04x18 - Sydney, Bothered & Bewildered

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Melrose Place". Aired: July 8, 1992 –; May 24, 1999.*
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Follows the lives and loves of eight young adults in an apartment complex in Los Angeles.
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04x18 - Sydney, Bothered & Bewildered

Post by bunniefuu »


Sydney, do you mind?
I just got settled.

You have a doctor's

But we've got
plenty of time.

I thought you were
gonna get these
batteries charged.

Who needs batteries
when you've got me

to wait on you
hand and foot?

Wait, where's my purse?
It's right here.

You're welcome.

And I'm fine today,
too, thank you for


God, Sydney.
Would you slow down?

Shouldn't you be hobbling
around on a cane by now?

I thought you'd
be recuperating
much faster.

Oh, you were the one
who insisted I stay
with you, remember?

I know, but maybe...

I'm not cut out
for menial work.

I mean, I'm
a career-oriented

I have a job--
a relationship.

Oh, please, Michael
does not have relationships.

He sucks the life out of 'em.

Of course, that's probably
what you want.

You seem to respond
to being used and abused.

But I gotta ask you,
Sydney, is it really
worth all that misery?

are you listening?

what are you doing?

Hey, what are
you doing?


are you listening?


Come on, what are
you waiting for?

I was just thinking.

How lucky you are
to have me for
your sister.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

Aw, come on,

Ah, hold still.
I'm almost done.

This some kinky
fetish of yours,

Make love to a guy
and then cut his
hair off?

You're an executive now.
You gotta look the part--
which means shorter hair.

Remember that song,

I Love You Just
The Way You Are?

And I do, but I'm
not the one you have to
impress at the meetings.

Did I impress you
last night?

A couple of times.


Well, something's
bothering you,
and it's not my hair.

I was thinking
about Peter.

I really should
talk to him.

Peter's a smart guy.
I'm sure he knows
exactly what's going on.

I know, but--
If you want,
I'll talk to him.

No, don't.
I'll handle it.

So you feel
a little guilty.

But a bunch of gab
isn't gonna make it
any easier on him.

When I lost you to Jack,
you and I never talked.

We got past it.

Five years later.

I'd like to think I learned
something from my past

and I'm not just gonna
leave this hanging.

You've gotta understand,

this is just something
I've gotta do.


Then you should do it.

Is that mine?


God, this is the third
time this week someone
has swiped our paper.

Only cost you
35 cents at the corner.

It's not that, it's--
oh, forget it.

Brooke, wait.

If you're upset,
and you need to talk--

Why would you
possibly care?

I'm your father's widow.

That makes us family,
in a way.

Maybe I can help.

It's just...

some mornings I wake up,
and I feel so left out
in the cold.

Daddy's gone,
and now Billy and I...

You'll work it out.

We haven't yet.

You don't know,

I've had to work so hard
at this relationship,

and all you do
is bat your eyelashes

and Billy goes running off
to find you

in Santa Barbara
or Palm Springs.

It's not the same for me.

Have you ever
thought that...

maybe you try
too hard?

No harder than I am
right now.

I'm sorry.

Being a bitch has become
a reflex action.


God, look at me--
I'm not even dressed

and I've got
an entire pile

of reports to finish
for Amanda this morning.

You know, um--

I have to go into
work early, anyway.

I can get a jump-start
on those for you.

I really don't have
time to read this.

Thanks, Alison.

Hey, Billy.
See you at
the office.


So, what was
that all about?

Oh, Alison, what a sap.

You must be hungry.

Come on, I'll make you
some pancakes.

No need to rush into work

when our little eager beaver
is taking care of things.



Come back here,
you little vixen!

Michael, everyone
can see us.


Let them see...

the best sex on this side
of broad beach.

That's it, Kimberly...

hurt me...



I wondered if you
were gonna sleep all day.

Let me ask you
something, Petey--

you got me in the same
room Kimberly slept in
when she was here?

As much as you may
have suspected there
was something going on,

that's where
she slept, yes.

I think it's haunted.

[knocking on door]

Oh-- that's okay.


What are you doing here?

Just crashing for a few days.
My beach house is unlivable

due to unforeseen
a freak of nature.

a freak of nature
and her sister.

