02x05 - Mother Jefferson's Fall

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Jeffersons". Aired: January 18, 1975 – July 2, 1985.*
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Spinoff series from "All in the Family" is about literal upward mobility of couple George and Louise Jefferson who move into a swanky high-rise building.
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02x05 - Mother Jefferson's Fall

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Well, we're movin' on up ♪

♪ Movin' on up ♪

♪ To the East Side ♪

♪ Movin' on up ♪

♪ To a deluxe apartment ♪

♪ In the sky ♪

♪ Movin' on up ♪

♪ Movin' on up ♪

♪ To the East Side ♪

♪ Movin' on up ♪

♪ We finally got a
piece Of the pie ♪

♪ Fish don't fry
In the kitchen ♪

♪ Beans don't
burn On the grill ♪

♪ Took a whole lot of tryin' ♪

♪ Just to get up That hill ♪

♪ Now we're up
In the big leagues ♪

♪ Gettin' our turn at bat ♪

♪ As long as we live ♪

♪ It's you and me, baby ♪

♪ There ain't Nothin'
wrong with that ♪

♪ We're movin' on up ♪

♪ Movin' on up ♪

♪ To the East Side ♪

♪ Movin' on up ♪

♪ To a deluxe apartment ♪

♪ In the sky ♪

♪ Movin' on up ♪

♪ Movin' on up ♪

♪ To the East Side ♪

♪ Movin' on up ♪

♪ We finally got a
piece Of the pie ♪♪


Look at that. I'm
stuck with 48 points.

Who dealt this mess?

You did.

I've got 173 points.

That's the game,
George. Where you going?

To get dinner. Hold it.

How much do I owe you now?


Sit down and deal.

But George, I...
But George, nothing.

You ain't going nowhere

till you give me a chance
to win back my money.

Look, George,
let's forget the $420.

We're even. Okay?

Oh, no. A bet's a bet.
I ain't never welshed.

If I did, I couldn't
sleep with myself.

The way you snore, it
isn't easy for me, either.

Just deal, huh?

All right. But this
is the last game.

Will you deal?! You
rubbing off all the numbers.

One. One. Two.
Two. Three. Three...

Do you have to count
every card twice?

I'm not. It's one for
you, and one for me...

Can't you just count
it as one, two, three...?

All right, all right.
I'll do it your way.






[QUIETLY] Three.


Hi, Mom. Hi, Pop.

Oh, hello, Lionel.
How was school today?

Can't you play cards
and talk at the same time?

Still losing, huh, Pop?

The game ain't over yet.

$420. You're wasting
your time, Mom.

You ought to be
working the riverboats.

Your mother's just on
a lucky streak, that's all.

Hey, Mom, you know what?

You're taking the
cleaner to the cleaners.

It ain't funny, Lionel.

I'll get your dinner.
Play your cards!

I had a late lunch, so I'll
just fix myself a sandwich.

No, wait, I got some
nice cold cuts made up.

Can I get you something, George?

Yes. You can get back here fast.

"Take the cleaner to the
cleaners." That's funny.

Hey, uh, how much longer
is that game going to go on?

You've been at it
for three days now.

Oh, it's all my fault.

You mean you made him play?

Oh, no.

The other night, he was
glued to the TV as usual,

watching the detective show.

What detective show?

Oh, any detective
show. He loves them all.

The fat detective,
the old detective,

the bald detective,
the cowboy detective,

the raincoat detective.

What about the woman detective?

Oh, he won't watch that.

It makes him nervous
when a woman beats a man.

Anyway, I turned off the TV,

And I said, "George, why don't
we do something together?"

All right.

And he said, "All right.
Let's play a little Gin."

And now I can't get him to stop.

It's his pride, Mom.
He hates to lose.

Why don't you just let him win?

Oh, no. Then he will
say I was just lucky.

Why can't he admit that
I'm better at something

than he is?

You know Pop.
He'll never do that.

Then we'll keep
playing until he does.

Well, looks like I'm going to
be the son of a very rich woman.

Right on!

Let's go, Louise. I
dealt the cards for you.

Okay, okay.


