01x07 - NYPD Lou

Episode transcripts for the TV show "NYPD Blue". Aired: September 21, 1993 – March 1, 2005.*
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Ensemble cast revolving around New York's 15th Precinct.
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01x07 - NYPD Lou

Post by bunniefuu »

[ Siren wailing in distance ]

[ Whistle blowing ]

[ Sniffing ]

[ Man panting like a dog ]

[ Chattering ]

I need to see det. Kelly.
He's busy now, lou.
Take a seat over there.

‐Can you cuff me to the bench?
‐The c. O. Doesn't want anyone...

Unnecessarily restrained
in public areas.

I don't wanna
hear it, lou.

You don't wanna see it either.
You wanna see a werewolf
in a blood rage?

‐ Take a seat now!
‐ I'm doing this
for your own good.

Sergeant, I'm telling you.
One minute we could be standing
here, talking very nicely.

Next thing you're gonna be
on your back, looking at me
with your windpipe in my fangs.

‐ I'm a cop, lou.
I'm paid to live with danger.
‐ I'm telling you.

I'm a werewolf.
I gotta be locked up
by 5:00 tonight, or else.

Lou! Sit! Sit!

‐ Sit.
‐ [ Panting ]

‐ [ Phone ringing ]
‐ hello, one‐five.

‐ [ Lou panting ]
‐ [ gasps ]

‐ [ Clears throat ]
‐ detective kelly!


[ Kelly ] I can probably get you
a couple hours, lou, but I can't
guarantee you're gonna be alone.

Hey, I can't be incarcerated
in a group situation.

It would be like
a smorgasbord for me.
Best I can do, lou.

Bellevue hospital
has got a whole wing
of padded kennels, lou.

You oughta give them a howl.
They'll lock you down tonight.

You think I'm crazy?
I'm not crazy.

I am a werewolf.
But you could be
a crazy werewolf, lou.

I hear a lot of them are nuts.
You oughta have it checked out.

I come here to try to protect
society, and you're seeking
to humiliate me?

Nobody's trying to
humiliate you. We're just
getting a lot of heat...

From our bosses about
these protective lockups.

Try the hospital.
I feel anger.

I feel anger!
Well, you'll get
over it, louie.

[ Growls ]
I better get outta here...

Before I commit
an unspeakable outrage.

[ Sipowicz ]
yeah, okay, lou.
Anything you say.

I don't wanna take you away
from all the fun
you're having there.

What do you got?
Yeah, you wanna check
the report, see if it's right?

‐ [ Clears throat ]
‐ huh?

Go ahead.

Hey, andy.

You busy?
Can I speak to you
for a minute?

Yeah, sure. Remember
my partner john kelly?

Hey, kid.
Nice to see you again.
How you doin'?

Want some, uh,
coffee or a soda?

No, thanks.

It's been a while, huh?
You look good.

I keep meaning to‐‐
to get over to jersey.

How's your mother?

She's okay.
How you doin'?

I'm good.
I'm‐‐ I'm fine.

Wanna sit down?

No, that's okay.

I came to tell you
that I've been seeing
this girl for three months,

And it's pretty serious.

We're getting married.

[ Chuckles ]
you're still my father.

I figured
you might wanna know.

Yeah, sure I wanna know.
You're 18 years old.

So, uh, tell me
about the girl.

‐ Uh, how old is she?
‐ Twenty.

So, what does she do, this,
uh‐‐ this 20‐year‐old?

She sells sports cars.

Checkered flag motor cars
in fort lee.

[ Chuckles ]
see, I'm‐‐ I'm‐‐
I'm trying to figure out...

What makes this‐‐
this car saleswoman different.

Why, uh‐‐ why you wanna drag
the state and the church
into things all of a sudden?

I'd like to
borrow 700 bucks.

I can pay you back
40 a week.

[ Sighs ]
you know, andy,

When a girl gets knocked up,
a man's first impulse...

