01x05 - Emission Accomplished

Episode transcripts for the TV show "NYPD Blue". Aired: September 21, 1993 – March 1, 2005.*
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Ensemble cast revolving around New York's 15th Precinct.
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01x05 - Emission Accomplished

Post by bunniefuu »

‐ [ Siren wailing ]
‐ [ police whistling blowing ]

[ Car horns honking ]

Hey, how's it going,
mr. Mac?
Oh, pretty good.

‐ How's my brother?
‐ Hard being a young
person nowadays.

Yeah. I know what you mean.

[ Siren wailing ]


[ Knock at door ]

I guess you're not at work.

Oh, that guy, man,
he didn't like me.

Yeah? He liked me.

That's why he gave me the job.
That's why he called me
when he had to fire you.

Where's your tv?

‐ Stole.
‐ Stole, huh?

Yeah, it's the building, man.
They're trying to get us
outta here.

People been getting robbed.
They turned off the water.

They even stole my couch.

You using, roberto?

I'm usin'. But they took
the tv and my clock radio
and the couch.

‐ Pack your stuff.
‐ For what?

'Cause you're going into the
detox. I got you in a 60‐day
program at manhattan state.

‐ I can't do that, jamie.
‐ You're going in that program.

I'm trying to tell you there's
something wrong inside of me.
I don't think I can ever kick.

I'm gonna lose this place.
No, you're not.
I'll keep it for you.

I'll stay here.
What's going on here?

It's family business.

‐ Who's that slob?
‐ The super.

He beat the crap outta me
a few times. They're tryin'
to get people outta here.

Pack your things.
Put your things together.
[ Superintendent shouting ]

[ Superintendent
banging on door ]

Hey! Come on!
I don't like doors
being slammed in my face.

Yeah? My brother told me
what's been going on
in this building.

Listen to what I'm sayin'.
He's gonna be gone a while,
and I'm moving in.

And that stuff has
just stopped happening.

Listen, you little spick
piece of garbage. Don't tell
me what's gonna happen.

[ Groans ]
you put your hands on me again,
and I'm gonna kick your ass!

And then I'm gonna
take you to jail!

Why didn't you show me that
in the first place?

Gotta see a badge
before you act
like a human being?

Hey, kid, look.
I'm on the job too.

[ Grunts ]
[ thud ]

And I think I just heard
your brother going out
the bathroom window.

Roberto! Hey, roberto!


I was on my way to work.
I wanted to thank you
for the flowers.

Well, they had a special.

The "john kelly gets used
to his ex‐wife being
a prosecutor" special.

‐ It's important to me to still
have you for a friend.
‐ You got that.

‐ I want to be able to tell you
what's going on in my life.
‐ You got that too.

We're not that far away from
each other. Maybe we can have
lunch sometimes.

Well, today's not good.
Today I can't.
I'm having lunch with my boss.

All right.
You'll take a rain check?

[ Chuckles ]
go get 'em, laurie.

See you, john.
Go get 'em.


See ya.

[ Man ]
hey, detective.

Hey, kelly.

You got a second?

You gotta help me out here.
What's going on, sarge?

he's taking lunch orders
from my prisoners again.

What, you think
that's funny?

You know what happens
to these animals when
they don't get their food?

They start biting holes
in each other's necks.
Let me talk to him.


[ Man ]
we can order anything
we want off of here?

Anything. And we gotta give you
exactly what you want...

Within 15 minutes of normal
mealtime in order to abide
by the consent decree...

Issued by judge baraka.

‐ So what do you guys want?
‐ I'll have some brisket.

It's not all dried out,
is it?
Premium cut.

Flash‐broiled with
a little butter to order.

I'll take that,
medium rare,

Mashed potatoes,
french beans and some gravy.

Good choice.
Detective stillwell‐‐

Uh, in a minute, kelly.
I gotta finish up here.

Do you want that gravy
on the meat or on
the potatoes, or both?

I want it on the meat,
but I don't want it
rolling in the vegetables.

You want it on the side,
in a little carton.

‐ Something like that.
‐ Yeah.

Uh, judge says
if you don't want dessert,

You gotta so state
in front of witnesses.

No, I want dessert.
Yeah. Yeah.

Yeah, I'll, uh‐‐
I'll catch up
with him later.

All right.
I'm saying it nice,
detective, but I'm saying it.

Either you straighten
this assh*le out, or I'm
hanging him with the lieutenant.

Okay, got you, sarge.