You pick a card.
I'll get the door.

Hello, George.

Oh, hi, Mama. Come on in.


What about my coat?

Oh, it's very nice!

Hey, hey, hey. I
can use that one.

Hello, Mother Jefferson.

Hello, Louise.

I don't know what's happened to
your manners, George Jefferson.

You didn't take my coat.

Look, don't be getting on
me now, Mom. I'm busy.

My, but you're
acting rude today.

Louise, what did
you do to upset him?

I'm beating the pants
off him, that's all.

What are you doing here
today, Mama? This ain't Friday.

Well, aren't I welcome
on Wednesday too?

Of course you are,
Mother Jefferson.

It's nice to see you anytime.

It's just that I was
feeling a little lonely.

And thought I'd spend
some time with my family.

At home, there's
nobody to talk to.

What about your
neighbor, Mrs. Henderson?

She's away visiting her son.

He's got a wonderful wife.

Always inviting Mrs.
Henderson to stay with them.

Not everybody's that fortunate.

Are we playing
cards here or not?

Thank you, George.
I'll take that king.

Speculating, huh?
Just like a woman.

There are two kings
out already, you know.

I know. I only needed one.


Can I get you something
to eat, Mother Jefferson?

Wait a minute. This
game ain't over yet.

Your dumb luck ain't going
to last forever, you know.

Luck?! I'm just better than you.

You know, when it comes
to cards, you ain't very bright.

Louise! That's no way to talk.

The way I was brought up,

a wife should
respect her husband.

And what about a
husband respecting his wife?

Only if she earns it.

Earns it, huh?

That's just what
I'm going to do.

Deal, George.

How do you play
this game, George?

I ain't got time to explain
it to you now, Mama.

How about a game of Hearts?

The three of us could play that.

We're right in the
middle of a game, Mama.


I think I'd enjoy a nice
diet soda now, Louise.

So would I.

For all the attention
I get around here,

I might as well
have stayed home.

Lionel, I didn't
know you were here.

Oh, hi, Grandma.

How's my favorite grandson?

Just fine.

Would you like to join
me in a glass of soda?

Huh? Oh, no, thanks.

That reminds me of a joke

your grandfather
used to always tell me.

I would ask him:

"Would you like to join
me in a glass of soda?"

And he would always say:

"Do you think there's
room enough for two of us?"

Isn't that funny?


Oh, yeah! Very funny.

Your grandfather could
always make me laugh.

Lord, I miss him.

I know.

Do you mind if I sit with you?

No. Of course not.

What are you
reading? A textbook.

I have to finish this chapter.

We're getting a
quiz on it tomorrow.


Did you have a
nice day in school?

Eh, it was okay,
Grandma. Nothing special.

I have lots of days like that.


Huh, what?

Didn't you just say something?

Yes, but it's not important.


Well, I guess I'll go see

what's happening in
the gambling casino.

George, are you
starting to win yet?


Thank you, George. I
could use that seven.

Now, see what you did, Mama?

You made me
throw the wrong card!

Well, I don't see why
you should get so upset.

You got another
seven right there.

Now you told her
what I got in my hand.

I'm sorry to be such a bother.

Mama, why don't you just
go watch TV or something?

I can do that at home.

I just started a
crossword puzzle today.

Do you want to finish it for me?

No, thank you.

You've probably done
all the good words

and left the hard ones for me.


I'll answer that.

At least it will give me
somebody to talk to.

Oh. Hi, Mrs. Jefferson.

Oh, Jenny! Come in. Come in.

Oh, thank you.


Hi, Jenny... Pick a card!

Where's Lionel?

He's in the kitchen.

But you mustn't disturb
him. He's busy studying.


Why don't you come
sit down with me?

We haven't had a
talk in a long time.

Well, all right.

Uh, are you sure
that Lionel is studying?


Oh, there's so many things
I've been wanting to ask you.

Hi, Jenny. Oh, hi, love.

Lionel, I thought
you were studying.

Oh, he is.

I'm all through, Grandma.

Well, good.

Then perhaps we could
do something together.

How about a game of Hearts?

