02x03 - Man on a String

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Fugitive". Aired: September 17, 1963 – August 29, 1967.*
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Dr. Richard is wrongly convicted for a m*rder he didn't commit, escapes custody and ends up in a game of cat-and-mouse with the real k*ller.
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02x03 - Man on a String

Post by bunniefuu »

What makes you so
certain she didn't k*ll him?

I was with her.

Doesn't that make
some sort of point?

That she'd pick up
someone like you, a vagrant.

She didn't pick me up.

What else and why?

We're talking maybes,
let me suggest one.

Who was with her out
there at the Procter place?

Who gave her a
hand? With the car?

With a m*rder she
couldn't bring off alone.

A QM Production.

Starring David Janssen
as Dr. Richard Kimble.

An innocent victim
of blind justice,

falsely convicted for
the m*rder of his wife,

reprieved by fate when
a train wreck freed him

en route to the death house.

Freed him to hide
in lonely desperation,

to change his identity,
to toil at many jobs.

Freed him to search
for a one-armed man

he saw leave the
scene of the crime.

Freed him to run before
the relentless pursuit

of the police lieutenant
obsessed with his capture.

The guest stars
in tonight's story:

Lois Nettleton, John
Larch, Patricia Smith.

The road is endless
for Richard Kimble.

Endless. Uncertain.


Lark, is that you?

I... I'm sorry.

I-I thought it... I
thought it was...

Do you need some help?

Yeah, the, uh...

The silly thing's
gone on strike.

Just quit running?

Uh, no, no.

Um, I was parked, and, uh...

And then, when I
went to start it up, it...

I-I was waiting for someone,

and, well, he... He
didn't show, so...

I was stood up.

The battery okay?

Yeah, the darn engine
turns over. It just won't catch.

I've been cussing it out.

Well, maybe you don't know
the right words. Mind if I try?

Yeah, thanks.

Um, I'm Lucey Russell.

How are you?

I'm tired.

Joe Walker.

Why don't you sit in the car?

Hope I can help.

I feel better already.

Try the starter.

Hey, you're smart.

Your, uh, carburetor
was flooded.

Let it run a while.

Well, they say it's nice to
have a man around the house.

Me, I'll take one for the road.

I bet you're a
careful driver too.

You are headed for
Overton, aren't you?

Well, yes, but, uh...

Then you're going my way

and thank you very much.

I'm sorry there's just
the cheese and jam.

I mostly eat at the Golden Cage.

It's a crummy
place. I work there.

You know, there's
something about you.

I don't know exactly.

Maybe it's the
way I eat crackers.

You know, a girl should
never say to a guy,

"You remind me of
another man I know,"

but you remind me
of another man I know.

Is that a laugh? I don't know.

Hm, it's a laugh.

He stood me up. You came along.

E-even your voice
sounds a little bit like him

when you talk.

I hate arguments. Do
you hate arguments?

I hate arguments.

I hate 'em.

I've been hating
this one all day.

This one?

This one that I
was going to have

with Lark Adams, only
you showed up instead,

so I didn't.

Now, if he would just stop
showing up altogether...

Am I making myself clear?


I'm glad he didn't show up.

Clear enough?

Who is Lark Adams?

I've been asking
myself that for six years.

But on the other
hand, who are you?

Where were you going when we

chanced to meet on
the roadside of life?


That's no hand for
digging potatoes.

I guess I've been
in the city too long.


That's George Duncan.

He's a friend of mine.


Um, I just got a call from Amy.

Lucky you.

She's worried.

Lark went out someplace
and hasn't come home

so she asked me to stop and see.

He's not here. I haven't
seen him all night.

I'll tell her.

Well, uh, thank you,

and I guess I'd better be going.

It's late.

Not much chance
of getting a lift.

Well, the highway's
only three miles away.

I wouldn't put a dog
out this time of night.

If you're worried
about my reputation,

you couldn't make it
any worse in this town.


Well, what about mine?

You're safe.

Of course, George
Washington never slept here,

but I do have an Aunt Martha.

There you are.

Clean night table,

compliments of the management.

You know something, Joe Walker?

You've got a face.

Well, thank you, if
that's a compliment.

