03x03 - In-Laws and Outlaws

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Melrose Place". Aired: July 8, 1992 –; May 24, 1999.*
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Follows the lives and loves of eight young adults in an apartment complex in Los Angeles.
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03x03 - In-Laws and Outlaws

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ ♪

Remember me?

Mmm. I don't know.

You saved my life,

and I've been trying to
repay you ever since,

in all sorts of
imaginative ways.

It's starting
to come back to me.

Oh, too bad.

I was all ready to give
you a refresher course.

You know...

Brittany, the last couple of
days have been really terrific,

but it's not exactly
what I had planned.

Life is full of surprises, Jake.

That's what makes it
so fascinating.

Yeah, well...

This is one surprise

that's suffering from
a case of bad timing.

So, before things
go any further,

I think it's best that...

I run out and get
us some croissants

from this bakery I
spotted in the marina.

Then we can discuss
this dilemma of yours.

What took you so long?

I've been waiting an hour.

Loverboy sleeps late.

When can I get on the boat?

I'll let you know, okay?

It's not gonna be as
easy as you think.

It seems as though I've already
overstayed my welcome.

Keep him entertained, darling.

Believe me, Palmer,

that would be my pleasure.

But, you're wrong about Jake.

He's not so easily manipulated.

But, I sure am having
a nice time trying.

♪ ♪

Looks like an angel.

An angel.

Yeah, a beautiful angel.

Sydney, that's what you
said about the last three.


It looks like, uh,
a field of flowers

or maybe a beautiful sunrise.

Is that what you really see?

Am I disappointing you, doctor?

Am I not scoring big
on your loony curve?

I just want your best answer.

Well, I don't
have to give you crap,

because I'm perfectly sane.

Well, that's really too bad
for you, then, Sydney,

because the courts
don't look too kindly

upon sane girls who try to
run over their spouses.

I told you, I was framed.

And when this all comes
out, I'm gonna put

you out of business, Doctor,

you and this entire
stinking snake pit,

for what you're doing to me.

What kind of lies are you
writing about me now, huh?

Let me see that.


Calm down, please.

Otherwise, the next
time we're together,

I'm gonna have to insist that
you're strapped to your chair.

I am not crazy.

But you're driving me
crazy, do you understand?

You are driving me out
of my mind, all of you!

And you won't get away with it.

I won't let you get
away with it.

Now, Sydney,
I just want to help.

No... oh, please!

What the hell took you so long?

You've got to believe me,
Doctor, I'm innocent.

I'm innocent, don't
you understand?

Yes, of course you are, dear.

See to it that she gets
20 milligrams of valium.

And the next time
I see this girl,

she better be
properly restrained.

Help me, please.

You don't understand,
this is a mistake.

I don't belong here.

Please, come on,
somebody help me!

Help me!

Please, won't somebody help me?

Hello? Uh, am I interrupting?

Uh, no, no. Come on in, Kimberly,
we were just wrapping up.

Hello, sweetheart.

Hi. Dr. Lewis here
says I'm fine.

There's no sign of
injury to the brain.

Thank God!

This much I do know, Doc.

I'm very lucky to have a woman

like Kimberly in my life.

Yes, you are, Michael.

Now, if you would excuse us
a moment, I need to have

a word with Kimberly,
concerning a mutual patient.

Sure, of course, I'll
wait for you outside.

Oh, I'll be right out, darling,
wait right by the door.

I just get so worried, Doctor,

that I'll take my eye off him,

he'll turn a corner and
disappear forever.

Really, Dr. Shaw, despite his
temporary loss of memory,

Michael is a grown man,
he's not a child.

What do you mean, temporary?

Is there still some chance
he could regain his memory?

Absolutely, and that's what I
wanted to talk to you about.

Whenever possible, I'd like you to
take Michael to familiar places.

Cook his favorite foods,
play his favorite songs.

Any kind of sensory stimuli

can trigger a recurrence
of memory.

Of course, Doctor, I understand.

I promise, I'll do
everything I can.

Michael, I have
some wonderful news.

What is it, sweetheart?

I am putting in for a transfer.

I want to take you somewhere

far away from all of
these terrible memories,

somewhere we can both
start over, together.

That looks great. Mary, can
you take a couple inches

off the bottom?

Excuse me. May I steal
her for a moment?

Hey, I wasn't
expecting you today.

Yes, well, unfortunately, uh...

