04x06 - The Jane Mutiny

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Melrose Place". Aired: July 8, 1992 –; May 24, 1999.*
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Follows the lives and loves of eight young adults in an apartment complex in Los Angeles.
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04x06 - The Jane Mutiny

Post by bunniefuu »

[clears throat]


Got a surprise
for you.

Happy birthday.

It's not
my birthday.

Oh, yes, it is.

Figuratively, it is.

Come on.
[taps package]

open it up.

Go on.

It's been so long since
anyone's given me a gift.

Michael was more
of a taker.

Ohh, Peter.

Once again all dressed up
with no place to go.

That's the surprise.


the review board
granted your release.



I can leave?

Well, we can leave.


I didn't expect it,
not so soon.

I haven't made
any plans.

It's all been arranged.
You'll live with me,

work out of my office,
and be an outpatient here.

And you'll have
daily sessions.
To start.

thank you.

Thank you. I know you put
a lot on the line to support me.

go of me.

Kimberly, calm down.

this bracelet
is a monitor.

It works through
the phone lines--

a device like
an answering machine.

It's all part
of your probation.

From now on, you'll
only be able to travel

from my office
to my house

or to this hospital.

They want to keep track
of me, Peter?

Think of it as protection.

That way the police
will never be able to accuse you

of being somewhere
you're not.

Right? Hmm?

[bracelet snaps open]

Now, you'll have
your appointment
this afternoon.

I have a little business
to take care of.

So, I'll pick you up
about 5:00. O.K.?

And lose the gown.

We've seen enough of that.

♪ Happy hour happy tonight ♪

♪ Everybody's feeling
all right ♪

♪ Music's playing
loud and clear ♪

♪ I can tell
the party's here ♪

♪ Ain't nobody feelin'
uptight ♪

♪ We're happy hour happy
tonight ♪


♪ ♪

♪ Every now and then
we all just need a break ♪

♪ ♪

♪ When the world gets crazy ♪

♪ And it's more
than we can take ♪

♪ ♪

♪ So pull up s chair ♪

♪ Let down your hair ♪

So when will
you be done?

This is as far as
I go..

Oh, I don't think so,
you still need to paint

and deliver
the appliances.

Not until I get
final payment.

Oh, you know the insurance
company undervalued the damage,

so I've been paying the balance
out of my own savings account.

I promise
to honor our contract.

Look, lady, this isn't
about trust.

We get paid as we work,
or we don't work.

That's ridiculous.
What if I can't afford it?

What are you gonna do,
take it all back?

Comes down a hell
of a lot easier
than it goes up.

What do you want?


I was just...

never mind.

Hey. You've been
in there for an hour.

Aren't you tired

I'm just getting
warmed up.

Hey. Amanda said
construction should
be done by Friday,

so Matt and Alison
can have their
apartment back.

Good, 'cause the fun went out
of this slumber party
about three weeks ago.

Ohh, how sweet.

You remembered
our two-month anniversary.

Yes...I did.

But the flowers
are for Alison.

No, I didn't send them,
I just found them outside
the gate.

But these are
from Flora Rosa.

Daddy's their
largest customer.

I'm sure there's
some mistake.

They must be meant
for me.

"Alison, it was fun.

Next time bring
your bathing suit.

Your father sent
flowers to Alison?

Apparently so.

these are for you.


They're beautiful.

Of course
they're beautiful.

from my father.

It's none of our business.
Stay out of it, O.K.?

Well, if daddy'd wanted
to keep it a secret,

I'm sure he wouldn't
have been so obvious.

Maybe Alison
wouldn't mind
telling us

why my father
sent her flowers.

Actually I would.

That was good.
You happy now?

It's a subpoena!

How can a bigot
like Dr. Hobbs

sue me for defamation
of character?

Countersuits are typical.
Hobbs served you to scare you.

Well, it worked.

Matt, Hobbs is nervous that
we're going to drag his name
through the mud, which we will.

Sorry, but I have
a hearing in 20 minutes.

I'll take this.

Walk with me?