It's a compliment.

Uh, you'd better lock the
door before you go to sleep.

We've had prowlers.


You shouldn't have
come over here.

Amy, a woman don't want to
look at her husband when he's...

Not like this.


I'll call you after
the autopsy, Jake.

No question,

he was shoved through the rail.


Unless he fell.

Lark Adams?

Well, he could've had a
couple of belts too many.

Someone moved the body.

He landed there.

We found him over there.

Somebody moved him.

Well, like who?

Well, all I know is

someone called
him up at the Tavern,

made a date to
meet him out here.

I got two witnesses
say it was Lucey Russell.

Well, yeah. I
mean, right is right.

Just because she had a date
don't mean that she k*lled him.

Well, somebody did.

Somebody was here.

Long enough to
smoke three of these.

Suppose you take a run
over there, and find out

what kind of lipstick she uses.


Well, thanks for breakfast.

Thanks for everything.

You know, I, uh...

I could learn to like
you, Joe Walker.

So if you ever get tired
of digging potatoes...

Lucey, ain't you
got no sense at all?

You know what this
town thinks of you already.

And you know what
I think of this town.

Joe Walker, George Duncan.

Mr. Walker fixed my
car for me last night.

Saved me a long, long walk.

And he was a lot nicer
about it than most men.

A long walk from where?

The old Procter cottage.

I was walking into town.

What time? I mean,
what happened out there?

My car broke down.

Around 11:15. Uh, a
truck driver gave me, uh,

a lift to the crossroads.

George, what in the world?

We'd better go inside.


what time did you leave
the Golden Cage last night?

Ten forty-five.

Lark asked me to call
him at the Tavern, and I did.

And, uh, I said I'd meet him

out by the old
Procter cottage by 11.

And then he never showed
up. And if you see him,

you can tell him
for me next time...

Lucey, he's dead.

What do you mean?

I'm sorry.

But, he can't...
He can't be dead.

He... He was k*lled. Last night.

Doc says between
10:30 and midnight.


That leaves you only
maybe 15 minutes to explain.

Leaves me?

You don't think she did it?

It ain't what I think,

it's what Jake Mead thinks.

He's the sheriff.
I'm only the deputy.

She didn't k*ll anyone.

She didn't even know he
was dead. I was with her.

All right.

Then suppose you come
with me and tell it to the sheriff.

The sheriff? I... Who else?

You're the only alibi she's got.

Come on. Bring the bag.

Maybe it's too much, Amy.

You didn't have to come over.

No, I wanted to help. I...

If there was anything
you had to know.

I think we know about
all we got to know.

Her callin' him last night,

askin' him to meet
her out there and all.

I don't want to get
anyone in trouble.

Why did you let him go?

Because he...

He told me it was over.

That's the only reason he...

That's why he went out
to meet her, because he...

He was gonna end
it, once and for all.

And I thought if he could
just make it plain to her,

make her understand,
and stop bothering him.

You got the whole
town with you, Amy.

Just keep remembering that.

I'm sorry. I'm really all right.

I just seem to cry.

Why don't you go home
and get some rest, huh?


Ain't Jake got
no feelings at all?

George. Now, Amy,

you've had enough
trouble already this morning.

He shouldn't have called you in.

He didn't have to dump
you right into this mess.

He can't help it and I...

I'd rather get it over with.

George, I appreciate
your kindness.

Amy Adams. Lark's wife.

Well, let's go talk to Jake.

About what?

What's he done?

Oh, heh, nothing, Jake.

But you're wrong about Lucey.

He can prove it. He
was with her last night.

Uh, on the road.

I, uh... I saw her
car. It was stalled.

I helped to get it started.
She gave me a ride into town.

She didn't see this fellow Lark.

She thought I was Lark.


Joe Walker.


Buffalo, New York.


Well, I don't have
a job right now.

I was just, uh, you know,

passing through
looking for work.


Oh, come on, Jake,
he's only a witness.

You saw that little
lady leaving just now?

Somebody hurt her pretty bad.

Somebody's gonna answer for it.

You wouldn't be
smart to get in the way.

Well, I thought you
just might like to know

that that somebody
is not Lucey Russell,

that's all.

