03x06 - No Strings Attached

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Melrose Place". Aired: July 8, 1992 –; May 24, 1999.*
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Follows the lives and loves of eight young adults in an apartment complex in Los Angeles.
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03x06 - No Strings Attached

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ ♪

♪ You know I'm rolling every
night and day ♪

♪ You can hear me
coming from a mile away ♪

You been riding all night.

Yeah. I took the road
up the coast from LA.

That's a helluva long haul.

Hope you're almost
to where you're going.

Yeah. I'm getting there.

You got a phone around here?

♪ Coming at you like
a hurricane ♪

♪ Oh baby like a hurricane ♪

Hi. This is Jo.

I'm unable to come
to the phone right now,

so if you leave your message

I will get back to you
when I can.

Wait for the beep now.

Here it is...


All right. Where is he?

I must have missed something.

What are we talking about?

Don't put me
through the paces, Jo.

You know as well as I do
that Jake's moved out.


He made some grand show

of leaving his apartment
keys with Matt,

then roared off on his bike.

Oh, you're kidding.

I thought he was
just blowing off steam.

Damn it, Jake.

So you do have
inside information.

Care to share it?

Well, there isn't much.

Last we talked,
he was frustrated

between losing the boat
and all the craziness

with the both of us.

He said there's
nothing left for him here.

But I didn't think
he... And that's it?

Things don't go his way, so he
just picks up and leaves

without so much as
a "see ya"? I don't buy it.

There's got to be some
other reason,

some pressure he was getting,

someone pushing him.

Oh, so you're blaming me
for his leaving.

You were the last
one who talked with him.

Listen, honey.

You played just as big
a part in this as I did,

and you're certainly
not the only one

hurting about it.

Well, I just hope he doesn't
plan on waltzing back

into the building
when he gets home.

You just don't get it,
Amanda, do you?

He's not coming home.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

I don't believe it.


Yes. Those files you
just copied for Billy

were put in his out
basket an hour ago,

but my reports
have been sitting here

since yesterday morning.

Do you have some
explanation for that?

I didn't see them.

Isn't it more like
you ignored them?

Maybe I'm
a stickler for details,

but you're supposed to be
working for both of us.

Look, Alison, do you want to
know what really happened?

Oh, yeah. I'd be fascinated.

Well, when I glanced at your
out basket, it looked empty.

Because of the huge
volume of work in Billy's box,

I assumed you were putting your
work in there, as well.

I'm sorry, my mistake.

Now if you'll excuse me.

Actually, Elisabeth, excuseme.

From day one, that girl's
ignored my photocopying,

refused to answer my phone,

and disregarded my filing.

To cap it all off, she's
been rude and condescending.

You can't be talking
about Elisabeth?

She's way out of line.

I must say, I'm surprised
to hear this.

She is after
all still a new hire.

She always seems so eager
to please.

Well, she is.

If your name
happens to be Billy.

It's disgusting the way
she dotes on him.

He just eats it up, of course.

I see, and this has
nothing to do

with what's gone on
between you and Billy...

I mean, any feelings
of jealousy or whatever.

Amanda, she can do his
laundry, for all I care,

as long as she manages
to do her job, too.

All right. I'll have
a talk with her.

And don't worry, I'm
sure this can be worked out

to everyone's satisfaction.

Thank you.

♪ ♪


Dr. Lindsey to radiology,
Dr. Lindsey to radiology.

Come in.

I came by to lodge a personal
complain with Dr. Levin.

You're in the right place.

I'm his replacement...
Peter Burns.

I'm the new Chief of Staff.

Hi. Matt Fielding,
Social Services.

Welcome. Thanks.

I guess I should probably
come back later then.

I'll let you get settled in.

No, no. That's fine.
I'm already on payroll.

Besides, I hate unpacking.

Sit down.

Um, Dr. Kimberly Shaw
was recently named

the chair of the Social
Service Review Committee

and how can I put this?

She's a pretty
brutal administrator.

Brutal? In what way?

Hustling uninsured patients
through the hospital,

sometimes to their detriment,

looking only at numbers,
never at circumstances.

She just seems to have
a lack of, um, compassion.

It's causing real hardship
for some people.

It's very disturbing
when doctors

stop being doctors, isn't it?

I'll see what I can do, Matt.

I appreciate that.

Hey, what's wrong?

I just stopped
by to say goodbye.

I was just fired.

Are you serious? Why?

Well, apparently
someone didn't like my work

and went to management.

Wow. I don't know what to say.

I'm sorry.


Well, it was nice working
with you anyway.

I know we'll keep in touch.

