02x05 - Nemesis

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Fugitive". Aired: September 17, 1963 – August 29, 1967.*
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Dr. Richard is wrongly convicted for a m*rder he didn't commit, escapes custody and ends up in a game of cat-and-mouse with the real k*ller.
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02x05 - Nemesis

Post by bunniefuu »

Bet that cost you plenty.

It didn't. It didn't
cost him anything.

He stole it from Mr. Deebold.


Yeah. He's with my father.

My father's a detective,
and they're after him.

Look, Phil, I told you
not to make things up.

I'm not making it up.

It's the truth.

Gets worse all the time.

I guess the next thing
he'll be telling you

is that I'm a m*rder*r.

He is.

He k*lled his wife.

Starring David Janssen
as Dr. Richard Kimble.

An innocent victim
of blind justice,

falsely convicted for
the m*rder of his wife,

reprieved by fate
when a train wreck

freed him en route
to the death house.

Freed him to hide
in lonely desperation.

To change his identity.

To toil at many jobs.

Freed him to search
for a one-armed man

he saw leave the
scene of the crime.

Freed him to run

before the relentless pursuit

of the police lieutenant
obsessed with his capture.

The costars in tonight's story:

Kurt Russell... John Doucette...

Slim Pickens.

Also starring Barry Morse
as Lieutenant Philip Gerard.

Tonight's episode: "Nemesis".

A trout hatchery,
high in the mountains.

Made to order for
Richard Kimble, fugitive.

Far off the main road.

A lonely job.

Too lonely for most men.


Uh, something holding you up?

Only you.

You fellows are following me
to see where I dump these fish.

Oh, just wanna catch a few.

Uh, somebody's gotta
catch 'em sometime.

Not these.

They're only 7 inches.
Wait till they grow up.

Pan size. Real sweet.

Just as good in my
belly as the next fella's.

Ah, you know, I was given to
understand that the hatchery

raises them fish for the public.

That's right.

I'm public.

I'm guaranteed 100 percent,

14 karat public.

So why don't you just do your
job and dump the fish, huh?

I will when I find
the right stream.

You was headed somewhere.
You must have had a stream.

I guess I lost it.

When you figuring
on finding it again?

When you two hotshot
fishermen get off my back.

Now, mister...

for what it's worth,
my name's Deebold.

Sam Deebold.

Now, why don't you go on
ahead and plant them trout?

Make believe you never saw me

and maybe I can do
you a favor sometime.

Maybe when you
come into town, huh?

I don't get into town much.

See him look at this badge?

There's all kinds of ways
a man can look at a badge.

What do you mean, scared?

I don't know.

He didn't act scared.

No, it's something, you know,

like I talked to him
someplace or somewhere.

Oh, you know me,
Jaeger, it'll come back.

Need many more for the set?

Yeah, a lot.

But I got Jim Brown,
and he's the hardest.

I had to trade two Rams
and an Eagle for him.

Well, he's worth it.

I bet they got a lot of
deer up in those mountains.

I guess.

And a lot of neat
trails for hiking.

I suppose.

Dad, you think you'll get
some time off this summer?

Well, maybe.

It's, um... It's hard for
me to get away, Phil.

You got away now.

Well, I, uh, had to drive
your grandma back.

She could've flown.

No, she's scared to fly.

She's an old lady, Phil,
and she's been sick.

Uh... maybe later in the summer.

If I get a break,
things ease off.

If you find that k*ller,
that Kimble guy.

Well, some men drive taxis

and, uh, some men sell clothes.

I'm a detective.

Would you rather I weren't?

Oh, no, sir.

I wouldn't trade a
detective for anything.

You'll find him.
You wait and see.

We'll get some time off.


You gonna check
in pretty soon, Dad?

Yeah, pretty soon. Why?

I gotta stop anyway.


Be right back, Dad.

The whole area from
Eighth Street to Vanguard.

And tell Peters I said
to give you a hand.

Captain Carpenter.

Hello, captain. Phil?

I'm glad you're early. I
tried to get you at the motel.

Well, anything wrong?

You had a call.

This peace officer going
through some old wants

thinks he might
have a fix on Kimble.


It's a little place
called Northby.

Northby, Wisconsin.

That's in Vardon County.

Well, he said to tell you
that he wasn't sure of the ID,

but he'd be glad to
grab him and hold him.

No, it'll scare him off.

It can't be more
than about 200 miles.

It's early.

Uh, tell him I'm coming up

and I'll be there in
three, four hours.

I'll call you.

We're gonna take a little
side trip up in the mountains.

You gonna take some time off?

Well, maybe.

If I'm lucky. Maybe.

Aw, now, sonny,
this is police business.

You wouldn't wanna get
in the way, would you?

I just wanna see you catch him.

Just like your daddy.

Gotta be there yourself.

Now, you stay here, Phil.

Ain't no punishment staying
here with Mrs. Deebold.

She makes just about
the best cookies in town.

I don't want any cookies.

Now, that's enough,
Phil. We won't be long.

You'll be able to see him when
we bring him in. You ready?

Uh, almost. Uh,
gotta gas up the car.

Ain't got but half a t*nk.

Well, how far is it?

Hmm, from here it's
about, um, 12, 14 miles.

A half a t*nk
ought to be plenty.

I guess.

Uh, Jaeger, bring out
a couple of carbines,

and, uh, get some extra a*mo.

I'll see you later, hon. Okay.

Well, behave yourself.

Oh, he'll be fine.

Something wrong?

Yeah, I left my
football cards in the car.

Well, you ain't gonna
get 'em just standing here.

And you ain't gonna
get no ice cream, neither,

unless you hustle yourself
right back to the kitchen.

The car. Where's your car?

