03x30 & 03x31 - The Big Bang Theory Pts. 1 & 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Melrose Place". Aired: July 8, 1992 –; May 24, 1999.*
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Follows the lives and loves of eight young adults in an apartment complex in Los Angeles.
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03x30 & 03x31 - The Big Bang Theory Pts. 1 & 2

Post by bunniefuu »

How is he?

Well, uh, the b*llet
went in and out,

but unfortunately it
shattered a piece of his rib,

and, in turn,

that cut his intercostal artery.

They're prepping him
for surgery now.

Matt, I need to see him.

Jo, I'm sorry, you can't.

He's just not
up to it right now.

And after surgery,
before recovery,

he'll just... he'll be
out of it for hours.

Why don't you get some rest,
go home.

Yeah, like hell.
I need to see him.

Jo, he didn't ask for you.

Who did Jake ask for?


would you please come with me?

♪ ♪

Wait, wait, wait, wait.

Jess did this to me.

Jake, it's the medication.
Just relax.

You're the only one
I can trust, Amanda.

If anything happens to me,

promise you'll prove
Jess did this.

He's got to pay.

He has to pay.

"Dear Billy,
I'm about to get on a plane

"that will take me thousands
of miles away from you

"and from the life we shared.

"Everything happened so quickly,

"I didn't realize
what I've given up.

"I hope it isn't too
late to tell you

"how much I love you
and want to be with you.

"If you feel the same,

"I'll be on
the next flight home.

"If not, I'll understand if you
want to sever all ties with me.

"I leave our future
in your hands.


This won't do at all.

♪ One day soon, gonna get,
gonna get back to you ♪

♪ Hey, hey, world,
underneath my feet... ♪


as we both know...

long distance relationships
never work out.

How is he?

Sydney, what are you doing here?


You're not the only one
who loves him, Amanda.


I had a dream about you.

You were yelling at my doctors.

That wasn't a dream.

I had to roll a few heads

to get you a private room.

Hi, Jake. Sydney.

Are you okay?

Last thing I remember is a shot.

I'm fine.

Everyone else is fine.

We should go.

Stay, okay.?

I stopped by the gift shop,

picked up a couple
motorcycle magazines.

You probably
have them all, but...

I think Jake wants
oneof us to stay.

Thanks for coming, Sydney.

No problem.

I'm just glad you're okay.

Scared you, didn't I?


But if you ever think
about dying again,

I'll k*ll you.

I heard about Jake.
I'm so sorry.

Yeah, well, he's tough.

I'm surprised the b*llet
didn't bounce off his chest.

Is that for me?

Yeah, but it can wait,
you've had a long night.

I'm fine, Brooke, let me see it.

Alison asked me
to give this to you.

She was very upset

that she didn't get a chance
to say goodbye to you.

"Dear Billy..."

"Take care. Alison."

Man, that's really cold.

Been together three years,

and she gives me that?

She could have at least
handwritten it out.

No, it's classic Alison.

Why make life personal
when you can just hone it

in a nice, neat,
emotionless paragraph?

Is there anything I can do?

Yeah, cover for me, I got to
get out of here for a while.

What, are you trying to k*ll me?

No, I'll leave that
to your wife.

She came by my office yesterday.

She was furious.

Paul, what the hell
did you tell her?

I told her that I'd
found someone else.

She immediately figured
that it was another woman.

I had to tell her
about us, Matt.

She deserves to know the truth.

Yeah, but you purposely
set me up as the bad guy.

I don't appreciate that.

Matt, it was awful.

She was crying, angry, and hurt.

I didn't...
I just panicked.

I know that that's no excuse.

I apologize.

Look, Paul, I understand
that it's difficult for you

to be honest with Carol,

and I wish I could
help you with that,

but this, um...

this just isn't
working out for me.

I'm sorry. Matt, don't leave me.

I need you now.

We can work this out.
No, we can't.

You need to discuss
these problems

with your wife, not me.

I told you,
Carol and I are not a couple.

Yes, you are, yes you are!

You may not be happy,
but you still have issues

that you need to work
out with her.

Look, I like you,

but this is so complicated.

Look, I'll be there
for you, but...

to listen.

That's all.

♪ ♪

That'll be all, Ms. Mancini.

Great, well, give me a call

if you find anything out.

Right. Will do.

What the hell
are you doing here?

Who knew robbery
and attempted m*rder

could be such
messy business, huh?

You don't belong here.

Jake fired you.

Well, as his next of kin,
I just rehired myself.

Besides, what do you care?
You quit, remember?

Jake does not
want you working here,

so get out,

or I'll have the cops come
back in and throw you out.

What a little spitfire you are.

