04x09 - Amanda Unplugged

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Melrose Place". Aired: July 8, 1992 –; May 24, 1999.*
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Follows the lives and loves of eight young adults in an apartment complex in Los Angeles.
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04x09 - Amanda Unplugged

Post by bunniefuu »

You should get some
sleep, Mrs. Parezi.


Jack and I
are separated.

What a shame it took
something like this

to bring you
together again.

How's he doing?
He's stable.

Is he gonna live?

Well, miracles
can happen.

I hadn't noticed.

You know, sometimes
coma patients respond

if their loved ones
just talk to them...

touch them...

remind them of
special times.

You think he
can hear me?

I'm sure of it.

It's me, Jack...


I was just
thinking about

some of our special
times we had together.

Like the time I forgot
to fold your socks,

and you pounded my
face into the bedpost.

I needed
18 stitches that time.

Or, remember when
you broke my hand

because I wore the
wrong color dress?

Remember how I
cried all night?

Remember this, Jack.

For every black eye

and bruise
you ever gave me...

you son of a bitch...

I hope you die.

[machine beeping]

♪ ♪

♪ So easy
just to keep your distance ♪

♪ So easy just to hang
out on the sidelines ♪

♪ But if you wanna
feel your heart beat ♪

♪ Then you gotta put
everything on the line ♪

♪ You never win
unless you try ♪

♪ You gotta live
until you die ♪

♪ You gotta jump ♪

♪ Both feet
into the fire ♪

♪ You gotta jump ♪

♪ Your heart
skips a beat ♪

I have something
in my eye.

Just keep blinking,
it'll wash out.

I tried. Would you
look at it?

You just wanna get me
back into bed, don't you?

Ooh, you have a
very high opinion of
yourself this morning.

Here, let me look at it.

Arrrr, oh...

Mmm, fortunately,
so do I.

Yeah, well, let's just
hope my new client

shares our opinion.


Ow! You're a
party pooper!

Are you planning
to go to work today?


But, fortunately,
I don't have

any breakfast meetings,
so I plan on showing up

at a civilized
time, thank you.

[small crash]

You okay?

Yeah, I'm fine,
I just, uh,

knocked over
some junk.


What's this?

Looks like my
diaphragm case.

Right. And it,
uh, fell open,

and there's
a diaphragm inside.

Well, what did
you expect to find

in my diaphragm case?
A toaster?

You didn't use it
last night, did you?

Guess not.
Guess not?

Well, why would I use
it when I've been trying

to get pregnant
all month?

Excuse me?

How could you do this
and not tell me?

I want to have your baby,
is that a crime?

I was doing this for us.

No, you were doing it for
you and manipulating me.

Billy, I don't
manipulate you.

Me and everybody else.

It's like breathing, you
don't even think about it.

And I'm getting
sick of it.

♪ ♪

Hey, Syd.

Hey, Matt.

I need a favor.

I hope you don't want
your old job back.

Nope, I just need a
doctor's recommendation.

I'm going back
to med school.

Medical school?

Matt, that's great.

No, no, that's

What makes
you think you--

I already put in
two years, Michael.

And then what,
you tanked?

No, I left because it
was so dehumanizing.

Michael, just sign the
damn recommendation.

Sure, why not?

I need to have a word
with you two, now.

Alone, please.

Thanks, Matt.

You actually hired an
actor to stalk Kimberly?

Well, I can't
take full credit,

though I'd like to.

It was one of those
inspired plans

that just blossomed

out of the union
of two great minds.

This is
really sick,

not to mention

and illegal.

Whoa, whoa, excuse me.

But as Jack Parezi's
doctor, it seems to me

you'restanding on very
shaky ethical ground,

you and his dear wife
Amanda hovering at
his bedside--

Leave Amanda
out of this.


Oh, good.
You're all here.

What are you doing
on the loose?

Well, it is almost
Halloween, Michael.

I guess all the monsters
and goblins are out.

I came here for my
therapy session with Peter,

but first,
I wanted to say

how thankful I am
to you and Syd.

For what?


For hiring that bad
actor to lurk around.

It made me realize

that I am completely
sane again.

Henry was just a figment
of my imagination,

and now he's
gone for good.

Thank you.

From the bottom
of my heart.

And a deep, dark
bottom it is.

I think I had a
little breakthrough.

So, what's this about
Amanda's husband?

