02x04 - Dead and Gone

Episode transcripts for the TV show "NYPD Blue". Aired: September 21, 1993 – March 1, 2005.*
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Ensemble cast revolving around New York's 15th Precinct.
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02x04 - Dead and Gone

Post by bunniefuu »

11:30 Sharp, john, I got
to go see dan breen.

I canceled on him twice.

No problem.

He gets all upset.

Oh, man.

No bruises,
no strangulation marks,
one g*nsh*t wound.

18‐Month‐old female.

She was in the baby seat
when she was shot.

The driver?


I'm detective kelly.

You the driver
of the car?

Yeah. Yeah.
God almighty.

What's your name?

Duane rollins.
My girlfriend's kid
got shot.

See who fired the g*n?

I didn't see anything.

They were beside me sh**ting,
out of nowhere.

How many?

I don't know.

Two? Driver and
a sh**t, or‐‐

I guess. They just
shot and took off.

Did you get
a look at the car?

Maybe it was brown.
I don't know.

Is there anybody
who might be after you?

No. It was one
of those drive‐by things.

[Pager beeps]

Where's the mother?

I don't know. She didn't
come home last night.

Simmons, let me
use your phone.

Can you spell
the mother's name?

R‐o‐w‐e. Sandy rowe.

How you doing?

What was
the baby's name?


Yeah. Who's this?

Lois, what are you, nuts?

Oh, nice. Real nice.
You better call 911.

Yeah. O. K. I'll come
right over. Yeah.

You guys live together?

John, I got to go.
Personal situation.

You all right?

Yeah. I'll tell you
about it later.

John, can I talk to you?

Hang loose, duane.

There's a witness here
that saw the car chase.

Saw that guy driving
away from another car.

Let him through.

Mr. Spinks, this is
detective kelly.

You saw
what happened?

I heard 'em
way back there.

Tires screeching.

Then they come up
where I was walking.

They chased him up here.

That's where they
started sh**ting.

See any faces?


All I saw was
a gray car racing past.

Two guys. I couldn't even
tell if they were
white or black.

O.k. Thanks
for your help.

Thank you, james.

I want you to come
to the station house.

We need to talk more.

I don't know
anything else.

I understand.
Come with me.

What for?

Duane, get in that car
over there.

Let's go.

Where is he?

Oh, thank you, andy.
I'm losing my mind.

I can't believe it‐‐
howie hornbeck.

He came here
after his night shift.

He always gets
worked up.

All of a sudden,
he just kicked off.

It was horrible.
I was so freaked out.

Ah, poor howie.

He was getting
too old for this.

He's married, of course.

I got to get him
to his car.

It's at the lot
at the station house.

He didn't like
parking here.

I got an appointment.
You sit tight.

You got to take him
out now.

I got people coming.

You are a real piece
of work, lois.

Howie's not even cold,
and you're worried
about your next john.

Andy, either take howie now,
or I'm going to call 911.


Help me get him dressed.

Come on, howie.

Vince gotelli,
night watch.

Adrianne lesniak.

You guys got
a homicide?

Yeah. I'm a little late
getting in.

I had a situation
at home.

I got to testify
in court.

That's quite a cup.

Yeah. Isn't it?

Family heirloom?

It's just for laughs.

I don't get the humor.

What do you mean?
It's my personal cup.

That's great.

I just prefer
not to see it.

How about if I put
a brassiere on it?

I hope you stay
on the night watch,

James, run this guy
through b.c.i.

How about the girlfriend?

Girlfriend, too.

Greg, would you situate
duane for me, please?

Yeah. What's i.a.b.
Doing here?

I don't know.

Let's go down here.

What are you doing here,

You tell me.
Those guys brought me
in here.

How about you, tahir?

They just say they
want to talk to me.

Use interviews
1 and 2.

Uh, lieutenant?
I was going to use 1.

Then use the 124 room

Let's go, tahir.


Come on.

Over here.

What's this about?

They're reinterviewing
cases you worked on.

Can't they do that

They said
the interviewees live
in the precinct.

