02x08 - You Bet Your Life

Episode transcripts for the TV show "NYPD Blue". Aired: September 21, 1993 – March 1, 2005.*
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Ensemble cast revolving around New York's 15th Precinct.
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02x08 - You Bet Your Life

Post by bunniefuu »

what've we got?

[Female cop]
burnt‐up female.

Fire department
called it in.

She's pregnant.

Maybe six or seven

Any hunch
as to race?

[E.m.s. Man]
no idea.

looks like those
necklace things

They do in haiti
with the tire.

[E.m.s. Man]
her face is gone

We're not gonna get
any fingerprints either.

it's a god‐awful mess.


Got any cigarettes?


you guys see anything
last night?

We didn't see nothin'.


You see a fire here
last night?

A fire?

Yeah, a fire.

What kind of fire?

Otis, why don't you
just shut up?

Hey, pal, you got
somethin' to hide?

Did you do somethin'
last night?

I didn't do nothin'.

What's your name‐‐otis?


Let's talk for a second.

you sure you didn't
see anything?

Ask him. We were here
all night.

Somebody set a fire
over here last night.

Did you see it?

Yeah. I was in
my sleeping bag.

Did you get up
and take a look?

Yeah, I got up.

What did you see?

It was dark. The guys left
after the fire started.

I didn't see nothin'
'cept the fire.


Otis, look, I'm
gonna give you $5.00.

How many guys?

What did they look like?

Two guys.

I couldn't see
what they looked like.

They set some junk
on fire

And took off in a van
with no lights on.

A van?

One of them kind,
you know.

No, I don't know.

Outdoorsman jeep
kind of van.
Black one.

Did you walk over
to the fire?

No. I went back to bed.

You know there was
a body there?

N‐n‐no, I didn't know that.


Thanks, otis.

O.k., Man, I'm gonna run
to the store.

Two guys in
a sports utility vehicle.

They dumped somethin',
set it on fire,

And then they split.

There was a radio run
last night

On a possible
hooker abduction

At the stroll
on 10th and 1st.

We ought
to get over there then.


Ah, man.

What am I steppin' in?

What is this,
a dog run here?

You can hope
it was a dog.

I haven't even had
my coffee yet.

Hey, baby!


Chill out.
I'm not tryin'
to roust you.

See a couple of guys
botherin' a girl
last night?

I don't remember seein'
nothin' like that,

But it might have been.

You sure?


All right.

Be careful.


You got anything?

Something's comin' down.

How you doin'?

You cops?

Somebody called in
a report last night.

About the girl?

That was me.

Was there a crime?

What they call you?


Fatso, what'd you see?

I knew that there
was somethin' wrong.

Two guys pulled up
in a 4 x 4
or whatever.

A beat‐up black one.

They said something
to a spanish girl,

And she was gonna
get in.

Then she was
backing out
of the deal.

The guy grabbed her,
pulled her in.

She pregnant?

Yeah. You find her?

We found her body.

Ah, hell.

Well, I'm, like,
the neighborhood watch
around here.

I got their asses cold.

Every damn number
on their license plate.

Good for you.

Take it easy, fats.


Well, hello.

What might
your name be?

Did you wanna
see someone?

There was a pawnshop robbed
on 5th street yesterday.

Who'd be handling that?

Detective martinez.


[Intercom buzzes]



There's someone here
to see you.

You gonna tell me
your name?



Steve richards, donna.

I'm detective martinez.
Can I help you?

Yes. It's near here,
the pawnshop?

The one in the paper

armed robbery.

Yeah, right.

They had them
fake noses on
the horn rims?

Groucho glasses.

Right. That's what
I'm talking about.


What about it?


What about it?

They catch
the guys there?


What's your name?

Steve richards.

You got information?

I might come across

You got a reward
on that?

Last I heard,
no reward.

No reward?

Hmm. Well...

What are you
gonna do?

We could drum up
a few dollars for
the right information.



Well, if there's
somethin' in it for me,

Sometimes I could
find somethin' out.

What are they
talkin' about for that?

I don't know.

Maybe if your information
panned out,

Maybe a couple
of hundred dollars.

