02x14 - A m*rder with Teeth in It

Episode transcripts for the TV show "NYPD Blue". Aired: September 21, 1993 – March 1, 2005.*
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Ensemble cast revolving around New York's 15th Precinct.
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02x14 - A m*rder with Teeth in It

Post by bunniefuu »


Hey. What've we got?

Pimp stabbed to death.

Got witnesses?

No. Hotel clerk
found him, called 911.

Yeah, we got somebody
looking for the clerk.

Greg and I will
start the canvass.


Body's still warm.

Ooh, man. Looks
like he got stabbed
with a shovel.

Somebody call
the m. E.?

He's on his way.

All right.

This is the clerk‐‐
larry sinks.

You got a cold?

Yeah. I feel like
my head's a blimp.

I'll go help
him canvass.

What can you tell us
about the victim?

His name's ricky martin.
He lived in 212.

This is 242.

I'm the hotel clerk,
not the social director.

I don't know or care
what these people do.

Well, we're not
exactly bubbling over

With curiosity either,
larry, but the fact is,

One of your skell guests
just got k*lled.

That gets our attention.
Want to be a little
more cooperative?

He lived in 12,
ran his whore out of 42.

That's all I know.

pissed off with him
that you know about?

No. I don't know.

What was
his whore's name?

Rose. She lived
with him in 12
with her little kid.

She know about this?

I don't know.
I guess so.

Where's rose?

I don't know.
You don't know.

You need this job,

we'll put some cops
outside this dump,

Hassles everybody
comes in and out.

Your boss
wants to know why
he's going broke,

We'll tell him
it's 'cause you were
a pain in the ass.

I think she strolls
over on 10th.

We need to know
what she looks like.

She's a black whore,
about 5'6",
maybe 35, 40.

I wouldn't know
what else to tell you.

Look, let us into 12.

Maybe we can find
her picture in there.

I used to figure
I'd wind up dead

In one
of these joints,

And you'd
be the prick
who'd find me.

No offense...you
look like the type.

[No audible dialogue]

When you telling me
what this is all about?

We're going to sit down
and have a little chat.

Run this
for the lieutenant?

Yeah, I'll check in
with the m.e.

Down here, rose.


How'd you get
that eye?

A trick.

What was that about?

Just being mean.

Have a seat.

All right, rose.

We're going to
need your help
about ricky.

All I know is
that he's dead.

How'd you find out?

Larry came and said
ricky was dead in 42.

You were in the room
you and ricky lived in.

12. Yeah.

You tricked in 42,

It's way down the hall.
That's all I know.

The clerk
mentioned your kid.
Where's he at now?

Day care.

Should we call
child welfare?

I'm a good mother.

Help us,
or child welfare
decides on that.

I didn't see
how ricky died.

Your pimp dead
in a room you trick in,

And you don't know
what happened?

When were you last
in 42 before ricky
got k*lled?

No, listen. I was
in there with a trick,

And the trick hit me.

I went and got ricky.
That's all I know.

I was in the other room.

What do you know
about the trick?



White guy.


A belly
about like yours.

Why'd he hit you?

I told you...
Just being mean.

You're stiffing us.
Child welfare
will take your kid.

No way they'll
let him grow up
in that hotel.

You better
help yourself here.

This white guy started
slapping me around...

Asking me where
could he find silky‐‐
this other pimp...

And latanya, which is
this 'ho that strolls
for silky.

Why was he
asking you?

'Cause he couldn't
find them. And he said

They ran this game
on him the day before.

He lost his wallet
and his lower teeth.
He was pissed off.

He breaks bad with me.
I got ricky.

And you didn't go back
to the room?

No. And then here comes
that creep larry
about half an hour later,

Saying ricky
was dead in 42.

Where are we going
to find silky, rose?

The silver dollar...
Or kerner's.

Kerner's on 4th?


Sit tight.

I got to stay here?

I don't want to lose
my boy.

Hi, kiddo.

Hi, harold.

You look beautiful.
You look great.