Bye, Billy.

Yeah. Bye.

I'll call you soon.

Alison, you wouldn't
happen to know

anything about this, would you?

No, not really.

Let me rephrase the question.

Did you go to
management about Elisabeth?

Well, yeah, but not formally.

Then it's true. You are
responsible for this.

No, I'm not.

I lodged small one small
complaint with Amanda.

And coincidentally
Elisabeth got fired.

Yeah, but that was
never my intention.

But that's what happened,
isn't it?

For God's sake, Alison, this
is the real world.

Someone lost their job.

But not without reason.

The fact is, Elisabeth
wasn't doing her work,

and that was affecting my work.

This wasn't personal,
Billy. It's just business.

It's unbelievable.

What is? That I went through
the proper channels

to report a problem?

No, That I never
noticed how petty

and vindictive you could be.

♪ ♪


Here I am drinking $100

when not that long ago paying
for light bulbs was a struggle.

It's not all that amazing
when you consider

your hard work and your talent.

You deserve to succeed, Jane.

Thank you.

It feels good to finally
be on the upswing.

I just wish I could say
the same thing for Sydney.

I'm sure.

It must be difficult to stand by

and watch as your own
sister struggles for sanity.

I'm sorry. I didn't mean
to be insensitive.

No, that's okay.

I just feel badly because, um,

tomorrow's her birthday

and considering everything
that's happened,

I'm not sure how to handle it.

Probably your best best is to
organize something simple,

like going out dancing.

My thought exactly.

I was just, um,

I was wondering if I could talk
you into coming along.

I would have been offended
if you asked anyone else.

At least with the three of us,

it might qualify as a party.

You know, Jane,

sometimes a man doesn't know
he's been waiting

for something special

until something special
comes along.

Are you talking about me
or the business?

I'm talking about you.

Let's go to your place.

How about right now?

You are so beautiful,

so perfect.

I've wanted to be with you
for so long.

I hope this
doesn't sound too forward,

but I have a condom in my purse.

What's the matter?

There's, uh, something
I have to explain.

I take you seriously, Jane,

more seriously than I've
taken any woman,

which is why I
want to do this right,

not rush things.

I don't understand.

I thought you wanted me
to stay over.

I did. I still do.

Don't you know how satisfying
it would be for me

just to feel
your body next to mine,

to just sleep beside you,

hold you all night?

You just want to sleep with me?

I'm sorry, I don't
know what to say.

This has never happened before.

Yeah, it's new for me, too.

But, then, so is meeting
a woman like you.

Things that can be had too
easily can't be valued.

I want us to value
each other... always.

To hear you say that
means so much to me.

Most men just want
to jump in bed

the first chance they get.

Jane, stay with me tonight,

but let's not make love,

not yet.

♪ ♪


Hi. Uh, I'm looking
for Mr. Conners.

And who can I say is calling?

Um, just tell him
Jake Hanson is here.

I'll handle this, honey.

Thank you.

Vince Conners?

I didn't think
I'd ever see you in person.

So you know who I am.


Now what do you want?

To talk.

We don't have anything
to talk about.

Hey. I'm sorry this is a
little inconvenient for you,

but I'm not just going
to go away.

I already did that once.

There's a coffee shop on
Route 5 just outside of town.

Meet me there tomorrow morning
at seven o'clock.

I'll be there.

♪ ♪


I know you're in bed,

and I know you're alone.

What? Who is this?

I've been thinking about you,

about what you might
be wearing...

if anything.

Tell me, are you decent
under those sheets?

So, how did you find me?

My mom gave me some information.

I kept tabs.

Have you told anyone else?


The subject of my natural father

doesn't come up too often.

Understand something.

It was a one-night stand.

I only spoke to her
once afterwards

to take care of things.

I met her in some dive when
I was out with my buddies.

Guess I got a little too drunk

and she kind of was...

flirtatious, pretty.

So it happened,

but it didn't mean anything.

Hell, I was married, had a kid.

Yeah, I heard the story.

You want to cut
to the chase, fine.

How much do you want?

I don't want your money.

Then why the hell are you here?

You don't get it, do you?

I grew up missing something.

I grew up knowing my father

was out there somewhere
alive and well,

but just out of reach.

You don't get over that.

There's nothing
I can do for you.

Even if it's just...
letting me know who you are?

Letting me know who
my family is?


I've never bothered you before,


All I'm asking for
is a little of your time.

Forget it.

If you can't give me
a couple hours

out of your whole damn life,

then I'm probably better
off not knowing you.

The coffee, it's on me.

Just tell me.

Why now?

