03x14 - The Nutty Confessor

Episode transcripts for the TV show "NYPD Blue". Aired: September 21, 1993 – March 1, 2005.*
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Ensemble cast revolving around New York's 15th Precinct.
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03x14 - The Nutty Confessor

Post by bunniefuu »


Hi, Donna.

So, uh, tonight's
a pretty big night for me.

In what regards?

In confidence,
I've been seeing someone
we're both acquainted with.

Oh, James Martinez.

I thought
we'd been so discreet.

It's all this time
working around detectives.

Anyway, tonight‐‐
tonight will be kind of
the last hurdle.

You haven't made love yet?

I wanted to wait,
see if we were compatible
in other areas first.

Makes sense.
Well, we wanted to
wait two months.

I decided.
James went along.

But he's really
been a doll about it.

So tonight's the night.

I bought some things
at Victoria's Secret.
What'd you get?

Stockings and a garter
and a teddy.

Don't try to
fit into the teddy.
What? You don't think?

Mm. It'll interrupt
the natural course of events.
Save the teddy for another time.

Yeah, I see.

I hope it goes great for you.
Thanks a lot, Donna.

Good morning, James.
Morning, Adrianne.

Mission Control,
all systems are go.

Cut it out, Greg,
will you?

Simone and Sipowicz,
homicide in the Village.

Adrianne, work backup
with James. Medavoy, um,
sh**ting on Fourth Street.

Take Russell.
James is in
the locker room, huh?

Uh, yeah. I'll get him.


Hey, James.

We got a homicide.
Uh, you and Adrianne,
you want to give us a hand?

Yeah. All right.

‐ How you feeling, man?
You good?
‐ Yeah. What do you mean?

No, I‐I was just
asking how you felt.

‐ You know too?
‐ I heard some things.

That Greg's
got such a mouth.

You know,
I'm no Don Juan or nothing,

but normally an event like this
wouldn't be such a big deal.

Adrianne marking a day
on her calendar,
thinking about it so long,

it's like, uh, training
for the Golden Gloves.

Going over my combinations,

You're the man, James.
No, you're the man.

Bobby, uh,
g‐give me some advice.

‐ Sure.
‐ Well, usually I use this
ultra‐sensitive type thing,

but, uh, tonight,
I was thinking, you know,
I'd go ribbed.

Show her I'm not just
concerned about me and‐‐

What do you think?


Look at this.
The creep's into
late‐night talk shows.

"Dave and Jay."

Gutted like a fish.
Guts and everything are
in the sink in there.

Wallet's on the floor.
If she had any credit cards,
they're gone.

‐ Oh, man.
‐ Me and Adrianne
will start canvassing.

‐ All right.
‐ Victim's Felicia Akins, 26.

Her mother called the super
after she couldn't reach her
on the phone.

The super came in,
found this and called 911.

Where's the super at?
I'll go get him.

The way I figure it, he dipped
these panties in the blood and
used those to write on the wall.

Then he must've come back,
left them in here.

‐ Didn't you say something
about a super?
‐ Yeah. I'm going go get him.

Unless you caught this one.
Did you catch this case
and I didn't realize?

‐ Did somebody turn this on?
‐ No, sir. It was on
when we arrived.

‐ I'm gonna go get the super.
‐ ♪ [ Radio: Country ]

Black girl listening
to country and western?
Does that make sense?

Maybe the k*ller's
a good ol' boy.

♪ [ Jazz ]

♪ [ Soul ]

This is the super,
Mr. Chernick.

I'm Detective Simone.
This is Detective Sipowicz.

You found Miss Akins?
Her, uh, mother called,

said her daughter wasn't
answering the phone, wanted me
to go up and check on her.

‐ You live on the first floor?
‐ I got a room in the basement.

[ Sipowicz ]
Did you know
the victim at all?

Not really.
You notice the kind
of guys she dated?

‐ Mainly interracial.
‐ Oh, yeah?

Anything particular about any
of her dates? Western type guys,
anything like that?

Like cowboy hats?
Not that I noticed.

I‐I can't believe what
I saw in that apartment.
I mean, what he did to her.

Yeah. Listen, thanks a lot.
We may have to talk to you
again, all right?

Newsstand guy down the block
saw a guy with a bloody hand
crossing the street at 2:00 a. m.

I got Crime Scene looking
for bloodstains on the pavement.

And we'll check the emergency
rooms for cut hands they may
have treated last night.

‐ What a mess in there, huh?
‐ [ Simone ] Yeah.
Let's check out this D. O. A.

[ Man ]
I'm not gonna go
in that ambulance.

I don't want to go where
you are trying to take me.

Hey, Joe.
Victim's Sidney Herman.

