like this.

No, I mean more like this.

Stick around if you want
some more lumps.

Meanwhile, you better sign.

- Never!
- In that case...

...sorry to see you leave.

Hey! Let me out of here!

If you insist.

Jetson, we've got to keep
Cogswell from snooping on us.

Here's a blueprint
of our property and Cogswell's.

See if we can put
up a 1 0-story fence...

...to keep him from spying on us.

Any questions?

Just one, boss.

How do you read a blueprint?

You got the whole
night to learn.

- I want them back tomorrow.
- But, but--

- But--
- That's a funny way to resign, Jetson.

But I've got tickets.

After three years, I finally managed
to get two seats for My Space Lady.

- No?
- Yeah.

Well, that's different, my boy.

Here. Sit down.

Have a cigar?


Good, good.
That's fine.

Yes, sirree. Mrs. Spacely is going
to be very happy when I tell her.

- Tell her what?
- That you're letting us have your tickets.

After all, you won't need them.

Can't work on a blueprint
while watching a show.

Couldn't I work on them
after the show?

In other words, you put your
amusement ahead of your job?

Oh, every time.

No! No, sir! I mean--
No, sir.

I didn't think so.
Give me the tickets.

- Yes, sir.
- Jetson...

...you've got the kind of employee
loyalty that's going to carry you far.

And right now, it's going
to carry you back to work!

That old ticket taker!

How am I ever
going to tell Janey?

She's been looking forward
to that show for months.

What are you wearing
to the show tonight?

Well, Judy,
I can't make up my mind, dear.

Why don't we run
the dress selector.

- I guess I better.
- I'll do it.

Thanks, dear.

Ready, Mother?

Oh, we need
the facsimile image.

It's the second button
from the top, Judy.

All right.
Turn on the dress selector.

No, not this one.

Early galaxy simply isn't
in vogue this season.

Oh! Isn't that a
Christian Diorbit, Mother?

Yes, but I wore it
at the ballet last month.

That one is perfect for the theater!

Moon Bechet.

It is stunning, isn't it?

Sensational, Mom!

Hi, everybody.
I'm home.

Oh, now, cut it out, Astro!
Cut it out!

Oh, Daddy, you've made him cry!

Oh, I'm sorry, Astro.

That's all right, George.

This is what I'm wearing to My Space Lady
tonight, George. Like it?

- Why don't you ask Mr. Spacely.
- What?

Jane, I don't know
how to tell you this.

George, is something wrong?

Well, for goodness' sake, just tell me.
I'm your wife.

Whatever it is, we'll take
it in stride together.

After all, I'm no child.

- You won't be mad?
- Of course not.

I'm a mature woman.

Well, I have to work on these blueprints
tonight, so we can't see...

...My Space Lady.

Now, let me see.

A 10-story wall running
between the buildings.

- Hi, Pop.
- Hi, Elroy.

- What you doing, Dad?
- Working. What are you doing out of bed?

How come you're wearing space shoes
in the house? You know better.

I'm sorry, Dad.

- Hey, what's this?
- A blueprint of Spacely's buildings.

And this?

That's where Cogswell has put
up a building right next door.

Oh. Now, what's this dotted line?

- That's the property line, I guess.
- Gee.

It runs right through
Cogswell's building. Doesn't it?

Well, on paper, but if, if, if--

What did you say?

The property line runs through
Cogswell's building?

Well, doesn't it?

It does. It does.

It does!


Janey, we got him!

We got old Cogswell.
He's a dead duck!

Gee! It's lucky I had
my space shoes on.

It's the greatest thing ever!

Cogswell's building is 6 inches
over on Spacely's property.

And you woke me up
out of a sound sleep to tell me that?

Oh, but, honey, you don't get it.

This will put Cogswell
out of business.

And I'll be Spacely's
fair-haired boy.

My salary will be raised.
I'll be promoted.

Why, he might even make
me vice president.

Wonderful, George.
Now, come to bed.

Bed? I gotta tell Spacely.

At this hour?

Honey, this is too important.
It can't wait.

When next we meet,
Mrs. Jetson...

...you may be related
to the new vice president...

...of Spacely Space Sprockets.


Mr. Spacely. Wake up!
Wake up, Mr. Spacely!

I got good news for you. Wake up!


What are you doing here?

Can't you see I'm asleep?
You nincompoop.

Remind me to fire you
in the morning.

We've got him, Mr. Spacely.
We've got Cogswell.

And it's right here,
in this here blueprint.

All right, Jetson, I'll be fair.

I'll let you explain first,
and then I'll fire you!

Oh, no, you won't.

- Not after I tell you the big news.
- What big news?

Cogswell built this building
6 inches on your property.

- Are you sure?
- Here. See for yourself.

Here's us and the property line.
And here's Cogswell.

What do you know?
Why, this is awful, isn't it, Jetson?

- Awful?
- For Cogswell.