Where are you
on that child homicide?

The mother's boyfriend
had the little girl
in the car.

He said it was
a drive‐by.

I haven't located
her, yet,

But I think he's
all wrong.

I don't know how yet.

Go get him.

They're doing this here...

To embarrass me.

How long have you live
at the hotel, duane?

A couple of weeks.

Where did you
live before that?

Another hotel.

We are going
to need more help
locating sandy.

I said she was out
seeing a friend.

She left the child
with you.

What was
the friend's name?

She never said.

Never mentioned
the friend's name.

I don't remember.

Her being out all night,
weren't you worried
about sandy?

Yeah, I was worried.

I was looking for her
when tiffany got shot.

Sandy work someplace?

She's looking for work.

John, you got a second?

What's up?

Duane's rap sheet.

Sandy rowe got popped
for prostitution
last night.

She's being arraigned
this morning
on centre street.

O.k. Let me
take care of him.

We'll go get her.

are you working, duane?

We've both been
looking for work.

We haven't been
in town very long.

And you came from where?


But you‐‐

You used to live here.

So what?

Well... Burglary,
as*ault, possession
of cocaine.

You guys are
really something.

I get used
for target practice,

And now I'm the criminal.

I don't think this
was a random sh**ting.

What do you call it?

I think you know
these people.

They chased you
in traffic,

In and out,
for two blocks.

Is this fun
for you guys?

I'm broken up,
and you just want
to harass my ass.

I don't care what else
you're into,

But you know
these people.

They chased you and shot
an 18‐month‐old girl.

Give them up.

I don't know
who they were

Or why they
picked us.

We just picked up sandy
for prostitution.

We're going
down to centre street
to pick her up now.

So while I'm there,
I want you to sit here

And think about
your little scenario

I want to come back
and get it right.

Got it?

18 Months old, duane.

18 Months old.

Howie, now I got
to make you presentable,

You dumb son of a bitch.

Get your tongue
inside there.


The invisible man.

Dan, I'm sorry about all
the postponements.

Don't be sorry.
Remedy your faults.

And I got
to do it again.

going on with you?

In general or right now?

3 Telephone
in 24 days.

That's what I wanted
to explain to you.

You say you've been
going to meetings.

I've been going
to the 10:15s
at gramercy park.

O.k. I'll take
your word for that,

But it's evident
something's going on.

All right, look, dan...

There may be
an advancement...

In my relationship
with sylvia.

Now, I wanted to discuss
this with you in detail‐‐

What kind
of advancement?

Uh... We're talking about
living together.

You were o. K.'D
to have dinner with her.

I wanted to talk about‐‐

Next time I see you,
you're cohabiting!

I have a pressing

You are a classic drunk!

You can't stay
inside boundaries.

You walk in for dinner.

You walk out,
you're shacked up!

I'm surprised you didn't
ask her to marry you!

I got to go.
I'll talk to you later.

Get away from the car!

Hey, man, can you
spare some change?

I'm not a drug addict
or alcoholic.

I got a job interview,
but no subway fare.

Here. Take off.

What's wrong with him?

He's drunk like you.

That man looks dead!

Will you get lost?

What did you do to him?

Hey, y'all!
There's a dead man
over here!

You know what this means?

It means shut up
and start walking.

All right. I hear you.

Where is duane?

We need to talk
a little more

Then maybe see duane.

James, take her up
to interview, will you?


Kimmy, come here.

Who did you piss off?

What did i. A. B. Want?

To talk about that money
you got me after nicky
was shot.

I got it so you could
get out of town.

They wanted to know
if you got me the money
for sex.

You told them
the truth, though.

I'm not feeling so good.

Kimmy... You told them
the truth, though, right?


Yeah, I said
it wasn't like that.

I kind of
got the feeling
that was the "b" answer.

How was florida?

Uh, I was going to go,
you know, but i...

I kind of got
into some behavior.


Take care of yourself,
o. K.?

You, too.

How old are you, sandy?


Do you know if tiffany
said anything?

If she was alive
at all afterward?

I think she died
right away.

