04x10 - El Syd

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Melrose Place". Aired: July 8, 1992 –; May 24, 1999.*
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Follows the lives and loves of eight young adults in an apartment complex in Los Angeles.
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04x10 - El Syd

Post by bunniefuu »

Code blue, code blue,
room 414.

we'd better hurry,
hadn't we?

Wasn't enough
that you pushed him
over that balcony.

You had to go
and pull out

his breathing

Full code blue.
I need a crash cart, stat!

All right, v-fib,
let's shock him.


All right, pull
that shirt down, nurse.

All right,
everybody clear!



His pupils are blown.

All right, we'll have
to recharge at 400.


He's dead.

For good, this time.

♪ Are you talking to me? ♪

♪ 'Cause I'm talking to you ♪

♪ Are you looking at me? ♪

♪ 'Cause I'm looking at you ♪

♪ Are you talking to me? ♪

♪ 'Cause I'm talking to you ♪

♪ Yeah, my game to lose ♪

♪ ♪

♪ I must admit
I've checked you out ♪

♪ ♪

♪ And yes you're fine,
there ain't no doubt ♪

♪ ♪

[door slams]

Where the hell
have you been?

You know,
when I found this,
I swear to you...

My God,
what did you do
to yourself?

Kind of like
when a trapped animal
gnaws off its foot.

And don't worry...
it set beautifully.

You realize
I could've called
the police.

So, now you know
what it's like

to be a prisoner
in this place,
always left waiting.

Anyway, I figured you'd be
at the hospital all night
with your darling Amanda,

up to whatever it is
you two are up to.

This isn't about me.
You're under court order.

Well, what am I supposed to
do if my court-appointed
physician is never here?

You gave me no choice
but to continue
my therapy myself.

And if you're
it's going great.

Just swimmingly.

In fact, I've
already got a job.

Or at least,
a shot at a job.

I've been filling in
at K-CHAT as a call-in host.

A radio show?

I spent the last
four hours on the air,

and I feel
absolutely wonderful...
enervated, empowered.

Well, I don't give a damn
because you're gonna quit.

If somebody were to
find out about that,

we would both be
in serious trouble.

[phone rings]

Oh, lets see.
Who could that be?


Peter...it's Amanda.

I'm at the hospital.

He's dead.

Jack's dead.

Michael just took
the body away.

I don't know
what to do.

Stay where you are and
don't talk to anyone.

I'm on my way.

"Don't talk to anyone."

Is that the prescription
for all the women
in your life?

You're to stay put.
You understand?

If you leave again,
I call the police.

And I mean it.


I just signed
the death certificate.

Jack's remains are
on their way downstairs.

You know, an autopsy
will be required.

An autopsy?

Yes. To put it off
would invite suspicion.

However, I made sure
Jack's lawyers won't
be notified immediately.

So that buys us some time.

Now, from what
I could tell...

someone tampered with
his breathing apparatus.

And he was moved.

And, you know, guys in comas
don't usually move much.

In fact,
they don't move at all.

So you want to tell me
what the heck you
did to him in there?

Come on, Amanda, if
there was any hanky panky,
I want to know about it.

I am not talking to you
about this, Michael.

Nothing happened,
so go away.

We'll talk later,

Hey, you.
What are you
doing here?

And what
do you know
about all this?

Everything, Michael.

I know everything.

Go ahead.
What happened?

Jack woke up...

he had this strength
that was super human.

And...I thought,
he's going to k*ll me.

And then he-- he-- he
just went limp.

He collapsed.
And I turned around,
and there was Sydney.


No, ha ha.

I won't fall apart.

There was only
one person in this world
that really scared me.

And that was Jack.

I'm free of him, Peter.

For the first
time in years...

I'm free.

Looks like someone
tied one on last night.

Any particular reason?

Nosy neighbors.

This is it.
you've been accepted."

I'm--I'm in, Jake.
I'm in.

Hey, whoa--whoa,
big guy...into what?

I--I--I passed the exam.

I've been re-admitted
to medical school.

Great, that's great.

Hey, just make sure
that you have the
party at sh**t.

Hey, neighbor.
Where's Shelly?

Now that you two
did the big nasty,

I assumed you two would
be inseparable,

you know, tight as ticks,
two peas in a pod.

Well, I assumed you'd
be off to paradise
with "Mr. Fashion."

Oh, so you boink
old Shelly to get even?

Jo, come on.

Oh, It wasn't just a boink?
Well, I'm glad to hear it.

