04x31 - Full Metal Betsy

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Melrose Place". Aired: July 8, 1992 –; May 24, 1999.*
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Follows the lives and loves of eight young adults in an apartment complex in Los Angeles.
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04x31 - Full Metal Betsy

Post by bunniefuu »


Jake, stop it!

Jake, this isn't
the way to make
things right!

Get outta here.
If you k*ll him,
what does that solve?

Come on, Hanson. I'll ram this
down your throat.

This doesn't help Jane.

This is about her pain,
not your anger.

She needs you. She doesn't
need you in jail.

You know, that's
a good point, Alison.

Why don't we put this
on the 911 tape?

I hope you do call the cops.
It'll save me the trouble.

Look, I don't know what Jane
told you went on between
us in New York--

r*pe went on
between you!

Well, I have a different
perception, all right?

Maybe we got
our wires crossed.
You're scum.

No, no--
listen, Jake.

We'll take him to court.
He will not get away
with this.

He will be convicted,
and his life will
fall apart.

Jane will survive.

You better hope
you go to jail...

or else you're
a dead man.

Damn it.

I've told you
and I've told you
and I've told you--

I had nothing to do with
Bobby Parezi's death.
End of story.

It's the beginning
of the story I want to hear
down at the station.

Alycia Barnett k*lled him.

She said so.
I was talking to her
on her car phone.

There was a lot of static,
and we got cut off.

Oh, I'm sure she'll
call you back.

It's only been, what,
four hours.

Well, why don't you
go and find her?
She's Parezi's ex-lawyer.

Her name, again,
is Alycia Barnett.


She's right here,
Dr. Burns.

just brought her in.

Motor vehicle accident.



Bobby told me you set him up
and framed him for bribery.

You kept me in the dark!

I've said it
for the last time--

Never, never lie to me.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

♪ Don't know where
we went wrong ♪

♪ Hoping our love would
last forever ♪

♪ Picking up the pieces
of my broken heart ♪

♪ All the good times we had ♪

♪ It's funny how it's gone
so bad ♪

♪ If I could turn back time ♪

♪ I would do it right now ♪

♪ I would do it again
just to be with you ♪

♪ I would never let you down ♪

♪ For I know in my heart ♪

♪ That without you,
I live in the dark ♪

Once more...

you had motive and means,

he was pushed out your window,

there was a history of
v*olence between you.

Am I leaving anything out?

I'm not guilty.

Right, you couldn't
have k*lled him,
you were dining with, uh...

Kimberly Shaw
at the Flight Jacket Cafe.

Ask her.
I would, but we
can't find her.

So...a missing person,

a deathbed confession
nobody heard but you--

that's your hand?

I'd say
you're in trouble, pal.

Am I under arrest?
Because if I am,
I want my lawyer right now.

You can go.

But I wanna see you back here
tomorrow morning at 9:00 A.M.


Have you seen Amanda?
No, no.

So, what did you plead?

I didn't k*ll him,

and Kimberly's the only
one who can vouch for me.
Where's she?

How would I know? I've been
sleeping at the hospital.

Well, we gotta
find her, and it's not
just for me, Michael.

I've had my suspicions,
but I'm certain now.

She's suffering from
multiple personality

And how, pray tell,
did you come up with
this diagnosis?

Are you so dense
that you haven't noticed
a change in her?

Well, sure, but I just
confessed to a beauty
pageant affair.

It's making her a little
wiggy, that's all.

A little wiggy?
Michael, this is
the same woman

who tried to k*ll you
with a hammer in one
of her personalities.

That was her?
Yes, it was her!

And what about
the motorcycle mama?

You think that's the same
Kimberly who was buying

Kimberly, Betsy--
hell, she could probably
field a team by now.

You're serious about this.

She needs help, Michael.
She's lost.

And, God help me,
I need her.

Jane, you have gotta go
to the D.A. with this.

Let's get real,
all right?

I was drunk,
we were celebrating,
and I took him to my room.

Where he forced you
to have sex with him.

That is r*pe.
That is real.

Don't presume to tell me
how I feel about this.

I'm not.