Look. Forget about
the 700 bucks.
Might be to‐‐

I'll forget about
feeding the guests
at my wedding.

And, uh, as far
as fatherhood,

I don't wanna hear
what you think.

Hey, andy. I'm trying
to look out for you.

Don't! You haven't
got the right.

I haven't seen you
for three years.

Where you hiding
your liquor bottles these days?

You know, I was 12
before I realized...

That wasn't
what the saddlebags
on my bike were for.

I stopped drinkin'.

Maybe you should go back to it.
That's something you only
get better at.

Hey, hey, andy.
Hey, andy! An‐‐ andy!

Andy! Andy,
listen to me. Come here.
Listen to me now.

You know, everybody's life
has twists and tensions,

So don't you assume that
you know all the answers,
all right?

Don't assume
that you ever will.

Are you gonna charge me,
or you gonna let me go?

[ Men chattering ]

[ Helicopter whirring ]

Let me get out in front on this
so nobody gets overexcited.

I betcha
every guy in jersey's
banged this girl.

Wait till we know
before you jump to the answers.

I'd rather find out
how mistaken I've been
and get overjoyed.

‐ You gonna let me work on this?
‐ Three reasons why I should.

‐ One, two, three.
‐ Good morning, gentlemen.

How you doing?
Can I be of assistance,
or are you "looky‐loos"?

We wanna see your manager.
Could I tell him
what it's about?

Do you know
what it's about?

You can find
mr. Stipley in there.

[ Woman ]
you have the invoice number?

Mr. Stipley.
Detective kelly.
Detective sipowicz.

Ah, new york city police.
Sit down, detectives.
Sit down.

And, uh, feel free
to be completely candid.

[ Chuckles ]
I'm a lieutenant with
the paramus p. D. Reserves.

Well, that'll make things
much easier then.

Lieutenant, what I'm about
to tell you is confidential.

I understand.
In the course
of a criminal investigation,

Our, uh, phone surveillance
monitors picked up a call
from your switchboard.

It was a young woman.
And based on the substance
of the call,

We got the impression
that this young woman
and the man she called,

This other person being
the one you're interested in.

That these two
were sexually involved.

So, uh, you're looking
to ascertain the identity of,
uh, the female caller,

With an eye to developing her
as a potential corroborating

Am I right?
Well, I can't
confirm or deny,

But, uh, do you have
any idea who might have
made the call?

Well, it can't be ellen.
She hates men, and her tits
point to china.

Uh, so it's gotta be
patty constance.

Uh, do you consider her
to be relatively attractive,
early twenties?

Yeah, she's around 20,
all right. Or she's around 30,
depending how you look at it.

Uh, that's her.
Second from the right.

You might have
seen her when you came in.
Uh, she's on a test‐drive now.

‐ Is she married?
‐ No. She's got plans.

Uh, some poor dumb
teenager I hear.

You know, uh,
she's one of my best

I don't wanna be
judgmental, but, man, uh,

You got the m*ssile,
she's got the silo.

Kevin says she screws
the head off and goes
to work on the wires.

‐ Kevin?
‐ Yeah, salesman you met.

Married guy.
Patty's seeing him too.

‐ Besides the teenager?
‐ [ Pager beeping ]

You got a phone I can use?
Yeah, uh,
right around the corner.

Why's a number like her
wanna marry a kid?

You want me
to speculate, detective?

A teenager like that?
Probably puts the wood to her
whenever she's in the mood.

Picks up tapes for the vcr,
brings her coffee in the shower,
washes her car in the driveway.

He's a household convenience.

Believe me, it ain't gonna
stop her from shoppin'
around for a better deal.

We got a missing kid.

Fancy wants to get on it.

[ Kelly ] lieutenant,
thank you for your help.

[ Chattering ]
[ sipowicz ]
what is it?

We got a missing nine‐year‐old,
and we've been looking
since about 11:00 last night.