True love finds Jake
at last.

Damn it, what'd you
expect me to do?

Listen, I never was going
anywhere alone with Richard.

The minute that I found
out Jane wasn't going,
I canceled my trip.

I'd blown him off
to be with you.

Only when I found you,
it wasn't just you, was it?

Yeah, well,
whatever you decided
about Hawaii...

I bet you still got
the hots for him.

Well, you sure bet
a lot, didn't you?
The whole farm.

Well, it looks like I'm a
winner. That bag means you're
headed to the airport.

That's none
of your business.

You're going
to sleep with Richard.

Or is it "d*ck" now?

You really are a bastard.


That's Hawaiian
for "hello."

And "goodbye"!



How are you
this fine bright day?

I'm still waiting for
that pinch to remind me it's all
a dream.

I'm glad you're happy.

Are you?

More than I ever
thought possible.

Why do you
look sad?

Is our trial
living together
period over?

What happens now?
Do I turn into a pumpkin?

I thought that, uh...

we might just move
into phase two, and...

get married.


my God.

[phone ringing]

Damn it.

That's Paris.


Yeah, Jean-Claude, yeah.

I got your prospectus,

and I just have
a few suggestions.

It's just an idea.
I don't want to rush you.

Just think about it,

Yeah, I'm still here.

This attorney
is going to flip.

When are the autopsy
results expected?

Another day,
thanks to lab back-ups.

Look, Peter,
for better or worse,
I'm in on this with you.

We both have Amanda's
best interests at heart.

that's a new concept.

Partners actually
working together.

[knock on door]

Uh, delivery for Doctors
Burns and Manchini.

Ahem, "Mancini."

Just leave them.

No--no--no. Wait.
Wait a second.

I recognize
that handwriting.

I'll take them.

"Dear Doctor...

"You are cordially
invited to dinner--

dinner at Yeeto's, 8 p.m.
Don't be late."

Mine was on my doorstep.

So, this is it.

Sydney drops
her bombs.

How's it going?

Couldn't be worse.

Is Jo around? I really
need to talk to her.

Well, it'll cost you
a plane ticket to Hawaii

or at least a long
distance phone call.


If you call banging
the boss "work."

You're kidding?

I'll spare us both
the gory details.

God! I can't believe the
stuff I've missed since I
moved out of the building.

Lies, deceit,
everybody in everybody
else's business...

speaking of which...
what's new with Hayley?

You can't be looking
for Jo to talk
about the weather.

It's a major secret.

You have to swear
not to tell a soul.

Hayley proposed.
He asked me to marry him.


I'm sorry, but if
you say "yes"--

I know. I'll be
Brooke's stepmother.

Yeah, and Billy's

Did you say "yes"?

Not yet.

I mean, don't get me wrong.
Hayley is incredible.

And I-I can really see
marrying him...

but something's
bothering me.

It's the way he proposed.
It just-- it wasn't romantic.

When Billy asked me,
he was so sweet.
I was really touched.

Well, what have you had?
A couple of months
with Hayley?

What is that, compared
to years with Billy?

If you ask me, you've
got to get past Billy

or it'll never
work with Hayley.

But can you
ever really...

get past
an old love affair?

You can put it
into perspective.

If I were you,
I would find some way

to test my
feelings for Billy.

At least talk to him.

I know for a fact
he's working late tonight.

There you go.
An opportunity.

what a surprise.

Thought I was the only one
around here who burned
the midnight oil.

Well, I got
a little behind.

Friar Brothers Wineries

are flying me up
to Santa Barbara tomorrow.

One of those small plane
charters. In and out
the same day.

What do you think?

I think
the friars will swoon.

Easy sell, those guys.

That's right, they used to
be your account.

Yeah, great assignment
during my drinking days.

Wine-tasting till it was
coming out of my ears.

Well, luckily for me,
Brooke will be coming along

to keep me
on an even keel.

Something on your mind?

Yes, actually.

I need to talk
to you, Billy.

I have this--
this news.

It's actually
pretty mind-blowing.


What are you doing here?

I work here, remember?

Good luck with
the friars, Billy.

You, too, Brooke.

What's her problem?

Well, she never
got around to say.


just maybe, it's
trouble with Daddy.

Now wouldn't
that be wonderful?

I thought you got over
all that, Brooke.

Oh, you're right.

All that matters now
is our little secret.

It's growing inside me.

Can you tell
I'm pregnant?



And just you
is all that matters.

This is ridiculous.

I'm not going
to just sit here.

