01x17 - Black Men Can Jump

Episode transcripts for the TV show "NYPD Blue". Aired: September 21, 1993 – March 1, 2005.*
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Ensemble cast revolving around New York's 15th Precinct.
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01x17 - Black Men Can Jump

Post by bunniefuu »

You got a minute,
Yeah, come on in.

I was wondering
if you knew anything about
this call I got from downtown.

They want me to take
a position at o. E. E. O.

I was called for an evaluation.
I said I thought your work
was outstanding.

So, you gonna take it?

I'm not sure, lieutenant.
It's important work.

Make sure people get a fair shot
at the job. Make sure once they
got it, they're not harassed.

I know, I know.
I just, uh‐

‐ I just don't know if it's
the kind of cop I wanna be.
‐ Yeah.

Anyway, uh, I guess
it's nice to be wanted.

Let me know what you decide.
I will. And thanks
for the good references.

Excuse me. You from
building maintenance?

Yeah, I'm checking the specs
on these work orders
before they go out for bids.

You wanna make sure
the place is falling down?

Believe me, it's falling down.
When can we expect the repairs?

I just report
on the specs, lieutenant.

Will you be
doing that today?

I should be able to, yeah.

Hey, the shower
in the men's locker's
on the fritz.

I got no report on it.

The pipes are blocked.
Guys are bringing in
their own drain cleaner.

Detective kelly, line one.
Somebody put some
chemical reamer...

In there last night, and a quart
of some incompatible stuff
got added this morning.

The gas fumes are like
a world w*r I b*ttlefield.

Yeah, it sounds bad.
[ Kelly ]
where's the location?

I said,
"it sounds bad."

Bad enough for you to do
something about it?

I'm here checking
work orders, detective.

Andy, we got a sh**ting,
avenue "c" and fourth.

[ Kelly ]
greg, we got one.
Right, john.

Sharon, we got a sh**ting.
Real nose‐to‐the‐grindstone
type, aren't you, pal?

Real problem‐solvin' machine.
Press hard on your little
work order pad.

Make sure that
copy number 27
doesn't come out faint.

This'll really
speed things up.

You think I'm stallin' progress
here, john? These guys work
in multiples of several years.

‐Anyways, a plugged shower
falls under custodial services.
‐You pencil‐pushin' hump!

[ Siren wailing ]

[ Police officer ]
you can't come through here.
We gotta keep you back.

Where's the ambulance?
Fifteen‐minute delay.

This kid's in bad shape.
All right, son.

Ambulance is on the way.
Hang in there. You hear me?

You're gonna be okay.
I got shot, daddy.

‐ Your shirt's
still in the dryer.
‐ Ambulance is on the way.

You hold on now.
You're gonna be okay.
Hang in there.

We should take him
ourselves. He's going.
Let me pull the car up.

[ Kelly ]
take it easy.

He is just child.
I know this kid.

‐ Yes, sir.
‐ [ Man ] he's a good kid.

His name is george butler.
He's a neighborhood kid.

George, listen to me.
You're gonna be okay.

That's my boy.

Mr. Butler? Mr. Butler.
That's my son. George!
George! George!

George, george, george!
You gotta give our guys
a chance, mr. Butler.

Mr. Butler, give 'em a chance.
Give our guys a chance.

That's my son.
Give us a chance.

Detective sipowicz.
How's it goin', mr. Bucci?

I need to talk to you.
Just a second. Sit down here.

Let's get mr. Butler
set up in interview 1.

I'll run this by fancy.
I'll be right back. Okay?

John. I got mr. Bucci
in over there.

Okay, no problem.
Anything new on his daughter?

Nothin' that I know about.

Lieutenant, sh**ting victim
is a 13‐year‐old male black.

Sharon's got his father
inside right now.

He didn't see anything.
Did anybody?

‐ Martinez and medavoy are doing
the canvass. So far, nothing.
‐ 15Th, detective squad.

Father said he was doing
the family laundry and that he
had a boom box, which is gone.

your wife's on line three.

You better get back
with the father.

For about six months now,
this fella by the name
of d*ck corday...

Has been looking after
jenny's case.

He's a good man,
this corday.

He's dogged, you know.
Real dogged.

You heard of him?

