04x25 - The Burning Couch

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Melrose Place". Aired: July 8, 1992 –; May 24, 1999.*
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Follows the lives and loves of eight young adults in an apartment complex in Los Angeles.
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04x25 - The Burning Couch

Post by bunniefuu »

where the hell is

all my underwear
and T-shirts?

I don't know, dear.
Maybe they're
still in the wash.

Do you want
me to check?


You ironed my underwear.

That is the sweetest
thing I have ever
heard of.

Thank you.

You must have
been up all night.

Yeah, sure.

It's all starting
to make sense.

You still have keys.

My position requires
that I have complete access

to the doctors
at all times.

Besides, Michael and I
are going over receipts

for the accountant
this morning.

I am referring

to your sneaky
little tricks

like rearranging
the furniture,

Michael's clothes.

Um, I have
a news flash for you.

I'm his office manager,
not his maid.

I have no idea
what you're talking about.

Oh, you don't.

I'm talking about
your residual anger

at our therapy

along with your own
inability to sustain
a relationship.

It all adds up
to one thing,

your wanting
Michael back.

And what better way
to do that

than to try to drive me
over the edge.

Okay, this is all sounding
a little too nostalgic for me.

It makes me think bombs are
tick-tocking nearby.

I've got
a news flash
for you, Sydney.

It's not gonna work because
I'm perfectly sane

and perfectly capable
of satisfying all of
Michael's needs.

Mm-hmm. We both know
that would take an army

of very sick women.

And for the record,
I would rather
drink bleach

than touch
that man's briefs.

♪ ♪

♪ Please keep me company ♪

♪ Oh, oh ♪

♪ 'Cause I don't want
to be alone tonight ♪

♪ Will you be my candlelight? ♪

♪ I need you
to stay with me tonight ♪

♪ Till my room
is full of light ♪

♪ ♪

♪ Heart is waiting ♪

♪ My head
is aching... ♪

Fine. Just get me out
before it gets uglier.

If I knew how,
I wouldn't need
a lawyer, would I?

Still having
legal problems?

Let's just say
Bobby's dirty work

isn't reflecting
too kindly on me.

Anything I can do
to help?

Not pursuing
a conversation about it
would be nice.

How about discussing
three-point shoes
and my repping it?

Despite your recent

you're not in
that league yet.

That account
is mine exclusively.

I intend to
keep it that way.

I have something
else for you.

midnight sun vodka.

Its owner is
in this country

and being courted
by every major agency,

including ours.

The only difference is,
we're gonna land him,

or more precisely,
you will.

I'm not sure
I'm the right choice
for this,

for obvious reasons.

I don't have
a problem with it.

This isn't open
to negotiations.

of what you want,

I expect a signed,
sealed, and delivered contract

on my desk by week's end.

Now get on it.

We may be stuck together
on this account, Billy,

but I won't tolerate
any unethical behavior.

That's funny,
I don't remember Amanda
mentioning ethics at all.

You didn't answer
any of my phone calls.

I didn't feel
much like talking.


No, I wasn't looking
for an apology.

How are you?

Well, maybe this'll
give you some idea.

"Richard Hart thought of
everything last night--

"music, lights, models,

"and even an on-stage

"Too bad he forgot
the umbrellas.

The result,
a total wash-out."

That's just one
stupid review.

No, no, there's six
others just like it.

All right, so a bunch
of critics chose to focus
on that accident.

It doesn't mean you don't
have great designs.

You don't get it,
do you?

I sunk everything
into this show.

Every dime,
my entire reputation.

Now it's gone.

I'm worthless.

That is not true.
You still have your line.

And I captured almost
the entire show on film.

It's over, Jo!
I'm ruined.

Every time I look in
your face, I'll remember

that it was your stupid
volcano that ruined me.

You know, you can't
keep blaming me

and expect to have
much of a relationship.

Well... maybe
I'm not expecting to.

I'm going to finish developing
the film from the show.

And then you don't have
to worry about me being
a constant reminder,

'cause you won't have
to see me again.

How do
you feel about...
oh, here.

Mums and lilies.

Actually, I was thinking
of something more colorful.

You can get these
in other colors.

To be honest,
I really don't care either way.

How could you not care?
Come on, it's our wedding!

Hey, Alan?

Can I have a minute?

Yeah, sure.


I gotta make it quick,

We still have a ton
of ground to cover.

By the way,
flautists or piano

You're enjoying this,
aren't you?

Course not!