You look good, too.

Thanks for meeting me.
I hope I didn't botch

With the guy
answering the phone.

No. Gregory knew
I was coming
to see you.

So how long's that
been going on?

A little while, harold.
Tell me about yourself.

Oh, in terms of playing,

I was with moncton
until a couple
of weeks ago,

Up in new brunswick.

I know. I'd seen
the hockey news.

Did you keep track?

You know,
with the strike,

The ahl got
pretty big coverage.

Yeah. So, but, uh...

They released me
a couple weeks ago.

I got some feelers
from ihl, senior as...

But I decided...

It's probably time.

You had a good career,

I did all right.

So what are your plans?

My two best seasons
were with the rangers,

So I think
here's my best chance
to capitalize.

I saved a few dollars.

I'm looking
at a couple bar

One over here on 14th.

I hope things
work out for you.

Judy and I split up.

I'm sorry.

Hey, it wasn't
the world's
happiest marriage.

I guess you know that.

So I guess it's serious
with this gregory.

Yeah, it is.

I guess I was hoping
that, uh...

With the decks cleared
with me and judy,

you'd be interested
in seeing me again.

I don't think so.

Now your decks
aren't cleared.

Well, I hope we can
be friends anyway.

Of course.


I always thought

What we had...

Was pretty special.

I have to get to work.

So you won't mind
if I keep in touch?

No. Send me
an opening notice

If, uh, you get
involved with that bar.


It was good to see you.

Like to order?

I won't be having


How was breakfast?


Your friend o. K.?

He's retiring
from hockey.

Oh, yeah?

What's he doing
back in new york?

Looking for
career opportunities.

He might relocate here.

Him and his wife,

He and his wife split up.

So, maybe he's looking for
other opportunities, too.

If harold had plans
toward me,

He doesn't anymore.

And did you tell him
about us?

Of course.

So, you just
had breakfast with him?


I just had coffee.

Because, um,

I think there's still
something there.

That's the sense
I have‐‐on his part.

So, uh,
what's he going to do,

Open a bar?

He's thinking about it.

One of those places

With his
old sports photos
blown up on the wall?

Yeah, probably.

Be a lot of stuff
with him on the bench.

Anyways, uh,

You saw him and, uh,

You let him know
the situation.

Lieutenant fancy's
staring at us.

We should get to work.


I have to call
the m.e.

Listen, we got a homicide
to solve, silky.

You run women,
you murphy a guy.

We're not looking
to jam you.

I can't help you
with the homicide.

You don't know
who this dead ricky is?

I know.

He does what you do.

Not anymore.

Crack wise with us.
Good idea.

I'm saying
I heard he was dead.

I know who the guy was.

I don't know anything else.

Ricky ran a woman
named rose.

Yeah, I know rose.

Rose says a trick
came looking for you.

When he couldn't find you,
he kicked her ass.

I don't know who.

We got it figured.

Rose went to get ricky

To protect her
from this trick.

That's how
ricky got dead.

All we want is
a line on the trick.

I want to help you.

I got nothing to give you.

take a beating.

Then I'll take a beating.
I don't know nothing.

Why would rose put you
in the middle of this?

Looking to give you guys

Being pissed off because
she wanted to stroll for me.

And her stuff is too tired.

wanted to leave ricky,

And she wanted you
to be her pimp?

We had a few conversations.

Could she have k*lled

How'd he die?

Looks like stabbing.

Whew, man.

I guess anything's possible.

O.k., But make sure
you confirm that.

You think silky's
opened his heart to us?

Oh, yeah.

Guys, the m. E.'S office
just called.

They x‐rayed that d.o.a.
At the autopsy.

Turns out there's a b*llet
inside him.

It severed his aorta.

Now the m.e.
Thinks the s*ab wounds
were made postmortem,

Trying to recover
the b*llet.

What about the b*llet?

It's being couriered
to ballistics.

M.e. Says it looks like

A standard .38 nyclad
semi wad‐cutter.

