02x10 - In the Butt, Bob

Episode transcripts for the TV show "NYPD Blue". Aired: September 21, 1993 – March 1, 2005.*
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Ensemble cast revolving around New York's 15th Precinct.
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02x10 - In the Butt, Bob

Post by bunniefuu »

Excuse me.

How do you get
to mott street?

Ah, mott street.

I got turned around
in my head somehow.

Go down
to the next light,

Make a right,

Then two blocks,
make a left.

I got a map.
Could you point it out?

That's a map of texas.

Is it? Well,
maybe you could help me

Find johnson city.

You showed me yours.

Now I'm gonna
show you mine.

You're under arrest,
you jerk.

Zip it up.
Get out of the car.

Get these guys back.

All right.

We got a white male.

Guy walking his dog
called it in.

Down the alleyway

Hey, guys.


Stabbed and strangled.

I'll start a canvass,
all right?


Looks like he was
dragged down here.

Benjamin hollis.
634 Waverly.

Got over $300 in cash,

Four credit cards.

I'd say we can
eliminate robbery.


Three pictures.
No wedding ring.

That's got to be
a girlfriend.


"To the police."

Words cut out
of a dictionary?

"You'll find the other
half of this message

When you find
the other half
of this couple."

"You didn't get me before,

"And you won't
get me now.

More to come."

Oh, man.

You think
webster's back?

Looks like it.

Hey. Found you.

Yeah. What's it look like?

Victim's name
is benjamin hollis.

38 Years old.
Investment banker.

You think this is
webster's homicide?

Perp says it is.


All the webster
homicides were

Yeah, it is
a different m. O.

Victim's mother
lives next door.

She i. D.'D photographs
of the girlfriend

We found in his wallet.

Her name is
alexandra rudman.

She wasn't home.

The super told me
her car's missing.

We put out an alarm.

The apartment's
in her father's name,

So we left word
for him.

If it's webster,
the girlfriend's dead.

Think they'll
the task force?

I think they will.

It's our case, though,

I'm sure they'll
be back in a moment.

Yeah, yeah.
So you've been saying.

Are these the very
busy gentlemen?

this is‐‐

Arnold rudman.
I got a message

To contact
a detective simone.

There's nobody here!

I'm detective simone.
Lieutenant fancy.

So what the hell
is this all about?

Mr. Rudman,
step into my office.

You went to
my daughter's building?

Let's talk about this
in the office.

Mr. Rudman,
benjamin hollis,

Who we understand
your daughter
was dating,

Was found m*rder*d
this morning.

Where was he
found m*rder*d?

On the steps outside
of his townhouse.

What's happened
to my daughter?

We're not sure
of that as yet.

She was with him
last night.

They had dinner
with me.

Did they leave together
in your daughter's car?

Yes. What's happened
to my daughter?

Please try and calm down,
mr. Rudman.

Sir, your daughter's car
is missing.

Well, sh‐she‐‐she may
have been abducted.

Do you have any evidence
that she was m*rder*d?

We're trying to find out
what happened.

She must have been

I am willing
to pay any ransom.

Let's not get
ahead of ourselves.

You listen to me.
You listen to me!

The people who find
my daughter safe

Are going to be
wealthy men.

Mr. Rudman,
I want you to calm down.

Do you have
a tape recorder

To use on your phones?

All our phones have...

recording devices.

That's fine.
That's good.

If you receive
any phone calls

your daughter

Or asking
for ransom,

I'd like you
to contact us.

Do you need
any information

my daughter's car?

We got that. We're looking
for the car now.

Do you have reason
to think

My daughter
may be dead?

Sir, I promise
we'll contact you

With any developments
on our end.

Come on, mr. Rudman.
I'll walk you out.

What's your name?

Detective simone.

I know
this must be hard.

Just let us
do our job.

Just remember
what I said, detective‐‐

Whoever brings
my daughter back alive,

That night he goes to bed
a rich man.


detective squad.

One moment, please.

Detective sipowicz,

Your son's
on line 1.

Oh. Thanks.


Yeah. Thanks
for calling back.

No, no.
Everything's o. K.

How about yourself?


I'd like to see you,

Any night, you know.

All right. Well,
call when you know.

Good. O. K., Andy.

