01x19 - Serge the Concierge

Episode transcripts for the TV show "NYPD Blue". Aired: September 21, 1993 – March 1, 2005.*
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Ensemble cast revolving around New York's 15th Precinct.
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01x19 - Serge the Concierge

Post by bunniefuu »

Are you and kelly up,

He wants to talk
to a detective.

I'm gonna do it.

Here's what
I need to know.

If a person was involved
in a type of situation...

And he didn't know,

And now he came
forward, cooperating,
trying to assist,

How‐‐ how would he stand?

‐ Give us more hints.
‐ What was the situation?

A possibility
of disposing a body.

And the person had no idea
that's what it was.

‐ But the person
knows it was a body now.
‐ Well, he figured it out.

Or maybe even
at the situation,

He's thinking, "this
is a pretty heavy rug."

[ Sipowicz ]
so let's say
he knew it was a body,

But maybe he didn't
have anything to do
with getting it dead.

Or say that then.
How jammed up
would he be then?

Well, coming in,
being cooperative,

Assuming the person didn't have
anything to do with the death‐‐

Absolutely not.
I'm at a party.

A guy asked me
to help him with something.
He's my host.

He asked you
to take out a rug.

He asked me to help him
take a rug outside.
And somebody's in the rug.

That's my guess.
Afterward. After the fact.

‐ Who would that be?
‐ I think a girl.

Marilyn. 'Cause...
She wasn't around afterward.

What would she be
to the guy?

His girlfriend.
And they'd been
beefing all night.

Then they were going
at each other in his bedroom.

Maybe I even saw
the top of her head
rolled up in the rug.

Afterward, going
over it in my mind,

Maybe I glimpsed
something like that.

‐ This guy got a name?
‐ But first tell me what
my situation would be.

Probably okay,
but you gotta stop
playing tommy dimwit here.

What's this guy's name?

‐ Ricky testa.
‐ [ Sipowicz ]
where did you put the rug?

A dumpster, in an alley
outside the apartment,

Outside the old
post office garage, uh,

Fifth between b and c.

‐ This was last night?
‐ Three nights ago.

‐ Three nights ago?
‐ Thanks for rushing over.

Are you serious?
Do you know where
that body's gonna be now?

That body's gonna be
in a garbage dump.

And you know who's gonna have
to go looking for it?

‐ Picking through millions
of tons of rotten garbage?
‐ We are.

Getting laughed at
and crapped on by a bunch
of overweight seagulls.

But in terms
of my being jammed up,
you figure I'll be all right?

You're gonna be all right
and we're gonna be up
to our asses in garbage.

[ Groans ]

Story sounds good.

Girl that fits the description
got reported missing
by her mother two nights ago.

The girl is
marilyn amico.

Her mother says she
dates this ricky testa.

There's no answer at testa's.
We contacted the super.

He told us testa took off
for the dominican two days ago.

Asked him to feed his cat.

We checked this dumpster
that this eddie said
he dumped the rug in,

And it turns out that
the city serviced it tuesday.

So either it's
on a garbage scow
out in the river...

Or out
in fresh kills landfill.

Sanitation helping you
on the location?
Yeah, they're tracking it.

They're gonna get back to us.
We'll get started as soon
as they give us the okay.

Have medavoy and martinez help.
Yeah, they're
on standby right now.

Three days
this idiot waited.

‐ [ Woman ] may I help you?
‐ Medavoy, it's time to suit up.
We're going to the dump.

There he is.
Hey, robin.

What's going on?
Hey, johnny.

Jimmy died.

I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

You know what?
Let's go over in here.

He, uh‐‐
he died in his sleep.

It was peaceful.
Yeah, good.

He's out of his pain now.

Is there gonna be
a memorial service?

No. He didn't want anything.

He just had me
down at the track,

Putting his ashes
on the finish line.

Ashes on the finish
and 99‐1 on the tote board.

That's what jimmy wanted.

I, um‐‐

I'm gonna go away
for a little while.
Yeah, good idea.