I heard they got
over $20,000.

That's what I heard.

what you got on this?

I'm not sure.

I'm gonna think
about it.

All right?

All right.

That's all.




I wasn't in no accident.

Whoever said so's lying.

Take it easy, rudy.

I got the boss.

Yeah. Come on.


Where are we on that
burnt‐up body?

We only knew
it was female

Because she was
six months along.

Notify missing persons.
Try dental records.

This guy we just brought in
owns a jeep

That was involved
in a hooker abduction
near where the body was.

We'll see if there's
anything there.


We're not talkin' about
an accident.

My car was in an accident?

We think it was used
in a crime last night.

You got the wrong car.

We got the right car.

A witness took down
your license number

At an abduction scene.

Black jeep,
corner of 1st and 10th.

I got stomach problems.

You got more problems
than that.

I didn't use the car
last night.

Well, who had it?

I loaned it to my cousin
and his buddy.

You'd better
give up some names
and addresses,

Or this is fallin'
right on you.

Sal molina,
he's my cousin.

And bobby...

Bobby ruiz.

They went to see somebody.

We need where sal
and bobby live.

I can give you
where they hang.

This better be
straight sh**t'.

It's straight.

Am I done?

No. You're gonna
stick around.

My stomach's killin' me.

We'll send you in
some tums.

My god, dan.

Did you get mugged?

Do you have time
to talk?

Take your time.
I got calls to make.

What the hell happened?

We'll get to that.
How are you doing?

All right.

You got another sponsor?

You gone back out?

No. Let's talk
about me later.

How'd you get beat up?

Well, you, uh...

You met my son danny,
didn't you,

About four months ago?

I saw him once
over at your place.

He didn't do this to you,
did he?

I‐i didn't want
to tell you about danny.

I felt private about it.

Danny's been in and out
of institutions

The last 9 or 10 years.

They say
it's a chemical thing
in his mind.

He was released
a few weeks ago.

He's been stayin'
with me.

What set him off?

If he takes
the medication,
he's all right.

He won't take it.

gets into him,

And he just won't
take it.

God knows
what it's like
inside his head.

I'm just talkin'
to him,

And I ask him
to turn down
the television.

And he beat you up?

He hasn't been back
since this happened

He's gone back
to the tompkins
square park.

He's got this area
he's kind of settled in

Down in
the southwest end.

He walks all day long.

I'll pick him up.

I don't want him
doin' this to you again.

I guess I just can't
think like a father.

He might hurt
somebody else.

He wears a walkman
all the time.

Don't open the door
till you hear from me.

Anybody knocks,
don't let 'em in.

I'll talk about you
at a subsequent point.

O.k., Dan.

What happened?

You got a minute
to help me with somethin'

Before we pick up
those guys with the jeep?

Yeah, absolutely.

All right.

you got a minute?

Sure, andy.

Grab your coat.

Hang back a little.

Let me see if I can
get him to come easy.



Hey! Danny.

I don't know you.

My name's andy.

I'm a friend
of your dad's.


Why don't you take
those headphones off
a little bit, huh?

Turn down the music.

All right.

You had it loud,

That way I don't have
to listen.

You have to go someplace
with me danny. We‐‐


Uh, rules
and regulations.

I gotta talk to you.

I eat by myself.

We'll go have a bowl‐‐

Danny, hey‐‐

You shouldn't have
k*lled that baby!

come on. Settle down.

We're gonna go
to the station house‐‐


you k*lled it!

take it easy.

Somebody help me.
I'm being k*lled.

Take it easy, danny.

Somebody's gonna hurt me.

Just relax.

Nobody wants to hurt you.

Help me. Help me.

I'm being k*lled.

Stop trying to k*ll me,
you bastard.

nobody's trying
to k*ll you.

Murderers! Murderers!

Bastard murderers!

Bastard murderers!

Take it easy!

Danny! Danny!

Dad! Dad!

Help me!

Help me!

cuff him, james.

He bites!



Calm down.

you got him cuffed?

o.k., I got him.

O.k., Let's go.

Let's go.