Mr. Bucci, I gave you names
of good private investigators.

He had these made up.
See that? Color printing.

It's easy for people
to recognize somebody...

Because we're used to seeing
people in color.

Color of their hair, color of
their eyes, their skin tone,

Which could mean the difference
between somebody...

Thinking they may have
seen jenny and someone
knowing that they did see her.

Especially after
two and a half years.

Anything on your end?

Every month I put the
missing persons alert out again.

Every time there's
an arrest with a similar m. O.
Anywheres in the country,

I contact the cops on the case.

Nothing's turned up.
Well, I'll get you a thousand
more of those color flyers.

The photo's been touched up
to show how she'd look now.

I'll see to it
they get sent out.

I gotta tell you something.

The p. I., Corday, he made me
promise not to say anything,

But, hell,
you work this case too.

I know that.
You kinda kept care of me...

Those few months
after jenny disappeared.

Mr. Bucci,
what do you wanna tell me?

I'm sorry.
He's still in a meeting.

I'm not telling you this
as a cop, you understand?

He asked me not to
say anything, but...

We're getting close to her.

I can't say about
the details now.

An article of clothing
is involved,

And there's some
other supporting evidence
which I can't say about.

Which this p. I.'S developed.
Yeah. That's right.
That's right.

Detective, I think...
We're gonna get her back.

[ Mr. Butler ] I won't have
my boy buried in this city.

I won't have my boy
buried in this state.

This place didn't deserve him
when he was alive.

They ain't gonna get him dead.

Mr. Butler,
do you have other family?

My boy lost
his mother...

To dr*gs, to the street‐‐
whatever you want to call it‐‐
when he was six.

Seven years back.
Long time ago.

My sister lives with us now.

She waitin' for me at home.

Did he have any enemies,
somebody he didn't
get along with?

Listen. Do you know
how many g*ns...

There are
in that neighborhood?

How many kids got g*ns?

We understand about the g*ns,
mr. Butler.

There was no one specific that
george didn't get along with?


We did everything

I supervised
his homework.

We worked out
at the "y" together.
We talked.

If anything like that
had been happenin',

George would have told me,

And if he hadn't told me,
I'd have known anyway.

Did george ever have
any trouble with the police?

No. No. I did.

I got into some dr*gs
and I stole a car.

I was only 18,
and then I did 2 years,

But I was lucky.

I learned something from it.

And I saw to it
that george did too.

He was takin'
all the right roads.

Did he have
a best friend?

Me. I was
his best friend.


I can give you the names
of some other kids he saw.


He didn't...
Have a girlfriend yet.

He was starting
to get interested.

Mr. Butler?

I'm arthur fancy.
My wife just called me.

She said your sister's
a friend of hers from the
youth program at st. Francis.

Okay. You know what?
Let's start running down
these names.

Mr. Butler, if you think of
anything that might help us,
you got the card, okay?

You call. Anytime.

I'm sorry for your loss.

This city... Is empty.

The buildings,

The people,
the cars.

You gotta take things
a minute at a time now.

I was only strong
for my boy.

I can't get my mind
off of who did this to him.

We'll take care of that part.

We'll find who did this.
Believe me, we will.

Your job is
to take care of yourself.

You better find out.

That's all I got to say.
You better find who did this.

Hey. John, I'm gonna have to
put some more time
on this bucci thing.

How's that goin'?

The father thinks
there's a big break.

This p.i. He's hired
is on to somethin'.

Any chance of that?
I don't know.

People win the lottery.
I just never met any of 'em.

I'm gonna see
this private investigator...

And offer him
the department's
full cooperation.

Talk later.

On your 4‐to‐12 tour, would you
request special attention
on this butler sh**ting?

Will do, detective.
Detective lasalle.

‐ Hmm?
‐ Talk to you for a minute?


I know that
before you came here
you worked special victims,

And that's really
what I want to do.

I talked to the people
over there, but I haven't
heard anything yet.

I don't know how things work,
but would it be out of line...

For me to ask you
to check on my application?

No. I know people
I can reach out to there.

Detective lasalle?
This girl says she has somethin'
on the butler homicide.

I'll see if there's anything
I can help you out with.

Great. I appreciate it.
I'm detective lasalle.

