02x17 - Dirty Socks

Episode transcripts for the TV show "NYPD Blue". Aired: September 21, 1993 – March 1, 2005.*
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Ensemble cast revolving around New York's 15th Precinct.
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02x17 - Dirty Socks

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on NYPD Blue:

I've got vacation time on the books
and if it's all right, I'd like to take it.

It's your time.
That's what it's there for.

- When would you wanna go?
- I'd like to go immediately.

It's me that's made her upset.
I've exhibited jealousy, a lack of fun...

...and how much I enjoyed
our relationship.

I just want you to be happy.

If that could be with me,
I think you know that's my preference.

About a half-hour.

His wallet was on the floor
next to his pants.

No money, some credit cards.
License says Jay Markowitz.

Markowitz for Men.
I've seen this guy on TV.

"We've got portlies. We've got longs."
He did his own commercials.

Oh, yeah? Well, now we know what
he did for breakfast. He took it first.

She got three in the torso,
two for him...

...probably when he
was heading for cover.

How could people screw
in that kind of racket.

Super said she'd been here two months,
just got divorced.

She asked for an extra dead bolt.
Said her ex was pissed off.

- Didn't want him busting in.
- I guess it was on the super's to do list.

I can't hear a damn thing here.

We got a ladder down on the fire escape.

SIPOWICZ: Where's Medavoy?
MARTINEZ: He started the canvass.

He's talking to one of the neighbors.

SIPOWICZ: Give me the list of names.
We'll re-canvass.

- I'm gonna check the alley.

Well, you see, Miss Novak,
most of the other tenants were out.

- It's important that we talk to you.
- Yes, but I doubt that I can help you.

Oh, boy, these plant allergies I got
are really kicking in.

You didn't see anything
out in your alley area earlier?

NOVAK: I didn't. No.
- Here's our Detective Simone.

Hey, Bobby.

I'm having an allergic reaction.
You think you could finish up?

- Yeah. Go ahead, Greg. You okay?
- I think my throat's closing down.


- Hi, I'm Detective Simone.
- Joyce Novak.

Were you acquainted
with the victim? She lived there.

Alicia Glover. No, I told the detective
I don't think I knew her.

Jay Markowitz?
That name sound familiar to you?

- He was visiting Miss Glover.
- No.

You know, her apartment had
fresh flowers in it...

...kind of like these right here.
- Hyacinth.

She could have bought them here.

I just didn't know her by name.

Could I ask you a favor, detective?

Would you mind checking the security
of my back door? I live here alone.

We really don't think it was
an intruder who did these crimes.

Looks like there was
a personal motive, but...

Excuse me. I'll check it for you.

I think you're fine here.

If you're worried, maybe a dog
might not be a bad idea.

- Preferably one that barks.
- Yeah.

Did Detective Medavoy
ask you if you'd seen...

...any unusual activity in the alley?
Anyone moving quickly?

- Yeah. Yeah, he asked.
SIMONE: Uh-huh.

But you didn't see anything?


All right, Miss Novak...

...if you can remember anything
that relates to the homicides...

...or you hear anything that you
think might be helpful...

...or you hear anything that you
think might be helpful...

I'll call you.

That'd be great.

Can I offer you some flowers
for your home security advice?

No, they'd just kind of sit around
in the squad room all day. Thanks.

Dirty Socks

Male and female croaked mid-hump.
Door was broken down.

We found a snub-nosed.38
in a paper bag in a trash can in the alley.

Five spent shells, no prints.

The male was Jay Markowitz,
who sold men's clothes on TV.

- "We got portlies. We got longs"?
- Yeah, that's the guy.

The female was Alicia Glover.
It was her place.

The super said she had a rough divorce.
She was afraid of her ex.

FANCY: We got a line on him?
- Arnold Glover. He's on vacation.

This Markowitz had two MasterCards,
an American Express, and a Visa Gold.

- We got calls out on them.
- Anything off canvass?

Six men outside.
Nobody saw anything.

I interviewed this woman
that seemed hinky.

She had a good view
of the alley behind the building.

- I'm gonna try her again on re-canvass.
- All right.

- Hey, James.
- Yeah.

I see you'll represent the precinct
in a boxing tournament.

Yeah, I boxed in school
and thought I might give it a shot.

I boxed Golden Gloves.

- Is that right?
- Yeah.

- You gonna enter?
- I don't need trouble.

We ought to work out some,
you know, spar a little bit.