But just because
the wedding's a sham

doesn't mean it has
to look like it.

This is more absurd
by the minute.

I know, I know.

Okay, if it's
any consolation,

I talked Gloria into
letting me take you
on the honeymoon

instead of Valerie.

No cameras,
no reporters,
just us.

You're kidding.
When did you do that?


So... am I forgiven?


but just barely.

[knock on door]

I'll get it.

You must be Valerie.

That's right.
And you are?

There he is,
the groom-to-be!

Come over here and give
your old man a hug!

(all clamoring)

I meant to tell you
they were coming, but...

I'm Mrs. Ross.

to the family.

Thank you.

We figured we'd save you
a trip to the airport
and surprise you a little.

Well, you
certainly did.

Oh, Mom, Dad,

this is
my roommate Matt.

Matt, hi.

And our wedding
coordinator, Dina.

Nice to meet
you both.


We have a wonderful
wedding planned
for these two.

You'd better because
Valerie is one of

the most beautiful
brides I've ever seen.

It's kind of you to say,
Mr. Ross, thank you.

call me Dad.

Okay, Dad.

The place is
lovely, honey.

But does it
only have one

I-- well...

I sleep on the couch.

Makes the rent cheaper.

You know, why don't
I give you guys

a tour of the place?

Show you around,
small as it is.

I sure am
glad the boy's
getting married.

His mother and I have
been really getting
worried about him.

What a great way
to spend the afternoon.


Do you realize
this is all

we've been
doing lately?

Listen, most people would
k*ll for our sex life.

You should be happy.

I am.

I just don't want
it to get tedious
for you.

You've been with
so many other women.

Hey, is there
anything that
you did with them

that you don't
do with me?

Not really.

But now that
you mention it,

there are
a few fantasies

I've always wanted
to act out.

Really? Such as?

Like one, I'm pretending
to be a plumber

and you're a hot-to-trot
housewife and...

no, listen, listen.

So, um, you've got
a clogged drain,

and I come in with
my tool belt, you know.

Mmm, I like the sound of that.
Can we try it right now?

You know what?

I'd like to
but I've got surgery.


Tomorrow then.

Yes, I promise,
I promise.

Right now,
I've gotta take a shower,

a cold one.

Not me.

I'm gonna stay in bed
a while longer.


Tool belt.


I'm late for the beautician.

We could do the one
where we're at the bus stop

and we don't
know each other.

And then you...

So smooth,
you'll never
get drunk.

Lief, why don't you tell us
what you're looking for

in an advertiser.

People who
understand my vodka.

No, thank you.

Alison doesn't drink.

How can she know
my product?

She is more than aware
of your customers' needs.

You have
exquisite lips,

glorious eyes.

In fact, the restaurant
we're going to tonight

will give you an idea
of the market

D and D would target
for Midnight Sun.

We're going
to a restaurant?

Yeah, one that caters to
the discerning crowd,

the kind that spends
20 bucks on the best
olive oil

and even more on
the best vodka.

Come all this way
to experience
the American lifestyle,

but all the advertising
people ever do is
show me restaurants,

every kind
of restaurant.

Take him to dinner,
we're gonna lose him.

I suppose you have
an alternative?

Driver, take us to
the Tropicana, please.

You can't be serious, Billy.
That's a strip club.

Excellent choice.

You and I,
we think alike.

That's a good
thing for business.

A very good thing.

This is completely

So you having
a good time, pal?

With loud music,

and beautiful women,
I'm in heaven.

I'm gonna go
to the ladies room,

if there is
such a thing
in this place.

This is the most fun
I've had in years.

And that's important to me
because fun is what
my vodka stands for.

You understand this,

very well.

Does that mean you're
gonna sign on with D and D?


After I--
what do you call it?

Mud wrestle with
your little friend.

You know, Alison's not
that kind of girl.

Well, let's
put it this way.

You want my account
or not?

That idiot has been
alternately dismissing me

and groping me all night,

and you agreed to let me
publicly humiliate myself

by jumping into
a mud pit with him?!

I didn't say
it was my idea.

It's just gonna be
the one time.

No! No, it won't.

Go to hell, Campbell,

where I'm sure
they are waiting
with open arms.

What are you doing?

that overbearing,
sexist creep

what he can
do with his mud
and his account.

Listen to me,
you disgusting pervert!

Come to papa.

Get off!


He's your client
for God's sake!

He's all yours.

[knock on door]

Who is it?

It's Bobby.

I don't have
anything to say to you.