Be havin' an inquest
in a couple of days.

If you wanna stay and
testify, it's up to you.

Oh, boy, I wouldn't say
he had his mind made up.

Isn't anyone in this town
interested in evidence?

Well, they'd have to be,

if you were to stay and testify.

Well, you are gonna stay?

W-well, now, look, it's
just a couple of days to you.

It could mean her life.

Why, this town, they'd hang her

in a minute and
make it a holiday.

Well, you... You
wouldn't let them do that,

would you?

No, I guess not.

So Maury Wills takes a ball.

That makes it three balls
and one strike on Wills,

hitting right-handed
against Warren Spahn.

Spahnie apparently a
little upset on this ball.

He just turned his back on
home plate for a moment,

rubbing up the ball.

Hi. How about a cup of coffee?

Now, Spahnie turns around...

There might be a short wait.

I'm kind of rushed.

Spahnie goes to wind
up and delivers too high.

Ball four.

So Maury Wills
opens up the ball game

with a base on balls.

And the batter
will be Willie Davis.

The Dodgers of course,
have several weapons

at their command.

Where is everyone?

Mm, you see how popular I am?

It's funny. Not even
the sheriff has been out,

and there's gotta be
questions he wants to ask.

He knows you're innocent.

He knows I was with you.

George called me.

He said you were
going to testify.

I, uh...

I had it written all up.

Had it notarized. It's
what they call a deposition.

You're not gonna be here?

Well, Lucey, anything
I could say is in there.

You just show them that
and they can't hurt you.

You don't know this town.

If they get the chance,
they'll rip me apart

like a bunch of wolves.

Well, I hate to run out
like this, when, you know...

Then stay.

I, uh,

can't stay.

Why not?


Joe, you can tell me.

Can't tell you, Lucey.

Hang on to the deposition.

No balls and two
strikes to Wally Moon.

Bottom of the first
inning, no score.

Maury Wills at second,
Willie Davis at first.

Spahn, again into
his stretch. Kicks high,

comes back to the
plate, low and outside,

ball one.

One and two.

Spahn goes to the
rosin bag, taking his time.

Veteran left-hander. Now
looks in to getting time.

Wills has a pretty
good lead at second.

And Willie Davis not
being held on at first.

Still waiting now with
Spahn on the rubber

and goes to the stretch.

Spahn ready and
delivers, Moon swings,

and there goes a long drive...

Jake, this is Lucey
Russell. Is George there?

No, he's off tonight.


No. I got no idea.

Has Jake put her in jail yet?


You don't want
to go thinkin' bad

about Lucey Russell.

How can I help it?
It isn't what I think.

It's what everybody
knows. She k*lled him.

But they could be so
wrong. D-don't ya see?

They could be so wrong.

I know she phoned
him at the Tavern.

Everybody was
watching and listening.

But, now, he
didn't say right out

that it was Lucey, did he?

And Lark was
always lyin' to you.

Oh, he said it was
a business call.

Ah, you see?

Another one of his lies.

And he had no...

He had no business
yellin' at you like that,

shovin' you around.

Yeah, I saw it, Amy. I saw it.

I saw him do it,
and I heard him,

and I heard you cry.

I was out in the Tavern
kitchen havin' a sandwich.

Yeah, and it wasn't the
first time, either. Now, was it?

He hit you plenty. Plenty
of times before. Right here.

Right here in this house.
I've heard it from just outside.

A-and... And I wanted
to make him stop it.

I'm tellin' you, when...

When I saw him slap
you out in that parking lot,

and... A-and then just

drag you out of the car.

You saw him go? You
saw him go to meet her?

I saw him,

and I almost went after
him right then, but...

I wish I had've.

Oh, how I wish I
had've instead of...

Instead of...

So you see, Amy,

that's why I...

That's why I know
they're wrong about Lucey.

She wasn't even there.

She wasn't?

Now, Amy, believe
me, it was an accident.

Y-you see, I was mad for
how he hurt you last night,

for all those other times.


It... It was an accident, Amy.

You gotta understand.

I only wanted to beat a
little decency into him.

And then he went right
through the rail. I didn't mean it.

I w... I was only
trying to help.