Couple black guys
stuck him up on the street.

Took one shot in the shoulder,
made it over here and collapsed.

You better call
a car service, Dale.

I'll never get
a cab in this neighborhood.

Excuse me.
I'm Detective Medavoy.
This is Detective Russell.

We're from the 15th Squad.

The hospital I have to
get to is the Hospital
for Special Surgery.

I'm in danger of losing the use
of my arm here. They took
my car. Can you drive me?

‐ It's on 70th Street.
‐ Take it easy, sir.

I told him we have to take him
to the nearest trauma
hospital, which is Bellevue.

No! I am a physician.
I am in danger of losing
the use of my arm.

I'm a surgeon. If there
is nerve damage in this arm,
I can't work.

Why don't you take him
where he wants? Professional
courtesy, all right?

‐ Yeah. Okay.
‐ Excuse me, Miss?

Miss, who are you?
I'm Dr. Herman's office
manager. My name is Dale Epton.

Dale, call Ian Miller at
Special Surgery. Tell him
I might need a procedure.

‐ I want him to consult.
‐ I will, Sid.

Tell him
the feeling isn't returning.
There's no sensation in the arm.

Do you have the phone number
and the address of
this special hospital?

‐ Dale, I need you there.
‐ As soon as I can, Siddy.

‐ And I guess you better
call Scarsdale.
‐ Oh, my, God.

Wh‐What's in Scarsdale?

His wife.

Miss Epton, please.
Can you please help us out
with what happened here?

Um, Dr. Herman called me
from his car when he was
about a block away.

‐ The buzzer is broken.
‐ The buzzer to where?

I live in this building.

The office is on 61st, but we're
closed today. And Dr. Herman
had to drop off some papers.

‐ I see.
‐ So you weren't a witness
to him being shot?

No. I‐I heard him shout
from the cellular phone.

And I came downstairs, and
he'd made it to the sidewalk.

He said two black guys
grabbed him and got his keys.

He said he was
trying to cooperate,
to give them the wallet,

‐ but they shot him anyway.
‐ He said there were
two black men?

Did he mention
anything else about them?

Yeah. He said, uh, the one
with the g*n was tall...

and he had a shaved head
and he had an earring.

‐ What kind of car
does Dr. Herman drive?
‐ A Mercedes 500 sedan.

And the wallet they took
was black calfskin.

And it had his initials
embossed on the front with sort
of, like, fancy Roman lettering.

You gave him the wallet?

All right.
Here's his service number
and mine underneath.

Look, I really need
to be with Siddy.
I'm his personal assistant.

‐ Yeah, sure.
All right, go ahead. Here.
‐ Taxi!

She needs to be with Siddy.
Yeah. He was dropping off
the papers.

[ Sipowicz ]
The woman's m*rder*d
with a knife. Disemboweled.

Satanic writing on the walls
in blood‐‐ Jay and Dave.

Hm, what's that about?
I don't know.
You tell me.

Nobody in the building
heard any commotion.

News vendor saw some guy
running from the building
around 2:00 a. m.

Looked like he was bleeding
from his hand or his arm.

Martinez and Lesniak are
checking with the E. R.'s.

We're looking
into recent releases
from the psychiatric ward.

Any chance this psycho
stuff's a misdirect?

Bobby's in there with one
of the D. O. A.'s work friends.
See what she knows.

What happened to her?
I mean, what did he do to her?

Let's not talk about that
right now, Patty. The way
that you can really help us...

is to let us know
what your connection
with Felicia was.

Okay, sure. Um, we worked
together at Feldman and Hawes.
We're legal secretaries.

Did she have any enemies?
Anyone that might have
wanted to hurt her?

No one I knew of.

Look, I actually feel
awkward about this.

Because Felicia was really nice,
and I don't want to say
anything bad about her.

[ Knocking ]
Uh‐huh. Well, uh‐‐

Excuse me.

‐ She's a deep thinker.
‐ We got a possible
over at NYU.

The infirmary treated
a Gordon Puterbaugh last night.
His home address is bogus,

but we got a employer address
off his health insurance.

Some baby store.
Me and Adrianne are
heading over there.

[ Simone ]
Well, Patty,

don't worry about what
our impression about what
Felicia's gonna be, all right?

We're trying to
find her K*llers.

Felicia had this plan,
I guess you would call it. Um,

she wanted to marry
a rich guy, okay?

I mean, who doesn't, right?
But she really wanted to.

I mean,
we work with these lawyers
that make tons of money.

And their wives spend all day
shopping and getting facials,
and that's what she wanted.

And then I'd say about a month
ago, she started talking
really different, you know,

like, "To hell with these
uptight jerks" and so on.