We got anything
on that pimp m*rder?

we're doing great.

Looks like the sh**t
could be a cop.

We need the trick
you murphied, silky.

I run women.
I don't need to run
no murphy game.

Say you don't murphy a guy
for money.

Say some guy messed
with one of your girls.

Next time,
she puts some potion
in his beverage.

You take the guy off,
you steal his teeth‐‐

I'm not winding up
in the middle of this‐‐

There you go
thinking again.

You don't want to know
on this guy.

Don't read my mind
for me!

He's a cop.

What's his name?

Uh, mccabe... Jerry.

That's the name
he gave you?

It's the name
on his license.

Which you ripped off.

There's no way
I look to hurt a cop.

The guy comes in
the club I'm in.

I recognize him
from uptown.

I got locked up once
in the 8th precinct.

The guy's looking
for a date.

I'm looking to give him rhythm
behind his job.

I give him 50
to give to the girl,

Which I know she'll
give back to me.

All I'm doing
is moving money around.

Guy goes upstairs,

Keeps 30
of what I gave him,

Gives 20 to the girl,

Tells her that's what
I told him to pay her.

He rips me off,
rips her off from sex,

And gets her pissed off
at me.

Comes back later.
Here we go again.

I say, "please give
this 50 to the girl."

He goes up.
He gives her the 50.

But she's still pissed
from the last time.

She slips him a mickey‐‐
boom‐‐he passes out.

She comes and finds me.

Then you go and steal
his teeth.

I never did that.

She took his wallet,

And I took it back
while he was passed out.

If there was money missing,
she must have took it.

I don't know nothing about
his teeth.

He probably lost those

When he was throwing up
behind that mickey.

Where's the girl?

I put her on a bus
to philadelphia.

I'm waiting for this cop
to calm down.

But he stayed pissed,

'Cause he broke bad
on that whore rose

While he was looking for me.

And ricky, who went to
help her out‐‐boom‐‐

Got himself k*lled.

Jerry mccabe.

Jerry mccabe.


Here we go, bobby.

Um, you know
andy sipowicz.

This is bobby simone.

How's it going?

These are photos
for the array.

The subject's
doing a day tour.

Do you mind
if they do the spread?

The witnesses
are pretty hinky.

No problem.
As long as we observe.

How solid's the i. D.
On mccabe?

We're going to find out.

She's over in one.

Think rose knows
mccabe's a cop?

I don't know.

If she doesn't,
she smells it.

benita alden called.

Said she'd speak
with you later.


[Door opens]

Sit down, rose.

We got some pictures
for you to look at.

Is the trick in there
who beat you up?

That's him,
the one that hit me.

Did he k*ll ricky?

I don't know nothing
about that.

Or you don't
want to say.

I didn't see.

If we didn't want
this guy,

We wouldn't
be talking, right?

Who knows
if you want him?

Rose, whatever
you may be thinking
why we wouldn't,

We want him.

Maybe you want him

And somebody else
decides different.

You saw him
whack ricky?

I didn't see that!

I'm not testifying
on that!

This guy hit me,
I got ricky.

Ricky went to 42,
I stayed in 12.

Any g*nshots?


I was at the other end
of the hall.

Can I make a call?

Get my boy picked up
at the center?

You're done here,

Go pick him up

Get out of here.

Hey, we got
the room clerk.

Put him in three.


She pick out mccabe?

The room clerk's in
the other room.

We'll see
what he says.

Where can we see that?

Get a stepladder.

You can peek over
the transom.

I'm sick about this.

My kid got picked up
on a wrong warrant
last year.

This mccabe
helped me out.

We got some more questions
for you, larry.

Like what?

Did you hear a g*nsh*t?


When? Last thanksgiving.

Before you found
that pimp dead,

Did you hear
a g*nsh*t?

I didn't hear anything.

Is the guy who went to 42
with rose in these pictures?

If you say you don't know
what I'm talking about,

I'm going to smack you.

What you guys doing?

We want this guy.

