03x07 - The Cook, the Creep, His Lover and Her Sister

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Melrose Place". Aired: July 8, 1992 –; May 24, 1999.*
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Follows the lives and loves of eight young adults in an apartment complex in Los Angeles.
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03x07 - The Cook, the Creep, His Lover and Her Sister

Post by bunniefuu »

Can I get anyone
more pie or more coffee?

Oh, no thanks. I'm gonna have to run
6 miles in the morning, as it is.

I'll have another cup, thanks.

So, Chris, what brought you
from Australia to L.A...?

Work. I'm the senior
vice president

of a chain of international
department stores.

My CEO sent me here to develop
a new line of junior wear.

I was doing the rounds
of designers

when, lucky for us, I met Jane.

So how much credit do you take

for discovering Jane
Mancini Designs?

None. Jane had already made a
name for herself with her talent.

Chris is just being modest.

My business wouldn't be nearly
this successful without him.

You gonna be as famous
as Donna Karan.

I'm a designer, too, you know.

I'm not just working for Jane

to satisfy some silly
court order probation.

And to think your talents
might have been wasted

making license plates
in some women's prison.


We, uh, both know where
your real talents lie,

don't we, Syd?

You haven't said a
word in 20 minutes.

Did reed's parents
contact you again?


This is a terrible thing to say,

but I'm not sure

I can afford to keep this baby.

I don't have any
health insurance.

If I have to fight Mr. and Mrs.
Carter through court,

it's gonna wipe out my savings.

To make matters worse...

Word's gotten around
that I'm pregnant.

Firms that usually hire me,

they're not returning
any of my calls.

It's not terrible.

You're just being practical.

I didn't mean to eavesdrop,

but, um, Jane and I are
doing a winter catalog.

Can you sh**t
20 set-ups in a day?


Great idea.

We'd be lucky to get you, Jo.

Chris, I don't know what to say.


This is so nice of you.

Are you all right?

No, I'm not.

Look, I don't want
to burst your bubble,

but, Jane... your boyfriend
is a sleaze bag.

Good night, Sydney.

Jane, I'm telling you
the truth this time.

The guy has been threatening me.

He said if I breathed
a word of it,

he'd talk you into sending me
back to the cuckoo's nest.

He propositioned me.

Would you stop it.

I'm not gonna let you
ruin this relationship.

Jane, I'm only telling
you this because I love you.

Well, then stop
loving me so much.

You know, one of
these days, Jane,

you're going to be sorry
you chose Chris

over your own flesh and blood.

♪ ♪

Sydney, wait up.

I'm late for work.

It's about your old apartment.

I need you to move your stuff
out of the storage locker.

What am I supposed
to do with it?

You blackmailed
your sister's ex-husband

into marrying you,

framed her for attempted m*rder,

ran a call girl ring.

I'm sure you'll
figure out something.


what if I rented
the apartment again?

If you resolve
your financial situation,

if the judge O.K.'s it,

and if the person who's coming by
later this afternoon doesn't rent it,

maybe we can discuss it.

What's with her?

Only her psychiatrist
knows for sure.

Um, you free for lunch?

Maybe. Why?

Amanda, we're still friends.

That's never changed.
Just say yes.

I already made
this presentation once.

I put a lot of work into it.

At least you could have
done was be at the meeting.

You're silent partner,
Michael, not an invisible one.

Tell it to my ex-wife

and the guy
with the phony accent

who puts a smile on her face.

What you saying...
that Chris and Jane

didn't inform you
of the meeting?

Yeah, the nerve of some people.

Jane wouldn't even
show Michael the ads.

He is, after all, 50-50
partner in Mancini Designs.

Which means that DD
can't move forward

until I sign off.

I'm aware of the terms
of your contract, Michael.

Or have you forgotten I'm the
one who negotiated your deal?

Forget? I'm forever
in your debt, Amanda.

Good. Then DD has your approval?

Oh no. I got a couple of
changes to suggest.

How about you, hon?

Oh, I think I'll have
to kick it around a bit.

