01x02 - 4B or Not 4B

Episode transcripts for the TV show "NYPD Blue". Aired: September 21, 1993 – March 1, 2005.*
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Ensemble cast revolving around New York's 15th Precinct.
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01x02 - 4B or Not 4B

Post by bunniefuu »

You gotta move this now.
I ain't done unloadin'.

You're allowed five‐minute
access to the site.
Then you gotta move.

Wait a minute.
Wait a minute.
Don't move the truck nowhere.

Come on, detective.
Let's get real.

It's a posted five‐minute zone.
He's past his access.

‐ I can move around the block
and come back.
‐ You ain't movin' nowhere.

What's he supposed to do,
go around the block
every five minutes?

I don't care
if he drives off a pier.

In other words, what you're
sayin' is because this is
a marino buildin' site...

You're turnin' that man's
constitutional rights
into dirt.

Hey, I can drive
around the block.
And you're looking out for them?

What is that,
a 12‐yarder?

How much do you
kick back to marino?
For each load, 250?

Don't put me in the middle
of this, detective.

See, everybody knows
what's goin' on over here.

This is payback
for what happened
to that cop.

If you ask me,
I wish giardella gets
what's comin' to him.

This way life can resume
being normal around here.

But in this situation, what
you're doin' is inconveniencin'
an innocent wage earner.

You know, you're right.
Watch your head.

Watch your head.

Hey, tubesteak,
shut it off! Hey!

Now I'm inconveniencing you.

You're makin' a lot
of enemies, detective.

sh*ts fired over at fifth
and second, detective.
They tried to whack giardella.

Hey, turn it off!
Tell marino
john kelly says hello.

[ Siren wailing ]

[ Giardella ]
you see, this is gratitude.
[ Man ] would you hold still.

This is how they treat 26 years
of loyalty.

They sh**t at you and
nearly cut your throat
with broken glass!

You assh*le, kelly!
You're the one jammed me up!

What's the matter, alfonse?
You havin' a little trouble
with your boss?

You wanna make a statement?
I'll make a statement,
scumbag. Drop dead and rot.

‐ I didn't see anything.
‐ Whoa, mister. You oughta
come to the emergency room.

Why? So I can take
a number with the rest
of the welfare cases?

I'll go see my own doctor.
No, no, you want a statement?

Alfonse giardella says
all bets are off.

From now on,
it's every man for himself.
You hear that?

That's a start.

[ Chuckles ]

This man's assigned to your
squad, isn't he, lieutenant?
[ Fancy ] that's right.

‐ He's under your command?
‐ He's under my command.

So, am I to assume that this
vigilante campaign has been
undertaken on your order?

My officers don't need an order
from me to do their jobs.

Kelly's not doing his job.
He's harassing marino, pure
and simple. I want it to stop.

Detective kelly is issuing
citations and making arrests
when he sees infractions‐‐

Look, look, look.

I admit,
we got different agendas.

But I can't have kelly
going around shaking all
marino's trees hoping...

Alfonse giardella
will fall out.

As I say, I don't intend
to discipline my officers
for doing their jobs.

You've got no straddle here.
You rein the guy in
or you don't.

You don't,
you pay the consequences.

Would that include our not
having these little visits?

I can hurt you plenty.
Believe it.

[ Door closes ]

[ Desk sergeant ]
here you go, kelly.

‐ Morning, detective.
‐ Hey, mr. Daniels.

I was just at the district
attorney's office. He said
the motions are all in.

The trial should be
coming up pretty soon.
Well, I'll be there.

How do you think these motions
are gonna go? You think
the judge is gonna let...

The evidence in on how
my boy got shot?
I hope so.

The district attorney
wouldn't make a guess.
I was just over there.

It's hard to know
how these things
are gonna go sometimes.

I can't see the judge
not letting the evidence in.
There's got to be justice.

That bastard shot my boy
in the street‐‐
an eight‐year‐old boy.