Hold your horses, Amanda!

Your hostess has arrived.

Don't you
love this place?

The whole
cultural experience.

Although the hair
took a little longer
than I expected.

What do you think?

It's lovely.
Very authentic.

Thank you.

Cards on
the rice mat, Sydney.

What do you want?

If you insist.

First, let's review
what I have.

That would
be you, Amanda,

and you, Peter,

on tape, admitting
your total involvement
in Jack's accident

and ultimate demise.

Whacking away
with that golf club--

shame on you.

I'm not gonna
listen to this.

Sit down, Amanda.

You're are the one in
the most trouble here.

I saw you in that
hospital room with Jack's
air hose hanging out.

You m*rder*d him
in cold blood!

He att*cked me!
He would have k*lled me.

Details, details...

Damn it, just tell us
what you want.

Very simple.

From Amanda,

I want 50% of what
she inherits from Jack.

Well, the divorce never
went through, did it?

So you're gonna get it all,
the whole ball of wax?

I'm assuming we're
into a 7-figure area
here, am I right?

That's all?

Don't think you're
getting off so easy, Peter.

I'm counting on you to explain
the sense of this to Amanda.

Tough blow on her ego,
divvying up all that cash,

but you'll make her
see the wisdom in it...

or lose your
medical license.

Your choice.

Which brings you to me.

Oh, Michael--

always getting yourself
into these jams.

You'll be thrilled to know
I have no demands.

No demands?

I learned it from you.

With folks
you care about most,

charity is
the best policy.

That's it.

I'm leaving.

Let's go, Peter.

I'll need
a cashier's check.

Good night.

Drive carefully.

[door slams]

Wouldn't want anything
to happen to them.

You must want
something from me.

Tell you what.

You can pick up
the tab for dinner.

what to order?

I hear the sashimi
here is a bona fide



why be tempted?

Why not be tempted?

Shall I order some?

A little sashimi.


And a gallon of sake
to wash it down with.



[knock knock knock]

You okay in there?

No, I'm not okay!

Never been so
sick in my life.

Oh, what is happening
to me?

I feel like I'm dying.

It's just a little
morning sickness.

This is not little.

This is big
morning sickness.

I've heard that some
women go through the whole
nine months like this,

sick, throwing up
24 hours a day.

Where's my glow now,
I wonder?

Oh, you're all ready
to go. Good.

Did you call the office
and tell them that
I can't go on the trip?

They're sending over
the lay-outs,

and then I'm gonna head
right to the airport.


you look great, anyway.

Quite dashing, actually.

God, how do you
put up with me?

[knock knock]


Oh, you brought
the layouts.

Better than that,
I'm going along.


That's ridiculous.

Billy is quite
capable of handling
this himself.

Well, the boys upstairs
wanted a bigger show.

Strength in numbers,
and all that.

You ready?


Take it easy today,
all right?

I'll be back
by dinnertime.

Hope you
feel better, Brooke.

Three drops of cream,
just like you like it.

Thank you.

What's wrong, Michael?

You look a little pale.

Rough surgery
this morning?

Well, I, um--

I just, um--

I guess I keep
waiting for your
blackmail demands.

Don't worry, Michael.
There are none.

I meant what I said.


Then, uh, I guess
I'll be in my office.

Oh, by the way.

Matt's throwing himself
a little party tonight
at sh**t.

He got back into
medical school.
Did you know?

Until this second, no.
That's good for Matt.

You'll take me,
won't you?

To the party?

Of course.

I'm looking
forward to tonight.

Call for you, Mr. Hart.

Thank you.


Hi. It's Jo.

How are you doing?

Uh, bored actually.

Lonely. Can't beat
the weather, though.

So, have you found
your locations yet?

I'm still working on it.
Look, um, Jo...

I'm sorry about
the way things went down...

sending Jane off like that.

The truth is, is that you have
every right to be pissed.

I wanted to be alone with
you and it was wrong of me

to assume that's what
you wanted too.

I miss you.


Guess that's what
I needed to hear.

You'll come to Hawaii?

I'm already here.

Right across the pool.

You nut!



It took me all morning
to get the nerve
to call you.

I mean, I left on
horrible terms with Jake.

It's over.
It's really, really over.

And I just-- I was afraid
to fall into some rebound
with you and I--

Does this make
any sense?

Oh, it makes all the sense
in the world, yeah.

So, we'll just work.

Yeah, we'll just work.

I mean, we're gonna have
to eat occasionally.

