04x01 - Postmortem Madness

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Melrose Place". Aired: July 8, 1992 –; May 24, 1999.*
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Follows the lives and loves of eight young adults in an apartment complex in Los Angeles.
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04x01 - Postmortem Madness

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ ♪


Wait, wait, wait.


It's not
what it looks like.




It's worse.



Oh, my God.


Oh, my God.


Are you okay?


My God.




Oh, my God, Alison.

Just get out, okay?

I'll meet you outside,
just get out quick.

What are you doing?

I said get out!
Billy, stop, Billy!

Get out!
Come back!

Stop, where are
you going?


Billy, come back!




♪ ♪



You gotta talk.


Jane, Jane.

You all right?


Hey, we need some
help right here.

You two,
take care of her.

Got it.

Give me a protection
line over here.

Over here at
the pool!

Expose your line.
Come on. Over here.
Let's go.

Give me one
on the door!

Hurry up!
Come on!

Everybody out
to the street!

Quickly, let's go!
Come on!

Take her. Come on.

Take her!

[firemen shouting
in background]

It's okay.

Jake. Where's Jake?
Here we go.

All right, break it up.
Let me get in there.

Come on, break it up.

Don't move, son, we've
called an ambulance.

He's dead.

He is.


♪ ♪

♪ ♪


You hear me? You're
all right, Alison.

You're gonna be
all right.

We'll take it
from here.

This man's arms
are badly burnt.

He needs
help, too.

When we have time.


second-degree burns.

I need a treatment room stat,
and a psych consultant.

Right away, Doctor.

Hey, she's the one
who did all this!

I'm sorry. Patients
and immediate
family only.

This is my wife.


Come on.

You got
five minutes.



Hey, Dad? It's, uh,
it's me, Matt.

What a coincidence.

Your mother and I, we were
just talking about you.

Yeah, look, Dad, I gotta
kind of keep this short.


I'm in trouble,
kind of.

What kind of trouble?
What's wrong?

Um, dad, I'm s--

I'm sorry, I didn't
know who else to call.

I'm in county jail.

You've been arrested?
What for?

Oh, my God.

That's just it.

They've charged
me with m*rder.

Oh, my God.

All right.
[clearing throat]

All right, just
don't worry, son.

We'll-- we'll do something.
We'll get some help.

I'll-- I'll call my lawyer
right away, all right?


♪ ♪

Mr. Hart?

We were unable to
revive your wife.

She suffered a massive
heart attack at the scene,

and though we gave it
our best effort,

she died.

I'm sorry.

My God, what
am I gonna do?

It's gonna be
all right.

it's not your fault.

Oh, come here.

You're kidding me, the
whole building's gone?

half of it, anyway.

Nobody's sure what's
left livable.

The bombs took out
a whole side, at least.

Is everybody okay?

Well, the woman Jane works
for is pretty badly hurt,

and we're not sure
how Alison's doing,

but I think I got
her out in time.


Yeah, I think she's gonna
be released tonight.

So, you haven't said
what happened to you.

I, um, I found
Jess, and, uh...

we fought, and we
fell, and, um...

he died.

You wanna keep
that between us?


[door opens]

Excuse me,
Jake Hanson?

I'm Detective Cale, LAPD.

This is my partner,
Detective Allen.

We have a few
questions for you.

I guess I better go back
to the waiting room,

see how everybody's doing,
unless you want me
to hang around.

No, I'm fine, I'll--
I'll see you around.

The doctor told
me to tell you

that Alison's
resting well.

Considering what
she's been through,
she's very lucky.

What are her injuries?

Besides a moderate

mostly cuts
and bruises.

Although it'll take a day
or two to figure out

the extent of the
damage to her face.

That's all
I can say.

When can I see her?

Not till tomorrow
at the earliest.

You need to take
care of yourself,
you need some rest.

We both do.
Your wife's right.

Come on, let's just go
stay at my room at Daddy's.

Yeah, well, you know,
there's plenty of
space there.

So, maybe Amanda and
everybody else can--

I don't know.

Why don't you
two go ahead?

I have plenty of room
at my place.

All right.

Hey, sleepy-head,
how you doing?

Oh, all in all,
I don't imagine
I could feel worse.

Well, you'll be feeling
better soon enough.

I'd like for you to
stay at my place tonight.