I only did it for you.

You fool.

You big, stupid, clumsy fool.

So how can you
lock me up for this?

You read Joe
Walker's deposition.

Where's this Joe Walker now?

Don't ask me.

He was heading for Idaho.

You must be losin' your touch.

Now, Jake, what
kind of crack is that?

You meet a man, don't
hold him any longer than that.

Just like he was never here.

But you've got his
deposition. He wrote it.

Anybody can write somethin' out.

He had it notarized.

Just takes a dollar
for the notary.

That don't prove it's true.

Now, look, I never
saw the man before.

Why would he do
something like that for me?

You could have paid him off.

One way or another.

All right, Jake.

I'll remember
that, next election.

Might be kind of hard to vote

where you're gonna be.

I can prove you were at the
old Procter cottage last night.

You smoked three of
those, and left the butts.

I never said I wasn't there.

I got witnesses say
you went to meet Lark.

Well, he never
showed up and I left.

After you pushed
him through the rail.

Now, why would I
do a thing like that?


If he told you he was through.

If you got sore.

Far as this town
goes, it's pretty plain.

Yeah, they're gonna have
a real field day, aren't they?

Looking down their
long, blue noses.

I ain't gonna hurt no feelings

locking you up.

You gotta lock me up?

You ain't the only
one that votes.

Been a lot of
pressure buildin' up.

Well, come on.

Any choice in the menu?


Wh... Are you holding her?

No, she likes it here.
Must be the view.

Oh, come on. Now, look,
Jake... I can't argue it now.

Doc Phillips is waitin'.

Gotta set up the inquest.

Here. I'll be back in an hour.


I ought to break
your stupid little neck.

Running around
the country all night.

Why didn't you go
home after work?

You know why.

Playing games
with a guy like Lark.

You know what he was.

A cheap, rotten, no-good...

He loved me, George.

In his own way, out
of this whole town,

he loved me.

Must be true, what they
say about fools and children.

Lucky for you Walker's
gonna stay and help clear you.

Don't give any odds.

He promised me. I... I
talked to him yesterday.

Well, that was yesterday.

Today, he's gone.

You take a gal like
that Lucey Russell,

tryin' to blind the
scales of justice.

How's that?

Oh, some kind of phony alibi.

She got some fellow
to sign it for her.


Come out of nowhere
and went nowhere.

Gotta get up early
to fool Jake Mead.

Jake's our sheriff.

Tossed that paper of
hers right out the window.

He's going to rule it out?

Heh. Already has.

I tell you, this inquest
is gonna be somethin'.

Doc Phillips got it
set up for tomorrow.

Huh. Gotta get some hustling

to get back from Batesville.

And you have to get back?

Can't get out of it.

I'm on the jury.

I'm so glad you came.

I had to talk to you. I had
to explain about last night.

The words just came
out wrong, that's all.

I was so frightened,
George, for you.

I've been worried all day.

Have you found him yet?

How'd you know I
was looking for him?

George, the whole town
knows. Have you found him?


Got tracers out all
the way to Boise,

but one chance in a
million, a drifter like that.

What if he's disappeared?

You're not planning to...?

You wouldn't tell
Jake how it happened?

Amy, I can't let
Lucey take it for me.

George, would it be for you?

Isn't she the one
who really k*lled him?

It's her fault, George.
She destroyed his...

His life, his
marriage, his pride.

No. Whatever you
did, she forced you to it.

It's her fault he
treated me so badly.

It's her fault you hated him.

It's her fault.


I can't do that, Amy.

I can't.

I should have known you
could never hurt anyone.

Only us. You'd
throw it all away,

everything we might have.


Amy, I... I never thought.

I've lost one man. It's
hard to lose another.

Amy. Amy.

Please, George, it's too soon.

I gotta get back.

I'll call you later.

Hey, George. Hey.

H-hey, man, you had me
hung out on the line to dry.

Come on, why did you take off?

I had to find work. Yeah,
but a couple more days

wouldn't make that much
difference. Sneaking out,

sneaking back in the dark.

Well, I couldn't leave
her like that, so...

Well, then, why did you run off?

Hey, you in some
kind of trouble?