You know, we'll
cool off in the pool and...

Did I tell you they have
a wonderful spa here?

That guy, Diamond,
Jack's attorney?

I think he's onto us--
or he says he's onto us.

He doesn't have proof.

Now we know Sydney
hasn't said anything.

My first instinct
was to run again,
but I won't.

I'm ready
to stand and fight.

Only two problems left.

How do we get a lawyer
out of your life,

and Kimberly
out of mine?

Does it sound
too corny to say that--

we can pretty much
handle anything.

It might...

but not to me.

I kind of like this one too.

Hey, Matt.
Heard the good news.


Thanks. Can you
believe this place?

Well, I can't believe
my ears.

Hey, how was New York?

Oh, about as I expected.

So, Jo and Richard
are in Hawaii.

I guess that puts us
in the same boat.

Only if you don't
give a damn about Richard,

'cause that's how
I feel about Jo.

Will you guys excuse me
a second?


Let me get you
a beer.

Con...excuse me--

Congratulations, man!
Well done.

Thanks, Michael.

Just squeezed by
on that test, didn't you?

Yeah, I mean,
as a matter of fact--

How did you know that?

Ah, a little before
and after look.


Here's what you really
got on the test,

and here's what you got
after I changed the score.


No matter how big
and successful I get,

I'll always make time
for my friends.

You can't do this.

Oh, yeah. It was
really easy, actually.

A couple of
quick keystrokes.
Presto change-o.

No, I won't allow it.

I'll go to the school
and I'll turn myself in.

Oh, stop it!

Matt, I only did it because
you were so damn close.

You know these things
are graded on a curve.

You would have passed
last year easily.

You want something
from me.

You're trying to get me
under your thumb.

No, if anything,
I'm paying you back.

You once changed a few
numbers for me, remember?

Now look, the truth is,

you do have compassion.

You do have

You'll make
a great doctor.

Now, it'll be our
little secret.

What's the problem?

[telephone ringing]


Richard, hi.
It's me, Jane.


How was New York?

A nice diversion,
which is how it was
intended, right?

I shouldn't
have said that.


I know how hard it is
for you to believe

anything I say anymore.

It's just that
I've-- I've had some time

to do some thinking,

we really had something
wonderful, Richard.

It's just that we
got off track and...

I'm responsible.

You know, I made
a lot of assumptions,

not considering
your feelings.

I guess I'm wondering,
is it too late?



I don't know, Jane,

it's kind of hard

to have this conversation
right now...

on the phone.

Okay, well...

we'll talk
when you get back.

Yeah. Okay.

We'll talk
when I get back.

Thanks for calling,

Good night.

I've been thinking,

I'm through
taking things slowly.

My God, Daddy,
Mom's things.

What are you doing?

Well, I have it all stored
for you for when you
have a big enough place,

but right now, I gotta
get it out of here and
move on with my life.

This is Alison's idea,

Wipe out any trace?

You're replacing
my mother.

Can't you just admit it?

No, I'm not
replacing anyone.

I love Alison.

But you loved Mommy,

things change.

Your mother's dead.

I'm moving on.

There's a call, sir.

They say it's
an emergency.


Yeah, this is he.

Oh, my God.


Yeah, please do.

Thank you very much.

Billy and Alison's

it's missing.

If we could
just get word out...

Would you
look at this place?

I bet it's beautiful
in the daylight.

Hey, did you ever see
that movie, The Misfits,

with Clark Gable
and Marilyn Monroe?

There was
this incredible scene

in a dry lake bed
just like this.

Great-- we almost
lose our lives in
a plane crash,

and you're talking

I used to love
old movies.

It's no use.

The whole
electrical system
is out.

Now, look, it's
about a six-hour
hike out of here,

and there's no
reason for everyone
to make the trip.

You guys stay here.

You've got plenty
of supplies.

I'll be back
in the morning
with help.



Are--are there any
wild animals around here?

Just a few marmots,

but they
won't hurt you.

See you in the morning.

Be careful.

What in God's name
is a marmot?

Another name
for Bigfoot, probably.

Well, Brooke's gonna be
worried sick.

Hayley, too.

You okay?
You look cold.

Here. Put this on.


Billy, I have to be
honest with you.

When I found out Brooke
couldn't take this trip,

I arranged
to take her place.

To talk to you...

to test myself...

I don't--
I don't know anymore

what I feel.
What you feel.

Brooke's pregnant.

Oh, my God.

She can't be.

You've only been
married a few months.