And, uh, I'll
see you tomorrow.

Yeah. Bye.

How was your friend's
memorial service?

It was all right.

What was that guy
talking about?

Going to bed rich.

Daughter's missing.

We're thinking
maybe webster's back.

can I help you?

Ah, lieutenant fancy!

It's o. K., Donna.

Come on, vinnie.

Will you
look at this?

Your own office.

I'm happy for you,
arthur fancy.

Lieutenant arthur fancy.

I knew you'd make it.

I don't know.
I got intuition sometimes

That I can't
always explain.

I thought
you were in florida
witness protection.

Yeah, well...

Relocation wasn't
for me, lieutenant.

I'm a new yorker.

I left the program.

You miss me, or you
here on business?

Well, it so happens
I travel this
regular route,

And one day I observe
a pair of individuals,

And they look
a little incongruous.

They're holding hands
in the car like fags,

Which I know they're not.

Then I notice they're
looking at this armored car.

Couple of days later,

One of these individuals,
he inquires

If I can get him
some g*ns.

What kind of g*ns?


Armor piercing variety.

Armored car,

Armor piercing weapons.

I'd say
that adds up to 4.

So I arrange the meet,

But I do not pass go.

I proceed directly
to lieutenant fancy,

Of which whose career
I'd like to think

A previous piece
of information

Delivered by yours truly

to put into overdrive

Those many moons ago.

When's the meet?

They're waiting
for me to call.

All right. O.k.
Arrange the meet.

Tell them you're
bringing somebody
with you.

Oh, that might be a little
dubious, lieutenant.

You know, a strange guy
they don't know.

That's how we're
working it, vinnie.

I need confirmation.


So, uh...

What about the money?

I say this is good
for 3 grand.

Maybe 2,500.
That's down the road.

Yeah, right, all right.
Whatever you say.

But only because of
the tremendous respect

I have for you.

Make the call,

Hey, andy.

That guy in there,

He's an old stoolie.

He helped
get me my shield.

He says
he was approached

About brokering some
heavy‐duty weapons.

Should I
check it out?

Well, supposedly
these guys

Are planning an
armored car heist.

He's set up a meet.

You go along.



Yeah. Fancy.

Yeah. Yeah. O.k.
I'm on it.

Female doa.
Alley off chambers.

It was the car
you're looking for.

They leave a note?

No mention of a note.

Take, um, medavoy
and martinez.

O.k., Lieu.

Let's go, james.

It's set.

Vinnie greco,
andy sipowicz.

How you doing?

I got to change.

I've been seeing
mr. Gumble weekly

the last two years.

This is a man
with a highly
successful business,

Who's exposed
to extreme stress.

During the time
of his treatment,

He's experienced
Manic episodes,

he's at the mercy

Of various

The incident
this morning

Is clearly
one of these.

To be honest
with you, doctor,

I could care less

About his reasons
for what he did.

She's right.
My behavior
was inexcusable.

This is a treatable

I'm going to adjust
his lithium.

Have you check my client's
record? He's clean.

I've checked with b.c.i.

Now I'll go through
past complaint reports.

Will that take long?

It'll take
as long as it takes.

I have patients to see.

Mr. Gumble can see

As many high‐priced lawyers
and shrinks as he wants.

But if I find any previous
record of this crap,

He's going
into the system.

Look at that stuff.

Manual strangulation
with a lot of bruising.

The neck worked on.

Like he enjoyed it.

No ligature marks.

She's been dead
from 6 to 12 hours.

Got a name?

Yeah. Alexandra rudman.

Hey, look at this.

I found it
taped to the bumper.

"I came back august 17th.

The girl in battery park
was mine."

This guy, boy.

We got some media,


I got to take this
back to fancy.

James, canvass the ass
off this.


Stay on top
of the crime scene.

Is this
alexandra rudman?

You'll get a statement
from public information.

Bobby, it's me‐‐

Just confirm.

They got you rolling
on doas now?

I got sick of sitting
around city hall.

Is this alexandra rudman?

Where did you
get that name?

Her father
put a statement out

Saying she was missing,
and he'd pay ransom.

Look, benita,
I got to notify
this person's family.

How did she die?

Off the top, it looks
like manual strangulation.

