04x17 - The Brooke Stops Here

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Melrose Place". Aired: July 8, 1992 –; May 24, 1999.*
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Follows the lives and loves of eight young adults in an apartment complex in Los Angeles.
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04x17 - The Brooke Stops Here

Post by bunniefuu »


All right, guys,
around the back.

[overlapping chatter]

Over here! Right here!

This way.
Right here.

What happened?

There's blood everywhere.
She cut her wrists.

I think she's still
breathing, though.

Let's get a pressure
dressing on this.

Right away.

Oh, my God.
I'm a doctor.

What's her status?
Her pressure's 50 palp.

She's really
tachycardic, Doc.

We're just gonna run her
IV wide open and transport.


I found this in
the apartment.

What is it?
She left a note.

Okay, guys, let's roll.

I'm going with her.

Sure, sure, just sit quiet.

Ohh! Keep him
away from me!

I never want to
see you again!

Brooke, it's me,
it's Billy.

Get away from me!

Just leave me alone!
Just let me die!

♪ ♪

♪ I wanna fly
to the moon ♪

♪ I wanna watch
the flowers bloom ♪

♪ I wanna jump
in the rain ♪

♪ I want
all the world's fame ♪

♪ Wish I could sleep
in the clouds ♪

♪ Wish I could only
hear the ocean sound ♪

♪ Wish life was a
never-ending ride ♪

♪ Wish life was
one big sunrise ♪

♪ What if I could live
in outer space ♪

♪ What if the stars
outlined your face ♪

I thought I told them
to keep you out of here.

Brooke, I'm sorry.

Sorry doesn't cut it.

Just leave me alone,
you're good at that.

I wanna stay
with you.

You don't care
about me.

I love you.

You deserted me.

I can understand
how you might have felt

that I wasn't there
for you before,

but I want you
to know that I am
here for you now.

I lost my father.

I lost the baby that
I thought I had.

I thought
I was losing you.

I am gonna
stand by you.

The better to
watch me bleed?

Is this what you wanted?

Well, you got it,

This is no paranoid
delusion, this is real!

This is real life, for
what it's worth!!!

It's worth a lot,
if you value it.


Promise me one thing.

Promise me that
you won't leave me.

I promise.

I promise you will not
go through this alone.

I do, I promise.

Tell her we all
wish her well, Billy,

and please let me know
if there are changes.

Right. Bye.

Well, I see your manners
haven't changed much

in five years.

You want me to go out
and wait till you
tell me to come in?


Nice to see you, too.

I am kind of busy though,
so is this a social call,

or are you here to
talk advertising?

I'm here to tell you
that your friend Peter

has a pretty good
right cross.

He hit you?

Are you okay?
Oh yeah, I'm fine.

It just makes me wonder,
did you happen to tell him

about our little
Palm Springs

In the cold light of day,

I'm thinking of it more
as a goodbye kiss,

and no,
I didn't tell Peter.

[telephone rings]

Well, hello, Amanda.


I'm glad I
caught you in.

We haven't really said
much about Palm Springs.

Um, listen, can we
talk about this later?

Oh yeah, of course.
I just want to set
things straight with you.

Well, I'm all
for being up front,

but, um, I'm in a
meeting right now.

Okay, well, I'll get
out of your hair.

Listen, I wanna
take you and Bobby

to dinner tomorrow night.

Yeah, you know where I can
find him at the moment?

No, I don't know
where he is.

All right, well,
I'll track him down.

I'll see you tomorrow?

Right, Peter.

You know, you're an
idiot if you think

getting chummy
with Bobby's the way

to Amanda's heart.

The way to Amanda's
heart is littered

with casualties,

And I don't intend
to be one of them.

Peter, the guy is
obviously trying to score.

Well, then he needs to
know the ground rules,

and who he's
playing against.


♪ ♪

We're out of coffee,
so don't ask.

Do you want
anything else?

No, thanks, Syd.
Not for me.

I'd like
a new life.

Who wouldn't?

This is fresh,
daily hell.

She does seem
a bit put out.

You know, I know being
doomed to Sydney
and Michael's care

is poetic justice, for
the both of us, I think.