And finally she asked
had I ever tired Ecstasy?

Do you know
what I'm talking about?
Ecstasy, the drug.

Yeah. She said she
had gotten into Ecstasy...

and that it had really
opened doors for her
in terms of, um, you know‐‐

‐ Sex.
‐ Right.

And that was what she was
into now. You know, partying
with guys she'd meet at clubs.

And I went out with her once.

And, I mean,
she was into these guys...

that she and I would never
have looked at before.

And I was, like, shocked.

And I wanted to believe
that it was a phase.

‐Now I see it got her k*lled.
‐Do you know what clubs it was
that she went to?

Um, Double "L,"
um, Streets of Laredo.

These are still white guys
that she was interested in?

Yeah. But a totally
different type.

Do you remember anyone
specific from that night
that you went out with her?

No. That's what I keep trying to
think of. And I can't come up
with one specific face.

It's just this type.
A non‐lawyer?

Yeah. And I got out of there
before she picked one up.

How about the last few days?
Did she mention anybody
she met recently?

But I wasn't at work
on Friday, so‐‐

[ Donna ]
He's not here right now.

Yeah, I'll let him know.
Mm‐hmm. Yeah.

Okay. Well, I'll write
it down then. Okay.

Will you put
that person on hold?


Got it.
Don't smack your hand
on my desk.

Then do your job and stop
gabbing on the phone.

I need to see
Detective Medavoy
or Russell.


‐ I'm Detective Medavoy.
‐ I'm Jessica Herman,
Dr. Herman's wife.

‐ How's your husband doing?
‐ Well, we won't know
for a few hours.

The doctors in Special Surgery
are not optimistic.

Oh, I'm sorry.
Someone needs to pay
for this, Detective.

And I'm not talking about
Sidney's woefully inadequate
disability insurance.

‐ I want to file charges.
‐ Uh, ma'am.

Uh, charges can't be filed
until, uh, until we know
who the perpetrators are.

I want to file charges
against Dale Epton,
my husband's assistant.

Miss Epton isn't a suspect.
She's the cause
of this whole thing.

She enticed Sidney into
that wretched neighborhood.

She's as responsible
as if she was the man
who pulled the trigger.

Uh, no offense, ma'am,
but what you're saying
sounds a little, uh, silly.

Who's your supervisor?
That would be
Lieutenant Fancy.

Get Lieutenant Fancy.

Lieu, this is Dr. Herman's
wife. She would like to speak
with my supervisor.

Yeah. I'm Detective Medavoy's

Detective Medavoy is being
completely uncooperative.

I want to file charges
against Dale Epton.

Dale Epton is the woman
the surgeon was visiting, Lieu.

And what do you want to
charge her with?

Contributing to the sh**ting
of a citizen, uh, accessory
to a crime, I don't know.

That's for you to figure out.
That's what my tax dollars
are for.

Actually, your tax dollars
pay for the Scarsdale police.

I know this is an awkward
situation, Mrs. Herman,

but having a personal
relationship with your boss
isn't illegal.

Do they train you people
to be insensitive?

Excuse me.

You won't be so cavalier
when you're all dragged
into court.

Do you think that I haven't
read about your zero tolerance
zone? No crimes allowed.

I bet that wretched neighborhood
was a zero tolerance zone.
Could be.

Why don't you confer
with your lawyer?

I'm going to show that you knew
that a sh**ting was likely
to occur and you did nothing.

I want all your
crime statistics.

‐ Ma'am, you cannot order our
personnel around like that.
‐ Why won't somebody help me?

How can you expect people
to help you...

when you talk to them
like they're something
the cat dragged in?

‐ Donna.
‐ I may not have a marriage.

And if I do, my husband
may not be able to work.
What am I supposed to do?

Grow up.

I'm going to have
that bitch... fired.

Shall I pack my desk,

♪ [ Jukebox: Country ]

‐ Hey.
‐ Hi.

I'm Detective Simone.
This is Detective Sipowicz.

You, uh, recognize this girl
in this picture here?

Yeah. I think she's
been in here a few times.

Who does Felicia
come in with?


I think I remember her
being in here with, um,

a blond‐haired guy
and another girl.

She in trouble?
She was m*rder*d.

You know either of the people
she was with?

‐ Not really.
‐ What did the guy look like?

I don't know.
That was three
or four days ago.

You dropped your coat
here, man.

‐ Nice coat.
‐ Thanks. Thanks.

You worried about what
I'm gonna find if I look
in this pocket here?

He had, uh, short hair,
long sideburns.

His skin looked pretty
bad and, uh, the girls here
were doing kamikazes.

And the guy paid with a check.
That's right. I remember that.

He didn't have
his phone number on it,
so I had to give him a pen.