It's all smoke and
mirrors, Matt.

They know we have a good case--
we have Michael's testimony.

Which has absolutely nothing
to do with loyalty to me,

and everything to do with
Michael wanting
to be Chief of Staff.

He's totally unreliable.
Hobbs knows that.

Tell me what's going
on, Matt.

This isn't
about Michael.

I am tired of
fighting, Tom.

I am tired.

My job was to keep
bureaucrats from
pushing people around.

And if it happened
to someone else,

I'd be on the front lines,
like you.

I just don't know if I
can go through with this.

That subpoena names me
as the defendant.

I can't do that again.
I won't be the defendant.

O.K. Maybe you're right.

Maybe we shouldn't
drag this out.

We could
nail the bastard
during his deposition.

He won't expect that.

He'll think we're
saving our best stuff
for trial.

Will it work?

I don't know.

But I'd like to try.

Let me have one
good shot at him.


So I spoke to
the art department,

and they said they will
have camera-ready
artwork by Friday,

and Factor Coffee
is very happy
with that deadline.

Good work, Billy.

what's your update?

Well, we renewed
our contracts
with Lindy Toys,

so we must be doing
something right.

I have lunch with
the Colfax group

and my presentation
at Calliday Farms

I approved
that copy this morning.

Oh, thank you.
I think that's all.

Oh, do you want me to
attend the reception
at KDJ radio?

If you can take that
off my hands, it'd be great.

So, Brooke...

what's new
in vice-president world?


I made some
cold calls--

Cold calls?

We issued a press
release about your

Clients should be
calling you.

It's taking them a
little while
to get to know me.

I have some leads.

Well, they better
be substantial.

Those of us
who've earned our stripes

know that to keep
a plum office,

you'd better land
a plum account.

Is Armstrong Limited
plum enough?

You landed
your father's company?

Everybody knows
Armstrong doesn't
use ad agencies.

They've had
an in-house team
for years.

Now they agree with me
that it's time
for a change.

I have never been
a fan of nepotism,

but if you can deliver,
that would be
a very big coup.

Armstrong limited
will be on board.

What's that?

It's an i.o.u.
from me to you,

good for dinner,
a plane ticket,

or the gold bauble
of your choice.

Why? I didn't
do anything.

You risked your
friendship with Jane

to put in
a good word for me.

I won't forget that.

You know, Richard,

this commitment
doesn't mean

you have to rush
into a marriage
or anything.

It's too late
for that speech.

We already planned
an engagement

These are great.

Whose line
is this?

Naw. This is nothing.

I'll see you later.


See you later.

He seems
very happy.

Yeah, he is.
So am I.

But when we talked,

didn't you say
that you didn't
love Richard?

Well, there are
different kinds
of love, Jo.

So maybe we aren't
Romeo and Juliet,

but he's very
special to me.

And I think
that getting married

will be good
for both of us.

That's the part
that gets a little
fuzzy for me.

I mean, I know why
this marriage would
be good for you,

but I'm not
quite sure what
Richard gets out of it.

Richard loves me, Jo,
and he's very happy.

That's what he gets.


We need an exact
accounting of
Mr. Parezi's net worth

before we move forward
with this divorce.

Well, I don't see
the relevance.

There was
no agreement.

Take it easy.

Amanda and I had
some good times together.

I don't want
your money, Jack.
I never did.

I waive any right
to Jack's assets.

Amanda, I'll look
like a heel if you
don't take something.

What about
community property?

There's a picture
of Amanda.

The portrait?
You still have that?

You were dead, baby.
That's all I had left.

Is that something
you'd want?

God, no.
I hate that picture.

I have a box
of your personal stuff.

Some of it was
from your father.

I'd like that

We do, however still
have to resolve
Miss Parezi--

Miss Woodward.
Miss Woodward's
so-called death.

There was a sizable
payoff on her life
insurance policy.

See, the problem is
you're still alive.

I think the technical term
is fraud.

And if the insurance
company finds out,

they could press

But you know me, I have
friends at the main office.

We could try to
cut a deal,
pay them back.