My plane leaves
at 11:00 tonight.

Is there any chance
we could catch some dinner?

Absolutely. Absolutely.
I'll call you later. Okay?
Okay. All right.

Hey, robin.

You gonna be okay?
Yeah, I'll be fine.

You sure? All right.
Yeah. Thanks.

We'll talk later.

Make book on it, andy.
I'm gonna get a skin reaction.

Half an hour after
we're out at that dump,

You're gonna see me
come down with dizziness
and an allergic skin breakout.

Yeah, well, I'll keep
a close eye on you, medavoy.

Oh, man. A large in taiwan
is not large in america.

They say they dump 13,000
tons of garbage in that
city landfill every day.

[ Sipowicz ]
well, sanitation gave us
the sector number of the load.

It's in section 6‐7.
So you know what that means,

Since we know
the sector number,

We're only gonna have
to pick through four or
five hundred tons of garbage...

Out of that whole 13,000.

Those places are like
giant petri dishes.

[ Knocking ]
everybody decent?
Come on in.

Uh, detective sipowicz?

Jerry mccabe
from the 8th precinct
is on the phone.

He says it's urgent.
Oh, yeah.

Line two.


How's it going, jerry?

Yeah, that's my son.



I gotta meet you guys
at the dump.

What's going on, andy?

I got a problem with my kid.

Listen, I'm sorry.

Do what you gotta do.
Yeah, thanks. John.

Don't worry about it.

What's going on?
Let me ask you
something, john.

‐ Do you know a nick savino,
manhattan north narcotics?
‐ No.

He just popped andy
for selling coke.

Did you talk to the guy?
Uh‐uh. He's an undercover.

He was out on a buy operation.
They said he'll be back
in a couple of hours.

That don't sound
like andy, does it?

I don't know
what he's into lately.

Listen, I gotta get
over to the 8th.

I'll see you later.
All right.

Thanks for calling me, jerry.

I know how this feels.
I got a brother
who's a mess.

Every time I think
he's squared away,
I get one of these calls.

It starts
all over again.
My kid's never been arrested.

Yeah. Well, savino's
on his way back in.

I, uh‐‐ I asked around
about the pop.

They said a month ago
he made three buys.

Got a warrant
on a john doe dealer.

Today he spots your son
in the same area,

I.d.'S him as the pusher
and had some uniforms
bring him in.

What kind of cop's savino?

He's top guy.
Makes about 20 collars a month.

That stand up?
Yeah, they tend
to stand up.

You wanna see
your boy?

Come on.

He's okay, really.
He's fine.

Now, the holding keys
around there are clear.

All right. Thanks, john.
Hey, sarge.

Detective here
to see sipowicz. Thanks.

‐ You all right?
‐ Yeah.

What happened?

I was on my way to work
and I got arrested by two cops.

‐ You know what for?
‐ They said I sold coke
to a narc three weeks ago.

‐ Did you do that?
‐ No.

You believe me?
Why wouldn't
I believe you?

Why would you believe me?
You don't know me very well.

I believe you
'cause you're telling me
you didn't do it, andy.

If you did do it,
tell me now.

We'll take things
from there.
I didn't sell any coke.

I don't have anything to do
with any dr*gs or alcohol.

There's gotta be a mix‐up.

I'll talk to the cop
that arrested you.

You need anything?
I'd like
to get out of here.

Try and take it easy.
I'll see you
in a little while.


That's your guy.

Savino? I'm andy sipowicz
from the 15th squad.


You just took my son
down this morning.

Yeah, I'm sorry
it was your kid.

My son says
he didn't do it.
He sold to me.

I believe my son.
I made three directs off him
before the warrant.

I spot him in the same area
this morning and we took him.

He works
in that neighborhood.

When I saw him,
he was selling dr*gs
in that neighborhood.

Would you just do this?

Keep the kid in holding
for the rest of today.

Don't run him through
the system yet and let me
look around on the street.

You're wasting your time.
He's it.

Then it's my time
getting wasted.

Savino, we're all in
the same job together.

