01x10 - Oscar, Meyer, Weiner

Episode transcripts for the TV show "NYPD Blue". Aired: September 21, 1993 – March 1, 2005.*
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Ensemble cast revolving around New York's 15th Precinct.
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01x10 - Oscar, Meyer, Weiner

Post by bunniefuu »

[ Horn honking ]

It makes you sick‐‐
what the world is.

Those were the nicest people
I ever met.
[ Sniffles ]

How long
you work for 'em?
Five years.

Any kind of a problem,
domestic situation
in the house?

They weren't
that kind of people.
Anybody angry at 'em?

‐ No.
‐ What time you get
to work this morning?

Around 8:00.

And I knew something
was wrong because
the back door was open.

Did you see what
those animals did to them?

Did you see what they did
to their poor daughter?

Why didn't they just
take what they wanted
and leave?

I don't know.
I don't know.

If you're up to it,
what would help us,
is a list of people that...

Had access to the house,
you know, service people,
like that.

‐ Could you do that?
Okay, james?
‐ All right.

This is officer martinez.

He's going to take you down
to the station.

Thank you
for your help, okay?

I tell you, I'm a big boy,
john, but what happened
up there, I don't know.

[ Siren wailing ]
these assholes
like their work.

This woman who runs the house
says the other daughter's
up in connecticut.

How 'bout those
up in riverdale?

Could be the same crew?
I'm gonna call
the other daughter.

You call them up there
in riverdale, all right?

‐ Hey, you all right?
‐ Yeah.

‐ Uh‐uh, no sale.
‐ No, I'm good.

I'm, uh,
I'm gonna make the call.

How are you this morning,
officer licalsi?

I'd like to know
what you've decided.

All right, from the top.

You can't be held responsible
for your father's having been
a wrong cop,

Or for angelo marino trying
to use that to blackmail you
into working for him.

Nevertheless, your failure
to report the marino approach
was an illegal act.

However, you have
come forward now.

You have reported
this approach by linardi.

The approach was by
some guy named richie.

I think we're safe in assuming
your contact works for linardi.

I've decided you can clear
your books with the department
on the marino matter...

If you cooperate in documenting
this current solicitation
by linardi,

As well as
any other criminal activities
of his which may come to light.

You said they wanted you
to run a plate for them.

Can you do that?
Do you have access
at your station house?

Do it.
Tell them you want to meet.

And wear this.

It's a tape recorder.
[ Closes drawer ]

Unless you'd rather wear
a wire instead.

I'd like to
set up some boundaries,
a time frame.

Once the investigation's begun
and I know where we're going,

I'll be better able
to respond to your concerns.

But this isn't open‐ended.

I do this linardi thing,
and then I'm done.

I think that's what
I just said.

Needless to say, officer,

Our arrangements
and your activities
are not to be discussed.

I understand.
Have you confided
in anyone else?

Not really.
What does that mean?

It's all right, inspector.
It's not going to
come into play.

I'll run this plate
and I'll be in touch with them.

And stay in touch
with me, officer.

I'm your new best friend.

This one they got
the facial skin completely off.
Look at this.

Yeah, great.
We get the idea.

So, uh, your job and ours,
stolen items or jewelry,

Cameras, and pills,
m*rder w*apon is a knife...

Taken from
the victim's kitchen.

Same brand duct tape is used,
vaginal penetration with a
foreign object after a r*pe.

Sounds like the same bunch
of fun‐lovers.

Yeah, four male blacks?
The only description
you get off your jobs?

They had to be tipped on this.
Why come down from the bronx?

I agree. We got a list from
the maid of delivery people,
service, like that.

We're running that out, see if
anybody's got connections
up where you are, all right?

We'll keep you posted.
Thanks, guys.

[ Martinez ]
No, that will be all for now.

[ Medavoy ]
what was the date of
your last service call?

‐ Could I possibly get
your date of birth?
‐ Yeah, right.

‐ Who we got?
‐ We got the mail carrier,
exterminator and tv‐cable guy.

[ Sipowicz ]
anything on their bci checks?

All clean.
They were all cooperative.
We still got the water delivery,

The grocery, dry‐cleaner,
and masseuse.