I'm not,
I'm just--

I know the pain you
must be going though,

what any of us
would feel.

I'm not any of us, I'm me.

And I just want to get on
with my life.

I don't know how
that's possible.

Jane, I didn't come here
to beat you up.

I care about you.

Look, whatever
you want to do,
I'll support you.

Thank you.

But-but just
so you know--

I do have a friend
at the D.A.'s office.

Would you like me
to call her for you?

I was afraid to come,

but I feel better just
being here.


And it's such a relief
that you're a woman, too.

I mean, I really didn't
think I had a case,

but now I feel like
maybe there's hope.

Well, your instinct
was right.

This'll be
a tough one...

but it's doable.

Oh, I'm--
I'm glad you
feel that way.

You're facing some
big obstacles, though,

and you need to know
what they are going in.

Well, I know that it's
his word against mine.

It's more than that.

You're known lovers,
you'd been partying,
you took him home.

Why'd you wait so long
to report it?

Yeah, you gotta get your story
straight about that.

It's not a story.

I can get expert testimony
to support whatever you say.

The real problem is that

there's no physical evidence
on your side,

and all the witnesses
at the party that night
seem to confirm his story.

But he's guilty.


the next hurdle will be
preparing you to have
your sexual history

paraded in front
of the jury.

We'll do a mockup cross-exam,

but these things can be
brutal sometimes.

But he did it.

And we'll go after him
for it.

But the odds
are against conviction.

Still, prosecuting's
a good thing.

It'll give you back a sense
of your own personal power,

and it, um,
makes for a strong statement.

I'm not really one
for making statements.

Look, I know all this
must seem a bit harsh.

I just wanna give you a hint
of what it'll be like,

so you can make
a realistic decision.

I appreciate it.

Jane, if you do have
second thoughts about
pressing charges,

this isn't something
you can just...

put away in a drawer.

You have to deal with it,
one way or the other.

I can give you the name
of a good therapist.



I think I'll deal with this
all on my own.

Thank you.

It's 103.4. How long has this
fever been this high?

A couple
of weeks, maybe?

What took you so long
getting in here?

My chauffer got lost.

I hate it
when that happens.

I'm Dr. O'Malley.

Matt here has
told me your story.

We're gonna bring you in
the hospital for a few days,
do some tests,

get this thing
cleared up.
What thing?

Well, that's what we're
gonna find out, isn't it?

Nurse, take this young man
down to X-ray,

and then he's booked
into 314.

Yes, Doctor.
Hold on, man.
What's going on?

I mean, how sick am I?

You're sick, okay?
I don't know what.

You want to get better?
You do as I say.

Have a seat.
Go ahead, take him.

Yes, Doctor.

[clears throat]
That seemed a little, uh...


Well, I'm not in
the touchy-feely

Look, you've gotta learn
to separate yourself

from your patients'
emotions...and your own.

Easier said than done,
especially with a kid
that young.

He's of age, isn't he?
Yeah, I checked his I.D.

But he has no family.
He lives alone.

We're not gonna
adopt him, Matt.

Remember: Detachment.

It clarifies thought.
It's a tool.

As a doctor, we gotta
keep our tools sharp.

Sydney, I have to get
to the hospital.

I want you to keep calling

I'm tired of calling her.

It just reminds me
that Bobby is gone
from my life.

Uh, Syd,

Bobby was your roommate,
Kimberly is my wife.

Bobby "was".

Kimberly "is".

My loss is bigger
than yours.

Just call her.

And try all of her numbers,
starting with her cell phone.

What are you
doing here?

Just looking for
a little conversation.


I'm not very good
company tonight,
I'm afraid.

That's okay.

So, I have to sort
through these prints,

and mount them,
crop them...

Do you mind
if I watch?

It relaxes me to see
a craftsman at work.


I noticed.

Okay, you bought
yourself a seat.

Pull all the
black and whites.

[clears throat]

I love sorting things.

It's my favorite form
of relaxation.

I love sorting mail,

white blood cells...

something very Zen about it.

Well, you can sort that pile

right into the Zen
dumpster out back.

Hmm, please,
no dumpster talk.

We found a baby in one today
behind the hospital.