I'm the bearer of bad news.

What's up?

My boss wants to cancel the deal

unless we can get Michael's
signature on the contracts

by the end of business tomorrow.

Great. From what I understand,

mentally, he's completely

Does anyone have
power of attorney?

I don't know. Kimberly, maybe,

but she'll be no help.

Look, Jane, unless we get
Michael's signature,

my company will have to move on.

Sure, I understand.

But, that doesn't mean that I
plan on moving on from you,

if that's okay.

It's nice to know I'm getting
something out of the deal.

You bet. Now, tell me,

what's your policy regarding
kissing at the office?

Extremely progressive.

I was hoping you'd say that.

♪ ♪


I'm back.

So I see.

I came straight from
the airport, truth is

I couldn't wait to
get back to work.

Things went well, I hope.

Yeah, they did.

For once, you gave me
some good advice.

I mean, dealing with my dad,
getting it all out in the open,

it's freed me emotionally.

I feel incredibly vulnerable,

but at least I've come
to terms with the truth.

That's great.
I'm sure your shrink

will be fascinated
with the details.

But purely on a selfish level,

I'm just glad to have you
up and functioning again.

Thank you.

Now, I've got some news I
think you're gonna enjoy.

What's that?

Thanks to Billy, and
indirectly thanks to you,

D&D has landed the
Escapade Magazine account.

That's fantastic.
How did this happen?

Billy went out on a limb,

letting us in on
privileged information,

even going as far as to helping
me write the proposal.

I had no idea.

And here's the truly
astounding part.

Bruce was so impressed
with Billy's work,

that he offered him a job at
D&D as a senior copywriter.

He must have been flattered.

Well, flattered
enough to say yes.

With the money Bruce
was offering him,

he would have been
a fool not to.

Wait a second, Billy is
working here at D&D?

Since yesterday, and already,

the buzz on him is incredible.

Advertising's his forte,
Alison, and the best part is

now the two of you can be
together 24 hours a day.

Excuse me, won't you?


Well, what a surprise.

Alison, when did you get back?

Just now.

I came to work straight
from the airport.

Is everything okay?

Yeah. In a way it is,

or at least was until
I arrived at work

to discover you'd
accepted a job at D&D.

Billy, how could you do this
without even talking to me?

I did it because while
trying to help you land

the Escapade account, Nancy
hires D&D and fires me.

Wait. You didn't do this for me.

You did this for Amanda.

No, I did it for you, because
Amanda assured me

that you would get the
credit for bringing it in.

But instead, you landed
a high-paying

senior copywriter's
position at my company?

Don't you realize how
awkward this is gonna be,

for both of us?

No, awkward for me is standing
in an unemployment line.

Would you keep your voice down?

This is just what
I'm talking about.

No, I'm not gonna
keep my voice down.

I'm tired of standing
quietly on the sidelines

like some patient lovesick puppy

while you try and sort out a
lifetime of emotional baggage.

Alison, I'm sorry for
what happened to you.

I'm sorry for what
you had to go through,

and most of all,
I'm sorry about us.

I've done everything I can
to be there for you,

at the expense of myself.

But, for now on, I gotta
look out for number one,

because I got problems, too.

Believe it or not, you
happen to be the root cause

of most of them.

Good luck in your new job.

♪ ♪


Matt, it's Sydney.

Sydney, what? Where are you?

They've got me locked up
in some kinda loony bin,

trying to squeeze
a confession out of me.

Matt, you've gotta believe
me, I'm innocent.

Kimberly ran over
Michael and set me up.

Look, Sydney, I'd love
to believe you,

really, I would, but...

Please, Matt, I swear to God
it's true. I didn't do it.

No, let go of me. You bastard!



Turning in early, huh?

Yeah, it's been a pretty
exhausting week.

Today was no picnic.

Yeah, for me, either.

So, how did everything
go in Wisconsin?

Uh, let's see...

Meredith got cold feet
and bailed on me,

and my lawyer told me
I had no case without her.

But, finally, my dad
admitted everything,

in front of my mother.

Just hearing the
truth was enough.

I realize, it's time to
try to put this behind me

and get on with my life.

I'm sorry about this morning.

Yeah. Me, too.

Good night, Billy.

Yeah. Good night.

♪ ♪

Who is it?

Marilyn and Dennis Carter.

Reed's parents?

Mr. and Mrs. Carter.

Could we, uh, come in?