I spoke to the cleaners
and the carpet people.
What'd you get?

Nothing there.
All clean as a whistle.

I'll be right back, uh,
help with the calls.

When's the daughter get in?
She said about an hour.
James, if you would,

Make sure she gets met,
all right?
All right.

Anything else?
No, no.
More of the same.

This is detective medavoy,
15th precinct‐‐

Hey, how's it going?


You see lastarza?

How'd that go?
I'm not going to
talk to you about this.

Because he doesn't
want you to.

Lie to him.
Lie to him.
He's lying to you.

I'm not talking to you
because I don't want to.

I'm not talking to you
because of who you are.
What does that mean?

You're my lover,
and I don't want
to get you involved.

Okay. What if that's
unacceptable to me?
Try it. Maybe you'll get there.

[ Keyboard clacking ]

‐ What do you got, janice?
‐ This car's been parked
on my block about a week.

I thought I'd check and see
if it was stolen.

When you delivered the water,
did you carry it
through the house?

How long were the sloans
on your route?
Could I get the names...

Of the delivery boys‐‐
[ continues, indistinct ]
and your date of birth?

Hey, uh, did you know that
new york city tap water...

Tastes better
than bottled water?

That's not me saying that.
That's independent testing.

This morning this bag
contained a lunch prepared
by my wife for me...

Not the rodent population
of the 15th precinct.

You know, you oughta
get one of those
metal lunch buckets.

I wouldn't have to
if you didn't treat
and feed 'em like pets.

It's your fault
they're all over the place.
They'll starve.

better them than me.

It was "heinious" m*rder
and our detectives
are pretty busy at the moment.

[ Man ]
oh. That's all right,
I understand perfectly.

Can I help you?
Detective, this gentlemen
is reporting a theft.

Yes. My name is arland rickman.
Yeah, I've seen you
on some of those talk shows.

Yes, well,
not so much lately.

All right, you want
to come over to my desk?
Thank you.

Have a seat.

The man who robbed me
was just under six‐feet tall,
160 pounds,

Peaches and cream complexion
and tousled, strawberry‐blonde

No scars
or distinguishing marks
on his face or arms...

But he does have
a pierced scrotum.

He wears
a little, gold ball there.

You got a good look?
Oh, yes,
from all angles.

What'd he steal from you?
One item only,
my oscar.

My academy award.
Do you believe it?

There was baccarat crystal,
two fabergã© eggs‐‐

What's the oscar worth?
Under these circumstances
I couldn't guess.

Whoever bought it would have
to keep the transaction secret,
wouldn't they?

Now, do you suppose that
that would make the prize more
or less valuable in their eyes?

Mr. Rickman, I'd love
to sit here with you
trying to figure out...

What someone would pay
to whip his skippy
while gazing at your oscar,

But right now we're working
on a multiple homicide.

So, let's just put its worth
at more than $500
and finish this report, okay?

You got a name
on the thief?

He said his name was bryce.

Uh, my guess would be "y."

Last name?
It didn't come up.

Uh, any idea
of an address?
He's a transient.

Said he just arrived from
denver. Your best bet would be
to track him through raoul.

The bartender at louise's.

That's a come‐as‐you‐are
sort of place for
persons like myself.

That's where bryce
and I met.

That's at 48th street
on the west side, huh?
Oh, you know it.

[ Irritated sigh ]

Raoul tends to get on terms
with new blood rather quickly.

He might just know
where our bryce
has pitched his tent.

All right, here.
Write down your address
and your phone number.

I'll get in touch if
I find anything, all right?

I'm grateful
for your attention, detective.

I know in the scale
of your labors my loss
is inconsequential,

But as I seem to be retired
from the writing biz,

I don't expect to be winning
more awards and I would be
pleased to get this one back.

I‐i, uh, I liked
that one book you wrote
about those cops.

Did you?

Yeah, I can read
and everything.

Hey, yo, officer licalsi.

Got that thing
we talked about?

You want a rundown
on a license plate,
you better satisfy me.

It's nothin' heavy.

Do better than that,
or I'm gonna
walk away right now.

You look like you might.
Yeah, I will.

It'd be like this, officer.

A bookmaker in our sphere
of influence might deal with
an individual frequents a bar,

Establishes credit there
with the bookmaker to bet
on various sporting events.