I know what I'd like
to kick around.

I'll be in touch, Amanda.



Intelligent looking.

Upscale. Who are they?

Oh! The doctors Frankenstein.


Well, they're perfect.

Are they married?

Engaged. Perfect for what?

One of those, um,
series of lifestyle ads

that DD is doing for
Factor's Gourmet Coffee.

Your real people at home...

drinking Factor's Coffee.


"Only one thing tastes
better than success."

I wouldn't buy
a used car from them,

let alone coffee beans.


to be perfectly blunt with you,

your star has fallen
in the past few months.

Now, there was a lot
of negative publicity

due to the sexual
harassment suit.

Bruce, I was totally exonerated.

And thanks to Billy
Campbell, um...

Alison got most of the credit

for bringing in
the escapade account.

I see. So, in other words,

deliver them or else.

Just make it work, Amanda...

for both our sakes.

Well... looks like
our receptionist

has pulled another of her
famous disappearing acts.

Maybe I can I help you?

I'm waiting for Alison parker?

Alison's at the dentist's.

You must be here for the
secretarial position.

I'm Billy Campbell.
Susan Madsen.

Hi... I work with Alison.

Lucky Alison.


Quelle surprise, mademoiselle!

I don't believe this!

I wasn't expecting
you till tonight!

Billy, this is Susan Madsen,
my roommate from college?

She's been training
the last year

at the Cordon Bleu in Paris.

So you're here for a visit?

No, actually, I'm
moving to Santa Barbara

I'm going to be the chef
at a new restaurant.


Uh... come on.
Let me show you around.

Nice meeting you, Billy.


If Jane sent you
here to make peace...

Let's get one thing straight.

I'm nobody's go-between.

DD is doing a series
of lifestyle ads

with real people
for Factor's Coffee...

Young, urban professionals
on their way up.

It suddenly occurred to me
after you left the office

that you would be the perfect
models for our next ad.

You want us to model
for an advertisement.

The idea behind the campaign is to
capture couples as they really are.

So you might have to do
a little acting

to cover up the rough spots.

How much time would
we have to commit?

Michael and I have very
demanding schedules.

Oh, not that
demanding, sweetheart.

How much do we get paid?

$5,000 apiece.

The ad would be shot on a
Saturday at your beach house,

and a writer would be
there to interview you.

And what's in it for you?

The joy of seeing two friends get
their moment in the spotlight.

And, of course, you'd sign
off on Jane 's ad campaign.


Do we have ourselves a deal?

I think you just bought
yourself two models.

Great. I'll call
and arrange details.

Michael, this smacks
of self-promotion.

You know the hospital's policy.

So? I'll talk to our
new chief of staff.

Well... he really doesn't
like you that much.


Yeah, I just came by to see

how our new chief of
staff was adjusting.

Is that you and Charles Barkley?

Dr. Mancini if you don't
have enough patients,

I can revise your duty roster.

Oh, no, sir. I'm very busy.

But if you need me
to carry a heavier load,

well, you just say the word.


What do you want, doctor?

You know...

I want to let you know...

as a courtesy...

that Kimberly and I...
Dr. Shaw and myself...

Have been asked to
appear in a magazine ad.

You know, successful,
young urban professionals

on the fast track.

What kind of coffee can the
poor slobs out there drink

in order to be just like us?

You're kidding.

Oh, no. I'm very photogenic.

No doctor at this hospital

is going to be
that crassly commercial.


Like I said...

this is a courtesy visit.

You really can't tell me what
to do when I'm not on duty.

Dr. Mancini.

As a resident,

you're on duty 24 hours a day.

You eat, you live, and you
breathe Wilshire Memorial.

Now, those are my rules.

Play by them...
or find another sandbox.

So. What'd you want
to talk to me about?

Little gift from the FBI

for helping them capture
Brittany Maddox.

$50,000 is hardly a little gift.

Well, she turned out to
be a pretty big fish.

Amanda, I need
some investment advice.

I want to play it
smart this time.