Come on,
let me in.

Please go away.

You can't say it
to my face, can you?

That's why you won't
open the door.

You need to see it
in person, fine.

This is me
telling you to leave.

Amanda, at least give me a
to explain.

I have nothing
to say to you.

So please, for the last time,
go away.

Stay away
or I'm calling the cops.

Why can't
you believe me

after everything
we've been to
each other?

Why, Amanda?

'Cause you're just
like your brother.

That's not true.

It's not.

Don't even think
about hurting her.

I'll fix things,

make them just like
they were before.

I promise.

Please leave.

Are you okay?

He's never gonna
let me go, is he?

What happened?
Did somebody break in?

You could say that.

So, how was last night?

Oh, the word "revolting"
springs to mind.

It was a nightmare,

during which Billy
crossed all lines
of ethical behavior.

He took me
and the owner of
Midnight Sun Vodka

to a mud-wrestling

Well, that's certainly
a novel approach.

He even went so far

as to ask me to mud-wrestle
with the client in order
to secure the account.

What are you saying,
you want me to fire him?

Considering that
I was almost pulled
into a mud pit

by a degenerate, yes!

And, in keeping
Billy on,

you're only
encouraging behavior

that will eventually
give D and D a bad name.

In similar circumstances,
I might feel the way you do.

But this was
messengered this morning.

We beat out
10 other agencies.

Midnight Sun Vodka
is ours.

So whatever Billy
did or didn't do,

it worked.

So because
we got the account,

you're condoning
his methods?

He's my most
effective sales rep.

I'm not about
to cramp his style.

I see.

You like him
this way, don't you?

Just two
peas in a pod.

Well, if I were you
I'd watch my back

because he's a monster,
and you created him.

Hey, hey,
slow down.

Hey, David,
how are you?

I was wondering
that about you.

I honked in
the parking lot,

but you seemed
too stressed out
to notice.

I'm sorry.
Between this wedding

and Alan's parents
being in town,

I can barely
see straight,

so to speak.

Oh, I can imagine.

How's he dealing
with all this?

he's eating it up
with a spoon.

I'm sure Alan
knows how difficult
this is for you.

You'd be surprised.

Well, look,

if he forgets
to consider
your feelings

and you need to
talk to somebody
who won't,

give me a call.

Or drop by.

I wrote down
my address, too.

[knock on door]

Midnight Sun
signed first thing
this morning.


Not too shabby, huh?

No, it isn't.

But some of
your methods may be.

Alison said...

Yeah, well, Alison's gotta
get over herself,

or she shouldn't
be in advertising.

You may have
a point there,

but so does she.

I've seen guys like
you in the past,

and I've outlasted them

because they succumb to
their own ruthlessness.

Well, the only tendency
I have is to succeed.

In part, because
you feel the need
to compensate.

You can't stop
having a heart

just because
Brooke's stopped

Give me a break.

You want an explanation
for my ambition?

Simple, okay, I want
more out of life

than some lousy
senior-level ad job
like yours.

I'm better than that.

In fact, I'm better
than you, Amanda.

So I'll see you at work.

Is Richard around?
He's in his office.

Well, well.

Look who's here,

my own little
Benedict Arnold.

I just came by
to drop these off
like I promised.

I've been informed
you gave Jane

the use of
some of my cutters.

Is that true?

Not that
it matters anymore,

but yeah,
I gave Jake some names.

So not only
did you ruin
my fashion show,

you got some of my employees
to betray me for good measure.

No one betrayed you,

They just helped out
on their own time.

How many, Jo?

I'm not here
to be interrogated.

Fine. I'll handle it
in another way.

People, I've just
been informed

that some of you have
worked for a competitor.

Those of you who did
are fired.

So grab your gear and go.

Get out.

Why are you doing
this, Richard,

some kind of power trip
to make yourself feel better?

Actually, those of you
who didn't moonlight

probably know who did,

so guess what,
you're fired, too.

In fact, you're all fired!

Grab your stuff
and get out!

Move it!

My God.
You're being
such a jerk.

Too bad I can't have
the satisfaction of
firing you, too.

But you cheated me
out of that
by quitting.

It would give me
great pleasure

to have you
escorted out
by security

because as of now,
you're trespassing.

This is a wedding rehearsal,

so can we stay with
the program, everyone?

We are paying
by the hour.

Okay, let's go.

We need the bridesmaids
and groomsmen up front.


Right this way,
over here.

You look tired.