Maybe I could even
sign a statement
or affidavit

that says it wasn't your fault,
except that's kind of a lie,
you know.

I can't believe this.

If you want me to sign it,
all you have to do is ask.

I'd appreciate it
if you'd do that
for me.

No problem, baby.

Well, we'll be in touch.

Mr. Parezi's
going to be staying

at the Beverly Regent.

You're not going home?

Can't we handle
the paperwork

through faxes
and overnight mail?

My fiancee's waiting
to set our wedding date,

plus I got
business with
my new cable company.

I'm just staying here
so we can get this
done as fast as possible.


I think
the hard part
went well.

It's usually
downhill from here.

No complications,
Just make this work.

I want Jack
out of my life.

No offense, but from
the sound of it,

that's what Jack
wants, too.

Well, Jack,
you want to tell me

what the hell
is going on,

because I know
you don't want
a divorce.

I pay you
a fortune, Nick.

Just keep your
nose out of it

and do
what I tell you.

Dr. Hobbs,

have you ever had to
fire a person

who was gay
or lesbian?

Yes, I fired
a head nurse.

Didn't you also
reassign an intern,
a Dr. Taylor?

He was incompetent.

Then why reassign him?

Why not just
revoke his license?

Dr. Taylor
had an attitude problem.

Do I have
an attitude problem,
Dr. Hobbs?

I'm gay.

Does it bother you
that right now

I'm in a position
of power?

I don't have to
answer that.

Yes, you do, Dr. Hobbs!
This is a deposition.

You swore
to tell the truth.

Now you answer
the question!

Dr. Hobbs,
it drives you crazy
that I'm in control

right here, doesn't it?

W-what bothers me...

is that people like you
drum up charges

against honest,
hard-working people like me.

Issues! Everything's
a damn issue with you people!

Dr. Hobbs,
control yourself.

You know,
somehow I've managed

to get through 50 years
of my life

without discussing
my sexuality!

Hobbs, shut up!

No! I want to be
on record about this.

I didn't do
anything wrong!

I said Matt Fielding
is a f*gg*t.

Well, damn it,
you tell me!

If you're not a f*gg*t,
what are you, huh?

We'd like a moment
with our client,

God, this is so sad.


We just won.

You wanted to see me?

Yes! On
a personal matter.

I had
a very interesting

with my father

he's sleeping
with a new woman,

he tells me
to mind my own

And do you?

When I asked daddy
about the flowers
he sent you,

he was secretive,
so what's going on,

I don't know
what you're talking

I realize that your own

is unfortunate,

but I'm very
close to mine,

and I care
about him.

So if you and daddy
are involved...

then maybe it's time
for us to bury
the hatchet.


you'd have to
pull it out of
my back, first.

Is there anything

Yes, as a matter
of fact, there is.

Daddy is very anxious
to move his advertising
to D an D,

but I still have to
sway his board
of directors.

And since you
are the best

at bringing in
reluctant clients,

I was hoping that
we could work

You don't have him.

Is Hayley even

or did you make
the whole story up?

I may have
spoken hastily.
The deal is not complete.

You lied to save face.

I didn't do it
for me, Alison.

I did it
for Billy.

Oh, please.
I got to go.

It's true. If I sign
Armstrong Limited,

then Billy can be
co-manager of the account.

there's some connection--

Save it, Brooke.

I'm really bad
at conniving.

You're gonna have to
do this scheme
on your own.

Excuse me.

what do you want?

Well, not so cold,

to your rescue.

Like hell.
Go away.

I've come with
an open mind
and an open wallet.

What are you
rambling about?

I just heard about
the situation with
your contractor.

Honestly, Sydney's
mouth is as loose
as her scruples.

this is business.

Now don't be proud.
Let me give you
a loan.

I wouldn't
let you give me
the time of day.

Who's that?

My husband. Goodbye.

Rita, I won't
take long.
I promise.

Rita sends
her regards.
She's my fiancee.

Sorry for
hiding out in here,

but Brooke let me in.