Detective kelly.
Just a second.

Hey, listen.
You got anybody
to be with you today?

Come on, let's go.
You gonna be okay?

I'll see you
at the trial, detective.
I'll see you at court.

Yeah. I'll be there,
mr. Daniels. What?

I just put your lieutenant
on notice, but I want you
to hear it from me directly.

You either drop this
dodge city campaign,
or I'm gonna have your ass.

Kelly. Sipowicz.
Are we clear?

What's going on?

[ Woman ]

[ Woman over p. A. ]
Dr. Stanley, line 34.
Dr. Stanley, line 34.

He started coming out of it
this morning. To be truthful,
I'm amazed.

Did you ask
who shot him?

That hasn't really been
the focus of my interest,

Hey, buddy.

[ Heavy sigh ]
what's goin' on?

Welcome back.

Hey, lieutenant.

I'm glad
you made it, andy.

No problem.
You feel like talking
a little bit? You up to that?

‐ What do you wanna talk about?
‐ Who shot you?

[ Sighs ]
I don't know.

Was it giardella?

That whole day's...
A blank.

Rest up. I'll be back
later, okay?

Thanks for your help, doctor.
Do you believe that?

I don't who's luckier,
sipowicz or giardella.

What do we do now?
Off the record, keep doing
what you're doing.

Keep the squeeze
on marino.

This states you accept
your ex‐wife's filing.

You don't intend to
counterclaim or answer.

This requests issuance
of the separation decree.

‐ That's it?
‐ It's actually a very
streamlined process.

If you want, I could say
something official sounding.

I now pronounce
this separation commenced.
[ Chuckles ]

How's that nose, 4b?

It's much better. I haven't
needed the gauze packing
in several days.

Will you excuse me?

‐ Thanks, josh.
‐ You're welcome.
Maybe I'll see you later.

[ Door opens ]
he worries me.

How come?
[ Door closes ]

He's been doing his laundry
in the basement with a g*n
in his clothes basket.

He's waiting for whoever
mugged him to come back so he
can make a citizen's arrest.

‐ I don't know who
he's trying to impress.
‐ You don't, huh?

I'm afraid he'll get hurt.

If you get a chance,
maybe you could talk to him.


[ Sighs ]

I'm leaving the city
attorney's office. I'm going
to join a private firm.

When did you decide
to do that?

We've been talking about it
for a while.

Wow. You're really turning over
a whole new leaf, aren't you?

Am I supposed to feel
bad about that?

Get rid of the workin'‐stiff
husband, start makin'
a better buck, right?

It's all part
of my scheme, johnny‐‐
regain my upward mobility.

I brought it up because
I may move into manhattan.

I thought you might want
the apartment back.

This firm you're joining‐‐
any chance they
do business downtown?

So what?
So, nothing.

Maybe they figured they're
buying in on some of the cases
you were handling for the city.

Not that it's any of your
business, but I stipulated
what cases I wouldn't work on.

You can stipulate anything
you want. They know
what they're buying.

That's got to be what it's
about, right? Couldn't be they
thought I was a good lawyer.

Maybe that was it.

Why don't you
get out of here?

Hey, congratulations
on your new career move.

[ Door opens ]

There you go.

You're quiet.

No, it's no problem.

It's just that
I'm not exactly
bubbly myself tonight.

How was your day?
Me and the ex
got into a beef.

What about?
I don't know.

I don't know what
we're fighting about.

You seem preoccupied.
I'm sorry.

I said I was sorry.

I'm not asking you
to say you're sorry.

Okay? Is this something
to do with us?

I'll work it out.

I'm a big boy. If it's
about us seeing each other,
you can tell me.

Okay. I'm havin'
a problem, johnny.

I'm havin' a problem
with us seeing each other.
Okay, no hard feelings.

‐What's that supposed to mean?
‐It means, okay, I understand...

If you don't wanna
keep goin' out.