- Let me know when.
- I'll remember that.

Detective, hello.

- John, how's it going?
JOHN: Is this the P.A.A.'s desk?

That's it right there.

- John Irvin, Andy Sipowicz.
JOHN: Good to meet you.

- Yeah. How's it going?
- Simone and I know each other...

...from One Police Plaza.
- Is that so?

I'm temping until
your Miss Abandando returns.

John, you know, you look like
you got a little sun there.

It went right through the sunscreen.

The Gay Officers Action League
is open to civilian assistants.


We were on a junket in Puerto Rico.

Fifteenth Detective Squad. One moment.

- Detective, it's for you.
- Thanks so much.

I never got to tell you
how much I appreciated...

I never got to tell you
how much I appreciated...

...you sending that card
when my wife died.

I know what it's like to lose people.

- How are you doing?
- I'm okay. Thanks.

I'm always unsettled the first day...

...in a new job situation.
It's good to see a familiar face.

- You'll be all right.
SIPOWICZ: Are you okay? Yeah.

What's going on, Andy?

These people own
a candy store in Brooklyn.

I worked there when I was a kid.
Went to school with their sons.

Someone stuck them up.
Moe wasn't there, but Sonja got k*lled.

A 76-year-old woman,
and they sh**t her in the chest.

- Where was this?
- Park Slope. The six-four.

I knew this family since I was a kid.

- You wanna go there?
- You're covered.

Yeah, I'd like to.
The family's pretty upset.

Excuse me.

Lieu, that's the woman I wanted
to re-interview on those homicides.


NOVAK: Detective Simone?
SIMONE: How's it going, Miss Novak?

- Do you have a moment for us to talk?
- Sure. Come on in, have a seat.

I'm not proud of what
I have to tell you, detective.

- What's that?
- I wasn't honest at my apartment.

I did see something
that could help with your case.

I'd like to know what that is.

I hope you understand I was frightened.

Sure I do. And I'm glad you had
second thoughts about coming in.

I was in the yard about 9: 15.

- I gather that's just after the murders?
SIMONE: That's right.

I heard someone running down the alley.
I looked up and saw a man.

- Did you get a good look at him?
- I think I got a pretty good look.

He was about 5' 11 ".
He had thick eyebrows...

...clean shaven, wide nose,
like it might have broken sometime.

That's an excellent description.

Did you get a chance to see
what he was wearing?

No jacket.

A white shirt that wasn't tucked in.

And he was carrying something
in his hand...

...like a small brown paper bag,
which he threw into the trash can.

So do you think that this
might be helpful?

I think it'll be very helpful, Miss Novak.

And again, I'm really glad you came in.

She's gone, Andy.

I'm sorry, Dave.

Dad's over here.

It's Andy Sipowicz, Dad.


I'm sorry for your loss, Moe.

What did I tell you when you were a boy
if someone came in with a g*n?

Empty the register.

If they can carry the register
out on their back, that's fine too.

When I'd leave you working
in the store, didn't I tell you that?

- I guess Sonja wouldn't give it to him.
- She wouldn't give him the money.

That's what must've happened.

I was supposed to be working.
I had shortness of breath.

Here's what we got so far.

I'm gonna go talk to this detective
a second, Moe.

That's 41 years we were never held up.

We know these kids.
We'd give them an extra scoop...

...let them read the comics,
and later on they looked out for us.

I mean, every other place got hit,
but not us.

- Dad, let Andy go talk to this detective.
- Excuse me just a second, Moe.


- Where's Ernie?
- He's lying down. You'll see him later.

All right, let me know.

- How's it going, detective?
- What do you got?

No witnesses in the store. One guy in the
street saw a male come out in a mask.

- He get in a car?
- He ran around the corner.

Guy thought he was around 5' 10."

Crime Scene lifted
some prints off the counter.

There's a methadone clinic a block down,
might have some candidates.

Yeah, I know.
I'm gonna check it out.

I spoke to the son, David.
I guess the other one's on a station.

Ernie, yeah.

I'd like to bring the old man in.
Whatever background I can get.

SIPOWICZ: I'd like to be
there for the interview.

Yeah, absolutely. Whatever you want.

You used to work in that store, huh?

You used to work in that store, huh?

- Yeah, when I was a kid.
- Yeah, that's what the son said.

I'm gonna follow them
to the station house.

All right.

This woman could turn it for us.

We found out the victim's ex-husband
left for Atlantic City two days ago.