[ Phone ringing ]

[ Clears throat ]
Hey. What's goin' on?

We gotta talk to stillwell.
He's taking lunch
orders again.

Whoa. Excuse me, kelly.
We don't gotta do anything.

I've had my quota of
buzzers, dribble glasses
and fart pillows.

Hey, detective.
Hey, martinez.

What's goin' on, kid?
Not much. Got a minute
for me, detective?

Yeah, sure.
I'll catch you later.

Over here.

What's up?
A couple of things,
you know.

Some family stuff
to deal with,

Plus I got a situation
in regards to another cop.

‐ What situation?
‐ He's a bad cop.

He's cleaning tenants out
of a rent‐controlled building.

He's robbing people.
He's harassing 'em.
He's beatin' 'em up.

How are you involved?
He's the super
at my brother's building.

I'm staying there
a little while.

The guy was just
in my face this morning.

And he says he's on the job?
Yeah, after I
showed him my badge.

Then he gets all friendly,
says don't worry about
the rent being on time.

Starts talking about
throwing a few bucks my way.

Whoa. I'm not gonna tell you
don't bring him up on charges,

But, uh, you gotta know
this is a big step, martinez.

Yeah. I mean,

I didn't join the department
to bust other cops.

That's how people end up
on the rat squad.

All right. You think you can
talk to this guy man‐to‐man?
What's his name?

‐ Hanlan. He's out of the 33‐‐
‐ you think you can talk to him,
straighten him out?

Well, maybe i‐i
could try that.

That oughta be
your first step.


That's probably what
I oughta do. Okay.

Thanks, detective.

You moved into your
brother's place?
Yeah, I might do that.

You never told me
what he does.

He's still feeling
his way along.

Still looking
for his niche.

Hey, keep me posted
on this other situation.

Will do.
Thanks for the advice.

Yo, kelly.
What do you need?

You got plans for lunch?
I can be had.

Andy and I wanna
take you out.
It's a date.

What are you trying
to prove here, john?

You're not going to raise
this guy over again.

‐ You don't think his stuff
is starting to get weirder?
‐ I don't keep real close tabs.

I mean, stillwell wants
to be a practical joker,
lose his paycheck gambling,

‐ That's why they fought
the revolutionary w*r.
‐ Hey, guys.

[ Clears throat ]
you think preseason pro
basketball's a sucker's bet?

I don't follow it that closely.
We ordered.

I gave mine in the back.
Andy, what are you doing there?

We can't take you
anywhere. Whoop.

‐ [ Laughing ]
‐ so what's the occasion?

It's probably a good idea
to stop taking lunch orders
for the holding cell.

Wait a second.
You don't think that's funny?

‐ I think you've had
a good run with it.
‐ Well, if you think about it,

You're really asking the sarge
to clean up the mess afterward.

All right. That's a point.
I'll make it right
with the sarge.

I'll lighten up on it.

‐ Earn your tip.
Jets get seven at the bills.
‐ The bills.

‐ You're nuts.
Jets win on the field.
‐ Oh, the bills cover.

Go back to mah‐jongg,
you hump!

[ Laughing ]
he always unties
my shoelaces.

So, uh, how's your love lives?
Or wait.

You done rebuking me?
That's it.

‐ Love life's a little slow.
‐ Ditto.

How's lila?
Good. We got a little
rocky patch coming up.

Is that right?
I took out a loan...

On our pension
on some real estate
thing in new mexico.

Turned out to be bogus.
She doesn't know about it yet.

[ Sighs ]
I don't plan any big sexfest...

The night we have
that little talk.
How bad was the hit?

‐ I'd say, uh, all of it.
Pretty much all.
‐ That's rough, art.

Ah, balls. All's I need's
a 12‐team parlay,
and I'm square.

Andy, what are they doing?

[ All ]
♪ happy birthday to you ♪

‐ Is this some special day
and you didn't tell us?
‐ ♪ Happy birthday ♪

♪ To you ♪

♪ Happy birthday
dear detective ♪

It's not really my birthday.
He's just having
some fun with me.

♪ Happy birthday to you ♪
[ pager beeping ]

[ Sipowicz ]
we gotta get outta here now.

Funny, artie, funnier
than the last six times.

[ Sighs ]

[ Stillwell ]
happy birthday to you.

[ Siren wailing ]

[ Chattering ]

[ Camera shutter clicking ]

You think the old man
could've had a heart attack
or a stroke?

Sure, before or after
he fell through the railing?

Let's go.

Watch your step.
I told you, detective.