I'll cook you a
nice breakfast in
the morning and--

Like hell. I'd rather
sleep on a grate.

I have some patients
I have to see.

Hey, wait.

Breakfast sounds
good to me.

What was that
all about?

Amanda just turned down
free bed and breakfast.

Nothing's free,

but you'll never
understand that.

Well, I'm taking Jo
out to the beach house.

She needs some rest.

We all do, so why don't
you two come along?

I promise--
no funny business.


Come on, Amanda.

We've got him

All right,
let's go.

But, you better keep your
hands to yourself, Michael.

Oh, believe me,
that's the last
thing on my mind.

Especially with
any of you.

I've gotta tell you, I think
it's one of the most shocking

things I've
ever heard of.

And to think that you
could have been injured

or k*lled, I can't bear
to think about it.

Well, it worked
out all right,

and Billy was a hero.

I can't believe
that you stopped there

on the way to the airport.
My God, you should have been

3,000 miles away
in Hawaii.

I'd left the airline
tickets at the apartment.

You left the reception
at 5:00.

The expl*si*n happened
around 6:30 in the evening.

What took you so long?

The point is, Hayley,
we're all right.

Don't tell me what the
point is, my young friend.

At any rate,
it's over now.

So, the important thing is
to get on with your honeymoon,

so you can get on
with your life.

I don't know if
now is the time.

Don't fight me
on this, Bill.

Daddy's right, Billy.

It would be a great
way to start over

after this disaster,
and we just got married.

We should have a minute
to enjoy it.

Look, Brooke, a lot
of my friends were hurt,

and I'm worried
about them.

They're being
taken care of.

There's nothing we can do.

Please, let's go,
for me?

Okay, for you.

that's settled.

I'll make all the

You can leave
first thing tomorrow.

♪ ♪

Alison, you've suffered
a good deal of trauma

to your face and head,
due to the force
of the expl*si*n.

To a large extent,
you're very lucky.

The cuts and abrasions
should heal

without any
significant scarring,

and you got away without
any broken bones.

The one thing we're
not sure of is the extent

of the damage
to your eyes.

There weren't any burns,
but trauma was severe--


Please take off
the bandages.

♪ ♪

I can't see.

Yeah, I suspected
as much, Alison.

We did some
ultrasound on your eyes

when you were first admitted,
and what we've got here,

we believe is bilateral
vitreous hemorrhages.

Is that doctor talk
for blind?

Not exactly.

You see, the force
of the expl*si*n

caused some
bleeding inside your eyes.

Now, there's a good chance
you'll see again

once the blood is
reabsorbed into your body,

and away from
the retina.


When will I
see again?

I don't know
for sure.

It could be a matter of weeks,
or it could be longer.

And then, of course,
we'll have to see

if there's
any other damage.

Unfortunately, I can't
guarantee anything.

Then you're not
much good, are you?

The best thing you can
do now, Alison, is to rest.

Leave me alone.

Oh, God.

Oh, God.

Oh, God, oh, no.

Oh, God...

No, no.

No, God.


Dr. Shaw's calm now,

however, she does seem to be
in quite a bit of denial.

I mean, she remembers
the incident,

but not her own
participation in it.

So, we thought that as
a colleague of hers,

and as the one who
pulled her from the pool,

that perhaps you could,
well, help us

get some kind of
breakthrough here.

Well, I'll see
what I can do.

I'd like to
see her alone.

Of course,
and thank you, Doctor.

Dr. Peter Burns.

Here we go.

Howdy, stranger.

Maybe you can tell me
why they stuck me

in the straitjacket unit.


I'm sure it's a lot
for you to absorb.

I remember there was
an expl*si*n at Amanda's,

but they're saying
that I had something

to do with it,
it's crazy.

You know, this is
some setup of Michael's.

I mean, scratch
the surface

of something this twisted,
and you're bound to find

Michael's ugly little smile.

You know
what we should do, Peter?

We should go into
Hobb's office,

and tell the Chief of Staff
that we have had experience

with the lunatic
Dr. Mancini, and that
we want him thrown out.

Okay, but before
we do that,

I want you
to know something.

That I am here, and I'm
going to help you.

I'm on your side.

I'm so glad
to hear that.

I was beginning to think
I was all alone.

No, you're not.