Just stay out
of it, Syd, okay?

Haven't you been in enough
trouble for a while?

And how are we?

We are hopeful.


I just have some papers
for you to sign.

Can't it wait
for a slightly more
appropriate moment?

I'm sorry, I forgot.
You're a lawyer.

And you're a...

grieving wife.

I think you
better leave.

Well, first, I just wanted
to express my concern

on behalf of
Jack's family.

They're only concerned
about cold cash.

Well, then you can
imagine their discomfort

at the idea of you
inheriting all of
Jack's millions.

I don't want
Jack's money.


That's good.

Because we don't want any
trouble for Jack...

or you.

Now, if you would
just sign this.

What is it?

Well, this just
indemnifies Jack

against any future claims
that you may think you have

for prior acts,
or whatever.

Send it to
my lawyer.

Why don't we do this
without lawyers?

Why? You want to
try and defraud me
out of something?

Well, fraud is something
you know about.

Isn't it,
Ms. Parezi?

I mean,
Ms. Woodward.

Do you have any idea
how Jack treated me?

I was afraid for
my life in Florida.

It sounds more
all the time like...

you've got a
motive for m*rder.

Now, if you don't
help me out--

Help you out?
I'll help you out.

Get out of here and
leave me alone!

Ms. Parezi, you would
be wise to deal with me.

I'm the white sheep
of the family.

♪ ♪


Hey, Billy?

What do you think
of this dress?

Hayley's taking me
to a charity ball.

I need
something elegant.

Yeah, that's great.

I need to start dressing
better for dinner anyway.

He's got a five-star
chef at the mansion.

Well, maybe you
could bring me

a doggy bag sometime.

I'm sorry.

You seem kind of down.
Are you okay?

Uh, I had a little
fight with Brooke.

No big deal.

You want to talk
about it?

I'll send you a memo.

It's all set.
We're going to Hawaii.

That's impossible,
we have the whole
summer line to organize.

Well, it's the summer
line I'm talking about.

We'll do an inspiration
sh**t, it'll give us
new direction.

Oh, is this to help
you grow to love me?

Richard, I just wanna
spend time with you.

Give me a chance.

Look, Jane, I don't
stir your passion.

I can deal with it.

Then we'll consider

the Hawaii sh**t
strictly business,

but I still think it
makes sense to go.

Okay, then we should
take Jo along

to sh**t the
locations, in that case.

Jo, would you come
in here, please?

Richard, we can pick up
a photographer there.

Nobody knows what we're
looking for like she does.

She's way too busy, she's
working with layout,

designing the catalog--
The catalog can wait.

Hi. What's up?

We were just wondering
what's on your plate
this week.

Um, not much.
Pick-up stuff.

Then it's all settled.
We're going to Hawaii.

The three of us,
that is.

To, uh, sh**t summer
colors. You up for it?

Yeah. I would
love to go.

♪ ♪

How's it going?
'Cause business sucks.

The computer
has spoken.

Your accounts
are a disaster.


Well, am I
bankrupt yet?

I prefer to think of it as
financially challenged.


Hi. Jake, I need
to talk to you.

Well, I've never known you
to be early for a date.

I'm sorry,
I have to cancel.

I'm going on a business trip
with Jane and Richard.

No, but I have to pack,

and I have to finish
cropping this catalog sh**t

and I have to buy a
bathing suit, and--

For a business trip?

It's in Hawaii, Jake.

Well, that makes
it okay, I guess.

What? This is a great
opportunity for me.

Well, don't let a little
thing like a promise

to me stand
in your way.

Oh, for God
sakes, Jake.

What? I'm wrong?
We didn't have a date?

Would you just
grow up?

I'm sure you'll
do well in that
swimsuit competition!

Come on. I'll dance
your troubles away.

I'm not much
in the mood.

Yeah, well, are you
in the mood to focus

on how you're gonna fill up
this bar with customers?

Hey, one more couple gets
out on the dance floor,

we can call it a crowd.

That's a great idea.

We'll have a dance
night, we'll, uh...

set a cover charge,
hire a DJ,

and generate
a cash flow.

You're a genius,
you know that?

♪ ♪

I just think you should
go for a wider market.

More user-friendly.

Well, that's easy
for you to say,

but who are you
gonna target?

Young women.

Even those who work
like to feel taken care of.

Is that what you like?

It's one of the things.