I told you this hanlan
was a bad guy.
Take it easy, martinez.

That old man kept an eye
out on my brother.
He looked out for him.

It's an old building.
I guess the railing could've
loosened on its own,

But there's some
fresh screwdriver marks
where the brackets were.

The lady over here says
that mrs. Vicario in 207...

Suffocated three months ago
from the gas in her stove.

Says that the windows
in her apartment were shut
in the middle of july.

She thinks the super
did that too.

Did she have any run‐ins
with him personally?
No. I asked her that.

Is your brother around?
No, not right now.

No point in dustin'.
Guy's the super.

Fingerprints on the banister
wouldn't prove anything anyway.

I called hanlan's precinct.
He's doin' a 4‐to‐12.

I don't wanna talk to him
on the job, so we'll talk
to him tomorrow. All right?

He did this.
I'm telling you, he did this.
He's a bad guy!

I hear you, martinez,
and we're gonna do something
about it. Come on.

[ Siren wailing ]

[ Chattering ]

[ Car horn honking,
traffic noise ]

[ People chattering ]

Laura! Hey.

Sorry I had to cancel lunch
yesterday, but‐‐
no problem.

Hey, just like law school‐‐
junk food on the fly.

So are you all settled in?
You got your boxes unpacked?
Pretty much.

The assistant d. A.'S area
is a little like kafka, no?

Yeah, my office is
in kind of a long row.

So the group of cases I'm
working started with a couple
of street‐level dominican drug dealers.

They keep going down
like dominoes, I keep going up.

I'm not two convictions away
from being the top...

Narcotics prosecutor
in the five boroughs,

Which means I got 47 other
prosecutors who would love
to see me fall on my face.

I want you to keep me
from doing that.

I'm second seat
interviewing witnesses.

You'll pick it right up.
You were always smarter
than I was.

Once you get used to
the dirty water, you are
going to love the work.

I can get used
to dirty water.
You see that?

That is u. S. Attorney

He controls a witness we need.
We're pitching him tomorrow.

In my larcenous heart,
I'd like to buy him a box of
those $10 torches he smokes.

My advice would be:
don't do that.

See? You're gonna be

[ Elevator bell dings ]

[ Siren wailing ]

[ People chattering ]

You john kelly?

Jack hanlan.
Hey, jack.
Thanks for comin' in.

Andy sipowicz, jack hanlan.
How you doin'?

Come over here, jack.

You want coffee, jack?
No. No, thanks.

I knew a john kelly with
the 25 when I was coming up.

That would've been my father.
And you can
be proud of that.

He was a warrior,
your old man.
A real old‐time bull.

Stand‐up all the way.

So you're, uh, working as
a super in this building where
the old man died yesterday?

Yeah. God, you must've been
just a kid when your dad passed.

I was 11.

We'll not see
his like again soon.

Well, what was it
you wanted to know
about the accident, john?

We looked for you
at the building.
I was working the night tour.

I felt horrible
about the old guy falling
through the railing.

Any other problems
at that building?

The usual‐‐
a few break‐ins,

Junkies robbing pensioners
on check day.

I smack 'em around
a little bit just
to keep 'em in line.

Aside from some vandalism,
uh, there hasn't been
much else.

Well, we heard the landlord
wants the tenants out.

[ Laughs ]
sure. And he doesn't waste
money on improvements.

But I keep things running
at a basic level.

People move out gradually.

We don't have dobermans
in the hallways at night
or anything.

We heard complaints
about conditions.

Would you like to see
my to‐do list?

It's hell keeping up,
especially the boiler.

That boiler is a bastard.

[ Siren chirping ]

How about your boiler, sipowicz?
I heard you took a few sh*ts
not long ago.

I get up and down
the stairs.

[ Laughing ]

Yeah, these
young guys today.

They take a whack like that,
it's instant disability

Then they spend
the rest of their lives
telling everybody...

What a great hero they are,
like this kid from here I met‐‐


Yeah, yeah,
some name like that.

His brother lives
in the building.

He's one of the junkies
I was telling you about.
We had a little run‐in.

‐ Well, uh, anything else
I can tell you?
‐ That's about it.

Okeydoke, then.
Oh, if you got
a free night, kelly,

Let's have a beer.

I'll tell you a few stories
about your old man
your mother doesn't know.

Thanks for the offer.

Sure, anytime.
Keep the wind at your back.

What do you think?

What do you mean, what do
I think? This lyin' donkey
scumbag son of a bitch.