Oh, Jane,
I know she feels bad

about your stroke,
we all do.

You know what,
don't get me started.

When I think about Richard
and Jo spiking my drink,

and now they're
just gloating.

We're not gloating.

Look me in
the eye, Jane.

Do you really think
I could have done
this to you?

Really, Jane,
I can't imagine

Jo drugging your wine
any more than I can see

myself doing it.

Yeah. I guess I
don't believe

that you had
a hand in this.

Thank you.

But, I wouldn't put
anything past Richard.

Richard's the man
I'm with now, Jane.

I know, and
I accept that.

But I'm warning you,
Jo, watch out for him.

He wouldn't have done
anything like this,

not for
business or love.

He used us both, Jo.

Aren't you being
a little harsh?

Well, my paralysis
has given me

a clarity of perception.

So, here's a
free insight--

the next designer, he's
gonna sleep with her

and dump you.

Maybe, but that is still not on
the same level

with attempted m*rder.

I mean, who hates you
enough to wanna
see you dead?

[slapping sounds]

Ants. I despise ants.

♪ ♪


Oh, man, where
should I put this?

Uh, under the sink.

Your side of the bed
could use a little
brightening up.

Wait, wait, wait! I need
some information from you

for the-- for
the lease here.

What's your bank?

Uh, don't have one.

Uh, credit problems?

Uh, don't need
no stinkin' credit.

Okay. Ever been

Once. Protest march.

I chained myself
to the main gate
of a nuclear plant.

I had a lot of good times
with that chain.

You know,
I remember once--

Um, spare me.

Listen, what's your current
place of employment?

I don't need no
stinkin' wages.

All right.
Your last job?

Leisure wear salesman
at Robertson's,

for the Christmas rush.


And your last place
of residence?


Up Beverly Drive,
north of Sunset.

Um, I can't remember
the address exactly.

Oh, pretty ritzy zip code.
How long were you there?

A couple years.

And you don't
remember the address?

I have a bad head
for numbers, okay?


Hey, I don't need
no stinkin' address.




Here's the deal.
I am certain

Jane, Jo,
and Alison

suspect me of
slipping the dr*gs

into Jane's drink.

Sydney, it's very common
after you commit a crime

to feel so guilty
that you begin to think

everyone knows
you did it.

I'm not paranoid.

I saw them refer to
me at least twice.

As a suspect?


I am really
ticked off

that they
would suspect me

of doing something
like that.

you did do it.


Just, tell me
these pills

won't get
traced back to me.

Did anyone else's name
come up in this conversation?

I'm not sure.

I think.

You know, Sydney, when
you play hot potato,

the only way to
win is to...

throw it to
somebody else.

Meaning what?

The solution to your
problem is in your hands.


your purse.


♪ ♪


I, uh, just left
some sketches

in Richard's office.

♪ ♪


Are you here?


Can I help?

Can we talk?
Not now.

I gotta get this done
before Brooke gets home.

Can you just stop
for a minute?

You wanna talk,



I've been remembering
how close we used to be,

and how I've been
feeling that way
again lately.

I mean, I don't
want to, I just do.

I guess partly
it's because

you fill a void

since Hayley's gone.

But it's more
than that, I've...

I've been realizing my
life is full of turns.

Jobs and lovers,

strange journeys.

But, you're my
soul mate.

I carry you
with me here.

I want you to know
I always will.


Get out.

What are you doing?

I'm doing
you a favor,

'cause this is
my life now.

So just stay away.

Billy, I'm here.

Then get out
while you can.

And don't come back.


♪ ♪

You got some
good prints?

Yeah, a nice
one of Jane,

before Christmas.

Ah, so sad.

I don't care how
manipulative she was,

she didn't deserve
what happened.

No one does.

I went to talk
to her, you know.

Uh, no,
I didn't.

Are you sure that was
such a good idea?

Well, she needs
our support.

I wanted her to
know that she has it.

Well, I don't want
to rub her nose in
our happiness though.

Can't we just leave
well enough alone?

Call me crazy,
but a stroke

doesn't exactly
seem well enough.