So maybe he slips back today
with a clean piece...

...pops the ex and the new boyfriend,
heads back to the beach...

...comes back in time
for work tomorrow.

Description the woman gave
fits the ex-husband?

Got his photo from the DMV.
It's on the money.

DA's coming in.
I want the formal statement fresh.

- She'll look good to a jury.
SIMONE: Mm-hm.

- Detective Simone seems very nice.
- Detective Simone is a gentleman.

We worked in the same building
years ago.

And he was going through
a very difficult time. His wife was very ill.

But he still always had a friendly
word whenever we crossed paths.

- Is his wife better now?
- Oh, no. She passed about a year ago.

ADA Costas, I'm here
to take a statement.

- How's it going?
- Good.

- This is Miss Joyce Novak.
- Sylvia Costas. How do you do?

I'd like ADA Costas
to hear what you saw.

- All right.
- My office likes to interview...

...important witnesses early.
- I understand.

That way your memory's fresh,
and we keep continuity with the police.

There's something
I didn't tell you, detective.


That's fine. We'll get
all the information down.

In terms of what is on your statement,
Miss Novak, the man was 5' 10"...

...thick eyebrows, clean shaven,
with a crooked nose?

A white shirt, no jacket,
and a brown paper bag in his right hand.

You have a very specific memory.
That's good.

How far away from him
would you say you were?

About 40 feet.

COSTAS: Do you ever wear glasses?
- No, I don't.

That's the A answer.

Excuse me. What's the additional
information, Miss Novak?

I think the man saw me.

- Mm. What makes you think that?
- I should say I know he saw me.

He looked me right in the eye
as he ran past.

I just wouldn't admit it
because it scares me.

How did he react
when your eyes met? Did he stop?

- Did he say anything?
- No, he just kept running.

Is there anything else that could be
pertinent that you haven't told us?

No, that's everything.
I know I should've said this before.

Do you think I'm in danger?

I wanna talk to ADA Costas for a minute,
okay? And I'll be right back.

Thank you for your cooperation,
Miss Novak.

As the case develops,
I'm sure we'll see each other again.

Be right back.

You said that she didn't
originally come forward?

Yeah. You'd think that
when she did come in...

...saying she was seen would be
the first thing that she'd talk about.

That doesn't discredit her,
but it does worry me a little.

Her description of the bag
fits how you found the g*n?

Yeah, paper bag in the trash can.

Look, I think she's probably reliable.

Saying she was seen,
she may be looking for a police guard.

Think she's got someone in mind?

- All right, keep me posted.
- Okay.

All right, Miss Novak, you're finished.
We appreciate you taking the time.

You wanted to talk to me
about whether I was in danger.

- When did I say that?
- Just before that woman left.

Oh, you mean, the ADA.
Oh, yeah, that's right.

I believe that you're safe
in your apartment...

...but if you have a friend or relative
you'd rather stay with, that'd be fine.

I thought the police
might give me protection.

- That what you want?
- I'd prefer it, yes.

- I really have no one to stay with.
- Fine, we'll get you a motel room.

- Lf that's necessary.
SIMONE: We'll get you a room.

We'll get you a female detective
to stay with you, all right?

- You think that's sufficient precaution?
- Yeah, absolutely.

They do a lot of this.

We were doing more on lottery tickets
than on the ice cream.

I mean, sometimes there was a line.
You'd think it was Radio City.

Somebody went out of the store
last year with a $25,000 ticket.

So after that, it became
the lucky place.

Would there've been checks
or money orders in the register?

I don't know.
There's always a few money orders.

- We wouldn't have checks till Friday.
- You looking for something to trace?

A g*n? Did you keep
a g*n in the store?

Just a bat behind the counter.
She must've tried to take that to him.

- That's the bat they found next to her.

We had that bat
since you swept the floors.

We had that bat
since you swept the floors.

Excuse me a second, Mr. Neiberg.

Detective, can I talk to you?

On those prints off of the countertop...

...four hits from BCI,
three guys with narcotics collars.

I'll check those against
that methadone clinic.

I know who this other guy is,
this James Madlow.

We used to call him Jimmy Socks
because his feet stank.

Doesn't really fit, does it?
Bad checks?

- Hey, Andy.

- I should've figured you'd be here.
- I'm sorry about your mother.

I know.

- Ernie Neiberg, Detective Savino.
SAVINO: I'm sorry about your mother.