Take it easy, danny.

Settle down.

Dad, help me!


Take it easy.

Dad, help me!

Take it easy.

You takin' him back
to the house?

No. Let's just take him
straight to bellevue.

we'll discuss what
it's about up here.

Those parking violations
got paid, o. K.?

Shut up. You'll find out
what it's about.

We didn't do nothin',
right, bobby?

He told you
to be quiet.

I know this guy
since we were kids.

Now shut up.

Thanks, james.

No problem.

You're not at home.

What's with that ring
in your face, sal?

It's just jewelry.

Nice touch, man.

Sit down.

I wanna know
what you and bobby
were doin' last night

After you borrowed
rudy's 4 x 4.

That's what this
is all about?

We brought
the car back.

How come rudy
turned us in?

He just said you had it.

Someone on 1st and 10th
turned you in.

He saw you drag a woman
into that car.

Wait, wait. A woman?

We didn't pull
no woman.

A hooker.

A hooker?

I don't want
no hookers.

I'm not a vice cop.

I don't care
how you have your fun.

I don't care if you were
ballin' a hooker.

Do I look like
I have to pay for it?

Check this face out.

I can get all the tail
I can handle.

Even movie stars
pay for it.

I ain't no movie star.

Well, maybe some day.

Why not? I'll take it.

So, you didn't pick up
a hooker?

But our witness says
that you did.

And he wrote
the license plate number
of the 4 x 4.

So, think about this.

A dead woman's body
was burned up last night...

In a vacant lot.

If you picked up a hooker
and you're lyin' to me,

I gotta figure maybe
she's the dead woman.

why are you lying?

You must be
coverin' somethin' up.

But if you admit that
you got yourselves a hooker,

I just figure
it's a couple of guys
screwin' around.

Man, your brain's
working overtime.

I told you, we didn't
pick up no hookers.

So what did you do?

Just drove around

For what?

Just looking.

Which one of you guys
was driving?


Seems to me you grabbed
that hooker to rob her.

We didn't rob
no hooker.

Maybe you should
get a hooker, man.

That's all
you think about.

Why? You think
I have to pay for it?

Could be.

You sit still, sal.

We might've picked
a hooker up,

But we did our thing,
let her out.

At the stroll
on 1st and 10th?

Yeah. Could've
been there, yeah.

"Could've been there,"

Did you pick her up
at 1st and 10th?

Yeah, I think so.

And who was driving?

I was driving.

First rudy drove us
to this guy's place.

He wasn't home.
Rudy drove home.
I drove after that.

Why'd rudy go home?

He just wanted to.

That was before
the hooker?


You use dr*gs, bobby?

No. I don't do dr*gs.

I'm going back to school
and take care of myself.

Those are fine ideals.

I want to better myself.

So after you got done

Bettering yourself
banging that hooker,

What did you do then?

Let her out
couple blocks away.

We wanted to
go to a club,

Do some dancing,
buy some drinks,
have some fun.

But we were broke,
so we just drove around.

You didn't wind up
at the manhattan
bridge, did you?



O.k., Here's
where you stand.

The streetwalker
who got into the jeep‐‐

Our witness said
she was dragged in.

We figure
that's a robbery.

We know
she was pregnant,

And we know

Somebody dumped
a pregnant woman's body

Under that bridge
and burned it.

We got nothing to do
with that.

Bobby, we're gonna
get dental x‐rays
off that body.

We'll identify her,
show her picture
to the witness

Who saw you drag her
into the car,

And that'll be it
for you.

You can whine and
explain all you want
after that,

And I'll just laugh
in your face.

I don't know anything
about any dead woman.

Talk now, let me know
you were only driving.

Maybe you can
do yourself some good.

I don't know
anything about it.

O.k., Get up.

You're going
in the cage.

I'm innocent, man.
Help me out.

You're too dumb to help.
Come on. Get in.

Any good?

How about
trading rudy a walk

For admitting these two
went out to rob a whore?

They're taking
your guy out.


Rudy salinas. They're
taking him to the hospital.

What's going on,

I got bleeding ulcers.

We could straighten
everything out real quick.