But, there's some
things you're gonna
have to face up to.

Some problems you have,
some actions you took.

Oh, come on, Peter.

Oh, you don't believe
them, do you?

I was there, Kimberly,
I saw you do it.

I saw you push the
detonator and blow

the apartment
complex off the map.


No, I wouldn't,
I couldn't.

I wouldn't.

Someone died,
Kimberly, a woman.

Someone that you probably
never even knew.

Now, you're going to
have to accept this,

if you're ever
going to get better.

I am not gonna let
you do this to me.

You're in it with

But I'm not gonna
let you make me believe

I did something
I didn't do.

I could never do that.

Kimberly, I told you,
I'm on your side.

No, you're not!

You're a liar!

Liar! Get out!

Get out!
Get out!

You're a liar!
Get out!

Liar! Liar!
Get out!

You're lying!
Get out!

Liar! Get out!


I just can't get
over the fact

that if it wasn't for me,
she'd be alive right now.

Richard, you've got to
stop blaming yourself.

You couldn't know what
was gonna happen.

I've been giving
it some thought,

and I think I have
a way of keeping
Mackenzie alive,

at least.

What do you mean?

Mackenzie's real last
name was Harbert, right?

Well, for the good
of her company, I--

I don't think we should
publicize her death.

Simply bury her as
Mackenzie Harbert,

and then put out
the spring line

as if
nothing has changed.

My God, Jane,
I can't believe
that you're saying this.

It's morbid.

If you would just
listen to me--

No, Mac's not even cold,
how can you be talking

about business right now?

Mac would think the same
way, and you know it.

It's the only way to keep
her image and work alive,

and for the company
not to suffer.

I'm not trying
to hurt you.

If anything, I'm trying
to honor Mackenzie.

Think about
it, Richard.

All right,
I'll think about it.


I'm just trying
to do what's right.

Yeah, but for
who, Jane?



It's so sad seeing
you like this.

Yeah, I--
I know.

I was-- I was wondering what
took you so long to get here.

Let's get me
out of this place.

Matt, this is-- this
is Alycia Barnett.

She's a criminal

Where's Dad?

He couldn't make it.

What do you mean,
Dad couldn't make it?

Look, Matt,

this hit him
very hard.

He's been making
such an effort

to understand
your lifestyle

and your insistence on being
so public about it,

and now this.

You have to try
to understand.

He's hurting.

I am the one who
is hurting, Mom.

And what does this have
to do with me being gay?

Look, I didn't k*ll
anybody, all right?

It doesn't matter if you
did, you're still our son.

And you're still
ashamed of me.

No. No.

Do you honestly believe
I could take another
person's life?

Do you?

Does Dad?
No, of course not.


You're gonna have to calm
down and focus here, okay?

Then you and I can talk

about how we're going
to approach this.

Tomorrow morning we'll
get our case together.

We'll see what they
have to offer us.

Maybe we can get
a plea and avoid--

Avoid what?

What, bad publicity?

Is that what this
is all about?

Covering up this case
so that nobody finds out

that your son's a fruit?

It doesn't matter to any
of you that I didn't do--

Now, listen to me.

Listen to me.
Listen to me.

I was framed by a lunatic
who wanted to k*ll his wife.

Oh, Matt.

Get out of here.

I don't need this,
I don't need you!

Out of my sight!
Out of my life!



♪ ♪

Maybe if they were
a little closer,
you can smell them.

Yellow roses always seem to
smell the sweetest to me.

Maybe that's
just in my head.

No, Jane.

I can smell them,
it's nice.

It's nice of
you to come.

I'm sorry I got so mad
at you at the wedding.

That's all right,
I understand.

I would have blown
up too, in your shoes.


I'm sorry, I don't mean
to say it like that.

Actually, I was blown
out of my shoes, so...

How about you?
Were you hurt?

I'm okay.

But, my boss
Mackenzie Hart died.


Oh, it's such
a nightmare.


Could hardly
be worse.

But, somehow...

All of this is--
it's helping me see

what's really important.

Mm, me too.

And I know that your
eyesight is gonna come back

even sooner than
the doctors think.

Until that time, you can
stay with me, okay?


I feel like I never really
valued our friendship.

Well, we will now.

We'll never let anything
come between us again.

[door opening,

Oh, excuse me.