I'm not asking you
to do anything illegal.

Savino, phone.

Yeah, right.
I got a call.
I heard.

How about it?

Go ahead.
I'll stall the paperwork.

Would you go down
and take a polaroid of him?

For what?
'Cause I wanna show
his photo on the street.

I don't have
a recent likeness.

Yeah. Hey, take a message.
Yeah, no problem.

I got a camera over here.

Join the police department.

Stand up to your knees
in gooey condoms.

[ Martinez ]
it's not like we should just
look for the rug, right?

‐ That's right.
‐ I keep thinking...

Maybe she could have rolled
out of the rug when the garbage
truck turned over the dumpster.

That's it! That's it!

Easy, man.

‐ I'm taking these birds out.
‐ No, you're not.

Do not take that w*apon out.
I've been crapped on three
times in the last 20 minutes.

Do not discharge that w*apon.
Greg, put it away.

‐ Put it away, greg.
‐ I got a rash.

‐ I hear ya.
‐ I can feel it
under my overalls.

Hey, remember these?

‐ We're looking
for a female, right?
‐ Yeah. Blonde, about 25.

Here's a 65‐year‐old male,
gray hair.

Who the hell is this?

I know you're the man
and I want you to know
I'm clean, empty and working.

I'm on my last 18 days
of a six‐month probation.

You'll never run
into a better citizen.
Look at a photograph.

Look at a photograph.
Can't be hanging
around my building.

Everybody either
sh**ting or smoking.

I could end up like
one of them dolphins.
You stay around here all day?

'Round here,
turnin', turnin' round.

Just keep
my face to the sun.
I follow the rays.

Pay attention to me.

Look at this picture.
You know this kid?

Sure. I seen him.
He work around here.
Right across the street.

You mean down the block.
No, across the street.
1840 Grove.

He sold nine bags
in that hallway right there.

This kid never even did dr*gs.
Don't sell him down...

Just to make yourself
look good to a cop.

Sure. You say it,
I believe it.

Sun was in my eyes.
I didn't recognize the guy.
I don't recognize him.

I'm clean.
Yeah, yeah.

‐ Anyway, it couldn't be lenny.
‐ What did you say?

Did you say lenny?
Is this lenny? This is lenny?

Sure. Clean him up,
cut his hair.
Is he selling around here today?

I ain't seen him
in a while.
Does lenny got a last name?

Yeah. Lenny james.
Where can I find him?

He got a girlfriend too.
She lives over to the edison.

But i, you know‐‐
I'm clean.
Here, here, here.

‐ You stick around here,
all right?
‐ I ain't moving.

[ Baby crying ]
police. Open up.

[ Woman ]
who is it?
Police. Open up.

You got a warrant?
I got a warrant. Open up
or I'll make this door a ramp.

Don't break it.
There's nothing in here.
Wait a minute.

‐ You got no warrant.
‐ I must have lost it.
Where's lenny?

[ Laughing ]

You did all this
cha‐cha stuff
just to find lenny?

You must not
be too bright.

Well, I can spell "soap,"
can you? Is this him?

Maybe once.
But he hasn't looked
that good for a long time.

I wanna know where he is.

Where you guys put him‐‐


He got busted two weeks ago
for a stickup.

Prick owed me $85.

I got that for you,
but you gotta tell me
the truth about something.

I'm not asking you
to give this guy up.
All I'm asking, when he was out,

If I was looking
to cop from lenny,
if I knew that he dealt coke,

Where would I go to score?

Over on grove. 1840.

That's the $85 answer.

He was screwing
the super's daughter.

You're sure, huh?
Definite i. D.?

Yeah. We were working
on another case.
We found him by accident.


Tell the m.e.
Thanks for getting back
to me so soon.

Right. Thanks.

It's maurice taub.
M.e. Got it off the prints.

How did he die?
Iffy on
the decomposition.

They're talking strangulation.
They still gotta do toxicology.

There's gonna be a lot
of heat on this.

Yeah. Big shot like this
getting found in a tv crate.

