04x20 & 04x21 - No Lifeguard on Duty Pts. 1 & 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Melrose Place". Aired: July 8, 1992 –; May 24, 1999.*
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Follows the lives and loves of eight young adults in an apartment complex in Los Angeles.
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04x20 & 04x21 - No Lifeguard on Duty Pts. 1 & 2

Post by bunniefuu »

Who's it gonna be, Bobby?

Not her.

I won't let you
do this.

No, this is between me
and my father.

No, it's not.

Bobby is more of a son to you
than Jack ever was.

You think you knew Jack?

You didn't.
He was no golden boy.

He was an abuser,
an adulterer, an opportunist.

He couldn't wait
for you to die

so he could take over
your business.

He hated your guts, Vince.

He told me so
a hundred times.
Shut up.

And in his honor, you want to
k*ll the only son who ever
really loved you?

I said shut up!

Jack was everything to me.

He was my future.

He didn't take off

for his own
selfish reasons.

He stayed.

I oughta put
a b*llet in your head

for saying
those lies out loud.

No. If you need
to do it,

then do it.

But let her
walk out the door.

You don't tell me
what to do.

Let her walk out the door.

You got no honor.

You got no loyalty,
you got no respect.

You never did!

I've always
loved you, Dad.

I'm not your father.

I got no sons.

My sons are dead.

You k*lled them.

I'm sorry.

♪ Your foolish lies ♪

♪ Sweet device ♪

♪ I'm leaving you ♪

♪ There's nothing you can do ♪

♪ To be with you ♪

♪ Is the hardest thing to do ♪

♪ You bring me down down down ♪

♪ You bring me down down down ♪

♪ Yesterday every day ♪

♪ You always bring me down ♪

♪ ♪

♪ Your gentle voice
your puppy eyes ♪

♪ Work on me this time ♪

♪ I've had enough
I'm moving on ♪

♪ I'm sorry it's been fun ♪

♪ ♪

♪ I'm leaving you ♪

♪ There's nothing you can do ♪

Excuse me.

I have been locked
out of my room.

something wrong
with this thing.

Brooke Campbell,

This is very

I've got to shower,
I've got to get to work.

Can't you just have someone open
my door?

Mrs. Campbell,
your credit card
has been rejected.

That's impossible.

We've double-checked
with your bank.

Sorry, but considering how
substantial your balance is,

we'll need some form of payment
right away.

Well, I don't
care if you've

This is obviously
some kind of mistake.

Well, if you insist,
my checkbook is up in my room.

Cash would be

You can't be serious.

Well, I was just
out running.

All I have on me


Unfortunately, until your
balance is paid in full,

it's the policy
of the hotel

to retain your possessions.

You're keeping
my clothes?

That's gotta
be illegal.

What am
I supposed to wear?

What am I supposed
to do?

I don't know.
Pay your bill?

Sir. Next, please.

Radiology, 241.

Where have you been?

My seminar ran long
and my patience is
running short.

Please leave,

Okay. I can't.

I have to give you
your messages first.

You forgot to turn
on your phone mail,

so I took them
while I was waiting.

Let's see.
Cynthia Cohen called.

She wants a session.

Your gynecologist

It's very good
timing getting
back on the pill.

Keep it in your pants.
It's not gonna happen.

And some guy
named Vic called.

He said you'd know
what it was about.

What? Did he say
where he was
calling from?

Oh, down, girl. Don't tell me
I have competition.

this is important.
What exactly did he say?

What's the big deal?

He's a crazed fan
from my days on the radio.

I had him arrested
and convicted and

he's supposed to be in jail
waiting to be sentenced.

Yeah, well,
that's probably
where he still is.

really shaken up
about this.

He's a psychopath and
he tried to k*ll me,

so, yes, I'm a little
concerned, all right?

All right. All right.

The first thing
we'll do is find out

if he's still in jail.

There's this cop,
I did a bypass on him.

I'll give him
a call.

Then, of course,
you shouldn't
be alone.

So we'll move you
into the beach house.

I'll be your shadow
24 hours a day.

What do you think
of that?

I think I'd rather
take my chances

with the homicidal maniac.

That hurts, Kimberly.

That really hurts.

Goodbye, Michael.

You know, let me
tell you something.

One of these days,
you're gonna wake up.

And you know who
you're gonna see?


Can I get you
anything else?


Look, you may not
need to talk

about what happened
last night,

but I do.

I feel horrible.


Why? Vince was gonna k*ll you
because of me.

You have to
understand something about my

To earn his

sometimes you gotta
stand up to him.

You think last night was a
test-- he had a g*n to your

I still don't know
what stopped him
from k*lling both of us.

My father loves me.
That's what stopped him.

We're blood,
we're connected.

This is all
gonna blow over.

Bobby, you're wrong.

We've got problems.

You'll have to excuse Alycia.

She's one of
those attorneys

that works best
in crisis mode.

Alycia, Amanda.

Nice to meet you.

Your father is selling his
shares in the cable company.


First thing this morning,
he put them on the market.

Now if he finds a buyer
before we come up with
$2 million, we lose control.

So much for blood.

What do you want to do?

I don't know.

Give me
time to think.

Bobby, there is no time.

Do you know
anything about this?

I mean, what in the hell
would make Vince want to
do this to his son?

What did you do
to my credit card?
Canceled it.

You can't just
go around canceling

people's credit cards
out of spite.

It was a joint account.

There's nothing
joint about us

When we got married,

you forced me to cut up
all of my father's credit cards

just so you could feel like
we were standing

on our own two feet.

Now that we're getting divorced,
you leave me with nothing?

You're still
getting a paycheck.

You've got that 10 grand you
inherited from your mother.

You know damn well
that I used that

for the down payment
on our house.

It was non-refundable.

Well, then maybe
you should have consulted me

before you signed
on the dotted line.

This is the real you,
isn't it?

A heartless bastard.

Yeah, that's me.

I'm a heartless


Don't you think
you were a little--

What, I'm too cruel?

I'm only being
half as cruel to her

as she was to me.

And that makes it okay?

Look, if you're worried
about her, don't be.

Brooke's a survivor.
She'll figure out some way to
stay afloat.

Skipping lunches,
not taking personal calls.

You know, if I were
a suspicious man,

I'd say you had something
going on with your client.

I'm not his type.

From what I heard,
before Amanda,

Bobby always had
a thing for redheads.