Hi, Jane.

Uh, just wondering
if I could talk

to Alison
for a minute.

Billy, um, can you
give us a second?



Can you do me a favor
and keep the details

of my blindness and...

possible recovery
between us?


I'll be back
in a few minutes.

How are you?

I, uh...

heard that your eyes
were pretty badly hurt.

I can't see, Billy,

if that's what
you mean.

The doctors
don't know why.

I'm really sorry.

don't worry.

I'm alive.

That's what's
important, right?

And I hear I have you to
thank for that, so...

Thank you.

And don't worry
about me, okay?

I hope you and Brooke
will be very happy.

Oh, we'll
be fine.

What about you?

Maybe there's some
way I could help--

Stop pitying me and
go on your honeymoon.

That can wait.


You married
somebody else.

That's what you wanted,
and you got it.

Leave me alone.

I care about you.

[door closing]

♪ ♪

Oh, my God.

Billy told me what
happened, I had no idea.

Yeah, I've been standing
in the middle of it

the whole day,
I still can't absorb it.

What happened to you?

Oh, it's
a long story.

Miss Woodward, um,
I still need to eyeball

the apartments in
the corner there.

Oh, go ahead,
I'll be right there.

I just hope my insurance
covers mad bombers.

What about my apartment,
can I get in there?

Well, except for
whatever happened

to your poor body, you
got away lucky.

That whole side
of the building is
structurally sound,

so, if you can put up

with intermittent
power and water,
you're welcome back.

After what I've been
through the last few days,

I can put up
with anything.

I'll see you later.

[kicking glass]

Jake, I have been
looking all over for you.

I went to the hospital,
but you checked out.

I called sh**t,
I called your apartment.

And no one will tell me
what happened to Jess.

What happened?

he's dead.

Did you...

It was an accident.

The cops are calling
it self-defense.

Whatever it was,
I'm putting it behind me.

Oh, God, Jake.
I'm so sorry.

You shouldn't have gone.
This is all my fault.

Jo, this is the last thing
I need right now, all right?

Everybody in this building
is feeling a lot of pain,

including you, so
let's just get past it.

I can't. That could
have been you, Jake.

Tell me how it happened.

I need to know, I'm
a part of this, too.

Just stop it,
all right?

It's over, okay?


♪ ♪

I'm glad you
changed your mind

and called me, Matt.

Actually, I considered going
with a public defender.

But then I heard that
you really did have

a great reputation.

I just don't know
if I can trust you.

You can.

That means that you
have to understand

that I am innocent,

that I'm not looking
for a plea, or any
kind of a bargain.

I didn't do it,


After we got off
the phone yesterday,

I did some preliminary
digging around at
the hospital,

and there are
a few witnesses

who can place you and Paul
together, and friendly,

even up to the
day of the m*rder.

So, Paul's stalking story
holds less water.

This is good.


But, I also talked to a
source down at the LAPD,

and they've talked to
these witnesses, too,

and they've
developed a new theory.

They figure you and Paul
planned this together.

You've got to
be kidding.

Look, you get me
out of here on bail,

and I will show
you everything.

We'll prove it

Matt, your bail
hearing is today,

but you may have to be
content with telling me

everything that happened
from in here.


I'm not a
flight risk.

You need to convince
the judge.

That's your job.

But we're talking about
premeditated m*rder, Matt.

It's a capital case.

What am I gonna do?

Let's just wait to see
what the judge has to say,

then we'll take
it from there.

But, Matt...

I'm on
your side.

And I believe
you're innocent.

Hi, Alison.

It's Amanda.

I recognized your voice,
Amanda, believe me.

What do you want?

Well, I see you already
have roses over here,

so, I'll just put these
at the end of your bed.

You know what?

Why don't you take those
to the nurses' station?

Maybe they can give
them to somebody else.

Let me just say
this, all right?

I feel responsible for
most of what's happened.

And whatever happened
between us before,

it breaks my heart to
see you hurt like this.

So anyway, when the
insurance money
comes through,

I'm going to rebuild
the apartments,

and make them
better than ever,

and I'm gonna put extra
attention into yours.


You're gonna put up
little handrails,

or let me
keep a guide dog?

Sure, if that's
what you need.

What I need, Amanda,
is my sight back.

Oh my God, Alison,
you're gonna want to
keep this arrangement.