Detective kelly.
Detective sipowicz.

I‐i'm rudolf wentz.
My son is missing.

Okay. All right.
Let's go inside
and talk about it, okay?

Let's go inside.

[ Woman ]
my neighbor, mrs. Johnson,
says that children in america...

Sometimes disappear for days
and that is common.

Eh, but these children,
they come back.

[ Kelly ]
that's usually what happens.

Rudy has never run away.

He is nine.
Just nine.

Had you argued with him?
Was he angry?

We moved from the katowice,
in poland.

Coming to a strange country,
I think, has made us
much closer as a family.

‐ We don't fight so much.
‐ Was he upset about anything?

‐ [ Mr. Wentz ]
no. No.
‐ He was lonely.

We spent time with him,
both of us. We go, uh,

Restaurants, the movies,
anywhere, we take rudy.

And you know, detective,
it's no trouble.

It's fun for all of us.

We love him.

But still,
he‐‐ he was lonely.

The description said
he was wearing, uh, red shorts
and a white t‐shirt.

[ Mrs. Wentz ]
when he asked to go
to the store, I told him,

"Put on a jacket
and long pants."

It's chilly.
But his father‐‐

It was just to the store.
One block.
He was coming right back.

[ Kelly ]
well, it's warm
for this time of year anyway.

Here's a picture.

I'm telling you, this one
don't turn out good.

Mm, could be okay.
Uh‐uh, family like that?

That kid didn't run away.
This one don't turn out good.

I hate it when you know it.

[ No audible dialogue ]

[ No audible dialogue ]

Hey, hey, kid. Kid.

Come here. Let me‐‐
let me ask you a question.
What's your name?

Albert, uh,
do you know what I am?

A cop.

Yeah, that's right.
I'm a detective.
Listen, uh,

This kid here,
he didn't come home last night.

His name is rudy wentz.
He's got like a foreign accent.
You seen him around?

No. Ask freddy.
He knows all the kids
around here.

Who‐‐ who's freddy?

I don't know his last name.
He's kinda skinny,
yellow pants.

What, he wears
yellow pants every day?

Every day.

How old's this guy freddy?
Pretty old.
Maybe 30.

Whew! You know
where he stays at?

I think he's homeless.

All right, listen.
Uh, you see freddy
or, uh, this kid rudy,

You call the number
on the back of this card, okay?

Will you do that for me?
All right.
Sure. See ya.

Uh, you know what?

Um, I think freddy sometimes
stays in this empty place
about six blocks that way.

There's a bunch of guys there
that get in and out on a rope
they drop from a window.

‐ Yeah? Come on
and show me the place.
‐ It's about six blocks, man.

Hey, albert. You want me
to jerk you up in the air
like a little bug...

So your arms and legs
whip around in front of
the whole street here, huh?

No, then come on.
Show me the way.

[ Car horns honking ]

Good morning, alfonse.
Good morning, laurie.
You look terrific.

I'll be right outside.

Ready for the big day?
Your star witness is all ready.
But, uh, sit down a second.

There's something I wanna‐‐
I wanna talk to you about
in confidence.

I'd really like to go over
your trial testimony, alfonse.

[ Clears throat ]
mr. Giardella,

Did you sell heroin
in volume to augusto reyes?

"Yes, I did."
In the course of that
professional relationship,

Did there come a time
when reyes told you...

That the colon brothers
ripped him off for product?

"That is correct."
Did he ever make threats
against the colon brothers?

"Yeah, several times
he threatened to k*ll
the colon brothers."

After the colon brothers
were subsequently k*lled,

Did reyes ever talk to you
about their deaths?

"Yeah, he said,
'‘i whacked both
those sons a b*tches.'"

Thank you, mr. Giardella.
You're excused.

That's very good.

Laura, come on.
You gotta keep lookin'
at your watch?

I'm hopin' our friend
jimmy craig gets himself
lost in the elevator.