He'll be here
for a few days,
then he's gone.

Hello, Amanda.
Can we talk?

Come in.

Cappuccinos all around?

Maybe we should
do this out here.

Put a robe on,
for God's sake.

You're frightening
the neighbors.

All right, Amanda,
I know you well enough
not to expect an apology.

What is this?

I... guess
it's an explanation.

I never meant to hurt you.

I'm in love with Bobby.

So, what was it
with me, hmm?

An act of mercy for helping
you out of the Jack mess,

the Michael mess,
and the Sydney mess?

Okay, yes, there
was a certain amount
of gratitude at hand.


Go to hell.

No, Peter.
Peter, Peter--

I didn't know then that
that's what it was.

I mean,
I guess I know now.

All I ever wanted in you
was a woman who...

I don't know.

I'm not that woman,

You don't believe that.
I know you don't.

[knocking on door]

Jo. Uh...
we have to talk.

What's goin' on,

Uh, the pills
you gave me--

sleeping pills.
Strong ones.

Pure Phenobarbital.


Thanks, matt.

Jo, where you goin'?

Jane was pumping pure
Phenobarbital when she
had her stroke.

Is that an accusation,

You know, it's no secret

that things have been
pretty tense around here

since you and Richard
got involved.

And you think
I could be so stupid

to bring these pills
to you

if I had anything
to do with what happened?

I can't believe you,
of all people,

are jumping
to conclusions.

It wasn't so long ago
people made

false accusations about you
k*lling Paul's wife.

That was different.
It isn't.

The jealous lover
tries to k*ll the wife--

in this case, the fiancée.

You know I couldn't do this
any more than you could.

Okay, if you didn't do it,

you must know who did.


Matt, I have
to handle this myself,
so just stay out of it.

[door opens, closes]

Mrs. Mancini.
Hi, come on in.

Dr. Barth,
I appreciate
you seeing me.

Well, it's always
worthwhile to get
a second opinion.

Now, I've gone over
your chart,

and it looks
very encouraging.

Uh, your stroke only
involved a small part
of the brain,

affecting your right arm
and leg.

I've been doing
the physical therapy,
and nothing is working.

Recovery is a slow,
uncertain process.

No one can just wave a wand.
It takes hard work.

Hours and hours.

You doctors.

All you have to do
is sit behind your desk,

study charts and give advice.
It's easy for you.

Well, it's easier
than you think.

Look, Jane...

I do understand what
you're goin' through,

but there's
a big difference.

I'll never walk again.
You might.

I'm sorry.

Don't worry.

I let go of my self-pity
a long time ago.

Now it's your turn.


Jake, hi.

You need some help?

Yeah, thanks.

So, you came
to see me?

Yeah, when I
couldn't reach you
at the beach house,

I thought I'd take
a chance.

I just want to see
how you're doin'.

Physically, uh...
pretty damn rotten.

even worse.

Richard's trying
to screw me out
of the company,

but I'm not
gonna let him.

Michelle Tyler.

Michelle, hi.
It's Jane Mancini.

I'm back.

Hi, Jane. Richard said
you were out.

I don't care
what Richard said.

He's not in charge, I am.
Okay, fine.

After all,
they are my designs.

I know that.
Listen, I want you
to call me

when you're ready
to place an order, okay?

That's not a problem.
I can do that.


I'll talk to you

All right.

Stickin' it back
to Richard, eh?

Why not? He put me
in this wheelchair.

Yeah, so to speak.

No, not so to speak.

Jake, I'm pretty sure
Richard was the one

who slipped those dr*gs
into my drink.

And when I can prove it,
I'm gonna nail him
to the wall.

Jane, whatever happened,
you gotta let it go,
focus on recovery.

Isn't walking again
the most important thing?

You know what, Jake?
I get enough of that kind
of advice around here.

I don't need it
from you, too.

I'm sorry.

Don't worry about it.

♪ ♪

Boy, you look like you
could use one of these.
What's up?

I had those pills analyzed.

The same drug that caused
Jane's stroke.

Go to the police, Jo,
so they can reopen
the investigation.

No, I can't, not without
talking to Richard first.