Um... I'd love to,
Grandma, but, uh,

Jenny and I have a date.

Yeah. We're going to the movies.

Oh, I haven't seen
a movie in so long.

If you wouldn't
mind a third wheel...


I promise not to look
if you two hold hands.

I... I don't think
you'd like this picture.

Why not?

Well, it's sort of a love story.

I love love stories.

Yeah, but this one is
sort of a nude love story.

Nude? The man or the woman?

Both. Both.

Then you're right. I
don't want to see it.

They haven't made a decent
movie since Shirley Temple grew up.

I'm sorry, Grandma.

We'll make it up to you the
next time, Mrs. Jefferson.

I might be busy next time.

Bye everybody. Bye everybody.


I'm surprised at you, Louise.

I didn't let George
see pictures like that

when he was a boy.

They didn't make
pictures like that

when he was a boy.

Mama, will you stop
interrupting, please?

Every time you start
talking, Louise stops playing.

Pick a card!

Well, pardon me for living!

LOUISE: Are you all right?

Oh, my God!

She's fallen!

Mama, let me help you.

Oh, my back!

Oh! Don't try to
move her, George.

Go get the doctor!

I'll get a cold towel.


Easy, Weezy!

Can't you see Mama's in pain?

Then she should have
listened to the doctor

and stayed in bed.

I stayed in that bed three days.

It's time I started
to walk again.

You're a brave woman, Mama.

Thank you, Geor... Ooh! Oh!

Is it your back, Ma?

Oh, no. Louise just
stepped on my toe.

I'm sorry.

Can't you watch
where you're walking?!

Don't be cross
with Louise, George.

She didn't do it on purpose.

She just happens to
be blessed with big feet.

Why did this have
to happen to you?

Don't feel bad.

After all, it was my own
fault I had the accident.

Oh, don't blame yourself.
It wasn't your fault.

Yes, it was, Louise.

I should have washed
that kitchen floor

just as soon as I saw
how greasy it was.

Is, uh, there anything you need?

How should I
know? I just got here.

Well, in that case,
I'll take a little nap.

I feel kind of beat.

On second thought...

A cup of tea would be nice.

I'll get it for you, Mama.

Don't stand there, Louise!

Come on! Mama wants some tea.

Don't run, George.
I'm not going anyplace.

Okay, I got the water
going. It's all set for you.

You think Mama's
getting any better?

All I can tell you is,
her appetite is perfect.

It works 24 hours a day.

I've worn a path in the carpet
between here and the bedroom.

I don't know. I'm getting
kind of worried about her.

Well, she can't
be all that sick.

The doctor couldn't
find anything.

But he also said you
can't tell with backs.

Why do you think he
made her go to bed?

Yeah, you're right.

What do you think you're doing?

I'm making the tea.

With an old tea bag?

Well, I've only used it once!

Use another one.

Why should I? This
one is still good.

Not for my mother, it ain't.

I always use a tea bag twice.

Then get unused to it.
Look, when I was a kid,

I had to wear my
brother's hand-me-downs.

When Lionel was a kid,

he had to wear his
cousin's hand-me-downs.

But now I got me some money,

and my mother
ain't drinking no tea

from no hand-me-down tea bags.

Anything you say, George.

I just hope your mother
likes boiled water.


That was the last tea bag.

OLIVIA: I'd like a
cookie with my tea!

Coming right up, Mama.

Make some instant coffee, Weez.

But your mother wants
tea. What will I tell her?

You'll think of something.

Here you go, Ma.

A can of assorted cookies.

Take your pick.

Oh, thank you, son.

And here's your tea.

Thank you, dear.


George made it himself.

It's delicious.

He remembered I like it strong.


Nothing's too good
for you, Mama.

Now you're all set.

The bakery just
delivered your cake, sir.

Oh, thanks a lot, Ralph.

And I brought it right up.

Sorry, Ralph. I don't have
nothing smaller than a 50.

No problem, sir.

10, 20, 30, 40... 45... 50.

Here's a 50. Hey, you
got change for a five?

I'm afraid not, sir.
Oh, well, that's too bad.


I just was looking
in my other pocket,

and what do you know?