You don't figure your old man
and him would've been
runnin' buddies?

‐ My old man wouldn't stand
at the same bar with this guy.
‐ You think he croaked this guy?

You know he did.
And he's gonna walk
on it, isn't he?

Come on. We'll run it
for the lieutenant.

Joselito, if you see him,
would you call me up?

Please, all right?
It's real important.

What are you doing here?

Because I want my eyes on you
when I ask you what's going on.

Now, you know your cousin
rosa's kid's being
christened on sunday?

Yeah, I'm gonna be there.
What about your brother?

I don't know
if he can make it.
I called his place of work.

They say he's not there anymore.
The job and him,
it wasn't a fit.

I told you, I'm watching you.
And I'm telling you
the truth.

You move out of the house.
You're living at his place.

Your mother's worried,
which is getting to me.
What's going on?

I don't know.
I'm not sure.

He's your little brother.
You're supposed
to take care of him.

I know! I'm trying!

[ Kelly chattering ]

Come here. Come here.

Come here.

If this wasn't your place
of work and your boss
over there...

And these other people here,

I'd stand you up against
the wall and knock
the crap outta you.

He's your little brother.
I'm trying
to take care of him.

Now, you tell mama
he's gonna be all right.

Papi, this is
detective john kelly.

This is my father hector.
Nice to meet you.


I'll talk to you later.

Got a christening on sunday.
He gets all worked up.

Lieutenant wants to see you.
All right.

Yeah, I'll call you
right back.

You asked to be kept
apprised on this incident
at your brother's building.

‐ Yes, sir.
‐ Well, kelly and sipowicz
both think you're right.

The cop who's the super
is no good.

They both think he's probably
responsible for what happened
to that old man,

But he's covered.

There's no witnesses,
no conclusive physical evidence.

‐ Then I want to go forward
on the other stuff.
‐ What do you mean?

I want to notify
internal affairs on what
this guy's been doing‐‐

The bribe he offered me,
how he beat my brother.

You sure you want
to do this?

Yeah. I know
this is a big step.

Detective kelly and I
talked about it before.
I want to do it.

[ Sighs ]
uh, i‐‐

I know a guy in i. A. D.
Let me reach out to him.

Detective john kelly.

I called your office.
They said you still
come out here.

Give myself a recital here
three, four times a week.

How you doin', kevin?
How's karen?

She got a little gray,
few lines around her eyes.
I like it.


Terry's, uh, going to
st. Malachi's now, doing good.
Brian's 14.

All he can think about is just
what you'd expect him to,
plus football.

‐ What happened with you?
‐ You remember laurie?

The girl I was seeing?
Yeah, I married her.

Is that so?
I liked her.

Yeah, we, uh‐‐ we split up
a couple of months ago.
You know.

Sorry to hear it.

So, john,

You here to renew our big
friendship, or... Did you
maybe want something?

[ Plane flying overhead ]

We got a bad cop, kevin.

A young guy I work with,
james martinez,
wants to bust him.

I was hoping you
could handle the case.
That's what I do.

He's going to get
a lot of exposure when
you guys make the collar.

So you want to know
can we keep him low‐profile...

So he doesn't spend
the rest of his career
quarantined in i. A. D...

With a bunch of craphouse rats
and snitches such as myself?

I never passed judgment on you.
Yeah. Look how close
we stayed.

That was you.
You put in for i. A. D.

And you weren't
more comfortable
with that, right?

For having to hang around
with a cop who popped
a fellow officer.

Didn't you do what you
thought was right?
Didn't you?

You're damn right!
And I'd do the same thing today.

I know that.

I didn't come out here
to dig all this up again.

You want to know
can I help your friend

I can keep his name
out of the papers
until the trial.

Then if this bad cop pleads out,
martinez' name may not
get published at all.

I'd appreciate that.

Then no one would know
what he did except,
of course,

Everyone in the department
this bad cop talks to.

And tells them how this lousy
rat snitch spick martinez...

Out of the 15 precinct
set him up.

Excuse me, kelly.

I have two dead heroin dealers,
the colon brothers,

Both taken out
by agosto reyes.

This reyes put
$100,000 worth of smack
on the street every month.

Your protected witness
was his supplier.

For security purposes,
we're calling our witness
the roach.

‐ The roach?
‐ Yes.

This guy I'm trying
to put away, reyes,

Probably had conversations
with the roach
regarding these murders.

Everybody's asking
for the roach‐‐

Hartford, atlantic city,

How essential is the roach's
testimony to your case?