‐ The check go to the bank yet?
‐ No. We don't take them in on
Saturdays or Sundays.

It might still
be in the office.

I'll go take a look?

James, I don't want to
go out to dinner.
No, huh?

Unless you really do.
No. I ain't got no big thing
for going out.

We could stop at the grocery.
I could make some of that pasta.
Great. Sure.

I just want to be with you
as close as possible
as soon as possible.

Hey, I'll take
a sick day right now.

Excuse me. But my entire
existence has just been
turned topsy‐turvy,

and you two are having
a casual conversation
about your evening plans.

We try not to
get attached to people
we bring in for questioning.

There's the detectives you're
gonna be talking to. Can I
get you coffee or something?

I would like that very much.
Cream and two sugars, please.

No problem.
Thank you.
I appreciate that.

Yeah, sure, I'll hold.

Guy with the cut hand, uh,
leaving the D. O. A.'s apartment,
Gordon Puterbaugh.

Thanks, Adrianne.
Can you do me a favor?
Can you pick up with B. C. I.?

We're running a Clyde Fulmer.
He bought the D. O. A.
some drinks.

Oh, he wants a coffee
with cream and two sugars,
if you want to make friends.

‐ [ Lesniak ]
Yeah, I'm still holding.
‐ Hey, Bobby.

Hi, James. Mr. Puterbaugh,
I'm Detective Simone.
This is Detective Sipowicz.

We'll be talking in there.

I guess I don't
have much choice.
Can I get you some coffee?

‐ I think that female detective
is getting me some.
‐ I'll be getting it for you.

How do you take it?
Cream and two sugars.

All right, this way.
Come on.

[ Clears Throat ]

Have a seat.

‐ This is a living nightmare.
‐ I just need to ask you
a few questions.

‐ And then I can go home?
‐ Where were you last night?

That's what you want to know?
I could have told the other
detectives that in the car.

Tell me.

I closed the baby shop
where I work at 7:00.

And then I went to the store
to buy some things and went to
Mrs. Pattou's to make dinner.

‐ Who's that?
‐ You're really frightening me
with your tone!

Well, then, let's try to
take it easy, Gordon.

[ Inhales ]

[ Exhales ]

Okay, I'm better now.
[ Simone ]

Who is Mrs. Pattou?

An elderly shut‐in.
I'm a volunteer
at the community center.

I prepare home‐cooked meals
for old people
in the neighborhood.

Last night was
my first time with her.

I made a vegetarian lasagna.

Where's this Mrs. Pattou live?

Uh, Barrow between, uh,
Greenwich and Hudson.

What time did you
leave her place?
About 2:00.

2:00, huh? Boy, that was
a long dinner, huh?

Well, after dinner, we‐‐
Mrs. Pattou and I fell asleep
watching television.

Before I knew it,
it was already past 1:00.
I still hadn't done the dishes.

Do you like
to go club at all?
You know, line dance?

You ever go to
the Streets of Laredo?
Double "L"?


What happened to your hand?

Uh, I was washing
Mrs. Pattou's dishes...

and put my hand
into the soapy water...

and somehow cut myself
on a paring knife.

There was a woman who was
m*rder*d at the building that
you were visiting last night.

‐ She was cut up with a knife.
‐ Oh, my God.

No, wait.
You don't think I‐‐

I‐I would never harm
another person.

‐ Then why did you give NYU
Infirmary a phony address?
‐ I‐I didn't!

6820 Perry.

That's the Hudson River.

I put 682,
which is my address.

It could be a piece of dirt
from the photocopier.


Stand up for a second.

Stand up.

Look, you're still gonna
have to stay here until
we talk to this Mrs. Pattou.

What the hell
kind of name is that?

I didn't feel I knew her well
enough to ask. She'll verify
everything I said, believe me.

Finish your coffee.

Where are you going?
Sit down.

A guy named Puterbaugh
probably didn't figure Pattou
for such a strange name.

Sounds like somebody
working up a luggie.

What's open, Bobby?
We got somebody in 2.

[ Sipowicz ] I think 3's open.
You like this guy
for the doc that got shot?

Two uniforms picked
him up for shoplifting
over at Paragon Sports.

They're vouchering
his possessions,
find the doctor's wallet.

You think she heard
that luggie remark?

Hey, Clyde Fulmer came
with four collars for drug
possession, two for menacing,

‐ and one for a bad check
at Aqueduct.
‐ So Clyde Fulmer reads right.

Nothing puts him at the scene.
Puterbaugh's running from the
building, blood on his hands.

‐ Comes up like
a Sunday school teacher.
‐ Let's try this Mrs. Pattou.

Thanks, Adrianne.
Good night.