If you heard that g*nsh*t,
we want to know.

If you saw this guy leave,
we want to know.

We want this guy!

Look at
these pictures, man!

Go ahead. Look.

What'd I ever do to you?

You jam me up
for a dead pimp.

Why are you jammed up?

You know why.

No. You tell us, larry.

'Cause the guy's a cop.

Jerry something.


Did you hear
that g*nsh*t?

A couple of minutes
before he came back down.

[Door opens]

They need interview two.

Are you done with silky?

we're done with him.

Does that include me?



Listen, uh,

I feel I may have
left things

On the wrong note
this morning.

I may have left
a wrong tone between us.

It's all right.

I mean, you can
understand my position?

You told me about
this fellow on one of
our first encounters,

You expressed that, uh
you had strong feelings
for him.

And that
the relationship
was over.

Yeah. It was over
because he was married.

Which he no longer is.

What are you doing,

I'm simply saying that you
can understand my feelings.


I thought you meant
to apologize

That you said
cruel things about
someone you don't know

And acted like a jerk.

This is
a complicated situation.

You're making it
that way.

Let's discuss it
over lunch.

I'm busy.


15Th detective squad.

This rose puts mccabe
beating her up in her room

Five minutes
before the m*rder.

She runs to get
her pimp ricky.

Ricky comes back
to where mccabe is.

She says she doesn't
see anymore.

But the room clerk
puts mccabe coming
down the stairs

Five minutes after
he hears g*nshots.

Plus we got
the department‐issued b*llet

Retrieved from
the d. O. A.'S body.

What we don't got
is an eyewitness.

Pick him up.

It's taken care of.

What do you mean?

We're bringing him in
for you.

This is still
our homicide.


You're late.

I'm sorry. I was
at the lawyer's.

I already ordered.


I'll have whatever
she's having,

And an iced tea.


Jeffrey and I are
filing for divorce.

How's he taking it?


It's tough
on both of us.

Oh, I'll bet.

Excuse me, but is
a little emotional

From my own sister
too much to ask?

Like you supported me?

Why are you
so pissed off?

You make a pass
at my boyfriend,

In my own kitchen,
and you don't know
why I'm p. O.'D?

Donna, I was in
a very needy place.

And greg was there
for me.

It was an innocent hug,
is all. I swear.




How are you?

Better than me,
I hope.

Harold rutansky
called me.


Excuse me.


He broke up with his wife.

Oh, my god. You two
getting back together?

He wants to,
but I told him
I was involved.

Does greg know
you saw him?

He answered the phone.

Oh, boy.
Did he freak out?

You could say.

It's just like
me and jeff.

Once they go jealous,
forget it.

I've never given gregory
any reason to be jealous.

But maybe
you want to keep
hunky harold rutansky

On the back burner
just in case.

Dana, I'm not interested
in keeping harold rutansky

On my back burner
or anywhere else.

You sure?

'Cause if you're
absolutely sure,

Then maybe you could
fix me up with him.

You stay away from him, dana.
I'm not kidding.

O.k., O. K.


I'm leo archer,

And I'm representing
detective mccabe.

You're his delegate?

Hey, andy,
how's it going?

How's it going?

We're right through
here, guys.

Detective mccabe
has been given his rights.

He's also aware that g. O. 15
Does not apply.

He should also know if he
refuses to answer questions,

He's likely
to face suspension.

My name's
bobby simone.

How you doing?

We're investigating
a homicide at
the berkeley hotel.

Detective mccabe's name
has been mentioned by
several witnesses.

We'd like
to question him.

On advice of counsel,

Detective mccabe declines
to answer any questions.

Consider yourself
under suspension.

Do we have his service
and off‐duty g*ns?

We have
his service revolver.

He says his off‐duty
w*apon is lost.

has that been reported?

No, uh, I was hoping
to find it.

Before detective mccabe
makes a final decision
on cooperating,

I think you should hear
what we have on this.

All right.

