04x04 - Simply Shocking

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Melrose Place". Aired: July 8, 1992 –; May 24, 1999.*
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Follows the lives and loves of eight young adults in an apartment complex in Los Angeles.
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04x04 - Simply Shocking

Post by bunniefuu »


Stay on the yellow line.

She's down the hall
on the left.

You got five minutes.

Hello, Michael.

What brings you
to this little
corner of hell?

Certainly not

Guilt, perhaps?

I just wanted
to see for myself

that you're...
safely tucked away.

Yes. I'm very safe.

Thank you.

You, on the other hand,

are a dead man.








No way.

No way you're ever
getting out.

♪ I swear ♪

♪ And I shiver ♪

♪ I toss and turn ♪

♪ I swim the river ♪

♪ I feel the burn ♪

♪ But I just never get enough ♪

♪ And I just don't want
to wake up ♪

♪ Do you know what I mean? ♪

♪ She's a wild machine ♪

♪ Such a fantasy ♪

♪ Do you know what I mean? ♪

♪ She's a crazy, sexy dream ♪

Hi. Reservations,

Yeah. The name is
Brooke Campbell.

Yes, I'll be
putting this on
my credit card.

Yes. I need
a round-trip ticket

to Miami, Florida.

Leaving tomorrow
and getting back

the next day.

Yes. Oh, it's
only one seat.

I'll be
flying alone.



Thank you very much.

Oh, you're up.

Kind of hot down in Florida
this time of year.

You caught me.

I was going to
surprise you.

Well, I'm surprised.

So what's going on
down in Miami?

Oh, this really fantastic
investment opportunity.

Real estate.

Real estate?

This commercial venture
that dad told me about.

You can triple your money
in the first year.

I thought it would be
the perfect place

to sink my 10,000.

it's your money.

The only thing worse
than morning breath

is orange juice breath.

First, you brush
your teeth,

and then we start
this day all over.

So, I'm waiting
for an explanation.

We had that
big night planned,

and then I call,

you say
you can't talk--

who's in your shower?

Oh, Shelly.

Who the hell
is Shelly?

Jess' ex-wife.

She showed up
out of the blue.

I had to tell her
that he was dead.

She was upset,
so she stayed here
last night.

She was under
some kind of
impression that

they were going to
get back together.

Great. I'm totally
blown away.

Well, it's only
for a day or two.

So, what did she say when
she found out how he died?

She doesn't know
the details.

I haven't told her.

And you can't.

I mean, just say
it was an accident

and leave it at that.

Jake, all
you have to do now

is keep your mouth shut.

That should be easy
for you.



this is Jo.

Right. Jake was just
telling me all about you.

It's nice to meet you.

Yeah, well,
I was just getting
the details on you.

I'm sorry about Jess.

Yeah. Jake told me

that you two
were really close,

and I'm sorry for you, too.

Yeah, well,

life goes on,
doesn't it? Um...

I'm going to call you
from work.


Well, I hope when you say
maximum security,

you mean maximum security.

Because no matter how much
so-called therapy

Dr. Shaw receives,

she will always be
a menace to society.

These are the only files

the hospital can
release to our office.

How's Kimberly?
Right where we want her,
rotting away in a cell.

I thought I told you

to stay the hell out
of Kimberly's case.

Are these mine?


Figured you'd
get your own.

Sydney, how many times
we have to say this to you?

You work for both of us.


You know, you're
wasting your time
with Kimberly.

She's beyond
medical help,

beyond psychiatric help.

Hell, she's
beyond Lourdes.

Well, if it isn't
the Bobbsey twins.

Word is your surgical practice
is really taking off.

we have a full
patient load.

Wish things were running
as smoothly around here.

At least that Matt Fielding
mess is behind me.

I heard
he was cleared.

Yeah, well, I still fired
the little f*gg*t.

Board meeting
in five minutes.

Carry on, gentlemen.

That bigoted bastard
should watch his mouth,

or he'll end up in some
serious legal trouble.

Could even lose his job.

I suggest
you watch yours,

or we could both
lose ours.


Good morning, Alison.

I'd love to chat,
but I have Lindy Toys
breathing down my neck

and no financial report.

Under the phone.


How'd you know that?