You think that's what this
is about? That I wanna break up
and I don't know how to do it?

You think we're teenagers?
Then what's your problem?

My problem?

My problem... Is that
I think I'm in love with you.

And why is that
a problem?

[ Sighs ]

What's going on?

Why is this son of a bitch
kelly still walkin' around?

It hasn't worked out yet,
mr. Marino.

It hasn't, huh?
It seems to work out
for kelly.

He's got my nuts in a wringer,
and he's selling tickets.

You're with him on the job.
You're with him all night.

‐ I want him dead.
‐ All right, I understand.

Maybe you're not just
screwing the guy.

Maybe you're falling
in love with him.

That's it, isn't it?

‐ You fell in love.
‐ I told you I will work it out.

There's nothin' to work out.
Clip him. Pull the trigger.

[ Door opens ]


How's it goin'?

This food sucks.
[ Clears throat ]

I heard marino got whacked.

How do you suppose
it happened?
I don't know.

You don't think
giardella did it?

Nah. He ain't got
the balls.

Ah. You peg alfonse
for more of...

An ambush‐a‐detective‐
in‐the‐bathroom type.

You still don't remember
anything about that, do you?

Leaving the bar with lois,
more or less.
Nothing afterward.

‐ Nothing about gettin'
to her place?
‐ No.

Giardella had to be there
waitin' for you, andy.

That has to be the way
it happened. Otherwise,
we ain't got nothin'.

‐ He's gonna walk away.
‐ You wouldn't be urgin' me
to fib now, would you, john?

Say I remember something
when I don't?
All I'm sayin'...

Is that if you could remember,
we could pop him.

Okay, let's say I lie.

Giardella's lawyer
gets me on the stand.

"Detective sipowicz,

"You had horrible animosity
toward my client.

"You ran a hummer‐bust on him
two days before,

Plus you fed him his wig
in an alley, not to mention
being a full‐time sauce head‐‐"

You are a decorated cop.
He threatened you.
We could make that stick.

I'm tellin' you,
I don't remember.


How's the dryin' out goin'?

Helps when the first
week's unconscious.

Now, I go two,
three minutes...

Where booze never
crosses my mind.

You want some magazines
or something when
I come back tomorrow?

Somethin' dirty.

[ Chuckles ]

Okay. Take care.

[ Door opens ]

[ Judge ] as to
the defense motion to exclude
reference to the m*rder w*apon,

The court rules the chain
of evidentiary custody...

Having been broken
in the police property room,

No testimony to the w*apon, its
ownership by or connection with
the defendant will be permitted.


Bring in the jury.

Do you hear what he's doing?
He's not gonna let
the evidence in.

I heard.
[ Clerk ] detective
john kelly to the stand.

Detective kelly, during
the course of your duties,
did you have occasion...

To arrest the defendant
tremaine sampson
on march 7 of this year?

‐ Yes, I did.
‐ Would you please tell
the court...

The circumstances under
which you made the arrest.

Um, I was the assigned
detective, uh, in the death
of an eight‐year‐old boy,

Curtis daniels,

Who was, uh, shot on avenue c
on his way home from school.

Uh, there were no witnesses
to the incident,

But during the course
of my investigation...

I received a number
of statements from...

Neighborhood residents
who, uh‐‐

They led me to believe
that the‐‐ the defendant...

May have been involved.

I, uh, went to
the defendant's apartment...

To question him.

And, uh‐‐

At his apartment, i, uh‐‐

Look, I went to his apartment
and arrested him, okay?
I mean, uh‐‐

The jury's excused.

You will testify
without the theatrical displays
of frustration, detective.

Well, I found the g*n in
that assh*le's apartment, and he
used it on the man's little boy.

So, you know,
if some evidence clerk sends out
the wrong piece for disposal,

You're gonna let this
son of a bitch walk away?

I enforce the constitution,

Now, that evidence
was improperly handled.

it has to be excluded.

Now, you're going to testify
properly, or I will hold you
in contempt.