We have statements
detective mccabe

Frequented prostitutes
in that hotel,

Statements that he was
slipped a mickey there
two days ago

After trying to cheat
a prost*tute out of
payment for sex.

We have separate and
corroborating statements

That he returned there

Trying to find
the pimp and prost*tute
he held responsible

For slipping him
the mickey,

Stealing his money
and his teeth,

That he was beating on
the witness prost*tute
in room 42

To get information
on the whereabouts

Of the other prost*tute
and the pimp.

A statement from
the witness prost*tute

That she fled the room
to find her pimp,

That her pimp ran
back to confront
detective mccabe.

Detective mccabe
has been identified

Leaving the hotel
four to five minutes

After g*nshots
were heard

From the room the pimp
went into,

Where he was later
found dead.

A department‐issued

Was recovered
from the d. O. A.
On the autopsy.

The m.e. Interprets
s*ab wounds on the d. O. A.

As consistent
with an unsuccessful effort

To recover this b*llet
from the d. O. A.'S body.

And detective mccabe's
off‐duty w*apon is missing.

He's not walking
out of here.

He ought to look
to help himself.

I'd like to consult
with my client.

So how was lunch?

Lunch was fine.


How's she doing?


Your sis.

How did you know
I was having lunch
with my sister?

Why, i‐‐i was passing by,
and i...

I‐‐i‐‐i, uh,

I happened to look in,
and there you were.

You were spying on me?

No. Not spying.

What do you call it?

You followed me.

I don't call it spying.

What did you think‐‐

I was meeting harold for
an afternoon quickie?

I don't like
that kind of talk
from you.

Please go away.

I was not spying.


[Telephone rings]

15Th detective squad.

You o. K.?


When your son
got in trouble

How did mccabe know
you to reach out?

He did the last
part of my tour
in public morals.

Then we went on
a few details.

Big drinker
this guy?

He drank.


When we were
working together,

I wasn't real concerned
on excessive boozing.

At that point, my kid and I
weren't talking that much.

If it hadn't have been
for mccabe,

I might never
have known.


He'd like to talk
with detective sipowicz.

Any conversation
without me present
is off the record.


He wants to
talk to me.

We want to hear it.

I'm going to talk
to him alone.

I don't want anybody
in that observation room.

Want me
to get you something?

Nah, nah.

Some jackpot,
huh, andy?


Last couple of years
I start drinking...

I don't know
what I turn into.

I'm the same way.

Somebody ever told me

I could do
what happened
in that hotel,

I would have never
believed them.

The guy come at you?

He came at me.
He had a knife.

I'm still looking at time.

I got to do
what I can
for my family.

I can't put them
through a trial.

Me in jail's
going to be hard enough.

I don't want
to see them humiliated

By what I was doing
down there.

Can they work with me
on that...

On the story
that comes out?

If I plead to manslaughter,

Would they work with me
on the story?

I'll talk to them.

I'd appreciate that,

So, uh...

What do you hear
from your kid?

He's going
into the air force.

Is that right?

Good for him.

Good for him.

I got to talk
to my lieutenant.

If the sex part
doesn't get out,

He'd go
for manslaughter.

Department's not looking

To wash
this guy's laundry
in the papers.

Talk to the d. A.

Got a minute for me,

Yeah, yeah. What is it?

I want your opinion
on something‐‐
a personal matter.

Yeah, go ahead.

What would you think
about me and adrianne
on a social level?

Actually, I never really
thought about it.

I think you're right.
I think that's
the problem.

What is?

She's not thinking
about it,

And I haven't
brought it
to her attention.

She don't know
you're interested in her?

You don't think so?

I'm asking.

I don't think
she does.

This doctor
she's seeing,

They meet
for the first time
in 15 years,

Immediately he says,
"adrianne, would you
like to go out?"

He let her know
he was interested.

Most I ever did
was say

I enjoyed
working with her
on a case.

Yeah, well, uh...

I guess you got to be
a little more

I'm going to try that.
I'm going to try that.

they misinterpret.