I almost did today,
but I just couldn't
find the right moment.

If you don't
wanna confront him,
I'd be happy to.

Forget it, Jake.

Sorry I'm late.

All hell is
breaking loose.

Can you believe it?
Jane is stopping orders

on her own company.
It's crazy.

Funny, she tells
a different story.

In fact,
the opposite story.

would like
a beer, maybe.

Yeah, bar boy,
stick with what you know.

Admit it, you put Jane
in that damn chair

so you could have
the business all to yourself.

Well, I wish I would've
thought of it, but I
can't take the credit.

All right,
both of you,
just stop it.

There you go, Jo.
What more proof
do you need?


Come on,
let's get outta here.

Hang on a second.
What's he talkin' about?
What proof?

I found pills in your drawer.


Exactly what was in Jane's
bloodstream after her stroke.

So, you think that
I tried to k*ll her?

That's great, Jo.

That's really great.


You have to go
to the cops, Jo.

You don't have
a choice anymore.

I found this
in your bed.

To my recollection,
you've not been in my bed

for quite some time,

Well, all you have to do
is say pretty please.

[clearing throat]
I'm, um-- I'm staying
at Peter's,

which is why I'm here.
I need your help.

You gotta tell Sydney that
she and her sister have
to get out of my house.

As Sydney's therapist,
I cannot unduly influence
my patient in any way.

Oh, doctor, doctor,
I know for a fact that
it was your bright idea

that Sydney take care
of Jane after her stroke.

Actually, yes, Sydney
and I came up with that one

Seemed like the perfect

Your first ex-wife,
who's now your mistress,

moves in with you
and your second ex-wife,

who's now your girlfriend,

and then you come to your
present wife to sort this
all out.

You do remember
we're still married?

An oversight,
but easily correctable.

[clearing throat]

There you are.

Oh, what's this?

Oh, it's just a little
personal item from
Michael's fetish collection.

Oh, and he
can keep it.

Kimberly, will you
excuse us a minute?

I need to talk
to Michael privately.

Yeah, I gotta talk
to you, too.

Michael, this is so silly.
When are you coming home?

As soon as you get your
sister and her electric
buggy out of my house.

Believe me, I don't
want her around any
more than you do,

but what am I
supposed to do?

You figure it out.

But if you don't get her out,

then I'll have to
evict you both.


Kimberly, wait.

Um, I can't.
I've got a class.


Wait, you have
to listen to me.

My life
is a living hell.

I'm pushing my crippled
egocentric sister
around all day,

here to there,
there to here,
and now,

Michael won't come home
until she's gone.

How do I
get rid of her?

Well, I'd have to,
um, side with Michael
on this one.

You both should move
out of his house.


I assumed you wanted
my honest opinion.

You're really enjoying
this, aren't you?

Not at all, Sydney.

When a patient of mine
is in trouble,

it troubles me.

Then help me
find a way
out of this.

I can't be around Jane
another minute.

I just know I'm gonna slip up.
I'm gonna say something

or do something
to give myself away,

and then Jane is gonna
realize that I am the one
who drugged her.

Let your fingers
do the walking, Syd.

I'd try under "C"...

for convalescent home.

[knocking, door opening]


about last night,

I shouldn't have
brought Jake into it.

I should've come
to you first.

You really can't believe
that I tried to k*ll her.

Jo, look at me.
Do you know me?

After all we've shared?

I've opened myself up
to you completely.

We've talked
about everything.

Except for Jane.
Whenever that subject
comes up,

you close up
like it's off-limits.

I have never lied
to you, Jo.

Then tell me the truth--
did you do it?


What about those pills?

Look, uh...

I don't know.
I can't explain that.

So, what am I
supposed to do?

Well, I know what
I do when I care
about someone.

Like when we went
to Hawaii,

I knew that ending
my engagement with Jane

would jeopardize
our working relationship,

but I was willing,

because I had finally found
a loving and honest woman

who was worth
risking everything for.

But, you know,
that's-- that's me.

You obviously feel
differently, so...

call the cops.


'Cause I really don't
care anymore.

I know I asked you
to help out, but enough
is enough, okay?