I can't give you more.

Mind if I
keep trying?

It's a free country.

How about a ride downtown?
You can handcuff me.

Nah. I think that's
against regulations.

You got
your doubts about me,
huh, slivovitz?

Hey, it's sipowicz.

Anyway, I'm trying
to do the right thing.

I'm not just doing this
for the money.

Hey, tommy, alex.

What is this?

He's gonna get you
what you're looking for.

You bring him here?

This isn't right.

I'm here 'cause
you won't front money,

And I don't go on credit.

Want me to leave?

We just weren't
expecting this.

We all get
set in our ways.

Now, uh...

I have access
to military hardware.

Did I tell you,
or did I tell you?

Here's what we need‐‐

An at4 viper or an mk 19
grenade launcher.

What are you
taking out?

Can you get it or not?

The mk, no problem.

How much?

It comes off the armory
at night.

It's back the next night.

The rent's 4,500.
Half of that's in front.

It's 300 for a round.

Any damage to a w*apon
is a separate discussion.

When do you need it?

Give you notice.

At least 24 hours.

We'll let you know
through vinnie.

give you 1,500 now

And the rest
on delivery.

Don't d*ck around
and embarrass yourself.

Thanks. Your friends
are very nice.

Wait, wait.

We'll do business.

Sit down.


Just another citizen
exercising her freedoms.

And here you are.

I'm hearing rumors
this could be
the dictionary k*ller.

If I printed
the department's looking

Into a possible
connection with
the webster homicides,

Would I be wrong?

Let's say you wouldn't
wind up in trouble.

I don't have
any further comment.

Bobby...i want
to buy you dinner.

Do you do that
sort of thing yet?

Yeah, I do
that sort of thing.



It can't be tonight.

Hi, bobby.

Long time, huh?

How's it going?

How you doing,

O.k., Detective.
How are you?


What would you
be doing here?

Excuse me.

We're up here.

You caught this
double homicide, huh?


Good. Glad you're on it.

I don't think
we've got webster,

But it's
an interesting case.

Yeah. We'll see.

You'll explain
to your client

How an appearance
ticket works?

Yes, I will.

Thanks for
your understanding.

I hope you realize
this wasn't personal.

You mean am I worried

I might have done
something to set you off?

No. I want you
to understand

It wasn't directed
at you specifically.


Well, it was
directed at me,
mr. Gumble,

And I suggest
you keep it
in your pants.

Sarge, this guy
is getting
a d. A. T.


All right.
Let's start

With the obvious

Every webster homicide

Is ft. Tryon park
or riverdale.

These are downtown.

These are

Webster homicides
are sh**t.

It's hard
to make this the
dictionary k*ller.

The only
real similarity

Is words cut
out of webster's
third edition.

Which is the guy's

If a copycat uses it,

He's got
an instant resume.

He buys into six murders
going back five years.

A copycat would
keep his patterns

Close to
the original crimes.

Yeah, well, this is
different, all right.

August 17th doa,

There wasn't
even a male victim.

Every webster homicide
involved couples.

How do you want
to divide the work?

Your people
focus on today's doas.

Task force will work up

The comparisons
among the murders.

Obviously you'll all be
cooperating with each other,

Sharing information.


We've made a section
in anti‐crime

for task force use.

Uh, appreciate it.

You got plans for lunch?

We can go over
what I got.


Hey, bobby.

Hold on a second,
would you?


You've been on this case
what, 27 minutes?

My suggestion‐‐

Raise your possibilities
through me.

Filter them through me.

All right.

I was going
through all the 61s

last august 17th.

Wait, wait, wait.
Hold on a second.

You're on today's doas.

August 17th?
It's not an aspect

Of the case you're on.


You want what I got
on today's doas?

Yeah. Let me get
set up upstairs.

All right.
We'll talk later.


Good to have you
on the team.

Thanks, inspector.

You said you had
something else
to talk about?

An old stool of mine‐‐
vinnie greco.

He helped get me
into the bureau.

What about him?

He's back from
witness protection.

They dump him out?

He says he dropped out.

He peddling information
about two guys

an armored car heist.

Which could
be a shakedown

By some scumbag
figures you owe him.

I sent sipowicz
with greco.

thinks the heist
is probably real.

