02x11 - Vishy-Vashy-Vinny

Episode transcripts for the TV show "NYPD Blue". Aired: September 21, 1993 – March 1, 2005.*
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Ensemble cast revolving around New York's 15th Precinct.
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02x11 - Vishy-Vashy-Vinny

Post by bunniefuu »

How's it going?

So...what happened?

I wear those other
guys out?

I think you did.

Or are they out searching
my apartment?

You don't let very much
get by you, do you?

[Unlocks cage]

Those lava lamps I have
are very valuable.

If they get broken,
you guys owe me.

Fair enough.


What's your routine?

Me? I don't
really have one.

I just want to
get it done with.

You do, too, right?

Yeah, I do.

Right now
all we got you on

Is taking that
dead girl's car.

I admit I was
driving the car.

I made
a big mistake.

It was even illegal,

But I don't
deserve this.

Thing is, uh,

Well, whoever did
these killings,

He has us going
from nothing.

So I'm here because you
can't do a better job.

I'd like to argue that,

But until we find
something else,
you're all we got.

This is a nightmare.

Anyone you want me
to talk to?


You mean someone
who cares about me?

Well, maybe like
family or something.


No family.

This room's as hot as
my place in the summer.

Hmm. I'll see if I
can get the heat
turned down.

Can I ask you

That might seem
out of left field?


You admit
you were in that car

When you were
joyriding around?

Turns out his last
victim was stashed
in the trunk.

You say she was.

She was
in the trunk.

We found her there
after you abandoned
the car.

See where I'm going
with this?

You were in a car
this guy must've
been in just before.

The guy we're
calling webster,
the dictionary k*ller.

You must've
found that car
with the keys in it

Just after this guy
had gotten out.

That could be possible.

You, uh, got
any kind of vibe

What this guy
might've been like?

'Cause people are
saying he must be

Some kind
of crazy person.

You know,
jeffrey dahmer,
john wayne gacy,

One of these nuts.

Whoever did this...

Was not crazy.

I mean, I wouldn't
think so either.

Nah. Not after he's
had us chasing our tails

The past five years.

[Door opens]

can I talk to you?


What were you doing
in there?

You're out on the warrant,
I'm talking to the guy.

And I was making progress.

I'm done with this crap.

can I see you?

Too bad you don't work a case
like you play the bosses.


No. I come back,
simone's in with him.

Do I gotta nail
the interview room door closed

Whenever I go to
the can?

Simone caught
this homicide.

I'm lead investigator
on a task force.

I'm working
an interview sequence.

Interference screws me up.

This hydrant‐pissing
stops right now.

caught the case,

Solomon has
the investigation.

Solomon runs
the interview.

Thank you!

Six known homicides.
Five years.

You don't have to
tell me, inspector.

I want a statement
from this prick,

Yes, sir.

He's losing the guy.

You gotta let it
play out.

The guy wants to strut,

And all that assh*le does
is butt heads.

Let it play out, bobby.

[No audible dialogue]

The heist goes tomorrow
as item number one.

When everyone's here,

No, no. I also wanna be
seen conversing with you

When captain haverill
gets in.

What are you doing?

Lieu, haverill
wants you on tape

Telling me to lie about
the armored‐car job,

To say the brighton beach
hoods are in on it.

He wants me asking you
for money

And you telling me
you can get it.

You want him to think
you're making a tape now?


Well, he just walked in.

O.k. You're signing on
to the story,

Telling me to float
the bogus russkies.

I'm asking you for money,
you give me a nod.

Lieu, come on‐‐
nod. Nod.

[Door opens]

Am I interrupting anything?

No. No, not really.

I'll get sipowicz.

How's it going,


Something going on
with this armored‐car job?

Oh, yeah.
They want to do it.

They called you?

They want us to deliver
the w*apon.

Contact major perkins
at the national guard
armory on lexington.

We got the dummy a*mo?

We've requested it.
Double‐check when
they deliver.

We'll bring a tire iron,

Have the commander give
the a*mo a couple whacks.