- I appreciate you coming in.
- All right.

She's gone, Ernie.

- Oh, God, what are we gonna do?
ERNIE: I don't know, Pop.

- Why didn't she give them the money?
- I don't know.

- Are you done with my father?
- Yeah.

Mr. Neiberg, you gotta try
and think for me.

- None of those kids were mad at us.
- Just if anyone comes to mind.

When was the last time either of you
saw Jimmy Madlow? Jimmy Socks?

When he moved out of the neighborhood.

- You remember Jimmy Madlow, Moe?
- No.

- Jimmy Socks, Dad.
- I don't remember him.

- The kid with stinky feet.
- He doesn't remember.

- What difference does it make?
- They found his prints on the counter.

- Jimmy Madlow? Jimmy Socks?
- Yeah.

He was in the store three nights ago.

Remember, I was watching
the store for you, Pop?

Jimmy came in.
He was in the neighborhood.

He stopped in to say hello.

I gotta get back. I'll keep in touch
with this through Detective Savino.

We're gonna keep
Detective Sipowicz posted.

DAVE: Thanks for seeing us through.
- Yeah.

DAVE: I'll call you.
- Moe...

...you be strong for Sonja, all right?
That's what she would've wanted.

She was talking about you
the other day.

She said she cut your name
out of the paper.

- Take care of your dad.
- Yeah, he'll be all right.

Excuse me a second.

See if you can reach
this Jimmy Madlow...

...before these people
leave the station house.

- You didn't like the brother's answer?
- It's probably okay...

...but I'd like to talk to Madlow...

...before him and Ernie
get their heads together.

- I'll call you when we pick him up.
- Yeah.

- Wanna hit the gym, lieu?
- No, I gotta get home.

- I'm gonna get those gloves on you.
- All right.

- Night, Bob.
- Night, James.

So Lesniak is sitting on your witness?

We'll look to grab up this Arnold Glover
tomorrow morning...

...when he gets back
from Atlantic City.

What do you make
of her changing her story?

Well, the only thing was
the guy seeing her.

- Changing her story on the guy is big.
- Yeah.

I don't wanna get down the road
and have her...

...telling us she knows
where Jimmy Hoffa is.

Well, I don't know, lieu,
that'd be a nice case to clear.

- Good night.
- Good night, lieutenant.

- So how'd it go today?
- Oh, it went fine, detective.

- I feel very settled in.
- That's good.

SIMONE: Good night, guys.
- Yeah.

- Good night, detective.
- Good night, Bobby.

Of course, you don't wanna get
too settled in.

No, I understand
Miss Abandando is expected back.

You probably don't wanna be using
her clerical materials or so forth.

No, we're all very particular
about that kind of thing.

Yeah, because she's definitely
expected back.

Here you go.

Arnold Glover?

- What's up?
- There was an accident involving your ex.

Let's go to the station house.
We'll fill you in.

I'm not interested in what you know.
I don't care what happened to my ex.

Well, let's go
to the station house anyway.

I was in Atlantic City.
I got nothing to say to you.

Look, Arnold, what do you wanna do?

You wanna go like a gentleman
or skell, huh?

You want me to cuff you
and throw your ass in the car?

My lawyer's Doris Kaplan.

Yeah, we know Doris.
Come on, let's go. Come on.

- How'd we do on those junkies?
- I'm gonna talk to the last one.

- How'd we do on those junkies?
- I'm gonna talk to the last one.

The other two alibied out.
The guy you know is in Interview 2.

- Jimmy Madlow.
- Yeah, there's no warrant.

We couldn't grab him up
till he left his house...

...but I doubt he's talked to Ernie
because his phone's been disconnected.

What's he think it's about?

We told him his plates
got reported in a car accident.

- Andy?
- How's it going, Jimmy?

They got me in here for some traffic
accident I don't know nothing about.

You're in this precinct now?

Why don't you talk with James,
detective. Maybe you can clear this up.

- Yeah, okay.
- All right.

- How's it going, Andy. How you been?
- Okay, Socks.

Socks. You're the only person
who still calls me Socks.

I've been okay recently.

I had a few speed bumps
with the law five years ago.

I don't know anything
what this is about.

- When did you see the Neibergs last?
- The candy store people?

- Gee, it's been a while.
- How long?

- What's going on? What's this about?
- Answer my question.

I'm gonna guess two years.

Am I in here for a traffic accident?
What the hell am I in here for, Andy?