Well, working women is
one of the things I like.

Did Brooke's mother
have a career?

I'm sorry, I--

[doorbell rings]


Alison, where
are you going?

Charles will
get the door.

I'm afraid I dismissed
Charles tonight,

as well as the
kitchen staff.



I'll be doing
this evening's meal.


Dinner is served.

I love you,
you know that?

[telephone rings]

Ah, why don't you get us
a bottle of Bordeaux?

There's a wine
cellar down the hall--

I'm sorry, I forgot
you don't drink.

It's okay.

I'll get some
for you.

Maybe I can
seduce you faster.


♪ ♪

Don't ever go
in that room!

What is it?

It's private.
Is that understood?

Is that

Of course.

I'm sorry.
I'll get the wine.

Excuse me.

I'm looking
for Jack Parezi.

I'm sorry, only
immediate family

is allowed in
the room.

Oh. Is Uncle Jack
doing worse?

I'm afraid he's
slipped into coma.

Oh, how awful.
How did it happen?

He took a
rather nasty fall.

Hi. Are you a
friend of Jack's?

I'm his lawyer,

but you are not
his niece.


niece is a polite term
for what I was to Jack,

if you know what I mean.

Well, I hope you're not
looking to get your hands

on any of his money.


How much money are we
talking about here?

More than you wanna be
poking your nose into, honey.

I don't know.

I have a
pretty long nose.

You wanted to see me?

I'd like a progress report
on my father's account.

We're just having concept
meetings at this point.

Identifying markets,
prioritizing goals.

How do you like
living in my house?

I like it.

Actually, um...

I find it kind
of intimidating.

All those rooms, they make
me feel kind of lost.

Well, I'll have to draw
you a map sometime.

As a matter of fact,

there's a locked door
next to the wine cellar.

Do you know
what's in there?

It's my mother's--

Do you really wanna
hear about this?

Of course.


Maybe you should check
it out for yourself.

This opens the door.

Then you'll see why you can
never compete with her.

♪ ♪

Hi. I'm looking for
Jo, is she around?

Uh, yeah, but she's busy
right now, I'm afraid.

Can I give
her a message?

No, um, this won't
take long, though,

I just need to see
her for a minute.

Well, she's in
the dark room,

and she doesn't
want to be disturbed.

You think you know her well
enough to speak for her?

Yeah, I do.

Richard, we've got an
angry buyer on line three,

I need you right away.

Hi, Jake.

Well, I guess you
better get that.

♪ ♪


My God, you can't just
come barging in like that.

You said "Come in."
I said "Yeah."

Well, I thought "Yeah"
meant "Come in."

You're lucky these
prints were fixed.

Well, I'm a
lucky guy.

It's nice to
see you, too.

We've been missing
connections lately.

I just wanted to tell you
that I started a dance night

at sh**t, I'd like
you to come tonight.

I'll try.

I just have 1,000 chores
between now and Hawaii.

And where am I?
960? 975?

Oh, Jake.
You know this trip

is gonna be really, really
good for my portfolio.

So, I guess wishing
you weren't leaving

would be politically
incorrect then.

Let's just call it
hopelessly romantic.

Besides, it's only a week,
strictly business.

Promise not to have fun?

I actually think that
Richard wants me to go

partly to be a chaperone

to keep Jane's mind
on her work.

I think he's
after you.

Come on, don't get
paranoid on me.

You're the guy
I'm coming back to.

Yeah, well, he's the guy
you're going away with.

Look, I have to get
these to layout.

I'll make it
tonight if I can.

You're listening to K-Chat
at the top of the hour...

[phone ringing]


Hello, is this Kim?

Yes it is,
who's this?

This is Dr. Joyce Brothers
at K-Chat.

You've been calling me
on the air a lot lately.

Uh, yes I have, is there
a problem with that?

Oh, just the opposite.

We're about to start letting
some of our listeners

fill in as hosts
on a trial basis.

You mean show-host
on the radio?

Yes, mm-hmm.

It's something
new we want to try

as a way of increasing
audience empathy.

And what?
You're asking me?


You're one of our
most popular callers.


Why don't you come
into the station,

and we'll talk?

What would be good
for you? Um, today?


Look, if you'd rather
not, that's fine.

No, no, no,
I'd love to.

It's just that, um,
tomorrow would be better.

I, uh, have to get out
of something first,

something that's
keeping me at home.