I feel terrible about
Jane's condition.

I just think that
it's time that we
concentrate on our future,

not our past.

Well, my future happens
to include Jane.

As your friend,
that's fine.

But the company
has to move on.

Meaning what?


meaning that I've
scheduled interviews

with new designers for
tomorrow morning.

Sorry, um...

why new designers?

Because somebody
has to do Jane's job.

The marketplace is not
gonna wait around
for her recovery.

Yeah. Right.

I'm thinking maybe
I should be there
in these interviews.

That won't be necessary,
I can handle it.

Good work.
Keep it up.

I don't care about that.

You've got a deadline,
I expect you to meet it.

Come right in.
Everybody else does.

Uh, Amanda,

you have to give Brooke
her old job back.

Take a hint, Billy.

Don't try to bully me,
I don't respond well.

Brooke left D&D due to
certain circumstances.

Now the situation's changed,
so I want her re-hired.

I don't think so.

She needs this job.

She quit.
She made her own bed,

now she's gotta
sleep in it.

Can't you show a
little charity for
once in your life?

I'd rather show
good sense.

Brooke is waging
emotional blackmail.

If you play it wrong,
it's gonna blow up
in your face,

just like her big lie
about the miscarriage.

Well, I guarantee you
she cut her wrists, okay?

That, my dear lady,
is the truth.

Okay, and here's my truth.

Fear is what made me stay
with Jack all those years.

And I will not help you into
that same prison now.

Then, here's mine.

I am bringing
Brooke back to work.

If you try and stand
in my way, then I am
going to quit.

♪ ♪

Hey, Jane.


I've been giving
it a lot of thought,

and it's gotta
be Richard.

Do us both a
favor, Sydney,

and don't give anything
that much thought.

It'll avoid a
lot of trouble.

No, really.

I mean, Richard had both
motive and opportunity.

I know that, Syd.

But, right now, I am
gonna focus all my energy

on rehab and getting out
of this wheelchair.

That is great,
I just think--

I don't want any
distractions, okay?

And would you cut the
Matlock impersonation?

Would you excuse
us, please?

What if he's got
evidence lying around?

Shouldn't you
call the cops?


Jo could be next
on his hit list.

Richard is hardly
a serial k*ller.

Yeah, but he could be
a serial stroker.

I say we bust him
before he strokes again.

Sydney, I will deal with
Richard in my own way,

in my own
time, thank you.


Yeah, well, your time
is my time these days.

Which reminds me,
I better call work.

♪ ♪

911 operator,
may I help you?


I have information

concerning an
attempted m*rder.

One moment.

Hey, Monty.
What'll you have?

Just a little

Did you get the
money I sent you?

Yeah, I got it,

Thing is,
is you're a little short.

Not by my

Yeah, that's
the problem.

We all do our
own calculations.

How much do you want?

No, it ain't
like that.

I just need a favor,

one friend
to another.

What kind of favor?

Just pick up some money
from a guy, 235 bucks.

He's got it in
the till. He owes me.

Monty, hey, I'm not
a strong arm.

I thought you
were a friend.

If you're not, I'd have
to remodel the place.

It doesn't need


It would once the
new owner took over.

So, what's it worth to you
not to have to renovate?

235 bucks?

Here's the
guy's address.

Don't take too long.

Everybody's gonna be so
happy to see you back here,

and see that
you're okay.

Yeah, they all
love me so much.

The office sent flowers.
Amanda wants to see you

back at work, as soon
as you're up to it.

Really? Doing what,
going for coffee?

Give it a rest,
nobody gives a damn.

Are you kidding?
Everybody is on
your side.

Did you see this
book that Jo sent you?

It's about visualizing
your dreams.

It's really nice.



where are you?

Answer me.


Don't worry,

I'm not gonna
k*ll myself today.


Hi, Alan?
I'm Kimberly.

Welcome to the

Hello, uh,
come on in.

Um, have a seat.

Well, I can't stay,
I just came

to officially say hi.


Well, in
that case.


That's actually Persian for
"My camel is double parked."