Kid was nearly dead.

Oh, God.
How awful.

You know, I'll never get why
a mother would have a baby

if she can't deal
with the responsibility
of caring for it.

Well, you don't know
her life circumstances.

Maybe she only had
bad options.

Well, sure, okay,

but when those choices
affect someone else, I mean--

It just--
it seems selfish to me.

Oh, and I suppose you've
been a single mother

and you know what those
pressures are all about.

Of course not, no.
Could you please leave?

What did I do?

I-- Nothing,
I'm just really tired,

and I wasn't expecting
any company.

Listen, if it's
something I said--

No, just go, okay?


[doorbell ringing]

I've decided not
to run away anymore.

I have to confront this.

All right.

It's truth time, Peter.

I have to know.
Did you set Bobby up?

Well, it's not that
simple, Amanda.

There were certain
levels of deception--

No more lies!

This is too important.

Alycia and I framed Bobby.

She wanted the company.

I wanted you.

So Bobby was clean
all along?

He never bribed
any politicians?


But I didn't k*ll him,

You've got to believe that.

He was in your office.

He left a message
on my machine

saying that he heard
someone coming.

He thought it was you.

It was Alycia.
I was having dinner
with Kimberly.

Hardly a reliable witness.

I'm the reliable
witness here.

Now, you said that
you wanted the truth.
Well, I'm an open book.

The stakes are too high
for anything else.

I don't know.

I better go.
I have to think about it.

No, no, no.
No more running!

And no more lies!

I need you.

I hate what you did.

Bobby didn't deserve that.

I didn't believe him.
He didn't deserve that,

I know he didn't.

I was wrong,
and I'm sorry.

But I couldn't stand
to lose you.

Now, if you don't love me,
then leave.

But if you do...
I need to know it.


That's okay, Peter.

I can wait until
you're alone.

[knocking on door]

Hi. We didn't
hear from you.

How'd it go
with the D.A.?

Just like
I predicted.

She said a trial
would be humiliating,

degrading, and that
I would probably lose.

Wait, I don't understand.
Does this mean you're not
gonna pursue it?

Yeah. It's over.
Over? Nothing is over.

Are you just gonna
make believe it
never happened?

I'm not gonna let this
dirtbag walk.

Jake, it's not about--
No, it's about Jane.

But it's tearing
me up inside.
Look at her.

I'm sorry, I know
this is making me crazy,
but I gotta do something.

Maybe you'd better
just leave.

Jane, please, let me take
care of you.

Look, you've done
what you could.

Don't stay all bottled up.
You're gonna explode.

Well, then you better
stay far away if you
don't wanna get hurt.

Amanda: I've gotta run,
I'm late for work.
Meet me for lunch?

I'd better call in.

I've got that police interview
in an hour,

and I'm not sure
how long it's gonna go.


I'm here for you, Peter.
No matter what.

[door closes]


Can I come in?

Yeah, I'm glad
you're here.

Are you all right?

No, um, I'm worse.

I think Michael's cheating
just pushed me over the edge.

You have to help me, Peter.
I need hospitalization.

All right,
I'll call Wilshire Memorial.

No, it has to be some--

somewhere where nobody
knows me, otherwise
it's too humiliating.

Right, well,
I'm sure we can find--

I found a place.
It's called Willow Bridge.

It's up north.
I already called them,
and they have space for me.

That's-- That's very
brave of you.

But you're safe now,
all right? I'm here.

You can't imagine
how comforting that is.

I'll take you right
to Willow Bridge,

but first we have
to go to the police

and you have to confirm
that we were together
the other night, okay?

Okay, Peter.
Whatever you need.


Fever to 104 last night.

Chest's negative
and blood culture's negative.

Tell me, are you
having any joint pains?


I got a big pain
in my butt joint.

I want out of here.

What's the matter?
What are you, scared
to stay in the hospital?

What do you
think's gonna happen?
The boogeyman, maybe?

I ain't scared.
Then quit your whining.

We're giving you
three hots and a cot.

That's a hell of a lot
better than what you get
on the street.

Listen, we'll be the ones
to tell you when it's time
to leave.

Good job.