She's having a baby.
We're having a baby.

I don't believe it.


I-I'm telling you
how I feel...

from the bottom
of my heart.

And I'm stopping you
before you say
any more.

Well, it's not fair.

I-I've been waiting
for so long.





I guess I still had hope.

I don't know what
you want from me.

You idiot.

I--I want you to hold me
and kiss me.

Tell me
you still love me.

I can't anymore...

even if I wanted to.

Yes, yes, I understand.

Thank you.

Thank you
very, very much.

They're okay.

Oh, thank God.

The plane had to make
an emergency landing.

The pilot
walked for help,

and a sheriff's vehicle
is on its way to pick
them up right now.

Oh, God,
I was so scared.

I was awake all night.

I just--
I couldn't imagine

how I was gonna get through
the next couple months.

I might as well
tell you.

I'm pregnant, Daddy,
with Billy's child,

and we weren't
gonna tell anyone
for awhile, but...

I just thought,
after all this...

I hope you're happy
for me.

I think it's wonderful.

I'm just so surprised.

Well, we were, too,
at first,

but now Billy
is so happy.

We both are, and--

I know it's premature,
but I've been thinking

about where
we're gonna live.

And, I mean, it can't be
that tiny little apartment,

so I was thinking about
the guest house here.

Can't you just see it?

The four of us--

Billy, me, you,
and the baby?

A real family?

Well, we've got
lots of time...

to plan.

Oh, you're worried
about how Alison might
take this, aren't you?

I hope this won't
get in the way.

No, we won't worry
about that now.

I'm just so happy
for you.


Billy, I'm sorry
about last night.

I am happy
for you and Brooke.

I-- I've just been
so preoccupied

with my own problems

I haven't even been
able to think of yours.

I've been...

wrestling with
this decision...

big decision...

I think I know
what I'm going to do.

Well, it's not that
I don't...

remember all
the great times
we had.

I know, it's--

it's just time to move on.

[horn honking]

Here they come.

We're saved.

You ever tell Brooke
about that,

I'll k*ll you.

Cross my heart.

[knocking on door]

Autopsy results.

Just so you know,
this is an advance look.

No one has seen this
yet-- not Michael,
not that attorney.

Don't tell me you're
gonna play "good news,
bad news" with me.

What do you want first?

The cause of death

was a ruptured artery
in his brain.

It had nothing
to do with

the respiratory tube
coming out,

but everything to do
with the original fall.

So, I'm still
on the hook.

Unless there's a way
to prove self-defense...

and we already know
that there isn't.

Let me ask you
something, Amanda.

How attached are you
to Jack's estate?

I'd rather die
than collect penny one
of that blood money.


We can make a deal,

The estate in return
for the sealing

of the autopsy results.

The cause of death
dies with Jack.

And Sydney's half
of nothing--
is still nothing.

Oh, but won't she
dream up something
else to get from us?

Like, your practice
or my car?

I mean, I can't believe
she'll just go away.

Before you panic,

ask yourself what
it is that Sydney
really wants, hmm?

Well, that's obvious.
She wants Michael.

Michael to the rescue
once again.

If--and this is
a big "if"--

we set it up correctly.

That leaves
one last question...

once Sydney is
out of my hair...

how will I ever...



Well, only you
can figure that out.



Come on!

Oh, you must be starving!

By the way, I told
Daddy about the baby,
and he was thrilled.

I know that we said
that we weren't gonna
tell anybody, but--

It's okay. I-- I
told Alison too.

You did?

The whole time you were
away, I kept thinking--

I hope my absence
had the heart-grow-
fonder effect.

It did.

For one thing,
it made me realize

how ridiculous that
proposal of mine was.

The question,
or the way you asked it?

The way it was asked.

Like a kid, I was
cushioning the blow
to my ego

in case your answer
was no.


Alison, I've never been
so in love in my life.

You've brought me
the hope and happiness

that I thought
I'd lost forever.

You've made me see
how bright the future can be.

I love you more than
I have or will love anyone.

Will you do me the honor
of becoming my partner

for life?

Will you marry me?


Yes, I'll marry you!

Okay, bye.

Sorry, they're both
in surgery this morning.

Oh, I'm not here
to see them.

I'm here to see you.

Oh, could it be
you already have
the money you owe me?

As a matter of fact,
I do.

50 cents?

These are the papers
confirming the sale

of my portion
of Jack's estate--
for one dollar.

In exchange,
the findings of Jack's
autopsy will be sealed.