I know this is
painful for you,

But I've got to ask you
some questions,

And it's important
that you're honest
with me.

I understand.

Now, was anybody
after duane

That you know about?


Nobody he had
run‐ins with
that you know about?


How long have you
been together?

About... Six months,
I guess.

How long you been
turning tricks?

A couple of months.
Not every day, though.

I just been going out
once in a while.

Because it sounds
like he's got
a drug habit,

And that's why he's
got you out there.

He doesn't use dr*gs.

I'm not here trying
to bust him for that,

But tiffany was
in the car with him
when she got shot.

We want to catch
the people who did this.

I don't know anything.

We can protect you.

You'll think about this
the rest of your life.

I'm thinking of her
every second now.

Do you want to remember
you didn't do anything?

I don't know anything.

He never talked to me
about business.

Was duane dealing?

Look‐‐ look,
I just want to look

At my little girl, o. K.?

I just want to see
my baby.

Take her over
to 30th street, james.


Come on, sandy.


Hey, andy.

Come here. I want to talk
to you a minute.

Boy, th‐that
cuban‐american place

Is getting
really popular.

I was over there
for lunch today‐‐

Help me with something?

Yeah. What's up?

Come here.

I want to ask you

Get in the car.
We got to go someplace.

That's howie hornbeck's

Yeah, I know, medavoy.

Where's howie?

A couple of blocks away
in my car.

We're going over there,

Then you're going
to drive my car back.

Then you'll ride back
with howie.

Yeah. Please, just
get in the car.

Did your car go dead?

No, medavoy.
Howie's dead.

I want to move him
into his car,

But I don't
want to do it

In front
of the station house.

How‐how‐howie's dead?

Medavoy, get in the car!

Let's put him
in the passenger's seat.

When we get
outside the station,
we'll slide him over.

How many laws
are we breaking?

What should I do,

Have him get found
with a $40 hooker?

I'll get the feet.

I'll take the top.

On 3.


1, 2, 3!

Get him.

I got him.

O.k. O. K.

[Passes gas]

Oh, jeez!

Oh, man, howie.

O.k. We got to get
the feet in first.

Oh, man. He's got me
all tangled up.

All right.

Now slide him over.


So I can grab his collar.

I step on the brake,

He smashes his head
on the dashboard.

That's good.

Here's my keys.

Hey, andy,
something's not right.

Did you button
these buttons?

I was in a hurry.

There. That's better.

All right.
Close the door.

Does your car have any
special handling traits?


Jimmy, listen...

'Cause you need
to see a doctor.

'Cause you need
treatment, jimmy.



You say they're
going to find me
in a pool of blood?

Our lives are not over.

We should go on
and find new lives.

Please, let me do that.

Do it for yourself.

You stop this.

I'm asking you
for the last time.

I'm hanging up.

I'm hanging up,

Oh, god. Please!

Leave me alone.

Miss hypersensitive.

I thought you were
on night tour.

I just finished in court.

Well, leave me alone.

Is someone about
to get the curse?

Oh, gotelli.

You know,

I was going to get
band‐aids for this,

But, uh, I didn't
have the time.

Sit down.

Sit down, duane.

When am I getting released?

I don't know.

Look, I didn't see 'em,
I don't know 'em.

What can I do?

If you were
in the middle
of a criminal act,

Say drug dealing,

When this child
got k*lled in your car,

That's like pulling
the trigger.

What, is that bitch
telling you I'm dealing?

She's crazy.

You got
a crack problem.

That's a crock, too,
but I'm handy.

Pin something on me.

Here's the other thing.

These guys
that are after you

Are not going to let up

After what you witnessed
this morning.

Hey, you're not slick enough
for this work.

I'm not dealing anything,
and nobody's after me.

You believed everything
that crazy bitch told you.

She lost her child.

I think you owe her
a little respect.

Where's my respect?

Be a man, and you'll
get your respect.

The kid was
k*lled in your car.
You're responsible.

So take responsibility
for it and give me
these guys.

I don't owe
anybody anything.

Nobody ever gave me
one damn thing.