It would make it

We'd only need a couple days'
interrogation and prep,
then maybe one day of testimony.

We're prepared to be fully
flexible regarding any
of the demands on his time.

That's a precondition
of access to this witness.

I'll also see that
the u. S. Attorney's office
is lavishly credited...

For facilitating
this prosecution.

Thanks for the kiss,
but what you just offered
so generously,

That's also a precondition
of access to this witness.

Would you mind waiting
outside a minute, please?

[ Woman ]
it looks like it's
just finishing up‐‐

[ Sighs ]

So how do you think
I did in there?

You were good.
You don't think so?

If we get the roach,
I think so.

Can you tell me
who gave him the stupid
code name like the roach?

I did.

If you'll step back in,
we can start working out
your access.

[ Phone ringing ]

[ Car horn honking ]

Here's the 1606.
Take these back, all right?
Sure, sarge.

I just missed the brooklyn
number 427. I had 815.

What do you want,
Sarge, I owe you an apology.

Uh, I went a little
overboard on that food gag,

And I just want
to say it's finito.
End of story.

Yeah? Well, I was this near
to taking you to the lieutenant.

And I appreciate
that you didn't.

Yeah, sure.

Thanks, sarge.

Do you have anyone
who can corroborate
the incidents you've alleged?

One 80‐year‐old guy who
could have done it is dead.

You said your brother was
also a victim of harassment.

‐ Would he be available
to give a statement?
‐ Eventually, yeah.

‐ What does that mean?
‐ Well, he's not available.
I'm not sure where he is.

We have no case unless we
can get hanlan on record.

‐ How do you feel
about wearing a wire?
‐ I don't want to.

Then we can't proceed.

I said I don't want to.
I didn't say I wouldn't.

This guy made an old man die.
He probably k*lled
an old woman too.

He abused my brother.
I don't want to, but...

If it takes wearing a wire
to pop this guy, then
that's what I'm gonna do.

[ Typewriter keys clacking ]
[ people chattering ]

[ Phones ringing ]

Oh, man, that's the gear.
They're gonna put
a wire on the kid.

This is no good.
He's a big boy, john.

Mm‐mm, no good.

[ Siren wailing ]

[ Knock at door ]

‐ How about we hold off on this?
Let me talk to the guy.
‐ This isn't your problem.

Martinez, hanlan wants
to drink with me,
piss in my ear a little.

‐ Maybe I can get him
to talk about the old man.
‐ Will you wear a wire?

No. But if I can get him
to cop to the crime,

Maybe I can figure out a way
to make it stand up in court.

Do it.

[ Door closes ]

[ Siren wailing ]
[ phone ringing ]

You don't have to go on this.
You're not planning
to k*ll this guy, are you?

‐ No.
‐ Who's driving?

Hey, sipowicz, kelly,
check this out.
It'll just take a second.

You gotta hear this.
Go on, pal.

Tell these detectives
what you just told me.

Well, uh, I was waiting
at a bus stop...

When these two women
offered me a lift home.

They were young,
attractive, very friendly,

So naturally I accepted.
Go on. Then what?

They drove down
under the westside highway,

And they parked there and...

Ordered me to remove
my clothes at gunpoint.

At gunpoint. You're not
gonna believe this.
Tell 'em.

I was humiliated.

They forced me to...
You know, pleasure one of them.

And? And, and?

I experienced...
An unwanted emission.

This being the first
of several unwanted emissions...

Intimidated out of this‐‐
this rampant bull of a man.

Don't you think you ought
to take this kind of complaint
in the interview room?

The interview room?
Nobody'd believe me if I
came out with a story like this.

‐ Skip to the next emission.
‐ Do I have to?

Yeah, you have to.

Okay, so now the other one
orders me to do the same
to her‐‐ the sexual thing.

‐ And he's coerced
out of yet another emission.
‐ Uh, we gotta go.

Do you believe this guy?
He's got so many emissions, he's
gonna need a smog certificate!

You bagger! You're 60!
Your butt hangs down
the back of your knees!

You oughta throw yourself
on the floor and thank god...

You can make up
stories like this!

I'm not gonna take this!
I'm getting outta here!
Hey! Wait a second.

‐ Hey, art.
‐ Where you going?

Hey, hey! I want you to show
these cops the abused organ
in question!

Come back here and lay out
that awesome wood
right here on my desk!

‐ [ Phone ringing ]
‐ [ siren wails ]

You should see your guys'‐‐
[ laughing ]

If this isn't
the last supper‐‐
[ laughing ]

Hey! Hey, it's a joke.
I hired the guy.