I'd like to turn this
into some real security,

and I don't know anyone who's
smarter about money than you.

Huh. Finally he pays me
a compliment.

Well, I say do what I do...

Get into real estate.

I have to work. I can't just sit
around collecting rent checks.

You know people. Build on that.

Buy a restaurant or a club.

It's a little more speculative.

I don't know anything about
running a restaurant.

Jake, you can hire accountants
to balance the books,

a manager to run the
day-to-day operations.

I hear sh**t is for sale.

What time is it?

I didn't realize it was so late.

Late? You just got here.

Well, I figured lunch
wouldn't go well,

so I scheduled a 1:00 meeting.

Oh... and I was supposed to
get this to Jane 's office.

Jake, I did you a favor. Now
could you do this for me?

Thank you.

See you.

Like this place?

Oh, I love it. I love it.



Mind if I join you?


Sure. Pull up a chair.

Did you follow us?

I don't believe you... I eat
in this park all the time.

I brought the Mersol Software
file for me to read.

On second thought, I think
I'll find my own bench.

Have a nice lunch.

What am I missing?

It's Billy.

Billy Billy.

The ex-fiancé.

The one I left at the altar.

I didn't know you two
worked together.

Boy, have I got
a lot to tell you.

Look, whatever you're going
to do to me, just do it

and get it over with, O.K...?

A bit paranoid,
aren't we, Sydney?

What's it gonna be today...
You gonna talk dirty to me?

You going to get me
in a lip lock?

You were 10 minutes late
for work this morning.

Being tardy is becoming
another of your bad habits.

I'll make up the 10 minutes

at the end of the day.

Satisfied? Or do you
want my firstborn, too?


Uh... I got a delivery
here from Amanda Woodward

for, uh, Jane Mancini.

Great bottom end, huh?

Guys used to pay
a lot of money for that.

Wouldn't you? Excuse me?

I hired the bitch on a
work release program,

but I've had a change of heart.

Thinking about
taking it out in trade.

Give me that. I'll
make sure she gets it.

Uh, thanks. I'm not a messenger.

I'm a friend of Jane 's...

and Sydney's.

Morning, Jo.


A guy gets $50,000 from the FBI,

and all of a sudden,
he's wearing a tie.

I got a meeting downtown.

Do I get details?

If the plans work out,

you'll be one
of the first to know.

I can live with that.

We missed you at Jane's party.

She's got a great new guy
in her life. Chris?

Great? That guy's a creep.

How would you know?

I dropped something off
at Jane's office yesterday.

He mistakes me for
a delivery boy,

then makes a point of telling me
what a great ass Sydney's got

and that she used
to be a prost*tute.

Jake, with her history,
she's a walking target.

Then he tells me he's thinking

about taking out
her salary in trade.

Maybe you misunderstood him.

I understood perfectly. Jane should
make tracks as fast as she can.

Listen, we have been
over this before,

and we always run
into the same problem.

I can't help it.

Everything is going right.

Yeah, I've tried that.

Let me get back to
you as soon as I have

those numbers in front
of me, would you?

Someone rather extraordinary
just walked into my office.

I'm peter burns.

Amanda Woodward,

vice president of
DD advertising.

We represent Factor's Coffee.



I assume you're here

to discuss the modeling career

of one Dr. Mancini and Dr. Shaw.

If this is a waste of both
of our time, say the word.

I mean, If your decision about
them in the ad is firm...

No, no. No, please.

I'm a very reasonable
man, miss...


Change my mind.

Face it. You doctors

are about as well liked
today as lawyers.

The average person is
cynical about health care.

They believe that anyone
with an M.D. after their name

lives in a mansion and
plays golf on Wednesdays.

Is there a Mr. Woodward?


By allowing Kimberly and Michael

to appear in the ad,
you would be helping

the medical profession,

not to mention all the free
publicity for Wilshire memorial.

Would you like to have dinner
with me tomorrow night?

Have I changed your mind?

Doctors Mancini and Shaw
have my blessing.