We'll go upstairs
and we'll talk up there.

How you gonna help us, tashana?

I know one of them that was
there when butler got shot.

‐ You saw the sh**ting?
‐ No, but this guy
was talkin' about it.

To you?
No, to my girlfriend.

The guy doin' the talkin',
what's his name?

Um, don't you‐all
have some type of fund
that you‐all give to people...

Who help you‐all
get it done?

We got a fund, yeah.

Well, see,
with my baby comin',

I'm gonna need some money
to get some diapers
and play stuff.

How much you gonna need
for diapers and play stuff?

Um, 500.
500 Oughta do it.

I'm not tryin' to make no money
off of george gettin' shot.

It's just that
I need somethin' too.
You know what I'm sayin'?

Okay, tashana, but this
can't be a "could be,"
"would be," or "maybe."

We need a name and address,
and if this guy is right for
the m*rder, you get your 500.


His street name is c‐dawg,
but his real name
is thomas lennox.

He live at jefferson projects
on 113th street,

And the other two guys,
one of them is called prince,

And I don't know
the other one's name.

But c‐dawg was there
when the whole thing went down,

When that boy
got k*lled.

‐ He told your girlfriend that?
‐ Yeah, 'cause he
don't talk to me,

'Cause he screwed me,
gave me this kid.

C‐dawg don't talk to me,
'cause now he goin'
with my girlfriend, kendra.

[ Knocking ]
[ man ]
come in.

Ah. Come on in, detective.

You're workin' for dominic bucci
regardin' his daughter's

That's information
he communicated to you?

Then I'll confirm it.

Why don't you fill me in
on the status of the case?

Not unless mr. Bucci
authorizes me to discuss
those particulars.

Hey, me and you, we both
want to find mr. Bucci's
missing daughter, don't we?

I have devoted a good part
of the last six months
to bringing that about.

So let's not snag our pants
on your sharp ethics here,
all right?

Why don't you just show me
where you're at?

A lot of this is raw data.

I don't know how you work,
sipowicz, but me,

I like to keep most
of an active investigation
in my head.

All right. Let me see the paper.
We'll look in your head later.

Just so you know,
not everything's in here.


I see you took
three trips to florida.

Hmm. Possible sightings.

They, uh‐‐
they didn't prove out.

Who's this, uh‐‐
who's this carolyn case?

Oh, a woman
who has been very successful
finding lost objects and people.

And how does she do that?
She's worked with
a lot of police departments.

Are we talkin' about
the type of person...

That closes her eyes
and rolls her head around...

Like whoopi goldberg,
sayin' stuff like,

"I'm gettin' a vision
of water"?

Are we talkin' about
a psychic here, p.i. Corday?

She has also worked
with the bureau of alcohol,
tobacco and firearms.

Is she the one
that green‐lighted that raid
down in "wacko," texas, there?

That was near water, wasn't it?
I mean, they had a big t*nk
in their compound.

You wanna make light of this?
Practice your ridicule?

Please. Call mr. Bucci.
I don't think
he'd be real amused.

He happens to be very impressed
with this woman. So am i.

Mr. Bucci
said something about...

Finding a piece
of his daughter's clothing,

Maybe a sighting
of jenny.

I'm not going to discuss
those aspects of the case
with you.

If you got a piece of that
girl's clothing, I wanna see it.

Look. I am having it
analyzed at a laboratory.

Once I've ascertained
it's legitimacy,

I will involve
the proper authorities.

Yeah? Well, while you're
ascertaining on that,
why don't you tell me...

Where I can find
this psychic woman
so I can ascertain on her.

I'm gonna tell you
why you're here.
Somebody tellin' lies is why.

You can ask for your lawyer,
and I'll put you in a cell,
or listen.

What's it gonna be?

Go ahead. Talk.

Thomas, where you're at,

Right here, right now,

Is the best place
you're gonna be in
for a long time.

You're in a position
to help yourself.

You got nice legs.
Be all right if I
look up your dress?

What's your street name?

[ Chuckles ]
well, c‐dawg, you must be
some kind of moron,

Because I'm tryin' to help you,
and you go and say somethin'
to piss me off.

What were you gonna say?