Because this is gonna
be our last time together.

After I testify,
the feds are gonna
take me away.

But before I go,
I have to give you something
to remember us by.

What's this?

The keys to my cadillac.
This year's.

A 24‐month lease all paid for,
all the forms signed for
and everything.

It's all yours.

I can't accept
a car from you, alfonse.

It's not a car.
It's a cadillac. And...

If you look at the papers,
it's not from me.

It's from stellamonte concrete,
which is completely
above board.

And totally
untraceable anyway.

I have a car, alfonse.
You got four doors
and a windshield.

‐ Laura‐‐
‐ [ scaffolding whirring ]

Laura, I'm trying to tell you
how high it is a value
I place on our relationship.

I'm trying to signify
something to you here.

Will you excuse me
for a moment?

Yeah, sure.

Do you gotta go
to the bathroom or something?

Yeah, you know
where it is.
Yeah. Just‐‐

It's right over there.
J‐just help yourself.

Oh, my god.
Yeah, you know,
and if I come back, uh,

We could drive wherever,
you know.

Maybe one of them, uh,
breakfast and board places
in them quaint areas.

[ Chuckles ]
you know, one of them places
with the quilts on the bed...

And, uh, those pictures
of the whaling guys.

‐ [ Laughing ]
‐ one of these days,

All this bouncing around
like a cue ball is gonna stop.

I'm gonna get myself
set up somewhere.

Out west, maybe.
Can you hear me, laura?

You fall in in there?

I'll be right out.
I'm gonna leave
my past behind.

Well, most of it, anyway.
And if we can get along, laura,
and I think we will‐‐

Oh, my god!

[ Police radio chatter ]

[ Man ] what a mess.
He got away
through the window.

[ Man ]
I beeped you right away, sir.

[ Man #2 ]
hell of a way
to decorate a room.

Excuse us, please.

You okay?

I think so.
Did you see anything?

I saw him, the window washer.
I'm gonna have to
testify, aren't i?

Let's not get ahead
of ourselves, okay?
I‐i was the only one here.

The guy is gone.
He got away.

I'm gonna have
to testify against him,
aren't i?

You're gonna have
to promise me you're
gonna take it easy, okay?

I'm gonna be right back.
You're gonna be fine, okay?

All right. Would you
stay with her, please?
I'll be right back.

Okay, initial here and here
at the cross‐outs
and sign at the bottom.

‐ Go ahead.
‐ [ Office chatter ]

‐ [ Chattering ]
‐ all right. That's enough.
Let's get you home.

And if they want more,
they can get it later.
Yeah, okay.

Here we go.
Laura. Laura.

Hey, laura.

So, how you
feeling now?
Uh, I'm okay.

Uh, john kelly.
James craig.

Oh, hey.
How you doing, detective?
So, uh, look.

I notified the judge
about giardella, and we're
moving perez up to testify.

But, uh‐‐ so I'm gonna
run down there now
unless you want me to stay.

No, no, no.
I'm okay.
You sure?

Look, I'm, uh‐‐
I'm sorry this happened.

I'm sorry
you had to be there.

Good seeing you again.
Yeah. Take it easy.

Detective kelly,
I gotta talk to you.
Not now, lou.

No, I can't be
responsible anymore.

Have to look out
for yourself today.
I know
I'm goin' full‐on wolf.

I am. My‐‐ my human nature
is seepin' out of me. By 5:00,
it's gonna be all gone!

I need a ride for her too.
You gotta listen to me.

Something terrible
is gonna happen!

I'm begging for
preventative protection!

Lou. He thinks
he's a werewolf.
He's harmless.

I'm going to‐‐

Excuse me, laura. John.
I'm gonna get you
a ride. Okay?

A child's body's been found
near where the wentz boy

Sipowicz and martinez
are on their way over there.


I, uh‐‐ I got
a lot going right now.
You got my beeper, right?