You're kind of arrogant,

even for a surgeon.

Is there a Mrs. Burns?



My mother.

I'll let you know about dinner.

Perfect. Great. O.K.

Yeah, that's it.

Ice. Give me ice.

There you go. O.K.

Strong. Right in here. Right...

beautiful, beautiful.

O.K., um... go change

into the anorak and the gray
leggings while we reload, O.K...?

O.K. Thanks.

Hey. How's it going?

Great. These clothes
are so beautiful.

I only have to make sure
there's film in the camera.

Thanks. I couldn't have
done it without Chris.

Guess it's pretty obvious
how I feel about him.



Never mind.


No, I shouldn't say anything.

What? Come on, Jo.

Well... it's just that Jake
said the weirdest thing...

that he overheard Chris

making obscene comments
about Sydney...

about her last profession...


that he was thinking of taking
out her salary in trade.

Jo, give me a little credit.

You know how nice Chris is.
He gave you this job.

I think... Chris is terrific.

I can't imagine him doing
anything so out of character.

Well, I don't believe
a word of it.

I wasn't there. I don't
know what happened.

If I were you,
I would trust your heart.

Well, my heart tells me that
this is a misunderstanding.

I know it is.


I'm trying out a new recipe.

I need an honest opinion.

What is it... animal, vegetable,
or none of the above?

Pigeonneaux a la moelle.

My French is a little rusty.



even if it is pigeon.

Your French is a lot rusty.
It's squab.

It needs more tarragon. Come on.

I can't go in here.

I'd be invading Alison 's space.

Alison won't mind. Besides,
she's still at work.

What's in the boxes?

I bought some equipment in
France for the restaurant...

Copper pots,
SABATIER Lion knives.

Well, where's the stove?

Um... you left some things.

Alison was going
to drop them off.


Gave this to Alison
for her birthday.

It was the first song
we ever danced to.


Hey. Billy was
being my guinea pig.

Actually, I was just leaving.

See you got your stuff.

It was a gift. Belongs to you.

Can't win with him.


No, thanks.

You don't mind
if I have one, do you?

Is that what Jake said?

Well, Jane, at least let me
explain what really happened.

Of course. I know
there's an explanation.

Here. Have my jacket.

Thank you.

Jake walked in on something
between Sydney and myself.

I can understand how he
might have misconstrued it.

I was, uh, chewing Sydney out
about being habitually tardy.

She told me to stuff it.

I told her I was prepared
to dock her pay,

then she suggests that I
take it out in trade,

amongst other things.

It's always Sydney.

Whenever anything goes
wrong, she's the source.

Jake had his share
in it as well.

He, uh... he's the one
that brought up her past.

If you ask me, he seemed
to be turned on by it.

Look, Jane...

I don't presume to lecture
you about your sister,

but I care about you
more than you know.

Maybe Sydney should
move out of your flat

and get a job
working somewhere else.

All you seem to do
is give and give.

As soon as you put your hand
out, she just bites it off.

I just keep hoping I can
find some way to help her.

Has it occurred to you that
she needs professional help?

No. I... I can't stand by

and watch them send her
back to that sanitarium.

You might be
doing her a favor...

and it would lift
that dark cloud

that's been hanging
over our relationship.

Just promise me one thing.

You'll think about it.

What... what are we doing here?

Hello. Hey, there he is.

Hey, we got your message.
What's up?

Can't a guy buy his friends a drink?

Three beers and a mineral
water for the mother-to-be.

Coming right up, Mr. Hanson.

Mr. Hanson? What's that about?

Don't tell me. You did it?
Did what?

Not only did I do it,
but I stole it.

You did what? Stole what?

I bought sh**t.

You own this place?

Well, isn't anyone going
to propose a toast?


Jane. You're just in time.
Want a drink?

No, thanks.

Jo told me what you
said about Chris, Jake.

You're so quick to jump
to the wrong conclusion.

I know what I heard.

No you know what you think you

Sydney's good.

She is so good at
turning things inside out.