You're just more protective
than a pit bull.

And if you knew anything
about what Jake wanted,

you'd still be together.

Don't fight me, Sydney.

If you want to compare,
let's compare.

I'm here because I'm family.

You're here because
you wish you were.

Right, that's why Jake
let me in the recovery room

and told security to throw
your worthless ass out.

He's mad, he'll get over it.

You know how angry siblings get

when you sleep
with their exes, don't you?

Hey. Hey!

Jake's the only
family I got, and I love him.

And I'm gonna do
whatever it takes

to keep this place running.

Now, if you want to help, help.

If you don't,
stay out of my way.

♪ ♪

This is your office.

My desk is right outside.

I've been notified

that your business supplies
from los Angeles

will be delivered tomorrow.

Oh... what a spectacular view.

It's the best in Hong Kong.

This was Mr. Armstrong's office.

You must be special
for him to give it up.

Oh, just a working stiff.

Yesterday I was in L.A.

fighting for my corporate
life, and now...

You supervise
the marketing division

of an international
manufacturing company.

We're very pleased
that you've come

to work with us, Miss Parker.

I don't even know
where to begin.

It's all so new.

Why don't you take today
to get acclimated,

and tomorrow we can tour
the production facility

and meet your department heads.

That sounds great. Thanks, Lin.

I'll be at my desk
if you need anything.

Mr. Campbell,

there's a telephone call
for you from Hong Kong.

It's Miss Parker.

Billy, we've got
dinner reservations

and orchestra seats
for "Miss Saigon."

If you talk to Alison now,

you're just bound to argue.

It'll ruin your entire evening,

not to mention mine.

Tell Alison
I've left for the day.

I'm sorry, Miss Parker,

Mr. Campbell's already left
for the evening.

Hello, Dr. Shaw.


Aah! Aah!

Oh, damn you, Michael.

Are you sure it was Michael?

Who else could it be?

He's been harassing
me for weeks.


I got something
between my teeth?

God, how could you be so cruel?

What the hell
are you whining about?


You think I did this?
Don't deny it!

This was an incredibly
sick thing to do.

Wait a second, you're serious.

You think I put this here.

That's a good one, Kim.

Only next time,

think of something clever
so people will believe you.

Michael, why can't you
just leave me alone?

Uh, Kimberly,
everybody here knows

I've been trying to leave
you alone for months.

Woman: D&D.

Uh, yes.
Amanda Woodward, please.

This is Dr. Kimberly Shaw


He's threatening me, Amanda.

He's trying
to make me look crazy.

Did he hurt you?

No. God, I can't
take this anymore.

At first I thought he was
just trying to scare us, but...

could you meet me
for dinner tonight,

Chinois, 8:00?

Maybe we should join forces.

Oh, thanks.
I'll make the reservation.

Miss Parker.

Miss Armstrong's on line three.

Hi! Hello, Alison.

How are you?

I'm fine, it's so good
to hear from you.

Everything's great,
but I miss home already.

So, um...

how's Billy?

Did he read my letter?

Yes, I gave it to him yesterday.

He seemed torn.

To be honest, I think he just
wants to start his life over.

He said that? More or less.

He said the reason that he
didn't take you to the airport

was because he couldn't face
saying goodbye to you again.

But... but I told him
I loved him.

And I'm sure he'll always
have a special place

in his heart for you.

Alison, you know Billy
better than anyone,

but you're a rising star.

Maybe deep down, he's afraid

that he'll always
be in your shadow.

I thought he was happy for me.

He is. We all are.

But Billy needs to find
his own niche, you know,

make some life choices
for himself.

And for him,
that means starting over.

The reason that I called

is because I have
a feeling that he won't.

And I thought that you
should just understand why.

Thanks, Brooke.

I appreciate that.

You have a wonderful
future ahead of you.

Have fun. Bye.

I hope I wasn't interrupting.

No, just an old friend.


I'll call the police.

Come out and show yourself,
you spineless coward.

♪ ♪

Oh, hey, let me help you.

Get out of here.

I can barely move.

You want to try
to k*ll me again,

now would be a good time.

Look, I know you're angry
about me and Jo, but m*rder?

Huh, are you crazy?

Where were you when I got shot?

Hey was with me.

We were at my place until
we got the call about you.

That's a nice touch...

Use my ex-girlfriend
as your alibi.

Jake, you're being ridiculous.

Jess had nothing
to do with that robbery.

I knew this was a mistake.

It's last night's
gross and receipts.

I would have made
the deposit myself,

but I knew you'd
want to count it.

You opened sh**t?

Kicked out the cops,
cleaned it up,

and cleared two grand.