And I hold you in contempt.
You ought to be ashamed
of yourself.

‐ Recess!
‐ There's no justice in here.
There's no justice!

Your honor, the defense counsel
and I would like to confer
in chambers concerning...

The possibility
of a plea arrangement.

I have had you in my court
where you were a little less
petulant, detective kelly.

So I'm gonna give you
the benefit of the doubt.

Why don't you give him the
benefit of the doubt? He's
the one just buried his kid.

In the matter
of angelo marino.
Hey, look who's here.

Funny how the ball bounces,
huh, kelly?

You figured me for
dead meat, didn't you?
Keep it up, scungilli.

Now they wanna talk to me
about angelo marino.

First they got me for whacking
your rocky pal sipowicz,
and now marino.

‐ What about j. F. K.?
‐ You assh*le.

‐ Kelly!
‐ [ All shouting ]

Kelly, you stay off.
Back off. What's
the matter with you?

‐ Can he make his statement
and get out of here?
‐ Take him to interview.

Come on. Let's go.
Let's go, giardella.

I wanna go to interview.
You're not going.

We'll miss you, johnny boy.
[ Kelly ] hey, fatso,
don't break those stairs!

They're gonna move
the investigation downtown.

Lastarza doesn't know his ass
from a hole in the ground.
It's not my call.

It's not yours either.
They don't all make, john.

This one should have.
This one should have,

Detective kelly.
Sorry I walked out
on you last night.

That's all right.
Is it?

Do I get another chance?
Yeah, why not?

They're taking
the marino case downtown.

Is that right?

Do I get my second chance

Why not? I'll call you
later, all right?

[ Feet scraping floor ]

Detective kelly.

[ Sighs ]
a little far from your
laundry basket, aren't you?

What do you mean?
Well, isn't that where
you keep your g*n stashed?

Well, I gather laura's
been talking to you.

She says you wanna get back
at that mugger who robbed you.
She's worried about you.

[ Chuckles ]
detective, I have a permit now.

I have a right to carry a g*n
and a right to do my laundry.

And I don't see
where this is your concern.

Let me give you a hint.
I caught crooks for 14 years,
and it didn't turn her on.

‐ I don't take your reference.
‐ I thought maybe you had
a crush on my former wife.

‐ Don't belittle
my feelings, detective.
‐ I'm not.

‐ There is no point in you
looking for trouble, okay?
‐ That man humiliated me.

He made me feel vulnerable
in a way I don't intend
to be vulnerable again.

Now, if you really wanna
be helpful, you can give me
change of a dollar.

That's all I got.

Look, you better figure
something out, 4b.
'Cause when the time comes...

And you're not ready
to use that thing,

The other guy is liable
to take it off you,

Stick it up your ass
and k*ll you with it.


Think about it.

Anyone see detective kelly?

I never got used
to this part of it.

I don't like
gettin' beat.

Ah, you didn't get beat.

Tell that to giardella,
that lucky bastard.

I had marino squeezed.
He was gonna give him up.

Something happened
that was out of your control.

It was no one's fault.
You'll get over it.

Since when are you
such an optimist?

At julio's last night,
there was a black cloud
hanging over the table.

Well, after julio's...
I made some decisions
about us.

I think we have a chance
at a fresh start.

You got anything
against fresh starts?


Do you have any message
you'd like to send
to giardella?

Yeah, yeah, just tell him
hi for me. Tell him
have a nice day.

And tell him I'm taking
my vitamins, all right?
I gotta be inside.

[ Reporters clamoring ]
I gotta get inside.

Anything? Detective?

[ Desk sergeant ]
hey, detective sipowicz,
good to see you.

Hey, sarge.
Welcome back, detective.

Thanks, kid.
How you doin'?

Hey, you still haven't brought
in that inventory list on
the mott street takedown.

Looks pretty straight up.
Want me to take it myself?
You mind?

No problem.