The bookmaker has no home phone
or address on this man‐‐
maybe not even his right name.

Say this individual
suffers some bad luck.

Instead of paying off
his debts or making arrangements
like a citizen, he disappears.

Circumstance like that,
we have to maintain
the bookmaker's credibility,

Put our finger on this man
so he makes good.

Doing what to him?
I wouldn't let my imagination
run away with me.

Nobody collects money
from a corpse.

Are you satisfied, janice?

You read the sports section?
'Cause you're on the team now.

Take care.
I'll be in touch.

Right over here.
[ Siren wailing ]

I'm looking for
detective kelly.
He's out now.

Would you like
to take a seat?

Are you rebecca sloan?

I'm detective sipowicz.
I work with detective kelly.

I'm sorry for your loss.
Are you being treated okay?

everyone's been helpful.

Why don't you come with me.
We can talk in there.

I realize
this is a bad time for you.

But the sooner we find out
everything we can,

The better our chances
of finding these people.

What do you want to know?
[ Sighs ]

We think whoever did this
to your family had knowledge
of the layout of the residence.

Now, could you help us
with people who you might have
associated with...

Came to your house
but you didn't know real well?

I don't know
what you mean.

People whose social
or economic strata
might be different than yours.

My parents taught me
not to make that kind
of distinction.

[ Sighs ]

How we work a case
is we go by what happens
in the real world.

Now, in the real world,
well‐to‐do people
tend not to break into houses,

Steal things
and m*rder the occupants.

Can you help me
with that type of acquaintance?

My mother's social strata?

Black acquaintances especially.

Yes, I have
black acquaintances
who don't have much money.

Any from the bronx?
What difference
would that make?

[ Exhales ]
several similar crimes...

Have occurred in the bronx,
in riverdale.

Partial witness descriptions
said the perpetrators
were black.

I hate thinking like this.


These people did terrible,
terrible things,
and we need to find them.

I'm not here passing judgment
on you or your family
or anyone you might have known.

I'm looking for something
to go on.

Is there anyone
that comes to mind?

[ Shaky breath ]

I went out with a guy
last year, lewis futrel.

He's from the bronx...
And he's black.

Is that f‐u‐t‐r‐e‐l?

You and me are definitely
gonna talk later.
Yeah, we are.

I saw you
meet your greaseball.

I know you did.
I saw you, john.

Between now and when we talk,
why don't you think how bad
you would have jammed me up...

If he saw you too.

Yeah, we'd be grateful
if you could come in.

No, it's, uh,
completely routine, mr. Futrel.

We're just running down
certain aspects of the case.

Right. Right. Just ask for
detective sipowicz,

They'll send you
right up... Yeah.

[ Exhales ]
we'll keep you posted
on any developments, miss sloan.

Where you gonna be staying?
With my cousins
in connecticut.

I don't want to live
in this city anymore.

Uh, officer miller here
will see that you get a ride.

Listen, you take care now.

Is that the daughter?

Andy, I'm sorry.
I got, uh, I got held up.

‐ The daughter give us anything?
‐ Yeah, she dated a black guy
who lives in the bronx.

He's coming in.
You got
anything working?

Yeah, I'm running down
the service people.

What's going on, john?

‐ Nothin'.
‐ Don't talk to me
like a jerk.

No, I'm‐‐ it's nothing,
you know. I'll start pulling
my weight on this, all right?

Yeah. That's why I asked ya.
I keep very close tabs.

I figure I carry you for
another three or four years,
you're gonna start owing me.

Detective sipowicz,
mr. Meyer's here to see you.

‐ Sammy.
‐ I got your message, detective.

Yeah, sit down.
You know why I reached out
to you, sammy?

Because us going back
the way we do,

Nobody knows better than me
the sense of civic duty
you're packing.

I also got my sister's
putz kid running the pawn shop
while I'm over here.

So, in this case,
the more haste, the less waste.

All right, I got
a stolen statue, sammy‐‐
one of those movie oscars.

I also got a m*rder
that's makin' demands on me.

I don't see my relevance.
[ Sighs ]

Whoever that statue
starts out getting pawned to,

We know sooner or later
it's gonna come around to you,

In other words,
you punish me for being
an expert on collectibles?