♪ ♪

I thought I told you
never to come in here.

Brooke thought I
might want to--


It's not Brooke's place
to give that permission.

She said your wife--
My wife?

My wife what?

Looks like this.


Wore clothes
like this.

What are you
trying to do, huh?

Learn her scent?

Discover who she was?
Become her?

I'm not looking
for her.

I'm looking for you.

[door slamming]

♪ ♪

Don't you have a discount
for ex-employees?

Can you smell
the money?

Yeah, I could
get used to this.

Well, then go for it.

Dance night every
Tuesday and Thursday.

And you can
run the show.

Works for me.

We make a
good team.

You haven't seen
Jo around, have you?

Oh, I forgot.

She called.

Uh, something about
she couldn't make it.

She's working
with Richard.

Buy a girl a
drink, Mister?

Well, I'm not sure
that's such a good idea.

You see, one thing leads
to another, and then--

Mmm, I know.

I don't think we really
worked through this yet.


How about I apologize
to you first

for not being
honest with you?

And then you could
apologize to me
for stomping out.

I didn't
stomp out.

I cooled off.

Oh, okay,
Mister Cool.

I promise to use my
diaphragm from now on,

unless both of us
decide not to.

This better be
the last time

that you ever pull
a stunt like that.


I'm sorry.

Bartender, could you
please get the lady a beer?


What are you so
bummed out about?

Oh, that Chief of
Staff job fell through.

They gave it to somebody's
cousin instead of me.

Mm, well, you're gonna have
to work harder at marrying

into the right
families then, Michael

Tell me about it.

Hey, Matt.

Shouldn't you be memorizing
bones or something?

Study break.

Looks to me like you
might wanna lay off

the coffee for
a while, Matt.

I'm gonna be up late.

He's right, you
look like hell.

I appreciate that
keen observation.

Really boosts
my confidence.

Hey, you want
some advice?

You don't have the right
stuff to be a doctor.

You know, doctors have to
hurt people to heal them,

and you're too
damn sensitive.

Thank you.

No problem.

You know, you're really a
jerk sometimes, Michael.

What do you care if he
goes to med school or not?

That's not the point.

The point is he put it
on the line for you once.

Remember? He faked your
blood alcohol level.

Oh, can't you forget
that ancient history?

I just don't think
you should forget it.

You know, you really
could use an ally

at the hospital, Michael,
everybody else hates you.

All right,
all right already.


Amanda, look, come on,
you've had enough,
gimme that.

Not nearly enough.

You know how much it takes
to wash down a bad memory?

No, I don't,
I do not know.

Well, let's find out.
Let's do an experiment.

Hey, hey, hey, I'm game.
Are you the subject?

No, Jack's the subject,
you stupid idiot.

Jack is back,

just in time to make
my super life--

Hey, come on, that's enough.
You're going home.

I don't want
to go home.

You're going home.

The faster you
sleep it off,

the faster you'll feel
awful in the morning.

I feel awful now.

please don't go.

It just isn't what I
thought it would be, Hayley.

I know, but
it could be.

We simply have to
work harder at it.
I'm willing.


All my life, my relationships
have been ruined by secrets.

It's not gonna
happen anymore.


Just listen.

Okay, go ahead.

I married Laurel

because I got
her pregnant.

And because
she was rich.

Thought she was supposed to
be the big love of your life.

The big lie
of my life.

We had that
contemporary curse...

a thoroughly
modern marriage.

So free, so adult,
so empty.

Why stay married?

I thought it was
best for Brooke.

Laurel, I think, just
did it to punish me.

She flaunted
her affairs.


why is that room
there then?

I don't know.
For Brooke, maybe?

Or maybe as a reminder
of the charade,

what never
to do again.

Brooke said--
Brooke doesn't know

anything about this.

She thinks I still
miss Laurel.

I'm sure that she
sent you in there

just to cause a
fight between us.

And it worked.

Why are you telling
me this now?

Because I love you,

like I've never
loved anyone.

Please, give me
another chance.

Why should I?

Because you
love me, too.

♪ ♪

I had too much
to drink.

Ah, ow,
my hand.

Here we go.

Good night, Amanda.
No, no, no, no.

No, you can't leave.

No, no, it's time
for me to go home.

Come on, hey.
No, no, no.

You have to put
me to bed first.