[ Laughing ]
oh, you should see your faces.

[ Laughing ]
my last 180 bucks!

I cleaned out the account,
but it was worth it!

Oh, I lost urine,
it was so funny!

I'm tellin' ya, I gotta go
change my shorts. Whoo!

Art. Art. Art.

Hey. Hey.

How's it goin', lieutenant?
It's okay.
How you doin'?

You wanna step
in my office?

Hey, lieutenant‐‐
no, come on, come on.

Come on, lieutenant.
Just having some fun here.

That isn't what I saw, art.

W‐‐ well, you think it got
a little too out of line?

[ Phone ringing ]
art, I want you
to give me your g*n.

What are you
talking about? Why?

Because I think
it's a good idea.

Why? You gonna take me
to the puzzle house?

‐ Gonna take me
to psych services?
‐ That's right.

Come on. Lieutenant.

Come on, art.
Give me the g*n.

Eh‐‐ eh‐‐

We're off to see
the wizard.

[ Knocking on door ]
hanlan, you in there?

Who needs me?
It's john kelly, jack.

I called your precinct.
They said you were off.

Figured maybe
you'd find me here, huh?
Excellent police work.

Can I offer you
a little liquor drink?

Come on in.

What are you
looking for, john?

You want to hear
about your father?

I'd like that.

Well, he might have made
chief of detectives
if he hadn't got shot.

You wanna know why?
Because he knew the job.

Not the manual, the job.
Sit down.

Back then, we had
an irish department.
We had some guineas.

We had jews.
We had a few n*gg*r*s,
but it was an irish department.

And this city was liveable.
Harlem, before the '64 riots,
you could walk down the street.

You could do your shopping.
You could talk to the spades
like people.

They even treated each other
like human beings.

You're a young guy, kelly.
You grew up in
a different department...

In a different city.

You probably think
I'm a r*cist.

I think you're
a lousy bartender.

[ Scoffs ]
I'm trying to paint a picture
for you of this city,

The department
your old man was part of.

He, uh‐‐ he set a standard
for himself and for the people
on the street.

Every scumbag criminal out there
knew there was a line.

And if he crossed it,
he was in trouble.
Not too many crossed it.

And if they did,
they never did it twice.

How did it feel
living in the perfect society?

It's all right.
Joke around.

But if some skell r*ped
an old lady, he might find
himself thrown off a roof.

That was called
officer discretion back then.

My old man ever throw
anybody off a building?

I wouldn't know.
That's not the point
that I'm trying to make.

What was it like
to work with him?

I only saw him
at the crime scenes.
We never worked one‐on‐one.

I was on patrol.
He was a detective.

But everybody knew
what kind of a guy he was.

I thought you were buddies.

I said I knew him.
We all knew him.

We knew we could count
on each other.

[ Sighs ]
I got a problem, and I don't
know what to do about it.

What do you mean?

I think you did something
to the old man upstairs.

What are you talking about?
That old guy fell.
That was an accident.

Nails were pulled,
fresh screwdriver marks.

Your prints were
all over that banister.
That's a makable case.

You're a better detective
than that.

If they lifted one print
off that banister,
they lifted 50.

Other tenants described
a pattern of harassment.

The old man is dead.
What am I gonna do about this?

You wanna know what you can do?
Have another drink, go home
and put it out of your mind.

I can't do that.
I know what I know.

What is this, kelly?
Is this a shakedown? You want
money to make this go away?

‐ You offering me money?
‐ For what? I haven't
done anything wrong!

‐ What kind of money
are we talking about?
‐ How much is it worth to you?

Well, I think I can see
my way clear...

To a thousand dollars,
something like that.

‐ You did it, didn't ya?
‐ I did nothin'!
The old man fell!

Nobody feels worse
about it than I do!

You didn't do it, but you're
offering me a thousand dollars.

You can make
this thing go away.

I can't change what happened.
I wish I could.

‐ It makes me... Sick.
It keeps me awake.
‐ It should.

No! You don't get to point
your finger at me!

You don't get to judge
another man's life,
or what he had to do!

‐ We're talking about pushing
an old man through a railing.
‐ He wasn't pushed! He fell!

‐ You loosened it.
‐ I‐i do what I have to do
to make a life!

And an old man had to die
over it? Jack, come on.

This is john kelly's son.
Make me understand.

Look, I'm 56 years old!
Nobody's looking out for me!