You're supposed to
contact me
through my lawyer.

Yeah, I know,
but this isn't
about the divorce.

That's not the point.

We agreed,
no personal contact.

Take it easy, baby.

Your stuff came in
from Miami.

I just wanted
to make sure you got it.

You made it sound like
this stuff is really personal.

I just didn't want
to give it to anybody.


So, uh...these
things mean a lot
to you, huh?

I never expected
to see them again.

Or me.

Sometimes I can't
believe it's been
five years.

You really
look great.

You haven't changed
at all.

Yes, I have,
more than you know.

And I need to
get back to
my life, so...

please leave.

You look tired,

I'm fine.

Come on.
You just started
a new job.

Trust me,
I know how you feel--

constantly having
to prove yourself
to complete strangers.

Shelly, no offense,

but I don't discuss
my career

with people
I barely know.


Why talk to me
when you've got

a great listener
like Jake at home?

I was just trying
to be civil, Jo.

Lighten up.

You're depressing
the hell out of
my customers.

I know. I'm in
a rotten mood.

I've just been
watching two people
I really care about

do really stupid

You'll have to be
more specific.

Well, Jane
and Richard.

Shouldn't they
be happy?

I thought you said
they were engaged.

Yes. But I left out
one minor detail.


She doesn't love him.

See? I told you
it was stupid.

Do you know this
for a fact?

Yes. She admitted it.

She said she really
likes him a lot,

but I mean he is head over
heels in love with her.

Richard doesn't have any clue
about how she really feels?

Nope. I sat there
all day

watching him
just fawn all over her.

I just wanted to
go up and shake him.

How did I get myself
involved in this?

I think it was
when you agreed
to play matchmaker

and talked Jane
into taking Richard
more seriously.

Hmm. Nice. Rub it in.
It's all my fault.

I can't tell you
what to do,

but if it was me,
I'd want to know.

I mean, it was keeping
secrets that almost
ruined our relationship.

[door closes]


How was your swim?

A little more work
than pleasure,

but nice.
This smells great!

I love your house,

My room is

I finally feel like
I have a real life.

You're my guest here.
I told you you don't have
to do this.

I know, but I want
to do my part.

I can't contribute
right now, and...

it feels good
to be needed.

So let me help,
O.K.? O.K.?

Ha ha ha ha.

When do I get to
really thank you?

Kim, let's get
something straight, O.K.?

Your staying here
isn't about us.

It's about you
getting healthy.

Having you feel good
about yourself

is all the thanks
I need.


I'm going to take
a quick shower.

[doorbell rings]

Oh...my God.

Who the hell
let you out?

The medical
review board.

They're crazier
than you are.

don't be afraid.
I'm much better now.

Why don't you come in
and have a drink,

and I'll tell you
all about it.

You may have fooled
those medical

but I know
that you are still

a murdering
mutant freak.

What's going on?

Sydney didn't know
I was out.

She was a little

She said
I was a freak.

She's right,
isn't she?

I mean most normal people
don't spend two months

in a mental

Sydney isn't exactly
the poster child
for sanity.

But she doesn't
believe I'm getting

No one
will believe it.

You've got some
ground to make up.

Rule number one

is you don't
answer the phone
or the door.

You're not ready
to go one-on-one

with the general public yet.

I'm still in jail.

No one trusts me.
I wear a monitor.

I can't drive,
I can't go anywhere.

This is only

Is it? At least
when I was crazy,

I didn't know
how miserable I was.

I'll never be free.

You're the only one
who believes in me,

You're all I have.

It was so creepy,

Kimberly tried to
get me inside the house.

And she has this weird
gizmo thing on her wrist.

A monitor?

I don't know.
I think she uses it

to beam up to
the mother ship.

And Peter's
in on this?

I'm telling you, Kimberly is
living at his house.

How do you know
she's living there?

Ahem. That's right.

Kimberly's been released
and is under my care.

Keep her file up-to-date,
will you, Syd?


Peter. Peter!

You know you're
aiding and abetting
a wacko.