You should see it, it's
bigger than a Buick.

Who are they from?

"No matter what
happens in our lives,

"I'll always be
there for you.

Love, Billy."

How sweet. See, he
still cares about you.

And I don't care what
you think, so do I.

That's just it,

People like you and Billy
don't care what I think.

You're too busy washing
me down with your guilt.

Now, if you're done

feeling better about
yourself, you can leave.

♪ ♪

Dr. Payson?

Hello, I'm Dr.
Michael Mancini.


I'm Dr. Kimberly Shaw's

Oh. Oh, I'm sorry,
I didn't know.

All right.
Uh, Doctor,

I don't really think that
she's really well enough

right now for
family visits,

but perhaps, you and I
should have a talk.

Oh, look, I know she's
in bad mental health.

She's been that
way for some time.

To me, what she did
was reprehensible,

and her condition
is incurable.

Well, Doctor, I'm
really not ready

to make that kind of
diagnosis at the moment.

That's fine, whatever.

You see, the point is,
there's just no way

that she or I can cover
these mounting hospital bills.

The insurance
only covers so much.

So, I'm prepared to
sign the papers

to have Kimberly
shipped off--

or, rather, sent to--

the county
psychiatric facility.

But the treatment isn't
nearly as advanced there.

I mean, wouldn't you
say, Dr. Mancini?


Why don't I handle this,
Dr. Payson? Thanks.

Thank you.

What the hell
are you doing?

This is my business.

Oh, Michael,

Let's be clear, okay?

I'm not gonna let you send
Kimberly to the snake pit

because you're too cheap to
take care of your own wife.

And, uh, why do you
care where she goes?

Well, that's my business.

I'll take care of all
the bills after insurance.

All you have to do is
leave her alone.

We're talking
about a psycho

who nearly burned down
a city block.

If anybody deserves
to be shackled

to a steam pipe
in hell, it's her.

Just stay away
from Kimberly, Michael.

Otherwise, you have
to deal with me.

And I know you
don't wanna do that.

Thank you.

People vs. Fielding.

We're looking at a request
for bail here.

What's the state's
position, Mr. Isley?

Mr. Fielding
stands accused

of a premeditated, and
the cold-blooded act

of capital m*rder,
Your Honor.

He was found at
the crime scene in
the midst of escape.

The m*rder w*apon bears
his fingerprints.

To have him released
under any circumstances

before trial, would be
putting the community
at risk.

The State requests
that bail be denied.


Your Honor, Mr. Fielding
is a social worker,

a model member
of his community,

and active in charitable

His roots, friends,
and family are here.

And he is not, in the
least, a flight risk,

and is very anxious
to return to this court

and prove his innocence.

I'm inclined to agree
with the defense on this.

However, the seriousness
of the crime

can not be overlooked.

Bail is set
at $1,200,000.

Your Honor, Mr. Fielding
is able to post bail.


All right.
Pending the paperwork,

Mr. Fielding, you
are free to go.

However, I remind
you that you are bound

by this court to make
all appearances,

or you'll immediately
be back in custody.

[pounds gavel]
Next case.

How did you
get the money?

Your parents, Matt.

They put up
their house.

They care about you
more than you think.

♪ ♪

Well, I guess
that's it, then.

She's gone.

I owed her a lot,
you know?

I even loved her.

I know.

Come on.

Now, let's get to
work and make her

even more famous than
she ever was before.

I am so sick of you.

It's not enough that
my wife is dead, and
because of you,

she's buried
under a name that she
barely acknowledged.

Now you have
to celebrate?

Richard, please,
it's for the company.

I care.

Look, I don't wanna
make you mad.

I wanna make you happy.

Keep your
clothes on, Jane.

It's not gonna
work this time.

You go do what you want,
I'm gonna stay here

and mourn the loss
of a woman who knew

how to be a
human being.

[doorbell ringing]


Hi, Dad,
I just, uh...

I just wanted to
come by and, uh...

say thanks.

Thanks for
helping me.

Of course, Matt, it's
the least we could do.

How-- how
you feeling?

Okay, I guess.


God, I've been
so worried.

I really missed
you, son.

I miss you, too, Dad.


You're home.

Oh, you're

For God's sake,
come inside.

♪ ♪

Who knew there'd be
so many clients

new campaigns?