You're past your
16th birthday now, thomas.

You're not goin'
into spofford this time.
You're goin' to rikers.

You heard about it.
Now you're gonna see it.

Welcome to the big leagues.

We have witnesses
put you at this m*rder.

That means whether you
pulled the trigger or not,
you're goin' away for m*rder.

That's 25 years,

Nine years more
than you've been alive.

I didn't do no m*rder.
Maybe you can
help yourself.

Because the major weight's gonna
fall on who pulled the trigger.

If you didn't do that,
you're gonna have to
give up a name now.

If you did pull the trigger,
maybe you better shut up
and call your lawyer.

You wanna do that?
I told you
I didn't do no m*rder!

I don't have a g*n yet.
Who had the g*n?

Your buddy prince,
or this other guy?

Prince or maybe shabazz.
I don't know.

I was down the street,
I heard the shot, and I booked.

Where can we find shabazz?
He a friend of prince's
from downtown.

I don't know
where he lives.

We wanted the kid's radio
was all.

I was a block away
when that kid got capped.

They call you prince, huh?
Right, prince.

Uh‐huh. Well, prince,
we got you and c‐dawg
for m*rder, did you know that?

No, man! No, no!
No way! Uh‐uh.

You know the law?
You don't actually
have to pull the trigger.

All you have to do
is be standin' there
to collect 25 years.

They call it
"acting in concert."

Now, I got you,
I got your friend,

And I'm gonna get the other guy,
and if I don't get
any help from you,

I got no reason to give you
any slack on that.

Even if I find out you didn't
sh**t the kid, you don't
help me, I don't help you.

Why would you help me?

Because you're in a position
to save me some time
and trouble, that's all.

[ Door opening ]

Kid's name is shabazz.
They went to west virginia
together‐‐ [ indistinct ]


The train's
pullin' out, prince.

We got shabazz's name, and we
know about your little trip
to west virginia.

Wait a minute.
Hold up!

I still know some stuff
I could tell you.

You better tell me now, then,
because if you lie,

I'm gonna lock you down,
and we're gonna do this
the hard way.

Do you understand?

Me and shabazz
went to west virginia
to get g*ns.

We sold three
eight‐balls of crack,
we got a .38, two .9s,

A .44 desert eagle a*t*matic.

What happened to those g*ns?
Shabazz sold 'em.

'Cept for the .44.
Kept that for himself,
used it on george butler, huh?

Who's that?

That's the kid
with the radio.

Yeah, he used it on him.

Why? You already had the radio.

He wanted to, I guess.

Yeah. Okay. I'm gonna need
a real name on shabazz
and an address right now.

Shabazz hamilton.

He's at 559
west eleventh street.

Number 418.

‐ Pick him up.
‐ Yeah.

Would you be careful
when you set it down,

Oh, no.
[ Man ]
hey, move it!

Oh, no.
Oh, great.
[ Siren chirping ]

It's probably damaged.
We're gonna look at it.

‐ Johnny, can I get
some advice from you?
‐ Sure.

They offered me a job
at the office of equal
employment opportunity.

Is that right?

Upside is there's
probably a promotion
to first grade detective.

Downside is I don't know
if I'd like that kind of job.

Yeah. Well, I don't know.

That racial
and sexual harassment's
important stuff, though.

I know, I know.
I just don't know if it's me.

What's a first grade bump?
Seven grand?

7,500, And we could
really use that money.

Plus no more shift work.

Yeah, definitely be
more regular for the boys.

[ Horns honking ]
[ man ]
come on, buddy!

[ Sighs ] you know,
when we came on that kid
dyin' on the street yesterday,

All I could think about
was danny.

Seein' him lyin' there.

[ Horns honking ]
I keep thinkin' about that.

[ Man ]
ain't got all day!

I didn't join up
to be the kind of cop
they're offerin' me to be,

But, johnny, I'm not the same.

I'm not the same person
I was when I joined up.

I know.
[ Man ]
let's move it!

I know.
[ Sighs ]

[ Siren chirping ]
here we go. Come on.

Shabazz inside?
Guy outside says he saw him
go in an hour ago.

He hasn't come out yet.
Can we secure the roof?

We got a couple guys
up there now.

No warrant.
Gotta get him
to open up.