Maybe that's because
your father's been

talking my ear off
about your future

I hope you told him
not to hold his breath.

Alan, they are
full of false hopes.

Coming out to them
would be much kinder.

All right, look, I heard
this lecture before.

Now is not the time.

I don't know
about you two,

but I'm maxed out
on this heterosexual

And your parents
aren't making it easier.

Shh. Here they come.

What's going on here?

Hello there.

Don't tell me
you have secrets?

No, we were just...

Your father and I
have one

we can't keep
a minute longer.

It's our gift to you
and your lovely bride.

It's a year's lease
on a lovely, cozy canyon home
that we found for you.

Wow. Thanks, Dad.

Mom, this is great,
isn't it, honey?

It's terrific.

Would you excuse me
for a minute?

He's probably
just concerned

about finding
a new roommate.

I'll be right back.

Why don't
we join
the group?


Matt, where are
you going?

This is so
out of control.

Does it ever stop?

Are you going
to fill the canyon house
with kids next?

Of course not. You and I
will live there.

My parents won't have
to know a thing.

Until they come to visit.
Then I have to move out, right?

You knew the score.
Why are you nit-picking?


This entire event
spits in the face of
our relationship.

Damn it, this is
the first time

I've had
my parents' support.

Right now, they are
crazy about their son,

and this is probably
the only wedding

I'll ever be able
to give them.

So please, just
forget about your own
selfish needs for once.

My selfish needs?


Look, you know
what I mean.

Yeah, you know what?
I do.

Fine. Thank you.

I would have
preferred red, but...

don't mind me.

Spare me
the machismo.

I'm picking up
the tab.

Amanda, what are
you doing here?

Alycia phoned
my attorney.

I was advised to meet
her here tonight.


I forgot to
mention it

I assumed you wanted
to be here for
her counsel.

Care for some wine?

No, I won't be staying.
I just came to hear
the details of your plan.

Well, let's get down
to business then.

This check
represents the sale

of your share in
the cable company.

If you accept it,
you'll be clear of
all criminal charges.

If you don't,
you'll solely be
on the hook.

I don't understand.

What she means is,
Bobby divested
this morning,

leaving you alone
on the board of directors.

He did, knowing full well
how it would impact me?

Unfortunately, he's
a very desperate man.

Well, I guess this is
a very kind offer.

Any reason it's for half
of what I invested?

No, other than
it's the best
I could do

under the

He really got me
at both ends, didn't he?

Do it, Amanda.

Sever all ties.

I'm here
to take you up
on your offer.

Is everything okay?
Looks like you've been drinking.


I'm just tired
of putting

someone else's needs
in front of my own.

I just...

need some company
tonight, David.

Some real company.

Come on in.

So it's freezable, too?

and available
in four colors.

I think I'll take
the aqua set

because my husband
and I live at the beach.

Oh, very good!

Do you have a credit
card with you?

Oh, yes, of course.
It's right here.

Thank you.

Oh! I'm sorry.

This is for
a Kimberly Shaw,

not Betsy Jones.



I see. Um...

Did you hear
what I said, Betsy?

Yes. Um...

Shaw is my maiden name.
Betsy's just a pet name.

What I think I'll do
is pay for everything

when it arrives, okay?

Oh! But don't you want to
stay for sandwiches?

Actually I really need
to get out of here.

Thank you.

Oh, but that's
the best part.

God, what's
happening to me?

This is a surprise.

I wanted to come by
and thank you in person.

Obviously you talked
Alycia into working out
this deal for me.

And I'm grateful,
to say the least.


I only wish I had
listened to you sooner.

You were right.

I never should have gotten
involved with Bobby.

Good morning.

I didn't realize
you had company.

We were about
to have breakfast.

Would you like
to join?

No, I should go.

I didn't mean
to bother you.

Thanks again.


That was sweet of her
to come by just
to tell you that.

Yeah, it was.

Too bad
she doesn't know

exactly how much
you've done for her.

If she did,
I can't imagine

she'd be so grateful.

What's your point,

The point is,

the closest
you'll ever get
to Amanda again

is in your dreams.

So start dreaming...

because I own you.

All right.

It wasn't nice of you

to sneak off this morning
without saying good-bye.

I'm sorry about that.
I had an early class.

Come on, Matt, don't snow me.
What's going on?

It was
a mistake, okay?

After I left
the wedding

I had a few drinks.

I got even angrier at Alan
and I ended up at
your place.

You mean it was
a lousy time?

What? No! No!

It was great!