Andy's still got
that personal situation?

I think for a little while.

You mind talking
to the taub widow yourself?

Absolutely no problem.
I talked to medavoy
and martinez.

No luck yet
on the original body.

I feel bad for them.
They're still over in the dump.

You wanna go back?

I'd love to, lieutenant,
but I gotta go talk
to this woman.

John? Burn that bag.

It's going.
Detective kelly?
That's seymour gould.

Hiya, mr. Gould.
Excuse me.

I've been out all day.
I got your message.
I'm sure you're very busy.

Is there some place
we can talk?

Right in the back.
I got a few minutes.

I was jimmy wexler's lawyer
and his business manager.

Yeah, I know.
We nearly held up
the wedding for you.

He had me in singapore
negotiating a contract.

I was in the cayman islands
when he died.


The son of a bitch croaks
while I'm busy burying
his money.

So, now I'm executing
his will.

Read that.

Whatever he asks you to do,
I'm supposed to set you up
for $1,000 a week...

For as long
as you agree to do it.

First of all,
what he's asking me to do
in here I'd do for nothing.

Never admit you'd do anything
for nothing, detective.

Well, how do you wanna
receive the funds?

Well, I need to speak
to somebody about this
before I go ahead.

So can I get back
to you on it?

Hope jimmy's not asking you
to k*ll anybody.


Unless it's this guy we've been
dealing with in the caymans.

See ya.
Thanks for coming in.

Mrs. Taub?
I'm detective john kelly.

Is this news
about maurice?
Can I come in, please?

Come into the library.

Won't you sit down.

Mrs. Taub, I wish
there was another way
to be able to say this to you,

But we found
your husband's body.
Oh, my god.

I'm sorry.

Where was he?
Where did you find him?

Staten island.

Maurice has never been
to staten island
in his life.

We found his body
in a landfill out there.


How did he die?
It appears
he's been strangled.

I had hoped we'd find out
that he ran away.

So did we.

Even if that meant
he was unhappy with me.


Do you, uh,
have any suspects?

Well, not yet.
Do you feel like you're up
for talking about it?

Did he have any enemies,
anything like that?

Personal feuds?


Business associates,
anybody angry at him?

If this were not some
random act of street v*olence,

Don't you think the criminal
would have asked for ransom...

Or some
of my jewelry or art?

Well, he disappeared
in central park
while he was taking his walk.

Any special reason
he'd go to central park?

Why do you ask that?
I'm not trying
to pry, mrs. Taub,

Into his sexual habits
or preferences.

It's merely in regards
to his death.

As far as I know, my husband
had no sexual preferences.

[ Door opens, shuts ]
I suppose I could
always be surprised.

Oh, excuse me, mrs. Taub.
I'll return later.

No, no. This is
detective kelly.

Serge deschanel.

He's our concierge.

They, uh, found maurice.
He's been strangled.

I'm so sorry.

‐ You're the concierge?
‐ That's correct.

I'm gonna need a list
of service people
from the building here.

So if you don't mind,
I'll have you come down
to the station with me, okay?

I'm on duty now.

‐ Please, serge, cooperate.
‐ Of course.

Mrs. Taub, again I am sorry.

If you use that number,
they'll inform you...

About the procedure for
your husband's remains, okay?

I'm sorry.

Who are you?

‐ My name's sipowicz.
I'm a cop.
‐ Go on.

I wanna talk to you
a few minutes.
I got nothing to say to you.

He looks like you,
doesn't he?

Lucky him.
He got nailed for you.

A john doe warrant
for selling coke.
Maybe he sold it.

Out of a hallway at 1840 grove?
Uh‐uh. That's your spot, lenny.
What's the point?

He's my son.


I want you to cop to
the drug sales in the warrant.

You want me
to cop to a felony?
You're crazy.

If you take it now,

I'll get you a sentence
concurrent to the beef
you're popped for.

You won't have to do
a day's extra time...

And I'll let 'em know
that you cooperated.