My eyesight is returning
ahead of schedule.

And you're not
telling anyone?

If this is some kind
of play for sympathy--

Not to worry. I am
telling everyone,

as soon as some
personal issues
are resolved.

Oh, in other words,
once you've snared
Billy again.

It's nothing
that nefarious.

I'm just...

I'm staying blind
until Billy

opens his eyes,
so to speak.

Well, not that it's
anything I approve of,

or would ever try myself,
but good luck.


there's something else
you should know.

Something I saw,
only she didn't
know I saw

'cause she didn't know
I could see.

Brooke was going through
your personal files, but--


Brooke, I'm going
to ask you this
point blank.

Were you in my office
without permission

or anywhere near
my personal files?

No, absolutely not.

You sure?

Of course I'm sure.

Where would you get
such an idea?

That's unimportant.
Just know this.

I'm keeping
a close watch on you.

I'll admit, I like
what I see, Ms. Mancini,

in person
as well as on paper.

You've done a really
terrific job.
Thank you.

Jo, come meet
Mr. Freeport.

This is Mr. Freeport
from Madison
National Bank.


Jo will be sh**ting
our new line.

Using an exclusive

for our prerelease

is another of our
unique marketing

I'm sorry I'm late.
Oh, no problem.

Ms. Mancini's been
a terrific host,

and I'm due in Century
City in 10 minutes.

Have a successful show
this week and that line
of credit will be yours.

Great. Thank you.
Take care now.

Once again,
all the applause
for Ms. Mancini.

Is that ruffled feathers

or just an ego
in need of massaging?

A little of both.
Excuse me, Jo.


You smell nice.

We're almost there,

The show,
the line of credit.

You know,
sometimes, I wonder
if you're snowing me

the way you snowed
old Elliot out there.

Oh, stop.

He's business.

You're my knight
in shining armor,

My Lancelot.

I love you, Richard.


because I have
something for you.

Oh, my God.

We've talked,
but I didn't--

I figured, enough talk.

Marry me, Jane.
We'll be great together.


Of course
I'll marry you.

But maybe
we should wait,

at least until
after the show.

I mean, we don't want
anything to overshadow it.

I'll wear it
when we're together,

but not here at work,


It's nice
to see that look in
a woman's eyes again.


It's weird,
the things I keep
finding out.

And when he's writing me
letters and he's having
a relationship with Jo,

and I had no idea.

And now it's all so
left up in the air.

It's tough.

I know.

Yeah, well, at least
you got to work through
your differences--

talk it out,
spend this last time

I know there was a lot
tension between you two
from the past.

And the present,

I was with Jess
when he died.

Jess wanted
to k*ll me.

At least that's what
he said, and, well,

that's what I was
feeling, too.

Anyway, we, um...

both fell off
that platform

It was called
an accident. It was

but it doesn't make it
any easier, I still feel

Look, nobody knew Jess
better than me,

and I barely know you,
but I know what he was
capable of.

It could get ugly.

I got to get out of here.

it's obvious you've
been drinking, Matt,

but please try
to listen to me.

I know why
you were fired.

Then take your pick.

There's a myriad
of choices.

But in the end, only one
that really matters.

Because you're gay.

Hobbs was actually
bragging about it today.

No, really,
he was bragging.

I was a witness.
So was Burns.

Hobbs made what
I would call a definite
h*m* statement.

And that, my friend,
is grounds

for a nice, juicy

All right,
what's your cut?



Come on, this isn't out of
the kindness of your heart.

Free of charge.

Right, because with Hobbs
out of the way--

Ha! I'll finally get
a clear shot

at Chief of Staff.

Ha ha! Ah!

The ulterior motive
rears its ugly head.

Forget it, Michael.

I'm not in
the sue business.

I'm not
in the revenge business.

I just want to forget
and move on.

you are doing just right
not listening to them.

They have all kinds
of techniques,

but you must resist.

I am the only one
you can trust.

Just like before.

Henry, you bastard,

I'm ruined
because of you.

Locked up like
a caged animal!



Let's go!



Oh, no!

No, leave me alone!

Leave me alone!

I'm going!

I'm going!



The chair!

No! No!

No! No!

No! No!

Where are we going?

Where are you taking me?