[ Knocking ]

[ Knocking ]
[ man ]
what's up? Who is it?

Anybody order
a paid package?
[ Lock clicks ]

Get off me, man!

You shabazz hamilton?
Yeah, I'm shabazz.
What do you want?

You're under arrest.
I didn't do nothin', man!

‐ All clear in there, right?
‐ [ Lasalle ] yeah, clear.

Look what I found.
You got a search warrant?

It was in plain sight.
It was under the mattress!

Maybe it slipped out.

[ Kelly ]

Shabazz, c‐dawg and prince
tell me that you shot this kid.

And the g*n we found
in your apartment‐‐

Ballistics is gonna tell me
it was the one
used on george butler...

And that it's got your prints
all over it, aren't they?

I got you.

I got nothin' to say, man.

Good. Good.
I want you to shut up.

Know why?

When you go to trial
for this m*rder,

Then you'll get
the full 25.

And after that,
you'll start your federal bit...

For transporting weapons
across state lines,

And it's my guess that
the state will take you back
on the felony sale...

For the g*ns
that you and nitwit number one
picked up in west virginia.

Look. You prove I did the crime,
I'll do the time. Hear me?

Yo, can I go to my cell now?
Yeah, you can go to your cell,
you little prick.

You are gonna bounce around
this system...

Like a little rubber ball
for the rest of your life.

Detective kelly,
would you mind if I had a moment
or two alone with shabazz?

If you wanna waste
your time with this assh*le,
that's up to you.

I have a report to start.

Have a nice life, shabazz.

I'm not gonna lie to you.
You're in a lot of trouble.

But it doesn't
have to be the way
my partner said.

You're a young guy,
and the way the world is,

You know how easy it is
to make mistakes.

Judges and courts
know that too.

Yeah, well,
your partner's an assh*le.

Detective kelly just thinks that
you're tryin' to get over
on him, make his job harder.

He gives me
no respect, man! Zero!

I'm not saying he's right.
Just that's the way
he sees it, you know.

The fact is, you could
really help us out here.

And if you did that,
I know I could get him
to lighten up a ton.

What about them other charges
he was talkin' about?

You tell us what went on
outside that laundromat,
and we all go home early.

Those firearms charges,
possession and illegal sale,
it's penny‐ante stuff.

The system doesn't have
time or money for that.

Want a cup of coffee?

Take a few minutes
to think about it?

Why don't I get you
a cup of coffee?

Yeah, okay. Coffee.

Three sugars, black.

How's it goin'?
You got the blood
pumpin' through his brain.

I'm gonna get him coffee,
see if I can't get him
to buy into the homicide.

Think he'll go for it?
The g*n? I don't know.

I think he might
put himself on the scene,

Thanks to you
being such a prick.

Kelly, we got
an escaped prisoner!
Come here, shabazz!

[ Kelly ]
we got an escape!
[ Shouting ]


[ Martinez ]
what's goin' on?
What happened?

Alert downstairs
and get an ambulance.

Did he get out?
He get away?

We'll get him back.
[ Fancy ]
what happened?

He ripped the grill off
and nailed her.

You all right,
Oh, yeah.

Did somebody
call an ambulance?
Yeah, just did it.

Lay there
until e. M. S. Comes.

Damn it!

[ Dog growling ]

[ Knocking ]

You would be
detective andrew sipowicz.

You must be psychic.

Mr. Corday called,
said you were coming by.
Come in.

Kinda pink in here, huh?

How can I help you,

You can tell me about
how you been helpin' corday...

In his work
on the jennifer bucci case.

You know, detective,
I sense a strong,

Skeptical energy nexus
around you.

Maybe you can disappear it
by telling me about...

Your last terrestrial contact
with dominic bucci.

‐ It was a very exciting session
for both of us.
‐ Yeah? And why was that?

He brought me
an article of clothing
mr. Corday had recovered.

Mr. Bucci remembered it
as being exactly similar...

To the blouse
his daughter jenny wore
the day she disappeared.

I got emanations
off this blouse‐‐

A very strong sense
from this blouse.

And what was the upshot
of the emanations?

My strong sense was that jenny
may have worn the blouse.

I'm sure in your line of work,
detective, you've come across
many things...