He's at
i. D. Section now

Putting names
on the guys.

If it's a scam,

These guys
are in on it.

If it's a heist
and we didn't move,

I'd hate to make

I o. K. No money
without talking to vinnie.

You want to do that now?

Want me to do it
with egg on our faces?

How do I reach the guy?

Excuse me.




How was dan's

Eh, it makes you
think about things.

I talked to andy jr.

About maybe having dinner
tomorrow night.

Uh, you want to
have him over?

Well, uh,
I kind of thought

I'd kind of gradually let him
know about our situation.

Maybe it's a good idea
he gets the whole picture.


I do a great
leg of lamb.

See you, donna.

Bye, sylvia.

How'd that meet go
with fancy's old stool?

Guy's 80% crap,
but I think his
information's live.

So you'll be working
on that?


Second body
turned up, huh?


Andy, I'd like
to get your help
on this, man.

I don't know when
this other thing'll

Whatever I can do.

This task force
is a freeze‐out.

Yeah. You surprised
on that?

Check my thinking
on something.

The perp leaves notes
on both bodies today,

He cops to a m*rder on
august 17th in battery park,

A female
who was strangled.

The dictionary homicides
were all sh**t.

I know, but I'm going
through these 61s
from august 17th.

Here's a guy, shot in the ass
five blocks away.

Claims it was
an unsuccessful mugging.

Give this
to the task force?

I tried. Solomon
told me to butt out.

Am I right contacting
this guy myself?


I'm thinking,
if the guy shot in the ass

And the august 17th female
were involved,

We're closer
to webster's pattern.

You gave
solomon his whack.

this ass‐guy a call.

That's what I say.


Victim's father.

Mr. Rudman, I'm really
sorry for your loss, sir.

I now understand
that this may be
a serial k*ller.

Yeah, there's a possibility.

We're shaking things out
right now.

My daughter is dead.

I have a right to know
what you're working on.

Yes, you do,
but we wouldn't
want to give you

Partial or misleading
information, would we?

Whoever it is...

I'll give you
a million dollars
to k*ll him.

Mr. Rudman...

I know you're in grief
over your daughter.

My grief is
my own business.

I know how the system works.

I can feed a million
into an account anywhere.

Sir, this kind of talk
does no one any good.

This man strangled my child.

If he's arrested
and brought to trial,

The next three years

Will bring him exactly
what his warped mind desires.

He'll be paraded in front
of news cameras every day.

There'll be...books,


I don't deserve that.

My child doesn't.

No, you don't.

Now, mr. Rudman,
I want you to go home.

You have a wife,
am I right?

My wife is still alive.

Well, you should go
be with her.

I'll contact you
if there are
any developments.

My offer stands.

A million dollars.

I want the man dead.

Would that be
in unmarked bills?





What'd he do?

Exposed himself
on 11th street.

We had three
different calls.

I don't know
what comes over me.

No d. A. T. For him.
He was a collar yesterday.

I'm bringing a d. A. In.

This thing has
a mind of its own.


[Door opens]

Mr. Marks?

Yes, bob. Please.

Detective simone.

This is detective

We appreciate
you coming in.

Hey, I'm a pro‐police guy.

If this is about
the sh**ting incident
last summer,

There's nothing more
I can tell you.

We just want to go over
a couple of things.

"August 17th,
approximately 10:45 p. M.,

"Perpetrator attempted
to grab victim's wallet.

"Victim resisted, and
in the ensuing struggle,

Perpetrator fired one shot
into victim's buttocks
before running off."

Yeah, b*llet's
still in there.

Thank god for
a well‐padded tuchus.

Heh heh.

You're aware there was
a homicide that same night
in battery park?

A woman was strangled.

Yeah, I learned about that

Victim's name
was stacy siegal.

Did you know her
at all?

Uh, by coincidence, yeah,

I had a casual acquaintance
with her.


You work at
gibson & smith ad agency.

One of your accounts
is moonglow shampoo.

Stacy siegal worked
for the alive products
beauty aids division.

Marketing associate,
moonglow shampoo.

What, are you
investigating me?

We're looking into your
relationship with that girl.


My god, you don't
think I k*lled her?

