05x06 -Kelly Bounces Back

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Married... With Children". Aired: April 5, 1987 – June 9, 1997.*
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Follows Al Bundy, a once-glorious high school football player turned women's shoe salesman; his lazy wife, Peggy; their beautiful, dumb and popular daughter, Kelly; and their smart, horny and unpopular son, Bud.
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05x06 -Kelly Bounces Back

Post by bunniefuu »

Marry me, Cherise.

You're the only one for me.

But, Blair, you said
that to the twins,

who are secretly your daughters,

who you fathered when
you were in that coma.

You can't really have
children with a man in a coma,

can you, Mom?

I think there have been
two recorded cases.

I'm home, and I'm feeling foul.

So let's have a
parting of the butts

so I can sit down.

Is the fun always over when
Daddy comes home, Mom?

Well, it's just suspended now.

It's not officially over
till he takes off his shoes.

Kelly, honey, I know you're
a high school graduate,

but you may be
unaware of a new law.

Since 1989,

the government only permits
one human lump per family.

So I'm afraid the time has come

for you to get a job.

Oh, no, Daddy, you're wrong.

Mommy says that I
don't have to do anything.

I'm a girl.

Sweetheart, your mother is
the last of a vanishing breed:

the tyrannosaurus-

But there's still
hope for you, honey.

You can still get up off a couch

without it making
a suction noise.

So join with Daddy,
won't you, please,

in actually earning a living.

But, honey,

for Daddy's ego,

try not to bring home
more money than he does.

So I'd say, try
returning pop bottles.

But stop at 10.

They're two cents
apiece, you know.

"Oh, gee, Your Honor,

I don't know where
that shotgun came from."

Now, Kelly, honey,

you're getting old
enough to know now

that you can't go on
mooching off society forever.

So go over to Marcie's house,

steal her newspaper

and bring back the
section with the want ads.


did you really mean
what you said about me?

You really think I do nothing?

Peg, if you did any
less around here,

it would be called "haunting."

Well, then you have
a pretty short memory.

It's me who brass-knuckles
your underwear into that hamper.

And who invented the broomstick

with the piece of
gum on the end of it

to pick up your socks?

I believe it was I.

Now, I do plenty around here.

I want an apology,

and I want appreciation.

Until I get some,

I, Peggy Bundy,

am officially on strike.

Look, Daddy,

I found a job. Listen.

"Pretty girls needed.

"No skills.

"No talent.

"No experience.

No redding."

That's "reading," honey.

No reading?

Where are they gonna
find anyone that stupid?

No, but look.

"Four hundred dollars a month."

Now, that should help
out the family, eh, Daddy?

Well, uh, sweetheart...

Dear, this is an ad
for a modeling school.

See, I'd have to
pay $400 a month.

So, what's the problem?

Can you describe the difference
between paying and earning?

What am I asking you
for? Of course you can't.

Oh, come on, Daddy,
I wanna be a model.

Hey, maybe I can get
one of those neat jobs

standing in a store window.

Peg, you wanna take this one?

You wanna get down
on your hands and knees

and admit I'm everything to you?

Kelly, I'm not
paying $400 a month

so you can walk around
with a book on your head.

Hey, go ahead,
pout all you want.

It's not going to work.

I am a model.

I'm not cooking
tonight, you know.


Then I guess I'll just
have to live on love.

Not with me. I'm on strike.

Oh, no.

Then I guess I'll
just have to live.

Look, Daddy.

And you thought that
your $400 was wasted.

I'm okay, Daddy.

Sure you are, sweetheart.

Honey, now, go sit over there.

Sit down, dear.

I am a model.

Good, sweetheart.

But, honey, you
have been a model

for two weeks now.

You know, if the
telephone rings,

I'm not gettin' it.

Well, darn, if I miss another
dinner with the Trumps

because of you, I'm gonna
take it out on the help.

Honey, this modeling
thing isn't working out.

But... But I have an idea.

Why don't you take the skills

you've acquired
at modeling school

and get an important job.

One where you meet the public
and serve them French fries.

But, Daddy, I can't stop now.

Modeling is in my blood.

I mean, even my teacher said

that I am a
natural-born leg crosser.


I can do it at will.


Okay, Kel,

I did what you asked.

I put all your Garfield
cartoons on cassette tape

so you can listen
to them in the car.