You see that beer... She can
convince you that it's champagne.

She used you, Jake.

She's been trying to destroy
my relationship with Chris,

and it hasn't worked and
now she's recruited you.

Jane, if you don't want to believe the
guy's a jerk that's your business.

You've all seen it... You
know what she's capable of.

Jake, if you're my friend, if you
care about me, please stay out of it.

I'd like to do that, but
you've made that impossible.

Fine. Then pick a side,
Jake. It's her or me.

I'm sick of you, Sydney. Sick!

Jane I'm really into this movie.

Could we just save
this little blowup

until after the commercial?

After everything you've
done to ruin my life,

I must've been out of my mind
to let you back into my home.

You've tried
to seduce my boyfriend.

You've used my friends
against me. What's next, Sydney?

Are you gonna drug Chris and marry
him like you married Michael?

If this is about Jake I had nothing
to do with what he told Jo, honest.

I've taken all I'm gonna take.

I want you out by
the end of the week.

Where am I gonna go, Jane,
I'm on probation.

For all I care, you can rot in
jail for the rest of your life.

And by the way, don't bother coming
to work on Monday. You're fired.

I don't know. Maybe I
should be in a lab coat.

I could be carrying
a stethoscope.

Personally, I think
you look great.

What do you think, Jo?

Oh, I think Michael looks...

Who cares what she thinks?
No offense, Jo.

No offense taken, Michael.

Hey. Hey.

What's with the dog?

Aren't you sweet.

Couples who live at the
beach usually have pets,

so I rented him for the day.

Make sure he doesn't
get sand in the house.

Lucky for you you didn't
become a veterinarian.


Oh, he is very handsome.

Keep your paws off.
I saw him first.

What do you know? Looks
like we played matchmaker.

Uhhh! Damn!

I hope you never get mad at me.

My van, which made it all
the way from Boston to L.A.,

picks today of all
days to break down.

I've got to be in
Santa Barbara in a few hours.

Well, I'm pretty inept
about this kind of stuff,

but I know a great mechanic
and he lives in the building.

It's not that simple.
The starter's dead.

For every problem,
there's a solution.

You could call the owner
of the restaurant

and tell him your
your having car troubles.

No, I've already tried that.

The phone's not in service yet.

I can't believe
this is happening.

All right, no problem.
I'll drive you.

If Susan needs to be driven
anywhere, I'll do the driving.

Alison, you are dreaming if you
think your car is going to get

to Santa Barbara and back.

For your information
I just had it serviced.

It's in perfect condition.

Give me a break.

That thing's been running
on a wing and a prayer

since the day you bought it.

Guys, guys, I can
always take the bus.

No. No.

Come on. I'm the one
with the new car.

I'm gonna go get changed.

Every former mental patient
who sits in that chair

thinks there's
a plot against him.

Yeah, well, they're crazy.

This guy... Chris...
Wants to hurt me,

uh, psychologically
and physically.

Sydney, now that you don't
have a job or an apartment...

Wait. I have proof.

Chris made X-rated comments
about me to this guy

who lives in Jane 's apartment
building... Jake Hanson?

Jane doesn't believe him either,

but maybe if you talked to him...

I think you've wasted
enough of my time.

Wasted your time. I'm telling
the truth!

Well, there's your truth...

and then the truth that
Chris Marchette told me.

He's been here?

Yes. And word for word,
he told me

exactly what you'd say
in your own defense.

And you're going
to believe him over me?

As he explained it his company

has invested a substantial amount
of money in your sister's business.

Technically, he's your boss.

Sydney, I'm recommending that
you be reinstitutionalized.

You're sending me
back to that hellhole?

No way, I won't go!

The paperwork
should take a few days.

It's Saturday. Think
about it till Monday.

I'll be in touch.

I love your car.

My favorite model
is the '66 Duetto Boat Tail.

You know your alphas.

I fell in love with them

when I saw The Graduate.

Dustin Hoffman in his Duetto

driving up the coast for
the woman he loves.