Lots of redheads.


Well, I'm a brunette man.

He doesn't know
what he's missing.

Why are you here,

Cause I want to see you again.
Are you available tonight?

Afraid not.

We're under
the g*n here.

But I wouldn't
take that as

an across-the-board no.

[intercom beeps]
Mr. Parezi is on his way up.

Look. Bobby's gonna
be here any minute.

And you don't want him
to see me?

I'm just not so sure
how he's gonna react

to my mixing business
with pleasure.

It doesn't have
to be a problem.

We can keep things
entre nous.

No one has to
know about us...

in the event
there is something to know.

I hate to ask this,

but could you
go out the back way?

You know...

A little danger always
adds more spice.

Doesn't it?

Right on time.

Did you make
a decision?

No. But I want to arrange
for a small donation

to Wilshire Memorial.

You're not
in any position
to be charitable.

Look, I made a commitment to
the hospital fund-raiser

before all this crap
came down.

I may be losing
my business,

but I'm not going to
welsh on a promise.

But I've had a checking account
with you
since I was six years old.

Are you going to
the staff meeting?

I'll be right there.

Yes. I realize
that I'm overdrawn,

but I'll be making
a deposit

as soon as I get
my next paycheck.


But as soon as this
mess is cleared up,

I'll be
changing banks.


Brooke, do I have
to remind you

that D and D has a very
strict dress code?

No. The hotel maid
accidentally locked me
out of my room this morning,

so it was a choice between
being casual and being here

or not being here at all.

Well, you may wish
you'd chosen the latter.

Lindy Toys
called this morning

and asked if you were
missing in action.

Seems they haven't
heard from you in weeks.

Um, Billy is the primary
on that account.

I was only doing
what I was told to do.

Of course, he's not a very
good caregiver at home.

Why would it be
any different at work?

Cut it out.

But I'll call Mr. Lindy

and I'll explain to him
how difficult it was

for me to concentrate
on his account

after Billy threw me
out of our house

and served me
with divorce papers.

Why don't you just
tell them the truth?

That you were too busy
faking pregnancies
and suicides

to worry about work.

I wasn't faking anything.

Why are you so mean to me?

Sorry, I shouldn't
have said that.

It was unprofessional.

I think we can all use

a few minutes
to compose ourselves.

Um, why don't we meet back here
after lunch?

Alison, you're dismissed.

Are you all right?

I can't work with Brooke.

You've gotta
be kidding.

First you demand
I hire her back.

Now you want me
to fire her?

Amanda, I'm just telling you
that I can't work with Brooke.

So just do whatever you think
is best for the office.

Jane, I've seen
my garage before.

What's the big deal?

It's absolutely

It's a garage.

No, no, no,
for my business.

It's got
electricity, space.

I could put
my sewing area here,

my drafting
table there.

There's plenty of
room for storage.

I'm so
close to home.

And Jake, I could
pay you rent.

And you could still
park your bike
in here.

Before you get
worked up about this,

you'd better know
that I don't park here.

Jo does.

She has ever since
she got her car.


Well, I wouldn't
want to infringe

on your arrangement
with her.

I know how close the two
of you were... or are.

It's nothing official.
I could talk to her.


Thank you, Jake.

On one condition.

That you stop
pretending like, um,

we didn't kiss
the other night.

I wasn't.

I guess
I just assumed

it was an
"I'm happy you can
walk again" kiss.

I never heard of
one of those.

For the record,
that was, um, an...

"I wanted to kiss you" kiss.

Sorry I'm late.

Don't tell me
you have homework.

Actually, it's a record

of all my financial
holdings and assets.

I'm impressed,
but why are you
showing this to me?

'Cause I want you to have it.
All of it.

I know it's not much,

but you could use it to buy
some of your father's shares.

It's not gonna
make a dent.

Well, take it anyway.

I can't take
your money, Amanda.

It means a lot to me
you offered.

I want to help you, Bobby.

I feel like so much
of this is my fault.

Come here.

You are helping me.

If I've got you,
I've got everything
that I need

and if I lose the company,
I was meant to lose it.

Don't tick me off!

The only reason
I'm here

is to tell you to
stop wasting your
phone privileges.

Well, who else am I supposed to

You promised
to help me.

But instead,
you turned and testified
against me in court?

You were guilty
of a crime.

You abandoned me.

I told you I'd help you,
and I did.

You're a sick,
violent man

and I got you
off the streets,

and for that you
should be grateful.

Well, the way I see it,

you're the one
who should be grateful.

Because if I was
on the other side
of this glass,

I'd have to hurt you...

the way you've hurt me.

Vic, for your own good,

you have to accept
whatever sentence
the judge gives you.

You have to stop writing me,
stop calling me

and stop obsessing about me.

I can't.

I think about you
all the time.

I even dream about you.

A person can't
give up his dreams.

Because if he does,
they don't come true.

But one day
I'm gonna come for you.

Oh, yes I will.

You're gonna have to
get out of here first.

And that's not gonna happen
until you're a very old man.

Every minute of every day
that I'm in here,

I'm gonna think about you.

Only you, Kimberly.

Only you!

Kimberly, only you!

I love the new look.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Come on in.
Sit down, please.

There you go.


Well. So...

how would you like
to earn some extra cash

with that pretty
little smile of yours?

I'm listening.

I'd like you to focus
your feminine charms

on Bobby Parezi.

What do you mean, focus?

Are you saying
you want me to
sleep with him?

No, no, no, Sydney.

You wouldn't have
to go that far.

But if you did,

you'd be compensated.

What makes you think

I would sleep with
someone for money?

Anymore, anyway.

First base
is a grand.

Second base, two.

Third base, three.

Get the picture?


And I'm insulted.

But out of curiosity,

what's in it for you?

Bobby has a soft spot
for redheads.

I have one for Amanda.


Okay, back to
this baseball stuff.

Seems to me

a homer oughta
pay a lot more

than a base hit.



if he slides
across my plate.



Oh, Sydney.

There's a fund-raiser
at the hospital
day after tomorrow.

Bobby and Amanda
are gonna be there.

So will you.

One problem, Coach.

Your star player
needs a new uniform,

a slinky one.

I'll take care of it.

Oh. In case
you hadn't noticed,

I look best
in expensive clothes.


Wow. You're up early.

Look, um, I just came to talk
to you about the garage.

You're not going to be able
to park your car there anymore.