Make Brooke
do her own work.

It's okay, Billy.
I don't mind.

You like working overtime
and not getting paid for it?

My nights get lonely.

It helps keep me busy.

You see, that is
exactly what Brooke's
playing into.

She has got you wired
to that whole "abandoned
child" routine.

Like things were so wonderful
when Hayley was around.

You know what I mean.


lots of fathers
and daughters
have problems.

That doesn't make
Hayley a bad father

or Brooke
a terrible daughter.

Be patient with her.

I've tried that.

Not to mention
understanding and sympathy.

makes a difference.

You never know what's
going to upset her,

or what she's
liable to do.

Well, we both know
what she's already tried.


it's comin' over
right now.


So, what do you think?
$1,000 a month?

What are you,
a nursing home
or a country club?

I can't possibly
afford this.

Well, is there some other
family member

possibly who could
help out?

Um, could I
get back to you?


Mr. Thomas Garrison's
chief complaint

is right upper-quadrant
pain radiating--

uh, the pain is radiating
to the upper gastrium.

He has no localized

Black, no sugar,

What do you want?

I thought you might
like some coffee.

You don't do coffee,
Sydney, so...

you must want something.


Well, I was
just wondering

how things are going
with you and Michael
living together.


Every day, I think of new and
interesting ways to k*ll him.

I know what you mean.

It's the same nightmare
with me and Jane, but...

breathe easy.
I have the perfect fix.

I'm shipping Jane out
to a nursing home,

which means Michael
can come home,

but there's just one
minor detail getting
in the way.

No, no, no,
hold it here.

Now, if this is an appeal
for money, you can just
forget it.

This is your family,
it's your problem.

it's yours,

because until
I can get Jane out,

you're looking
at Michael as
your roommate...


So... I've got
a dozen price quotes.

Everything from a snake pit
to the Ritz.

Leave them on my desk.

But I'm not promising

If anyone needs me,
I'll be at the golf course.

Have a nice day,

Don't forget...
keep your head down.

Crawl back under
your rock, Parezi.

We got nothin'
to talk about.

I got the
final settlement

That malpractice suit
would've wiped out
your private practice.

Glad I could
take care of it.

We're even.

It's always a score card
with you, isn't it?

I keep my practice,
you get the girl.

Or do you?

You know,
no one "gets" Amanda.
She does what she wants.

One day she just
might want me back.

I'm warning you...
stay away from her.

Or what?
What're you gonna do?

Whatever it takes.

Just sign 'em.

Send 'em back
to my lawyer.

You set me up
from the beginning,
didn't you?

That's right.

Now, like I said...

We're even.

♪ ♪

You really oughta
do somethin' about
that slice.

♪ ♪

You know, you didn't
have to carry this.

No problem.

♪ ♪

Oh, my god.

Oh, my god.

Hey, wait.

♪ ♪

This was the only
picture I had of me
and Hayley.

That's it.

Billy, wait.

Billy, don't!

Why are you doing this?
Why are you protecting her?

This is exactly what
she wants us to do,
don't you see?

She is taunting us,
daring you to push her
over the edge.

We need to help her.

This is so far
beyond help.

She is out of control.
All right?

So save yourself,
turn your back and
walk the other way.

I can't.

Because of Hayley.


He'd want me to do
whatever I can

to help Brooke.

Billy, please,
for my sake...

don't talk to Brooke
when you're this angry.

I cannot let her
do this to you.

Well, you were right
about one thing--

I definitely married
the wrong woman.

It should've been you.

♪ ♪

I'm late
for an appointment.

You're never late, Amanda.
You're always at least
15 minutes early.

Peter, there's
nothing left to say.
It's over.

Then why did you send
Mr. Mook to talk to me?

I dunno what you're
talking about.
Who's Mr. Mook?

Bobby came to see me,
threatening me to stay
away from you.

He may say he's out
of the family enterprises,

but he still plays
by their rules.

I don't know anything
about this.

He didn't tell you?

Maybe you should
tighten your leash.

Bobby does whatever he wants.
I don't keep a leash on him.

Oh, I think you do.

I think you got yourself
a big, dumb dog

to make you feel
all safe and protected.