No, we don't,

But we think
you were with her
when she was att*cked.

And we think the guy
who did it is back.

Listen, um...

I've given every piece
of information

On my attack
that I recall.

I described the perpetrator
a‐as exactly as I could.

He was tall, wearing
a red ski mask.

Yeah, you just fibbed
about being by yourself

So your wife
wouldn't know
you were stepping out.

You read about
that double homicide
yesterday, bob?

We think
it's the same guy,

And we need to look
at that b*llet you're
carrying around

To see if it matches
some others that we've got.

I was told there's
no medical reason
to remove that b*llet.

You want a reason?
False statements
to police.

Want us
to file charges?

You can explain it
all to your wife.

Help us out here.
All we want is the b*llet.

Your wife doesn't
have to know anything
about the circumstances.

St‐stacy's death was
a horrible tragedy.

I‐‐i didn't want to
compound it

By destroying my marriage.

Do you understand
what I'm saying?


When would this
have to be done?

Well, bob,

We need the b*llet now.

The operation's
a piece of cake.

I had it
on both cheeks.


[Door opens]



Thank you.
Nice blouse.


So what do you
hear, vinnie?


Concerning the time
on this heist.

Oh, yeah. Look,
this is for you.
For your kids.

Open it.

That's genuine russian
craftwork over there.

"Made in taiwan."

You believe that?
Farming out native goods
like that?

But th‐the design's
completely authentic.

The time, vinnie.

Yeah, um...


Just, uh, do me this
one thing, all right?

Don't get upset,
don't get pissed off,
all right?

I'm walking down the street,
and out of nowhere, alex,

The kid who was with me
and detective sipowicz
at the meeting,

Alex comes up and says
now this other guy's involved,

And he wants to meet me,
make sure everything's o. K.
With the a*tillery.

So now, this meet,
I know I should've
been on that phone

And slivovitz
should've been there,

But this was, like, something
I think I should do.

So I go to the odessa,

I meet up with
this guy vassily...

Who's with another guy
you already know.

Igor pachenko.

The man himself‐‐

All pudgy and hairy,
with that russian b.o.
They got.

What's up with those people?
Don't they have deodorant
over there?

Igor pachenko's
involved with
this heist?

Yeah, he's in on
everything they do.

You met with him?

I know for a fact
the man gets a cut.
These are his guys.



You need him there
at the meeting,

I'll say he was there.

I mean, it's...

It's the ribbon
on the package.

We both know
this guy is wrong.

Hey, look,

I'll go to door
number two.

I'm prepared...

To testify
in court...

That he was sitting
right across the way
from me.

That's some offer,

I know.

It'd be some collar
for you.


Captain fancy?

Son of a bitch.


This is like
my worst nightmare.

You were selling
too hard, vinnie.

Who's the bug for?

You know what this is
all about?

That prick haverill.

had you do this?

Yeah. I told him
it wouldn't work,

That you'd be
five steps ahead.

Then he starts
threatening me.

He threatened you?

Yeah, you know,
some stickups

The witness protection people
thought I pulled that I didn't.

He wants to jam you, lieu.

He wants to get you to get me
to start lying for you.

So pachenko
isn't involved?


From miami to moscow,

That's how far he is
from this one.

It was haverill
all the time.

I'm sorry.

So now what do we do?

You pull yourself

Go back to him.

Tell him the tape
messed up,

And what does he
want you to do?

Anything to straighten
myself out with you,

But I don't exactly
get the point.

You're going back
wired, vinnie.


You see?
See, that's good.

That's smart.

Get out of here.

All right, all right.

I'm sorry.

Webster moves in
on this guy and girl
in the park, right?

August 17th?

Right. The guy runs.

Webster sh**t,
puts a cap in his ass.

The guy gets away.
Now he's pissed off,

Or maybe this girl
does something
to piss him off.

lays hands on her,

The very first time
he's touched a victim.

And it gets good
to him, right?

That‐‐that's it.

That's the transition.
That's where he makes
the change.

This b*llet's got to match
earlier webster b*ll*ts.


You know the pain
this guy's gonna be in?

He's not gonna sit right
for three months.

Here's the b*llet.
I can't tell
the caliber.

Thanks, doc.
We'll get that
from ballistics.