Medavoy says Martinez
and Lesniak are hitting
the rack tonight.

You know, if Greg would have
known the plans for D‐day,
we'd all be talking German.

[ Chuckles ]

‐ I bought that wallet.
‐ I guess they accidentally
put the wrong initials on it.

Oh, that's‐‐
th‐that's for my street name.

‐ Yeah? What's that?
‐ Sugar Bear.

‐ Sugar House.
‐ Where were you 1:00 today?

‐ Hanging out.
‐ You miss the joint,
Sugar House?

'Cause the man
that owns that wallet got shot
and he's fighting for his life.

‐ I found that wallet.
‐ Oh, now you found it.

Th‐That's the truth, man. There
was nothing in it. No cards or
cash. So I thought it was cool.

Where'd you find it?
Alley, over by the park.

Dude tossed it.
Who tossed it?

‐ Clarence.
‐ Do better, Kenny.

That's all I know.

I seen him around.
I heard this other dude say
Clarence. Might not be his name.

‐ What's Clarence look like?
‐ I didn't see him much.
He's African‐American.

Let's say Clarence owed you
$100,000, and he's late.

Where would you go looking?

You saying,
like, "hypocritically"
if he really owed me this money?

We're saying right now
you're our only suspect.

I guess I'd check Leo's
up on 25th and Lex.

They sh**t dice in the back
room. Clarence hangs out,
looks to roll the winners.

I can't believe
I didn't bring a fresh
change of clothes.

You'll stop home
in the morning.

Yeah. It's just, you know,
as much as we planned this
all out.

You know what I mean?
Yeah, I know.


You know you got me hooked on
that fresh pasta stuff now?

I eat the, uh, boxed stuff,
it tastes like cardboard.
Oh, it's so much better.

Okay, we need two cooking pots
and one skillet.

‐ You real hungry?
‐ Not real.

Me neither.

You think we should hold off
cooking until we're hungry?

Yeah, maybe we should,
you know?

That's the beauty
of eating at home. You eat
when you want to eat, right?

Yeah. It's not like we can't
get a later reservation.

That's right.
You know, no reservations,
no bad tables.

[ Laughing ]
No tipping.

‐ James, you want to do
the other thing first?
‐ Do you?

‐ Yeah.
‐ I do if you do.

All right.

You want to come
into the bedroom?

Yeah, I do. It's just
that, uh, old Maurice
is in there, right?

I took the dog
to my mom's house.

Oh, that's why I don't
hear him yapping, huh?

That's when
he bumps into walls.

[ Both Sighing ]
Here we are.

[ Both Chuckling ]


Will you unhook my bra?
Is that a front‐loader
or a back‐loader?

That's my belt buckle.

Hey, hey!
Hey, James.

‐ So what's new?
‐ We had a great time.

Yeah, huh?
[ Chuckles ]

‐ What do you say?
‐ This is some country,
America, huh?

Good morning, James.
Good morning.

Bobby, we got a use
on one of the credit cards
stolen from your D. O. A....

in a casino in Atlantic City
about an hour ago.

Andy's on standby
at court right now.

‐ You want to take a run down
to the casinos with Bobby?
‐ Yeah, all right.

B.C.I. sent this photo over.
I'll just fax it ahead to
the cops in Atlantic City, huh?

Where are you
with your shot doctor?

Oh. Uh, we're gonna go
up to that barbershop,

see if we can locate this
Clarence supposed to have
had the doctor's wallet.

‐ You hear how
the doctor's doing?
‐ His arm's gonna be all right.

Yeah. Now his only problem
is that battle‐ax
he's got for a wife.

Hey, Bobby?

If you, um,
pass a roulette wheel,
would you put five bucks on 22?

And if that wins,
bet half back on eight.

‐ Hi, Donna.
‐ Morning.

Morning, James.
Morning, everyone.

‐ Morning.
‐ Morning.

Great day, huh?


‐ You're putting your coat on.
‐ Yeah. I'm going down to
Atlantic City with Bobby.

Is that right?
Yeah. We're going to
look for this perp.

What time will you be back?

We got to talk to all these
people at the casino. You know,
pass this guy's picture around.

[ Simone ]
We should be back
this afternoon sometime.

I'll see you later,
all right?
See you later.

I'll meet you outside.
Yeah, Bobby.

We'll see if this Clarence
is inside.

You guys cover
the rear exit.

[ Man ]
All right.
[ Man #2 ] Come on.

[ Man Groaning ]
[ Laughing ]

Oh, thriving business.
Here we go.

[ Man Chuckling ]

‐ [ Russell ] Detectives.
‐ Okay, just keep your hands
where I can see them.