Now can I meet
the modeling babes?

Isn't he pathetic?

Yeah, right. But don't
worry about him. Honey,

have you seen anything
down there Daddy might like?


You know, maybe there's
a job for a runway model

with dirty underwear.

"And now, here's Al,

"looking frisky for fall

"in his stained boxer shorts

"and matching yellowing T-shirt.

"Oh, note the holes,

"new this season, for
easy-access scratchin'.

"Oh, thank you, Al.

"Oh, and walking behind him,

"his socks.


"in their no-toe-or-heel look.

Thanks again, Al."

"Gee, officer, if I thought
my wife was missing,

would I be in this
bar, drinking a beer?"

Come on, Kel.

I'll do anything.

Well, actually, you
could help me study

for this job audition
at the auto show.

Can you be a car?

Then will I get to
meet the babes?

Pretty ones as dumb as you?


Oh, man.

What kind of car am I?

A 280 Zit.

They better be mighty dumb, Kel.

Okay, now,

you just stand here and "car."

Now, my job is to come up

with an interesting
and exciting way

to introduce the new Allanté.

You ready?

Ready. Okay.

The new... No.

The new... No.

The new...

Four hundred bucks.

Wait, I'm getting an
idea. I'm getting an idea.

How 'bout this?

The new...

Oh, what's the name
of the stupid car?

Kelly, why don't you
just write it on your hand

like you do your name.

No, wait.

Topeka, I have found it!

I... I don't think you
mean Topeka, Kel.

Oh, yeah, that's
right. I meant...


How 'bout this?

The new Allanté.

What do you think?
What do you think?

I think you got it.

I know I've got it.

I shall be the Allanté girl,

for I have invented
"the Bundy bounce."


Allanté. Allanté.

Allanté. Allanté.

Allanté. Allanté.

Allanté. Allanté.



I feel like I died and
went to Dad's happy box

in the basement.

I beg of you, Pepé Le Pew.

Control your urges
and your scent, okay?

I'm gonna go
practice my Allantés.

Okay. I'm just gonna
wander around and...

see what's bitin'.

I do believe I sees my supper.


I know you models are
always watching your weight.

Care for a "Bud light"?

I'm sorry, but I think
you've mistaken me

for someone who would
speak to someone like you.

Stee-rike one.


Need some help?

One good turn deserves another.

Stee-rike two.

Allantum. No.







Hi, Kelly.

Been practicing?

Nope, don't need to.

I'm slam-dunking this baby.

You seem pretty
confident for someone

who got tension headaches
during smiling class.

So, what are you
doing for your audition?

Well, I come after you,

so I guess I'll have to wait

till the curly tail disappears.

Oh, then, of course,

after the cries of
"sooey" die down,

I'll do my best to
follow in your hoofprints.




Can't accessorize.

That hurt.

With you?

Foul tip.

Excuse me.

I couldn't help but noticing you

undressing me with your eyes.

How'd you like to hear my recipe

for a love cocktail?

One cup of you, two cups of me,

put it to boil, and
serve while hot.

Look, I'll let you touch my hair

if you go away
and leave me alone.

I have to audition.

You're wasting your time, babe.

My sister's got it locked.

Who's your sister?


Anyhow, what do
you say to "you and me

and one of your
friends makes three"?

What exactly is Kelly doing?

She told me not to tell anybody.

Not even me?

No one.

Not even...


It's called "the Bundy
bounce," and it goes like this:

The new...


Thanks. That's all
I needed to know.

Wait, y-you said I
could touch your hair.

Allanté. Okay, everybody.

Ladies, attention.

Attention, ladies.

The client is here.

Let's show him what
we can do, all right?

First up, Rochelle Alpert.

The new Alpert.

Oops. That's my name.

Allanté. Allanté.

Very good. Very good, Rochelle.

Incense Berkowitz.

That's Incense Berkowitz.


Piper Bauman.

Gosh, I'm so nervous.

Well, then perhaps you
should've worn underwear.

Just do the best
you can, sweetheart.

The new Allanté.

Thank you. I call it
"the Bauman bounce."

She stole my bounce.

Gee, how could
that have happened?

Excellent, excellent.

And now, as if there was
any need, Kelly Bundy.

The new...


That was my bounce.


Don't do anything, huh?

Well, we'll see.