How's your rear?

Not setting off
any metal detectors.

We can be in and out
in no time.

You gotta block
the back entrance.

Excuse me a sec.

How'd you guys do
with ballistics?

We got a hit.

He got a hit.

Over 90% likelihood
this b*llet's
from the same g*n

As the webster homicides.

Don't get too comfortable.
You gotta go out on a pickup.

You ran the rudman girl's car
for traffic violations

Following the hollis m*rder?

Yeah. I took a shot.

The fax came in.

20 Minutes after hollis'
body was recovered,

There was a summons issued
to a, um, george putnam,

Driving the dead girl's car.

Good chance
that guy's webster.

They're going
to pick him up.

Task force?

Solomon picked up
the fax.

Bobby, you want to
give us a hand on this?

O.k., Let's go.

O.k., Guys.

Take a ride?

I'll drive.

Third floor.

Apartment 307.

One front entrance.

One rear fire escape
facing the alley.

Can we get
into the back?

Yeah. There's an alley.
You can pull right up.

we go in the front.

Strull, dowdell,
take the roof.

You and sipowicz,
cover the back alley.

Why not
the port authority,

In case he tries
to escape by bus?

All right.
Let's do it.

you in position?

roof's covered.

We're in the rear.

we're going in!


You hear that?

Heads up. Heads up.

We're getting
no answer here.

Somebody coming down
the fire escape.


Hey! Hey! Police!

You want to jump,
or you want a b*llet
in you, huh?

Heads up!

All right!

What's your name?

George putnam.
What's going on here?

Want us to take him in,

Yeah, but take solomon
with you.

Go ahead.

How do you feel, george?

A lot of attention.
I don't know
what's going on.

You don't know?

You come to my building
like it's d‐day,

No one says why.

You get a traffic
ticket yesterday?


Moving violation?
Illegal left‐hand turn?

My driver's license
was stolen...

Several weeks ago.

George, we know
you're a real smart guy.

Maybe you're smarter
than we are.

But we're not morons.

The cop who gave
you the ticket

I.d.d you on
the photo‐array.

And the problem is,
that car you were

A woman was found
dead in that car
an hour later.

I have no idea
what you guys
are talking about.

Let's get on
the same page.

I know nothing
about any woman.

Forget the woman.

Let's agree that
it was you in the car.

Maybe there's
a good explanation

Of what you were
doing there.

It's possible when
a person was taking
a walk yesterday,

He found a car
near the park

With the keys in it.

And, uh...

Were you that person,

It's possible
he just joy‐rode
and got out.

Is that what you did,

I know nothing
about any woman.

But it was you...

In the car.

It's possible.


Let's take a minute.
Come on.


I want to
take it awhile.

O.k. I'll hang back.

I want to interview him
by myself.

We got the guy
in the car!

You did a hell
of a piece of legwork
on this whole case.

Thanks a lot.

But I gotta put this guy
at eight different

So I gotta
establish rapport.

Let's have archie
take him alone.


Hey, bobby.

You gotta understand
something, man.

That guy's the reason
I stayed on this job.

I get the picture.



There's no way
to beat that play.

That prick better not
screw this up.

That is webster.
We got one right guy
in the room.

Stick around.


Hey, andy,
I need to talk to you.

Simone's out
of the interview?

For now.

That stinks.

Sit down.

did you get it?

we got a bad news‐
good news situation.

Don't give me
any hand jobs.

I can get fancy behind
some hummer information,

But my tape malfunctioned
while I was talking to him.

Malfunctioned, how?

I may have failed
to push the button.

I want fancy
on tape buying
into a story

You admit to him
is bogus.

The armored car heist
is real.

I'm talking about
this pachenko

Get fancy
to sign on,

I'll use it
to get him out.

He's a careful n*gg*r,

But I'm confident
you'll come up
with the right details.

What if I have
to involve slivovitz, too?

You get that
fat bastard
in the package,

You'll get
an extra grand.

How'd you get this?

Haverill sent vinnie
wired to me.

I sent him back.

You ought to take it
into the observation room

And shove it up
haverill's ass.

I'll move eventually.

Why not now?

Haverill wants
that armored‐car collar,

Wants to step out from
behind the building

Like j. Edgar hoover
when they shot dillinger.