Five singles.

Oh. Here's your five.

And here's your change.
Thanks a lot, Ralph.

Here's your cake, Louise.

I didn't order a cake.

Yes, you did. It says so
right here: "Mrs. Jefferson."

I ordered it.

Well, Mother Jefferson,
if you wanted a cake,

why didn't you tell me?

It's not for me. It's
for my Naomi Circle.

The meeting's today,

and it's my turn
to bring the cake.

You can't even walk!
Ain't no way in the world

you going to make it
to that meeting today.

That's exactly
what I told the girls.

When I called them this morning.

They were so upset.

So am I.


I wish you could
go to that meeting.

You have no idea how much I wish

you could go to that meeting.

Olivia! Here we are!

We wouldn't let you down.

You see, Louise? If
you wish hard enough,

it always comes true.

Olivia, these mustard green
sandwiches are delicious.

Not greens, dear. Watercress.

Rich people eat
them all the time.


We're running low on
watercress sandwiches.

LOUISE: Coming, your majesty!

She treats me like a queen!

This ought to hold you
for the next five minutes.

Your daughter-in-law
seems like a lovely person.

God doesn't make them any nicer.


And your son is
such a gentleman.

The moment I said
I'd like some tea,

he was out the door to
bring us a special blend.

And I love the way he said:

"Nothing's too good
for you beautiful ladies."

Success hasn't spoiled George.

Do you know, one day last year,

he did a rush order
for the governor.

Pressed his suit

before some speech
at the Waldorf.

Oh, my.

Yes, I think I remember your
telling us something about that.

At one of these meetings?

At every one of these meetings.


Oh, Dorothy, your
glass is empty.


I know. More punch for Dorothy.

Isn't she clever?

Uh, do you ladies do anything
besides eat at these meetings?

If you'd like to join us, dear,
you're more than welcome.

Thank you, but my
place is in the kitchen.

That's a beautiful dressing
gown you're wearing, Olivia.

Oh, do you like my peignoir?

Yes, and such a lovely fabric.

Mm-hmm. Oh, thank you.

And just see the way it moves.

Oh, it's stunning!



Hello, George.

What are you doing?

Oh, my!

You were walking!

It's a miracle!

Suddenly I was healed.

All right, ladies. Time to go.

But... What?!

We are not finished
with our meeting.

The meeting is adjourned.
Time to go. Bye, everybody.


Just a minute!
Come on, let's go.


Next time, say it's
your heart, dear.

They never can
tell with the heart.

It's terrible. I
don't understand it.

Don't take nothing
that ain't yours.

What's the matter?
What's going on?

I just saw Mama walking,
that's what's going on.


That's right. Ain't
nothing wrong with her

You mean, you didn't
hurt yourself when you fell?

I didn't fall.

I only made believe.

You faked that too?
You hear that, Weezy?

Now, George. Now,
George, nothing.

She owes us an apology.

Please! Mama, you
owe us an apology.

No, George, we owe her one.

How come?

George, why do you think your
mother went to all that trouble,

faking a fall,
pretending to be hurt?

Because she... No, because we.

We're the ones to blame.

We locked her out.

We never did that!

Mama comes anytime she wants.

She's always welcome.

She's with us two or
three times a week.

But we're not always with her.

Where you coming from?

Don't you see, George,

the other day, when
we were playing cards,

we were in the same
room with your mother,

but we didn't share
anything with her.

I think she was lonelier with
us than she was at home.

I'm sorry, Mama.

I guess I haven't been a
very good son to you, have I?

Of course you've been
a very good son, George.

And I haven't been a very
good daughter-in-law, have I?

Well, I'm sure you're
doing the best you can.

Well, I'd better
be getting home.

Home? Now? You
don't have to do that.

Yes. I've been enough
bother to you both.

I'm going home.

Just as soon as I've
had my bubble bath.

And my bloody mary
and maybe a bite to eat.

Well, I'm glad that's all over.

Now we can relax.

Yeah, you're right, Louise.

It's your turn to
deal. Get the cards!


Jeffersons was recorded on tape

in front of a studio audience.
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