If you let my son
get arraigned,

I'll make sure that you go
separate on every charge,

Three counts of sale.

Why you gotta put me
on the spot, huh?

You could beat
your kid's case
in court.

‐ By then he'll
have a "b" number.
‐ It ain't a tattoo.

It might
just as well be.

Even off a dismissal, he's
gonna have that arrest number
for the rest of his life.

Every time he's
fingerprinted for a license
or a security clearance...

That number's gonna come up,
and he can tell people that
he's innocent all he wants,

But the case file is sealed,
and they'll just think
that he beat it.

Every time that he files
a loan or a job application,

They're gonna ask him,
have you ever been arrested,
and he's gonna have to say yes.

Give him a break.

That's my lawyer.

He says it's okay,
then it's okay.

I need you to tell the truth.

I need you
to say you did it.

If my lawyer
says it's okay,

I'll say I did it.

On the gate.

[ Gate buzzes ]

[ Martinez ]
greg, what do you think?
Should we wrap it up?

No. I wanna move in
out here, james.

I wanna set up a tent
right here in section 6‐7.


Dirty, stinking,
rotten birds.
[ Grunts ]

How are we doing
on that list of service
people at the building?

I finished that list
half an hour ago.

Okay. Sorry to hold you up.
Let me ask you a question.

Is there anything
you can tell me...

About any of those people
that might connect
to mr. Taub's death?

I'm sorry, no.

'Cause in a case like this,
a case with no apparent

Anything you tell me
can be helpful.

Mr. Taub's death is a mystery
to me as well as yourself,

In mrs. Taub's
missing‐person's report,

She said that you saw him
leaving the building
for his nightly walk.

Yes, about 9:00 p. M.

So you were
the last person
to see him alive.

Obviously not.

The last person
to see him alive
that can be helpful to us...

That we know of now.

Can you be real specific
about him leaving the building?


We had the al‐fassis
arrive that evening.

He's a saudi prince,
and it's quite a project
getting him settled.

So I was running up and down
between the lobby
and the 11th floor.

So was roland.

That's the doorman?

He didn't see
mr. Taub leaving.

I don't blame him
for momentarily
deserting his post.

Al‐fassi's an
extraordinary tipper.

As for mr. Taub leaving,
there was nothing distinctive.

You know what strikes me
as funny, serge?

The way you let yourself
into mrs. Taub's apartment.

Oh, yes,
I have a master key.

For many of the guests,
I drop things off,
leave important documents.

And you help her
that way too?

Yes, of course
I help mrs. Taub.
She's my boss.

So you knew she was home,
you didn't ring,

You didn't knock,
you let yourself in.

You guys get along
pretty well, don't you?

She's a perfectionist
and I'm swiss,

And it's in our nature
to be perfectionists also.

Have you ever noticed
the 35‐inch tv, the triton,
in the taubs' apartment?

Did you let yourself in
to deliver that?
I don't recall that.

Mr. Taub's body was found
in a triton television box.

I wouldn't know about it.
I'm sorry.


I'm gonna ask you
to stick around.
For what reason?

Well, I want you to write up
what happened that night‐‐

Al‐fassis and mr. Taub
leaving the building.

I don't know.
Something might jog
your memory.

And I'm grateful
for your help,

And hopefully
it won't last
too much longer, okay?

What do you think?

I don't know
which one whacked him yet,

But they're both
definitely involved.

This guy don't fluster
too easy, does he?

That's his job.

What about bringing
in the widow?
Yeah, I wanna do that.

Maybe shaking her up
a little.

You speak to medavoy
and martinez yet?

They're winding up
out there.
No luck on the original body?

No luck so far.
Boy, they must be pissed.

Oh, yo.

I'm really sorry
I made that mistake.
It happens.

Yeah, but it shouldn't.
I gave too much credit
to the haircut.

Your boy's got a haircut,
he's clean shaven,

And I just made that adjustment
when I remembered the perp.

‐ We got
another problem, though.
‐ What do you mean?

They took your boy
over to central booking.