But mostly
it was wrong.

And it can't
happen again.


So you had your fun
and now you go back
to your boyfriend.

Basically, yes.

I'm sorry.
I gotta go.

Come on in.

Have a seat.

Well, this is
definitely bad news.

I guess it depends
on your vantage point.

I can't go through
with the wedding.

Alan, we had
an agreement!

Yes, but it's caused
too much strain
on my relationship.

Gloria, all we've been
doing is fighting.

And last night
Matt didn't even come home.

And because of that
you're calling
the whole thing off?

Gloria, I've made up
my mind.

You and my parents
are just gonna have
to deal with it.

[telephone rings]

Excuse me.


Better ask your boyfriend
where he was last night.

Who is this?

'Cause he wasn't alone.

[knock on door]

Have a minute?


I've cleared this
with Amanda.

The Midnight Sun
Vodka account is now
officially yours.

Well, that's gonna have
to change 'cause I was planning
on deferring it to you,

so I can take on
the bigger clients.

I'm sure you were.

However, this client
is a pig,

and it's only fair that
he be represented by one.

Alison, I need you
to do me a favor.

Call the
Three-Point Shoe people

and see if I can reschedule
my pitch for later this week.

I have a presentation
in Long Beach I can't
get out of.

Right away.


these are
the accounts
you want to drop?

Quite a stack.

Let's start
from the top,
shall we?

Yeah. Let's.

It wasn't
an accident.

It was Jane.

Kimberly, wait.
You can't just go in there.

Hey! Peter, Peter, I tried
to tell her you were busy,

but she wouldn't listen.

I forgot Michael
was in surgery,

but since I was here,
I thought I'd just pop in
and say hi.

Oh. It's all right,
Sydney. You can go.



So. Well.
It's been a while.

How are things
at the beach?

Fine. What can I say?

Um... I just...

I just adore Michael.

So much so, in fact,
that I find myself

doing all kinds of
domesticities for him,

and then forgetting I'd
even done them at all.

Like what?

Like ironing
his underwear.

I guess people do that
when they're in love.



Let me be honest
with you.

I've always felt that
your remarrying Michael

could bring out
the worst in you.


you're not having
unusual episodes,
are you?

Uh... me?


No, not at all.
Everything's fine.

Anyway, I didn't come here
for professional reasons.

I just came
to say hi.

So... hi!

And good-bye.
I have to run.



I have time before
my next patient
if you want to talk...

Not surprising there's
trouble in paradise.

Been abusing
the intercom button
again, have we?

You don't have to
eavesdrop to know

once a lunatic,
always a lunatic.

No matter how
happily married
you say you are.


Just get these
to Graphics,

have them bring up
the color.

I want
to talk to you.

About what?

My Three-Point shoe
company files.

My assistant tells me
you took possession
of them last night.

Care to explain why?

'Cause I had a meeting
with them this morning.

Yeah, I'm now their
exclusive handler.

Opportunism reaches
a new level.

Do you realize
I have every reason

to fire you on the spot?

Actually, you have
more reason not to.

Because on the strength
of my pitch alone,

they agreed to double
their advertising budget.

They agreed
to 4 million per year?


So now do you forgive me
for not doing it
your way?

I can't deny
you got results.

Good work.

I thought so.

Okay, let's take this in
by half an inch.




I'm surprised
to see you here.

Looks like things are really
picking up for you.

Yeah, actually they are.

Well, I guess that means
that you won.


No, you did, you did.

I fired
my entire staff.

My offices are
virtually empty,

and the only money
that's coming in is
through freelance work.

Well, I'm sorry that things
are so rough for you,

but it's not as though
you didn't bring
some of it on yourself

by stealing my designs.

I saw your car outside.
I wanted to talk to you.

I was gonna stop by
and see you anyway.

Look, if you two are gonna
stand around chatting,

I'd rather
you do it elsewhere.

I'm swamped with orders
I can barely keep up with.

I have a pretty good
idea why.

We won't waste your time.
Let's go outside.

Wait, all right?

No, Jo, come on.
Let's go, please.


Don't you dare take that crap
about good conscience--

I don't want to talk about Jane.

But she's the one who's--

Just hear me out,

This has all
been my fault.

Look at my actions.

I worked my employees
like dogs.

I fired them
without a thought.

Of course it was all gonna
come crashing down on me.

And when it did, I took
it out on the one person
that I love.

I am so sorry, Jo.

You deserve better
than that,

and you deserve
better than me.