But, uh,

it's the only official
greeting I know.

Wow, I can't wait to see
what you do when I leave.

Oh, I'm afraid I
can't let you leave.

You're much too good
an audience.

Oh, that's right.
You're an actor.


Mm, you must be
quite a catch.

You make me sound
like a trout.

No, Matt's the one who
was almost filleted,

especially after that...

whole, uh, thing...

What thing?

Um, just that,
uh, that business

with, um, Paul.

Hold on. Paul?

Yeah, Matt's last fling.

It was just
kind of a mess.

I mean, the guy was
obviously unstable.

Unstable, how?

He ended up
murdering his wife

and laying the
blame on Matt.

Hold it.

So, you're telling
me that Matt

was suspected
of the m*rder?

booked, and jailed,

that ended up in a sh**t-out,
it was a mess.

A sh**t-out
with firearms?

Look, the point
I'm trying to make is

of course Matt's
a little g*n-shy
about relationships.

No pun intended.

No, no, no.
But, please,

let's go back to the
thing about the m*rder.

The m*rder's old news,
it doesn't mean a thing.

The point is, Matt--

A-ha. I see you're meeting
all the, uh, usual suspects.

Um, what do you mean?

It's an expression.

It's a line
from Casablanca.

You oughta know that.
Yeah, right, right.

Oh, my God,
that reminds me.

You know, I-- I've got an
audition in ten minutes.

Wait, wait,
hold it.

You were gonna fix this
fabulous lasagna for us.

Yeah, and I will,
just as soon as I
finish auditioning.

I have just two words
for you, Matt.

Couples therapy.

♪ ♪

Here's to love.

Your glass is
empty, Peter.

You know, I think you
rolled your eyes at me

like that the first
time that we met.

Then it was
true love, huh?

What was your first
close encounter like?

Oh, I think
we'll leave that one

in the dust bin
of dating lore.

I know how your last
encounter played out.

I saw your little
Palm Springs reunion kiss.

Look, Peter, that was
just a holiday thing.

It was a history
lesson, chum.

Tonight, we're into
current events.

Take it easy,

It was my fault.

Oh, no, I think that you
and Commander Smooth

each share
those honors.

Listen, there's
no reason to--

The reason is I care about
this woman, sailor boy.

We had something solid
happening, finally,

and you walk
right back in like,

"Honey, I'm home."

Well, I'm not about
to slip out the back.

I never suggested
you should.

Well, I'm suggesting
that you should.

I'm suggesting
that Amanda is mine.

You've been here
at our pleasure,

and we are
no longer pleased.

I am not your

And stop being
so slick for once.

For once?

I struggle for you.
That's not slick.

I have
feelings for you.

You think Palm Springs
didn't hurt?

I protect you from
Bobby and his pals.

I bend over backwards
to hold things
together for you.

Hell, if I hadn't
been for me bailing

your ass out of that
Jack Parezi mess,

you'd be doing hard time in
a three-bunk cell by now!

♪ ♪


We don't wanna
wake Matt.

That's very funny.

Where were you
last night?

It was a long

Oh, cut the crap, Alan.

You know what, you
waltzed outta here,

I'm up half the night,
you don't even call?

All right, I was out
walking, okay?

I was having
second thoughts.

About us?

About your rap sheet.

Excuse me?
Yeah, you know,

Kimberly told me
about your arrest.

Wait, you were
arrested, too.

On a protest march.

That is so down the hall
from the m*rder one cases.

I was released.
I was innocent.

Kimberly said
that you--

Kimberly happens to be the
neighborhood maniac, okay?

Never, never, never take
her drivel seriously.

Fine, fine.

But, I still don't like
the way you hid

your little liaison
dangereuse from me.

Fine, while we're on the
subject of hidden lies,

suppose you fill me in
on your mysterious past.

All right.

In the spirit
of honesty,

I was the companion of
a Beverly Hills banker.

You-- you were
a gigolo?

It wasn't like that.

But, as it turned out,
he wasn't exactly

the love of
my life, either.

But, it did allow me
to take acting classes

and do small theater.

So, sort of
like a day job?