Come on. Forget this. You
ain't talking to the badge.

As far as I know, you're all
right. I mean, you came back.

Can we leave it at that?

All right, I guess.

You know, the, uh, sheriff
threw out your deposition.

Yeah, I heard that. Why?

Well, he's got the whole
town pressuring him.

Especially Amy, Lark's widow.

She won't settle for
less than first degree.

She has no proof.

Proof or no proof, that
makes no difference.

So I tell you,

you gotta stand up and
you gotta say your piece.

Now the inquest is set
for tomorrow morning.


And let me tell you this:

If you even think about
skipping out again...

Well, you don't.

Man, you're the only
chance she's got.

Unless you come
up with the m*rder*r.

With the m*rder*r?

Somebody k*lled Lark.

Got any ideas?

Who's trying so
hard to blame Lucey?

Who else had a reason?


Forget it.

Forget it.

I'll, uh... I'll tell
Lucey you're back.

I'll say I knew him. Intimately.

Oh, I mean...

Yeah, I know what you
mean but you're all wrong.

You see, I'm a model,
he's a photographer,

and occasionally we do a job.

Mrs. Adams, I'm Joe Walker.

You were with
George the other day.

Uh, won't you come in?

Thank you.

Please sit down.

May I...? May I fix one for you?

No, thank you.

I-I couldn't sleep.

I thought a nightcap might...

Well, Mrs. Adams...

Just for a moment
you looked like Lark.

It's your mouth, I think.

Well, I'll have to
get used to that,

turning and seeing someone...

Mr. Walker, what
can I do for you?

I know you've been hurt,

but that's no reason to
try to destroy someone.

I'm not destroying her.

Well, you are pulling
pretty hard on the rope.

We have courts and judges
and juries, Mr. Walker,

if you have anything to say.

Unfortunately, it's not
what I say. It's what you say.

Who made you the conscience
of us all? Why come to me?

Because I think we
both know she didn't do it.

Then tell me who did.
Who else had a reason?

Just going to ask you that.

Whose husband was fooling
around with Lucey Russell?

Who was one of the few people

that knew he'd be
there that night?

Mr. Walker, if I were you, I
wouldn't even suggest that.

I have a lot of
friends in this town.

You mean the sheriff.

Jake Mead and my
father grew up together.

What makes you so
certain she didn't k*ll him?

I was with her.

Doesn't that make
some sort of point?

That she'd pick up
someone like you, a vagrant.

She didn't pick me up.

What else and why?

We're talking maybes,
let me suggest one.

Who was with her out
there at the Procter place?

Who gave her a
hand? With the car?

With a m*rder she
couldn't bring off alone.

If you don't mind, I'm tired.

I have the inquest tomorrow.

Sheriff's office.


Something wrong?

He's back. Your Mr. Walker.

Yeah, I know.

I don't want him
back. I want him to go.

But Amy...

You heard me, George.
By tomorrow morning,

you get rid of him,
or I'll go to Jake.

I'll go to Jake and I'll talk

and I'll break you in two.

Cold lemonade. Who
wants cold lemonade,

hot dogs and hot coffee?

Good morning, son. You
want some lemonade?

Hot coffee and sweet rolls here.

Hot coffee, right? Yes, sir.

Lemonade. I got
ice-cold lemonade.

I got ice-cold ice cream.

Who wants some cold ice
cream or some cold lemonade?

I got hot dogs with mustard
and relish and onions.

Who wants some ice-cold
lemonade on a hot day?

Lemonade. I got ice-cold
lemonade and I got ice cream.

I got coffee and hot dogs.

Who wants ice-cold lemonade?

He's still here.

Well, yeah, Amy. I...
You didn't do what I said.

Well, now, Amy, she didn't
do it. I couldn't put it on her.

If Walker doesn't say his...
I warned you. I told you.

Now, you look here,
and you let me tell you.

I sat here last night
and I couldn't sleep.

And I took a good,
long look at you.

Sometimes when you back away,

you see a thing a
whole lot plainer.

You're hurting me.

All right, Amy. All right.
Do you want to talk to Jake?

Go ahead. Tell him.

But if you push me
in, you're in it too.

Me? That's right.

