05x24 - Route 666: Part 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Married... With Children". Aired: April 5, 1987 – June 9, 1997.*
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Follows Al Bundy, a once-glorious high school football player turned women's shoe salesman; his lazy wife, Peggy; their beautiful, dumb and popular daughter, Kelly; and their smart, horny and unpopular son, Bud.
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05x24 - Route 666: Part 2

Post by bunniefuu »

Last week on
Married With Children,

the Bundys went on vacation,

and got stranded in
Lucifer, New Mexico.

They met an old prospector

who offered to trade
them his gold mine

for the family's old Dodge.

Dodge is a damn fine car.

Ran over my wife with a Dodge.

Then the prospector warned them

gold can turn families
against each other.

So it'd be just
like my life now,

except I'd have
gold in both fists,

and I'd be saying
"Yippee, yippee."

With Al's car, and Marcie's
and Jefferson's money,

they bought the mine
and set out to strike it rich.

Well, the plot's simple enough.

And now, Married
With Children continues.

See, son...

I saved us some money already.

We didn't need no pack mules.

Could somebody help us out?

Well, sure, honey.

Come on, you can
make it! Come on.


Come on! You can do it!

Hurry it up now! Just
a couple more steps!

Thattaway! There you go!

Hey, all right. That
wasn't so tough.

Now, let's unpack all
these picks and shovels,

and the rest of
this western crap...

and start digging!

Daddy, it is so hot,

you could lay an
egg on the sidewalk.

Look, Al... we just
got done lugging

all the mining supplies,
plus your necessities.

You know, two 12-packs
of Aurora white...

a newspaper,

and the Preparation
H with sunscreen.

We want a rest.


There's still three hours of...

Of 100,000-degree daylight left.

Now, come on, let's go
to work. Let's go to work.

Let's go, Marcie.

There's gold in them thar hills.

Let's get off our duffs.

Thank you, honey.

Now, would you bend
over and give me a target?

You know, Al,
I've been thinking.

I believe we should
all just take a little rest.

Oh. You tenderfeet.

Do you realize
where we're standing?

Well, I don't know about us,

but you're standing
in coyote doodie.

Aside from that.

Now, look here.

We're in the wild, wild West.

And I wanna see a
little pioneer spirit.

I wanna see me
a little gumption.

I wanna see me
a little... Ladybug.

Get it off me. Get it off me!

Now, look here.

I'm sick of your female whining.

Yeah! Yeah!

Now, we have a
chance to get rich here.

He who dares, wins.

He who seeks, finds.

He who digs...


Now, Peg...

we've seen it with our own eyes.

There's nuggets
in this here mine

as big as your mother's behind.

And... And just like
your mother's behind,

it's there for the taking...

by anyone with the courage
to reach out and grab it.

Now, I feels like getting rich.

How many of you mangy
varmints are with me?

I'm with you!

Let's go! Come on.

Okay. Okay!

Pull that cup down.

All right, good.

Now, if anybody needs me,

I, uh... got a little
work to do myself.

Would you look at him?

And we followed him.

What were we thinking?

He's never found
anything, you know.

Not even change in the street.

He can barely find
his ear with his finger.


Or chew gum at the same time.

Should she be out in the sun?

Hey, Peg, look!
It's a flip-top lid!

It was in there.

Good, baby.

Uh, I am dying of thirst.


Anyone else want some water?

It's not water. It's sweat.


O, mighty one in the heavens,

who created the mountains,
the seas and beer...

40 years of plague and darkness,

and now finally a light.

A golden light.

It's gold.

What'd you find, Al?


You know, this may
be just a hunchback,

but I think Daddy
found something.

Oh, my...

It's gold, all right! Oh, my...

The bozo found gold!

We're rich!

Get out of there!

Hey. What are you doing?

Hey, hey! I found it first!

It's so good to be
alone with you, baby.

Oh. I could hold
you like this forever.

This is for the apartment.

This is for the Corvette.

And this is for Miss February.

Is this gold?

N-no, honey.

Darn it, I haven't
found any real gold.

I'll take that! Hey!

I-if we found this
much in three hours,

imagine how much
we'll find tomorrow.

Oh, God! We're actually rich.

What are you gonna do
with your share, Marcie?

I'm gonna share
mine with the poor.

No, really.

What are you
gonna do with yours?

I'm gonna buy a seal coat,

a diamond car with
condor floor mats,

and a bald eagle hat.

What about you, honey?

Nothing. Absolutely nothing.

I have everything I want, and...

everyone I want.


By the way...

would you be upset if I
got a place of my own?

Hey, Dad.

I know what I'm gonna do.

I'm gonna get me a place

right next to the old
Playboy Mansion.

You know, Hef's parties
might have died down by now,

but, uh, he can still
sneak over the fence

and get some young
stuff at Club Bud.

Here, let me get that
spittle for you, son.


What about you, dear?

Is this gold?

No, pumpkin.

I'll take that too, Peg!
No, no. I got it! No!

My eye! All right! My eye!

Oh, Peg. Ahh!

What about you, Peggy?
What are you going to do?

Oh, I don't know. I...

Probably make a
few changes. Ha-ha.

Sorry I'm late.

Oh, that's all
right, sweetheart.

Just take your shirt off and
put it on the moose head.

You know, maybe, uh,

redecorate or something.

What about you, honey?


And so... that's how
I defeated the robots

in the first intergalactic
Super Bowl.