So you go on,
buck for your promotion.

I've been stepped on
by badder guys
than you'll ever see.

I doubt that, duane.

No? I been
screwed by experts
since I was a kid.

You want a victim
of child abuse?

You're looking at one.

What do you know about
what I had to go through?

Sandy is out
on the street‐‐

She was hustling
when I met her.

Turning tricks,
hooked on dope.

Her child's been k*lled.
That's your fault.

Man, you're
really simple.

She'd be dead
if it wasn't for me.

I'm not any kind
of damn pimp.

I tried to take her
out of the life.

She sneaks off.

I tried to be a father
to that kid,

But I can't
control everything.

You're a liar, duane.

I don't care
what you think.

I can look myself
in the mirror anytime.

What do you see?

I see a good guy.

This is what we got.

You're not getting
out of here.

I'm not bucking
for any promotion

'Cause I'm about
strung up on this job.

So if I have to
lock the doors

And pull the shades
down in here

To get what I want
from you, I will.

I want these guys.

Got it?

Poor little baby, huh?

There, there.

There, huh?


In your daughter's

I want you
to cooperate with us.

Some dealers
let duane

Have credit
on a quarter ounce

'Cause duane
had a buyer.

When the guy
didn't show,

We did
a lot of it.

Duane tried to talk
his way out of it.

He told me they were
real pissed at him

For not coming up
with money.

It could have been them.

Do you know their names?

Tito was one.

And I don't know
their last names.

Duane would
have to tell you.

Do you know
what they look like?

Where they deal out of?

You ever seen them?


I don't think so.

O.k. O. K. We'll
get it off of duane.

All right?

howie hornbeck's dead.

Where is he?
What happened?

In the parking lot
in his car.

let me call e. M. S.

He must have been
out there all day.

He must have had
a heart attack.

Yeah. This is
the 15th precinct.

We need an ambulance
to pronounce a d. O. A.

What's up?

Howie hornbeck died.

Howie hornbeck?

Howie hornbeck.

How can I
help myself?

Done with this guy?


See you, tahir.

See you, detective.

Let me ask you
a question.

You're using him
to make a case

Against the wrong cop,

Is that the question?

No. If you're
dealing with him

On hudson street
all the time,

Why reinterview
on my collar
up here?

It's called
obeying orders.

You ought to
try it sometime.

Your orders are
to humiliate me

In my own house?

I got to go.

I want an answer
from you right now.

Go ahead, detective.

Make another mistake.

I was parked
right next to him.

I must have walked
right past him.

I'm taking
a membership
at a gym.

You hear about
howie hornbeck?

The night tour guy?
What happened?

I found him dead.

You're kidding.

A heart attack.

Sit at my desk.

I don't think I'll
be able to recognize
any pictures.

Go ahead. We'll see
how you do.

Howie hornbeck died.

How you doing with her?

She gave up
the boyfriend's dealing.

He had two guys
mad at him.

All she had
was the first name
on one of them,

But I'll run
some photos anyway.

Where do we stand
on the boyfriend?

He said he didn't
see anything.


You got a minute?


Stay on him.

I got to talk
to the m.e.


What was that name
she gave up?



Tito. Stay on her.


I got to contact
hornbeck's family.

This won't take long.

Kelly's transferred
to the borough.

He'll work dispatch.

I.a.b. Goes through
his laundry for a month.

a separate matter.

They find zilch.

I.a.b.'S inquiry
is separate.

It's my understanding
it's not complete.

You still
hang him out‐‐

The man was borderline

He stinks from that trial.
He's reassigned.

No, this stinks,

Let's you and me
work a signal out.

If I'm here for your
opinion on something,

I'll come in
wearing a rose.

Let the man know.

Here come the marines.

Story of your life,

What is?

In too long,
out too soon.

I'll be smart enough
when I file for brutality.

For what?

Nobody touched you.

You could have
walked out

With some cash
in your pocket.

Cash, huh?

How would that
have worked?

That's what I've been
trying to tell you.

A 2‐year‐old's
been shot.