So, our deal--yours and
mine-- was for half
of my inheritance.

That comes to 50 cents.

You gave away...millions.

Make all the claims
you want now.

It'll be your word
against mine, Peter's,
and Michael's.

You're forgetting...
I still have that tape.

Yes, you do, and it's
about as admissible in court
as a blind eye-witness.

Besides...we both know
what you really want--
Michael, right?

My advice?
Use the tape on him.

Oh, and one more thing--
Kimberly's moving
into the apartment.


Are you as nuts as she is?


wait a minute.

This is Peter's idea,
isn't it?

She's in the way of yours
and Peter's relationship,

so just move her into
the apartment building
to t*rture the rest of us.

So move out.

I know a certain doctor
who lives at the beach,
all alone...

He'd love the company.

Oh, my God. You're even
better at this than I am.

It's about time
you realized that.

Be out by 6:00.

Kimberly will be arriving
with her things then.

Always a pleasure,

Marry Alison,
and you'll never see
your grandchild.

I'll sever all ties--

family or otherwise.

If that's your choice,
then go right ahead.

I'd hoped you'd
grown up more than that,
but I guess you haven't.

Oh, please!

Who is acting
like a child here?

You fall on one knee
like a lovesick

proposing to a woman
you barely know?

If I could, I'd
have you committed.

Alison and I are leaving
for Rosarito Beach,
Mexico, this afternoon.

I came here to ask
for your blessing.

Sorry, Daddy--

not a chance.

Oh! You have no idea how
wonderful this feels--

having my own place.

Being on
a work-release program.

I hope you won't
be lonely tonight

all alone
in that big house.

Maybe a little.

Hey, I know! You can
listen to my radio show.

9 p.m. till 3 a.m.--
101.2 on your FM dial.

I'll make a point to listen.

Well, I'm sure you've
got lots to do, so, um,

if you're not gonna be
needing me, I'll be going.

Thank you so much,

I promise
I won't let you down.

I know you won't.
I'll see you.

Sydney out of
your hair...

out of mine...

Spend the night with me.

Are you sure?

Are you sober?



[guitar music playing]

And now, you may
exchange rings

and the words of love
you have chosen
for yourselves.

Alison...this ring
symbolizes a bond

that can never be

With it,
you have my promise

that I will always
be there...

to help, to care--
and I will never
stop loving you.

From this day on,
our lives
are intertwined.

We are one now.


your incredible love
and constant faith in me

have now made me
a complete person.

I promise to try
in every way

to be worthy of
your love and kindness...

This is--without a doubt--
the happiest day of my life.

And therefore...

by the power vested
in me by this church,

I now pronounce you
man and wife.

What God has joined
together, let no man
break apart.

[knocking on door]

Oh! Good,
you're home...


I always get too
much Chinese food

Imagine if I had to
eat it all by myself!

You haven't eaten,
have you?


I'm starved.

No peas in
the fried rice.

See that? I remembered
what you don't like.

Amanda told me what she's
gonna do with Jack's estate.

She's already
done it.

I couldn't even get
a fortune cookie
with my cut.

Oh, my God! I hope
you don't think

I'm gonna go after
you now...

I am true to
my word, Michael.

I promised
I wouldn't
lower myself,

and I won't...

egg roll?


Oh, by the way, did
Amanda also tell you

that she forced me
out of my apartment

so that Kimberly
could move in?

No, she didn't.

Kimberly in
that building...

is that not like
the sickest thing
you've heard?

Oh, it's pretty sick.

I was hoping that
someone-- I don't know,
someone like you, maybe,

would take pity
on my situation...

Oh, Syd,
you know I would...

if I thought it would
benefit either one of us.

But, I mean,
let's face it--

no good could come of
you living here.

I mean, it never did
before, right?

Those were the happiest
days of my life.

Yes, but in retrospect...

Still the happiest days.

Syd, I'm sorry, but I'm
gonna have to say no.

I can't let you
make the same mistake twice.

I promised myself
I wasn't going to
do this...

that I wouldn't
resort to blackmail...

but damn it,
Michael, you are not
giving me a choice.

Now, come on, Syd!
Just calm down a second.

Just look at this from
my perspective, okay?

No, Michael, it's either
you let me move in

or I go to
the medical board.

[slaps counter]

There! I did it!
You're blackmailed.

I'm sorry, Michael.

It's just that
I think-- I know
that we belong together.

I'm gonna make you
the happiest man
on earth, Michael.

Wait and see.

You'll forgive me
for this.
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