Don't tell me Jake Hanson
finally bought a car?

No. Jane needs
the space for
her business.

Oh, really?

So when did you two
get so chummy?

Look, don't read
anything into this.

How can I not?

I mean, we slept together
for, what, six months

before you offered me
the use of your garage?

If you'd make
other arrangements,
we'd appreciate it.

We'd appreciate it.

We'd appreciate it.

Talking to yourself?

You offer Jane
half of your business.

Then Jake tells me
she's getting

the garage
to set up shop.

What's she gonna design,
sparkplug belts?

I don't know.

But I just hope Jake isn't
gonna get taken advantage of.

forget about them

and take advantage of me.



You know, ever since Hawaii,

it's really unsafe to wear
a towel around you.


Whoa. Matt, slow down.

Dave. What's up?

Well, I was wondering
if you wanted to go
with me and some friends

to the APLA dance-a-thon.

You know what,
I'm already going,
hopefully with Alan.


Well, um, maybe
we could hook up there,
get some coffee after.

Or not.

Is everything okay
with you two?

To be honest, no.

But you know what, I don't want
to burden you with that.

Matt, I asked.

Look, come here.

Alan got a job
on a soap opera,

which is great,

except he's playing
this hetero
sex machine

who beds a different
actress every day.

Must be kind of hard to watch.

No kidding.

Look, Matt, if it's
unsettling for you,

think how
it must be for Alan.

You know what can happen

when a gay person tries
to fit in both worlds.

Well, that's a little unfair.

I mean,
he's an actor.

He's just doing
his job.

Is he?

Or is it a red flag
about his sexuality?

Matt, a lot of people
are sexually ambiguous.

I couldn't handle
that in a relationship.

But that's just me.

Gotta go.

Is Brooke in yet?

I haven't seen her.
I haven't seen
Billy, either.

Well, he won't be in today,
but Brooke should definitely
be here by now.

If she's not here
in the next five minutes,

I won't be able to fire her
until after lunch.

Fire her?
Why, what did she do?

You were at
the staff meeting.

She all but turned
the conference room

into a bad version
of Divorce Court.

And I will not tolerate
that kind of behavior.

Come on, Amanda.

You know Brooke's
been going through
a tough time.

We all have
unseen pressures.

g*ns pointed at our heads.

Not all of us
let it affect our work.

Look. What if I were
to get involved,

act as a liaison
between Billy
and Brooke,

pick up the slack
if necessary?

Is this some newfound
maternal instinct?

Alison, you were only her
stepmother for 10 minutes.

I just--I have to believe
that somewhere in Brooke

there's a good person,

like her father.

All right,
I won't fire her.

Excuse me for interrupting,

but since you're still on
speaking terms with Billy,

maybe you could tell him that he
needs to pay
our dry cleaning bill.

And not to worry, I already
picked up my things.

I wouldn't be looking
for traces of Hayley
in that girl.

Because in her case, the fruit
fell a long way from the tree.

Look, um,

I know I've been a little
self-absorbed lately,

but being on a soap
is all-consuming.

Yeah. You know,

I could use
a flashlight.

Matt, I know
it can't be easy

watching me
jump in and out of bed,

kissing whomever.

But I want you to know

there's no pleasure in it.

Why this restaurant?

It's so dark in here I can't see
my hand in front of my face.

You're exaggerating.

And anyway, it's
supposed to be romantic.

Kennedy used to bring
Marilyn Monroe here.

Yeah, and he wanted to keep that
relationship under wraps, too.

Look, I don't want to fight.

The whole purpose
of tonight was to
make it up to you.

But, you know, if you find
this place so offensive,

then let's go.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry
for being so testy.

It's just that when
you love someone,

you don't want to
have to hide it.

You want
everyone to know.

You realize
you just said
the "l" word?

Yeah, I did.

D-don't forget--
we're in public.

Well, I don't care.

Because I love you, too.


Who's there?

It's me.

I was wondering
if I'd hear from you.

I know. It's been
a crazy 24 hours.

I called in some favors,
I sold some property,

cashed in some bonds.

Almost there, Amanda.
Almost there.

Wow, that's great.

No, it's not great.

won't buy control
of the company.

How much more
money do you need?

About what
your portfolio
is worth.

I already told you,
it's yours.

I hate to have
to ask this.

I hate it.

I'm supposed to be
taking care of you.

Says who?

Amanda, you could
lose everything.

And I don't know,
maybe I can't do this.

We could both end up walking out
of this
with nothing.

And you'll blame me.

If we have each other,

we have everything--
you said that to me.

Take the money, Bobby.

I'll call
my accountant now.

I swear I'm gonna
make this up to you.

Where are you going?

I gotta make
some calls.

When the market
opens tomorrow,

I've gotta be there.

You must be thirsty.
That's your third.

You know a better way
to celebrate?

Celebrate what?

Billy. Hi.

I have been looking
everywhere for you.

Why weren't you
at work today?

I didn't want
to be there

when Amanda fires Brooke.

You knew about that?

Yeah. It was my idea.

Oh. Well.

You might not
want to be there
tomorrow either.

I convinced Amanda
to keep Brooke on.

You're just postponing
the inevitable.

But whatever.

Want to dance?

No, I do not
want to dance.

Come on. At least for one day,

let me pretend
she doesn't exist.

I'll take the best
tequila in the house.

Brooke, why put
yourself through this?

If I were you,

I would just
sink my drink and go.

I'll sink my drink,

but I have no intention
of leaving.

Thought I'd better
pull the plug

before you two
start going at it
on the dance floor .

So much for pretending
she was dead--wait here.

I don't know what
you hope to accomplish,

but I think
you should leave.

It's a public place.

Or did you lose
sight of that

gyrating all over the floor with
my father's widow?

Why are you doing this?
Why are you following me?

Spare me your ego.

I don't have
to follow you, Campbell.

I have plenty of men
interested in me.

I just have the
dignity not to rub
them in your face.

Do you mind?

Well, let's go.

No, stay!

Dance! Drink with
all your friends.

I've got better things
to do with my time

and better people
to do them with.

That can't
go on forever.

She has to
pull herself together.

Yeah. I hope
to God she does.

At least, enough to
pay for her drink.

She stiffed me.

Hey, lady,
you're in the way.

Oh. I'm sorry.

Did I park in
the middle of your company?

Jo, this was
Jake's decision.

But I really do appreciate
you giving your parking space.