These people here,
they give me $600 under
the table and a place to stay!

‐ That doesn't let you
off the hook.
‐ What do you want, 2,500?

‐ I want you to tell me
you did it.
‐ All right!

I pulled nails!
I loosened the banister!

And if it ever gets back to me,
I'll deny I ever said it.

Ah, nobody wanted
the old guy to die.

Nobody‐‐ nobody feels worse
about it than me.

Are we all right now?


Give me a day
to get the money.

Forget the money.
It's not about the money.

I know this is a lot
for you to bury,

But in my heart I know I would
do the same thing for you,
john kelly's son.

Your hand, john?

That's it.

You did the right thing.
Your old man would be
proud of ya.

He would've understood.
I think he would.

I know he would.

I know he would!

[ Traffic noise ]

[ Man chattering
in hallway ]

How'd you do?

[ Tape rewinding ]
got him.
Take me home before I puke.

[ Siren chirping ]

Hey, kelly!
When are you goin' over
to these guys?

When are you gonna find
your right home at i. A. D.?

At least they admit they're
snitches. They don't sit
and drink with you...

And then rat on you!

You're a lousy stool pigeon,
a convent snitch,

And you pissed all over
your father's gravestone!

Don't mention
my father's name again,
you murdering son of a bitch.

‐ This would make him sick!
‐ Shut up, hanlan.

Get him upstairs.
[ Grunting ]

Everybody in the department's
gotta know...

What a pissy little
schoolgirl you are!

Get up those stairs, hanlan.
You're making a fool
of yourself.

We'll see who's
the fool, kelly!

I gotta see
some paperwork.

All right.
All right.

Alphonse giardella?

I'm james craig.
This is laura michaels.

Mr. Craig, ms. Michaels.

I arranged for
some refreshments.

Oysters. Very sensual.
[ Slurping ]

[ Smacking lips ]
you spilled some juice
on your shirt.

Oh. I'm nuts.

I knew I should've had
the fried calamari.
I'm sorry.

Sit down.
Sit down.

I'll be right with you.
I just gotta make
a quick change.

Punks, weaklings, ass bandits‐‐
they all worship success.

But something else, mr. Craig‐‐
they root for failure.

Figure it out, huh?
I guess you know.

You got a lot of people
on your own side
rooting for you.

‐ Well, I'm gonna win my cases.
‐ He's got a "screw you"

Your boss,
just like me.

I want you to start with
your relationship with
the dominican, agosto reyes.

I don't have relationships
with knuckle bouncers.

I dealt some smack
to the 'yom is all.

He used maybe four keys
a month, maybe three,
four percent of my pie.

He ever mentioned
his dealings with jesus
and rigoberto colon to you?

One month he picks up
his four keys, comes
back four days later.

I say, "nice work, reyes.
Quick turnaround."

Reyes tells me
it's not like that at all.

He says he fronted
these colon brothers
the whole four keys,

And they come back with a story
about being ripped off.

At this point
agosto reyes tells me‐‐

He becomes very indignant
on my behalf.

He says, "I whacked both
those sons of b*tches."

Those were his exact words,
"I whacked both the sons
of b*tches"?

Yeah, yeah, his exact words.
[ Slurping ]

[ Craig ]
what was your response?

What do I care
about his story?

He gets taken off,
that's his problem.

He whacks the colon brothers,
that's his problem.

Okay, mr. Giardella,
that's going to be
very helpful.

You know, agosto reyes...
[ Clears throat ]
was only one of my people.

I got a lot of others.
You got about half of 'em
in your jail.

Those cases belong
to other prosecutors,
other jurisdiction.

Yeah, but I like
working with you.

I feel very comfortable
and at my ease.

Not to mention you're
the most attractive d. A.
I've seen in my life.

You know, there's trust
that comes with
a continual relationship.

Maybe I could tell
the u. S. Attorney
it's my preference...

To deal
with you people.
[ Wine pouring ]

But what I know, you
could be in a position
here, mr. Craig.

[ Car horn honking ]

[ Phones ringing,
people chattering ]

‐ Hey.
‐ Hey.

Hey, uh‐‐ I appreciate
what you did, detective.

‐ No problem, martinez.
‐ Nah, I know what you
did for me.

What's goin' on
with your brother?

I can't talk to you
about that.

Come here.
You can talk to me.

[ Phone ringing ]

He's got, uh,
a substance abuse problem.

What kind?
Narcotics, you know.


He's my little brother.
I'm supposed to take care
of him,

And I don't know
what to do.