Ohh, my god!


I'll ride with him.

I'll check back
with missing persons.

Come on, guys.
Better not be
in your mind, rudy.

I want to report
an as*ault.

Martinez, as*ault.
Look at me.

What happened?

You should see
the other guy.

Who hit you, steve?
Come in.

I know who did
the pawnshop.

They post that reward


What a world‐‐
screwed everywhere
you turn.

still 200 in it?

Tell me what you got.
Sit down.

All right.


I know who did
cafferty's pawnshop,
o. K.?

You want his name?
You got it.

Slime like that
shouldn't be
walking around

decent people.

Sit down.

What's his name?

Weldon small.

Just got out
of elmira.
I knew him there.

You in on the pawnshop?

No, I was not in on it.

How do you know
small did it?

I planned it.
That's how I know.

That pawnshop? I'm
from that neighborhood.

Groucho glasses‐‐
on and off in a second.

Not like some dumb
halloween mask.

It was all my concept.



I got out of the joint
first, o. K.?

Then I come down sick.

I didn't even know
I had one.

I'm in the hospital,
sick like a dog,
then I'm recuperating.

It's in the paper.

Couldn't wait.
And then this?

I find him. He won't
give me a dime.

Come on!

Not a dime!
Then he punches me out.

Mm‐mm. Nobody does that
to this dude.

Nobody. If I had
my strength back,

He'd be gumming
cream of wheat.

That's where he lives.

He's got the pawnshop
stuff there?

I don't know.

Sit here a minute
while I run this
past my lieutenant.


Donna, what's a girl like you
doing with this crowd here?

It's a good place
to work.

I don't get it.

What's the product
you're turning out here?

Ever think about that?

That what life's about
for a beautiful girl
like you?

Hey, sorry.

I didn't mean that.
I'm sorry.


How'd we come out?

We're asking you to do
something with weldon.

Is that so?


Imagine that.

Hello, martinez.

How's it going,
mr. Breen?

You pick my son up?


I appreciate that.

No trouble.
Glad to help.

Steve, come here.

I'll call back later.

Tell you how this works.

I get paid
for this?

How you doing, dan?

I just came
from bellevue.

They, uh, they got him
calmed down.

Sit down.

I hope none of your boys
got hurt bringing him in.

Is he charged?


Dan, I'm gonna be
straight with you.

You gotta change
your situation.

What do you mean?

The d. A.'S not gonna
find danny competent

To face
the as*ault charges.

Once he's medicated,
he's gonna be released.

I'm afraid
for your safety.

Move out
of your place,

Go to queens, hoboken,
find another apartment,

And don't tell danny

You mean never
see him again?

He's my son.

I didn't say never.
Give it six months,
a year.

See if he stays
on the medication.

When he's on the medication,
he's o. K.

He can clean up
around the house,
go to the store.

An‐and talking‐‐
you know, he's got
real insights.

M‐maybe I could move out
and keep up the rent a while,

And then he could be there
by himself.

If you can afford that,

The main thing is,
don't expose yourself
to any more v*olence.

Yeah, it's‐‐it's
the right thing.

D‐danny has to learn
that there are

to what he does.

He's a grown man.

He has to follow the rules
like everybody else.

Once you move out,

Get the keys to me.

I'll take him
over there.

You don't think
I should be there?

To say good‐bye
and I'm there with you,

But you should have
another place to go.

That way I can
give him instructions,
explain what's what.

But you can't tell him
where you're going.

I understand.

I can do it.
I'll just grab some place.

I don't have to be choosy.


I‐‐i like
the idea of queens.

That way I can get in
every day for my meetings.

Maybe it'll be good for him
in the long run.


I'll get my stuff together,

And, uh, I'll contact you,

And you can bring him over.

Any help I can give you
with the move...

No, I don't have
much stuff.

I'm going up the stairs.

Man, what a dump.

Don't have my strength back.
Should be in the bahamas

On the beach,
getting oil rubbed on me

By a $100 hooker.

Or maybe donna.


That would be nice.

What's he talking about?

But that's life.

James, what's he
talking about?

I don't know.