We got to clear that.

We could have gone
into our pockets
for you.

But you made me wait,

So I don't need you

I got another witness.

Oh, yeah?


I don't think
you have anything,

Or you wouldn't
be talking to me.

I've got tito.

Tito rolled
on his buddy,

And he got the deal
that you could have had.

So I got something.

Is there any money left?

I'm gonna need
full cooperation.

I'm gonna need names,
places of business...

Then I got to
prove to the d. A.

You're not an assh*le.

You looking for me?

Detective sipowicz?


I understand you
discovered the body.

What was it,
heart attack?

I think so.
We'll verify in autopsy.

But I'm concerned
about the body position.

What do you mean?

Lividity's all wrong
for the position he's in.

Well, i, uh, I moved
him a little.

When I found him,

He was sagging on
the steering wheel.

I pulled him back.

When this man died,
he wasn't sitting up.

The blood settled
in the front of him.

If he'd been sitting up,
it would have settled

In the lower part.

Anyway, it was
a heart attack,

Also, the front
of his shirt's

Tucked in
his undershorts.

What are you
getting at?

Somebody put hornbeck's
clothes on him

And moved him.

No. No. I totally
disagree with that.

You're speaking
as a detective?

Yeah. As someone
he worked with.

I met his wife.

There wasn't a crime
committed here.

This was
natural causes.

I'm not saying
it wasn't natural causes.

Now what
could have happened

Is maybe somebody
pulled his pants up

Or moved him
from someplace

To somewheres else.

That doesn't
have to be
part of the report.

Why not?


You heard the expression

"I wouldn't want
to get caught dead

In a certain place"?


This could have been
that situation.

He could have been
in a place

He wouldn't
get caught dead in.

And then someone moved him
after he expired

To save him embarrassment.

I would think so.

You're confident
that happened?


Because the lividity's
all wrong.

I'm telling you, doc,

You can
sign off on this one.


He died in the car.


You gonna show that
to the d. A.?


First I want you
to come with us

And pick
these guys out.

In a lineup?

No. In the street.

You never had him.

You son‐of‐a‐bitching

I'm going to get you
the 2,000, duane.

Maybe if these guys
have federal beefs,

I can relocate you.

Stand up.

Stand up, duane,
or I'm going
to break your neck.

Let's go.

Recognize anybody?

Stand right there.

Andy, he's helping us
pick out the sh**t.

Your car.
Mine's airing out.


Lieutenant, he's
going to cooperate,

Show us where
to grab these guys.


How's haverill?


I'm doing this
for you.

Shut up, duane.

Let's go.

That's one of them.
That's tito.

Which guy?

The puerto rican.
He was driving.

Ray's just inside the door.

The other guy.

He's nobody.

Take him down.
Biker jacket.

Got it.

I'm on it.

Don't make a sound.
Keep your mouth shut.

Call ray.

I don't know ray.

Call for ray, or I'll
blow your brains out.

Yo, ray!

Get your hands
up in the air!

Keep your hands
in the air!

You're taking a ride
downtown, right? Let's go.

I'm putting in a 28.

I can't work
my shift tonight.

You probably
don't know why.

I probably
don't need to.

Howie hornbeck
was a friend of mine.

He was a great guy.

I had more laughs
with howie

Than anybody
I ever worked with.

That man knew
how to have a good time.

And now it's over.

I'm sorry.

Oh, you're sorry.

You know that cup
you broke?

Howie gave me that cup.

That was my tit cup!

Detective lesniak,

Detective abruzzo on 2.

Tell him I'm not here.

[Knock on door]

Hi. It's me, sandy.

Do I have to look
at pictures?


We picked up the guys
duane told us about.

If he i. D. S them
in lineup,

There'll probably
be an arrest.

Do I have to
leave now?

No. Not right away.

How's your headache?

I don't know
where to go.

Everything's just
so weird. I just‐‐

I didn't know it all
gets like this.

You got to hold yourself
together now, sandy.

I just want to be
gone from all this.

Want to be
with your sister
in florida?

I don't have any money.