You haven't been able
to explain.

Each of us has our own
conceptual tool kit
we work with.

I've developed mine
in special ways.

It might help you
to try and accept that.

Where'd corday
get the clothing from?
A field associate, I believe.

For my purposes,
that's irrelevant.

Can I tell you that
when I was able to make
available to mr. Bucci that...

This could be
jenny's blouse,

It was a transformational
experience for both of us.

Really beautiful.

I could always sense
a withheld joy
in mr. Bucci.

That joy
was gestating,

And I was so proud to be able
to facilitate its birth.

That‐‐ that just made me
feel marvelous.

Maybe it's being here
in this nice,
pink environment, but...

I got a strong,
marvelous feeling
from emanations...

Or whatever
that I know exactly
what's goin' on here.

How much money you makin'
out of this, carolyn?

My fees are confidential.

[ Sighs ]

Thanks for the seance, huh?

Lieutenant? I have those
work orders you asked for,

And building maintenance
is on line three for you.
Thank you.

Lieutenant fancy.

Yeah, I'm starin'
at three work orders here.

I had a prisoner escape
and an officer injured...

Because you people
didn't get around to 'em.

I want these repairs
that we've asked for
done by 12:00 tonight,

Or I'm gonna have
somebody's ass!

[ E. M. S. Medic ]
look to the right.

[ Fancy ] we're lookin'
for a shabazz hamilton.
How ya doin'?

I'm okay.
I want a workup on every
address he's given us...

Every time
we've arrested him.

Same for every kid
we've ever busted with him.

Also, check his old arrest
reports for telephone numbers
he's given us...

When we've picked him up,
and get those addresses
out of the cole's directory.

Hiya, mr. Butler.
[ Fancy ]
okay, that's it.

Mr. Butler.
What's goin' on here?

Um, let's go into my office.

[ Sighs ]
dead kid's father
must be real happy, huh?

Yeah, fancy called him
and told him we had
the perpetrator in custody.

How's mr. Bucci?

This p. I.'S
been workin' him
for six months.

He's got him set up
for the blow off.

What's the verdict? How is she?
I'm fine.

There may be broken bones
under the eye here.
She ought to be checked out.

I'm fine for workin'.
Why don't you
just have it looked at?

Looks like you're
gonna be a half member
of the raccoons' club.

How long is this x ray
gonna take?

If you're okay,
you'll be back on the street
in a half hour.

I'm not gonna try to excuse
what happened here.

You let him get away.
You let the one who k*lled
my son get away.

We'll pick him up.
He's got no resources,
no money.

There's a limited number
of places he can go.

We'll pick him up
probably within 24 hours.

Yeah, and I'm supposed
to believe that, huh?

I realize
it's hard to put stock
in what I'm telling you.

I don't wanna hear it.
I do not want to hear no more.
You understand, lieutenant?

Last time you told me, "take it
day by day," didn't you?
That still holds.

Well, that's what
I'm gonna do.

I know exactly how I'm going
to be spendin' my days
and my nights, lieutenant.

Mr. Butler, stay out of this.

The world isn't so rich
it can afford to lose
your boy and you.

[ Knocking ]

Time for us
to have a little talk.

What's on your mind,

I been to see
the pink lady.

I heard. She said
you're a real dubious person.
I'm hurt by that.

She told me that
you came up with the
missing girl's blouse...

And that she i. D.'D it
off the emanations.

Let's say that's true.
What's the next move?

You tell the grieving father
how your field associate‐‐

The guy
that found the blouse
in the salvation army...

Or whatever story you're
going to come up with‐‐

Now he's made a sighting of
the girl, maybe wandering
around homeless...

With amnesia, uh,
but he's gonna need
big bucks to follow through?

Then mr. Bucci pays,
and the footprints
peter out again.

You got somethin'
like that in mind?

I'm a licensed private
investigator conducting
a legitimate investigation.

Every step that I take
is approved in advance
by the client.

That's the bottom line here,

Under that is
I want a piece of this.

You want a piece of what?

I've been trying to find
the man's daughter.
That's all.

I'm guessin'
you're gonna ask him
for 50,000.

Yeah, well, that's none
of your business.