I think you're right.

You all right?

No problem.

Your client agrees to sign
the immunity waiver

And will testify fully
at the grand jury
tomorrow morning?

You'll remind him
that's sealed testimony.

If the grand jury
returns a true bill,

We'll seek no indictment
higher than man 1.

You won't release
the sexual circumstances
on a plea?

We'll pick him up at 8:30
tomorrow morning.

He's asked if detective
sipowicz could be there.

Yeah, all right.

How'd your sit‐down go
with the reporter?

Kevin corcoran.

It went‐‐it went well.

I'm glad we did it.

Big city, right?

I think there's enough
for both of us to cover.

He admitted he felt
a little threatened

'Cause I'd changed beats

And got the webster story.

Maybe you don't want
the blow by blow.

We, um, we had a case
go bad on us today.

Pimp m*rder.

You figure
the guy's whore did it,

Or some other pimp...

Or some other
solid citizen.

Comes up a cop.

Over what?

The guy got rolled
down there

A couple of days ago.

Comes back drunk
to kick ass.

from your precinct?

No, 8th squad.
Guy named mccabe.

My partner andy,
he's all upset.

This...this guy mccabe,
he helped him out.

His son was in trouble.

Now we come
to collar this guy.

What are you looking for?

That souvlaki salad.

That's gone.
We finished that
last night.

I didn't know
we finished it.

I can make you
a sandwich.

That's o. K.


What are you doing?

I'm going across
the street.

What a guy.

Got it?

Want anything else?

Just the souvlaki.

Come here.

Don't you go anywhere.

Not me.

What's with
the ambulance?

I'm so worried.
He looks like
he's hurt so bad.

He's pronounced 8:15 a. M.

He isn't dead.
His lips just moved.

Get him
to the hospital.

He's d. O. A.

He moved.
You get him out of here.


Coming through here.

Escort that ambulance.
Notify the e.r.
To stand by.

Sector boy
and my boss
are on the way.

I'll brief them
when they get here.

The guy's dead,

If he's pronounced here,

He'd lie
in that room
for eight hours.

I got to call
my office.

I'm detective sipowicz.

How is he?
Is he going to be
o. K.?

He's hurt real bad,
mrs. Mccabe.

Where are your kids?

Next door
at the cantors'

Should I go
to the hospital?

They can tell me
something there.

They'll tell you something
at the hospital,
mrs. Mccabe.

Can I get someone
to help you?

My sister.

Her husband
is a sergeant
on coney island.

Here's the number.

I'll call your sister.
Go get dressed.

Get off the phone.

I want to know
who put that out.


Who gave this
to the papers?

Maybe your boss.

I just
talked to abrams.

Andy, there's no way
that this is his leak.

This man's poor family.

I'd like to think
it's i. A. B.

would they do it?

To stay in shape.

Anybody got a line
on this reporter corcoran?

No. I tend not to have
good press contacts.

I'm going to make
some calls, lieu.


Early to bed,
early to rise.

I had a headache.

Then I had
to stop at the bank

This morning.

I apologize
for doubting you.

I won't do it again,
I swear.

all behind us now.

Can we forget it?

No, we can't.

Why not?

It isn't just me
you don't trust.

Your‐‐your entire life
is an obstacle course.

You wake up
in the morning

And start anticipating

What, because
I run salt water
through my nostrils?

It‐‐it prevents
my sinuses from closing.

It is not the salt water.

It is not your asthma

Or your rashes
or your food allergies.

It's your attitude,

W‐what's wrong
with my attitude?

You won't enjoy your life.

You don't like
hockey games.

You don't like restaurants.

You won't socialize
because you're embarrassed
if you're stuttering.

And you don't want
your kids to come over

Because you're
embarrassed about me.

My father died when he
was 54 years old, greg.

I know
how short life is.

I don't want to spend
the rest of mine

Cleaning out
air purifiers

And playing parcheesi

And wondering
when's the next time

You'll follow me

I followed you
because I love you.