Let's go, vinnie.

I'll see you guys later.

Any sense the hoods
on this job are hooked up?

Hooked up how?

Like working for
an organization.

Vinnie's floating
some stories.

He's talking about,

The brighton beach

You buy it?

I don't know yet.

You'll tell me
when you decide?

Definitely. Yeah.

Detective lesniak,
miss galvin's here to see you.

Thanks, donna.


Detective lesniak, hi.


Come on in.
My desk's over here.

You're younger
than I pictured you
from the phone.

Did you bring the note
with you?




So, tell me
about the fire.

Last night I was
watching the late news,

And I smelled smoke.

I thought maybe it was
from my kitchen.

But then there was
smoke coming in
under my front door.

What was actually burning?

There was a little
pile of papers.
A rag was on fire.

I smelled lighter
fluid on my door.

A neighbor helped me
put it out,

When I went back

This envelope
was on the floor
with a note.

"Leave $500
in a paper bag

"On the steps
of 809 green street

At 12:15 p. M."

Do you have any idea
who's doing this?

I tried to think.

I try to be
a nice person.

I'm not
having problems
with anybody.

Do you think
this is webster?

This really isn't
webster's m. O.


I'm very scared.

I understand.

I'm not going home.

I'm staying
with my sister.

If you want,
that's fine.

I don't think
you should be afraid.

We know when and where
he expects the money.

We'll be there
to grab him.

you don't grab him.

He'll come after me
for sure.

If he comes for the money,
we'll get him.




Look at that, huh?

Our tax dollars
going to work.

come here a minute.

This thing with
haverill and fancy...

Yeah, I sense a tension
between 'em.

I know about the tape‐‐

Haverill trying
to screw the lieutenant.

That type of situation,

Some people might consider
working both ends,

Multiply earning

Tell me you're not
putting your hand out.

I'm telling you if fancy
comes up short,

I'll break all the bones
in your hands and feet.

That kind of

Out of proportion.

Like your hands
and feet'll be.

I give you my word.

The lieutenant's
absolutely fine
on this.

Detective, this is
your hand‐receipt,

Transferring custody of
one mk‐19 grenade launcher

To the new york city
police department.

Get those dummy rounds?

They're real rounds.
They've just been
rendered inert.

Could anybody
spot that?

Visually, weight‐wise‐‐
they're a perfect match.

I also need you to sign
this general liability

You mind my asking
what your plans are
for the w*apon?

Every year we like
to rattle their cage
at the aclu.

This year we're
gonna let them think
we're gonna incinerate 'em.

Liability waiver
should cover that.

Let us know
when you want us
to pick it back up.

This aclu

You gonna do it
before or after
the armored car?

done with your
pizza, webster?

You keep calling me

Which is the papers'

For the dictionary

Who we both know
is you.

My name is george putnam.

Where were you
on august 17, 1989?

I told you,
I don't know.

I don't remember.

where you were.

If you say so.

August 17, 1989,

A 16‐year‐old girl
named heidi ellison

Was shot

her left eye.

Boyfriend gets it
back of the head.

I don't know what
you're talking about.

Stop lying!

We checked your social
security number.

You were working
three blocks away.

How about
october 3, 1989?
Where you were then?

How am I supposed
to know?

Where were you?

Where was i?

I was investigating

double homicide!

And guess what‐‐
you had a car

at an address

Two blocks away!

How's mr. Smarter‐than‐
the‐cops feel now?

Not so smart.

Well, you know what
you should feel like?

You should feel like
a scumbag

Who's going to prison

For the rest
of his life.

I don't know anything
about any killings.

I don't know about
any letters.

The only thing I know
about webster

Is he's that little
black kid on tv.

You little prick.

I've waited five years...

So you better
start talking.

You want to arrest me

For joyriding
that girl's car,

Go ahead.

You got nothing else.

You k*lled
these people,

And I'm here

As long as it takes
for you
to admit it.

You got nothing else
on me.

Greg, take a ride
with me?

Yeah. Where?

Screw solomon.