It's tricky sometimes
making sure a patient

doesn't sabotage
his own therapy.

The hard part's
pretending you
don't care.

Well, if it gets
too hard for you,

maybe you can go back
to being a social worker.

You know what?
That happens to be

a very important job
in this hospital.

I see nothing wrong
with showing--

Touchy, touchy.

Now, you're gonna have to get
a thicker skin than that

if you wanna stay
on my team.

Knock, knock.

I thought I warned you
not to tell anyone what
happened in New York.

Who else did you talk to,
the cops?

No police.

Well, you obviously
cried to your boyfriend.

I'm telling you,
he better not show
his face here again.

You don't have to worry
about Jake or Alison

They're old baggage.
I'm cleaning house.


So, what do you want,

Well, I think it's
time that we put our
bad memories aside.

I don't have any
bad memories.

Well, that's good.
Then it should be easy.

We need to stay on task.
We have a business to run.

I'm glad you finally
came to your senses.

What happened
between us...

was special.

And it always will be.

Well, I think we both
know what we want by now,

and we're mature enough
to go for it.

Well, let's get busy, then.


It's just one more block
to the station.

I want you to know
this is really gonna
help me, Kimberly.

That's what friends
are for, Peter.

And I just want you to know
that I'll make sure

that they take
good care of you.




What did you--
What did you give me?

Just a little something...
to calm you down.

Don't be angry, Peter.

I'm not angry.

And don't worry.
I'll take care of you.

Just call the police station.
It's right down the street.

Oh, I think a hospital
is a better place for you

in this condition.

What are you doing?

I'd better drive.
I don't think you'd pass
a sobriety test.




I phoned you from the car.
They said you weren't
taking calls.

I am kinda busy,

Yeah, well, listen,
I've been driving around

looking for Kimberly and
now Peter's missing.

What do you mean?
I mean he didn't
show up to surgery.

He didn't come
into the office.

Do you have any idea
where he is?

This morning he said
he was on his way
to the police station.

Yeah, well, the police
came by the office.

He was a no-show
for them, too.

They've got a warrant
out for his arrest.

Oh, that's ridiculous.
He didn't do it.

He couldn't have.
Well, I'm beginning
to think he did.

The police said nobody at
that airplane restaurant
recognized his photo.

You know, maybe he--
maybe he kidnapped

to brainwash her
into alibiing him.

Don't be absurd.
Peter's no kidnapper.

No, but he's a scam artist
and a manipulator

and a liar--

He's not a liar.

At least not to me.
He tells me the truth.

Where he's been
and what he's done.

The truth is,
he didn't k*ll Bobby.

Truth is...

I'm worried.

Something's wrong.
I can feel it.

My name is
Dr. Peter Burns.

I'm here to admit
my patient Kimberly Shaw.

Yes, hi, Dave.
This is the new patient
I just called you about.

Thank you for
meeting us
so promptly.

No problem,
Dr. Shaw.

I gotta get some fresh air,
and I'll be fine.

Oh, Mr. Peters,
I'm afraid the windows

in your room
don't open.

Where you going?

Wait a minute.
Hold it.

I'll be right in
to admit him.

I just need to get
his chart.

Wait a minute,
I'm the doctor.

This woman
is my patient!

Oh, yes, Mr. Peters
often thinks he's
a physician.

He's quite volatile,
so be careful,

and do medicate him...

Don't listen to her!

I'm the doctor!

I'm the doctor!

Let go of me!

I'm the doctor!

How can anybody
live like this?


What? What?
Michael, I did not
give you permission

to sleep here.

We are still having
a trial separation.

That means you stay
out of my bed.

Kimberly, where have you been?
I've been worried to death
about you.

You don't show up at home
or at the office or anywhere.

I've been arranging

a complicated
all right?

Yeah, well,
Peter needs you
to call the cops--

about that dinner
you two had out.

It's his alibi
for why he couldn't
have k*lled Bobby.

What dinner?

We never had any dinner out.

And as far as I'm concerned,
if Bobby's dead,

then Peter probably
did k*ll him.

Um, Kimberly...