We're taking you
to ECT therapy.

Oh, God,
not shock therapy!

Oh, please.

I'll be right with you
the whole time.

No! No! Please
don't do that
to me. Please!




All right,
that's enough for now.

Wait a minute.
Billy, is there
any reason

you're only reading
me the good news?

No, it's amazing.
There's only
good news today.

Not a bad story
in the bunch.

Don't lie to her, Billy.

In my own reading,

I counted multiple
car accidents,

You leaving already?


Early flight,

I'm going to leave
you two alone.

Thank you, Billy.

Have a good trip, Brooke.

Watch that.

Is it just me,

or have you noticed
anything strange
about Alison lately?

In what way?

Well, it's, like, weird.

She lost all that
tentativeness she used
to have.

Just now, for instance,
when she was walking
to Jane's,

it was almost like
she could see.

God, wouldn't it be wild
if her vision was actually
returning to her?

If that were true,
why wouldn't she tell us?

Oh, I don't know.

Maybe to play
on the sympathies
of an old boyfriend.


You better stay out
of trouble while
I'm gone, darling.

That's an order.

If you could give me
one good reason

why you're so hell-bent
on saving her.

I mean, God, Peter,
Kimberly is a vicious monster

with so many screws loose,
she could start
a hardware store.

I don't think you know
what you're talking
about, Sydney.

Don't I? In case
you've forgotten, I've
been her chief target.

She has tied me up,
conked me on the head,
tried to blow me sky high.

She has what we call

But that's no reason
to throw the key away.

Multiple m*rder attempts
seems good-enough
reason to me.

Let's just say I know
what she's going through.

You're a psycho, too?

For hiring you? Yes.

For helping Kimberly?

I just don't want
to see it happen again,
that's all.

What do you mean...


Who else?

Sydney...forget it.

Well, it was
a logical assumption.

I mean, you said,
"again," so I just--

I had a sister.

She ended up in a similar
situation, locked away,

only at the time,
I couldn't do anything
about it.

I didn't know
you had a family.

I don't.

It died with her.


I want you to forget
what I just said,

and stay out of
my personal business.

I've got rounds
at the hospital.



Michael, get in here.

Do I have something
to tell you.

You're Matt Fielding,
aren't you?

Last time I checked.

Tom Riley.

I'm with the L.A. Office

of the Gay and Lesbian
Rights Coalition.

Yeah, I've heard of it.

As I understand, Matt,
your rights have been

And I'm here
to offer you our
free legal services.

Let me guess.

Ahem. Michael sent you.

Dr. Mancini made
the initial call
and assured me

he'll testify in court
as to what Hobbs
has been saying.

Just so you know,
Michael Mancini's motives

are anything
but altruistic.

We don't care.

We'll win a case
any way we have to.

Right, and it's my duty
as a gay man

to come forward and fight
this terrible injustice.

Why wouldn't you
want to?

Maybe because
I am tired of labels

like "gay man."

You know what? I never
signed anything anywhere

ever that said I had to be
a zealot or an activist

or even that
I had to give a damn.

And right now, I'm
at a point where I just
want to be left alone.

There's something
you'd better face, Matt.

You are part of a group.

And whether
you like it or not,

you have
a responsibility to that
group to fight for them

the way they're willing
to fight for you.
And if you don't,

well, then in my book,
that makes you about
as big a coward

as Dr. Hobbs.

If you change your mind,
give me a call.

You told everyone about
our engagement, Richard?

We had an agreement--
after the show.

What can I say?

I'm lousy
at keeping secrets.

This is about
the spring line, Richard.

We can't afford
any distractions.

Nothing can
overshadow our work.

Why the hell not?

Really, Jane,
what's more important?

Sure, I understand the
line of credit reasons,

but why is it
so important to you

After all,
Mackenzie's earmarked
for all the credit.

I'm sorry.

I suppose I just needed
to...prove something
to myself.

Until now,
I've always been...

Ms. Mancini, Michael's ex,
someone's girlfriend,

You know, always defined by
who I'm with, not what I do.

My life is going to change
after this show, Richard.

I'll be in charge.

And not just
of my designs,
but of my life.

Well, when did I say

that I would ever get
in the way of that?