Amanda, this--

Come on, no, no,
this is not a good idea.

Hold on, hey, hey.
Not a good idea.


Okay, come on.

Hang on.

Come on.

Here we go.

Ooh, hang on!

I want to be
undressed for bed.

Well, be my guest.

No, be mine.

At least-- at least
get me a pillow.


There you go.

Good night,

Just, um,
just one button.

It's stuffy in here.

♪ ♪

Come on.

Oh, God, it
really happened.

Come on, got a little
orange juice here,

it'll make you feel a
lot better in no time.

Go away.
Come on. Sit up here.

Come on, sit up.

Come on, get up.
There you go.

You took
advantage of me.

Excuse me?

I fought you off

until the very end.

Do you have any idea what
kind of stress I'm under?

I'm on the edge,

It's hard work wishing
Jack dead full time.

I need...

I need you supporting me,
not seducing me.

I love you.

Oh, God, I may not be
in control of much else,

but by God, I am in control
of the company I keep.

Please leave.
You're kidding.

No, I am not
kidding, get out.


You know, I just wish
you'd figure out

what the hell you want.

♪ ♪

[bones breaking]


This is an invoice
signed by you

for a Honolulu

I retained his services,
I thought he would know

about the islands.
Why, is this a problem?

The problem is you're
still trying to get Jo
dumped off the trip.

No, the problem is
you're using our company

to finance a fling.

A fling? This junket
was your idea.

Yeah, for us
to go, Richard.

For what, Jane, so you could
take me some place romantic

to tell me you
don't really love me?

I'm still wearing this,
in case you've forgotten.

I haven't

I'm just trying to.

Richard Hart.

Yeah, I wonder if
you could do me a favor.

I need you to call
Jane to New York.

Oh, I don't know,
some kind of emergency.

Yeah, that'll do it.

And, Ellen, make sure
she has to leave tonight.

I appreciate your coming
in on such short notice.

Not at all, it's a
pleasure to meet you.

What happened
to your hand?

Uh, just a little
accident, um...

Are you a homemaker?

Not exactly, I--

I've done a lot of
different things.

You're very
inner directed.

You work hard at
your own issues,

but you know how to
share your insights, too.

Well, um, I have
been involved

in the mental
health profession.

I thought so.

Any radio

No, I'm just an
avid listener.

Well, let me show
you around,

teach you the setup,
and then tomorrow night

you can give
it a try.

Just like that?

From the first time
we spoke, I felt

there was something
special about you.


What are you so
damn cheery about?

I think it's wonderful
what you've been doing,

sitting with him,
talking to him.

And it's
finally paying off.

What do you mean?

Well, whatever words of
love you been whispering

in his ear are working.

He's doing much better.
Is that right?

In fact, the doctor
says he's on the
verge of waking up.

It's just incredible.


It certainly is.

♪ ♪

Oh, hey, I thought
you weren't leaving

for Hawaii till later.

I'm not going to Hawaii,
I'm going to New York.

Jo said that Richard and
you were both doing
this trip with her.

That's old news, Jake.

Now, it's just
the two of them,

cavorting on the beach.

She didn't tell you?

Well, if you don't believe
me, you can talk to Jo.

I think I'm through
talking with her.

I'm sure they'll
get a lot done,

between the
coconut oil massages

and the
double mai-tai's.

How could she do this?

Welcome to the
Friends of Jo Club.

Any damn fool
can join.

Trick or treat.

Don't you have
any candy?



I have to talk to Peter.

The patient's
medical history is--


What is it? Are we still
annoyed about last night?

But, now we've got
real trouble.

Jack's waking up.

Well, that's great.
Now, nobody can accuse

anyone of m*rder.

Then he'll tell
everybody about
what really happened,

that I nearly k*lled him.

That he att*cked
you, you mean.

And that you covered
the whole thing up.

Peter, if Jack talks, you
could lose your license.

I'm well aware of that.

But I think he has more
to lose than we do.

If he starts
making accusations--

No, I have more to
lose. I can't stand

the thought of that man
being in my life anymore.

Amanda, you can always
get a court order.

No. No court orders.

I swear to you,
if he does wake up,

I really will
k*ll him.

I swear, I will.

♪ ♪


Where you been
all morning?

At the doctor.

What, are you sick?

Not exactly.

Just a slight case
of pregnancy.

Yeah, right.

No, really, Billy,
I'm pregnant.