♪ ♪

Sorry, we're
not open yet.

Yeah, I um--
just need to pick up

something for Monty.

Hey, I'm trying to
make a living here, man.

What are you
doing to me?

I just need to get
some money, that's all.

You know, I got a family
to support, you bastard.

I don't want any
trouble, all right?

Anything you can give me.
Yeah, I'll give you something.

I'll tell you what I'll
give you, why don't you

just get out of
my shop, man!

Go on back to work!
I'll be fine, honey.

Go ahead.

Let me give
you a hand.

Go ahead, take the
money, it's in the till.

I can't stop
you, anyway.

♪ ♪

Well, thanks very much.

Jo, hey, I'd like you to
meet Stefani Dalgato.

She's applying for
the new design job.

Stefani, this is
Jo Reynolds.

You're the house
photographer, right?

I just love
your work.

Do you show anywhere?


Why don't you have
a seat in reception?

I'll be with you
in a minute.


She's incredible,
I've never seen
such mature designs

done by someone with so
little hands-on experience.

She looks pretty
hands-on to me.

I can imagine her
filling Jane's shoes.

I'm sure you can.

What do you think?

I think I have
a headache.


There's some aspirin
in the top drawer
behind my desk.

Let me say goodbye
to Stefani.

♪ ♪

Come on!
Hey, hey!

Not so rough!

You break it,
you buy it.

This thing's stolen
more change from me
than it's worth.

Let me buy
you a beer.

Yeah. You got
any morphine?

That bad, huh?

Well, Brooke's
at the therapist.

I've got a few
hours to k*ll.

So, I just keep obsessing,
shoulda done this,

shoulda said
that, it's crazy.

World's worst words,
"I should have."

Yeah, but the thing is,
if I keep getting it wrong,

then she's gonna try and
hurt herself again,

just to hurt me.
That's her choice.

It's on my watch.

Gotta take care
of yourself, man.

Can't be good to anybody
if you're not good
to yourself.

Are you good to
yourself, Jake?

Nobody else
is gonna be.

So, anything happening
with you and Jo these days?

Yeah. She's got her
life and I got mine.

You seem wildly thrilled
about the situation.

Well, I am, okay?

This is the good life.
Any more questions?

Yeah, are you lying to me
or you lying to yourself?

I'm telling you.
I don't need some
barstool psychologist

to crawl inside my head
looking for trash.

Thank you.

Detective Klein?
I'm Sydney Andrews.

I spoke to you earlier
about the attempt

on my sister's life.

Yeah, sit down,
Miss Andrews.

Let me see, that
was, uh, Mancini,

the broad who
O.D.'d, right?

She did not O.D.

Pills were brutally
dissolved in her beverage.

By the boyfriend,
you think?


We checked him
out, he's clean.

Honey, your sister took
some pills at a party.

Everybody takes pills.

I'm on Xanax.

My dog is on Xanax.

But, there could be new
evidence lying around.

I don't know, in his
office or somewhere.

What did you do,
plant it?

I'm sorry,
bad joke.

It's kind of a
touchy subject
around here lately.

We try to diffuse
it with humor.

Oh, right.

So, um, the
case is closed?

Listen, we get
any hard evidence,

witnesses, prints,

anything's possible.


Is that all
you have to say?

You look beautiful,

Mmm, make love
to me, Billy.

I really have to
finish going over

these papers for
a morning meeting.

Get up early
and do it.

I need you
to want me,

just like before.

I do want you.

What's the matter?

I don't excite
you anymore?

What kind of
question is that?

Come on, honey.

I want to kiss
you everywhere.

Okay, just
wait until I--

What? You wanna kiss
me everywhere?


Come on, come on.

♪ ♪

You know, Jane,

paraplegia should not
be an impediment

to sexual pleasure.

Some senses may
actually intensify.

Not to mention, that
it's as wonderful

to give physical joy

as it is to
receive it.

Get off!!
Ahh! Hey!

Hey! Come on, Jane.

I can't take this anymore,
Michael. Get away from me!

Come on.
You're just upset.

Yeah. you're damn
right I'm upset!