Keep out of it,

and for God's sake,
stay away from Kimberly.

Stay away, he says.
Stay away.

I've been ducking
her m*rder attempts
for two years.

She haunts every
breath I take.

That behavior
is past.

Kimberly's file
is thick
for a reason, Peter.

She hunts people

and she blows them
to smithereens.

That's not
something you cure

with a couple of weeks
of psychobabble.

Her next adventure
into insanity--

and trust me,
there will be one--
is on your head.

And when you go down,
don't take this office
with you.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Despite the problems we've
had this last year,

we are only 7%
below last year's

but I'm sure
that'll all change

when Brooke signs
Armstrong Limited.

Amanda, there's been
a slight delay
with that account.

What? You said
it was a done deal.

It was.

I just--I don't
have a commitment.

I thought you said
the meeting went well.

Brooke, do you
or don't you
have the client?

Mr. Armstrong!

What a nice

It's good to
be here, Amanda.

I've seen your work.
I'm very impressed.

Daddy, you should
have called.

We like to plan

and make a formal

I'm not here
for a pitch session.

I just wanted to drop by,
meet everybody
,and set a deal.

I'm sorry for
being presumptuous,

but I've already
had a contract
drawn up.

Ha ha! Never apologize
for an aggressive
approach, Amanda.

That's the style
I'm counting on
from D and D.

This account is for
two new divisions
at my company.

One will produce
sports gear,

and the other
a new line of
fine jewelry.


I'd love to
check out
the operation,

maybe pick up
some samples.

I'm gonna need
an experienced rep on this.

We've invested too much

to let anything slip
between the cracks.

Of course.
Who do you
have in mind?

Alison Parker.


I recruited
this account.

And the client
has chosen
a rep.

Have the legal work
sent to my corporate

Brooke knows
the address.

Thank you,
Mr. Armstrong.

I have run to
another meeting.

Alison, will you
walk me out?

Of course.

Daddy, wait, uh...

let's talk about


don't you dare
let them do this to me.

Or what? Now that you've
brought my husband Jack
back into my life,

your blackmailing
days are over.

Thanks for
helping me, Billy.

I thought you said
the contractor was
giving you trouble.

He was.

I got the appliances in,
but I still gotta
hook up the icemaker.

I don't understand.
You said you wouldn't work
unless you got paid.

Yeah. And I did.

I didn't pay you,
so where did
the money come from?

Beats me.
I got a cashier's
check this morning.

Look, I'm sorry
about the other day.

It's business,
you know?

Hmm...sounds like
you have a friend.

It's no friend.

It's Peter.


Peter Burns.

What do you think
you're doing?

I'm having dinner.
What are you doing?

I specifically
told you not to
pay my contractor.

So you got off
the hook, huh?

I wish I could
take credit,
but it wasn't me.

Peter, if you're
lying to me...

I didn't pay him off,
I swear.

Don't hang up.

I'd like to meet you
for a drink.

Goodbye, Peter.

Who would want to
bail me out?


who wants to get
on your good side

or impress you.

It's Jack.
He wants me to owe him.

Now I do.

I don't know
what happened
to my invitation,

but you can't
plan a wedding
without a sister.

So far I've
planned two.

And look how
they turned out.
Thank you.

Already this is
much classier

than your last fiasco
in Las Vegas.

At her last wedding,
Jane's Aussie
kangaroo boy dumped her,

and we had
the best time.

Except I married
Kimberly that weekend.

That kind of ruined it.

The buffet's open.


Oh, thank you.

I realize we're here
to celebrate
Jane's engagement,

but I don't think
she'd mind

if I used this champagne
to make a different

To Alison and Brooke
for landing the Armstrong
Limited account.

Oh! I'm still
a little overwhelmed.

Hayley gave me
two boxes of files
and research materials.

I can help you sort
through that stuff tomorrow.

Thanks, but I really think
I should get a head start

Amanda, would you
give Jane and
Richard my best?

Sure. Have a good night.
And congratulations again.

Oh, thanks.
Good night.

Tch. God,
she's so smug!