This kind of joke isn't
funny after what happened.

It's not a joke.

It's our baby.

You can't
be pregnant.

We were gonna discuss it
first, and you were
gonna start

using your
diaphragm again.

This happened weeks ago,
it's just now showing up.


Are you saying that you
don't want this child?



really having a baby?


But, let's keep it
private for a while.


Oh, I just want to get
used to it ourselves

before we go
public with it.

A baby.



Hey, Matt.

What you got in there?
Practice tests?

Uh, no, just clearing
out the last of my stuff

from my old office.

The exam
was yesterday.

Wait a second, wait a
second, how'd you do?

I don't know my
test scores yet,

but if it went as
badly as it felt,

you won't be seeing me
around here much anymore.

Oh, come on,
you're a smart guy.

I'm sure you got at least
the 500 you needed

to pass the test.
Or not.

Well, give yourself
a break, okay?

I mean, with everything
you've been through
lately, you know?

I'm not looking for any
excuses, but I'm going crazy

wondering whether I got
in or not, you know?

I just wish someone would
tell me one way or the other,

and put me out of
my misery, huh?

See ya.

♪ ♪

Uh, yes, this
is Dr. Hoffman,

and I need to access a med
student's phone number,

but I have
misplaced my password.

Could you,

Yes, thank you.

How could I have
forgotten that?



Okay, Fielding.

Oh, Matt, you
were so close,

but you didn't
make the cut.

I'll tell you what.

Maybe you did.

Your carriage
is waiting.


So, is Jane
already in the limo?

Uh, no.

Okay, then I'll
just go get her.

I didn't tell you
that Jane's not going?

Some nightmare

with our New York buyer
only Jane could deal with.

I'm just thankful that she
felt she could take it on

with such short notice.

Anyway, to make a long
story short, uh,

the upshot of it is that
Jane's not going to Hawaii.

The upshot, Richard,
is that neither am I.

Jake was right.

You planned this whole
setup just to get me alone.

No, wait a minute.

This is a business
trip, okay?

You can't bow out now,
I need a photographer

who knows our line.

Well, I know your
line now, Richard,

and I'm not gonna fall
for it again.


Jo, wait a minute.

Look, I admit
I wouldn't have objected

to a little romance.

But, just come
with me now,

and I'll be a perfect
gentleman, I promise.

Let me show you
the real me.

No, I think I've
seen it, Richard.

I'm gonna spend the weekend
with the real Jake.

I'm going home.

Can you handle
any emergencies

that come in tonight,

I can if they
have insurance.

Michael, psst,
come here.

Guess what this is.

Voodoo Lounge?

Amanda's secret
confession, about what
she did to her husband.

Where did you get that,
Syd? Give that to me.
Give it to me!

Want to know what
happened to Jack?

I know what happened.

Oh. You do?

Sydney, I'm already
covering for Amanda.

So, if you make
that tape public,

you're gonna bring me
down along with her.

Michael, this is a
million-dollar tape.

If I could at least just
thr*aten Amanda with it.

Syd, everything in life

is not about exploitation
and betrayal.

What, are you nuts?
Of course it is.

You never change.

I care about Amanda, and I
don't wanna see her hurt.

Oh, right.

Amanda this,
Amanda that.

You wouldn't be acting
this way if it were
my ass on the line.

Oh, come on, Syd.
You know I would.


Yeah, I'm a very
caring person.

Now, I told you once
before, this stuff

is over your head, and I
don't wanna see you get hurt.

So, um, stay
out of it.

I will try,

I really will try.

And on the laptop,
ladies and gentlemen,

we have Miss
Shelly Hanson.

Thank you, thank you.
And for my next number,

I'd like to do some
Chuck Berry.

Why don't you do me?

Does Jo know
where you are?

Jo is otherwise

Jake, you know how
I feel about you.

Yeah, you mentioned

about a
cleanup crew.

Look, you're a little
toasted right now.

Why don't you let
me take you home?

Mm, okay.

You be the
designated driver.

♪ ♪

The real Jake.

Have a nice trip!


♪ ♪


I'm sorry, I didn't
mean to hurt you.

Jack, try not
to talk.

Lay-- lie still.

I'll never
hurt you again.

I'll go home.

You got your
own life here.

I hope you
mean that.


A very short life.


Why, Amanda...

That is no way to
treat your husband.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪
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