If you're gettin' more,
god bless, but I want 25.

[ Chuckles ]
you're full of crap
on this, sipowicz.

I'm tellin' you what I want
to let you make your play.

All right.
Say, for nuisance value‐‐

To reduce the aggravation‐‐
I gave you, uh, five grand.

Say I bust you in the mouth,
'cause you're gonna say 25
with or without teeth.

All right,
say I gave you 25,

But for that 25, you'd have
to earn that kind of money.

I wouldn't be givin' you that
to stay outta my way.

I'm listenin'.

You'd have to help
sell the old man.

Tell him the lead
off the blouse
looks strong...

And prepare him if it,
uh, might not work out.

I don't want him
giving up hope.

This is a well
we're workin' here, sipowicz.

It's by no means dry.

You prepared
to earn your money?

He, uh‐‐
he trusts you, you know.

I'll do my part.
You do yours.
You better do your part.

Because you don't get your money
till he writes the check.

[ Corday on tape ]
all right, say I gave you 25,

But for that 25, you'd have
to earn that kind of money.

I wouldn't be givin' you that
to stay outta my way.
[ Sipowicz ] I'm listenin'.

You'd have to help
sell the old man.

Tell him the lead
off the blouse
looks strong...

And prepare him if it,
uh, might not work out.

I don't want him
giving up hope.

This is a well
we're workin' here, sipowicz.

It's by no means dry.

[ Click, tape stops ]
[ clears throat ]

You wanna file
a criminal complaint
against this guy?


[ Sighs ] you want me
to say a few things
out of my experience...

As an outsider on this?


I think that would be
a good thing.

Detective, please.

You told me
two and a half years ago
when jenny disappeared...

How much you blamed yourself
for sending her to the bank
with the money from the store.

I thought I was such a big man.

Everybody in the neighborhood
respected me so much.

That would protect her.

You feel like you might have
cost your daughter her life.

Her life, yes.

And if you could find her,
you could correct that mistake.

But it doesn't
work that way, mr. Bucci.

I hate myself.

I lie awake at night sometimes
doing that, you know.

Yeah, I do know.

[ Sighs ]
you gotta get on
with your life.

Take your time and money
and do things
for yourself...

And for your wife,
for other people‐‐

Things that make you
feel good again.

And then if
your daughter does show up,
it'll be a blessing.

And, if she doesn't,

You're doin'
what you can to live.

Maybe you're right.
I don't know.

Knowing doesn't happen
all at once.
You gotta grow into it.

[ Sighs ]
think you might be able
to do that?

I'm gonna try.

I really am gonna try,

That doesn't mean
you give up hope.

No, you just‐‐

I understand. I understand
what you're sayin' to me. I do.

Mrs. Clarence? This is
detective james martinez.

I spoke to you this afternoon
about shabazz hamilton?

I wanted to check back,
see if you've heard anything.

Is this
the emergency room?

Yeah, this is detective lasalle
with the 15th squad.

I wanted to check back,
see if you treated a black male,
5'7", 150 pounds,

For any injuries
that might be related to a fall.
He's returned to custody.

This is
detective medavoy.
I know. I wanted to check back.

This is
detective kelly.
Thank you.

Let me speak
to your dispatcher.

[ Medavoy ]
...possible injuries
related to a fall...

On a heavyset
black male.

Yeah, kelly. Mm‐hmm.

Well, put it over the air again.

Okay, let me make this
simple for you.

Any cabbie that made a pickup
in the vicinity of the prec‐‐

Uh‐huh. Well, maybe somebody
was on a break.

Right. Thank you.

What'd he do,
fall down a rat hole?

At least we know
he'd be comfortable.

[ Officer ]
easy, mr. Butler.

Move it.
[ Laughs ]

[ Martinez ]
never mind.

Get in it.
Get in it!

A friend of mine
tipped me to a bridge...

Where I'd find
this piece of garbage under.

You did the right thing
bringin' him in.
[ Butler ] yeah.

I'm kinda surprised
he's still alive myself.

I did it for george.
You know, I owe my son.

This is how I taught him
it should be,

And I can't
betray my son by‐‐

By goin' against
what I taught him.

Your son would be
proud of you now.

Medavoy, martinez, take care
of the prisoner in my office.