Welcome back, andy.

You going to the beach?
That's a riot.
[ Clears throat ]

You okay?
I'm peachy, yeah.
Let me go see fancy.

Hi, detective.
Hey, how you doin'?

Go ahead.
What you got there, sarge?

Hey, glad you're back.
Yeah, thanks.

[ Woman ]
hi, detective.

Have a seat, andy.

Well, I do better
standin' up.

The review board
rescinded your suspension.

You've got a full reinstatement.
Guess I picked the
right time to get shot.

The question's whether you
want to return to active duty.

You could take
a disability retirement
at three‐quarters of your pay.

Lieutenant, uh, before any
of this happened, I know
you thought I should quit.

Before you got fired.

I don't expect you to think
any different now, and, uh,

It's pretty obvious
I'm not 100% yet.

But I'm not drinking,
and, uh, I'd like to go
back to work.

You're right. I do have
my doubts about you coming back.

And I'm gonna give myself
time to make up my mind.
And while I do,

You're on restricted duty
in the station house.

Great. I can make
those paper clip chains.

You got a problem with that?

No. No, sir.

[ Opens drawer ]

Andy, I don't know if you
should be a cop, but I think
you got a lot of guts.

Yeah, well,

For a while there
I was wearing 'em
outside my clothes.

[ Door opens ]

What'd he give you?
Ass duty.

Well, maybe he figures...
Go easy.


‐ They, uh‐‐ they still got you
with that kid martinez, huh?
‐ We're workin' on some cases.

[ Man ]
detective kelly?
[ Man #2 ] over there.

Andy, I wish I could have
nailed giardella for you.

Don't worry about it.
Everything happens for the best.

‐ Detective kelly,
you got a minute?
‐ Yeah.

On the daniels matter,

I wanna thank you for
the supplementary witness
statements you collected.

I'm grateful for the energy
you gave the case.

But you decided to
plead it out, right?

The other side's willing
to accept 14 months.

With the g*n excluded,
I thought that's a deal
I should take.

He m*rder*d that kid.

What the facts were and
what's allowable in court
are two different matters.

‐ Have you told
the kid's father yet?
‐ I'm gonna do that now.

‐ I'm sorry.
‐ Me too.

Hey, detective.

How you makin' out?

I don't know, kid.
I can't sit down.

I'm trying to figure out if
a soda's worth having my next
two birthdays on these stairs.

What kind of soda you want?
I'm on my way back down.

Excuse me.

Diet or regular?
What are you,
a smart‐ass?



Excuse me.

Is detective kelly on duty?
I need to talk to him.

‐ What's it about?
‐ Tell him someone wants
to see him.

Do a little better for me.

Tell him it's lois,

Andy sipowicz's friend.

‐ Put this woman in
interview room number two.
‐ [ Man ] right, sarge.

[ Desk sergeant ]
is detective kelly
around up there?

[ Lois ]
he didn't give me
any choice.

He said if I didn't do it,
he was gonna cut my throat.

And he knew andy's
whole routine‐‐

That we got together
on tuesdays and‐‐

He said, "you're gonna leave
your apartment open.

You're gonna bring him
back here like
everything's normal."

And he said he would
take care of the rest.

This was all giardella. You
never talked to anybody else.

And then I was supposed
to get on a plane for orlando.

Except that I knew once I got
down there he would have me
k*lled, so I didn't go.

And I've been hidin'
ever since.

And then...

When I saw andy
on the tv, I just‐‐

[ Sighs ]
I couldn't do it anymore.

I'm out of money.

I just feel so bad
about what happened.

[ Chuckles ]
I always liked andy.

He was one of
my favorite tricks.

I'm lookin' for sipowicz.
I just saw him
headin' out, detective.

Poor guy's still tryin'
to get his strength up, huh?

‐ You ever plan
on drinking that thing?
‐ Don't worry about it.


What are you doing here?
What are you doing here?