I'm not one
of these men, Jane.
I'm not out to hurt you.

I know that.

Well, I'm glad.

Should we get back
to work now?

This is the last month
you requested--
June, 1986.

Good luck.




You are just full
of surprises, Amanda....


[doorbell rings]


Sorry to disturb you,

but my car broke down
out front here,

and I was wondering if
I could use your phone
to call AAA.

Oh, sure. Come in.

Great house.

We don't have anything
like this in L.A.

That's where I'm from.

I'm in Miami looking into
real estate investments.

Commercial properties.

Well, no more
strip malls,
I hope.

We got enough
of those dumps
around here.

Your wife?

Yeah, was.

Amanda died
five years ago.


I'm so sorry.

The phone is right here.

Is everything O.K.,
Mr. Parezi?

It's O.K.

Yes. I'll hold.


Hi. Um, I have a rental car

that's broken down
at, uh, 311 Windsor.

[knock on door]

Hey, Al. It's me.


This...could have
waited, you know.

Oh, yeah, but I need
all the head start
I can get.

You just describe
the layouts to me,

and I'll try
to provide the copy.

I'm getting really good
at this visualization stuff.

Oh, um, I poured you
a glass of wine.

Still there?


A piano player...

probably jazz.

Moonlit night.

and evening gowns.

The music...the moon...

and L'eau Gentile.

The--the formula...

No. The, um...

the elixir...

the elix--

What are you doing?

Brooke was right.
You can see.

All right. I can see.

But it just came back and
I was going to tell you.

But you figured, what
the heck? I'll just lie
to him for a little longer.

Billy, it was never
really a lie.

It was a medical thing.

I didn't know when or if
I was gonna get my sight back.

And then I was enjoying
our time together so much.

It was like it used to be,
and I like that.

our relationship
is over.

I married Brooke.

Why do I have
to keep saying this?

Well, if it's to
remind me, don't bother.

But if it's
to remind yourself,


Don't lie to me again,

I wonder if you've ever
said that to Brooke.

I mean, I may have been
a little dishonest, but...

how honest has she been?

Are you going to tell me
that someone like Brooke
doesn't keep secrets?

I didn't think so.

So now I know why
Peter was so hot
to save Kimberly.

He's saving the sister
he couldn't save.

What is this stuff,
jet fuel?

We call it grappa.

It's a brandy distilled
from the residue
of pressed wine

and rumored
by my ancestors

to have certain
aphrodisiacal powers.

What a waste...

if all we're doing tonight
is scheming against Kimberly.

Now, who says that's
all we're doing?

Stop it, Michael.

You said you had a plan.

You know I don't like
being teased.

[slurring speech]
sometimes, I see myself
as this ball

from relationship
to relationship...

scheme to scheme,

the only one constant
being you, Michael.

I bounce away,
I bounce back.

Always back
to this house.

This view.

What is it?

Is it just the sea air,
or...is it you?

Just me.

Contrary to popular opinion,
I'm a truly wonderful person.



What about Kimberly?

What about
your plan?

this is the plan.


Be gentle with me,

Not a chance.

Visitors, Kimberly.

[knock knock knock]


You look
absolutely radiant.

And we were so afraid
you'd be, like,

some kind of yucky
nut case.

But it's just
like old times.

I even see
a little color
in those cheeks.

And I thought only Michael

could put that kind of color
in a woman's cheeks.


Stop it.

Stay away from me.

Now, now, Kim,
stiff upper lip,


Michael, I told you
this wasn't a good idea.

I mean, seeing us
separately, that was
one thing, but now,

seeing us together,
realizing we're
a couple again...

Get out.

Get out!


Get out!

Get out!


Get out!


Real cute, Mancini!

I'm just trying to keep
the crazy twit behind bars!

Crazy is right.
God, listen
to her in there.

There's nothing left
to salvage, Peter.
Why don't you give it up?

Because I'm never
gonna give up,

and if you two ever
disturb my patient again,

I'll have you arrested,
do you understand?

It looks like future trips
won't be necessary now,
does it?

Come on, Sydney,
I'll buy you some lunch.

[Kimberly continues screaming]

Hello, darling.

You're home!


How was Miami?

It was humid
and lonely.