I'm gonna take a look
at this guy's place.


Solomon should open
a funeral parlor.

do you have a minute?


Uh, I'll meet you outside.

Yeah. How you doing,


I spell your name
right this morning?

You got it right.

Solomon's been in
and out of here twice.

I thought you were
locked upstairs.

They got me
locked out.

Do you want
to talk about it?

I gotta go.

Could I cash
that rain check
tonight on dinner?

Could be.

I'll be in touch.

I'm not going anywhere.

Hey. How's it going?

You guys gonna
take a look, too?

Yeah. Bosses want
another toss.

Door's open.

So aiello wants
a second toss?

Yeah. I think
he'd want us to.


You guys need any help,
just shout.


Greg, I need
to take a look around.

I'd rather not have
that cop come in.

You got something
in mind?

Yeah. There's something
I want to look at.

Let me go talk
to this guy.

I hated fixed posts

When I was
in the bag.

Amen to that.

Sitting around
eight hours,

Breathing stale air.

You got problems
with your sinuses?

Maybe they're
clogging up a little.

Places like this,
there's, uh‐‐

There's molds
you can't even see,

Little spores,
you know,

That‐‐that‐‐that get
in your lungs.



You guys,
come in here!

Come on.

Make an entry
in your log book.

I recovered this
from this guy's
air conditioner.

Zip g*n, huh?

Made to fire .22 caliber,

caliber of choice.

This guy in the interview
kept talking

About how hot
this place was.

I knew when andy and I
were downstairs,

I looked up and saw
the air conditioner.

So that's where
he stashed the piece.


That's why
the air conditioner
wasn't working.

He pulled the guts out.

Good going, bobby.

Appreciate it.

Yeah. No problem.

All set?

Yeah. I got it.

Friend of mine's
trying to get me

Into this iron man

Here's a refill.

He swims, trail‐bikes
40, 50 miles
every weekend.

He's got legs
like pistons.

I sent away for one
of those treadmills.

It's been under my bed
four months.


That moke's
checking out the bag.

This girl
had no description
of the guy?

She didn't see him.

Portable one to van.

Keep your eye on the guy
with the backpack.

We got him. 10‐4.

Here we go.

All right.
Let's take him down.

Police. Hold it.

Police. Hey.

Don't hurt me!
Please! Don't hurt me!

No one's
gonna hurt you.

Why am I
being arrested?

We'll talk about it
at the stationhouse.

Any particular reason
I'm being arrested?

If there is,
I'd really like‐‐


Detective simone found this
hidden in putnam's apartment

During a follow‐up search.

Found it where?

Hidden in
the air conditioner.

Does it match
on ballistics?

90% Likelihood.
This kind of w*apon

Doesn't put grooves
on the slugs once fired.

All the webster slugs
were unmarked.

Finding it
in putnam's apartment

Links him to webster
homicides five years back

And the sh**ting
near battery park
last august 17th.

Let's get back to this
follow‐up search.

Simone should put the g*n
back so you can find it?

Simone's earned his shot
at interviewing this guy.

I'm working a sequence
with him.

I think he deserves it.

Maybe try
a change of pace.

I want to be
in the room.

You have a problem
with that?

My interview.


Nope. No problem.

All right.

Thanks, lieu.

How's your guy
in the room?

Better than your guy.

Give me a minute,
all right?

How you gonna
work the guy?

I got some ideas.

I'll be with you
in a minute.

You don't want me in.

Wait until I'm there.

What's going on?

I found a piece
at this guy's crib,

So they put me
in the interview.

the armored‐car job?

The clock
should be running.

They asked
for the g*n.

Greco had to
make a stop.

Heads up with
that guy, andy.

Oh, yeah.


Detective sipowicz.

Uh...how's it going,
mr. Marks?

I'm just out
of the hospital.

Just wanted you to know
I'm in constant pain.

They took out
that b*llet?

From the right buttock, yes,
on your recommendation.

That b*llet really helped
our investigation, mr. Marks.

Oh, good. Swell.