Don't worry, it's all there.


he's trying to keep
your business running.

Don't bother, Jo.

He's never gonna believe
we're trying to help.

Get out.

Come on.

Stay out of my bar.

Listen, you ungrateful jerk.

You got bills due

and employees
who need paychecks.

Now, when you're strong enough,

you can personally
kick the crap out of me

and throw me out yourself.

But until then,

I'm gonna make sure
your business stays afloat.

♪ ♪

Oh, Amanda, I'm sorry I'm late.

Emergency surgery.

Hi, um, can I have
a chardonnay, please?

What's wrong, Amanda?

Michael was stalking me
in the parking garage.

He's trying to scare me.

The truth is,
it's starting to work.

Are you sure it was him?

Of course it was Michael.

He's angry about
the lawsuit I filed.

Uh, no offense, Amanda,
but Michael doesn't

give a damn about a lawsuit.

He's mad because
we both dumped him.

I thought Michael
broke up with you.

Right, just like he's telling
everybody he broke up with you.

Ah, sorry, I forgot
to consider the source.

Michael tried to keep two women,

and he lost them both.

And in his twisted ego
system, that's sacrilege.

We may not be friends, Amanda,

but we have a mutual enemy.

He's on the warpath,
and we're his targets.

It doesn't make any sense,

why would a doctor
risk everything?

Because he's not a good doctor.

I've covered for him.

So did Dr. Burns
and Levin and poor Jane.

Thank you.

We all get sucked into it.

It's... it's kind of
a sick charm or something.

Don't take it personally either,

falling for Michael's act.

You're in very good company.

I've never been at a loss

about how
to handle a competitor.

Michael... scares
the daylights out of me.

The problem is we have no proof.

We have to get him
before he gets us.

And we do that by...

Michael like to work one-on-one.

You and I
need to stick together.

He'll hate that.

I'm all for doing anything
that Michael hates.

I am so glad you said that.

I was afraid you'd think
I'm the one who's crazy.

Absolutely not.

You are the victim
here, Kimberly.

So am I.

Why don't I get us a table?

♪ ♪

You look like you need some air.

Jake survived.

No kidding.

He really took a hit.

I need the rest of my money.

Didn't you hear me, huh?

Jake is still alive.

I don't owe you anything.

Not a good idea.

We had a deal. You screwed up.

Like hell!

You owe me!

What are you going to do,
call the police, huh?

Get out of here.

We don't use the police
to settle our business,

but one way or another,
it does get settled.

♪ ♪

Careful, you're violating
your own restraining order.

Like that matters to you.

I notified my attorney about
your little stunt last night.

Sorry, last stunt I performed
was caring about you.

I don't have time for your
denial game, Michael.

Here's the estimate for
the damage done to my Porsche.

You have one week
to make restitution,

or we call the judge.

What, everything that goes
south in your life is my fault?

I suppose you think I caused
your cancer, too?

You vandalized my car last night

and stalked me
in the parking lot.

I was on duty.
Check the roster...

Better yet, check the patient
I was cutting open

from 8:00 till midnight.

She survived, by the way.

I know it was you, Michael.

Yeah, yeah, jump on
the blame Michael bandwagon.

I think it's being driven
by Kimberly this week.

You're not gonna
get away with this.

I refuse to let you
terrorize me.

You know what, bright eyes,

if you think
I'm your only enemy,

try counting your friends.

Oops, done already?

Now, get out of my house
before I take

a restraining order out on you.

I'm very busy, Paul.

This will only take a minute.

The other day, you made it clear

that you don't date married men.

What's your policy on men
who are legally separated?

S... significantly more lenient.

You... you filed for divorce?

The papers are being served
on Carol as we speak.

I don't know whether to feel bad
that your marriage broke up

or be hopeful that you and I...

might have a chance together.

Be selfish.

Be happy. I am.

In that case...


Enough of
the logistical nightmare.

I'm moving into a hotel,
but I need some help

moving my things
out of my house.

How about it?

Sure, just tell me when.

I'm on duty until 6:00.

I want to go home,
pack a few things,

and be out of there by 7:00.

Carol should be well
into martinis by then

and too numb to cause a scene.

I'll be there.

Oh, do me a favor?

Wait for me outside, okay?

No sense in rubbing it in.

No problem. I understand.


I've, uh... I've only
got a few minutes.

Sydney threatened
to quit if I'm not back.

Oh, well, I just, um...

made myself dinner.

I mean, I wasn't
expecting to see you.

Yeah, well... it's kind of
hard to stay away.

I miss you.

Oh, God, yeah.

Tell me about it.

I mean...

maybe we overreacted, you know?