O.k., Made it
up the stairs.

Weldon, it's me.
Open up.

I want to talk
to you.

Who the hell's me?


What do you want?

I just wanna talk.
Open up.

You alone?

Yeah, yeah.

You got a g*n?

What g*n?
I'm not mad at you.

I hope he's smart enough
not to get searched.

I don't wanna hear no more
about that pawnshop.

Maybe I was
out of line

Saying some
of those things.

But we were supposed
to be together on that job.

And I keep saying
that pawnshop
wasn't me.

This is steve richards

You're talking to.

Look me in the eye

And say you didn't rob
cafferty's pawnshop

Using my groucho glasses
concept. Say it.

I didn't do it.

You know‐‐
you know something?

You wouldn't have thought
of that place without me.

Not even thought of it.

Easy, wasn't it? Hmm?


$20,000, You got.

Paper said 20,000.

I'm gonna do something here.

But if we don't come to
some kind of agreement,

I'm gonna kick your ass

What type of agreement?

Now, I'm gonna give you 25‐‐


I'll give you $2,500.

One word about
that pawnshop,

You're out that window.

We're cut off.

I bet steve
disconnected the wire.

We got no confession
from this guy weldon.

Get over here,
you little creep!

What'd I do?

Keep your mouth shut.

I didn't do nothin'.

Shut up.

What do you want now,


Get down! Get down!

What'd we do, huh?

Hands behind your back.

How'd this happen,

I'm shocked.
They just grabbed me.

I don't go with
no coincidence.

Any g*ns?

I got no g*ns.

Quite a watch collection.

How you doing, sal?

I want a change of clothes
and a shave.

Yeah, well, if you'd
just corroborate

What rudy told us,
we'd take a break.

Why would I corroborate
what's not true?

He didn't want to rob
anyone. You guys did.

That's why he went home.

He wasn't with us.

I don't know what
he's talking about.

He's sick over
what you guys did.

He's in the hospital
over it.

We're putting this
case together, sal.

Instead of wasting
your time fretting,

You ought to do
yourself some good.

Bobby says you
weren't driving,
he was.

That's gonna be
important, sal.

The driver may get
some slack.

You ought
to get in front
of that one now.

As far as that goes,
bobby wasn't driving.
I can prove that.

Bobby was too drunk
to drive.

Which one of you
pulled the hooker
into the car?

There wasn't no hooker.

We didn't have no money
for a hooker.

You were after
her money!

You went out
to r*pe and rob
a hooker

And use her money
to go drinking.

Something happened
in that car,

And that hooker
got k*lled.

There wasn't no hooker.

All right.

Bobby, you do not
want to go to bat
on this one.

You do not want a jury
looking at photos
of that woman's body.

Have you got any idea
how much heat

A burning tire puts out?

You know how we knew

She was pregnant?

We could see that fetus.

Her flesh
was all burned away.

You listening, bobby?

You know how that jury's
gonna feel looking at
those pictures?

We didn't do it.

We balled her
and let her go.

If someone else

Did something to her
afterwards, I'm sorry.

I'm very tired.

Well, you count on
two things, bobby.

You're gonna get
a lot more tired...

And before
this is over,

You're gonna tell me
the truth.

I cannot move
this son of a bitch.

The other one won't cop
that they picked her up still.

You want to grab an hour?

They're gonna release
that kid from bellevue.

I'm taking him by
to see his dad.


Why don't you
give a whack
at this assh*le?

I'll give him
a couple minutes.

Let him think
he's getting some sleep.

Wait'll this
gets out, steve!

They must've had
you staked out.

Steve richards
the stool pigeon!

Shut up, weldon.

A lousy snitch!

You go back to the joint,

You'll get shanked
the first day.

Shut up.

One and two
are in use.

I'll take weldon
to anticrime.

I'll voucher the property
and talk to the boss.

The first day, steve.

Move it, weldon.

I should kick your ass
for pulling that wire.

What do you mean?

You disconnected
that wire when the guy
offered you 2,500.

You may take a collar
for that trick.

If that wire didn't work,

Can't blame me for that,

You don't use
a lot of makeup,
do you?