What can I do for you?

We're so sorry
for the intrusion,

but your address
was on some court papers

pertaining to Reed's death.

We wanted to call, but, uh,

you're not in the book.

Mm-hmm. We just came down

to visit Reed's grave and...

we were wondering...
Since I know how close

the two of you were before
the incident...

If perhaps you had some pictures

or some mementos of our son?

Gee, I... I don't know.

I don't, um, I don't think I do.

Anything would do.

Of course. Um, I will look.


I realize how awkward
this is for all of us.

But Dennis and I have thought

and prayed hard for answers.

What we've come
to accept is that

we did our best to
raise our son,

but ultimately,

only he can take responsibility
for his actions.

But, you must understand,

despite what he's done,
we do still love him.

Of course you do.

We're staying at the
Western Regis hotel,

if you want to get
in touch with us,

and, Jo?

I deeply apologize

for what my son put you through.

Good night.

Good night.

♪ ♪

I'm telling you, Jane, I was
ready to hang up on her.

It's just, there was
something in her voice

that actually sounded sincere.

I know you mean well, Matt,
but please stay out of this.

Sydney is a sick woman,
don't you know that by now?

Jane, I have more reason to be
suspicious of Sydney than you do.

Can't you even
just consider this?

It just doesn't make sense.

I mean, for whatever
reasons, known only to her,

Kimberly loves Michael,

and my sister
is a notorious liar.

It's too bad we just can't
ask Michael who did it.

Well, maybe I will. I'm gonna
go visit him this afternoon.

Uh, you're gonna go
visit Michael?

Mm-hmm, I have some papers
that I need him to sign

regarding our business.

He's not gonna know
who you are, Jane.

Really, it's that bad?

You're not even gonna make
it through the front door.

At least he recognizes
me from the hospital.

What do you have in mind, Matt?

Do you want me
to bring you along,

so you can play detective?

Someone's gonna have to introduce
you to your ex-husband.

Well, come along if you want,

but I think you're
wasting your time.

Sydney did it, no one
else is crazy enough.

Thank you.

This really means a lot to us.

My pleasure.

Ah. It was the dr*gs
that made him behave

the way he did.

Because he wrote us, Jo,
about how he felt about you.

Did he?

Oh, I think you were the
love of his young life.

Yes, well, there you are.

Um, that's all I have of him,

and you're welcome to it.

Thank you, Jo.


So, how far along are you, dear?

About six months.

And, is it my son's?

No, it's mine.

Oh, of course it is, dear.

I guess I was just hoping

that if by some
miracle it was Reed's,

it would give us the chance

to turn all this grief
over our son into love

for a grandchild.

A foolish fantasy, I guess.

Well, I wasn't
gonna say anything,

because, frankly, after
everything that's happened,

I feel it's nobody's
business but my own.

But, yes, this
child was conceived

with Reed.

Oh, Jo, God bless you for
sharing this with us.

You have no idea how
much solace this brings.

I feel kind of awkward.
I'm not sure

what kind of role you'll be
able to play in my baby's life.

Well, that's up to you, Jo.

Whatever you decide, we'll
respect your decision.

Thank you.

You're so smart
and so strong, Jo.

I hope this baby grows
up to be just like you.

Please, keep in touch.
You have our number.

I'll try. I really will.


Who is it?

Michael, it's Matt,
from the hospital.

Look, I'm sorry, but
Kimberly asked me

not to let anybody in the
house while she's gone.

Who's she?

Hi, Michael, I'm Jane.
I was your wife.

I... I was married to you?

Yes, we were married. Now
please, won't you let us in?

I have something that I need to talk
to you about, it's very important.

Oh, sure, sure. Come on in.

Thanks to Billy,
Escapade is on the hook.

Now, we need to devise
the kind of campaign

that would distinguish them from
the pack of urban magazines.

That's gonna be tough.

Escapade is a very
generic publication.

Generic? What's that
supposed to mean?

It doesn't have
a strong identity.

That's funny, you never
seemed to think that before.

But, then again, you've
been changing your mind

about a lot of things lately.

I can't speak for
your personal relationship,

but when it comes to business,

Alison's never been afraid to
put her feelings

on the table, whether
they're popular or not.

Yeah, that's fine, as
long as you're honest

about what you're feeling.

Billy, don't make this about us.

I'm just trying to do
what's best for the account.

Fine, since apparently,
that's all you care about.