Maybe we got
so emotional after Jake...

Oh... got shot.

Oh, we're doomed, aren't we?

I mean, we can't have
a conversation without...

Are you saying our relationship

is completely superficial
and based only on sex?

No... not completely.

Just mostly.

What's your point?

I don't know. I don't have one.

I mean, Jake's
going to be angry with us

whether we're together or not.


I want to show you something.

Oh, there's a line
I've never heard before.

Go on, open it up.

♪ ♪

It's not worth much, but, uh...

it was my mother's,
and I want you to have it.

Jess, this is beautiful.

I think she would've
liked you, Jo.

I think I would've liked her.

Thank you.

This means a lot.

A lot.


Are you hungry?




Right on schedule.

Let the games begin.

♪ ♪


Is he still out there?

I don't know what he's doing.

It's my fault. I shouldn't
have gone to his office.

I made him mad.

Paul, what if he's dangerous?

He may be obsessed, Carol,

but I don't think he's a threat.

Well, he just watches the house.

It's giving me the creeps.

Well, maybe we
should call the police.

And tell them what?

That a coworker is standing
harmlessly next to his car?

I'll handle this at work.

Matt's a good employee.

If I can convince him
that he's somehow

jeopardizing his career,

maybe he'll back off.

I'm so sorry
that I hurt you, Carol.

♪ ♪

9-1-1, I already called
once, and I... my husband...

My ex-husband, he's back again.

He's beating me.

God. Can't you send
someone over here?

I need help now!

Oh, my...


Oh, my God.



Michael, you get
your hands off of me!

What are you talking about?

I've been gone for 20 minutes!


What is wrong with you?

I fell in love with you,
that's what's wrong with me!

Yeah, well, forget about it

because you've gone
completely wacko!

Don't try to deny you
did this to me

because I've
already called the police!

You what?

I called the police!
You're a nutcase!

Freeze! Police!

Man, I'm glad
you guys showed up.

She just demolished my house!

Clasp your hands
together on your head!

He's trying to k*ll me.

We're getting a divorce.

I just came back to get
some of my things.

You can't believe I would
hurt her, I'm a doctor!

I didn't even like touching
her when we were married.

She set me up!
Tell it to the judge.

I'm going to get you!

I'm sorry I pushed
you into dinner

with my dad and his girlfriend.

I was afraid you'd sit here
worrying about Alison.

I know she was an important
part of your life.

Losing Alison isn't what hurt.

It's just that I like the idea

of having someone in my life.

I like thinking about...

kids and happily ever after.


There's comfort in commitment.

Yeah, it surprised me.

Found out I'm tired of running

from relationship
to relationship.

It must've been
hard for you when Alison

didn't share those feelings.

Well, maybe I expected too much.


Oh... 2:00 a.m.

It must be, uh...


Take the call, Billy.

You have to resolve this
sooner or later.

You're something, you know that?



Billy, hi.

Sorry to call so late.

With these crazy time zones,
we keep missing each other.

So how you doing?

Fine. Fine. Great, in fact.

This... this... this job
is fantastic.

And Hong Kong is a real trip.
You'd love it.

Well, I'm glad you're
getting settled.

Well, um...

to be honest, I'm having
trouble in that area.

I left so much unfinished
business in L.A.

Us, for example.

Well, as far as we're concerned,

I think you pretty much
finished things in your note.


So you did read it.

When I didn't hear
from you, I thought...

Well, the reason
I didn't call was because

you gave me the option to cut
off all communication.


Yes, I did.

Okay, um...

I understand.

Take care of yourself, Billy.

You, too, Alison.


What was that fiasco last night?

I waited for an hour.

I know. I saw you.

Carol saw you, too.

She was completely inconsolable.

Matt, I couldn't leave her.

Just be glad
that you were outside.

Inside was certifiable hell.

I mean, this all
happened so fast,

I didn't even think

how this would destroy
life as she knows it.

You haven't changed your mind?

God, no.

Believe me, there's nothing
left of our marriage.

But I... I do care about her...

and I need to be
more understanding.

I know that it's a lot to ask...

but I hope that you can be
more understanding, too.

♪ ♪


I came with a peace offering.

I had pizza and beer,

but they confiscated it
at the nurses' station.

That was a joke.

So's your coming here.

Did Jess send you?

You know how much
he cares about you?

He's working 14-hour shifts.

Nobody asked him to.

That's the point.
Jake, he has nothing.

He has no job.
He has no apartment.

But he's trying to make
your life better.

I mean, if he hated you so much,

do you think he'd be working
at sh**t for nothing?

Well, he's working
for something.

Three night's ago,
it nearly cost me my life.