We're just looking for our guy.
Nothing to get excited about.

I don't see him. Kenny said
Clarence was about 25.
And these guys are too old.

Anybody know where
we can find Clarence?

What a surprise.
We're Detectives Medavoy and
Russell from the 15th Squad.

There's something in it,
any help on a guy
named Clarence.

You come in here hassling people
and you expect them to
cooperate back?

Well, that's
an interesting point.
We'll take it up with our boss.

Hey. Hey, don't you have some
traffic tickets to pass out?

Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Yo, yo. Let me talk
to you a minute.

Look, here, I'm Norval Stevens.
I don't mean you no disrespect.
Well, what's going on, Norval?

Well, I didn't want to establish
an atmosphere. You know,
those other people watching.

You know where Clarence is at?
Well, I know where
a lot of people are.

‐ What are you looking for?
‐ Uh, I hold some bets
once in a while,

‐ a friendly thing,
TV games only.
‐ Oh, you're a bookmaker.

Vice took my car last week
behind some bet slips
in the glove compartment...

and some cough medicine.
Oh, it's a sad story,

My ride's
a '93 DeVille Concourse,

sea mist green with the burnt
cappuccino leather.

Have the V. I. N. number.
So you want your car back,
and we want Clarence.

[ Sighs ] Clarence gets his, uh,
methadone, 97th and Amsterdam,
3:00 pickup.

‐ We'll need you to come
with us, pick him out.
‐ Anonymous, right?

Yeah. Y‐You walk after you
point him out and‐and before
we grab him up.

That's gonna get me my car?
If the victims I. D. him
in a lineup, Norval,

we'll try to get Vice
to give you your car back.

That cough medicine, that's
prescription. I don't know how
that label got scraped off.

Yeah, come on.
Come on. This way.

We're gonna take you upstairs
to the monitor room.

Every square foot in the casino
is covered with cameras.

Yeah, we appreciate that.
So that wasn't even close, huh?
Lieu's play on the roulette?

Nah. Stack, this buddy of mine,
he plays the Brooklyn number
every day.

Whatever came out, you know,
the number could've been 336,

he's going like,
"Oh, I had 492," you know,
like he just missed it.

What's this?
What's that over there?

That's our picture of Fulmer.
What's it doing out
in public view?

What? You figured it'd make it
a fair fight? Eliminate
the element of surprise?

‐ Jerry.
‐ Yes, sir?

Eighty‐six all these flyers.
We specifically instructed do
not post in public access area.

Hang on.
Northeast quadrant?

May be able to make it up to
you. Got a possible sighting.

All right.

Hey, there he is.
How many doors in there?

Just this one.

Police! Don't move, Clyde!
Hey, stay away from me!

Don't sh**t me.
I'm out of here.

I'm out of here
or this guy's dead!
Drop that knife, Clyde!

Stay away from me!
I'll slit his throat!

‐ I've got a heart condition.
‐ Don't you hurt this man!

Come on.

‐ We got a situation
coming onto the floor.
‐ Hey, get out of the way!

[ People Screaming ]
Everybody out of the way!

Don't take him out here!

I got a lot of problems if you
take him out on the premises!

This guy is not
getting out of here!
Go, James!

‐ [ Simone ]
Clyde, get down.
‐ Stay! Hey, man, stay back!

‐ Hey, stay away from me! Hey!
‐ Right here.
This is where it stops, Clyde.

Everything stops right here.
Then this guy is dead.

You're not getting out
this door. You want to see us
whack you without whacking him?

That's what we're gonna do.
But you will not get
out of here.

‐ You‐‐ You dare not sh**t me!
‐ Oh, yeah, we dare, Clyde!
Believe that!

Honest to God! Clyde, listen
to me. Drop the knife, or I am
gonna drop you right now.

Jay! Jay and Dave
made me do this!

‐ Talk show guys?
‐ Yeah! Her punishment
was ordained!

‐ Yeah?
‐ They ordained it!

Yeah, babe.
We'll see what's ordained
for you in New York. Thanks.

Dave wanted
his name on the wall.
And then Jay did too.

Well, you know, Jay and Dave,
they always compete.

‐ Yeah. They wanted it
written in her blood.
‐ Hey, Clyde, shut up.

James, put this guy in
an interview room. I'll run
this through the lieutenant.

‐ If you happen to see Adrianne,
let her know we're back?
‐ Yeah. Right.

What's that guy like?

Well, he was acting pretty sane
until he couldn't escape
from that casino.

Then he started sounding
like he's from Mars.

So you figure that psycho stuff,
writing on the wall with
her blood, that was all bogus?

Oh, yeah. Hey, Andy.
Those humps never
got to my case.

So you and Martinez
collared up on the guy?