I don't want to be followed
because you love me.

I want to be happy
because you do.

I had no idea
I was bringing you
such misery.

if I'd realized that,

I‐‐i‐‐i never
would have left

My wife and family.

You didn't leave
your wife and kids
for me.

You left because
she had her legs
in the air

For the day manager
at the food mart.

Oh, greg.

I don't want
to fight like this.

Neither do i.

Look, uh...
Give me two hours

From the end of my tour.

I'll be packed and gone.

You see...

I thought
we loved each other.

Me, too.

Here I am.

Come here.

What do you know
about the story?

What story?

About jerry mccabe.

"Sources say a detective
from the 8th precinct

"Is being questioned
in the homicide

"Which resulted
from a dispute

About the favors
of the prost*tute."

I saw the story.

Did you see the byline?

Yeah, I saw the byline.

If you were looking
to use what I told you,

It wouldn't be under
your name, would it?

Maybe you develop
a yen for a snack,

I go get it,

And you drop a dime

To your buddy
kevin corcoran,

Show him how you scratch
each other's back.

Think I did that?

I'm trying to decide.

I didn't. I wouldn't.

It hurts me
you think I would.

If you used it,

I might as well have put
a g*n to mccabe's head.

What are you
talking about?

He k*lled himself.

I didn't use it, bobby.

got his own sources.

Want to
ask a few more times?





We got to talk.

Go ahead.

I'm thinking this might
have been my fault.

About the story
coming out.

How would it
be your fault?

I've been seeing
that girl benita alden.

That reporter?

Yeah. We, uh...

We've been seeing
each other.

So I'm talking to her
last night,


About the case.

I'm feeling bad
for mccabe and for you,

'Cause he helped
your boy and all.

She gave it
to this corcoran?

She says she didn't.

You think she's lying.

I don't know.

I felt I could trust her.

She'd be the first one
in her occupation.

I'm feeling
like it was me

That put the b*llet
in this guy's head.

You didn't
put him out there
chasing whores.

You didn't
pull the trigger

When he k*lled
that pimp.

This could have been
i. A. B.

This could have been
the d. A.

Could have been
someone in the squad.

You keep this to yourself,

Or you'll be
taking the weight,

Whether she did it or not.

Hey, greg.


So, uh, adrianne's
still got that sinus


You don't hold that
against her, do you?

What do you mean?

with her sinuses.

No. Everybody
gets colds.

I just didn't think

It was
the right time
to approach her.

But I wanted
to tell you

I appreciate
the encouragement
you gave me,

Expressing my
feelings toward her.

I hope it works out.


Yeah, I'll tell you,

Could you
excuse me a minute?

You o. K.?

Yeah, i‐‐i just
don't feel well.

Can I
get you anything?

Nah. I just need
to stand here a minute.

Hope you feel better.

[Knock knock]

What's up?

These are kevin corcoran's

Work and beeper.

What's he
going to tell me?

I didn't give him
the story.

Where'd he get it?

I wouldn't expect him
to tell me.

You expect me
to believe him?

I expected you
to believe me.


for the numbers.

That's it?
Close me out?

I can't see you,

I don't feel
I can trust you.

If I'm
wrong about that,
then I apologize.

Even if you weren't,

You never told me
the conversation
was off the record.

Off the record?

We were lying in bed
in there, right?

I didn't think
I had to talk to you

About on and off
the record anymore.

You gave it to him,
didn't you?

Why should I
keep denying it?

You don't believe me

Will we get past this?

You know, I started
seeing you, and, uh...

You seemed
really sweet to me.

You're smart.

You're pretty.

If we didn't
love each other,

Maybe that was
my problem, all right?

Maybe I'm the one

That has to remember
how to fall in love.

The worst that could
have happened here

Is that we could have
kept each other company.

Isn't that right,

I mean, what harm
could have come

Out of something
like that?

I guess jerry mccabe
found out.

I liked you so much,

Yeah, and you had
your job to do.

Just like you
have yours.

Good night.
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