Well, maybe I need
someone like that

to keep away rabid
strays like you.

Is this how it's gonna be?

Every time I turn around,
I'll be seeing you?

You're not that lucky.
You're on your own
with this one, kid.

I'm ready for my close-up,
Mr. DeMille.



Whoa, whoa, whoa,
whoah whoah.

Whoa, Alan.

I am
Dr. Wesley Prescott III,

lost on an African
relief mission.

I appear in a short
but pivotal dream

which jars Monica's memory
and brings her out
of her amnesia.

You got the job?

Yeah, I got the part!


You know, it's, um--
it's only a day's work,

but if they like me,
it could turn into
a bigger role.

So, uh...

let's go out tonight.
My treat.

Whoa, well--
I-- I've--

I've got a quarterly
cardiac diagnosis
exam tomorrow, I...

It's always something.

Come on, can't we
do it another night?

This is an important

Look, yeah, I understand
school's important.

We, I mean, we both
want you to do well.

don't worry about me.

Alan, come on.

Somethin' really great
has happened to me, and...

well, I-- I wanted
to share it with you.

Well, it's just...

you know what?
I get a little obsessive
about the school,

and I know it's
a lousy excuse, but...

it's the only one
I've got.

I'm proud of you...

So, look, if the
offer's still open,

just give me
an hour to finish up,
and let's go out, okay?

And I can give you
a few pointers on how
to be a real doctor.


♪ ♪

Excuse us,
handicapped person
coming through.

Watch out for
the wheelchair.
Hey, bozo, outta the way.

Perhaps you'd like
a bullhorn.

No one will ever suspect
you're a cr*pple.

In a wheelchair.
Maybe you'll even
get lucky.


We-- we were supposed
to go out together.

Well, we are out.
You're here, and...

I'll be somewhere else.

Sydney, you can't
just leave me here.

Oh, God, Sydney...

what are you doing?

I'll be back.

Party hardy.

Would you like
a beer?


I wasn't sure if you'd
wanna talk to me.

You caught me at
a pretty bad day
at the hospital.

Oh, don't worry
about it.

The doctors just keep
giving me the runaround,
you know?

They tell me
to be patient.

But I just can't stand
being a burden to everyone.

It's just so damn

I guess that means
you don't wanna dance?


No, not tonight.

But I'll definitely
take a rain check.

♪ ♪

Man: We won the Millikin award
for most improved sanitary
conditions last year.

We serve three
hot meals a day.

There's bingo,

movies every third
Friday night.

Jane likes movies.

Well, if your sister's
anything like you,

it'll be a real treat
having her here.

But $1,000 a month.

Um... what about
a roommate?

Or two.
The more, the merrier.


with a roommate
and no window,
like we talked about,

I could bring it down
to $850.

You know...
[clearing throat]

she never eats

Nah, I couldn't do it
for any less than $750.


well, it would've
been nice.

It's just the kinda place
I would enjoy spending
a lot of time--

you know,
hanging out with Jane,

and of course,
I'd visit with you,

I can't afford it.

That's my limit.

I can work with that.
Mr. Kingston.

Call me Harlan.

Michael: Aw, man,
we should not be
sittin' around here.

I know a great bar
with beautiful,
topless women.

The happiest
place on earth.


We'll meet some babes,
have a great time...

I'm only interested
in one woman, Michael.


but the hard facts are,

you lost her, pal.

Amanda's with bobby.

That doesn't
mean anything.

I know you can't
relate to that,

'cause anytime there's
a sign of trouble,
you run away--

from Jane, or Sydney,
or Kimberly,

but I don't give up
that easily.

You and I both know
when Amanda makes
a decision,

that's it.
Open your eyes, pal.
You may learn something.

It may take some time,
but I'll get her back.

Yeah, but why go
through all the trouble?

Do what I do,

Let 'em go.
Then they'll come bouncin'
back better than before.

Like Kimberly.

That's not even
mildly amusing.

Whenever you two
are together, it's like
Chernobyl-- even worse.

I know, but I'm
gettin' signals.

Stick with Sydney.
She adores every ugly
thing about you.

[knocking on door]

You're up.
Are you going to get it?

It's your house.