Yeah, I've got it.
'Cause, uh, you know,

If you get into trouble,
I want you to give me a call.

I really think
I'm going to be okay.

Okay. Well, you may
feel okay now.
You may not later.

Point taken, john.

So, you got the beeper.
This is your man.

Uh, and use it later
if you need to. Okay?

I'll be around, all right?
Take care.

How's she doing?
I don't know.

We'll have to see.
It's awful
she had to see that.

Yeah. Yeah,
I gotta get upstairs
to get my jacket.

They, uh‐‐
they found a kid.

Am I gonna see you tonight?
Uh, I don't‐‐
I don't know.

I don't know if tonight's
gonna be good.
Last night was pretty good.

Step right here.
[ Man ]
get your gloves.


[ Police radio chatter ]

What do we got?
Looks like sexual as*ault.

‐ [ Police radio chatter ]
‐ oh, god, I knew it.
I knew it.

Look at that.
He could see his house.

Look at that, john.
The kid died lookin'
at his house.

[ Camera lenses clicking ]
[ helicopter whirring ]


Could we come in,
mr. Wentz?

Go ahead.

Do you have news
for us?

[ Kelly ]

I wish there was a way
to say this that wouldn't
hurt you, mr. Wentz.

We found a body similar
to the description
of your son.

We'd like you to come with us
to the medical examiner's office
and clear up the identification.

Is it rudy?
Is it our boy?

[ Kelly ] well, we don't know
for certain. That's why we
need you to come down with us.

[ Speaking polish ]

[ Both speaking polish ]

[ Sobbing ]

[ Sipowicz ]
when I knock on the glass,
the blind will open.

All you'll see
is the face.

But it may not be my boy.
It may not be.

But you should prepare yourself
for the possibility that it is.

You said yourself
that many boys, uh‐‐
many children run away.

Is that not so?

Are you ready,
mr. Wentz?

[ Exhales ]

Give 'em a call.
Tell them I'm on my way.

[ Man ]
okay, lieutenant.

Uh, this guy
you're looking for‐‐ freddy.
Yeah, what do you got?

Two different sightings
at the bus terminal
about an hour ago.

The port authority cops
have been over the area
and he's not there now.

Anybody actually see him
get on the bus?

But there'll be cops waiting
at every destination point...

For every bus that left
during that period.
Where you going?

To look for this sick bastard.
If I stay here, my brains are
gonna blow out of my ears.

They got the neighborhood
blanketed in case he comes back.

Come on, kelly.
He's not climbing
any of these ropes.

They can forget looking in
those nit farms. This assh*le
knows he did a bad thing.

‐ Where you gonna look?
‐ I don't know. I'll help
the port authority cops.

‐ You got a better idea?
‐ I'm a serious person.
‐ So am i, lou.

I told myself
when giardella got his,

It would be one of
the happiest days of my life,
so far I'm not laughin'.

‐ Lou!
‐ Look. Lon chaney jr.

Why can't I make you understand?
Why can't I make him

I understand, lou.
You did it. Jimmy hoffa.

Malcolm x. Sonny corleone.
You're guilty.
You did it all.

But I still got no room.
I didn't do
any of those things!

I committed a crime
under the bridge!

Please, you have
to listen to me.
It really happened!

[ Kelly ]
what's going on, lou?
m*rder. I did it.

All right.
I'll listen to him.

[ Kelly ]
let's go upstairs, lou.

I was denned up.

Then I caught
this very aggressive smell.

It was coming
off of this guy.
What happened?

Oh, god.
It's all mixed up.

When I'm a werewolf,
I don't think
I have a temper.

I'm beast! I'm fury!

And‐‐ but...
When I caught
a whiff of this guy,

Next thing I know
I'm on top of him,
I cut him down.

The son of a bitch
didn't even have a chance.

Did you put a name
to this guy?

Yeah, they called him

He was
a nickel‐piece dealer.