You're impossible.

You still see the Jess
you knew as a child.

You've never even
known him as an adult.

He's concerned.
He's compassionate.

He's really got you
snowed, hasn't he?

The Jess you think you know
is between the sheets.

Just proves that anyone
who cares about Jess

gets screwed one way or another.

You're jealous, aren't you?

I am finally happy.

This isn't about you,
it's about me...

about Jess trying
to get even with me.

He wants you because he knows
you're important to me.

He's at the bar because he knows
that's the only thing I have.

I nearly get k*lled, he comes
out looking like a hero.

That'swhat this is about.

Jess is finally
getting the spotlight

he thinks I stole from him.

You're wrong.

Things have changed.

Where'd you get this?

Jess gave this to me last night.

That's mine.

I bought it for my mother
for her birthday.

After she died,
I looked for it for two days.

Frankly, I'm surprised the
bastard didn't try to sell it.

Get out of here.

Take your damn
peace offering with you.

♪ ♪

Man: Quiet, please.

Court is now in session.

Oh, thank God,
the cavalry's here.

Amanda knows Kimberly's a fruitcake.
She'll back me up.

Hey, Amanda, great to see you.

I'd shake your hand, but...

Listen, I wasn't sure
if you got my message.

Oh, I got it. I burned the tape.

Count your friends, Michael.

Oops, done already?

I'm dead.

I'm dead.

Dr. Mancini, you violated
my restraining order,

and you're now being
charged with as*ault.

Your honor, Dr. Mancini admits

to violating the
restraining order

one time to advise Ms. Woodward

that he had received
such an order.

As to the as*ault charge,
he wasn't even home.

Your Honor,
the defendant was home.

My client has the injuries
to prove it.

It's all in the police report.

Oh, why didn't she k*ll me
the first time?

Do you have something
to say, Dr. Mancini?

Yes, your Honor.

Only that I didn't do it.

I never touched Kimberly.

I haven't touched
her for over a month,

and technically,
we're still married.

Your Honor,
it's obvious this man

has no respect for the court
or my clients.

They're afraid of him.

We should all be afraid.

I agree.

Bail is set at $200,000.

Michael: What?

Hey, there's no way I can come
up with that kind of money!

Hey, this is crazy!
I didn't do anything!

Finally Michael's getting
what he deserves.



Ohh... ohh... ohh!

Ah... ah... ah!

Yeah! She sh**t, she scores!

I thought we came
here to cheer me up.

We did, we talked
about the future,

and how people need to find
their soul mates...

and how to recognize
those who aren't.

And how to stop
analyzing everything

and enjoy what life offers.


So stop trying to avoid
inevitable defeat

and play hockey.

All right, World Championship
is on the line.

Winner of the next
point takes all.

Well, since it is
the championship,

shouldn't something
go to the victor?

Well, I already owe you
a week in Santa Barbara

and skybox seats
at the next Super Bowl

and my heart, if you happen
to need a transplant.

Well, what about
the rest of you?

If I win this game,
we get married.

But you don't stand a chance.

Humor me.

All right, if you win,
we get married.

Aah! Whoo!


Not only am I the air-hockey
queen of the universe,

but I own you, Campbell.

Don't worry,
I won't hold you to it.

Hey, not so fast,
queenie, all right?

A bet's a bet.
You won me fair and square.

Billy, it was just a game.

Was it?

Come on.

Billy, what's wrong?


For the first time in my life,
nothing is wrong.

I just spent
the last three years

trying to please somebody
who couldn't be pleased.

I mean, I've forgotten
what it's like to be happy.

You know how good it feels?

Right now I do.

It's been a rough time
for all of us...

You, me... Alison.

No, don't bring her into this.

I am tired of Alison creeping
into everything in my life.

All right? She is gone.
This is about us.

You have done so much.
You believe in me.

You have no idea
what that means.

I mean, you care about
what I want.

You know, when things got rough
for a while, you kept trying.

You didn't run away.

That's 'cause I want
to be with you.

I know, and I want
to be with you, too.


I don't want
to lose you, Brooke.

I don't want to lose
this feeling.

♪ ♪

So no joke...

will you marry me?


I'd love to be your wife,
Billy Campbell.


Hello, Kimberly.

Don't be afraid.

Oh, my God.

Oh, my God! Aah! Aah!


Don't run away.

Go away.

Go... away.

You know I can't leave,

I'm a part of you.

I'm... inside you.

I am you.

And we have
so much work to do...



I'm not crazy.

I'm not crazy.

I'm fine.

I'm not...

I am not crazy.

I'm not crazy.

Oh, my God.

No. No. No. No...

♪ ♪
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