Peter also diagnosed you
as having

multiple personality
disorder, and, um,

I'm a little

You're a little

My reputation is being smeared

by a wanted m*rder*r,

and you're listening
to his accusations?

Kimberly, come back.
We need to talk.
Peter's in trouble.

Forget Peter.
He's obviously on the run.

Hell, he's probably
in Rio by now.

Excuse me.

Uh-- Whoa.

You're in the way,

I'd like to speak
to the doctor in charge.

I didn't hear you
say please.

I guess today
must be your lucky day.

Here comes
Dr. Tucker now.

Excuse me.

My name is
Dr. Peter Burns,

and I think
there's been a--
a mistake made here.

A patient of mine,
Kimberly Shaw,

has convinced you people
that I'm a patient.

Has Dr. Shaw
come in today?

That-- that's
also true, uh...

She is a doctor,
so I can understand
your confusion.

I'm not confused.

Do you...
feel confused?

I can prove to you
I'm a doctor.

The...the differential
diagnosis of eosinophilia...

is neoplasm.

Addison's disease
is, uh...

collagen-vascular syndrome.

Why, that's excellent.
You're a voracious
reader, I see.

Yes, but the point is--

I know just the person
for you.


Come over here.
I want you to
meet someone.

Louie, this is
Mr. Peters,

another erudite

Like a patient etherized
upon the table,

Betty Grable is unable
to reduce a double-helix--


That's fine, Louie.
Maybe we can get

sometime later.

If you'd
only call my office--

It's just a poem.

If you don't like poetry,
we can always talk about
something else.

What are you interested in?

Getting out of here.
[Louie laughing]

I dream
about that one!

One time-- one time--

one time,
mama took me on a picnic.

It was so pretty.

I write her letters.

You gotta get me
out of here.

If I could use a phone--

Please relax, Mr. Peters.
There's no reason to act out.

I'm not acting out.

I'm acting...

I'm wanted by the police.

Call them.
I missed an interrogation.

Do they interrogate
you often, Mr. Peters?

I'm not Mr. Peters!

I am Dr. Peter Burns!

And I am totally,
unmistakably sane!

Do you hear me?

I am-- look,
I'm telling you
to call the police.

They'll wanna know
where I am!

I took--
call 'em!

Paranoid delusion.

25 milligrams
of chlorpromazine,

Your reputation's
at stake here, you know!

People are looking for me!

Dr. Peter Burns!

I'm stoked.
I think this is gonna be our
hottest collaboration ever.

Can't wait.

We should
redecorate your office,
make that room feel new.


And take out an ad
in the trades.


This makes me sick.

I should've called the cops on
you for assaulting me, Hanson,

but now you're harassing
Jane, and that's where
I draw the line.

Am I missing something
here or what?

Isn't this the guy
that r*ped you?

I told you
it was consensual.

I'm talking to her.
Don't judge me.

Don't do this.
Do what, Jake?

Work with this slime
so you can sell more dresses

so you can be a success.

Success is something you
wouldn't know about...


meet me in the car.

I need a minute
with Jake.

Jane, please--

Did it ever occur to you
that I might prefer Richard's
company to yours,

or are you too dense
to get it?

I just can't believe--
Believe it, Jake.

I don't wanna see you


Hello, Mr. Peters.

How are you feeling?

I'm feeling calm
and oriented.

Uh, I know I'm
making progress.

I'm so glad.
Progress is our most
important product.

It's your influence,
I think.

You have a very therapeutic
way about you.

Well, thank you,
Mr. Peters.

You're so sweet.

No, no,
I mean that.

See, I've known
a lot of nurses--

Mr. Peters.

Are you ready for your
therapy session?

Dr. Shaw,
I feel better already.

Good, good. Why don't we take
a little walk?

I'm begging you
to let me go.

What do you want?

You want me to promise
I won't meddle in your--
in your life?

I want your appreciation
of the symmetry.

You imprisoned Kimberly
in an asylum,

now I've committed you.

You drugged Kimberly,
now I--

Okay, turnabout
is fair play,

but I got you out,
if you recall,

so the symmetric thing
to do is to release me.

Ah, ah, ah.

You haven't learned
your lesson yet.