You're using me for sex,
and all I used you for,

was to make
Richard jealous.

You were using me?
Believe me!

Any affection
I've shown for you

has been a complete
and utter ruse!

Don't you have any
feelings for me at all?

Oh, yes, Michael,
I loathe you.

You disgust me!

You were having sex
on a paralyzed woman?

I was not having sex on
her, I was seducing her.

If she wants it,
it's seduction.

If she doesn't,
it's r*pe.

Well, I thought
she wanted it!

I know I got
what I deserved,
but enough is enough!

So, I've just been
your dupe all along?

No, you were Kimberly's
dupe for a while, too.

Then Peter's,
on and off.

How could you think I still
cared for you, Michael?

You're such an idiot!

You can't take
this anymore.

I can't take this anymore!

You two fruitcakes
are driving me nuts!

Oh, character
defects like yours

are born, Michael,
not made!

Or in your particular
case, hatched!

Yeah, well, you two obviously

into the same genetic pool
and stayed under too long.

I hope you're
happy together,

'cause I'm moving out.

♪ ♪

Ah, you look all fired up
for your first day back.

Don't patronize me.

Can I speak with you
a moment, please?

Hello, Amanda.

Well, you two go ahead.
I'll be in my office.

What the hell are
you doing here?

Brooke. Welcome back.

We weren't sure when
you'd be coming in.

So, you thought you'd
steal my clients
in the meantime?

Amanda asked me
to stay on top

of your accounts
until you--

Get out of my chair,
get out of my files,

get out of
my marriage!

Get out of my life!

Just so you

the reason she's here
is not because...

What happened?
Leave me alone.

Can we learn
a lesson here?


I need you.

♪ ♪

What'll it be?

Let me have a
beer, and Amanda.

I'm supposed to meet her
here, has she been in?

I haven't seen her.

You wanna use
the phone?

No, I'll just wait.

Jake, have a
word with you?

I got your money
right here, 235 bucks.

You're starting to
piss me off, Jake.

I talked to the guy.

You didn't collect
a penny from him.

Well, I figure
that's my business.

Wrong, it's mine.

You think you can
carry your debt and his?

You better get another
business plan.

I will.

In the meantime,
I don't want any
part of your operation.

I'm out.

Oh, you're
in, my friend.

And two weeks interest
is due tomorrow.

You're in deep.

♪ ♪

Mmm, this is where it
all started, Michael.

Here in the
on-call room.

You, me.

The perfume of
get well flowers

lingering in the air.

Oh, we'd run back here
from our patients,

and our moans of
pleasure would mingle

with their moans
of pain.

It's almost
déjà vu, isn't it?

I'm here.
You're here.

But there was always
something dark between us,

wasn't there,

We can never go to
that place again.

It won't work anymore.

It would be
bad for us both.


And I wouldn't want
you to do anything...


♪ ♪

Hey, how's it going?

It's going.

That good, huh?

How about you?

Do you know
what these are?

Hopefully for
medicinal purposes only.

I think they're

I found them in
Richard's drawer.

I think this is what he
slipped into Jane's drink

at the party.

I think he tried
to k*ll her.

How sure are
you about this?

Pretty sure.

What are you gonna
do about it?

I don't know, I mean,
I don't even know

who to talk to,
except for you.

You've always been
around when it counted.

Yeah, and I'll support
you now, no matter
what you decide.

But whatever you do, you
have to do it yourself.



I waited at sh**t
for over an hour.

Is there a reason
why you didn't show?

What do you think?

Can I come in
for two minutes?

Uh, no.

Okay. I just
wanna say

that what happened the
other night was awful.

It won't happen again.

So, you agree
with Peter

that I have to choose
between him and you?

Well, you should
choose him.

He's a good man.
He loves you.

He doesn't have
a lot of baggage
dragging you down.

Well, I think I'll keep
to myself for a while.

Fortress Amanda has
always served me well.

Sounds kind of lonely.

But I know
the feeling.


so now, my famous
last words.

I love you.

and fancy.

You're in my heart.

There's no
way out.

If you ever
need anything,

I'm here.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪
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