No, I punish you
for buying 'em hot.

Now, sammy, I know you don't
want us swoopin' down
on your pawn joint unannounced,

Doing an inventory check
on your ledgers, puttin' holds
on out‐of‐pawn items,

Damming up
your cash flow‐‐
I'm guessing could this be...

An oscar in the category
of best screenplay,
circa somewhere around 1958?

Ah, you see, you should
have been a mentalist.

I've heard rustlings.
Very preliminary.

A colleague didn't have
the item yet,
but he'd been approached.

He wanted to know
a ballpark worth.
Yeah, what would that be?


You think
that's inflated?

When a matchbook john lennon
wrote "screw you" on
brings in 15?

All right, sammy,
you get me that statue,
I'll owe you a back‐scratch.

I'll keep you posted.

1991 Play‐offs.

Autographed by leitch
and messier.

‐ I'll give you $40
for it right now.
‐ Not interested.

Hey, don't believe
those collectible prices
they quote you on the tv, miss.

That market's pumped
like holland tulips.

‐ Hey.
‐ Hi, johnny.

What's going on,
you all right?

I got transferred
to the investigation bureau
of the d. A.'S office.

You're kidding me.
You're a riding d. A.?

Are you okay with that?
Yeah. Yeah,
that sounds great.

I've got
to take a statement.
Okay, go ahead.

I'll buy you a cup
of coffee later, or somethin'.

All right?

I think maybe I got something
here, detective.

Let me see it.
That maid at
the victim's house,

Renee pendegast‐‐
yeah, no, she's clean.
I did this name check myself.

Yeah, she's got no record,
but she's on two different
stop‐and‐frisk reports,

And she was questioned twice
during drug sweeps.

Flying james.
Yeah, I thought
that might be something.

My name is lewis futrel.
I'm an architecture student
at hunter college.

I live on 147th street in the bronx.

You forgot your rank
and serial number.
Black man dating a white woman.

I guess that does
make me an a*t*matic
m*rder suspect.

Right now, mr. Futrel,
I consider you a model citizen.

Which is why I was hoping
that you might help us out.

Two nights ago, I was up
until 3:00 in the morning
studying for a test.

I have witnesses.
I'll need those names.

And assuming I get them,
you're not a suspect
in these murders.

What I'm most interested
in finding out is...

Did you discuss with
any of your friends
your relationship with rebecca?

Her lifestyle,
what her place looked like.

Any of that come up
when you talked
with any of your friends?

Oh, I get it.
I may not be a criminal,

But you get enough
n*gg*s together
and some of them must be.

Mr. Futrel, rebecca said
one of the reasons
she broke up with you...

Was you hung with
kind of a rough crowd.
So, I go to the criminal n*gg*s,

Say, "guess what, I'm boning
this rich, white girl.

Let me tell you where
she lives, where her mama
hides her jewelry."

That the scenario
you envisioned,
detective sipowicz?

Mr. Futrel, have I
been disrespectful to you?

Thisis disrespectful.
Me being here is disrespectful.

Hey, pal,

You know, I'm trying to find
some assholes before they
m*rder another innocent family.

It so happens
these particular assholes
happen to be black.

Now, how do you want me
to go about this, huh?

Maybe I should start
each question with, uh,
you know,

"I'm sorry for the injustices
the white man has inflicted
upon your race,

But, can you provide me
with any information?"

Or, "I'm sorry your people
are downtrodden for 300 years,

But, did you discuss
the layout of the sloan house
with any of your friends?"

Yeah, do it like that.
Yeah, okay.
All right.

I know that great
george washington carver...

Discovered the peanut, but,

Can you provide names
and addresses of these friends?

You know,
you're a r*cist scumbag.


I need names of black friends
who might have shown
special interest...

Or visited rebecca's home
with you.

I need a pen.

Do you want a beer?
Uh, no.

Look, this following you
around thing, okay,

It's because I'm worried
about you, and you haven't
been telling me what's going on.

And I told you
why I wouldn't.

Johnny, I need you
to love me, okay? It's up
to me to take care of me‐‐

Okay, let's stop
with the word games, okay?
You are kidding yourself.