Peter, you gotta
help me.

Sydney, Sydney, Sydney--



I found it, Peter.
A nursing home
for Jane.

It's an unbelievable deal.
$650 per month.

I can come up with $400
if you can come up with
$250 per month--

All right,
all right.
Plus $600
deposit fee--

Okay, all right.
Under two conditions.

First, don't tell Michael
I'm involved.

No problem.

Get him outta here
as quickly as you can.

How's tomorrow?

Hey, I just
ordered pizza.

What do you want?

Well, I'm sure you two
have a lot to talk about.

Excuse me.

Jane is shipping out
to a nursing home.

How did you swing that?

Who knew they'd take
charity cases?

Although I'm
sure gonna miss the
handicapped parking.

Anyway, you can move
back tomorrow night.

I'll fix you
a nice dinner.

Sorry, Petey and I
are watchin' the playoff
game tomorrow night.


I know how you get
when you haven't had
a woman in a while.

You start chasin'

usually after someone
who's very, very bad
for you...

when all along
you've got me...

who's very,
very good for you.

So chase me.

I just might.

We can start
tomorrow night.

♪ ♪

[door opening,

Brooke: Sweetheart?
Can you help carry in
the pasta?

It's just like when
we were first together.

so perfect.

Just 'cause we haven't
talked about it

doesn't mean there
isn't anything wrong.

What's the matter?

So, why did you trash
Alison's apartment?

This is so unfair.

No matter how you feel
towards her, you have
no right--

What right did she have to
turn my father against me,

or to try to take you
away from me, too?

She's the only one that's
been on your side.
Stop it!

Stop defending her!
All you do is defend her!

Everything she does
is perfect!

She's always right
and I'm always wrong!

That's all I've been hearing
since we got married!

Well, I did it, okay?
I wrecked her apartment!

I did it, I did it, I did it!
Are you happy now?

I did it because
of you, Billy.

You're breaking my heart.
All you care about is her.

It's always about her!
What about me?

Stop it, now!
Look at this!

♪ ♪


I'm sorry.
I'll clean it up.

I can't live like this


Billy, stop.
I'm your wife!

You're not the woman
I married, all right,
you changed!

Get off me.
What, you think
you're gonna run
to Alison's arms?

You're not rich enough
for that money-grubbing

You're my husband,

For life!

For the rest
of your life!

♪ ♪

Jo, please...

my, uh--
my car battery's dead.

I could really
use a lift.

All right, get in.

Jo, wait.

Listen, I didn't
go to the police,

and I'm not going to.
I am sorry about
this whole mess.

No, I'm the one
who's sorry.

I haven't been completely
honest with you.

impossible sometimes.

The way she uses people,
her underhanded way
of doing business--

it drives me crazy...

and I've had thoughts...

but Jo, I would never
do anything about 'em.

I know that, Richard.

I tried not to let
my anger towards her
affect us, but...

it did.

I pushed you away.

I was scared when
I found those pills.

Suddenly I didn't trust
my feelings for you,

yet at the same time,
I didn't understand why
I couldn't go to the police.

I realized...

how deeply I have fallen
in love with you.

♪ ♪

Why don't I
follow you home?

What about your car?

That's the last lie
I ever tell you.


♪ ♪

Woman: Yes, uh,
she's the first door
on the right.

Yep, that's it.

Uh, hi, excuse me.
I'm looking for...
Alycia Barett.


That's me.
What can I do for you?

I'm Peter burns.
Oh, right--

the, uh, malpractice

If you're looking
for Bobby, his office
is in Century City.

I was told to return
these to you...
I think.

So, here they are.
All signed and dated.

Could've mailed them.

What, and miss
the opportunity
of meeting you?

Actually, I wanted to thank
you personally for helping
me out of this mess.

Bobby asked me to take
care of it, so I did.
Just doing my job.

He must have a lot
of legal work, huh?

I mean, to keep
an attorney full-time.

Whatever you wanna know
about my client, you'll
have to ask him.

Actually, I was curious
if you ever have any
free time.

If you need an attorney,
I can recommend one,

but if you need a date,
Dr. Burns, you're out of luck.

It's Peter.