How was Los Angeles?

Uh, just lonely.


And the investment?

It was a windfall

beyond my wildest dreams.

Is Amanda in yet?

Yeah, I think so.

Will you save lunch for me?
We're celebrating.

Brooke! I have
incredible news.

Let me guess--you got
your eyesight back.

Goody for you,

[knock on door, door opens]


How many times
do I have to tell you?

I expected skeletons,

but nothing on
this grand a scale.

Faking your own death
to get out of a marriage.

Changing your name,
changing your whole

Only you could pull off
something this wild.



Those were
my personal files!

Oh! I'm willing
to respect that,

if you'll just
let go of me!

Amanda! Come on!
You're hurting me!


I met Jack, by the way.

Lovely guy.

Did you tell him?

Did you tell him
I'm still alive?

Of course not.

What good would that do
either one of us?

I'm with you, Amanda.

A secret this big
deserves to stay secret.

you don't understand.

I see what happened.
You got married too young.
It didn't work out.

No. You are way in
over your head.

This man comes
from a dangerous family.

He's violent,
he's abusive.

I went
to great lengths--

Yes. Boating accident.

Very clever.

Did you know
they dredged that swamp
for three weeks?

Now I know why
we never do business
with anyone in Miami.

All right...

name your terms.

But...but that
would be blackmail.

Just tell me
what you want.


I made a list.

A few changes around here.

I'd like them
effective immediately.

[door opens, closes]

Jo, hi. You know,

I really think it's
time old Jake bought
himself a computer.

These books
are a disaster.

You're working here now?

Well, didn't Jake
tell you?

I started thinking
about it, and
I realized

that I really didn't
have any other
place to go,

except back home
and the same
dead-end jobs,

so when Jake found out
I had a little
bookkeeping experience,

he suggested
I come work for him.

Bookkeeping? Really?

Well, small
accounting jobs,

after junior college.
How about that?

I finally found
someone else who could
read my writing.

Hey, isn't tonight
your, um, fashion show,

I'm on my way now.

I just thought I'd drop by,
let you wish me luck.

Walk me to the door?

Well, first
she stays the night,

then it's
a couple of days,

and now she's
working for you?
I had the opening.

Don't you think
it's slightly weird

that she wants
to work for you,
I mean,

after everything
she knows about Jess

and you and me?

She had Jess figured out
better than any of us,
and she understands.

she needed a break.

Like Jess.

Don't start, O.K.?

That's right. I forgot.
We're taking this slow.

Just don't forget

that slowly is different
than standing still.

Yeah, you.

Don't--don't worry.

I'm not
drinking tonight.

Hey, Tom.
Thanks for meeting me.

I've been doing
some thinking,

and, uh, I've
changed my mind.

I want to go
after Hobbs.

What's first?

With your permission,
we'll serve Hobbs
with papers.

Go for it.

Thank you all
for staying late.

This won't take long.

In light of recent events,

I've done
some restructuring.

effective immediately,

Brooke will be taking
over your duties.

If you think
this is a demotion,
you're correct,

although your salary
will remain the same.

Brooke, however,
is being approved
for a merit raise,

and I'm putting her
in the corner office.

Amanda, I don't
What did I--

These decisions are final.

I would suggest
not arguing them.

Good night, everyone.

Well, you won't
hear me arguing.

Amanda, wait!

She's blackmailing you,
isn't she?

With something
she found in your files.

Look at you, Amanda.
You're coming apart.

Never mention
those files again,
do you understand?

As for my decisions,
they're final,
and I will defend

every last one of them
if questioned, which means

you can end up
more screwed over
than you already are.

You can kiss
the nice Amanda farewell.

I'm back, Alison,
with a vengeance.

Isn't it amazing?

You open yourself up,
try to be human,

and someone punches you
in the gut.

[pop music playing]

Great job!

Great job.



Thank you very much
for that wonderful ovation.

For those of you
who don't know,
my name is Jane Mancini,

and, though you won't
find me in your program,

I personally designed
this line.

In fact, Mackenzie Hart
had nothing to do

with the creations
seen here tonight.



What in God's name do
you think you're doing?

You just betrayed me
and this whole company.

All I did was
take credit for my work.