I've lost a lot lately.

Maybe I wanted to
find something for a change.

Come to the house tonight.

I'll introduce you as
a friend's son.

After dinner, you leave.


♪ ♪

How you doing?

Looks like dinner at...

Chez Michelle ran a little late.

Do you mind?

What is it now, Michael?

You know, you tricked me once

with those merger papers you
got me to sign, Jane,

but this?


In case you hadn't noticed,

I happen to be in my right mind.

"Creative non-interference"?

I've never seen it before.

I had my attorney draft it,

hoping Michael would
have sense enough to sign it,

and allow us to bypass
the extra step

of getting his
permission every time

that we design a new line.

I've got a meeting downtown,

unless you want me
to stay a while.

It's all right. I can handle it.


I'll see you tonight.


This is your wake-up call, Jane.

Can't you see slick here

was trying to pull a fast one?

Unlike you, Michael, Chris
was trying to make my life

a little bit easier.


Your so-called partner
was distracting you.

Once he gets you in
bed, if he hasn't already,

he knows you won't stay
on top of things.

He's manipulating
you into trusting him.

I already trust him, Michael,

a helluva lot more than
I trust you.

Now thank you for sharing
your conspiracy theory with me,

but I've got a business to run.

Jane, I know how you are when
you're getting it regular...

Nothing else matters.

You disgust me. Get out.


Just keep that libido
of yours under control

and out of the boardroom.

So, Vince tells me
that you're the friend

of an old college roommate.

Bob Hanson and I
were in the same fraternity.

That's right.

Is that your bike outside?


It's really cool.

You want me to show it to
you guys after dinner?

You've both
got homework tonight.

So tell us about yourself, Jake.

What do you do?

I'm kind of in between
things right now,

but I've mostly been a mechanic.

I understand you're in

Vince had
a small electronics company

with his first wife.

I'm VP of Finance
at Seaboard Software now.

Sounds impressive.

It has its moments.

So, do you have any relatives
in the area?

No. I don't have much family.

Oh. I'm sorry to hear that.

Are you staying
with friends, then?

No, I'm just camped at
a little motel in town.

Oh, that's hardly necessary.

We've got plenty of room here.

Why don't you spend the night
with us, Jake?

I insist.

♪ ♪

Not even a phone call?

No. It really pisses me off

and worries the hell out of me.

I mean, I miss Jake.

But how do you mourn someone
who's still alive,

who's just not
in your life by choice?

At least you weren't
the one who kicked him out.

Sometimes I wish Billy would
pull a disappearing act.

I wouldn't feel so guilty.

Let me guess.

Things aren't
good between you two.

We haven't even spoken
since Elisabeth got fired.

He thinks I'm responsible,

and there's nothing I can do
to convince him otherwise.

Why don't you stop trying?

I mean, you're both
supposed to be getting on

with your lives, right?

He certainly is.

Good, because
now it's your turn.

Behind you and to your left,

he's been
staring at you all night.

He's coming over.

What? I'm not ready
for the singles thing.

What do I do? Shh, shh.

Hi. Sorry to interrupt.

I'm really bad at this walk up
and introduce yourself thing,

but I saw you
here a few weeks back

and totally choked.

I refuse to blow it
a second time.

My name is Mitch.

Hi. Alison.

This is Jo.

A pleasure.

Listen, can I get
you ladies drinks?



Great. I'll be right back.


The girl is moving on.


She usually loves this club.

Why does she look so miserable?

Don't beat yourself up about it.

You can only do so much.

Would you be a sweetheart
and at least ask her to dance?

Aw, Jane, no.

Please, just one song while
I go to the rest room.

Thank you, I owe you one.

You, uh, care to dance?

♪ ♪

You're very good, you know.


And that outfit is quite
becoming on you.

What is this, birthday flattery?

Not at all.

The cut conforms nicely to
your body, that's all.

It's very sexy, Sydney.

Thank you.

What I'd really like to know is

are you decent under that dress?

Oh, my God.

It was you on the phone.

I'm sure I don't know what
you're talking about, Sydney.

I want to go home.

Why? We've only
been here an hour.

I don't care. Let's go, please?

All right, if that's
what you want.

I'll drop you off, then.

This is it.

Looks like a nice place.

Yeah, it is.

Thanks for walking me home.

My pleasure.

And I mean that.

So. So.

Aren't you going to ask me in?


No. I really shouldn't.

My apartment's a mess right now.

A., I don't care about that.

And B., I know it's late

and we both
have to work tomorrow,

but I just can't make
myself walk away

from you yet, Alison.


you can come in,
but just for a minute.