Sure, lieutenant.

Step out.
All right, come on.
Move it. Watch your step.

Let's go.
Be a good boy.

[ Martinez ]
all right. Here we are.
Watch your step.

[ Sipowicz ]
let's go, assh*le.

This is as pure a piece
of entrapment I've encountered
in 23 years as an investigator.

Shut your mouth.
The bust isn't gonna
hold up, sipowicz.

You're the one
proposed the bribe.

I say the bust
is gonna hold up,

And if it doesn't,
I've lost 'em before.

Meanwhile, you're gonna be
off the streets and outta
that man's life. Now, sit down.

Yeah. Probably tryin' to run
some game of your own.

Tryin' to eliminate
the competition.

You know how I know
that I'm evolving towards...

A higher
planetary consciousness,
corday, huh?

Just like
your psychic friend said:

I know I'm gettin'
a better planetary tool kit...

'Cause I didn't
just punch your lights out.

Good night, donna.
Good night.

[ Lasalle ]

You got a minute?

On that
equal employment job?

I guess I've decided
to take it.
All right.

Yeah, it's important work,
and, um,

The two kids I got home
waitin' for me nights,

They own more of me now
than when danny was alive.

I've got a lot of respect
for the way that you've
carried yourself...

From the day
you got here.

Some day that was, huh?


I'll miss having you
in my command, and I'm
gonna miss you personally.

Thanks. Lieutenant, would you
keep the door open a crack
in case I have second thoughts?

Sure. Given your new job,
would I be on thin ice if I
gave you a good‐bye hug?

You better
give me a hug.
[ Chuckles ]

Good luck.
Thanks, lieutenant.

[ Fancy ]
good night.
Oh, officer licalsi.

I made that call over to
special victims like you asked.

What'd you find out?

They didn't feel
you came off great
in your interview.

What'd I do wrong?
No, no, no, no. It's not
like you did anything wrong.

Uh, they just felt that,
uh, the way you carry yourself
and such, it isn't a manner...

That would inspire
a woman that'd been r*ped
to confide in you.

I don't know
if that's fair.

I was talking to an interview
panel, I wasn't talking to
somebody who'd been r*ped.

I think what the feeling
was is, uh,

What makes you
a good street cop...

Can work against you
when you're tryin' to deal
with a r*pe victim.

It's not a hopeless situation.
Work on your presentation.

In six months, go back over.

So you agree
with their evaluation?

Oh, I don't know you
well enough to say that, uh,

But empathy is something
that you can work on.

There are special skills
that you can develop.

I'd be happy
to work on it with you.

If you'd like to do that,
call me at o. E. E. O.

You're transferring?
Yeah, as of thursday.

I'll call you, and I'll
give you my number, okay?

Hey, thanks a lot.
No problem.

You feel like slammin'
a few club sodas?

I'm off the stuff, but, yeah,
I could go for some kind
of regional soft drink.

15Th, detective squad.
One moment, please.

Detective sipowicz?
Dominic bucci
on line two for you.

John, I think
we're gonna be postponing
this rampage to another night.

Uh, yeah, mr. Bucci?

Yeah, how are you?

What kind
of possible development?

Where are you?
Hmm. Yeah.

[ Sighs ]
all right.

Hey. Hey, my plans
just fell through.

How does makin' dinner
for you and the boys sound?

Great. Great.

I'm gonna take that job.

Good for you.
Good for you.

I'm gonna miss you, johnny.

Thank you
for helping me along.
Hey. Come on.

You are changin' tax brackets,
not your friends, right? Hmm?


I'm gonna go get my coat.
All right. I'll be here.

Thanks for coming,
Yeah. What's goin' on, dom?

Well, i‐‐
I was walking.

Now, here's the thing.
Here's the reason
I contacted you.


I swear I heard her voice...

Coming from that apartment
right there,

The one on the ground floor
with the lights on.

Now, I know how this
must sound to you,
mr. Bucci‐‐

But I'm asking you,
please, detective,
j‐just do this for me.

[ Door closes ]

[ Knocking ]

She wasn't there.


Please... Don't tell my wife
that I called you, okay?

No, I won't.

[ Chuckles ]
come on.
I'll walk with you.

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