So I won't be walking

Like a crab
for three months

Just so you have
a good laugh.

Excuse me.

Slivovitz, pronto.

Uh, ahem, listen,

I used this
after my procedure.

Might give you
some relief.

Let's go, vinnie.

I was just curious.
That's not a crime.

You weren't waiting
to pick up the bag?

No. I wanted to see
what was in it.

You didn't know
it was money?

What did you
think it was,
a pastrami sandwich

On dried‐up bread
with a pickle?

No. I was just curious.

You know maria galvin?

You think
this is funny, huh?

When we
bring her here,
will she know you?

She might.

Why? From where?

I've seen her at work.

I don't speak to her.

Why's that?

We haven't had occasion.

So maybe you tried
to burn her door down.

You left her
a threatening note

To open up
a conversation.

Did you ever
have problems

With a coworker
before, alvin?

Not that I recall.

Where'd you work
before this?

Several places.

Write them down.

All I did
was pick up a bag.

You can't prove
I did anything else.

You guys, get over here.

Get this thing
out of the van.

Hoo. Ha. Got the money?

Up your ass, vinnie.

Hey, come over here
and give me a hand.

Maybe you don't need
what I got.

What's with
the other a*tillery?

Here's the money
we agreed on.

You pick the w*apon up
here after 5:00 tonight.

We talk about more money
if it's discharged?

Anything happens
other than this
waiting for you,

Then the situation's
gone wrong.

Then I want
an extra thousand.

Cover my ass money.

Hey, screw you.

You're worried,
you buy g*n insurance.

Whoa, whoa, whoa.
That's unnecessary.

We got an
understanding here.

Where we going
with that?

Put it up, alex.

Just by the nature
of how things are,

have to live with
the deal we got.

Look, things go right,
we pick up the g*n.

They don't go right,
that's nobody's fault.

You see what I'm saying?

It's my ass on a stove
if this doesn't get back.

Maybe we say
we bring it back,

Safe and sound,

And we leave
an extra thousand.

And if not, not.

Can you live with that?

There's a mutual
benefit there.

They succeed,
we succeed.


Yeah. Come on.
Let's get out of here.

What's the matter
with him?

Come on. Get
this thing loaded.

Let's go.
Get to the van

And get this
out of here.

Come on.

Open the gate.
Let's go. Come on.

That second w*apon,

That's gonna make life
more complicated.

Shut up, vinnie, huh?

Hey, george.

He let you back in?

Yeah. I'm back.

I'd like a coke.

Who's gonna get it?

Nobody's gonna get anything
for you to drink here.

'Cause I've got
like so much

I want to know from you,

And I'm really eager
to get to it.

I could
help you more
if I had a coke.

Let's forget
about the coke for now.

I guess you're the boss.

I was talking to george

His sense of what
this guy might be like.

Like I'm some expert
on webster.

George, you sat
where the guy sat.

Just after
he was in the car,
you were in the car.

Maybe you should be talking
to some kind of a psychic.

Here's where
we're hung up.

Five years back,
there's a series
of homicides.

The perp cuts words
out of webster's

And leaves them
in notes
at the scene.

Two days ago,
the same kind of notes

On two bodies.

One of the notes
claims another d.o.a.
Last august 17th.

Here's the big

The guy is not
sh**ting now.

See, these are all

Although the d.o.a.
Last august 17th,

There actually
was a sh**ting.

I never read
about the sh**ting.

We just put that
together now.

I'm giving you
no one else has.

The woman
who was strangled,

She was actually
with a guy

When webster

The guy ran,
and webster shot him
in the rear.

What a coward...

The guy who ran.

He was scared
of webster.

Webster's got
this whole town

We're looking
at the august 17th

As a big change
for this guy.

In the sense of
the strangulation.

Why the change
in his m. O.?


Why did he stop sh**ting?

Did the woman
provoke him some way?

What made him
put his hands on her?


I won't be able
to help you with that.

I'm just hearing
about all this
for the first time.

You want to take
a minute,

You know,
think about it
a little?