I have work to do.

No problem.
No problem.


Yeah, o. K. Give me
a call as soon
as something breaks.

How'd you make out?

The guy had
some jewelry,

But I don't know
if the search
will hold up.

Get probable cause
on the tape?

The other guy
wouldn't admit
he pulled the job,

But he tells steve
he'll give him 2,500.

Suddenly the wire
goes dead. This steve
kills the wire.

So then we went in.

So we might lose
the search.

Should we bring in
the couple that got

Yeah. Yeah, bring 'em in
for a lineup.



This is
mrs. Santiago.

I think
she should talk
to detective simone.

What's going on?

Hey, detective.

This is, uh,
valeria santiago.

How you doing, ma'am?

Mrs. Santiago's
here to report
her daughter's missing.

We talked a little.

I think maybe
she should talk
to you.

Come on in,
mrs. Santiago.

Have a seat right here.

When did you last
see your daughter?

Two days ago
I spoke to her.

She was supposed
to come to see me.

I'm afraid she was
in an accident.

I just want to know
if something
happened to her.

Give me her name,
and we'll run a check.

Oh. Carmela santiago.

She's 22. She was
supposed to come
two days ago.

Maybe she'll show up

I'm afraid that maybe
she's in the hospital
or something.

Why would you think that?

Well, she's...

She's going to have
a baby soon.


Something happened
too early.

No husband? Nobody
lives with her?


Let me have
her address.

We'll go and see
what we can find out.

I don't know
her address.

She moves...

A lot...

Stays with people...
Her friends.

She have a job?

She's a waitress.


I don't know.

She never told me.

Mrs. Santiago...

Please don't take
offense to this.

Could your daughter
have been involved

In things
she didn't want you
to know about?

What things?



Is she in trouble?


Mrs. Santiago,
do you know if carmela‐‐

It's carmela, right?
Did she go
to a dentist?

Would you know
her dentist?

No. She wouldn't take
care of her teeth.

Did she ever have
an accident where
she broke her leg?

Yes. Um...

Somebody knocked her
down some stairs

A couple of years ago.

She broke her left leg.

Above the knee?

What's happened
to my daughter?

A woman
was found dead

Who fits
what you've told me.

She was pregnant.
The coroner said

Her left leg
had been fractured.

Where is she?
Let me go see.

This woman was burned
in a fire.

You wouldn't be able
to recognize her.

So it might not be

Do you happen to have
a recent photo
of your daughter?


It's, um...

From her sister's

I'll need that...
And if you know
the hospital

Where she was treated
for the broken leg...


Lincoln hospital.

This is her picture.

Do we, uh,
have your number?

Yes, I gave it
to the...

Sergeant at the desk.

Why don't you
go home now,
mrs. Santiago?

Let me look into this,
all right?



That girl
that you found...

Was she puerto rican?

We don't know if
this is your daughter.

All right.

Maybe that girl
was not even
puerto rican.


My partner's
got something
to show you, bobby.

What's this, now?



Before and after, bobby.

This is
carmela santiago.

We took this picture
to the stroll
on 1st and 10th.

Our witness i. D.'D her

As the woman
you guys dragged
into that 4 x 4.

And this burned‐up

Who you assholes thought
we wouldn't be able
to i. D.,

She was identified
through medical records.

Carmela santiago.

Same girl...

Dumped out of
that same 4 x 4

the manhattan bridge.

All that's left
now, bobby,

Is how we're
gonna charge you.

If you and sal
intended to do this
from the beginning,

Maybe you shouldn't
say anything. But if
it was an accident,

Or if it was one of you
more than the other,

Then this is
the last chance
you got.

It was sal.

uh, you, uh...

You wanted money

To party...

You decided
to mug a hooker?

It was sal's idea.
They're on the street
for bread, you know?

a drive‐up teller.

We tried to pick up
this other one.

She wanted
to see some money,
so we stopped

For this one.
She was getting
in back with sal

When she changed
her mind. That's
why he grabbed her.

She was strong, man,

Bangin' and yellin'
back there, and‐‐

Well, he finally
got her under control,

And when I stopped,

He had this baseball bat

against her throat.