Sonja Neiberg got shot
in a stickup, Socks.

- You're kidding me.
- She's dead.

Well, you spoke to Moe and the boys.
They must be sick.

Your fingerprints are on a counter
in that store.

Hey, your fingerprints are probably
on that counter from when we was kids.

Hey, your fingerprints are probably
on that counter from when we was kids.

Those prints aren't from
when we were kids.

Sonja wiped that counter down
every night.

Oh, come on, Andy.
You're talking about Sonja and Moe.

You're talking about David and Ernie.
Those are people I care about.

I don't like how this is going, Jimmy.

I'm gonna tell you the absolute truth
and explain why I didn't previously.

I was in there three nights ago.

Now, listen to me, listen to me.
This is why I was reluctant to say.

I got a record, Andy. I can't afford
to get in trouble on things.

Why would you get in trouble
for saying you were in that store?


All right, all right.

Here's the absolute truth.

I did stop by there three nights ago
to say hello to Ernie.

I did stop by there three nights ago
to say hello to Ernie.

That's how my prints
got on the counter.

- Why'd you stop?
- I saw his car out front.

How do you know
what kind of car he drives?

Oh, my God.

Oh, my God.

Did you go meet him three nights ago
and come back yesterday, Socks?

Andy, on my mother's eyes, I swear,
I'd never do anything like this.

Do you remember
my catcher's mitt, Socks?

What are you talking about?

You remember my new catcher's mitt
showing up in your locker at school?

Why are you bringing that up?
I never knew how that got there.

You swore on your mother's eyes
then too.

Something happened in that store,
and you were involved in it.

Look in my eyes. Now, you tell me.
You are gonna tell me.

Let's get it over with.

JOHN: Okay. Bye-bye.
- Good morning.

- Good morning.
- Where's Detective Simone?

In the locker room.

The locker's unisex.

LESNIAK: Good morning.

- Is she going to a party afterwards?
- She's kind of a strange broad.

LESNIAK: She seems pleasant...

...and then you get
a big Leona Helmsley hit.

Well, we brought the suspect in.
James and Greg are setting the lineup.

We'll see how it goes.
Thanks for sitting with her.

- No problem.
- How's it going today, Miss Novak?

So you brought in a suspect.

We'll run a lineup,
see if you recognize anyone.

Come on in here and have a seat.
I'll explain to you how it goes.

You're wrong about flowers.
They'd brighten up your desk.

I'll bring you in some.


...there'll be six people sitting in a room.

They won't be able to see you.
So you can get close to the window.

- I'll be in there.
- Good.

So will my boss, the ADA...

...and a defense attorney. I'm not
looking to coach you, Miss Novak...

If you don't start calling me Joyce,
I'm out of here.

Okay. I'm not looking
to coach you, Joyce.

I need you to understand the legalities,
where if a witness says:

"This might be the person,"
or, "Maybe that was him"...

...that's as good as saying,
"I didn't recognize anybody."

- No if, ands or buts.
- No if, ands or buts. That's right.

We should be set up
to go in a little while.

Can I get you something to drink?

Is the coffee here as yummy
as that instant in my motel room?

Yeah, those places really
aren't the Ritz, are they?

- How do you take it?
- I'll come with you. I'll fix it myself.

SIMONE: Did you sleep all right?
NOVAK: My first pajama party in a while.

Does Detective Lesniak snore?

I thought maybe you'd know.

No. We've never guarded
a material witness together.

So am I the only person
who saw your suspect?

I'm not allowed to answer that.

I know these people were shot.

Would it be better if instead of seeing
a bag, I saw him carrying a g*n?

Did you see him carrying a g*n?

I might've seen a g*n
if it makes it easier for you.

The only thing that will
make my job easier...

...is you saying the truth.
Lying could jeopardize this whole case.

- Don't be angry with me.
- I'm not.

- I'm just trying to help.
- That doesn't help, making things up.

You know, I put myself
to considerable trouble here.

I know you have, and I appreciate that.

It might be considerable trouble
and risk continuing to cooperate.


Well, that's why I wanna keep this
as straightforward as possible here.

Okay? No embellishing
on anything. Here.


Oh, we got the fillers, Bobby.
We're ready when you are.

- Well, I'm not sure I'm ready.
- Just give us a second here, Greg.


What's up? You wanna take a minute?

- I'm not sure I want to do this at all.
- Let's try and calm down here.