[ Phone ringing ]

When we were kids,
we were at yankee stadium...

The day reggie
hit three home runs
in the same game.

Did you know martinez is
reggie jackson's middle name?

We cut up a piece of grass.

He's still got that.
He takes care of it.

I know he's not gone.
The dope hasn't
eaten him up yet.

Don't be afraid
to reach out to him.

You read all that stuff
about tough love,
letting 'em hit rock bottom?

Don't be afraid
to reach out to him.


I wish I could be
more helpful than that.

You helped me plenty,


Thanks again.

[ People chattering ]
[ phones ringing ]

Hey, john, could I talk
to you for a minute?


This thing with
the, uh, bad cop,

Uh, it's, uh, it's‐it's
not exactly sittin' right.

‐ Let's talk about it.
‐ I mean, not that he shouldn't
have been brought in,

But, uh, I mean,
we're not i. A. D., You know?
[ Chuckling ]

Anyway, um,

If you'd like to say
something that might help,
I wanna listen.

You'll listen, medavoy, huh?
You come up, clearing
your throat...

Like a senator,
saying you'll listen?

He doesn't have
to say d*ck to you.

The cop kelly put away
k*lled an 80‐year‐old man.

He let him fall through
a balcony and break his neck.
He croaked another lady,

Suffocated her with gas
for money to clear out
an apartment building.

I said I wanted to listen!
I wanted to listen.

Kelly stood in for a kid
with two years on the job who
was gonna have to wear a wire,

And that would've put
that kid on the rat squad.

Kelly did the right thing.

And if you or any other one
of you guys got a problem
with that,

You can see me in
the parking lot right now.

‐ You took me all wrong!
‐ [ Kelly ] andy, that's enough.

You never give me a chance
to‐to‐‐ to explain
what I'm saying.

Medavoy, hold it.

I understand what you
were trying to say, okay,
and I appreciate the offer.

How about pizza and beer
any night this week?
How about tomorrow night?

My kid's got
a piano recital tonight.

Pass the word‐‐ I'm buying.
Anybody who wants to come
can come. Okay?

Fair enough.

[ People chattering ]

‐ Come on.
‐ [ Siren wailing ]

Hey, martinez.

Hey, sarge.
[ Phone ringing ]

There's a kid downstairs,
got pinched in a drug bust.

He says he's your brother.

I guess you gotta do
what you gotta do,
huh, sarge?

He wasn't holding.
It's a loitering beef.

I could walk him
out the back door.

I'll hold him till
the shift's over.
I'll pick him up.

Thanks, sarge.

What's this?
What you stoppin' here for?

I wanna talk to you
about roberto.

Well, this is a hospital.
Did something happen to him?
Is he hurt?

What's happening?
What's going on?
He's sick, papi.

He's in the chemical
dependency unit.

What the hell is
a chemical dependency unit?

It's where they help people
addicted to dr*gs.

Well, you go in.

Look, I don't like junkies,
I don't wanna see a junkie‐‐

Roberto is sick, papi,
and he needs us!

No, no, he's a junkie.
You understand that?

And junkies don't get better.
You got it?

Okay, papi, I'll go in.
Yeah, you go in.

I'll see him.
Yeah, you'll see him.

You can wait here, okay?
When I come back out,
then we can drive away.

Yeah, okay.



James, wait.

We'll do it together, okay?
It's better.


[ Blowing ]

How are they
treatin' the kid?
[ Siren wailing ]

It's gonna be okay.
That's good.

I'm thinking, kelly‐‐

I'm thinking maybe there's
been a little progress in
the police department after all.

I remember 15 years ago
a rookie cop walks
into a d. O. A. Scene,

Sees his partner
taking money off a dead person
and putting it into his pocket.

And for giving him up,
this rookie is hung out to dry
by every cop on the job.

You can see how nice
it was for me...

Watching you bust your ass
for that kid.

I wish it could have been
different for you, kevin.

You still go
to the emerald society?

No, I can't drink
like that anymore.
I don't go.

No one will talk to me.

They're all afraid they'll
get drunk, confess their sins
and I'll arrest them.

You know, I don't care
about no one talking to me.

I knew that would happen
when I busted that cop.

But I always wanted to play
in the emerald society
piper's band,

And not one of those bastards
will recommend me.

I'm the best piper
in the department,
and nobody knows it...

Except a bunch
of croakers.

You know what
"piobracht" is, kelly?

Well, listen.

This is called

♪ [ Playing ]

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