You lie down with
a scumbag like linardi
and a liar like lastarza.

You don't know what I'm doing.
I'm working on an assignment.
I know what you're doing.

You're trying to get clean
by doing something dirty.
That doesn't work.

Meanwhile, they are leading you
around town by your nose.

Johnny, do not do this.
I know how this works.

I do too.
Okay, you're in too deep.

I know exactly where I am.
Talking to me like I'm an idiot
doesn't help things.

Who else is going to
tell you the truth?
The truth?

The truth is that
this is my life. Mine.

You can't have it
both ways. Not with me.

We can't make a life together,
then you go your own way.

This is the only way
we can have a life.

I was in trouble once
for stolen credit cards.
That was three years ago.

How long you known
lewis futrel, lonnie?

We grew up on the same block.
You still tight
with him now?

Nah, I'm not too tight.

You wanna ask me
about that family that
was m*rder*d downtown,

Lewis was datin'
the daughter?

I ain't had nothing
to do with that.

I ain't never broken in,
and I ain't never done
no v*olence.

I was in trouble
three years ago,
stolen credit cards.

Point of information.
Can you verify your whereabouts
two nights ago?

Yeah, I was ballin',
all night.

Well, why don't you give me
the lucky lady's name?

[ People chattering ]

Hey, renee.
what are you doing here?

Just want to ask you a couple
of follow‐up questions.
You remember officer martinez?

Will it take long? I have
to get to a job interview.
It won't take long.

Come on over and join us.
Can I just answer
the question?

Are you a junkie, renee?

Huh? If I were to check
your arms would I find tracks?

No? If I took you down to
the station, let
the policewoman look at you?

Under your tongue,
inside your thighs,
nothin', huh?

What's this about?

You were questioned twice
in the last six months
during our drug sweeps.

You're on file with us.
I didn't have anything
to do with what happened.

You also never told me
you used, so what else
didn't you tell me?

I would never do anything
to hurt the sloans.
Ever have dr*gs delivered?


Renee, we're not talking about
some walk‐away possession bit.

We're talking about
accessory to m*rder.

I didn't have anything
to do with it. Those people
were good to me.

Did you ever have dr*gs
delivered to the house?

Twice when I couldn't get out.

Did the dealer get in,
take a look around?
Just the kitchen.

The back entrance
and the kitchen.
He couldn't have done this.

You gave him the floor plan?
That what happened?
He's not a violent person.

You gave him the floor plan,

That what happened?

His name's kenny prins.

Okay. You gonna help me
with this?

Good. Come on.

That's him.

He's the guy in
the dark coat and khaki pants
coming across the street.

‐ Get her down! Get her down!
‐ Get your head down.
Stay down.

Hey, police.
Are you kenny prins?

[ Kelly ]
Hey, hey, hey!

What are you doing?
What do you want?
Hey, relax. Relax.

You got nothing on me,
I'm clean.
We just wanna talk.

‐ If you had anything to do
with those people‐‐
‐ shut her up!

‐ I hope you burn in hell!
‐ Who's that in the car?

We are not going to do
three acts of opera.
Understand me? Let's go.

I want a lawyer.
You're gonna get it downtown.
I can't give it to you here.

‐ You stupid bitch!
‐ [ Martinez and kelly ]
shut up and get in the car.

You'll get your lawyer

You want your lawyer
wrapped around you, kenny?
You don't want to talk to us?

That's fine. But I want you
to listen to me...

Because you're about
to turn a walk
into 25 years, okay?

We are about to pop these guys
who did the break in
and m*rder*d these people.

Half a day, tops.
Now we know you moved dope
to the maid.

We know you accessed the house.
But if we find out
from these guys...

That you sold the layout
and described the alarm system,

When you could've helped us out,
you just bought
accessory to m*rder‐‐

25 Years, kenny.

On the other hand, you do
the right thing and you tell us
who you sold the layout to,

I'll have a d. A. Come in here,
cut you a deal, you're back
on the street, back in business.

You wanna think about it,
you wanna discuss it
with your guy, that's fine.

Take your time,
but not too much, kenny.

Because god forbid
these scumbags are out there
doing another job.

God forbid this happens again,
before we can snatch them up,

'Cause then it will be on you.