You were keeping him here.
I know. I was on the street.
I told the desk sergeant...

I'd take him over
the end of my shift, so he
sends him over with a uniform.

Son of a bitch.
Is he printed?

Yeah. The guy
is a real hard‐on, man.

Detective savino?
State police.

Right. Thanks. I gotta‐‐
I'm on a special‐‐

What are you gonna do
about my kid?

This is about him.
I'm trying to reach out
on his prints right now.


Phil, listen.
Can you do me a favor?

I collared a kid.
It was the wrong collar.

The kid just got put
into the system. I'm trying
to get the prints back...

So he don't get
a nysiis number.

Yeah. Just like within
the last half hour
they would've come in.

I know. I know.
What if they're smudged?

I'm wondering
maybe they could get
rejected for quality.

Maybe there's somebody you
could reach out to, say they
was blurred, ask for a reprint.

By then I could get
the arrest voided down here.

Will you let me know?

I appreciate it.
Thanks, phil.

He's gonna see
what he can do.
He's gonna call you back?


Are they bringing
my son back?
It's up to this guy.

Hey, hey.
When my son's getting back?

This is detective
savino's case, right?

Yeah. You sent him over
on a collar with a bad id.

You wanna change
that tone?
He told you...

He was gonna take him
over to central booking.

Detective, this desk is
run by the uniform force,
not by the bureau.

I didn't make
the wrong bust. Evidently,
detective savino did.

Let's wait back
in the squad room.
You get my kid a nysiis...

'Cause you wanna bust
this guy's balls?

Is that what
you're telling me?
Detective, take it easy.

Andy, can we wait
in the squad room?
When is he getting back?

On the next run,
and that's the last answer
you're gonna get from me...

Until you change
that tone.
I want my son back.

I want my son back.
Andy, andy.

I'm busting my ass here,
you guys are dickin' around.
Come on.

I gotta do
all my work for you guys?

Hi. They can take us
right away if we sit there.

If you don't mind,
I got to get back
to an interrogation.

No problem.
All right?

So, you all packed?

Shorts, t‐shirts
and a bathing suit.

Sounds good. Sounds good.
We were digging in
a garbage dump all morning.

[ Man ]
what can I get you?
White wine, please.

And club soda,
and if we could see a menu,
that'd be great.



As soon as, um,

Jimmy passed, i...

Started thinking
I gotta figure out
the rest of my life.


Well, you took care of him
for a lot of years, robin.

I don't wanna sound like
an idiot 'cause, uh,

I'm very grateful
that jimmy left me

And if I had to make
all those decisions now‐‐

Do I keep the apartment,
dealing with his lawyer‐‐

No rush. No rush.

I don't know
if I'm ever gonna be
any good at that stuff.

I don't know
if I ever wanna be.

Anyhow, the best plan
I could come up
with right now...

Is to sit on a beach
and sip drinks with
little umbrellas in them.

Here you go.

To jimmy.

I'm really glad you were
jimmy's friend, johhny.

Me too.

And I am really glad
you're my friend too.

Can I talk to you
about something?

Yeah, okay.

Seymour gould came by
to see me today
and he had a letter.

From jimmy?
Yeah. And in the letter,

Jimmy talked about me
looking out for you.

It was a formal request.
A formal request, huh?

Well, I mean,
he indicated generally...

That he was gonna
provide for you.

Is this the big bonus now
that he left me some money?

I'll need
a full‐time bodyguard?

Maybe i, uh‐‐ maybe I
don't want a bodyguard.

Then you don't have
to have one.

I just needed to talk to you
about it and honor his request.

But it's gotta be something
you're comfortable with.

I suppose he'd be paying you
for this looking out for me.

And I need to talk to you
about that too.

Jimmy wexler, still
arranging everyone's lives
even from beyond the grave.

[ Beeping ]

Is that
your interrogation?

Yeah, it is, but I wanna talk
to you about this.

You know what, johnny?
Let's not.

Let's talk about it
some other time, okay?

How about
when you get back?

The last thing I wanted to do
was upset you tonight.