I can't believe they only made
that model for three years.

It's a rare woman who
understands the relationship

between a man
and his automobile.

Yeah. Can I help you?

Yes, hi, Mr. Mcdermott,

I'm Susan Madsen your new chef.

Uh, Susan. Right.

This space is terrific... I
can't wait to see the kitchen.

There's a problem, isn't there?

Yeah. Yeah, there's a problem.

Backers pulled out... we're
not gonna be able to open.

I thought that maybe
a fire or an earthquake

would destroy the restaurant.

I just never thought that
an investor would pull out.

I've got no van.
I've got no job.

I've got no place to live.

I have an idea.

Why don't you move in with me?

Come on. It'll be fun.

Just like old times.

There are plenty of
restaurants in L.A.

Yeah, I think it's
a terrific idea.

Oh, I don't know. Live in L.A...?

It's not like you got
to make a decision

right this minute.

Billy's right. Just
think about it.

Now that that's settled,
I'm starving.

So let's get some lunch?
It's on me.

Actually, um... maybe
we'll skip lunch.

I was thinking Susan and I
should take the train back.


Look, the truth is,

your car wasn't built
for three people.

I haven't had any time alone
with Susan since we arrived,

and... she's my friend.

So... thank you for the ride up,

and we'll get back on our own.

I'm going to go call the train
station and check the schedule.

Well, that's...

par for the course
for Alison these days.

You still love her?

I'll always care about her.

But she's made up her mind.

It's easier for her to
start over than try again.

It's for the best.

And you know what? I'm going
to start over again, too.

Thank you.


Have I told you in the
last five minutes

that I think you are the most
beautiful woman in the room?

Um, let's talk about you
for a change.

What's it like
to run a hospital?

Mmm. It has its moments.

I've inherited quite a
mess here, haven't it?

I think the first order of
business is a little housecleaning

starting with
the residence program.

Heads'll be flying so
fast around that hospital,

it could look like
a bowling alley.

What about Michael and Kimberly?

They're underhanded, manipulating,
and not very clever covering it.

And... flaunting their
not-so-rich- and-famous lifestyle

in a magazine...

I'm not sure that
helps their position.

Your eyes are amazing.

Would you stop that?

I can't help myself.

So, um...

tell me, doctor,
how does it feel

to hold that power over people?

Well, you tell me, Amanda.

I'm putting the ball
in your court.

Should I fire Dr. Mancini?

Dr. Shaw? Both of them?

You mean if I said, "Go ahead,
fire their ass," you would.

Just like that.

Just like that.


Why not?


I'm under your spell.

I'm in the mood to do...

basically anything you say.

To Michael and Kimberly.

Qué será, será.

I'll have a draft.

Hey. I hear congratulations
are in order.

Yeah. Thanks.

I heard what you
told Jane about Chris.

That guy really is a slime.

You got that right.

Of course, no one
else believes me.

Not even my own sister.

She fired my ass
and threw me out.

She's been totally brainwashed
by the guy, if you ask me.

It's like she's a refugee from...

And I'm probably enjoying
my last weekend of freedom.

How's that?

Well, according to my
probation officer,

without a job,
the court is forced

to send me back
to the loony bin.

You know, I've been
trying to change...

make amends.

Maybe it's bad karma.

Maybe I'm just a bad person.

You think I'm a rotten
person, don't you?

No. I can kind of relate
to what you're saying.

You can?

A lot of bad things

have been happening
to me lately, too.

I don't really know you,

but maybe you and I never
learned to play the game...

hide our feelings.

People don't like honesty.

Never thought of it that way.

My life may be pathetic now,

but the thought of going back to that...
human zoo...

I won't last a week. I'd
rather k*ll myself.

What's this?

It's a rag. Start
wiping down the tables.

I'm short one waitress. Job
is yours if you want it.

You'd sign my work release
papers and everything?


Oh, Jake, thank you.

Thank you.

Oh, thank you.

I'll be the best
waitress you ever had.

So after all that happened
with your father,

why push Billy away,
of all people?