And the day before I told him.
I said, "stay off of my turf!"

And he defied me.

So, god help me,
I cut him down.

And he was k*lled,
this guy.

Yeah. Wait till
you see the report.
You'll see the pictures.

Where's the body, lou?

It's under the bridge.

I brought
the m*rder w*apon.

I want you to know
I regret what I did,

And I'm ashamed
of everything inside of me.

You got
the m*rder w*apon?

Lou, you're describing
a vicious m*rder.

Oh, I'm‐‐ I'm terrified
by my own capacities
at such times.

Why did you use the w*apon
and not tear him apart
with your teeth?

Hey, look. I came in here,
and I admitted what I did,

You can't make me go over it
in my head all the time.

I can't be thinkin'
about it all the time.

Let me just ask you a couple
of more questions, okay?

Did this guy try
and protect himself?

Huh, lou?
He tried.

But you just kept slashing,
cutting into his clothes,
his flesh, his tendons.

Was he screamin'?
Lou, there must have been
a lot of blood.

No? Huh?
Soakin' his clothes,
pourin' out all over the place.

Was it spillin' out on you, lou?
Was he begging for his life?
He was begging.

I think we're talkin'
about two drug dealers
fightin' over a piece of turf.

One stabbed the other.
That was horrible.

You didn't do it,
but you saw it, right, lou?

Lou, look at me.
Look at me!
I can't!

Come on, lou.
You are a rough wolf,
but a man did this.

Lou, a man did this,
who needs to be in jail.
Am I right?

[ Whimpering ]
lou. Talk to me, lou.

I saw it.

There were two dealers
there too.

And the one guy
said to the other guy,

"You better have the money
by 5:00, or I'll‐‐"

And he didn't have the money.
And before I knew it, the guy
was stabbing him.

[ Sobbing ]

And I knew something
was going to happen.

I tried to tell you
that something
was gonna happen.

But i‐‐
I was too crazy. I‐‐

[ Sobbing ]

Okay. You did
the best you could.

You think you could
identify them in a picture?


And his smell too.

I'll help you
however I can.
However I can.

I know.

Good boy.
Good boy, lou.

Atta boy.

Martinez, voucher this,
get it up to the lab,

And get this guy
up to narcotics,
get a look at some photographs.

See if he recognizes

You know his story?
I've seen him
in the station.

Okay. I'm going over
to his place by the bridge.
All right. Lou, come here.

Work with officer martinez,
all right?

And I'll talk to you later.
All right?

Let's go upstairs.

So, uh, what do you like
to be called? Mr. Wolf?

‐ [ Patty gasps ]
‐ the door was open.

You're in the wrong room.
Are you stupid or something?

‐ You probably think
I'm a looky‐loo.
‐ Just leave, hear me?

That way there won't be
any trouble.
I came to see the girl there.

I don't know
who you are.
I'm andy's father.

Maybe I should have
called first?

Yeah, you see,
it's been a lousy day.

I thought I might brighten it up
with a get‐acquainted call
on my son's fiancée.

Oh, my god.
Mr. Sipowicz.

I can imagine
what you're thinking.

I was thinking you might
wanna put some panties on.

I've been
so looking forward
to meeting you.

Andy's told me
so much about you.

This looks bad, doesn't it?
You generally wear a bra?

I want you to be clear this
is not what it looks like
here on the surface.

This is supposed to be
our last meeting.
Say good‐bye forever.

Patty started crying.
I was crying.
I took her in my arms.

See, what we had‐‐
kevin and i‐‐
it's over.

[ Clears throat ]
you see, I've come
to realize...

Just how much
I love your son.

My loneliness...

And my affection for kevin,
it brought us together.

But it's not enough
to keep us together.

Not alongside
how I feel about andy.

I think under the circumstances
it might be best for me
to leave.

Hey, look. I don't know, uh‐‐
I don't know if you rent
this room by the hour or what,

But what I gotta
say won't take long,
so you just stick around.