I'm the new Mackenzie Hart,
and I can't think of a better
time or place to announce it.

Then I can't think of
a better time or place
to announce this--

you're fired.

Where were you
all afternoon?
I beeped,

I paged.
at the hospital.

I thought we'd celebrate
our little victory. Ta-da.

Sydney, get lost.


I don't understand.

I only said and did
what I had to to get you

in the right mood
for our little visit.

You see, even catatonic,
Kimberly could see
through any charade,

so that had to be
real love in your eyes.

But now that Kimberly's
back in Babbleville,

your usefulness
has run out.


I haven't learned
anything, have I?

Apparently not.

It's simple!

You press "conference,"
then "hold," then "transfer!"

"Hold" and "conference."
No, no!

You're both wrong.

You hit "star," then "hold,"
then "conference."

you are late.
We've been going crazy
with these phones here!

Yeah, well, get used to it,
boys, because I quit.

I'm only here
to pick up my stuff.

Well, that is fine
and dandy with me.

I'll have a temp
in here by noon.

We'll start interviewing
for a permanent
replacement tomorrow.

That was easy.

Sydney, hey.

I'd like you to stay.

I would think,
after that fiasco
at the sanitarium--

Shh, shh. No, no, no.
You were under
the influence

of a very evil man,
and I'm sure

that you were
an unwilling participant.

Now, it was
Michael's idea, right...

to drive Kimberly crazy?

That's probably why
you're quitting, too.

I had no idea
what he was up to

until it was too late.

By the way,
how is Kimberly?

It's a minor setback.
So, Syd,

how does an extra hundred
bucks a week sound to you,

to stay?

I'll pay you out
of my own pocket,

under the table.

No doubt, you'll
expect extra services
in exchange.

One small favor--

something you're
very good at, too--

I'd like you

to keep a close eye
on our Dr. Mancini.


I don't trust my partner,

which makes it necessary
to have someone here

who is on the inside,
so to speak.

A spy.

Well, nothing
that melodramatic.

A spy?

O.K., a spy.

You got yourself
a deal...Dr. B.

Alison told me
you'd be down here.
It's a great day for it.

Yeah. I'm enjoying
my time off.

I understand you already
have had some offers.

Just Vera Wang.


You fired me, Richard,

I'm a free agent.

But I thought the idea was
to run the show yourself.

The idea, yeah.
It just didn't
turn out that way.


I released a statement
to the industry press
this morning,

about Mackenzie's death
and your recent

Go ahead. Read it.

Any salary you want...

full profit

Your pal Freeport
from the bank called.

No Jane,
no line of credit.

No Mackenzie Hart.

Name your price, Jane.

O.K., but I'm in charge,

and financially.

The new name of the company
is Mancini-Hart.

It's my final offer.
Take it or leave it.

And here's mine.

Hart goes first.


Welcome back.

One more piece
of business, Jane.

Our engagement.

One step at a time,

Oh, God. I'd k*ll
for that office.

Get in line.

I've been
waiting for it
for three years.

Don't get me wrong.
I am very happy for Brooke.

I just can't figure out
how she pulled it off.

it has something to do
with her trip to Miami.

The day before she left,
she and Amanda were
at each other's throats.

Then, when she gets
back, one meeting
with Amanda,

and Amanda is
handing her the keys to
the executive washroom?

Plus, I spotted her
going through
Amanda's files.

This whole thing
stinks of some kind
of blackmail.

That's enough.

Got a better theory?

Maybe she earned it.

Maybe Amanda's impressed
by her ambition and skill.

What skill? Knowing
where all the best
boutiques are?

I'm warning you.
Don't B.S. me, Billy.

You know she's up
to something, too.
You also know

that you could find out
what a lot quicker than
any of the rest of us.

You want me to investigate
my own wife? It's none of
my business or yours.

I got my butt kicked,
Billy. Demoted.

It's more my business
than anybody else's.

Great. Now that you can see
again, you look into it.

United flight 982 is now
arriving at gate 83 from Miami.

Mr. Parezi.

Jack Parezi.

Welcome to Los Angeles,
Mr. Parezi. Let me
get that for you.


Will you be staying
in Los Angeles long?

I'm not sure.
All depends what
I can find here.
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