I didn't push him away.

I left him at the altar.

He was waiting for you
when you got back,

so what's going on?

Are you afraid to be with him

because of what
your father did to you?

I don't want to talk about this.

Maybe you need to talk about it.

I'm just having trouble
dealing with this right now.

I don't feel safe.

Safe... with Billy?

Safe with anyone
I know and trust.

I just... I don't want any
kind of intimacy right now.

Look, I'm going
to be late for work.

Alison, talk to him.

Let him help you deal with this.

I don't need his help.

Billy is a terrific guy,
and I know you like him,

but... Susan, if you do
decide to move in,

I think it's best that we don't
become the three musketeers.

Here. These belong to you.

Those are the keys
to my old apartment.

You're letting me move back in?

I don't believe it,
Amanda... Thanks.

Don't thank me. Your
knight in shining armor

rented it for you. Chris Marchette.
Jane's new boyfriend.

No way. Forget it. I'm not
taking anything from that creep.

The thought of him
makes me want to puke.

And I suppose
the thought of living

in some dirty, cockroach-infested
walkup on sunset doesn't?

Anyway, he's doing it
to keep Jane happy.

You're right. I do
have to be practical.

But as god is my witness,

I'm gonna pay Chris back
for every last cent.

Whatever you say, Scarlett.

You know, Amanda
and I go way back.

I used to live with her.

I mean, she was my landlord.

I was married, of course. I never
had the opportunity to date her.

But you son of a g*n,
I want details.

Dr. Mancini, I'm not here to share
locker room stories with you.

And I personally find your comments
sexist and demeaning to women.

I'm sorry last night didn't
live up to your expectations.

Don't take it out on me.

You don't get it, doctor.

Sure. First dates can be
a real downer.

I'd give her another shot.
Then if you don't score...

Who do you think you're talking to?
I'm the chief of staff

in this hospital... not
your fraternity brother.

As of right now, all
residents are up for review.

Therefore I suggest You and Dr.
Shaw either shape up or, trust me,

you'll be shipping out.

Alison's working late,
you have to eat,

and I know a great sushi
place down the street.

I would love to,
Billy, but I can't.

I'm taking Alison up on her offer.
I'm moving in.


So how about tomorrow night?

Billy, Alison is my best friend.

I got it.


Susan, I like you.

I think you like me, too.

It doesn't matter.
It's not going to happen.


But tell me this.

What if we'd met in some café
in Boston or on 5th avenue?

Or in that park
in Santa Barbara?

Just two strangers. Would you
have dinner with me then?

I'm sorry we didn't
meet that way.

Big crowd in here tonight.

Somehow, I don't think
that'll be a problem,

filling this place.

But you did make your
first managerial error...

hiring Sydney.


Somebody's got
to believe in her.

She has a family... probation officer.
That's their job.

Everybody deserves
a second chance.

Fine. I said my piece.
It's your funeral.

Well. I closed the place down.

Not bad for a pregnant lady.

But it's late. You want
to walk me home?

Yeah. Syd? Could you,
um, close up for me?

Be glad to.

Keys are on the table. Come on.


Thanks for trusting me.


Yeah. I'll see you tomorrow.

♪ Whatever I wanted to
say to you ♪

♪ Went wrong and now ♪

♪ The days go forever before ♪


Jake, is that you?

Chris. What the hell
are you doing here?

I got your message.

It's a little late
to be returning it.

I want to pay you back for the
money you advanced on my rents.

I've no clue why you did it, since
we're not exactly on good terms,

but we'll work out
a payment schedule.

Why don't you start
paying me back now?

That's kind of impossible since I don't
get paid till the end of next week.

I'm not interested in money.

What are you doing? Stop it!




Sydney, everything's
going to work out

for the two of us. You'll see.

I've decided to marry Jane.

That'll make me
your brother-in-law.

Then I'll have everything
I ever wanted...

A mother for my children
and a whore just for me.

Bye-bye, Syd.

I'll, uh...

see you soon.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪
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