How about that soda?

You think
I could get that now?

Move on this twitch.
Tell him we've got
the g*n.

I'll tell him...
When he's ready.

We ought
to kick his ass.

No. We ought
to get him a coke.

You lay one hand
on this guy,

The ass that's kicked
is yours.

Where'd they get
the machine g*n?

I don't think
it was him.

If they realize
the m. K. Is dummied up,
they'll go to the backup.

What's the likelihood
they'll fire the m. K.?

Our people
will be driving
that armored car.

I don't want them exposed
to machine‐g*n fire.

We pull the plug,
all we can do
is notify a. T. F.

To collar them
on the g*ns.

They won't get time.

Their backup's
mounted in a van.

We can use a sandbag truck
to block its field of fire.


That kind of thinking's
what makes this
a great nation.

The rest of your
setup's o. K.?

The bank's on 13th
between 2nd and 3rd.

The construction workers
down the block

Cash their checks
after work.

The money's delivered
at 3:45.

Martinez and medavoy
will be driving
the armored car.

Unmarked vehicles
are on the street
for blocking.

Uniformed units
are ready.

I'll be there
with e. S. U.

Good luck.

Yeah, thanks a lot.

I don't want
to cramp your style,

So I'll stay
a couple of blocks away.

See how it goes?

this matter initiated
on your say‐so.

If it comes out wrong,
you're in the crap

Don't look to me
for a plastic rain cape.

Let's get greg
and james up to speed.

I'll reconfirm
with e. S. U.

a moment.

You see a role for me
on this end
of the operation?

No role.

Haverill trying
to jam you,

I played it out
as long as I can.

Hang on.

All right.

This is good quality.

Wait till you hear
the tape I got.

That's me.

I now present you

With lieutenant
arthur fancy

Tightening his own necktie

And throwing the rope
over the shower rack.

I'm only acting.

Listen to this.
Dong, dong.

What the hell's "dong"?

You'll get it.

what's that?

this is my chinese tape.

Nicky wong owes me 50,

So he's been teaching me

Where's the right tape?

He gets red
when he gets mad.

I'm retracking
my movements.

Oh, my god!
I taped over it.

Move on this fast.
I'm running out
of excuses.

Yeah, I'm moving soon.

Good luck with this.

O.k., Guys, let's go.

I called the places
you worked before, alvin.

I spoke
to the personnel people.

So what?
I've never been fired.

You left
when they asked
about threatening notes

They found in a female
employee's desk.

I didn't write them.

Why did you quit?

I didn't like
being falsely accused.

They kept copies
of the notes.

They're sending them

If the handwriting
matches the note

From maria galvin's

You have
some real problems‐‐

Extortion, arson.

Why would I want money?
I made good wages.

You picked up the bag,

And you have a history
of these things.

You should be thinking
about getting straight
with me.

We could
work something out?

I can't say that
until I know
what happened.

I didn't want her money.

I would have given
that back.

I just wanted her to know
I'm someone she could
rely on.


If she felt threatened,
she would need somebody,

And I'd protect her.

Protect her from what?

'Cause webster's out there.

Maybe I'd have done better
if I'd just sent her
some candy.

passing the intersection
of 8th and 2nd avenue.

10‐4. Stand by.
They're coming around
the corner.

Wait for my signal.

Vendor in position.

Hey! Open it,
or I'll blow it open!

All right.

Give up the money now!

Keep your hands
in sight!

Andy, go.

Vendor, go.

[Masked man]
let's go!

I'll sh**t somebody!

Move now!

blocking vehicle, go.

Keep your hands where
I can see them,
or I'll sh**t.

Get out! Get out!

Get on the ground!
Get on the ground!

Don't move! Hands up!
Hands in front of you.

Check out that van.

My ears!


Van clear.

Got a g*n!

Got a g*n here.

Come on!

Let's go!
Come on!

Where are the others?

Get down!

Get him down!
Get him down!

White van's clear.

Let's get everybody
back into the house.

Greg, take care
of vouchering
all these weapons.