I'm perfectly calm. I'm just not sure
I wanna put myself through all this.

All right, I'll tell you what.
Let's put the lineup off for a little while.

Why don't you and me go
and have a little lunch.

Try to sort all this out.

And if you feel up to it afterwards,
we can run the lineup.

All right.

Let's sort it out.

Okay. Let me just talk to my boss,
and then we're out of here.

Okay, here we go.

Lieu, can I talk to you for a second?

I'll be in the coffee room.

- We got more problems with her.
- She changed her story again?

She offered to.

Now look, I know she saw this guy.
I know she can pick him out.

I've just gotta hold her together.

So I wanna stall the lineup,
take her for some food.

I don't want you in a position where
she can lie about what you did or said.

I've gotta take her myself.

- That's what she's looking for?
- I can handle it. She's not that bad.

Lieu, she's our only witness.

Miss Novak was saying
this lineup was postponed?

We're having a little trouble
finding fillers.

So I thought I'd take Joyce
out for a quick lunch. You ready?


Yeah, thanks.

Ernie Neiberg's on his way up.

- Hey, sure you wanna do this?
- Do I look like I wanna do it?

I'm just saying maybe
I should take the interview.

No, I gotta do it.

- Hey, Andy. Detective.
- How's it going, Mr. Neiberg?

What'd you need to talk to me about?

Let's go in there.

My dad's lousy.
I wanna get back as soon as I can.


You're worried about your dad?
You're worried about him?

We gotta figure how to take care of your
dad, Ernie, because Socks gave it up.

- What are you saying?
- What do you mean, "What am I saying?"

Socks gave it up. Him doing the stickup,
and you putting him up to it.

I don't know what you're talking about.

You gonna stand there,
and you gonna lie to me?

I know you didn't want
your mother to be hurt.

You get ready to tell me the truth.

Then we gotta figure out how to keep
your father alive when he hears this.

You know, I would've sprang
for a sit-down.

I like hot dogs.

"The Umbrella Cafe."

Let's go sit over there.

- Thanks, Murray.
- Okay.

I'm glad we got out.

You know, there's some things
that I wanted to tell you today...

...I really couldn't say
in the station house...

...in terms of some feelings
that I may have.

What kind of feelings?

Joyce, when I'm on a case,
no matter how I may begin to feel...

...about somebody on a personal level...

...as hard as that may be for me, I gotta
put those personal feelings to the side.

They don't let you have a personal life?

You gotta understand if the defense
proves there's a relationship...

...between a witness and a detective,
your credibility's shot. So is mine.

Well, they might suggest collusion.

Collusion, exactly.

My boss, he's already uncomfortable
about the two of us.

He senses something. He's thinking
about taking me off the case.

- I don't want that.
- I don't want that either, Joyce.

That's why we have to keep this
on a professional level.

You know, this whole thing,
it'll be over inside of a year.

So you do have feelings for me?

I won't talk about my personal feelings
at this point, okay?

I don't wanna presume what yours are.

- While the case is going on.
- That's right.

- But afterward?
- That's a whole different ball game.

Then I can say
how I really feel about you.

All right.

- I understand.
- Do you?


How do you feel about the lineup?

You ready to go back in yet?

- You'll be with me?
- I'll be standing there right next to you.

What am I gonna do, Andy?

What am I gonna do?

Maybe you should just
put a b*llet in my head.

Ernie, let's get through this. Sit down.

My father was supposed
to be there, all right?

My father was supposed to be there.

He always said he'd give it up.
I don't know if you remember that.

- Yeah.
- "If they can take the cash register...

...on their back,
let them take it," he says.


...he had pains in his chest.
So Mom made him go home.

And so it was her behind the counter.
She was not supposed to be there.

I don't know why Socks
had a loaded g*n.

He said it was to back people off,
and he slipped when she swung the bat.

Well, that is not good enough, okay?
That's no excuse.

There was not supposed to be v*olence.

They were gonna take the store, Andy.

I owed shylocks.

- I couldn't go to my folks again.
- But you could rob them?

Four or five thousand
would've backed them off.

You gotta write it down, Ernie.


...is this some kind
of a manslaughter type thing?

- Some kind of an involuntary type thing?
- Write up a statement.

They'll figure out a charge.

Now on your dad...

...you wanna talk to him
if they'll let me take you over?

I can't face him. You...

I can't see him.
You tell him what happened.

Yeah. Yeah, all right.