I'll break him. I'll break him.

How about you, boy?

Mommy does things
for you, doesn't she?

You're not my mommy.

My mother has six nipples
and would lick my belly.

You're the only one
who understands.

Hey, Peg.

You still on strike?

What does it look like?

You could be on fire
and I wouldn't know.

This has been the best
two weeks of my life.

You know, the
uncertainty is gone.

Accepting your utter
uselessness has freed me.

Since I've been
taking care of myself,

the food's better, the
conversation is better,

and... And without sex,
my hair's comin' back.

It's not coming back, honey.

It's just growing
up out of your nose.

Ah, Peg.

Would it really
make you feel better

if I told you I needed you?

Yes, it would.

Well, I don't.

I got my food. Got my drink.

In a few minutes,
I got my ball game.




Yes, sweetheart?

Ball game's coming
on in a few minutes.

Where's the remote control?

You mean your sh**t' iron?

Your magic wand?

The only way you
could turn anything on?


Have you seen it?

Well, you know, sweetheart,
yes, as a matter of fact, I have.

And I would love to
tell you where it is,

but, gee, I can't.

I'm on strike.

Fine. Don't need it.

I'll watch TV without it.

There, game's on.

We'll be back with the
kickoff after these messages.


We'll be back with
the second half

after these messages.

I'm an active gal.

And as such, I need
maximum protection.

It's fine. I don't need it.

I'm happy.

I have everything else.

I don't need TV.

How long has it been?

It's been 10 seconds.

All right, Peg. I give up.

I'll do anything.

Give me what I need, baby!

Give me my remote control!

And what will Daddy give Mommy?

Well, I already told
you I needed you.

What else do you want?

Aagh! No!

Oh, Peg, it's light
out, for God's sake.

We'll be able to see each
other! You know I hate that!

But, honey,

we wouldn't want
anything to happen

to your remote
control, would we?

Okay, honey. Just
a quickie, okay?

No. I want the full
minute and a half.

But, Peg... Peg.

And I want the shoes off.

Oh, God!

How could she know
about "the Bundy bounce"?

I mean, the only one who
knew besides me was you.

How could she find out?

Well, we may as well face it.

We may never be able
to piece this thing together.

Hi, kids.

Did you know your father
is hanging from the window,

butt bare to the world,
screaming for help?

That's okay. Mom's with him.

Well, if you'll excuse me,

someone stole an idea from
me and cost me a modeling job.

So I'm going to handle this

the only way that
us Bundys know how.

With swift and
blinding v*olence.

No, no. Now, wait a
minute, young lady.

If you've got a problem

you think you can
solve with v*olence,

don't you think you
should talk to your parents?

You can run,

but you can't hide!

Oh, Peg! Oh, no!

Could I perhaps help in any way?

Well, you could wait outside
with the engine running.

No, Kelly,

haven't you ever
heard the phrase,

"You can catch
more flies with honey

than you can with vinegar"?

But if you pull their wings off,

they'll eat whatever
you give them. Bye.

No, Kelly, wait.

Let me put this another way.

You're a woman now, not a child.

You should solve your problems
in the mature, sophisticated way

of the adult.

Call 911! Hurry! Hurry! Hurry!

And if your parents were adults

instead of stick figures,

I'm sure they would
agree with me.

So my advice to you
would be to go this person,

and appeal to her
sense of fairness.

Explain how much she hurt you.

And she'll respond to
your maturity with maturity.

For women, unlike men,

have the capacity to feel.

We talk things out.

And when you tell her
a cheater never wins

and a winner never cheats,
she'll give you that job back.

And now, the car of tomorrow.

The new Allanté.

Now, please follow
me to our next exhibit.

Thank you so much.

Well, congratulations,
Miss Bundy.

But, uh, what happened
to Miss Bauman?

Oh, stage fight.

I mean, uh, fright.

Well, congratulations.

Thank you.

Oh, Bud...

I came. I saw. I bounced.

Today, the Allanté girl.

Tomorrow, slut in
a Bon Jovi video.

Reach for those stars, eh, Kel?

You should feel
pretty proud too.

You didn't even have
to read your hand.

Yeah, but now is a time
I have to read my hand

'cause I wrote
myself a little note.

It says, "The one who..."

Oh, what's that word?

"Told about 'the
Bundy bounc" was...

See other hand."
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