She didn't land
your father's account
on purpose.

She refused
to help me,

then she went
after daddy on her own.

Did it ever occur to you
that Hayley chose Alison
because she's more experienced?

No! And it
doesn't help

that you publicly
humiliate me by
choosing Alison's side.

You know, Brooke,
I've had it.

You claim credit
you don't deserve

and you blame everyone
else when you can't
make the grade.

If it wasn't for

we wouldn't have
the Armstrong

If it wasn't for me,
you wouldn't even
have a job.

Excuse me.


All right.
Thank you.

Jane is having
the time of her life,

and you're miserable.

Not true.

I like the champagne.

It shows.

Why don't you
slow down a little bit

while I try to
scrounge up a beer?


Isn't this
a beautiful hotel?

They want to
cater our wedding,

so they're gonna give us
the bridal suite tonight.

You know, Jane,
you don't have to
rush into this marriage.

Why not?
I can't wait.

Jo, have you seen
the people here

I can't believe
Richard's connections.

Is that all he is
to you, connections?

You know
that's not true.

Jo, what are you

After Reed and Jess,

you're the last person
that should be giving

anyone advice advice
on relationships.

I have made mistakes.

That's why I'm trying
to tell you--

Yeah, well,
please don't.

My worst fear
is that my life could
turn out like yours.

Since you're obviously
not here to celebrate
our engagement,

maybe you don't
belong at this party.

Maybe you're right.


I knew we shouldn't
have come.

You were right.

Why don't you
wait here,

and I'll go
get us a cab?


Why are you leaving?

Because I had
too much champagne.

Jo, I saw you
and Jane.

Did you argue?
What's going on?


you are a good man.

You're kind
and you're gentle,

and you deserve
the best.

And you're not
getting it.

Jane doesn't love you.

You're drunk.


But I'm not lying.

Ask Jane.

Come on, sweetheart.
I have a surprise for you.

Oh, this is perfect.

Just think...

a month from now,
we're gonna come up
to the same room,

except you're gonna have
to carry me over
the threshold.

I think we should

have a little trial


Ha. Come here.

Don't tell me
you're going to be

the first man
on this planet

to get cold feet
about the honeymoon.

Jane, we need to talk.

Richard, talk is
very overrated.

Do I make you happy?


very happy.

Richard, what's wrong?

You're scaring me.

You don't love me,
do you?

What did Jo
tell you?

This isn't about Jo.

I need to hear it
from you-- can you say it?

Can you say it?

It's true.

You were going to
marry me even though
you don't love me.

Richard...I've been
so screwed up.

I don't even know
what love is anymore.

I know I care about you.
I care about you so much.

You've--you've brought
a sense of stability
to my life.


And we're so good

I feel it. You feel it.

That's why I know
that love will come.

I'm not willing
to take that risk.


Could you excuse us
a moment, please?

This feels strange.

I'm invading
your privacy.

I asked you
to be here.

I expect you to be
discreet about
these things.

These are my
personal papers,

stock certificates,
my will, this journal.

This is very

Amanda, why are you
showing me this?

Because I trust you
more than anyone,

and I need to know that
someone has access
to these things.

I get all that.

Jack's not leaving

He's managed to muscle
his way back into
my life,

and--and that
worries me.

Look, all I know
about this guy

is he scares
the living daylights
out of you.

You're showing me
all this stuff now,

and it's like you're
in some kind of danger.

So if you trust me,

you got to tell me
what this is about.

Jack used to beat me
when he got angry.

He beat me so badly,
you'd barely recognize me.

Now I'm divorcing him,

so no matter
what he says about
a fiancee,

or a new life,
he's angry again.

I, uh...

I want you to
keep this key.

If anything
happens to me,

just make sure
these get to
the police.

Will you do that?

Have you seen this?

is completely cracked.

She makes Sybil
look like Marie Osmond.

I read it this morning.

There's not one thing
in there

that justifies letting
that fruitcake
off the hook.

She's not done
with us, Michael.

I don't care how normal
she pretends to be.

She plans to
finish us off.