I'm a lot luckier
than you think.

♪ ♪

[door closing]

♪ ♪

It's so tranquil, Jane.
It's just the place to
get away from it all

and recuperate.
They have 24-hour care.

Sydney, this is
an old folks' home.
Get me outta here.

Come on, Jane.
We'll just take
a look around.

Where is your sense
of adventure?

Welcome, Jane.

I've heard so many
wonderful things
about you.

It's nice to finally
meet you.

You know,
several of
our residents

have suffered strokes,
and there's great
healing power

talking with people
who've shared
the same experience.

See that, Jane?
Healing power.

Now we just need your
John Hancock on these
admission forms,

and then I'll take you
to meet your roommates
Dorothy and Olivia.

Uh, we just came
to take a look.

No, no,
don't be nervous.
Your room's all ready.

I'm not
staying here.

Hold on,

Ow, my foot!

I'm sorry
about this.

Stop her!
She has to sign these
before we can admit her.

Give 'em to me.
Uh-- yeah--
and remember,

no refund on deposits.

Keep her bed free.
We'll be back.


Jane, wait.

How could you
do this to me?


I'm sorry.

Take me home.

♪ ♪

I'll go get
the car.

♪ ♪

Listen, um,
can you keep an eye
on things?

I'm gonna go
see Jane.

Well, how is
she doing?

Can you imagine being
partially paralyzed and
having to deal with Sydney?



You're working

Well, yeah,

I'm back in med school

So, you can help
me out here.

Um, I'm looking
for the owner,
Jake Hanson?

That's me.

Alycia's in
criminal litigation.

Oh, actually,
I'm out of
criminal law.


You know what?
I've got ice melting,


Um, my client
recently took over
your loan.

Monty sold me out.

This is to
your benefit.

Monty is a lowlife
who offered you
an illegal loan,

but now we've turned
it around into a legal

Who's your client?

He wishes to remain

I'll handle all

Wait a minute,
if I owe somebody money,
I wanna know who it is.

Please, Mr. Hanson,
he prefers to be
a silent partner,

letting you run things
your way.

And from what I know
about Monty's way
of doing business,

I suggest you count
your blessings.

♪ ♪

Dinner smells great.

It's for me
and Michael.

Oh, no way.
Forget it.

I am not having
dinner with Michael.

Absolutely right.
You're not.

What are you--
what are you doing?

It's only for
a couple of hours.

I need to spend
some quality time
with Michael,

only he won't stay
if you're around.

You could've been
watching Cocoon with
the other residents,

but you chose
to stay here,

so you have no one
to blame but yourself.


don't leave me
out here.

No, not out here.

Out there--
on the beach.

It could get chilly.

Oh, damn, I have
to get these
batteries charged.

Jane: Sydney.

Sydney, what am I supposed
to do out here for two hours?


Come back!

Damn you!



Peter told me you
went to see him.

That's right.
I specifically
asked you not to.

I do what I think's best.
You accept that.

Nobody tells me
what to do.

Nobody tells me
what to do.

I guess that makes us
two pretty stubborn

Stubborn people
who can't keep their
hands off each other.


More cherry cheesecake?

Michael: Oh, no thanks.
I couldn't eat another bite.

Oh, well...
feels good
to be home.

Just one...
teeny-weeny snag.

Jane has this phobia
about nursing homes.

Um, I think it's
the blue hair,

so she has to be talked
into signing the admittance

So, where is she now?

Don't worry,
she won't bother us,

but it will be another day
until she's officially
out of here.

I promise,
in the meantime...

to make it worth
your while.


[knocking on door]

[clearing throat]

I came to see Jane.

Oh, she's out.
Right, Syd?

Yeah, so come back
in a few hours.

Where is she, Sydney?
I wanna see her-- now.

She's... out.

Out... there.

Syd, she's been
out there
all this time?

Yeah, she's fine.
I wouldn't worry
about her.

Where were we?

Uh, no.







Jane: Somebody!



Hang on!


Oh, thank god.


What were you doin'
out here?

Sydney brought me
out here.

And then the tide
came in.

The surf was so strong,
it kept pulling me out.

I'm not gonna let
anything happen to you.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪
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