You know, you may
have Jake snowed,

but I really don't buy
this Suzy Homemaker,

scaling-down-business crap.

I know that you and
Richard have

this perception
of me.

I'm not manipulating
anybody anymore.

I'm just trying to
rebuild my business.

Well, with
karmic debt like yours,

I really wouldn't plan
on doing anything

except for falling
flat on your face.

If that's what you need
to think to feel secure, then

But guess what?
The talent's
left the building

at Richard Hart Designs.

The surroundings
here may not
be glamorous,

but I can still
design circles

around your dull,
uninspired partner.

And let's face it, Jo,

the only help
you can offer is
between the sheets.

Careful, Jane.

Your claws are showing.

Morning, Jake.


[car starts]

Just so you know,
she gave up this garage
without any notice.

Look, Jake, I know how
it might have sounded,
but she provoked me.

She does it every chance she can

she's bothered
by our friendship.

Somehow, I don't
think that's it.

I've got to go to work.

Are we gonna
get together later?

I've gotta work late.


I'll be with you
in a minute, sir.

Well, now that
you and Bobby
are a couple,

I guess you're gonna want to
look your best for
those FBI surveillance tapes.

Peter, what are
you doing here?

Oh, I'm just buying
a dress for a friend.

You always said this was
the most exclusive
place in town,

and I still trust
your taste.

At least
in clothes.

For a friend, huh?

That didn't take too long.

Tell me, how is your
boyfriend's little
cable business doing?

Very well.

Oh, good.
I'm relieved.

I heard otherwise.

You know, Peter,
I really have
to buy a dress,

and I only have
an hour for lunch,
so do you mind?

Would you like
a second opinion?

No. Thank you.

I know what I like.

You look
beautiful, Amanda.

Now, what can
I do for you, sir?


I would like

exactly what that
beautiful young
blonde is wearing.

Size 2.

Thank you.


Get lost, Michael.

I finally talked to that
cop friend of mine.

That guy you were so
worried about

got 15 years
without possibility
of parole.

He did?

Oh, thank God.

I don't get a hug?

I don't get
a kiss?

I don't get
a thank you?

Thank you.

I know you're doing

this put-on-
a-brave-face thing,

but you and I both know
you're spooked,

so let me help you forget
about the nut case.

Hey, we'll go to lunch.

We'll toast his

How many times do I have
to say this, Michael?

I don't want to have lunch with
you, I don't want your help.

I don't even want you
in my life.

Well, excuse me
for being worried.

Stop, I'm fine. You're the one
who's off--I don't trust you,

I don't trust your motives
and I doubt I ever will.

Damn it, Kimberly,
what's it gonna take
to prove myself to you?

A miracle.


Could I come in?


Sure. As a matter of fact,

I've been trying
to reach you.

Sit down.

I called your hotel.
They said you'd checked out.

Oh, I moved
into a place

that's a little
more economical.


Well, listen.

If you're
short on cash--

That's not
why I'm here.

I just came
to apologize.

I know I've been
a real pain lately.

It's just that
Billy's erratic behavior

pushed my buttons.

Billy's erratic


First he has a meltdown

and throws my clothes
out onto the courtyard.

Then he blows up at me
in the staff meeting
for no reason at all.

What about last night?
Was he responsible
for that, too?

You're right.
That was my fault.

And it won't happen again.

I realize that I need
to reclaim my life.

I don't want you to
tell Billy this,

but I have a date
with Lowell tonight.

You remember him,
my ex-fiance?

You're dating?


I'm supposed to meet him over
at the country club tonight.

Could I borrow
something dressy?


you'd tell me if
something was wrong,
wouldn't you?

You'd be
the first to know.


I'll see if I can
find you a nice dress
to wear.


Oh. And a nice pair
of heels to go with it?


I-- I skipped lunch.


How are you?

So good to see you.


God, I haven't seen you since
you got married to, uh...

What was his name?


But it didn't work out.
We're divorcing.

Oh, I'm so sorry.

Frankly, I'm relieved.

We didn't have a tenth

of what you and I
have in common.

Well, you look great.

How's your love life?

Well, as it happens,
I'm quite single.


What a coincidence.

Maybe we could
go out to dinner
one night, um,

take in a polo match
like the old days.

Now, why would I
want to do that?


I just assumed that you would
be interested in dating again.

I mean,
we were engaged.

Brooke, your father's
dead, his estate's gone.

What would be the point?

[men laughing]

I can't keep
my eyes off you.

And neither can
anyone else.

Well, I did spend
a fortune on the dress.

It's worth
every penny.

Oh, want one.


The same dress, Peter?

The embarrassment
alone will cost
you an extra grand.

Well, what a pleasant

I had no idea
you'd be here.

How dare you?

How dare I what?
Say hello?

You knew damn well
I was buying this dress.

Now, how would
I know that?

That was
my question.

I ran into him
the other day,

and he saw me
trying this on.

Well, it's not like
it's the most flattering
style on you,

and I had no idea
you were gonna buy the dress.

What are the odds?

Why don't
I get you a drink?

Thank you.

Come to think
of it,

I'm pretty
thirsty, too.

If bringing
that little idiot

was an attempt
to make me jealous,

it didn't work.

I think your ego is getting
the best of you, Amanda.

Let's get one thing

I don't care who you date
or how you dress her.

Just don't turn her into
a carbon copy of me.

Didn't know you and Amanda
were acquainted.

Oh, yeah, we're old friends.

She didn't seem
all that friendly.

Excuse me.
Pardon me.

Excuse me.

Pardon me.

Be a love
and order me
a Pink Lady.

Two Cabernet

and a Pink Lady
for the lady.

Yes, sir.

So, you're still
working for Peter.

Yeah. I mean, no.

I mean, yeah.

Well, he must be
paying you pretty well.

Amanda tells me
that's a very
expensive dress you have on.

You want to know
a secret?

I'm returning it
in the morning.

It's kind of
a poor girl's rental.

Thank you.

Oh, is it just me,

or is it
really hot in here?

There's a terrace
out on the left.

Terraces were
meant for two.

Look, I'm not interested.

Now I'm sure with
your personality,

you can find
somebody else
to play with.

Now if you'll excuse me.

There you are.

Yes, here I am.

Would you
give us a minute alone?
It's a girl thing.

I'll just
go over here.

Nice dress.

This old thing?