Yeah. He was using one
of the D. O. A.'s credit cards
in the casino.

‐ We go to grab him up,
he starts coming on wacky.
‐ Why not? He makes it...

into one of them minimum
security houses, some orderly
leaves the door unlocked,

he's back on the streets
getting high
and filleting his dates.

‐ Call Puterbaugh, apologize
for the inconvenience.
‐ I gotta take a piss.

See if I can move Clyde
on the bright side
of going to the joint.

‐ Oh, yeah, boss,
22 on the roulette?
‐ No good?

‐ You want to work this with me?
‐ Eh, you already
built a rapport.


‐ Is 1 open, Donna?
‐ Yeah.

Right through here.

That's Clarence Rutherford.
Might be our stickup guy.

We're gonna get some fillers,
put him in a lineup
for that doctor.

You've gotten four phone calls
from a Norval Stevens about
getting a car out of impound?

He's a bookmaker
gave us this guy.
Vice took his Caddy.

If the guy's right,
we're gonna get it back.

I know what
Garth Brooks told me.

It's channeled through Jay.
Who's that?
[ Knocking ]

‐ Clyde‐‐
‐ Clyde who?

Hey! Look, I don't know
what you read in the papers,

but this crazy man defense,
people aren't buying it anymore.

I am not crazy!

My devils told me
it was preordained.

So your devils work
through Jay and Dave?
Yeah. Yeah.

Actually, those are
the cases the prosecutors,
they work harder on.

'Cause none of 'em
wants to be the one that
loses to an insanity plea.

That girl insulted
Travis Tritt.

Jay and Dave told me
to take her entrails
to the well.

Yeah, right.
See, here's the thing, Clyde.

I don't see
any psycho hospitalizations
here on your rap sheet.

On the other hand, what I do see
are four collars for narcotics
possession and one for menacing.

Now, I make you for a guy
with some habits and a temper.

Maybe he got the mix wrong
on a little coke, some Ecstasy,

while he was out partying,
something happened
he never meant.

That's a manslaughter beef
that we're talking about.

I gutted her
because Jay ordered me to.

All this crazy‐man stuff, you're
still confessing to the crime.

They throw out the craziness,
and all you are left with
is a confession.

My devils told me
to k*ll her.

I'd make a statement explaining
the circumstances there, Clyde.
The dr*gs, they overcame me.

Take a shot at
five years in the joint
with guys who don't hear voices.

Now, maybe that's just me.

Jay, Dave...

and Ted Koppel.
No Tom Snyder?



James, uh‐‐

Let Andy know what's going on.
Tell him we're taking this phony
down to holding.


‐ Clyde, come on. We're gonna
do it your way. Come on.
‐ In there?

No. We're gonna print you
and take you downstairs.

Which one's for transport
to Bellevue?

Uh, the last one on the right.
Down here, Clyde.

With who?
Maybe Napoleon.
Ask him.

Get in.
Play nice.

Oh, crap.

Hi. Hello.
Who are you?

I don't want to talk.

I'm Andy.
Yeah, good.

Can you honestly
tell me the difference
between cow meat and man meat?

Don't get stupid with me, man.

How many did you get?
How many what?

I don't know.
You tell me.
Shut up, all right!

You hit me in the face as hard
as you can and, uh, and I'll
bite you with my teeth.

You bite me with your teeth
and I'll knock your teeth
down your throat!

‐ [ Zipper Unzipping ]
‐ Hey, let's both dump
on the floor, huh? Huh?

‐ Guard!
‐ Come on. Give me
a free shot in the face...

‐ and I'll bite
your arm off, huh?
‐ Hey! Hey!

Now, here, okay, this is‐‐
this is you hitting me.
And now here comes me!

Hey, get the hell
away from me! Hey! Hey!

‐ Hey! Stop!
‐ Hey, back off!

‐ Point that finger at me!
‐ You got a damn cannibal
in here, man!

Hey, back off!
Back off! Get down!

Well, why don't you sick
Jay and Dave on him? Huh?
Bring on your boys!

Look, can you get me
a five‐year bit?

I can get you
a conversation with the D. A.
Well, get me one!

‐ [ Growling ]
‐ You better go!
Back off!

‐ [ Growling ]
‐ Hey!

[ Sighs ]

Hey, who's hungry?

‐ Hey, James.
‐ Hey, Adrianne.

I heard you guys giving
the straight story.

Yeah. The D. A. just finished up
with him. Me and Bobby
are doing our fives.

Mm. James,
I hope I didn't convey
a wrong impression before...

when you were leaving
for Atlantic City.

‐ You sounded a little strict.
‐ Yeah, well, my act is
when I'm feeling so happy,

‐ I worry something's gonna
reach out and take it away.
‐ You shouldn't worry like that.