But on the charge, they might
go for something involuntary?

- Do you recognize anyone, Miss Novak?
- Yes, number four.

SIMONE: Where do you recognize
number four from?

I saw him yesterday at about 9: 15 a. M...

...running through the alley
outside my apartment.

He had a brown paper bag
in his right hand.

And he threw the bag into a trash can.

Everyone but number four can go.

Everybody but number four.

KAPLAN: I'd like to see my client.
FANCY: Go ahead.

All right.

Okay, thank you, everybody.
You can go now. Right this...

Has Detective Simone
walked you through the next days?

Has Detective Simone
walked you through the next days?

Whether or not they deal, you gotta
testify before the jury within 72 hours.

- You think they might deal?
- It's possible.

The more quickly
this is resolved, the better.

I understand your feelings.

- You'll hold him in custody now?
- Yeah.

Then I'd like to move back
to my apartment.

I think that makes sense.

I don't have a car.
Can Detective Simone take me home?


Here we go.

Come to arrest me, Andy?

- Make me go to the funeral home?
- Moe, a few things have developed.

- With who k*lled her?
- Jimmy Madlow.

- We found his print on the counter.
- Jimmy Madlow?

- He did it?
- Sit down, Pop.

Ernie's talked to me, Moe.

He said he put Jimmy up to it.
We had to take Ernie into custody.

It was the gambling. It was the bets.


...I want you to know
that Ernie came to me.

He came forward on his own.

He did?

He never wanted this to happen.

What'll they do to my son, Ernie?

He's locked up.

- Forever? He'll never get out of jail?
- It's not settled yet, Moe.

For all his life people did for him.
That's why this has happened.

So it's not his fault, right, Dad?

Because everyone did for him
his whole life, this isn't his fault either?

- He k*lled Ma!
- He didn't pull the trigger.

- Ma's dead.
- David...

...I know you wanna take care
of your dad now, right?

Maybe help him lie down.

Yeah, Dad, let's go home. Come on.

Why don't you give me the keys?

I'll close the store.

I won't go to the funeral home yet.

No one's asking you to go
to the funeral home, Dad.

I won't see Ernie yet.

All right. All right, whatever you decide.

Or if I do see him...

...don't ask me to forgive him yet.

Yeah, this all looks okay too.

- Thanks for the ride.
- Sure.

So can I be your chauffeur
at the grand jury too?

You're hired.

I'm hired, huh?

- You know one of my best qualities?
- What's that?

I know how to keep a secret.

- Mm-hm.
- Uh-huh.

We're here alone.

- I won't tell if you won't.
- We can't do this, Joyce.

- Why? Don't you think you can trust me?
- No, it's not that.

Do you think I'd get you into trouble?

Accuse you of something
if you didn't do what I wanted?

- You think I'd blow your case?
- Look, we're not gonna do anything here.

All right? Nothing's gonna happen.

I need for you to understand that.
I need for you to work with me on this.

- Or I just... Look, I gotta walk.
- Wait, wait, wait.

I'll work with you.

We'll find a way to work it out.

- Good. That's good.
- Don't go yet.

- No. Really, l...
- No, just a second.

- Can I put that on my desk?
- That's what it's for.

That's great.

It's great.

So I'll talk to you later then, huh?


I'll let you know about the grand jury.

- What's going on?
- How's your Brooklyn situation?

It's done. How's our
Manhattan situation?

Detective Simone's witness made an ID
in that double homicide.

I think he's in the locker room.

Hey, how's it going?

I'm gonna do a 4 to 1,
make up for the day.

That case went down.

That dead woman.

- These are your friends in Brooklyn?
- One of the boys set it up.

One of her sons.

- He set up a stickup, and it went bad.
- I'm sorry, man.

That h*m* out there
said you collared up.

- What a head case my witness is.
- Oh, yeah?

Yeah. Horny, mean, three-quarters nuts.

Yeah. Horny, mean, three-quarters nuts.

Meet her on the outside,
you'd think she was a catch.

Yeah, this is a great job.
You get to see people at their best.

If this family had to deal with a cop,
Andy, they're probably glad it was you.

There are few enough things
you'd like to keep how they were.

That candy store would've
been one of them.

Good night.

Good night.


- Is Detective Simone gone?
- Yeah, he just walked out.

He's left. Can I have
another detective help you?

No, I can't give that information out.

You can try him here tomorrow.
He's doing an 8 to 4.

All right.

Personal call.
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