He has no priors
for this type of crime.

The arresting officer's
satisfied he wasn't involved
in the v*olence and break‐in.

Claims he knows
their current whereabouts.

I'd go for it. Okay.
[ Hangs up phone ]

Assuming your client
provides productive information,

He'd be considered a witness
rather than a perpetrator.

And this can't be an address
out of a phone book, counselor.
He's got to finger these guys.

I understand.
What about the other charges?

We'd also decline on
the misdemeanor possession
charge and failure to appear.

Sounds like a plan.

[ Phone ringing ]

15Th precinct, officer licalsi.

Corner "a" and tenth.

Green four‐door.
Do you know the model?


Any idea the year?
Uh, no, no,
that's okay.

Um, injuries?

[ Clears throat ]
did you get a license plate
by any chance?


Okay, hold on.
I'm going to get somebody
over there, okay?

Fifteen‐base to central, kay?
Go ahead, 15‐base.

We need a fire unit, ambulance
and additional sector cars...

To respond to avenue "a"
and tenth, car expl*si*n, kay.

Ten‐four, fifteen‐base.
Units are on their way.

What've we got?
A car expl*si*n,
one fatality.

Um, that's the report.
I‐i, uh, made the notifications.

I'm going to take
a couple hours loss time.

What's going on?
I don't feel so good.

Sammy, I can't hardly hear ya.

Well, ask the guy to stop
squawkin' the saxophone.

Huh? Oh, that's great.
That's great, sammy.

Where's he supposed to meet?
All right, is the kid going
to have the statue with him?

No, tell your buddy
not to hang up on
having him bring the statue.

Just tell him
to set the meet. Yeah.

We'll send someone
over there to, uh,
grab the kid up.

Right. Okay.
You're a prince, sammy, yeah.

Huh? You could go as high
as 60 for the rangers' pennant.

Okay, yeah.
I'll pass that along for ya.

[ Clears throat ]
andy? We're in business.

[ Prins ]
first floor, up front,
right side.

‐ Esu cops are in position.
‐ Let's go.

[ Man ]
be with you right away.

Police! You come out
with your hands
on top of your head!

I'm completing my business.

‐ You coleman?
‐ Rajib.

Oh, man.
What have you been eating?
Some kind of wild game?

I thought that was
the apartment.

I must have been under
the weather when I was here.
Not good enough, kenny.

What am I supposed to do?
Knock on every door
in the building?

I want you to call 'em.
Oh, and ask
which apartment they live in?

And then 20 seconds later,
14 cops bash down the door?

Don't you think they might
possibly connect the two?

Warn them the cops are
on the way and they need to
get out of the apartment.

Let's go.

Look, I fingered these guys
for you. I went out on a limb.
Why can't you‐‐

Dial the phone, kenny!
All right. All right.

[ Phone keys beeping ]

Clarence, it's kenny.
You guys better book, man,
the cops are on their way.

I didn't say anything.
I took a bust and they found
your address in my crib.

you guys better get going.
[ Phone beeps off ]


[ Man ]
put 'em on the table here.

Relax, I'll do the rolling.

[ Man ]
easy, man.

[ Man #2 ]
yeah. Hey, you,
step over here, please.

‐ Nice going, guys.
‐ We booked the bronx squad.
They're on their way down.

‐ How tight's the package
on our case?
‐ Real strong.

Found the m*rder w*apon
and a bunch of stolen property
in their apartment.

‐ New d. A.
Thinks we're all right?
‐ She thinks we're all right.

Hey, andy,
we picked up your oscar suspect.
He's in interview one.

Thanks, medavoy.

You would be bryce?
Yes, sir.

I'm detective sipowicz.

You know, this is not
where I planned to be today.

‐ This is not where
I planned to be ever.
‐ Life's full of surprises.

Yeah, this is all new to me
and, well, actually
I'm a little scared, okay?

Yeah, well, I understand.
But I plan to deal with it.
I intend to cooperate.

That's a very positive answer,
bryce. I'm going to ask you
a straightforward question.

Did you steal
arland rickman's oscar?

Could you take
these handcuffs off, please?

Let's see how this goes, first.
How about that oscar?