If I could get it
for you, would you go?

Yeah. I'd get out
so fast.

I'm gonna see
what I can do.

Tiffany‐‐ you said
that the charity
would bury tiffany.

Right. The church'll
bury tiffany.

If you got me
that money,

Maybe I should
use that for her.

That would be your choice.

But I think you should
go to your sister's.

I'm gonna lie back down.


I'll let you know
what happens.


That's the other one.
That's tito.

Say the number.

Number 2.
You got them both.

All but number 2 go.

All right.
Everybody else,
come on.

Let's go.

What will you do
to him?

I'll charge him
with m*rder.

Can't you mess him up
or something?

Can I talk to you, john?


When you're done
with martinez,

I need you
in my office.

Is my money coming?

It's on its way.

What's going on?

It's about
this guy's money.

500 Now, 500 after
the grand jury,

After the trial.

I'd like to get sandy
a deuce.

Between her
and the boyfriend.

Can't give it
to her, huh?

He made the i. D.,

So they'll
want him in court.

Well, she did give up
that tito's name.

What's going on, james?

She's talking about
getting away from this guy,

Going to her sister's.

Maybe she'd
use the money to cop,

But I'd like
to make it bus fare.

Get it from him.

I have to get duane
to give it up?


All right. Thanks.


Yeah. Come on in.

Uh... Close the door.

You're transferred
to borough dispatch
duty, john.

Steady day tour.

Effective tomorrow.

I wish I had
a way to reach out,

But I don't have
the juice to help you.

Think it's just haverill?

No. It's got to go
past him.

He doesn't
have the guts

To do it on his own.

Take a minute. I'm
gonna get some coffee.

No. It's o. K.

You've been
a great cop for me.


I'm sorry.

What's going on?


Radio dispatch
down at the borough.

Same shift
he puts a knife
in your back,

He's up here
on a case you cleared.

Let me talk
to this assh*le.


Sign all three


What are my limits
on spending this?

Your good sense.

I need to talk to you.

What is it,

What do you think?

Kelly's transfer's
a settled matter.

I think maybe
you're forgetting

I saw you walk
from the disico hit.

You think I was
walking around

Waiting for you
to drop that safe
on my head?

I went on record
with the appropriate

As to what happened
at that incident.

I'm off the hook,

You want to call
downtown about it?

We got free phones.

Those people that took you
off the hook,

Those are the people
that want kelly?

He lied at trial.

Everybody lies at trials.

He embarrassed
the job.

He embarrassed the job?

And piss runs uphill,
right, captain?

And you're a stand‐up guy.

Where's my other 200?

Sandy gets that.

I'll take care of sandy.

That $500 was for me.

Hey, lower your voice.

Come over here, duane.

If sandy wants
to see you tomorrow,

She can put her 200
with your 300.

Leave her alone tonight.

You trying
to break us up?

Listen to me, duane.

You make a stink
about this money,

And when I check you
into that motel,

I'll lock the door
and kick your ass.

I asked you
not to do that.

They're screwing you.

I know that.
They get my badge,

But I don't beg.

What should I do?

Ride it out.

They will
find something.

They can't
find their heads
up their asses.

Look how hard they're
trying to nail me.

They will find something,

And I am not answering
phones until they do.

Ah, john‐‐

You know I'm right.

I thought I'd be 65
when I left this job,

Kicking and screaming
for that age waiver.

Thanks, buddy.

Back at you.

Tell fancy I'll clean out
the locker later, o. K.?


Thanks for that advice.
He gave the money up.

She's going
to a separate motel.

Good. Listen, james,
I'm leaving the job.

What do you mean?

They're putting me
on borough dispatch

Till they
get rid of me.

Don't leave, man.
Don't quit, john.

Listen, james,
you're gonna be o. K.

Just keep doing
what we talk about.



I can still
call you, though.

You better believe it.


All right. I got to take
this girl her money now.

I'll see you.



Uh, howie hornbeck's
wife's on line 2.

will you tell her?

I'll take care of it.

Good night, sarge.

Good night, kelly.
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