That's how he got
control over her.

By killin' her.

Look, we didn't know
that right away.

We were tryin' to find
a place to stop
and leave her,

But then we seen she
went and died on us.

And so you decided
to burn her up.

It was sal's idea, man.
Get rid of the evidence.

We were just shook up.

We were just drivin'
around tryin' to think.

This wasn't supposed
to happen.

It took us by surprise.
It was bad luck.

Wake up, sal!

Bobby flipped on you, man.
We're booking you
for m*rder.

You're full
of crap, man.

He's gonna testify
against you.

He told how you choked
that girl with that bat.

Get up.

[Handcuffs clicking]

So, what, was he lyin'?


Was he the one
with the bat?

There wasn't no hooker!

How could I k*ll her
if she wasn't there?

You stick with it.
You ride with it...

All the way upstate.

Feelin' all right
now, mr. Cafferty?

He has a headache
ever since
that robbery,

Don't you, lloyd?

Yes, I have a headache,
and I don't feel right.

So where are
these suspects?

I'm gonna ask you
to excuse us

For a minute,
mrs. Cafferty.


You didn't actually
see the crime
being perpetrated.

My husband
told me everything
after it happened.

But, see, uh, you
could jeopardize
the legalities.

Um, if you could
just have a seat
right here?


I'll be right
over here, lloyd.

This way, sir.

Just have a seat
right here.

I'd like you to look
through the window.

There are six men
in a room.

If you recognize

I'd like you
to tell me his number

And where it is you
recognize him from.


This is a one‐way mirror,

So there's no way
they can see you.



Have number two
show his teeth.

All right.

Tell them all to smile
and show their teeth.

Everybody smile
and show your teeth.



It's number two.

Dumb disguise
or not,

He's still got
that off‐colored
front tooth.

Uh, tell everyone
but number two to leave.

Everybody but two.

All right,
let's go.


You're outta here,

How about that money
you talked about?

We're givin' you
50 bucks.

What happened to 200?

We took 150 off
for you gettin' cute.



Anything further
on the reward angle

From the pawnshop

No. Go tell the caffertys
how you planned the job.

See how much
they want to give you.

Thanks for your help.


Cut off
my circulation.

You ought to go
now, steve.

What do you say

You and me split
a $50 dinner later?
How about that?

That's not gonna happen.

End of a perfect day.

If I had a card,
I'd give it to you.

Still here?

Me? Um...

Not anymore.

What was it between
you and that guy?

He thought
he was don juan.

He was muttering
your name on that wire.

I can't help
what he muttered.

I didn't give him
any encouragement

And you're being

Which I find very sweet.

[Knock knock]


How you doin', danny?


You see my suitcases
over there, danny?


Are they mine?

Am I going back
to the place?

No. No. They're
my suitcases, danny.

I'm‐‐i'm movin'
down to florida
for a while.

You could stay here.

So you're leaving me?

No. I‐‐i just wanted
to try it down there
for a while.

You're afraid of me
'cause I hurt you?

I‐‐i got a list here

In reference
to the apartment.

Let's go over
these things‐‐

No, that's o. K.

It‐‐it's important

That you understand
this stuff, danny.

Yeah. Put it over...

I...won't forget it.

You've gotta understand
this, danny.

You're gonna be taking
care of yourself.

Yeah, I'm o.k.
I feel better.

They gave me
some medicine.

Anyway, uh...

I just wanted
to see you
before I left.

I didn't mean
to hurt you.

You know that,

we ought to go, dan.

Yeah, o. K., O. K.

Bye, danny.

Bye, daddy.

You gotta do it, dan.

You heard him.
He understands.

He's sorry
for what happened.

Yeah, he's sorry now.

Doesn't mean it
won't happen again.

What's gonna happen
to him? I'm runnin'
out on him.

You're savin' your life.

I was never there
for him.

It got bad,
I hid in a bottle.

Regret for the past
is a waste of spirit.

That sound familiar?

I taught that to you.


Let's go, dan.

I promise I'll come back
and look in on him.
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