I don't know
what you're up to,

but Bobby's off limits.

Feeling a little
insecure, Amanda?



Oh, no,
just a little clumsy.

You totally
did that on purpose.

Sydney, you can put on
an expensive dress, get your
hair done,

clip on some earrings.

Bottom line,
you're still
a $2-hooker.

You just have
a new pimp.

Can I have
a towel, please?

There you go.
Thank you.

So, how much
do I owe you?

Nothing yet.
But don't put
your checkbook away.

You didn't even
get to first base?

I barely even got
a smile out of him.

But Bobby's a man,
and every one of you
has a weak spot.

It's just going to take me
some time to find his.

Uh-- and that's it, huh?

No one else called?
All right, thanks.

Kind of early to be
making phone calls,
isn't it?

Just getting my messages.

Who were you expecting
to hear from...Amanda?

No. Why do you ask?

I'm an attorney.

I get paid to read
people's demeanor.

You and Amanda
were an item,
weren't you?

We had a little fling,
nothing major.

Well, you'd
better not have
any ulterior motives

for sleeping
with me, Doctor.

Let me tell you
what my motive is.


Pure lust.

You can't come in here.
We're taping.

Yeah, but this is
my apartment.

Not today, it ain't.

Uh, yeah, a couple
of weeks ago,

I couldn't
rub two dimes together.

but now I have
this nice apartment,

job security.

That is, of course,
if the fans like me.

I just came home
to get a book.

Oh, so is this
your roommate?

Yeah. Yeah, but, um, uh,

back to
how my life's changed.

Right, right.

Well, tell me this.

Are you in
a relationship

Um, no, no.

As a matter of fact,
I'm single and loving it.

Look, can I have
a minute, please?


Hey, Matt, come on!

Everybody's got to say
stuff like that. Come on.

You don't have to say anything
that you don't wanna say,

but since you did,

you can start
looking for
a new apartment

where you can
really be single
and loving it.

Look, truce, okay?

I had no right to do
what I did the other night.

You're free to see
whoever you want,
including Alison.

I mean, I'm seeing
my ex-fiance,

so I can't object
to you seeing yours.


Does that upset you?

No. It just
surprised me.

He always seemed
more interested
in your money

than in you.

Well, for your information,

Lowell has never
gotten over me.

I'm the love of his life.

Well, goody for you
and goody for him.

I'm only telling you this

because I was hoping
that you could put your
anger aside

enough for us
to be friends.

Or at least have things
civil between us enough

that you might
attend the wedding

when it happens.

Oh. Thank you so much.
The dress was a big hit.

Well, apparently,

Brooke is hot and heavy
with her old flame.

Feel sorry for
the poor bastard.

Doesn't that sound
more like wishful thinking?

How long can they have
been seeing each other, days?

And they're already
talking marriage?

True or not true, I don't really

Billy. She probably
made it all up
for your benefit.

You know she doesn't
have a friend in the world.

And whatever you think of her,
she deserves compassion.

Especially yours.

Jo told me about
your new venture,

so I thought I'd come
down and see for myself.

Jane, this is ridiculous.

I don't need
your validation,

You're a good designer,

but what can you hope to
accomplish in a one-woman


Well, after seeing this,

I don't think too many
buyers are gonna be

knocking down
your garage door.

We'll see.

This your new line?

Yeah and I don't think
I want to be sharing it

with the competition.

You think that I would
steal them?

I know you would.

So it's come
to this, huh?

Reduced to a couple
of ruthless competitors?


Well, let me
tell you something.

Your only opportunity
at success

was the one
that I gave you.

You want to talk
about opportunities?

You have been
riding backs
your whole career--

first McKenzie's
and then mine.

Open your eyes, Richard, there
are no more backs to ride.

Thank you for reminding me
how vile you can be.

I came down here
to wish you luck,
but you can forget it.

'Cause you're finished
in this industry,

and I'm gonna personally
see to it.

Good night.

you have a minute?

I guess so.

Come here.

Maybe I've been

moving you out

of the apartment
like I did.


Well, if you think
that you can reconcile
that easily--

I'm not talking
about getting
back together.

Maybe you should
take the apartment.

What, all of a sudden
you're getting a conscience?

Do you want
the apartment or not?


You couldn't pay me
to live in that rat trap.

Then take this.

You're writing me a check?

The middle-class runt
is giving me money?

What a joke.
Just take it.

I don't need
your pennies, Billy!

I'm above you.

Everybody knows the whole time
I was with you, I was slumming.

I don't know
what to say.

Well, then don't
say anything.

I just tried it your way,
and it was a big mistake.

[siren blaring]

Ma'am, you have
a message for me?

A detective
Hillman called.

He said that guy that
you'd asked him about

accidentally got
released from jail.


Yeah. Some sort
of screw-up.



Excuse me.
Have you seen Dr. Shaw?

Yeah, she just left
a minute ago.

Thank you.

I told you we'd see
each other again.

How did you get out?

and a clerical error.

Now drive.

Move it!



I'm a doctor.
I need your car.
It's an emergency.

Hey, man.
You can't do this.

What are you doing?

Who is this guy?

Oh, Michael.




[horns honking]


Kimberly! Kimberly.


Kimberly. Come on.

It's gonna go.
We gotta go.
We gotta go.

Come on, come on.

Come on, keep coming.

Run! Run!
Get down!


[car alarms blaring]

Oh, God.

[sirens approaching]

Took quite a bang
on the head.

Luckily, it was only
a concussion.

It feels
a hell of a lot worse.

You sure there isn't something
you're not telling me?

No. You're fine.

In fact, you'll probably
be released tomorrow.

What about Vic?


Well, he's never going
to bother you again.

I guess I should be sorry.

Why? He would
have k*lled you.

I know. At one point
I looked into his eyes

to see what he was going
to do next.

And all I saw was hate
looking back at me,

like I was everyone

and no one.

And then I turned, and...

I saw you.

It was like a sick
flashback, wasn't it?

I thought, "My God,
I'm going to lose her

Then I realized
it was fate,

a chance to right
the wrong

I did to you
the first accident.


maybe now we're even?

Thanks for saving
my life, Michael.

I'll, um,

I'll check in on you


Excuse me. What is the holdup
with our paychecks?

I still haven't gotten mine
from last week.

you don't get paid

when you've drawn
an advance

and used up
all your sick days.

Now if you'll excuse yourself,

we're in the middle
of a meeting.