But what happened wasn't
an accident.

I know it wasn't
an accident because
there's no such thing.

I brought this all
on myself.

Now that I've come
to terms with that,

please don't try
and tell me otherwise.

So what are you
gonna do now?

Figure out who I am


stop hurting you.

Which means
staying away...

as hard as that
will be to do.


Take care, Jo.

So does this take
effect immediately?


Sign there
and here.

What about Amanda?
You do this for her, too?

It's all taken care of.

One last one.

Sign here

and here.

I spoke to
the D.A.'s office.

As we expected, they
dropped the charges.

the good news.

What's the bad news?

You're broke.

outstanding bills,
my final paycheck,

and this office space,

there's not a lot left.

That doesn't matter.

It'll prove to Amanda
that I'm innocent.

That's all I care about.

[wedding music plays]

You don't come home
for two days,

and then you show up
2 minutes before
the wedding starts.

Look, I'm here.
Let's just
leave it at that.

You slept with someone
else, didn't you?

Who was it? David?

Yes, I slept with him.
It was wrong. Sorry.

How could you
do this to me?

I said I'm sorry.
I was pushed to my limit.


How dare you use that
as a justification
for infidelity!

Obviously you were never
committed to this relationship
in the first place!

I'm not the one
who's getting married
in case you hadn't noticed.

It's not nearly
the same thing,

and you know it!

We are gathered here today

to join this man
and this woman

in the state
of holy matrimony.

I can't do this.


Guys, please!

Here. You be
the best man.

If there's anyone
here who wishes

to make an objection,
let him speak now

or forever
hold his peace.

Alan, he loves you!

Don't lose
him over this!
It's not worth it!

Yes, it is!

His career is a hell of
a lot more important

than a short-term

with a guy who's
cheated on him already!

What are you waiting for?

Let's do it.

Dearly beloved,

we are gathered here
in the sight of God

to witness the marriage
of Valerie Madison

and Alan Ross.

We come to share
in their joy...

Hey, honey.

Welcome home, dear.

Oh! I get it.

This is the one
where I'm a dog
of a husband

and you're the wife

who's straight-laced
on the outside

but all sexed up
on the inside, right?

I don't know what
you're talking about.

Dinner's almost ready.



We're in the kitchen!


You're really
working this one.

Okay, I'm game.

What do you
want me to do?

March yourself
into the restroom

and wash your hands...

Go on.

But, um... honey,
I already did that
at the hospital.



What did I do?

Stay away from me,

you disgusting

Uh, Kimberly?


I don't think
I like this fantasy.


Go away!

Come on, honey, can't
we try the plumber
scenario instead?

I said go away!

Disgusting creature!

How about the Babe Ruth

You're the fan,
and I gorge myself
on food.

Then you want
my Louisville slugger.

You really like
that one.

Thanks for
insisting on dinner.

If you hadn't, I'd probably
still be in the garage
and starving to death.

I close tonight,
so it's the only time

I can spend with you.

Unless you come
back later.

Maybe wake me up.

That sounds like
a plan.

See you
in a few hours.

How sweet!

Oh, is that what you've
been reduced to

since you
and Richard split up?



You and I need
to talk.

Good, then we'll do it
another time, Jo.

I'm tired and you
weren't invited in.

I know that you set off
the sprinklers at
Richard's fashion show...


I even have
photographic proof.

Nice blouse,
by the way.

What do you want, Jo?

I don't have any.

My first impulse was
to reveal you

for the manipulative
bitch that you are.

But that wouldn't come
as a surprise to anyone
who knows you,

so it didn't seem like
much would be gained.

Just get
to the point.

I want you to fix
what you broke.

I want you to hire Richard
as your consultant,

and resurrect him
in the fashion world.

This is fun!


I told you not
to come back here.

The prosecution's
over, Amanda.

This whole thing's
cleared up.

Please stay away.

I have no intention of repairing
this door a second time.

I gave up
my company,

walked away
stone broke.

And you know what?
I don't care.

I did it for you.

I'm sorry you had
to do that.

Doesn't this
mean anything to you?

Why would I give it all up
if I was a criminal?

Good-bye, Bobby.

Don't be afraid
of me.

I lost my temper before,
but it won't happen again.

I swear it.

Let go of me.

How can you not
believe me?

Leave her alone,


You trust this
snake and not me?

That's crazy,

I said
leave her alone!

It's between me and her.
Butt out.

There is no
you and her!

Oh, my God!


Somebody, help!


♪ ♪
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