So, what do you
wanna do now, girls?

We'd just like to serve you,

beautiful one.

Well... what's on the menu?


Whipped cream bath?


Horsy ride?

Or shall we go back in our cages

and frug for you again?

Well, girls...

it's your dream.

Sorry I'm late.

Oh, that's all right, dear.

Just hang up your
robe on the moose head.

Oh, you know me, Peg.

I probably won't
even get off the couch.

Hey. I have an idea.

How about if we all put

our gold together in one sack,

and then we divvy it
up when we get home?

Gee, that's a great
idea for you, Kelly.

You have nothing.

Yeah. I work harder than you.

Why should I give you my gold?


I'm your daughter.

Well, y... And you always
will be, pumpkin, but...

you ain't gonna have no gold.

Hey, Dad.

Didn't that old prospector

warn us all about greed?

Fine. Then you give
Kelly some of your gold.


Catch you at the mission, babe.

All right. Look. Here's
what we should do.

Some of us are obviously
working harder than others.

So I say what everybody
finds, everybody keeps.

We're all responsible
for our own goods.

That makes sense.

Well said, honey.

Touch my gold again,
and I'll slap you silly.

All right, let's all
turn in. All right.

Ah! Ah!


Must have been a coyote.


Must have been.

Good night. Night.

Good night. Good night.



I think we should k*ll
Marcie and Jefferson.

Peg, listen to
what you're saying.

They can work for days
and gather more gold.

And then...

if they should accidentally walk

in front of my r*fle...

Oh, you're so smart, honey.

Yeah. Ah, good
night. Good night.

Good night.



I don't trust the kids.

What are you guys
talking about over there?

Nothing. Nothing.

You're not gonna
k*ll us, are you?

Now, we wouldn't do that.

We love you.

We love you guys too. Huh.

We gotta get that shotgun

away from Dad.

We will. We will.

All in due time.

We love you guys!

We're dead.


that's not real gold.

Darn it. I never
get any real gold.

Get this away from me.




There's a deadly tarantula

crawling on your arm.

Yeah, right.

I get up to check,

a shovel crushes
the back of my skull...

and my gold is gone.

I'm not falling
for that one, Peg.

Okay, honey. Good night.

Good night.


There's a tarantula on me.

I need some help here.

You didn't believe me.

I'm not speaking to you.

I believe you. I believe you.

Too late.

Hey, what's going on?

Daddy has a
tarantula on his arm.

Wow! Look at that thing.

Dibs on Dad's gold!

Hey. I know how we
could save Daddy. Huh?



You might hurt Daddy.

We'll sh**t it off him.


Daddy... give us your g*n.

No. But I'll give
you both barrels

if you don't get this
monster off my arm...

Oh. I'll take care of
this, you big baby.

I can't believe it. It's
just a stupid spider.

Oh, Peg.

Oh! It's hot! Oh, it's hot!

Oh. Oh, God!

Get his gold!

Gold! Gold! Gold!

Well, I guess we've

played this mine out.

Time to get our gold

and go home.

Ha-ha-ha. Where's Daddy?

Gee, I don't know. I...

I haven't seen him
since he went insane.

Here he comes.

I k*lled this squirrel
for looking at my gold.

Good work, Dad.

Uh, Al...


I think Dad's shoe-selling
days are just about over.

I think Dad's shoe-wearing days

are just about over.

Y-you know...

we can't very well take
him home like this...

can we?

Huh. I-I know I'm the new guy,

but if I have a vote...

I'd say k*ll him.

I heard that!

It wasn't me, it was Marcie!

You all think I'm
nuts! But I'm not!

Hold on, mister! Don't move!


Well, it's not like he
was once a whole man.

Claim jumpers! Oh.

The old prospector

warned us about these guys.

Huh. Just act natural.

What are you people doing here?


We're, uh...

We're seeing America.

We're loving each other.

What do you want?

Well, this is the third stop

on the Hell Hole
National Park tour.

What kind of exhibit is this?

We can see these
kind of people in Miami.

Don't worry, folks.

We'll clean out the
Bigfoot family in a second.

Grab your pans

and share the
forty-niner experience.

Yeah? Grab your butts
and kiss 'em goodbye.

We own this here mine.

We bought it...

from some old guy...

Looked like John Byner.

Oh, old Zeke.

Is he still selling
fake mines to rubes?

Look, son, this
is a national park.

And what you've got
there is fool's gold.

We salt the mines
for the rubes...

Uh, tourists.

But if it would
make you feel better,

you can each carry
a nugget home...

because fun and rocks
are what we're all about

at Hell Hole National Park.

Thanks a lot, Al.

Four days in this intense heat

for nothing.

You are truly a numskull!

Dimwit. Total thief.


Bombastic simpleton.

And a bad, bad daddy.

We don't have any gold.

Now, listen. Listen.

Now, I came here
to get real gold.

And I ain't leaving

till I get real gold.

Under the heading,
"Isn't that bizarre,"

today's story comes
from New Mexico,

where an inbred,
insane family...

A man with two
wives and three sons

held up a group of tourists.

They left them with
cash and diamonds.

All the family said
they wanted was gold.

The reportedly
stole an old Dodge

from a prospector who
looked like John Byner,

and were last seen heading west

towards Los Angeles.

Do not approach them.

They are insane...


and dangerous.

What time is it, g*ng?

Five after 3!
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