Or the last thing jimmy
would have wanted,
right, johnny?

Isn't that him,
pulling the marionette strings
from above a building somewhere?

You want me
to get you a cab?
My driver's outside.

How stupid
does that sound?

Let me, uh, pay
for these, all right?

Here you go.

And those if you get
a little hungry.
Thank you.

Our chef around here
is a vending machine.

Okay, I need to dispense
with the formality
and read you your rights.

Why? I thought you
just asked me here
to answer some questions.

You have the right
to remain silent.

You have a right to an attorney.
If you cannot afford one,
one will be appointed to you.

Anything you say can and will
be used in a court of law.

Do you understand
what I've just said to you?

Yes, I do,
but i‐i don't know why.

Let me ask you a question.

Can you think of any reason
that serge deschanel...

Would be hostile
towards you,

Have any kind
of resentment for you?


Why are you
asking me that?
Any reason...

He might lie
in regards to you?

What's going on here?
I'll‐‐ I'll be candid
with you, mrs. Taub.

Uh, I can't compromise
the nature of conversations
that have been had,

But this would be
an excellent time...

For you to tell
the entire truth of what
transpired for your husband.

If you did not do this‐‐
is serge saying
I did this?

Let me finish.

If you did not do this
and you acted
in another capacity,

This is your opportunity
to tell me what happened...

And I can tell you that
it's not gonna last much longer.

Without disclosing the nature
of these other conversations,

My advice to you
is to step up to the plate now.

So he is accusing me.
He's saying this
was my idea.

Tell me the truth
from your point of view.

The truth is I had nothing
to do with my husband's death.

Who's responsible
for your husband's death?

The same person who's lying
about my involvement right now.

So you're saying
serge k*lled your husband.

He kept saying,

"If maurice weren't around,
everything would be perfect."

He was going
to take care of everything.

He was going to make
our lives perfect.

"He." Mrs. Taub,
who are we talking about?

You know who
we're talking about.


We'd had dinner...

And maurice was
sleeping in his bedroom, and
serge went in and choked him.

It was very quick.
It seemed like seconds.

And then he carried maurice out
like he was carrying a baby.

You had no idea
this was gonna happen?

There was no plan.
Not that I know of.

He said that maurice should have
an extra glass of wine.

He said make sure
that I saw that maurice
drank a third glass.

Is he calling that
This was never discussed.

Is he saying
I planned this?

Did you plan to do away
with your husband, mrs. Taub?
No, I did not.

You just made sure
he had another glass of wine
to soften him up. Right?

You have
to understand.

Serge treated me
like a woman.

I was in love with him.

I understand.

I've had enough being detained.
Either you release me...

Or I demand
legal representation.

Option one is definitely
out then, so I better
get you a lawyer in here.

For what reason?
Roberta just gave you up.

She just described to me
how you strangled maurice
in the bedroom.

You got
your own guy or you want
the public defender in here?

Did she tell you
whose idea it was
to begin with?

Did the jew bitch
tell you that?

‐ Whose idea was it?
‐ Hers.

Getting him drunk,
lying about the walk.

Do I get to give
a statement too?

Yeah. You get
a give a statement.

The hiccup
on the plea‐agreement
for this perp...

Is the armed robbery
was pulled on a subway.

It's a transit p. D. Case.
I told that guy
I'd get 'em put together.

Andy, calm down.

The case on the drug sale
is joint narcotics
task force.

I just got to get clearance
from savino's boss
for the fold‐in.

My boss is okay with it.
It's gonna work out.

Glad I could help.

How you doing?
What's going on?

You're gonna get released.
I'm the officer who lodged
the warrant and I apologize.

I made a wrong id.
We're trying to retrieve
your prints...

So you don't get
a criminal record.

[ Man ]

Can you do that?
We're trying
to reach out...

To somebody in albany.

‐ Savino.
‐ [ Sipowicz ]
look, uh,

I don't know what your plans are
for the future or whatever,

But if you get a nysiis number,
it screws up applications
and so forth,

Security clearances.