Poor Cogswell.
Oh, doesn't your heart bleed for him?

- Well--
- Why, the poor fellow is in an awful pickle.

And do you know
what I'm gonna do?

I'm going to nail the top on the pickle
barrel so he'll never get out!

Jetson. You're responsible for this.

Starting right now, you are the new
vice president in charge of expansion.

- I am?
- You bet, my boy.


Gosh. Thanks. You'll never regret it.
You'll never regret it.

Oh, boy. Oh, boy, am I happy.
Oh, boy. Oh, boy. Oh, boy.

So you better get right over
while I'm still in a good mood, Cogswell.

But it can't be!

It's not possible! How? How? How?

It's all here, Cogswell,
in black and white.

Or should I say, blue and white?
Blueprints, you know?

So long, Cogswell.

Just the look on his homely
face is worth it.

Mr. Cogswell is here, sir.

What took him so long?
Send him in.

Now, don't think this makes
any difference to me, Spacely.

You little pip-squeak.

You always walk
on your knees, Cogswell?

Light my cigar, boy.

I don't mind humoring
you a little, Spacely.

After all, we're old friends.

Sure we are.

We've been through a lot together.
Had lots of fun.

- Lots of laughs, right?
- You bet.

And the biggest laugh
is right now.

Laugh, Cogswell.

- Ashtray.
- Ashtray? Well, sure, Spacely, old pal.

I think a reasonable adjustment
is in order, but after all...

...what's 6 inches?

I'll tell you what 6 inches is...

...the finish of Cogswell's Cogs!

I'll give you 5000.

- What did you say?
- 10,000? 15,000?

Oh, you're a real comedian, Cogswell.

You should have gone
into show business.

Nothing like a massage
to pep you up, hey, Cogsey?

Then I'll make it 20,000.


Over easy, please.

Now, you were saying?



What do you want, Spacely?

Just a teeny-weeny little favor.

- A favor?
- Yes.

Your building is 6 inches
over on my property, so...

...move it!

Not a bad imitation
of a cow, Cogswell.

You have a future
in vaudeville.


Do something, or tomorrow
you'll be out of business.

But, Spacely, how can I move
a whole building?

All you gotta do
is move it 6 inches...

...in the other direction!

I'll be ruined!

There, there, there, my boy.

There will always be a place
for you with Spacely Sprockets.

As a night watchman!

Work for you?

- Never!
- In that case--

Move it!

You should have
seen him, Jetson.

''Move it!'' I said.

''Move it?'' he said.

''Move it!'' I said.

Oh, you did it, Vice President Jetson.

And I'll never forget it.

Oh, gee, thanks,
Mr. Spacely.

Don't mention it, George.

''Move it!''

Oh, that's a hot one!

Well, as long as I'm vice president...

...I might as well get the feel of it.

Let me see.

Where will I start?

George. Is anything wrong?

Anything wrong?

Can't a vice president call up his wife
to say hello if he wants to?

Vice president?

Oh, George. I'm so proud.

And now that your talents have
finally been recognized...

...I think it's time I
live up to our position.

I know.

- We should do more entertaining.
- I know.

- We should go out more.
- I know.

Which means dressing
to your new position.

- I know.
- So I'm going out to buy...

- ...a whole new wardrobe.
- I know.

- No! No! No!
- Bye, dear.

Oh, boy.

Ruined! All because
of 6 measly inches!

All because
somebody goofed.

And our building is 6 inches over
on that insect Spacely's property!

Tsk, tsk, tsk.

Is that all you can say, Harlan?
''Tsk, tsk, tsk''?

I'm ruined.

And all you can say is,
''Tsk, tsk, tsk.''

Mr. Tsk Tsk--
I mean, Mr. Cogswell...

...why do you have
those blueprints upside down?

What difference does
it make how I ha--?

- Upside down?
- Yes, sir.

There! Now you can read
the measurements.

But if it was
upside down before...

...that's my building here.

Yes, sir, sir.

And his building here.

And I'm not 6 inches over
after all.

Spacely is!

Yes, sir, sir!

Oh, I'm saved!
I'm saved!

Oh, Harlan, my boy,
get Spacely on the visaphone.

Why should I come over
to see you, Cogswell?

You've heard
my last two words.

''Move it!''

--yourself, Spacely!

You better get over here fast,
you little squirt.

You might call it
a business matter.

Your business!

What trick could he be up to?

But it's not possible.
It couldn't be.

Oh, come now, Spacely.
You can do better than that.

But Jetson read
those blueprints.

Sure, he did.

Upside down. Which is the way you've
been running your business for years.

Of course, I was only joking
when I told you to move it.

Why, of course. We had a great
big laugh together, didn't we?

And now we're gonna
have another one.

How come you're
not on your knees?

Oh, sorry, Mr. Cogswell, sir.

Now, where were we?
Oh, yes.