That's a lie, and you know it.

No, you're a liar and a coward,

because you don't
have the guts to admit

that our relationship is
dead, and you k*lled it.

I think I'll just leave you two

to hash this one out.

How can you be so

Can't we talk
about this at home?

Home? What's that?


You wanna have it out?

Let's have it out.

Please, I'd love a dose
of that brutal honesty

you're so famous for
around here.

You want quick and easy answers
to complex situations,

and you're not
always gonna get 'em.

You're immature.
And you're selfish.

Probably the most selfish person
I've ever met in my life.

What do you wanna do about it?

I'll tell you what I'm not
gonna do, I'm not gonna sit

around here pining for
you until you decide

maybe you wanna
start loving me again.

Billy, I never
stopped loving you.

Oh, give me a break. You know,

I'm not gonna spend the rest of
my life playing these games.

Billy, I'm sorry
for what happened.

But, I can't do anything
more than I'm doing.

Well, then now is not the
time for us to be together.

Okay, then.

♪ ♪

You had the apartment first.

So I'll move out.

All right. Thanks.

You're welcome.

Excuse me.

I don't understand
how I could've cheated

on such an incredibly
beautiful woman.

I must've been out of my mind.

Do you really mean to tell
me you don't remember

anything about this?

Nothing. And the way
Kimberly describes it,

um, you were some kind
of backbiting shrew

from whom I was lucky
to escape with my, um,

reproductive organs intact.

But, I don't share her
impression of you at all.

Thank you.

In fact, just being around you

fills me with the most
wonderfully warm feelings.

It's like, for the first time,

I have a sense of myself.

We had some good times
together, didn't we, Jane?

Yeah, we did.

But, somehow
I destroyed all that.

Yes, you did.

Well, for whatever pain
I caused you, I'm sorry,

from the bottom of my heart.

I wish there was some way I
could make it up to you.

Well, actually, there is
something you could do.

I'm a clothing
designer, Michael,

and you're a partner
in my company.

Really? Oh, that's great!

Right before the accident,
you were planning to sign

these papers, granting
permission to sell a portion

of your stake in the firm to
a department store chain

that will be giving us
a large infusion of capital.

Jane, that's fantastic.

I didn't want bother you while
you were feeling ill,

but if you don't sign these
papers today, the deal's off.

No problem. Where's a pen?

I happen to have one right here.

♪ ♪

Is that it?

Yeah, that'll do it.

Okay. Great.

Um, Jane? Tell me, um,

if you don't remember the
past, does it still count?

Yeah, Michael, it does,

unfortunately, for those who do.

I must've really
hurt you, didn't I?

Yes, you did. Terribly.

If only I could
remember something.


It's all right, you'll
be fine, you'll go on.

You know, for the
first time in years,

I think I see the man I married.

Ticklish eyelids.


I remember.

You have ticklish eyelids.


I used to kiss them
and make you laugh.

Like this.

Stop, it tickles.

What the hell is going on here?


What are you doing here?

I just came to visit Michael.

Get out.

Kimberly, there's
really no need.

Michael, trust me. I don't
know what Jane told you,

but she is a two-faced
devious bitch,

who was probably in
cahoots with her sister

to try to have you k*lled.

That's a lie, Michael.

Jane, let's go. Matt!

Didn't I expressly forbid you

from coming anywhere
near this house?

You know, you two ought to
be ashamed of yourselves,

taking advantage of a
sick and helpless man.

Now leave, both of you,
before I get pissed.

Bye, Michael, get well soon.

Feel better, buddy.


Set foot on this property again,

I'll have you arrested
for trespassing.


Perfectly. By the way, Kimberly,

I guess you didn't make
much of an impression.

Seems to me, the only thing in
the world Michael can remember

is how much he once loved me.

♪ ♪

Housekeeping is not
exactly my forte,

but I think I did
a pretty good job.

Number one,

it's boat maintenance,
not housekeeping.

And number two,
it's what's covering

your room and board, at
least for the moment.

Gee, and I thought
I was more to you

than just an indentured servant.

You are, you're one hell
of a good first mate.

You know, um, all this
swabbing of the deck

has made me very sleepy.

Come on.


I'm gonna spend tonight
back at my apartment.

That doesn't sound
like an invitation.

It's not.

You know, when I fished
you out of the water,

I told you, you could spend a
couple of days here, that's it.

I didn't know how I
would feel about you.