Well, it doesn't
surprise me.

The place has been in
disarray for quite a while.

You know, she should
put you in a position
with more authority.

You could whip that
place into shape.

So, Bill.

My daughter here
calls me at lunch,

and tells me that you have
decided to postpone

your honeymoon

Now, I would like
you to tell her, now,

in front of me, that
you made a mistake,

and that you'll fly
to Hawaii immediately.

I'm waiting.

You know what?

You can wait until you're
strapped in a wheelchair

and you're spitting
up your peas.

But I will never, never,
take orders from you.

And you can continue
your sick relationship
with your daughter,

as long as you want, and
you'll do it without me.


Billy, honest, I only
told him because--

I told you that
I didn't want your
father in our lives.

But, obviously, that's
the relationship that
counts for you.

Listen to me, you little
jerk, I will not have you

talking to me or my daughter
that way in this tone--

Oh, shove it,
all right?

Why don't you have one of
your slaves bring my stuff

to my apartment?

Let him go.

Daddy, he's my husband!
Let him go!

I can't believe you brought
that man into our house.

And so, we put
Jess Hanson

back in the care
of his loving creator

and pray for
his life of peace

in the hereafter.

Is there anything you'd
like to say, Mr. Hanson?

No, that's fine, fine.

Thank you,
Mr. Hanson.


Oh, you here to...

weep over the man
who almost k*lled you?

No, I came here for
you, you know that,

I was worried
about you.

Oh, don't give me
that song, all right?

I was thinking about what
you said last night,

and you're right.

Wasn't for you, I wouldn't
be in this graveyard
in the first place.

I warned you about him.

I know.
I'm sorry.

Well, sometimes sorry
doesn't cut it.

You know, right now,
I don't really give a damn.

I don't care what
happened to him.

To be honest with you
right now, I don't care
what happens to you either.

God damn you.

I'll pretend
it is important

because I know you're
in a lot of pain.

But I thought you might
want your mother's broach.


♪ ♪



What are you doing here?

Well, I'm not one
of Daddy's slaves,

or, maybe I am--

but, I'm delivering
your stuff.

Well, I only had
one suitcase.

Yeah, well...

I echoed your "shove it"
sentiments with my father,

so, I'm out of his house,
and I came to see

if my new husband
would forgive me, again,

and take me back.

'Cause I think he's
wonderful and strong,

and I love him more
than anything in
the whole world.

Well, my, uh,
place is a little messy.

Not the best spot
for a honeymoon.

If it's where you wanna be,
it's better than Hawaii.

It's better
than anyplace.

Come here.

I missed you.

Me, too.

♪ ♪

Amanda, I got
your message.

Are you sure this place
is safe to move back into?

Well, unless you're allergic
to the smell of smoke,

this side of the building
is structurally sound,

so, you can
come on back.

Well, good.
That's good.

God, look at
this place.

There is one change
you're gonna have to
deal with, however.

kind of doubling up

until reconstruction's

so you're gonna
be my roommate.

[nervously laughs]

Wait a minute,
in my apartment?

That's right,
here's the deal.

You get to stay
here rent-free,

but I get the bedroom,
and you sleep on the couch.

Come on, Amanda, I got
a rental agreement.

Emergency situations
like this

nullifies all
rental agreements.

Besides, I've already
moved in.

If you don't like it,
you can always sleep

on a cozy
little street corner.

[sweeping glass]


Are you doing
any better?

I don't know.

I've been going over the
last couple of days

piece by piece, putting
one moment after the other.

What I ate for

clinic rounds, going to
the grocery store.

I remember I was
getting headaches again.

And everything...

everything sticks

until the day
before yesterday.

Except for the expl*si*n.

You-- you saved my
life, didn't you?

I just...

fished you out of
the pool, that's all.

You know, I was really...

really starting to
fall for you last week.

We had fun

I try and try,
but I can't remember.

But, I know I
didn't do it.

Peter, I'm not
a bad person.

You know I'm not.

I wouldn't want
to hurt anybody.

I wouldn't.

I wouldn't,
I wouldn't.

I wouldn't want
to hurt anybody.

I wouldn't want
to hurt anybody.

I wouldn't...

I wouldn't want
to hurt anybody.

I wouldn't want
to hurt anybody.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪
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