Your building is 6 inches
over on my property.

Now, what should we
do about it?

- Forget it?
- Guess again.


Try again.

Move it?

Right! Move it, Spacely!

Get your building off my property!

- Do you know what's next?
- I know.

So long, Spacely!

Boy! I think I'll have one of these
massagers put in my office.

Oh, that Spacely sure knows
how to live it up.

Mr. Spacely,
I wasn't through yet.

Oh, yes, you were, Jetson!
Remember those blueprints?

Well, how could I forget?
They started my new career!

They ended it too!

Well, if--

The building that's 6 inches
over is this building!

You read the blueprints
upside down!



Of course, I'll be bankrupt.
Ruined! Finished!

And you know
what that means, Jetson.

I'm not vice president anymore?

You're not even a janitor around here!

You're fired!

Now, don't you worry, dear.

You'll find another job.

After all my years
with the company...

...to be treated like this!

We'll help out, Daddy.

I'll get a job as a bubblehop
at a space burger fly-in.

And I'll help out too, Pop.
I'll deliver-tate papers.

Thanks, kids, but I'm used
to Spacely Sprockets.

It'll feel funny working somewhere else.

That's all right, George.
We love you.

Of course we love you, Daddy.

I'd sure like to give that Spacely
a piece of my mind.

He could use it, honey.

He's losing his.

Yes? Yes?
What is it, Miss Sunspot?

It's Mr. Spacely.

- On his knees?
- Oh, yes, sir.

Good. Let him in.

Look at me, Cogswell,
a broken man.

I'm here to throw myself
at your mercy.

Well, throw yourself right back
where you came from.

But it's only 6 inches.

Spacely, you know
what I've been thinking?

Yes, yes, yes?

Half the fun I get
out of wheeling and dealing...

...is wheeling and dealing
with a small wheel like you.

With you out of business, there won't be
any wheeling for a big wheel like me.

So I am going to sell you my building.

And I'm only going to charge you
twice what I paid for it.

But I don't need
another building.

Well, in that case,
move it!

All right, Cogswell.

You win.
I'll buy it.

And it's all that Jetson's fault!

Gee, I just had to come and take
another look at the old place.

There's my office window.

My ex-office, I mean.

Where I had my ex-job...

...my ex-future...

...my ex-vice presidency.

''Commissioner of buildings''?

Hey, he's stopping
at Cogswell's building.

Looks like he's measuring
the building.

What's up, Mac?

Well, we weren't sure,
so I had to come out.

But it's over.

Over? Over what?

Over regulation height.

This is a Class 1684B Zone here.

No building over 2200 feet allowed.

Now, is that so?

And how high is
Cogswell's building?

2206 inches.

Six inches over?

This building will have to be torn down.

Well, why can't they
just cut off 6 inches?

Against safety regulations.

They should have checked
with the department first.

Oh! Oh, boy!

We've got him.
We've got Cogswell!

Oh, boy! Wait till Mr. Spacely
hears about this!

I'll be vice president again.

Thanks, mister.
You just got me my job back.

Never mind!

Boy, you meet all kinds
on this job.

Mr. Spacely!
Mr. Spacely!

Wait till you hear
the good news!

Jetson! I thought I fired you.
Now get out!

Not so fast, Mr. Spacely.

Cogswell, your late
competitor, is through.

Washed-up! Kaput!

Yeah? Well, tell me about it.

Well, first there's
a little matter of my job.

Out! Out! Out!

And stay out!

Very well. I imagine Cogswell
will make me vice president...

...when he hears
what I've got to say.

Now, now, just a minute, Jetson.

You really think you've got
something, Georgie boy?

I told you.

It's the end of Cogswell.

Well, just don't lie there.
Tell me about it.

Right after you sign
this agreement.

''I, Cosmo G. Spacely, do hereby
promise and agree that I will....''

''Never fire George Jetson again
no matter what happens.''

Thank you, boss.

Okay, okay. Now tell me.

How have we got Cogswell?

Very simple. Did you ever hear
of City Ordinance 1 684B?

No, I haven't and what's
that got to do with it?

Everything. Cogswell's building
has to come down.

It's 6 inches too high.
You get it?

The building has to come down!

Right. The building has to come down.

Every bit of it.

You dunderhead! You dolt!

You blithering fool!

I knew you'd be pleased.

You blunderer!

That's my building!

Yeah, well-- Yours?

I bought it this morning!

Now get out before I lose my temper!

You're fired!

Now, wait a minute.
You can't fire me, boss.

I've got an ironclad contract,
which guarantees me a job.

This is one time
I thought of everything.

Well, I thought of almost everything.

Faster, Jetson! Faster!

Yes, sir. Yes, sir.
Yes, sir. Yes, sir.

Yes, sir. Yes, sir.
Yes, sir. Yes, sir.

Help! Help!

Jane, stop this crazy thing!


Help! Jane!

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