Well, what about my
vacation days?

Can't I cash them out?

You don't have enough
vacation time

to go to the movies.

Why don't you try
earning money

like the rest of us,
by working?

Well, excuse me
for asking.

I think she's
having money problems.

Billy offered to help her,
but she bit his head off.

Well, I suppose if I had lost
all she has lately,

I'd want to hold
onto my pride, too.


How much longer are you going
to give me the cold shoulder?

Look, Matt, I don't want
to move out,

and I know you don't
want me to,

so, look, why don't we sit down
and talk about this.

You did enough
talking yesterday.

What do you want from me,
an apology?

All right. I apologize.

Not accepted.

Can I help it
if the two things

I want most in my life
happen at the same time?

Let me see, your
career's one.

What's the other one?

That is not fair.

You know what, maybe not,
but you know what?

I have worked damn hard
to earn the respect
of my friends,

my colleagues,
even my father.

And I will be damned
if I'm gonna go
back in the closet

to accommodate anyone,
you know, especially
my lover.

I never asked you
to do that.

Fine. Then come with me
to the dance-a-thon.

Uh, I'm not sure
what my schedule is.
I-- I...

You're not sure
about much, are you?

Gotta go.

All right.
Listen up, people.

We're on
a deadline here.

That means we work
till nine o'clock,

so make your

Oh, yeah.

That's nine o'clock p.m.

[all groan]

Jo, when can I have these sh*ts
for the layout-- half an hour?

I worked through

I am now working
through lunch.

I guess you'll have the sh*ts
when I give you the sh*ts.

Cooperate with me, Jo.
I need a time. Come on.

No, what you need
is a day off.

We all could use one.

Just give me the sh*ts
ASAP, okay?

What do you think
this is, ancient Egypt?

We're not slaves.

You can't work people
like this, Richard.

If they don't like it,
they can quit.

I don't have time
for this.

You don't have time
for anything, including me.

Jo, we're together
24 hours a day.

18 of which
are spent working.

What do you want from me?

A relationship. We don't
make love because of work.

We don't go out
because of work.

We don't talk
because of work.

How about
the other day?

And you know that
I have to get
a line out.

At the expense
of everything else?

Temporarily, yes.
Fine. I quit.

What am I supposed
to be doing that
I'm not doing?

I don't know.
I don't know, more.

Just jump in the pool
with your clothes on, you know?

Sing me a love song.
Say "I love you" in French.

Just prove to me
you're still alive.

That's not me.
I can't do that.

And I can't do this.

Good morning, Parezi Cable
Company, may I help you?

My reception sucks.

What are you gonna do
about it?

Not a damn thing.

Excuse me?

Haven't you ever heard
the expression

"The customer
is always right"?


But we're not
up and running yet.


My mistake.

So many cable companies
these days,

I guess I got them
mixed up.

Or maybe it's because
I haven't been able

to stop thinking about you
since I saw you that night.

I thought I made
my situation clear.

Let's not talk
about Amanda.

Let's talk about you.


a little birdie told me
your family is...

You heard wrong.

Oh, no, you don't have
to pretend with me.

I love that kind of stuff.

I've seen The Godfather
11 times.

So tell me, are you,
like, the Al Pacino type

or the James Caan type?

My guess is that you're
the Pacino type

because that's kind of like the
dark, sexy, mysterious thing?

You don't know me.

And I don't know you.

So let's just
leave it at that.

I'm sorry, I didn't realize
it was such a sensitive subject.


I was just trying
to make conversation

and I guess I just came off
like an idiot instead.

That's what happens
when I get nervous,

and, what can I say,
you make me nervous.

Nice guys
do that to me.

And you're a nice guy.

Thank you.

You're polite, too.

You're like
a freak of nature.

Enough with
the compliments.

Now, good-bye.

The best ones
are always taken.


Are you all right?

Obviously not.

Wait, Brooke,
I want to help.

Sure, you do.

Stop! Hey--

I mean it.

I know you've had
hard times lately,

but you are not alone.

Tell me
what I can do.

Okay. Bring my father back,
my husband, my friends,

and while you're at it, just
get my clothes out of hock

from the hotel.

What hotel?
Oh, just leave me alone!

You've been sleeping
in your car?

Get out.
Stop! No!

If you don't have
a place to stay,

I am not letting you
sleep in your car.

You're coming home
with me.

Right, the person
who hates me most in the world

is gonna take me in?

I don't hate you.

It's just that sometimes you
make it difficult to like you.

Stop it!
I don't want your help!

Well, you're getting it whether
you like it or not!

You're coming home
with me.

What about Billy?

Don't worry about him.

Until you're back
up on your feet,

you can stay with me.

That's a promise.

Oh, come here.

Come on.

Oh. That's attractive.

We're done.
Good girl.

All right,
let me get that
out of the way.

Do you have to go?

No, I'm just checking to see
if I set a record.

Yep. I've been here
an hour,

and you haven't told me
to get lost.

Oh. Oh, I really have
been hard on you,
haven't I?

I think it's taken
more energy to hate you

than it would have been
to just accept you the way
you are.

So, uh, does that mean, um, you

It means that, um,

I'm willing
to be your friend.

My friend?

We can go
to the movies and talk.

Have dinner.
Mm-hmm. Have sex?

The concept of friendship
is very simple, Michael.

You should look it up
in the dictionary.

So, are you agreeable?

What are my options?

Um... you get lost.


Michael! Michael!

What? Friends
kiss hands.

All right, all right.
I'm getting up now.

I hope my getting up
early didn't wake you.

No. That was the best
night's sleep I've had
in a long time.

Good. Look, if you
need to borrow some clothes,
help yourself. I gotta run.

Alison. Thanks.
Thanks so much.


Would you get that
for me?


What the hell
are you doing here?

Alison invited me to stay.
Wasn't that sweet of her?



I was just on my way
to talk to you.

I'll talk. You listen.

How can you do this?

How can you bring
her back here

after everything
she's done?

Billy, I found her
in the parking lot

after work last night.

She was crying,
and so alone.


Billy, she's
a human being.

No, she's not, she's an
emotional vampire.

You don't mean that.

Yes, I do. There's no middle
ground here, all right?

Either you're on my side,
or you're on her side.

So for once in your life,
make a decision.

That's a surprise.

He's out of control,
isn't he?

You wanted to see me?

Yeah. You're fired.