You're a beautiful
woman, I'm flattered.


it ends here, tonight.

I'm sorry.

But, my husband. He'll come...

I sympathize with you,
you know, but I can't turn

my boat or my life into
a halfway house

for unhappy wives on the run.

You understand.

That you have an unbelievable
fear of intimacy.

It's pretty self-evident.

That's not gonna work, either.

Good luck, Brittany.
You're gonna be fine.

You know, just, uh...

make sure the next rich husband

doesn't have
such a nasty temper.

Okay, Jake, just give me
a couple more days,

just... just to find...

Bye, Brittany.

♪ ♪

Well, to signed contracts.

Here, here.

Jane, you frighten me.

I had no idea
you were so devious.

Well, with relatives like
mine, you have no choice.

I do feel a little
guilty, though.

It's like Michael
has changed so much.

He lost his mean streak
with his memory.

Jane, he has no right

to control half of your
business in the first place,

let alone stand in the
way of your success.

From everything you've told me,
he's a contemptible cretin.

He deserves whatever he gets.

That's true, but I...

Excuse me.



I see, but I don't think
she's gonna agree to that.

No, no. If you can
make that happen,

of course I'll cooperate.

Really? Well, I'll
do the best I can.

I'll go visit her tomorrow.

All right, thanks for your help.

Who's that? Sydney's lawyer.

They struck a deal
with the D.A.'s office.

If Sydney will confess, they'll
plead temporary insanity.

And he said he could arrange
a work-release program

with psychiatric probation.

That is, if I supply the job.

What did you tell him?

Well, of course I'll do
it, I mean, I can't stand

to see her institutionalized.

The only problem is she refuses
to admit she's guilty.


I did all the prep work I could.

I still wish I had
some more time.

When are you gonna
get me the plastique?

My sources promise me
a delivery by tomorrow.

I hope so, Palmer, because
my patience is wearing thin.

50,000 up front should buy
me a little more patience.

Keep whining, that's all
you'll ever see.

Come on, let's get outta here.

Jake'll be back any minute.

Is this where you did it?

Palmer, shut up.

Jake must've had a fine time.

Can't believe he'd
wanna give you up.

Guess you just couldn't
hold his, uh, interest.

How was he anyway, Brittany,

on a scale from 1 to 10?

Gee, I don't know, Palmer.

Why don't you ask your daughter?

Okay, great.

Greg, eyes towards me.

Good. Great. Beautiful.

Okay, Carrie, extend your
arm, relax those fingers.

Great. Okay.

All right, reload.

You guys are doing great.

Uh, okay, everyone, why
don't you take a break?

All right, let's take a break.

Hey, you wanna k*ll
that fan there, Stuart?

Mr. and Mrs. Carter,
what a surprise.

We don't mean to interrupt,
but I just couldn't leave

without telling you
that you have a friend

in both Mr. Carter and myself.

We want to be there for you.

If there's anything you
need, or whatever you need,

please, call us.

Thank you, that's very nice.

God always has a plan, Jo,

and if this is part of it,

then far be it from us
to question his ways.

Well, I appreciate the support.

Um, have a nice trip back.

You take good care
of our baby, dear.

♪ ♪


To what do I owe this visit?

How are you, Syd?

Fabulous, Jane.

Couldn't be better,
I love this place.

It's like summer camp
with electroshock therapy.

Sydney, I talked to
your lawyer last night.

He told me about the
work-release program

he arranged with
the D.A.'s office.

Now, if you ask me, I
think it's a great idea.

And I think it's bogus.

I refuse, refuse,

to confess to a crime
that I didn't commit.

Sydney, they have a strong case.

Now, a trial may be
a long ways away.

If you're found guilty,
you could end up in a place

like this, or worse, for years.

And how do I know that this
isn't some kind of a trick,

that once I sign the statement,
they put me away for life?

I promise, that's
not gonna happen.

I wouldn't do that to you.

Why not? You signed me
up for this hellhole.

To keep you out of prison.

Forget it, Jane,
I'm not signing squat.

I didn't run over Michael,

and no one can
make me say I did.

Dr. Goldberg may be this
hospital's best cardiologist,

but when he performs surgery,

no anesthetic is necessary
because his breath

puts the patients right out.

May I have a word
with you in private?

Now's not a good time, Matt.

It's about Michael
and the accident?

What is it?