Looked open
for business to me.
You saw her, didn't you?

Saw who?
Yeah, she copped
to the whole thing, andy.

She made a full statement.
Which is why you're here,
isn't it?

You saw lois
at the station house.
You figured, I better be quick.

Because you don't
want giardella busted.
You want him dead, right?

Stay out of this, john.
It's too late for that.

Hey, it's alfonse's
front bumper.

Mr. Giardella's wonderin'
if there's something
you people wanted.

‐ Yeah, a kiss.
‐ Why don't you go drink
somewhere else?

I'm gonna take care
of this, all right?
Whoa. What happened here?

We crossed the border
without realizing it.
We left america?

There's a lot of gin mills
in town‐‐
the conversation's over, pal.

Your boss knows where
I'm sittin'. I don't need no
steroid case for an interpreter.

Hey, look who's here.
Wanna hear it from my own mouth?
Get out of my joint.

What happens if I don't?
You gonna throw your wig at me?
Let's go.

Don't worry about it.
I'll leave, alfonse.
But I'll tell you what.

Why don't you come
outside with me?
I'm shaking.

Just the two of us.
We'll square everything up.
Is that a threat, assh*le?

Sounds like a threat to me.

We'll straighten
everything outside.
Give me some room.

Whoa. What are you lettin'
him push you around?
Shut up!

I thought it was
you and me outside.

Don't trip over your cane,
tiny tim.

All right.
Did you have a lot of fun
with me in there?

Makin' me look like two cents.
All right, I don't‐‐

Just let go of me!
Just get in the car.

I don't have to.
I got my own car.
In the car. In the car!

In the car!
There you go.

Now what? You wanna tie my
shoelaces together? Make me
look a jerk some other way?


Here we go.

All right,
up against the wall.
Hey, hey!

Look at this. We're gonna
nail giardella. We're gonna
bust this fat son of a bitch.

[ Sipowicz ]
it's not good enough.
It's not good enough, john!

I wanted to take him out.
I wanted to gut sh**t that
bastard just like he gut shot me.

Let it go, andy. Let it go.
Let it go?
Let it go?

What, are you nuts?
That's the only reason
I didn't die.

The whole time lying in the
hospital, that's all I thought
about, was killin' him.

I don't think I got
anything else but.

How come you haven't
taken a drink?

So I could stay on the job
and get a chance at whackin'
this assh*le.

Right in here,
right in that bar,
why didn't you take that drink?

I got shot drunk once.
I figured this time
I'd try it sober.

I think that there's
a lot more left in you.

I think there's
a part of you that
wants to keep going.

Start now.
It'll be a stronger case
with you in it.

There's your man.
There's your man going down.

Let's go.
In the car.

Robert, get the door.
I'm comin'.
Take it easy.

Hey, alfonse, what's goin'
on over there, funny man?

You know, I just thought
you'd want to know something.

I suddenly remember that
little afternoon at lois's.
It all come back to me.

And I'm gonna testify
about it in court. I just
thought you'd want to know.

Now it's your turn
to say something smart.

Hey, watch that wig
climbin' into the vehicle,
'cause I wanna see...

That lousy lookin' piece of crap
on your head when I testify
against you in court.

You big ape!
Go on. Get out of here!

[ Chuckles ]


You know what's
happening here, kelly?

You know what
they're doing with giardella
in that interview room?

They are giving me away.
No. No way.

What kind of a deal
could he cut? We're talkin'
attempted m*rder on a cop.

Believe me, I am being
wrapped up in a bow.

Life with review
after 25 years.
That's the best he can do.

Try three years in ace hotels
while they make cases off him.

And then he'll wind up on a
beach somewheres with a nose job
and a different color wig.

No way.
[ Sighs ]

I'm gonna take a dump.
[ Grunts ]

[ Groans ]

[ Sinclair ]
mr. Giardella's a realist,

He understands the situation,
and he's prepared to offer
full cooperation.