They stand me up in court, I'm
gonna tell them the whole story.

How you tried to blame
it on Lucey and all,

because you hate her.

Because you were second choice,

after she turned him down.

Lark never loved
you, not for a minute,

and you knew it.

All right.

You want in, Amy? Come on in.

Come on in. But you're
gonna find the water's awful hot.

Now, is your car outside?

Don't bother.

Sheriff's office. Deputy Duncan.

Oh, yes.

Oh, yeah, I was
just leaving. I-I'll be...

I'll be right over in
a couple of minutes.

Okay, Jake.

Well, Jake can't wait
for me to bring you over.

You ready, Lucey?

Yeah, I'm coming.

Now, you folks understand,
you're a coroner's jury.

All you gotta do
is hear the facts

and decide if there
was any criminal act

involved in the victim's death.

And if there was, and you
think there's enough evidence

against the suspect now
being held by the sheriff,

you gotta so declare,

so that said suspect
can be properly indicted

and brought to trial.

That being understood,

we might as well get started.

Now, I was the doctor
in attendance, so Jake,

if you'll swear me in for
the medical testimony.

Doc, will you raise
your right hand?

Do you solemnly swear to
tell the truth, the whole truth

and nothin' but the
truth, so help you God?

I do. JAKE: I
guess you can tell it

in your own way.

I made some notes

so as to get it all
straight and clear.

"Lark Adams died
this past Tuesday night,

most likely sometime
between 10 and midnight."

When I say "most likely," I
mean, that's about as close

as I can place it by autopsy.

We can narrow the time
down by other evidence,

but that'll come later.

"Death was due to a fall

"resulting in contusions
of the cervical spinal chord

associated with the second
and third cervical vertebrae."

Excuse me. DOC: That
means a broken neck.

The question is,
was it an accident?

Excuse me.

He went through the rail
at the old Procter cottage

and that's important.

That rail's pretty
well rotted out.

You could lean against
it and maybe go through.

Only thing is, the body
was moved five, six feet

from where he fell.

And it's a plain medical
fact he didn't move himself.

Not with a broken
neck like that.

He must have died instantly.

Well, that just about
finishes my testimony.

If the jury has any
questions to ask...


You forgetting, man?
You got a story to tell.

You try to run out
on her and I swear,

you'll eat off the county
till your belly turns.

I'll grab you first and
find a reason later.

Now, move. They're waiting.

Before we consider any evidence,

I'd like to advise the
young lady in custody.

Lucey, you don't have to testify

against yourself.

That's your
constitutional right.

You don't have to
admit you k*lled him.

I didn't k*ll him, Doc.

I didn't even see him.

I was with somebody
else that night.

Have you got anybody
that can prove that, Lucey?

Joe Walker.

Anybody named Joe Walker here?

Joe Walker?


Right here, Doc.

You just wouldn't
listen, would you?

Well, swear him in, Jake.

Do you solemnly swear to
tell the truth, the whole truth,

and nothin' but the
truth, so help you God?

Yeah. Speak up.

I do.

What's your name?

Well, you gotta
know your own name.

Maybe I can help
him, Doc. Keep quiet.

Maybe I can remind
him. Shut up! Shut up.

You don't need his name, Doc.

You don't need his testimony.

I know who k*lled Lark Adams.


You gotta believe me, Jake,

I didn't mean it. It
was an accident.

Quiet. Quiet.

This is a legal
hearing. Quiet. Quiet.

Quiet in this
courtroom. I want quiet.

This is a legal hearing.


Quiet, now. Quiet.

I want quiet. Guys,
have a little order here.

You big galoot.

All you had to do was
keep your mouth shut.


I ought to get out in 18
months. That ain't so long.

You know what's the matter
with you? Your neck's too long.

You gotta learn to
stop sticking it out

for people like Amy and me.


Well, you take care of yourself.

At least until I get back.

Don't worry about me.

I will if I want to.

Nothing from him?

I just hope he makes it.

Oh, he will,

if he just keeps on
walking next time.

Always new people.
Always new places.

Only one thing is constant
for Richard Kimble.

At the end, there
is always the road.

Richard Kimble is a fugitive.
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