Well, what happened was,

I got off the bus
at the port authority terminal
on 40th.

I went straight
to louise's grill, which is
well‐known, famous actually.

I ordered a kamikaze.
Who do you think
paid for it?

My first cocktail
in new york city?
Arland rickman.

I mean,
it was unbelievably vivid.

Was it?
Yeah! I was totally energized
by the environment.

This is an incredibly
vivid city.

I went home with mr. Rickman.
You know about the sex?

I'm not interested.
He was real generous,
helping me out.

He gave me
some very good advice.

Yeah, money and advice.
Then you robbed him.

It didn't seem like that.
It almost seemed like
he wanted it to happen.

I mean, he was so drunk,
and he was showing me the oscar.
Then he passed out.

You didn't beat him up?
No! No. He was all bruised
up like that when I met him.

You know what I think?

I think he's
a very lonely person at heart,
despite the success and fame.

[ clears throat]
I think you got a shot...

At avoiding a trip
to new york city's famous
riker's island prison,

Which is
a very vivid place indeed.

But you gotta give me
the right answer
to the next question.

The oscar's in a locker
at penn station.
The key is in my pocket.

It's in a dean and de luca
tote bag, along with
a pair of his socks.

Whose socks?
Arland rickman's socks.
[ Laughing ]

Thank you.


These birds are boycottin' me.
I'm throwing away
all this good seed.

I wanna know what happened
to joey o'brien.
You remember him?

Yeah, joey o'brien.
His car got blown up.

Yeah, with him in it.
I wanna know what happened.

I think the question that
you're asking, officer licalsi,
is did we do it?

The answer
is we did not.

You gonna cross your heart
or spit or something?

Officer, you got
credit cards, right?

Two, three, four,
whatever you got.

Would you imagine using up
all your credit on just
one card, your visa, say?

No. If you were
financially irresponsible,
desperate, whatever,

You burn 'em all out
to the limit.

Now that's what
joey o'brien did.

And what's obvious
is some less patient
and reasonable people...

Got to him before we did.

It wasn't you?
It wasn't us.

Is your conscience clear now?

Tommy said to tell you
thanks for the license plate.

He's looking forward
to meeting you.

Take care.
I'll be in touch soon.

Don't get cancer, richie.

[ Phone ringing ]
here you go.

Hey, detective sipowicz.

You know, it's all on the radio
how arrests were made
on all those murders.

Come in to congratulate us?
I guess somebody was doing
some real detective work...

While you stayed busy
harassing me and my friends.

I'm sorry
you took it that way.

I wanna hear you say
you harassed me.

I wanna hear you say
that me and my friends
are not suspects.

Which detective andrew sipowicz
might find it hard to believe...

Since he thinks we're all
a bunch of lowlife n*gg*r*s!

All right, lewis, you've made
your little speech.
You're done now.

‐ No, I'm done
when I say I'm done!
‐ I'm telling you, you're done.

I wanna hear about
george washington carver again,
you ignorant cr*cker bigot.

Excuse me,
what's your business here?
This is mr. Futrel, lieutenant.

He was questioned
on that sloan matter.
He was cleared.

So your business here
is finished?

You know, I'd love
to take it with you
one on one sometime.

When you don't have your g*n
and your fire hose
and your badge.

‐ Let me give you my card, huh?
‐ Sipowicz. Thank you for your
cooperation, mr. Futrel.

You can leave now.

They lettin' you work
in the big house now, boy?

What door you come in?
You can leave now,
mr. Futrel.

You busy tonight?
I got no big plans.

Detective sipowicz,
I got your message
you found it.

Y‐you did, didn't you?

Uh, yeah, yeah.
Come on.
Oh, thank you.

Here you go.

Well, I am very grateful.

We got that kid
in the holding pen.
How do you want to handle that?

Well, I'm not inclined
to press charges.

No harm done,
as we say, eh?
Well, suit yourself.

D‐detective, could you abide
a gesture of gratitude
from an old queen?

It depends on the gesture.

Here is the book of mine
you said you had enjoyed.

Well, I signed it for you.

You know, I bet, uh,
when you wrote this...

You weren't hanging out
at bars midmorning,

Picking up douche bags
like this bryce character
who'd rob your medals, huh?