♪ ♪

Is this the birthday girl?

If you don't stop this,

I swear I'm going to tell Jane.

Now don't go crying to Mummy.

I was just calling to tell you

there's a present for you in
the top desk drawer.

♪ ♪

Mmm. Morning.

Sorry. I didn't
want to wake you.

It's okay.

Where are you going?
What time is it?

I've got to be at the office
early today.

I've got meetings.

I was going to
give you a call later.


So, when am I going
to see you again?

Let's have dinner tonight...

Somewhere very special.

I'd love that. Good.

How about if we meet at
sh**t for a drink first?


You were wonderful last
night, Alison.

So were you.

You know, I'm
sorry you didn't have

a better time last night.

Maybe Chris and I
were just trying too hard.

Next year we're gonna... Jane, there's
something I've got to tell you.

It's about Chris.

Yeah? What is it?

He came on to me.

Oh, Sydney.

Jane, please,
you've got to believe me.

He called here the night
before last

and was disgusting on the phone.

Then at the club, he
was rubbing himself on me...

First of all,

Chris and I were together
the night before last,

so his calling would
have been impossible.

And I have eyes, Sydney.

I was at the club too, remember?

But he did it when we were
on the dance floor.

And then he
called here again last night

around two o'clock...

That's it. I've had enough.

Jane, I swear, it's all true.

No, the truth is
you've tried to break up

every relationship
I've ever had.

Wait. I've got proof.

He left it for me in the drawer.

It's scary, Sydney, the
lengths you'll go to.

It is really scary.

Jane, please.


Are you wearing my present?


And it feels so good.

It's him, He's doing it again.


Sydney, can you please
put Jane on the phone?

Hi. It's Jane.

What's going on there?

I just asked for
you, and she went off

about a garter belt
or something.

I don't know. She's being
very strange,

but it's nothing I
can talk about right now.

Listen, are we still
on for tonight?

Sure. Pick you up at eight.


I can't wait.

♪ ♪

Good morning.

Wow. You're feeling
euphoric this morning.

What, you fire a crossing
guard on the way in?

Not that I owe you an
explanation for my mood,

but I happen to have
a life, Billy.

A very satisfying
one at the moment.


Couldn't happen
to a nicer snitch.

I'm getting coffee,
if anyone asks.

Oh, Amanda.

Oh. I'm glad I saw you.

Is there any way
you cover the Haywood sh**t

for me tonight?

Kind of short notice, isn't it?

I know, but tonight I'm
seeing someone

who means a lot to me.

I promise, I promise I'll
make it up to you

at next week's sh**t,

aside from being forever

All right, but
he must be some guy

if you're willing to shuffle
your work responsibilities.

Thanks, Amanda.

Excuse me. Dr. Burns?

Yeah. Yeah.

Hi. I'm Dr. Mancini,

and this is Dr. Shaw.

Oh, and, yeah, this is for you.

Nice to meet you, Doctor.


And, uh, thank you
for the, uh...

for this. Yeah,
it's our pleasure.

Listen, since
you're new at the hospital

Kimberly and I thought
we'd better

catch you before lunch,

let you know what
cafeteria dishes to avoid.

And to let you know that
if there's anything we can do

to make your transition smoother

we are available at anytime.

That's very kind.

I'm sure you both have more than
enough demands on your time,

but I appreciate the offer.

I've heard quite a lot about
your turn

at Minneapolis General.

Interestingly enough,

I've heard quite a bit
about you, as well, Dr. Shaw.


I've done a bit of research and
since you're here,

I ought to let you
know that I'm taking you off

the Social Services
Review Committee.

I need someone
with a bit more...

sensitivity in that area.

You know, I always
thought this place

could use a good restructuring.

You know, Levin always
threatened it,

but he never followed through.

Actually, Stanley Levin is
a friend of mine.

We share some
of the same opinions

about hospital staffing,

but I'm sure you'll find
one difference...

I don't play games
and I take no crap, Dr. Mancini.


♪ ♪

Of course, if you were riding,
you'd have to wear one of these.

Can I try it on?


I think it's gonna be
a few years

for that one there, pal.

Hi, Daddy. Hi, Daddy.

You two go get ready for dinner.

Why are you
still hanging around?

Hey, look, your wife
asked me to stay, okay?

I don't care if she asked
you to move in.

We had a deal, remember?


I'll leave.

I knew this was
going to happen...

I knew you were gonna try
to worm your way in.

Worm my way in?

I'm already there, man.

I'm your son,
whether you like it or not.

What are you trying to do?

Ruin things for
me, for my family?