Not as my receptionist,
but as my Mata Hari.

Why? I was just getting warmed
up--you can't bench me now.

You like him,
don't you?

No. It's
a challenge thing.

What is it with
this guy, anyway, huh?

I mean, it's not like Parezi's
some rocket scientist.

He's not even
that good-looking,

and he's as crooked
as a $3 bill.

Hey, he's the genuine
article, okay?

Which, in this town,
is as rare as fresh air.

Unlike you, Bobby
is strong, courageous,

and down to earth.

Oh, please.

In fact,
he's the kind of man

who makes a woman like me
want to change her ways.

Fine. You want to spend time
with the gorilla, go ahead.

But the subsidizing stops.
Hand over the dress.

It got ruined
in the line of duty.

Well, then, unruin it.

You know something,
Amanda was right

to choose Bobby
over a meanie like you.

I'm not a meanie!

Parezi Cable Company,
may I help you?

One moment please.

So, in addition
to having a key
to his house,

you have a key
to his office, too?

Bobby and I work
closely together.

But don't confuse
the intensity

of our professional

with any romantic
interest on my part.

Thanks for
the clarification.

Look, I can understand
why you'd be concerned.

When a guy looks
like Bobby

and he's got
a reputation for
playing the field...

I didn't know
he had a reputation.

Well, I really haven't
known him that long,

but apparently he's
broken a lot of hearts.

But since
you're the only
one he talks about,

he's turned over
a new leaf.

Well, I guess I have
with him, too.

Bobby's not the type
I usually go for.


And what type
is that,

if you don't mind
my asking?

Let's put it this way--
my last boyfriend was a surgeon,

as slick with his word
as he was with his scalpel.

Meaning he was

He saw me through
some tough times.

I don't know, I'd like to think
he was sincere, but...

I'm not sure I ever
understood his motives.

I gotta be going.
Nice talking to you.

And, uh...

I hope things work out
for you and Bobby.

He seems ready
to settle down.

It was a knee-jerk

You wanted to give him a wake-up
call and you got a little
carried away.

I was frustrated.
I'd had it with

I'm not saying you're wrong.
Personally I think
the guy's bad news.

But you don't
leave one thing

until you've got
another one lined up.


And I suppose
Miss Ruthless Ambition

taught you that.

Hey, Jo.

I hope there's
no hard feelings
about the garage.

Oh, no, not at all.

I'm sure you and
your new landlord
will be very happy.

I wish she was
a little more forgiving.

Can I get you
something to drink?

Look, Jake, I know you've been
avoiding me.

No, I've just
been busy.

I still am.


Jake, let's not
play games.

I know you want me
as much as I want you.

You're just letting something
you think you heard

get in the way.


You like
your career.

There isn't anything
you wouldn't do
for that.

More power to you.

But that kind of
lifestyle and mine,
they don't mix.

That's not all
I'm about.

I think
you know that.

And I know
you feel that.

We're friends.

We helped
each other out.

I don't think we need
to take it any further.

Actually, I think we need
to take it all the way.

Je t'aime beaucoup, Jo.

It's winter. I didn't think
you'd take me so literally.

I couldn't afford
to take any chances.

Am I forgiven?

I guess this is the wrong time
to tell you that I overreacted.

No, no you didn't.

I've been selfish,
and I wouldn't blame you

if you never wanted
to see me again.

But I meant what I said.

I love you...

in every language.

How can you be such a creep
and so cute at the same time?

I love you, too.

I'm glad.

Now go get me a towel
before I catch pneumonia.

No, I think
I want to savor this.

Oh, that's it.
You asked for it.


No! No!

No! No! No!

Oh, God!


Come on,
the party's inside.

Hey, I was
waiting for Alan.

I was hoping
he would show,

but I guess not.

Well, if you need
a dance partner,

I volunteer
my services.

Hey! Sorry
I'm late,

but taping ran over.
And traffic was a bear.

I'm glad
you made it.

this is David.

David has
my old job at
the hospital.

David, this is
my boyfriend Alan.


I was just keeping
him company till you got

Uh, yeah,
I could see that.

Well, I'll see you
both inside.

Yeah, I think
he's interested.

Doesn't matter.

I'm here with you.


Let's go.

So? You make
a decision?

I thought I'd come in
and discuss one with you.

Is she in or is she out?

It's not that easy.

I guess you're more comfortable
throwing someone out on
the street than I am.

I knew this was going to happen.
She's rubbing off on you.

Oh, please.

I'll tell her to be out
by end of the week.

I'll put her up in a motel
if I have to.

Good. Talk to me
when you do.

Don't make this a test
of my feelings for you.

I admit I was wrong
to bring her here, but
I felt sorry for her.

She brought this
upon herself.

She ruined my life
in the process.

You're right.
I screwed up.

I should have considered
your feelings.

Hey, Al.

I can't get through this
without you.

You won't have to.

I'm going to go
tell her.

If things get ugly,
you can always come back
to my place.

All right.

Oh, I can't
believe this.

I think I have
the flu.

We need to talk.

Oh, Alison,
could it wait?

I just, I feel
so lousy.

It really can't.

Oh. I'm sorry.

I just...
I need to rest.

Well, um...

all right, you get some sleep.
We'll talk in the morning.


Mmm. Alison.


Slow down there.

What the hell
are you doing?

Get out of here!

Oh, Billy, it can be good again!
Just let me show you.

For God's sake,
put on some clothes.

Please, you love me.
I know you do.

How many times do I have
to keep telling you this, all
right? I don't love you.

Please, just--
just hold me.

I need to feel your arms
around me--please?

I can't even touch you,
let alone hold you.

When I get back,
I want you out of my apartment.

Out of my life.


You get points
for being persistent.

That's for sure.

I'm not here to make
any romantic overtures.

I'm here as a friend.

I didn't know
we made that leap.

Okay, fine.

Caring acquaintance,

The point is, there's
a certain someone

who would like to see
you and Amanda break up.

I just thought
you should know.

Do I get a name?

I'm not at liberty
to disclose that
information, however,

if you were to guess,
I could confirm or deny.

Dr. Peter Burns?


It was his idea
for me to pursue you.

Of course, I wanted nothing
to do with his scheme,

but since he's my employer,
he kinda had me over a barrel.

Why the true confession?

Once a year I decide
to do something out of
the goodness of my heart.

Now that my good deed is done,
I guess I better go.