That's when I'll cut him
off at the knees.

I'd like to see haverill
about 4'6".



I'm going to need
about a half hour

To fill out a five.

I've got
a two‐minute conference.

Then I'll get
ready for andy.


I'm assistant
district attorney costas.

Miles grabiner,
representing mr. Gumble.

Who detective lesniak
avers exposed himself.


I'm sick about this.
It's so humiliating.

I popped him yesterday
on the same offense.

Mr. Gumble's volunteered
to enter therapy
for this.

No good will be
served by putting him
into the system.

Are you sure?

This man feels
enormous remorse.

This is a reputable

In the throes of
enormous emotional

It's a second offense.

He cannot walk
on a d. A. T.

He'll have to plead
to a misdemeanor.

Is that acceptable,

You'll have
a record.

I may deserve a record.
That would be acceptable.

And I'd like to thank
and applaud detective lesniak

For her handling
of this matter.

O.k., Arnie.

This filthy,
depraved behavior

Deserves every

Oh, god.

Oh, god.

Arnie, put that away.

Oh, god!
Look at this!

Get him zipped up

And enrolled in that
program right away.

What is this?

What are you
doing to me?


Oh, god!

[Knock on door]

Hi, andy.


Your dad's going to be
a few minutes late.

Can I get you
something to drink‐‐

A soft drink?

That's o. K.


Oh, you have fish, too?

Well, actually,
those are your dad's.

Oh, yeah?


He's got
some new ones.

Yeah. He does.

I'm sorry‐‐

Hi, andy.

I'm sorry I'm late.

No problem.
I was just looking
at your fish t*nk.

Yeah. I got it here.

I'm going to check
the leg of lamb.

So, how you been?

O.k. Good. Come on.
Sit down.

This place is nice.

Your old place
was kind of gloomy.

Yeah. That's, uh...

This is much better.

Uh...you want
some peanuts?

What happened
to your hair,

You lose a bet?

I'm just warming up
to a new look. I...

Just took
an induction physical

And my written test
for the air force.

The air force?


I scored...o. K.

I surprised myself.

It's almost ready.

Uh, thanks.

Andy was just
telling me

He's joining
the air force.

He noticed my hair and...

they catch everything.

You're going
to be a pilot?

No. I'd have to be
an officer for that.

That takes college.

But I'll definitely
learn a trade.

So what do you think?

I think
it's a good idea.

You're not mad that
we didn't talk about it?

We don't have
a big tradition

Of talking things over.

So, when do you report?

In two weeks.

Two weeks.

That roast
smells good.

I'll put it
on the table.


What's up?

Thought you
might be done

Sooner than
you thought.

Like I said
when I called,

come up here.

We'll do dinner
another night.

Something to do
with webster?

It may turn out
to be related,
it may not.

Do you have a suspect?
Are you running
an interview?

There's somebody else
talking to him.

Archie solomon.

I've always liked you.

I'd just as soon not feel
like you're working me.

If you think
all I'm doing here
is working a story,

You're not
as good a detective
as everyone says.

Arnold rudman?

Give him a break, benita.

Mr. Rudman...

I'm very sorry
for your loss.

Rain check
on the dinner, huh?

Rain check on the dinner.

How's it going,
mr. Rudman?

Are there
any developments?

We're talking to someone.

Maybe we'll have something
to tell you tomorrow.

I don't know
what to do with myself.

I know.

There's nothing
I can do for her.

all you can do is wait.

He sure had
a good appetite.

Cleaned his plate
and had two desserts.

I think it went o. K.,

Letting him know
we're together
and everything.

It went fine.

You must be
very proud of him,

Going into the service.

He'll be away.

That's the only
down side of it.

You don't know
where he'll be stationed.

We get along
all right now,

You know,
but the things
you didn't do,

That's gone.

The time to be
a father is when
they're little.

If he didn't still
need his dad's approval,

He wouldn't have
come here tonight.

Ah, there's so many
things I wanted
to say to him.

Didn't feel
I had the right
to tell him...

Maybe it's dan dying,

But I keep thinking
of all the chances lost.

Ask me again, andy.

What do you mean?

Ask me again.

Will you marry me,


I will.
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