Andy, make sure
this army w*apon gets back.

All right!
Great job, men!

Captain, got anything
you want to say
to these guys?

Fine job, men.
Fine job.

Yeah, fine job.

You all right, andy?

let's go.

The interview rooms
are full,

So take them
to the cells

You should have seen
their faces

After those
concussion grenades
went off.

I was across the street.
My ears are still ringing.

We're getting calls
from the media.

What should I say?

I'm already on that.

I'm holding
a news conference

Maybe we should talk
in my office first.

I think I know
the details.

I don't think so.

Close the door.

What, are you
going to tape
this conversation?

Listen to this.

I want fancy on tape

Buying into a story
you admit to him
is bogus.

I'm talking
about pachenko.

Get fancy to sign on.
I'll use it
to get him out.

if that's what you want.

He's a careful n*gg*r,

But I'm confident
you'll come up
with something.

You dirty
son of a bitch.

There's an easy way.
There's a hard way.

That tape's
either a preamble

To your retirement speech

Or it's my attorney's
opening argument
at your civil trial.

I'll take retirement.

I got no love
for what this job's
turned into.


Is it me...
Or everybody black?

I got several
colored friends.

I don't like
your attitude.

Too much self‐respect?

Yeah, maybe that's it.

Better get
to your press conference.

Where'd you get this,
the bottling plant?

Wanted to give you
some time to think.

I've been here
a long time.
I want this over.

Shouldn't be much longer.


Can we get that
help now, george?

I would think
he plans everything
very precisely.


I would think
the man chooses victims

He is not connected to...

Places where the victims
aren't expecting it,

Where they'll be

He's walked
his escape route...

And he's fully prepared
to delay action

Any time he encounters
unforeseen circumstances.

He must've really
been pissed off

Last august
in battery park
when that guy ran.

Yeah. Probably.

What's he trying
to accomplish?

Well, he kills couples

Maybe he has some kind
of special sixth sense,

Tells him when
a man's going to be
dominated by a woman.

He wants
to prevent that?

Wouldn't you prevent that
if you could?

Do you know anyone
who wouldn't prefer

A quick, painless death

To years and years
of t*rture?

I don't know. That
doesn't work for me.

Why not?

Why does he k*ll
the woman?

The woman's
the whole problem here.

She's the only one
that really deserves
to die.

I mean...

In his mind.

We got to talk
about a g*n, george.

What do you mean?

We found a g*n
in your apartment
where you said to look.

I said to look?

I think we're in touch
on this here, george.

You wanted me
to find that g*n.

That's why you mentioned
the heat last summer.

You knew I'd look
at your air conditioner,

Wonder why
it wasn't working.

You knew I'd find
that g*n there.


Yeah, I did say
it was‐‐was hot.

But I don't see
the connection,
my having a g*n.

It's a match.
We matched it to
the webster sh**t,

Just like you knew
we would.

We got you, george.

You let yourself
get caught.

Now, help me understand.
Otherwise, this turns
into a freak show,

And webster is
just another weirdo.

And I don't want that.



Wouldn't be fair.

Think about it.

He really is
saving people.

Why did he come back
to a different area
of the city?

The nexus of men...

That needed his help...


One place was in need,
and then another.

He goes where he's needed.

had he disappeared
those five years?

Broward county, florida,
would be my guess.

Was he active there?

I wouldn't be surprised
if he did some

But these were
sh**t, right?


Why did he start
strangling in august?

Have you ever seen
anyone strangled?

I would guess
it's much more gruesome
than being shot.

You die...

Looking your k*ller
in the eyes.

That woman
who got strangled...

What did she do
to webster?

She kicked him
in the testicles.

You gonna write this
up for us, george?

Hey, adrianne.


Congratulations on
the armored car collars.

All I did was wear
an itchy uniform.

I liked the earlier
part of the day

Working with you
on that arson case.

So where do you stand
on that guy?

He admitted
sending the note.

He's waffling
on starting the fire.

Complainant can't
testify on that part.

No. If he don't go
for the arson,
he may not do time.