It's, um‐‐ it's gettin'‐‐
it's gettin' kinda late.
I should be getting home anyway.

I think you better stick around.
You see, patty's engagement
just broke up.

Now, she might need some older,
more experienced guy like you...

To‐‐ to help comfort her
when she faces unfamiliar
emotions, see?

I've had a pretty unhappy life
and I've made some mistakes.

This may be
one of the biggest.
But try to understand.

Once andy and I get settled
into our own place,

‐ I know I'll be
a good wife to him.
‐ [ Scoffs ]

This part of my life
is over.

I'm four months' pregnant.

You've been seeing andy
for the last three months now,
so let's pretend we're grown‐up.

Is that so important
when two people
care for each other?

Yeah, it is.
So, you're gonna tell andy...

Whatever you need to tell him
to cut him loose.

You don't know what
you are asking me to do.

I'm not askin'.
It's how it's gonna be.

Or else I'm gonna see
what kind of parents you have,
then I'm gonna see his wife.

And if things don't get
straightened out that way, then
I'm gonna have to get serious.

Let's be rational about this.
Shut up!

I'm gonna need some money.
I made plans.

Here's 700 bucks.

I don't wanna hear
how you're gonna spend it.

Are you the sarge?
We picked this guy up...

At the port authority
off a bus from hackensack.

Your detective squad wants
to talk to him about a case.

‐ Gimme sipowicz.
‐ [ Siren wailing in distance ]

You wanna help me
with this thing,
freddy, don't ya?

‐ Yes.
‐ Put yourself in this boy's
parents' place.

‐ You can imagine
how they're feeling.
‐ Sure.

Kids in the neighborhood
say you hang around with them?

Oh, I'm just friends
with a lot of them, you know.

Freddy, we're gonna
take your fingerprints.

And we're gonna compare 'em
with the fingerprints
we took off that boy's body.

And if they match up,
it's all over for you.

I'm just friends with them.

Were you drinking
yesterday, freddy?

I drank some beer.

Do you get urges
when you're drinkin'
and feelings overcome you?

I'm just friends.

Freddy, did you
have sex on that boy?

And then you didn't
want him to talk.

Is that
what happened yesterday?

We only talked about poland.
He's from poland, you know.

And I wanted him
to drink some beer,
but he didn't like it.

And I told him you never
like it at first.

Did you make him
drink it?

I‐i only made him drink it
till he passed out, like,

And, um, his eyes closed.

I know this has gotta
be tearing you up inside,

But you're gonna
feel a lot better
if you just tell the truth.

Did you have sex on him?

[ Breathing heavily ]



Yeah. Um, i‐‐

I‐‐ he opened his eyes,

And he‐‐ he started crying.

And then he‐‐
he started screamin'.

I‐i put my hands
on his neck...

To keep him from screaming.

And that's when I knew
that he was gonna tell.

[ Breathing heavily ]

I know I got a problem.

I should get treatment, huh?

[ Phone ringing ]

[ Martinez ]
the lineup's set, detective.

‐ Get him.
‐ Right, detective.

[ Grunting ]

[ Breathing heavily ]

[ Kelly ]
lou, there's six guys
in there with numbers on.

[ Groans ]
take it easy.

I want you to look in there.
If you recognize anybody,
you tell me his number, okay?

Go ahead.

[ Kelly ]
do you recognize anybody, lou?

Number one.

[ Kelly ]
where do you know
number one from?

Under the bridge.
He's the guy that k*lled
the other guy.

You're certain?

You'll say this on a stand
when I ask you if this
should come to trial?

Go ahead, lou.

Number one.

You've given me an eyewitness
and a m*rder w*apon.
Plus, we got the lab report.

We can try and dig something up
in the drug relationship
between this guy and the victim.

Normally, I would be
very happy with the package,

But in this instance,
I am a little concerned.
In the area of?