Tell me something.
If you're not
helping Burns anymore,

is there someone else
who is?

I don't know. Your guess
is as good as mine.

Brooke, you've been in there
for over an hour.

We're supposed to talk
this morning.

Why, so you can
break your promise
and throw me out?

Look, I can arrange
for you to stay in a hotel.

You've gotta be kidding.

Is someone else out there?

You have Brooke living
with you?

Does Billy know about this?

He knows!
Everybody knows!

Alison knows, she doesn't care.
She's about ready throw me out.

And you don't. You won't
even pay me my salary!

Get a hold of yourself,

Why? So I can go
to my lousy job

and work for my bitch
of a boss?

You are about a heartbeat away
from losing your lousy job.

You know, there's something
I've always wanted

to say to you, Amanda.

Don't say anything
you'll regret.

Kiss my ass.

You're fired.
Let's go, Alison.

We have an early meeting.

Leave her.

She's not worth it.

You heard her.
I'm not worth it.

Your self-pity
isn't winning you
any friends.

Don't worry.
You'll be rid of me
soon enough.

I don't need anyone, Alison,
least of all you.

It's all your fault.
What is?

My agent received this fax.
It's from a tabloid.

They had a photographer
at the dance-a-thon.

They took a picture of us,
and they're gonna run it
in the next issue.

You look great!
What are you
worried about?

Matt, my arm is around you.
Do you know what the caption's
gonna read?

"Alan Ross and his...
his unidentified gay lover."

Hey, look, no offense, Alan,

but who's really gonna
give a damn?

I'll tell you who.
The network.

They want to see me
this afternoon.

They're gonna write me
off the show.

You know, if they fire you
for being gay, you sue--I did.

I'm the romantic lead,
all right, I can't be gay.

The audience
won't accept it.

No, you won't
accept it.

You think your fans
are h*m*?

Try looking
in the damn mirror.

Ooh. Smiling.
Leaving early.

Putting on lipstick.

Dating somebody new?

Why do men always assume

that when a woman's happy,
she's romantically involved?

What's his name?

I was uncomfortable
telling you before.

He's an acquaintance of yours.
Peter Burns.

I hope you don't have
a problem with that.

Burns is a good man.

Is he the reason you're trying
to get out of here early?

Seven o'clock reservations
at Eclipse.

Well, I hate to spoil
your evening,

but I need you
to go to Palm Springs

and meet with some
station managers.


That's kind of last minute,
isn't it?

But they're only in town
for the day.

Here's the name
and the hotel
they're staying at.

You'd better get going
if you want to beat

Fine. But I've got
to call Peter.

Look-- I'm responsible
for breaking the date.

Let me square it
with him.

It's the least
I can do.

Mind if I join you?

Well, actually, I was expecting
a lady friend,

and I'd rather not go through
the introductions.

If you're hungry,
you'd better order.

I sent Alycia
to Palm Springs.

Oh. Oh, so it's you
and me then.

Well, I'm very flattered, Bob,
but you're really not my type.

I'm not playing here.

You wanna mess with me,

mess with me.

But go around
the back way,

you're gonna have
some trouble.

Is that a threat?

You could call it that,
or call it friendly advice.

Either way,
cut Alycia loose.

Well, because you asked
so nice.

I don't think so.

B-R-E-A-S-T. Breast.

Oh! Wait, wait, wait.
Found an "S."

Breasts. 24 points.

Michael, don't you think
we oughta lay a few
ground rules,

or at the very least move
this into the living room?

Nope. It's more
comfortable in here.
Come on. Your turn.

Come on! Tick tock!
What's your word?

Too bad
you didn't go first,

then it would
have been
"touch breasts."

Hey, come on! Don't you dare
read anything sexual into this.

How can I not?
Let's review our play.

You've had "lust,"
"lips," "Wonderbra--"

which I'm still not
convinced is one word.

I was just trying to use
all my letters,

unlike you with "pet,"
"lick," "sex."

Hey you know what I think?
I think that through these

our subconscious
desires are talking.

You know, sort of like
a Ouija board.

Don't be ridiculous.

Okay, so how do you
explain this?


As in I love you,
and you love me,

and we both know it.

Your turn.

All right, Michael.

You win.

No more letters.


[Telephone rings]


Amanda, it's Alycia.
Is Bobby there?

No. I'm not sure where
he is, actually.

I can tell you where
he's not-- Palm Springs.

That's where he sent me
at the last minute.

Thought he'd want
to know how my
meeting went.

If he gets in soon,
he can reach me
in the car.

Will do. Drive safely.

Hey, you! Why didn't
you tell me

you were going
to be late tonight?

Sorry, I had some business
to take care of this afternoon.

I left word at the office,
but you never called me.

If I were
the jealous type,

I'd think you were
up to something that you didn't
want me to know about.

I was in Palm Springs
all afternoon.

Did anyone call
for me?


Hurry up! We're gonna
miss the movie.

I'm not sure
where she is.

I offered
to get her
a motel room.

Well, maybe she took
you up on the offer.

Alison, don't worry
about her.

She's gone.
That's what you wanted.

Maybe I should
leave her a note.

You want me to drop it,
don't you?

Yes. That would
be nice.

Okay. So, whose car
are we taking?

Mine's around here--

Hi, everybody!

Going somewhere?

I was afraid you just
picked up and left.

Afraid? You practically
pushed me out the door.

But I fooled you!
I came back.

Looks like you're drunk.

No. I'm just doing
my very best Alison

What do you think?
Oh, Billy.

Ooh, you're the love
of my life,

no matter who
you're married to.

Knock it off.
Let's just go, okay?

Oh, yeah. Oh, go.
Walk out on me.

You're good at that!

It's the one thing
he is good at.

I mean, in the sack?

Brooke, why don't I
get you a cup of coffee--

Why don't you
drop dead!

Alison, don't you dare
help that little witch.

Let's go, Alison.

Good! Go. Leave. Go on.

Go on your little
double date.

How sweet!

Two pea brains
and a couple of sluts!

Just leave!

I'm used to being left behind
my whole life.

I'm used to no one caring.

You hate me,
don't you?

I don't even care enough
about you to hate you.

Now let go.

Fine! I'll say it!

I hate you!

You hear me?
I hate you!

Billy! Billy!

Shut up.
Do you hear me?

I hate you.

Don't leave me.

Nobody's home.

Nobody cares.
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