I worry about
highway conditions,
everything else.

And I could also sound like
I'm wanting you to account
for your whereabouts.

Anyways, uh, it was
a misunderstanding.

The worst thing
I could do if I start
worrying about everything...

is I could create exactly
what I want to avoid by making
you feel claustrophobic.

It's growing pains,
that's all.

I mean, it's a process
of getting to know each other,
know what I mean?


So, what time do you feel
you'll be going home?

I‐I don't know.

Let me just find Bobby.
I'll go over those fives
again. All right?


Number three.
[ Medavoy ] And where
do you recognize him from?

He's one of the sons of b*tches
who nearly destroyed my life.

Uh, you need to say
the time and location
where he nearly did this.

Yesterday morning, he yanked me
out of my car before the other
one shot me in the shoulder...

and nearly caused massive
nerve damage which could have
deprived me of my livelihood.

Which happened where?

In front of
Miss Epton's apartment.

We've got a hit, Ray. Take him
in and start the paperwork.
The others can relax.

[ Medavoy ]
All right. This way.

Thanks for your
cooperation, Doctor.
Was he in there?

One of the son of a b*tches was.
The son of a bitch
who yanked me from the car.

You son of a bitch!
You scream
like a little girl.

Darnell shot you
to get loose from you
begging at his ankle!

‐ [ Laughing ]
‐ Have a nice bus ride,

Will you be able to
capture the other one?

‐ Yeah. Clarence isn't too
shy about giving up his name.
‐ Clarence didn't have the g*n?

‐ No. It was the other S. O. B.
‐ All right, Siddy. Okay.

We'll call you if we need
you for another lineup.

Yeah. And, uh, we're glad your
worst fears weren't realized‐‐
losing the use of your hand.

I would say that
being shot, Detective,
was sufficiently traumatic.

That and knowing
that some S. O. B. is driving
around in my Mercedes.

Well, the woods
are full of S. O. B.'s.

If we need to reach you, it'd be
easier if we didn't have to go
through your phone service.

You can use my number.
Do you have my number
in Scarsdale?

‐ Uh, no. We'll need that.
‐ Why would they need
the number in Scarsdale?

Dale, we'll discuss
the logistics of this later.

You know, you can call us
and‐and let us know what
number you want us to use.

Oh, no, no, no.
We're gonna let you
know right now.

Why would they need
the number in Scarsdale,
Sid, you son of a bitch?

Detectives, thank you
very much. Appreciate it.

‐ Our pleasure.
‐ Dale, I told you‐‐
[ Continues, Inaudible ]

You wouldn't believe
the barracuda this guy's
going back to.

The secretary
might not know it yet,
but today's her lucky day.

‐ Ow! Dale, now,
sweetheart, come on.
‐ Who's having the party?

Oh, our guy that
got shot in a stickup,
you know, that doctor.

His, uh, secretary
just found out they're
not gonna be an item.

‐ Oh! Hey!
‐ [ Martinez ] Hey.

‐ Bobby says you should
go up for the Oscar.
‐ Ah, the hungry inmate.

‐ What?
‐ Andy moved our perp
off of playing nuts.

‐Oh, yeah?
‐Andy's in the cell with the guy
playing a wacko cannibal.

The guy is climbing the bars
to give up his loony act.

‐ He's yelling to
make a deal with the D. A.
‐ So, he's in with the D. A....

‐ finding out what getting
eaten alive is all about.
‐ [ Simone ] Oh, yeah.

I‐I moved a guy once.
He was conning homely women.
I'm in a cell with him.

He makes me
for another grifter.
Gives up his scam to me.

[ Laughing ] I remember that.
The guy with the big thing
on his head, right?

‐ Yeah.
‐ Yeah. Remember, Adrianne?

Yeah, the black box guy.

Anyways, yeah.
[ Sipowicz ]

[ Clears Throat ]

Uh. Andy, thank Sylvia for
that casserole, will you?

Oh, yeah.
She said drop off the dish
whenever you're done.

Uh, you know,
I could go up and get it
right now, if you want.

Mm‐mmm. No rush.
You can drop it off
tomorrow in your jammies.

‐ [ Chuckles ] Night, all.
‐ Greg, remember, we have to
reach out to Vice tomorrow.

Oh, yeah. Get that Norval
his car back. That's right.

[ Lesniak ]
Good night, Diane.
[ Russell ] Good night.

I didn't mean
to hurry you.
Oh, you didn't hurry me.

Hey, uh, Bobby,
the boss said tomorrow's
good for the fives, right?

Oh, yeah.

I was all done.

[ Clears Throat ]
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