I've given them
my real address...

My Social Security

That's all right,

I forged new papers for you,

and I've told everyone here
that you have a gift

for impersonating real doctors
whose I.D.s you steal.

Kimberly.. .

Kimberly's gone.

Rita's in lockdown.

I'm Betsy.
I'm in charge now.

And you don't get out
till I say you get out.

Don't you think the director
of this institute

might have something
to say about that?

Well, actually,
and this is so karmic,

but I'm the acting director
for the week.

What do you mean,
you're the director?

Well, I've been moonlighting
here for weeks.

Dr. Tucker and I have
an excellent working

and now that he's on vacation,
he's asked me to cover.

Kimberly.. .


Let me try
and make you well.


putting you through
everything you put me through

is what will
make me well.

Don't obsess
about it.

In a way...

you'll be free soon.

Hey. Let's open a tab,
shall we?

I'll have a drink
with you.

Give me some help
here, Jake.

I've been a total jerk
with Alison.

I love her,
and I want her back.

And I thought maybe,
you know,

you could talk some sense
into her for me.

You know, you have been in
and out of love with Alison
since I've known you.


I have always loved her,
I just didn't always know it,

and she didn't
always accept it.

Well, those aren't
related, anyway.

Yeah, 'cause
women are nuts.

No kidding.

Sounds like you've been getting
some grief from Jane.

Can we talk about
something else?

There you go,
clamming up on me.

What do you want from me?
Male bonding in the woods
with a couple of drums?

I'll stick with the beer.

I'll tell you what
happened with Jane.

I opened up.
I gave a damn.
I had some feelings.

That's a losing proposition
no matter how you look at it.

It is if you give up.

Come on.
Don't let her walk away.

Look, you don't even know
what you're talking about,

so why don't you
just drop it?

[clears throat]

Let's have a real drink.

No, thanks.

I don't know what you think
we're gonna find out here
that the police couldn't.

Nobody talks to cops.
Cops intimidate people.

Thank you.

We're just
fish lovers.
Oh, okay.

Name's Dutch.

Specials tonight,
snapper, mahi, ahi.

Yeah, right. Have you seen
this guy in here?

What are you, cops again?
What are you, the mayor?

I asked you a simple question--
Thank you, Michael.

We'll have
the ahi, please.

What did you
do that for?

I would've made that bozo
think we were cops.

Why did I come here
with you?

Take your picture?

Remember tonight forever.


Let me handle
this one, Sherlock.

Uh, this is kind
of a special night
for us,

but Enrico here
is a little shy.

Oh, I'll make him
look gorgeous.

Well, I'm not
expecting miracles,

but do you have
any samples of
your recent work?

Oh, sure.

Oh, look.

I don't see Peter
anywhere, but that
is Kimberly.

And it's dated last week.
So she was lying about
not being here.

Uh, hey, you want
a picture or what?

You know what? We're gonna
think about it.

Would you give us
a minute? Thank you.

Obviously, Kimberly was
trying to hide something.

It sure would be nice if we
could nose around her office,

look at her calendar,
listen to her messages...

I could probably
get in there tomorrow.

We could get in.

There is no way I am
letting Peter's fate dangle

between you
and your psycho bride.

Hey, Peter's nobody's fool.

I'd lay odds
he's doing just fine.

You better hope so,
'cause I happen
to love the guy,

and I have a sinking

that Kimberly's behind
this whole mess.

Yeah, well, whatever
this whole mess is,

I'm sure there's a completely
innocent explanation to it.


They'll be singing...

"Come, all you
young fellas...

and follow..."

Who do those
fellas follow?

Their hearts, Jake.

They follow
their hearts.

Until they lose 'em!
As you know, those hearts...

can be some
slippery things.


Why don't you just
close your eyes
and hang on tight?

And I'm sure everything will
look better in the morning.

Alison, you are
the employee
of the month.

I'm glad you think it,

I'm not lying
to you.

Then how about
a raise, boss?

No wonder Billy loves you.
You must give him that
special feeling.

You know what
I'm talking about.

You pass someone
a thousand times,

say hi and then move on,

and then you see 'em
and something's different,

and you realize,
"She's it.