Why? For your own
selfish reasons?

Yeah. So sue me.

I just wanted
my father for once.

All these years go by,
and then you just turn up.

What the hell did you expect?

To matter to you.

To think that maybe
you gave a damn.

♪ ♪

Hey. This is Mitch.

You know what to do at
the beep. Thanks.

Hi. It's Alison again.

Um. I've been waiting about
a half an hour now.

I guess you're on
your way or something.

Anyway... I hope I'm in
the right place.

You did say sh**t, right?

Okay. Well, I'll
check my home machine again

in a few minutes if I don't
hear from you.


Still no calls?

No. Sorry, Miss.

He's probably just running
a little late,

but you know how
it is, you worry that

something went
wrong or whatever.

I'm sure he's fine.

♪ ♪

I'm glad I caught you.

I didn't want things left
between us like that.


Seems that's exactly
how you wanted it.

All right.

You want me to say it,
I'll say it.

I have thought about you, Jake,

a million times.

I wouldn't be human if I didn't.

Your mother sent this
to me quite a while ago.

Jake, I wish things
were different,

but they're not.

And I can't give you
the father you should have had,

but I can give you this.

I do give a damn.

I always have.


are you headed home?

I'm not sure. Maybe.

You have people who care
about you there?

Yeah. Yeah, a few.

Then that's where
you should go, son.

Let me know where you end up

once you get there.

Thanks. I will.

♪ ♪


What the hell is your problem?

"Come on in," did you say?

Sure, I'd love to,
You got any coffee?


You cannot just come in here

after doing what you did

and act like everything's fine.

All right.

What do you want me to say?

I don't want you to
say anything, I just...

I want you to shut up
and listen.

I'm mad at you.

I'm mad at you
for making me worry.

I'm mad at you for bailing.

I know.

I don't blame you.

No, no, no. I trusted you.

I trusted you to be here,

and you just left
without any warning.

Damn you for not knowing
what you mean to me.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry, and I'm here.

For good.

Architectural Group,
may I help you?


I need to talk to you.

Now's not a good time, Alison,

but I'll give you a call
later, okay?

No, actually, it's not okay.

I came here to tell
you something.

You are a creep, Mitch.

A using, lying, shallow creep.

Calm down, all right?

I would've called to cancel,

but I got caught up here
at the office.

I had to work overtime.

Frankly, I don't care
if you worked all night.

I will not be treated
that way by anyone,

much less a loser like you.

All right. I admit it.

I thought it'd be easier
for you this way.

What? I mean it was
just fun, Alison.

And it's not my fault if
you can't handle fun.


It was just...

fun for you.

I see.


it ought to be

my turn to have fun now,
don't you think?

Thanks, Mitch.

It's been a blast.

♪ ♪

I heard you were back in town.

I would've called you
at the office,


I thought it'd be better

if I waited 'til you got
back from work.

I've been here for over an hour.

So, what was this all about,

you giving up your apartment,

taking off?

Was it some backward way of
moving in with Jo

and getting away from me?

Of course not.

I left because...

it was just something
I needed to do alone,

something I needed
to figure out.

And what would that have been?

Whether or not you gave a damn

about anyone but yourself?

Look, I know you're going
through hard times,

and, yeah, I took off.

But you've got to understand

that I've got things
to work out, too.

I'm sorry,

but you're just going to
have to deal with that.

Fine, I'll deal.

But don't assume I'm giving
you your apartment back.

You're not exactly
a good flight risk.

Just give me my damn keys back.

I hope you didn't spend
all of your money

wherever you went,

because I'll need $500 as a
security deposit this time.

Leave it in my mailbox.

♪ ♪


Mr. Hanson. This is Benson, down
at the marina. Oh, man, what now?

There's some outstanding
slip fees for "The Pretty Lady"

so if you could give me a call
me at 555-8129.

Mr. Hanson, this is Special
Agent Thompson.

I'm not at liberty to leave
the details on your machine,

but you should know that we're
holding reward money

for you for your help in

the Palmer Woodward/
Brittany Maddocks case.

It's a, um, substantial amount.

Please call us. I believe you
have the number.

♪ ♪

See what happens
when you talk too much?

You get in trouble with big sis.

Stay away from me.
Leave me alone, please.

I can't do that,
Sydney, see, there's

something I wanted to
tell you in person.

If you don't let me go,
I swear I'll scream.

Jane values my opinion.


And I would hate
to suggest that a padded cell

was the best answer for you.

After all, wouldn't it
be a shame to end something

with such auspicious beginning?

I'll be in touch.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

♪ ♪
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