That means
comprehensive disclosure
of illegal activities...

Including testimony
at trial...

In exchange for
a plea arrangement...

That does not include

You're dreaming.
No way you'd beat jail.

I'm bringing a big package.

Lieutenant fancy,

I want to hear
what's on the table.

What's going on?
Giardella's offering breakdowns
on all the family crews‐‐

Details on the jobs
they pulled.

Have you had any
line‐of‐duty incidents
in the last few weeks?

Any close calls
you didn't report?
No. Why?

Giardella says marino
put out a contract on you.

He thinks you were supposed
to be hit by a cop,
somebody you worked with.

And you believe him?

These are the cops
he says were on
marino's payroll.

He says there are others
that marino kept to himself.

Nobody on this list is
from this precinct, but...

I know you've had some
shared‐duty assignments, so‐‐

What's the matter?

[ Folding paper ]

You recognize somebody?

No. No, I don't know
anybody on that list.

I want you to run a computer
check with those names
against your recent assignments.


You seen licalsi?
Sector patrol.
You just got a call from court.

The hostage squad.
What happened?

Some case you worked on.
Victim's relative's got
a g*n on the judge.

Perp's name is
ephraim daniels.

His son was m*rder*d.
I know the case.

They were gonna plead it out
this morning. The guy who did
it was on for sentencing.

Daniels breaks into
the judge's chambers.

Wants him to cancel the plea‐‐
make the guy go to trial.

Says you're the only cop
he'll talk to.

Mr. Daniels,
it's detective kelly.

Just you.

I got a g*n pointed
at his head. I'll use it.

Don't play with this guy,

The judge is at risk and I got
a sh**t with a clean angle
outside the office window.

‐ Shut the door.
‐ Can't do that, mr. Daniels.

You've got the g*n.
You're still in charge.

Gotta let him go,
mr. Daniels.

[ Daniels ]
fourteen months.

Fourteen months...

For killin'
an eight‐year‐old boy.

I can't let him
give out that sentence.

I promised my boy at his grave
I was gonna give him
some justice.

Mr. Daniels, there is
no justice for what happened
to your boy.

And I'm not gonna
tell you I agree with
what the judge did.

Not letting the g*n in
as evidence...

And the rest of it,
I think that sucked.

But nothing is gonna happen
in this room that's gonna
change any of that.

The only thing that's
gonna happen in here...

Is you're gonna get
in all kinds of trouble.

Are you listening to me,
mr. Daniels?

I'm listening.

I want you to come out
here with me.

I promise you...

That if you put that g*n down,
nobody will put you
in jail for this.

Where's your boy buried?

Bethel baptist,
out ozone park.


I promise you in a couple
of days time...

You'll be able to go out there
and tell him you did
the best job that you could.

Mr. Daniels,
don't die in here.

He's not worth it.

[ Crying ]

[ Kelly ]


[ Man ]
take him to the back entrance.
We have a car waiting.

No promise that you made
to that man is binding,

[ Man #2 ]
what precinct are we going to?
[ Man #3 ] take him to 3rd.

Judge, how's it gonna look
you giving the guy who
k*lled his kid 14 months,

And then putting him
in jail too because
he made you wet your pants?

We govern by law,
not your whim.

Don't tell me
how you govern.
I work your streets.

I clean up
after how you govern.

The way you govern

[ Licalsi laughs ]

Hey, detective.

Can I talk to you
for a minute?

How you doin',

I'm doing all right.

Didn't you tell me
that your name's
different than your dad's?

When I joined the force
I took my mom's maiden name.

I didn't wanna ride
on my father's coattails.

Your dad's name is
dominic gennaro, the 27.


So my dad's name
is on a list.
These are wrong cops. Okay?

This is part of a deal
that giardella's
trying to float.

Giardella's trying
to save his ass.
Did they reach out to you?

Let's go outside.

Who's talking to me now?
What do you mean?