She's really it."

Is that what Jane is to you?

Jane's nothing to me.

Well, I know how you feel.

Billy and I used to be
such great friends.

I wish it could be like
that again, just...

great friends.

Good night.

Dr. Shaw, that new boy,

He said you told him
that he'd be leaving soon.

Leaving his senses,
if anything.

His mental status
keeps deteriorating.

Seems to me he's been
getting better.

In fact, I thought
we could lower
his medication soon.

I want his
chlorpromazine increased
to four injections a day.

And if his agitation
doesn't stop,

he's to be put
in leather restraints.

Isn't that
a little severe?

Miss Benson,

Mr. Peters happens to be
violent and self-destructive,

and he's gotten progressively
worse in his last three

Now, if we don't cure him
this time,

I'm quite certain he'll
never leave here alive.

Why do I have to keep
asking you what you're
doing in front of me?

Your service told me
where you were.

I just wanted to apologize
for making you angry.

I don't know what I did...

but I wanna make up.

I have feelings for you.

Not for me.

For who you imagine
me to be.

What I imagine is
that you're hurting,

and that you need
to talk.

Well, I'm here
to listen.

Well, maybe it's
none of your business.

Come on, talk to me.

Can't you take a hint?
I am not your type.

What type are you?

I am the type
who gave up her baby

because she couldn't handle
the responsibility of
taking care of it.

That's it?
That's the big secret?

You were horrified
at that mother

who left her baby
near the hospital.

Yeah, you left your baby
in a dumpster?


I gave him up for adoption


How is that like what
I was talking about?

You said a mother who couldn't
take care of her child--

But you did take care
of your child.

You took good care.
You gave your child
a home,

a new life,
and I love you for that.

Don't use that word.


Look, I have been
avoiding you, I know.

'cause I can't stand the idea
of getting hurt again.

And I refuse
to let myself open up.

And you keep refusing
to go away.


Check this.

This is Peter's.

Oh, my God.
She's done something
with him.

Wait a second.
I'm sure there's
a less-sinister explanation.

I'm gonna call
the police.

Wait a second. We can follow-up
on this ourselves.

Peter could be
in serious danger.

Yeah, and Peter could've
planted this stuff

to make Kimberly look bad,
so he could escape
without being followed.

I'm gonna call the police.
Wait a second, now.

Look, if the cops bust Kimberly,
her life is over.

She'll spend years
in the slammer, and she'll
never practice medicine again.

And what a tragedy
that would be.

Hey. You may love Peter,
but I love this woman.

So you wanna give us
a break?

I'll give you one more day.

After that,
all bets are off.

I just hope that maniac
wife of yours

hasn't completely
lost it again.

Time for a walk, bub.

Sure, Dave.

I'd like that.

You think you
can fool me?

You think you're
so damn smart?

Not really.

I don't even think I'm a doctor
anymore, Dave.

that's good.

Then you won't mind
doing a patient thing
with me.

Where're we going?

Going to hell.

Going to hell.

It's okay,
Mr. Peters.

It's okay.
I'll be there.

It's all right.

Don't look so shocked,
Mr. Peters.

You won't feel a thing.

No, Kimberly!

No, you can't
do this!

This is insane!

I got his legs.

Listen to me!

Don't do this.


You can't do this!
Kimberly, please!

I don't need
shock therapy!

[electricity crackling]

[Peter groaning]

I'm gonna start an I.V. here.

Yeah, why?
What's going on?

We just wanna
give you some fluids,

maybe some medicine.

It's like nobody's
telling me what's
going on, man.

This ain't right.

I don't think you dudes
know what you're doing.

Hey, we dudes know
exactly what we're doing.

Now, you are gonna
feel a little stick.
Okay, make a fist.


You got some tough
veins here.

I guess I'm gonna have to try
this thing again. Hold on.

No freakin' way, man.
I am out.

No, you can't leave.

I'm here-- I'm
taking care of you.

I'll take care
of myself.

Oh, no.


You seem kinda
new at this.

Yeah, this is
my first g*n.

Oh, yeah?
What'd you get it for?


Safe sex.

♪ ♪
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