Have you seen
this picture of Henry?

Looks like something
Kimberly would
dream up.

It says in here
he's got a weird laugh

and some kind of
creepy, gypsy accent.

God, too bad he's just
a nightmare,

'cause once she
got him out of
her head--

Wait a second.
Wait a second!

She got him out of
her memory.

That's how Kimberly
got better.

Yeah, so?


what if Henry
wasn't gone?

What if we put him
back in her head?

Michael, the guy probably
doesn't even exist.

Even if he did,
we couldn't find him.

Oh, but we could find
someone just like him.

I mean, we live in Hollywood.

It's the look-alike
capital of the world.

Pick a waiter,
any waiter--

you'll find an actor
willing to do anything
for cash.

Thanks for helping me move back
into my apartment, Tom.

I got a call from
the hospital attorney

They'd like to make
a formal offer.

Without admitting
any guilt or error
on their part,

they'd like to
resolve this issue.


In lay terms,
get the hell out
of the lawsuit.

You have a choice,

They'll give you
your job back,

or you can accept
a cash settlement
of $50,000...

no job,
and you agree
not to pursue this

or discuss the issue
any further.

Dr. Hobbs?

He's been fired.

But he'll be able
to find work elsewhere?

He's a good doctor.
Probably has offers

Thank you.

But I need to
think about it, O.K.?

You won.


We proved a bigot
was a bigot.

We made our point.

Nothing we did changes
Dr. Hobbs' attitude
toward me.

He still hates me
just because I'm gay.

Tom, I know you
put a lot into this,

and...I don't mean
to sound ungrateful...

but I didn't win

Matt, I know it
doesn't seem like
much now,

but you did
the right thing.

You put yourself
on the line

for something
you believe in.

Be proud of that.

Thanks, Tom.

Here are the
demographics for
the sportswear line.

[telephone rings]




Oh. Tell him
I'll be out in two minutes.

I didn't realize
how late it was.

Hayley's waiting
for me out front.

I'm meeting with
his department heads.

Well, I gotta
hand it to you.

Two months ago,
you hated Armstrong,

and now he's
sending you flowers

and giving you
his biggest account.

What's your point?

You don't like Brooke,

but getting between
her and Hayley
isn't fair.

Hayley hired D and D.

It isn't my fault
he and Brooke
don't get along.

Right...ever since
I married her...

which, I do recall,
didn't exactly
thrill you, either.


So now I'm part of some dark
anti-Brooke conspiracy?

Billy, even if I did
want to join,

she's made so many

there isn't
any room left
on the grassy knoll.

Alison, we're
running late.

Oh, I'm sorry.
I'm ready.

Daddy, hi!


She's so obvious!
Daddy just--

Let it go, Brooke.

Can't you see
what they're doing?

Daddy is using Alison
to get back at me,

and she is just plain
using him.

I don't care
what they do.

I care about us,

and this obsession
you've got

is hurting us
more than Alison
and Hayley ever could.

We'll talk about it
later, okay?

Billy, don't leave me.

I need you now.
I want you here.

No, you want
your father.

You had Hayley
wrapped around your
finger for years,

now he's gone,
and you want me to
take his place.

I won't do that.

I got Alison
out of my life,

now it's your turn
to get Hayley out of yours.

Just put the table--

Hey, Amanda.

Nice place.

What are you
doing here?

Returning your call.

I got six messages
from you back at
the hotel.

So, uh...
where's the fire?

Sorry. Bad choice
of words.

Why did you pay off
my contractor?

You wouldn't
take my money
in the settlement.

Where I come from,
people get what
they deserve.

I give you a...
little divorce


why don't you
thank me?


I want you
to leave, Jack.

Yeah, I know.

But I feel like
I'm entitled
to see my gift.

You could show me

You know, I still care
about you, Amanda.

Rita and I are gonna have
a great life together.

I want you to have
a good life, too.

Get out.

Careful, baby.

You might cut yourself.

It's too bad.

I thought we were
getting along so well.

See you around.

It's not over, Amanda.
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