I get a bad feeling
off this guy.

Think he might go
the next step?
Get violent?

Yeah. I think he could.

I think he's trouble
waiting to happen.

So, uh, you don't
mind me saying,
i, uh...

I enjoy working
with you.

No. I enjoy working
with you, too.

James, they want us
downstairs for
the press conference.



My picture's
in the paper,

It's a big thing
for my folks.

Stand next to haverill.

You gonna be o.k.
In there with that guy?


Hey, lieu.


Big doings
going on outside.

there's about to be
a press conference.

You came down
on those skeeves

Like a rat trap, huh?

decided to retire.

Well, you don't say.

Yeah. I got
your check here.

I got some destinations
for this money.

Sign it.
I'll give you cash.

Department check's
never any trouble.

Sign it.

In this neighborhood,
I'd prefer

Not to carry
this much currency.

I'm not giving you
the chance to work
with the check,

Meaning no extra zeroes.
Now, sign it.

Lieu, that would be very
short‐term thinking.

Well, you are
a day‐to‐day guy,

I'm taking
a longer view now.
I'm the new and improved

Vincent a. Greco.

I got my eye
on a development

Something in
the planning stages.

These a‐holes have been
led to believe

There's some dope
in this warehouse.

Tell me when you get
a little more.

Hey. Lieu...

You be good
to yourself, huh?

Yeah. You, too, vinnie.

Count to 5,
then walk out.




So I won't be
staying here now?

No, they're moving you
to rikers.

Hmm. That's too bad.

Why? You'll like it
there. It's got
a better view.

I know. I heard
webster's here.

I was hoping to
get to meet him.

There's lieutenant
fancy now. Let's
get this going.

Is there a development
in the webster case?

No. This is exclusively
regarding the arrests

In the attempted
armored car hijacks.

Needless to say,

I, uh,
I'm extremely proud

Of the effective,
uh, execution
of this operation

By the detectives
of the 15th squad,

Commanded by
lieutenant fancy

And under
my supervision.

I'll get back to you.

I am especially,
uh, pleased
to be instrumental

With this operation,
in that, uh...

Recently I have
decided to...

Take my retirement
from active duty.

Take questions.

Some of the detectives
and uniform patrol

Who were involved
in this operation are
standing beside me.

I single out
for particular mention

Detectives sipowicz,
medavoy, and martinez.

It was because of their
courage and dedication

That this operation
went so well.

I'm also very pleased
that there were
no casualties.

Um, questions.


If I were you,
I'd tell my editor

To save some space
on that metro page

For late‐breaking

Any ideas
what that would be?

Off the record?
be surprised

If there's a break
on webster.


Wouldn't surprise me.

If I started the story,

Could I get confirmation
in a couple of hours?

Yeah. We'll call you.

Thanks, bobby.


Greg, james,
good going.

What's doin'
with your guy?

He went.

All right!

He went, lieu.

Way to go, bobby.

I'll let rudman know
we got this guy.

How'd solomon do?
He was in there.

Yeah? What was he doin',
holdin' your coat?


Hey. How's he doing?

Writing away.

Did you tell
the bosses?


Just fancy.

I'm 48 years old.

That right?

Is there gonna be
room for me...

How it went down?

There's gonna be
more room for you
than you made for me.

I appreciate it.


[Television plays]

[Knock on door]


It's benita.



Come on in.

Did I wake you?

No. I'm sitting...

Thinking about the case...
Trying to watch a movie.

Hot off the press.

Your story
on webster, huh?

Front page,
metro section,
above the fold.

Take your coat off.

Oh. Thanks.

Can i, uh,
get you a soda,

A beer, or
something like‐‐

No, thanks.

I can make you
a sandwich.


That does it
for the refreshments.

You have a great place.

Did you just move in?

I've been here
about six months.

You moved in here
after your wife died.


I, uh...

I really haven't gotten
around to unpacking yet.

Bobby, do you
want me to go?




It's just that
I'm a little scared,
is all.

Don't be scared.
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