No, my work habits
were more rigorous, yes.

Anything keeping you
from getting rigorous again?

Only a deteriorating
physical condition,

Plus the general rout
of my faculties,

And a pervasive sense
of despair.

In other words, uh,
you're getting old.

Oh. Well, I suppose
it doesn't make me unique.

Hey, take a shot, huh?
I'll bet you can still do it.

Well, I get my oscar back
and a lecture on free will.

That's why this is
a great police department.
[ Chuckles ]

Thanks for the book.

Hey, john.

You still eligible
for conversation?

Yeah, sure.
I'm involved
with that uniform, licalsi.

Whoa, there's a bolt
from the blue.

[ Chuckles ]
and, uh, anyway,

She's involved
in this kind of
complicated situation‐‐

I don't want to go into
the details about it now,
but, I'm worried about her,

And she won't let me
help her with it.

So, I don't know
what to do about it.
What would you do?

I don't know. I'm not sure.
I mean... I'd step in, right?

And do what?
I don't know that either.

So, you definitely got
a well‐thought‐out plan,

She just won't let you
put it in motion, huh?

Look, uh...

Maybe she's right, huh,
not letting you step in?

She is so far over her head,
of course, that's my opinion.

But, this is hard
for me, man.

You wanna take
the weight for her?

[ Deep sigh ]
I don't know
what to tell you, john.

When I was drinkin'
and my old lady
wouldn't cooperate,

My angle was
I'd smack her
around a little.

Probably that was
the wrong approach.

‐ You ready?
‐ Yeah.

Good job today, john.
Hey, thanks,

Lieutenant, that wasn't me
who popped the maid from
the stop‐and‐frisk files.

That was martinez.
He's going to be
a good cop, eh?

Good night.

[ Sighs ]
[ chuckles, sighs ]

You all right?
Yeah, go ahead.
I'm fine.

Hey, thanks, man.

You got it.

I'll see you, john.

Good night.
Hey, thanks for
the help today.

Yeah, I'm glad
it worked out. Good night.

Hey, laurie.
[ Clears throat ]

Was it, uh, was it the job
or not givin' you enough room
that broke us up?

I don't know.

I do know that what made you
good at your job...

Also made it hard
to be with you
when you were home.

Which wasn't that much,
Which wasn't that much.

Why do you ask?

I was, uh,
I was just wondering.

Try giving her room.

Good night.

[ People chattering ]

How's your food?

You try the slaw?

You gettin' your jollies
out of this, lieutenant, huh?

What do you mean?
You think I'm a r*cist.

You're rubbin' my nose
in it here, a little bit?

Let me tell you something,
lieutenant. I'm entitled
to my feelings and my opinion.

So long as I do my job
the right way.

Now, that investigation
on that home invasion
went by the numbers.

I had a description,
four black men.

I questioned the girl,

Did she have any
black acquaintances?

Because that was
my suspect profile.

I gave that futrel guy zero
noise till he got in my face.

I think you handled
the investigation properly.

So, what am I doing here?
I thought you might
enjoy a meal.

[ Sputters ]
yeah, sure.

What, you're not
enjoying it?

Yeah, it's all right.
Food's okay?

Yeah, it's all right.
Not exactly what I eat.

Well, it's not what
I usually eat, either.
Sometimes, it tastes good.

Yeah, it's okay, huh?
So why aren't you
enjoying yourself?

Lieutenant, let me know
when you get done
busting my balls.

Is it the atmosphere, andy?
Oh, that's possible.

Something about me
being the only white guy here.

Now, why is that a problem?

Is it because you feel
this isn't your place?

And maybe some of
these people think so too?

Maybe a few of 'em
just don't like you.

What's your point, lieutenant?
You're being served
aren't you, andy?

They cooked those ribs for you.

Maybe they wanted to spit
in your plate, but they didn't.

They served your white ass,
just like they would
anyone else who came in here.

Even though some of them
hate your guts.

So, why would you
feel uncomfortable?

You got your meal.
What difference does it make
what they're thinking?

That they don't like you?
Hey, that's just an opinion.

Why should that bother you?
They're still doing their jobs.

Now, what if
they had g*ns and badges?

My treat.

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