I've been doing a
bit of investigating,

and while I'm not a
fan of Sydney's,

I can't sit back and watch
an innocent girl go down.

What are you talking about?

Cutting right to the chase,

I think that you
ran over Michael,

and now you're trying
to pin it on Sydney.

If you start spreading
that disgusting theory,

I'll slap you with a slander
suit that will cost you

your job, understood?

You're awfully touchy
for an innocent woman.

Personally, Matt, I think you suffer
from acute castration anxiety,

so you fantasize that
all women are murderers.

But, think about it.
The driver of that car

was wearing a short blond wig.

Now, how could I
get all of this hair

under something like that?

Does this answer your question?

You're a dead man, Fielding.

♪ ♪

What do you want?

Hello, Sydney.

I'm just keeping an eye on you.

I'm fine.

Good night.

You know, it's really nice
to have someone around here

to look after you.

I can look after myself.

I want to make you my
girlfriend, Sydney,

my special girlfriend.

You're sick, that'll
never happen.

Try that again,
and I will k*ll you.

You know, you'd better figure out
how things work around here.

Because, as I understand it,

you're checking in
for a long visit.

And that means lots
of playtime, Sydney.

And next time,
I won't be so gentle.

Sleep tight, pretty girl.

♪ ♪

Mancini Designs.

Hey, Jane, it's Matt.
I came by this morning,

but I guess you'd
already left for work.

What's going on?

Yesterday, I confronted Kimberly

about Sydney's accusations.

She denied it,
of course, but, um

I did confirm one very
interesting fact.

Kimberly wears a wig, Jane.

I guess after the accident,

she lost her hair or something.

So what? So what?

It would've been very
easy for her to get

into that disguise
and to set up Sydney.

I... I think we should go
to the police, Jane.

Sydney confessed
early this morning.

I... I don't believe it.

Yeah, we cut a deal
with the D.A.'s office.

She'll be out today on a
work-release program,

coupled with
psychiatric probation.

She's a lucky girl, it
could've been a lot worse.

No, but Jane...

Please, leave it alone.

Sure, Jane, um...

Talk to you later.

Matt, just the man
I was looking for.

Kimberly, about the
other day, I'm really sorry.

Uh, my wild imagination
got the better of me.

Sure, Matt. I understand.

But, keep this in mind.

A hospital can be a
very dangerous place.

You know, just the
other day, a nurse

accidentally stuck herself
with an infected needle.

What are you saying?

Just that I had this
strange premonition

that you were headed
for a terrible accident.

Better watch your step.

♪ ♪


What's this? I found it
on my desk this morning.

That's an apartment application.

I'd just like your
name as a reference.

I'm really not sure
I can do that.

Why not?

Because I don't
want you to move.

What's up, Amanda? Are you trying
to keep Alison and me together?

Oh, of course not, what you
do in your personal life

is your own private business.

I just hate the idea of
losing such a great tenant.

And it just so happens that
I have a vacant apartment

in the building that I could
give you for a great price.

Throw in the rest
of the month free,

and you got yourself a deal.

I'll go draw up the papers.


Morning, Alison.

That should do it, Mrs. Mancini.

We'll have her out of
here in just a moment.

Thank you.

And, uh, by the way,

I have her on some
mild sedatives.

She was a little
rambunctious this morning.

I see.

Good luck.

Hello, Jane. Hi, Syd.

Thanks for coming to get me.

You bet.

I had to confess,
I had to get out of here.

I understand. Now, you're
gonna come stay with me

until you get back on your feet.

And work for you, too?
That's right.

Thanks, Jane.
I don't deserve you.

Who's this?

Oh, Sydney, this is Chris.

Chris Marchette.

Hello, Chris.
It's nice to meet you.


You always meet the nicest men.

Let's get out of here.

Who is it?

Who is it?



Hello, sweetheart.

♪ ♪

Well, thanks to
Amanda's benevolence,

Billy's back in the building.

How do you feel about that?

I'm happy about it, I guess.

He certainly has a lot of friends
there, and I didn't wanna feel

responsible for kicking him out.

Still, it's kind of awkward

living next door to
your ex-fiancé.

Jo Reynolds?

Well, that depends
on who's asking.

I got something for you.

Just need your signature.

Right there, if you don't mind.

What is this?

Thank you, ma'am.
Have a nice evening.

Oh, my god.

Jo, what is it?

Reed's parents are suing me

for the custody of my baby.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪
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