You talking to me as a cop?
I'm talkin' to you as the guy
you've been sleepin' with,

The one you said you were
in love with, how that was
givin' you such a problem...

Till just before marino
got k*lled, huh?

[ Door opens, closes ]

Is that what happened?
Did you take him out?

I think we could have
a life together.
Is that what happened?

Even if it is,
the case never makes.

Oh, my god.

We could have a life.

Detective kelly,
you've got another one.
Here you go.

Good night, sarge.

Good night, lieutenant.

Good night.

Where'd you go?

Ah, a couple of things
went down.

How'd it go
with giardella?

Him and his cue ball‐headed
shyster walked out of fancy's
office about half hour ago.

The marshals are taking him
to some hotel.

And his ugly tub of guts,
he stops by my desk here
and gives me a big cocky wink.

I can't believe
they cut him a deal.

That organized crime guy,
he says I gotta see it
from their point of view.

He says giardella's gonna
clear up...

Half the outfit cases
for the last ten years
right through marino.

Wait. Giardella says
he k*lled marino?

Fancy said that's
what took the time.

He says this lastarza wasn't
gonna okay the package...

Unless giardella
admitted he k*lled him.

What are you laughin' about?
You still don't think
giardella did it.

No, i‐‐

If he says he did it,
maybe he did it.

[ Scoffs ]

Listen, uh, you want
some dinner?



What are you
so glum about?

Are you real happy?

Hey, kelly,
you may wanna stand still
while I tell you this.

Once or twice
each calendar year,
justice does not prevail.

[ Chuckles ]
now, on the bright side,
from my own point of view,

I may be keeping company
with a blue inner tube,

But, uh, I wake up sober
every morning,

I don't feel like
I got hit in the head
by a cessna,

I'm in the running
to get my job back,

Plus a buddy saw me
through some tough times.

[ Phone ringing ]
so who's got it
better than me, huh?

[ Desk sergeant ]
hello. 15.

Yeah, yeah, yeah,
he's right here.
Hold on.



Okay, I'll be right there.
What's goin' on?

Andy, I gotta‐‐ I gotta
take a rain check on dinner.

No problem.
[ Moans ]

I'll see you.


I'm glad you're back, man.
I'm glad you're back.

[ Siren wailing ]

I'm on the job.
What happened?

Complainant was doing
his laundry. Perp tried
to take him off.

Complainant was packing
more than a box of tide.


I know the answer now,
To what?

The other night, you told me
I had to know if I'd be able
to use my g*n.

The truth was, I wasn't sure.
But now I know.
Calm down.

When I first saw him,
I was too afraid to even move.

He recognized me from
when he robbed me before.
He was laughing at me.

Take it easy.
But I got to my g*n,
and I used it. I used it.

Mr. Goldstein, you'll have
to come down to the precinct.
Am I under arrest?

No, but we'll have to
get a statement.
What about my g*n?

When do I get my g*n back?
You get it back when
we say you get it back.

Come on.

When you get back to
the station, drink a little
something with sugar in it.

You know what?
I'm glad I shot him.
I liked how it felt.

Okay, mr. Goldstein,
watch your head.

Well, he got him.

He got him.

I tried to talk to him.

I know.
He told me.

Big influence, huh?

Thanks anyway.

You know, uh,

I was way out of line
the other day when
we signed those papers.

I picked a lousy time to tell
you that I was changing jobs.
That's no excuse.

You start with that
private firm yet?
Next wednesday.

Find an apartment
in manhattan?

Not yet.

I don't, uh‐‐ I don't wanna
lose track of you.

We're not gonna lose track
of each other, johnny.


You think I could
come upstairs?

What for?

Well, uh, if I don't,

I'm gonna lay down right here
and you're gonna have to put
traffic cones around me.

Where's your friend
from the other night?

Uh, that's not gonna
work out.

I'll sleep on the couch.

I don't wanna
be alone tonight.

Come up.

We'll negotiate
where you sleep.
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