Does it need saying, det. Kelly?
My chief witness thinks
that he is a furry carnivore.

Okay, let me tell you
something about louie.

‐ He has his ways,
but down deep‐‐
‐ he's a stand‐up wolf.

You got the housing

Thank you.

It's gonna be safe
living under the bridge now.

Livin' under the bridge
ain't gonna make it, lou.

Here's $50.
Go to the "y"
and get cleaned up.

And then go to
an army/navy store and get
some new clothes, okay?

Do you know where
the collingwood arms is?

Okay, the d. A. Is gonna
have you stay there
for a while.

A big wolf gratitude.
[ Cooing ]

Your own lair, lou.
Go ahead. Take him.

[ Martinez ]
all right, lou.
You all right, man?

Yeah. Uh, freddy signed.

Yeah. You want me
to go over
and tell the parents?

We'll go together.
All right.

Give me a minute?

Called your house
last night.
You didn't pick up.

Yeah, I was with my ex‐wife.
Yeah, that's what
I figured.

Anything else
you wanna ask me?

Did you sleep with her?

That's not what it was about.
It is over between me and her.

All right.

But I'd like to
see you tonight.

‐ All right.
‐ Call you later?

Hello, detectives.

Hi, mr. Wentz.

Came by to tell you...
That we arrested someone...

For what they did to your son,
and we got a full confession.

Rudolf, show them!

Detectives, please, come!

Would you mind?

She's been there all day.
She's very upset.

[ Thunder rumbling ]

At the top of the building,
do you see that?

‐ [ Sipowicz ]
see what, mrs. Wentz?
‐ That white bird.

It came to us yesterday.

The day that rudy died.

Do you see it?

[ Kelly ]
yes, ma'am.

It hasn't left the building.
It just‐‐ it just stays there.

Do you see
a light from it?

[ Sighs ]
there is something
there maybe.

Do you see it too?

[ Kelly ]
that's a beautiful bird.

We believe‐‐
inga and i‐‐

That it is rudy's spirit.

That he is staying with us,
you see.

He's come as a bird,
to let us know that
he is all right in his soul.

I think there is a light there
coming out of him.

[ Thunder rumbling ]

Hi. Want a beer?
Hey. Yeah.

You know what?
Wait awhile on that.

Wait on‐‐
wait on that.

Are we, uh‐‐
are we square
on last night?

Yeah, we're square.

All right.
Because, um,

I wanna‐‐ I wanna put in
whatever we have to...

On this, you know
the two of us.

Take this
as far as we can.

You up for that?

I wanna try.
Yeah. Good.

[ Thunder rumbling ]

[ Sighs ]

You wanna pin me?

Give me your lavaliere
or something?

Guess we're tied, huh?


Yeah. Come here.

What do you want?
I wanna talk to you.

Patty told me
it wasn't my baby.

That, uh‐‐ that she
was getting an abortion.

She's not gonna marry me.

She didn't say I was a fool,
but she was just being polite.

You're not a fool.

You think you did me
a favor, don't you?

Well, I loved her.

And you don't know
what would have happened
down the road.

And now I'm never gonna
know either.

[ Clears throat ]

[ Thunder rumbling ]

I've been
a lousy father, andy.

[ Bell dings ]
but I always loved you.

And when I could,
I always tried
to look out for you.

You threw a damn grenade
into my life.

Is that the best
you could come up with?

I don't know.
There's no rules
in being a father.

I hate you, dad.

It's better
you should hate me
than screw up your life.

You got a lot of things
to do yet. I want you
to do 'em better than me.

[ Thunder rumbling ]

I want you to be
a better father than me.

I'm pretty confident
about that.

I am too.

I wish I would have
prepared you better, andy.

I wish I could have thought
of a better way to handle this,
but I didn't.

I know that I love you
and that I do the best I can.

I gotta pray that
that's gonna be good enough.

I'll see you around, huh?
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