[ Savino ]

You're okay.

I can drive you out to jersey.

You can just drop me
at the port authority.
That'd be okay.

I really appreciate
what you did for me.

That must've taken
a lot of doing.

We found the right guy.

Really. What the hell
does that mean, andy?

I didn't know if you
had 'em dump the charges
'cause you were a cop.

Maybe you don't
believe this, but I
wouldn't have done that,

And they never would
have gone for it
if I'd have tried.

I thought you had 'em smudge
the fingerprints or something.

'Cause you were innocent
and you shouldn't
have to suffer...

'Cause some
assh*le desk sergeant
was looking...

To squeeze
some detective's shoes.

You've been caught
in the middle enough.

This is
where we are now.

Bad enough that I was
the kind of father I was.

I'm not gonna sit here
and piss and moan
about it, but...

I was glad enough
to get the chance
to maybe help you,

And I'd like to be
a better father
or a friend...

Or whatever
the hell you need.

Let me take you
to jersey.

Yeah, okay.

You've got a 50‐50 chance
of meeting alan dershowitz
before this is all over.

Yeah, I know.

Hey, hey, who sliced
the provolone?

‐ Get him out of here.
‐ I expect the aroma
will be with us...

For several more days,
despite we're gonna
dispose of our overalls.

Not to mention the itching,
even with the cortisone cream.

‐ We found the body. John.
‐ Yeah? I thought lieutenant
said you were wrapping it up.

Medavoy took a guess
it might be in section 7‐6
instead of 6‐7.

We went over
to the other section.
we extended our little visit...

Because why would anyone
have given us...

The correct information
on the location of the body...

When this way we could
extend our exposure...

To the stink
and the bird doo?

Yeah. That's
a good point.

‐ I smell, don't i, john?
‐ No, greg. I was reaching
for a pencil.

Here. Here.

Yeah. Thanks.

Odds or evens
for the shower.

Go ahead. I'll put
a want out on ricky testa.

God bless you
for being an optimist, james.

‐ I hope there's a sector car
in the dominican republic.
‐ Somebody puke in here?

Yeah, it's called
eau de garbage dump.

You like it?
My overalls
are drenched in it.

I'm sorry you guys
had to pull that detail.
I didn't hold up my end.

No problem, andy.
It's just my doctor
told me I should vent more.

I'll get some
air freshener.

How are you doing?

Yeah, they say you found
that maurice taub
over at the dump.

They're gonna charge the wife
and the concierge.

It work out okay
with andy j.?

Ah. It was a wrong pop.

How's he doing?
He's okay.

we had a good talk.

I drove him
all the way to jersey.


[ Knocking at door ]


Aren't you gonna
miss your flight?
I got a minute.

I feel terrible
about before.
Robin, forget about that.

The thing is, I was kind
of thinking of you as‐‐

I don't have that
many friends that I made
since I've been grown up.

I was with jimmy
since I was 18...

And I didn't know
that many people
more or less my own age,


I was thinking of you
as my friend.
I am your friend.

I know.

And I think I reacted
like that 'cause, uh,

That letter from jimmy
kind of complicated things.

I know it's
not your fault,

And it's probably a good idea
that I have someone
in my corner...

Like jimmy talked about.

It's right that you
should get paid for that.

Yeah, and I've been
thinking about that,

Uh, 'cause I absolutely
wanna be your friend...

And I don't want anything
to louse that up.


Someday I wanna
have kids,

And, uh‐‐ I don't know‐‐

Maybe this lawyer can draw up
some kind of a trust for them,

For their education,
you know, the future.

And, uh,

I don't know how
you feel about that.
I think it's great.


Yeah. I'm really glad
I stopped by.

Yeah, well, I'm really glad
I live in queens, you know.

I'm‐‐ I'm
airport convenient.

‐ All right. Have a good time.
‐ Yeah. I'll see you
when I get back?

Yeah. You have fun.

I'll see you
when I get back.
Yeah, you bet.

Get some rest.
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