Well, it's in town being fixed.

What about this truck?

You'll never catch him in that.

Well, it ain't my fault.

You left the keys in the wagon.

So that makes me outdumbed?

Do you think it makes you smart?

Smart enough.
If it wasn't for me,

you wouldn't be on
his trail in the first place.


It was the canned stuff.

What are you doing here?

I can get out...

if you let me.

You'd be lost in five minutes.

Come on, climb up here.

All right, what's your name?

Come on, what's your name?

I-I'm Phil.

Phil who?

Phil Gerard, Jr.

And he'll check the whole area.


I'll keep in touch with you.

All right I've got it.

Thank you, major.

First-rate National Guard unit.

They've got that
copter up already.

You don't think
it'll do any good?

You're running the show.

Well, we're getting eight
men from the sheriff in Melrose.

Yeah, that's what he said.

Four from Wilson and
six from La Crosse.

They ought to be able to
keep the main roads covered.

There's only about a
hundred back roads,

and they don't show on no maps.

Well, that copter could
make all the difference.

A white station wagon
on these green hills.

Unless Kimble ditches the
wagon and goes by shank's mare.

He might.

He knows every back trail
around here for 20 miles.

Now, I offered to pick
him up and hold him.

You had your chance.

I know.

Now, did I want
some help in looking,

I'd ask the boys
in the fire towers.

Fire towers?

Lookout towers for
the Forest Service.

Uh, Sheriff Deebold here.

Sam, the boy's gone.


Uh, now, listen, honey.
Sugar, now, calm down.

Ain't anything to worry about.

Ah, a kid don't just disappear.

Did you look in
the tool crib or...?

Mrs. Deebold, this
is Lieutenant Gerard.

Knocked me clean
off my pins, lieutenant.

I had his ice cream
all dished out.

He went in with you.

No, sir, he... He asked if
he could go back to the car.

Said he left something
there, some kind of cards.

Oh, yeah, his,
uh, football cards.

Well, anyways,

when I... When I come out,
he was nowhere to be seen.

And the station
wagon was gone too.

So, well... Well, I
thought maybe if you...

I-if you looked in... In
the back of the wagon...


Now, Mrs. Deebold,
listen carefully.

This is very important.

He wouldn't go anywhere
without those cards,

so I want you to go
out to my car now

and look on the seat.

Already did that, Lieutenant.

Was nothing there.

You stayed with that lady
like your father told you to.

You know who I am?

Well, do you?

Your name's Kimble,

and you k*lled your wife.

That's not true.

My dad says so.

Your dad is wrong.

You want me to
go by what he says.

I couldn't help it. It slipped.

Let's see what you
have in your hand.

Come on.

Football cards, huh?

No Johnny Unitas.

A boy ought to have
a Johnny Unitas.

How far back have you
been dropping them?

Not far. Honest.

Now, listen to me.

I'm not your father.

Now, if I k*lled my
wife I'm dangerous.

If I didn't, I'm
tired of running.

Either way, you'll be a
smart boy if you just sit there

and behave yourself and
don't try anything, all right?

All right.

You can see how those
fire towers are located.

There are two to every sector.

With those high-powered
glasses, they don't miss much.

Yeah, heh, if he stays
in the open places.

But if he ditches
them under the trees,

that's a different story.

Car's here.

Hear anything on the two-way?

He wouldn't think to have it on.

Give it to me, please.

And, uh, turn it on.

Lieutenant Gerard to
National Guard helicopter.

Lieutenant Gerard to Mel Haney.

Come in, please.

Haney here. Go
ahead, lieutenant.

Have you seen anything?

Couple of camping
parties is all.

But I've still got
the north side.

I can cross the ridge
before it gets dark.

All right. Check
back with me, please.

Will do.

You stay with him.

It sure gets cold up in
them hills at night. Ahem.

You said there were
some blankets in the wagon.

Well, it wouldn't do 'em much
good if they ditched the wagon.

It's cold up there,
no food and...

You know something, lieutenant,

if he was my kid... He isn't.

I saw some canned
stuff in the wagon.

They'll stop and eat.

Oh, sure.

We're hot on Kimble's tail,

so he's gonna stop
and feed the kid?

Uh-uh. I'll tell you
what he's gonna do.

He's gonna look
out for number one.

He's gonna dump that
kid somewhere. Anywhere.

Up in these woods, it doesn't
matter much where either.

No, I know Kimble.

I know everything about him.

What kind of food he likes,

what kind of books he reads,

what kind of toothpaste he uses.

I know him.

I know what he'll do.

He's in a jam.

You said he was a k*ller.

The jury said that.

I know him.

He'll stop and feed the boy.

You like beef stew?

If it's hot.

Want me to build a fire?

We're not gonna
have any fires, Phil.

The lookout towers
can spot a fire for miles.

I hate cold soup too.

So do I.


Wait'll I tell Dad. He'll...

That's all right. Tell him.

He might like to try it.

Are you gonna let me go?

First chance I get.

Phil, I don't like
playing games.

If you wanna play
cops and robbers,

you'll have to play
with someone else.

All right, a little hot
soup coming up.

No. Looks like we
drew another blank.

You sure?

I'm sure, lieutenant.

Dad, we're down here...!

Hold it.

Lieutenant. Haney back.

Sorry if I gave you a buzz.

I must've scared up
a deer or something.

You coming in now?

Be dark in 20 minutes, I better.


Over and out.

How you doing?

I'm fine.

We don't need much more.

Yes, sir.

I know from camping with Dad.

Well, you'd better
hurry up. It's getting late.

Yes, sir.

Need any help?

No, sir.

Your father taught you
how to make a fire too.

Go on.

Go on.

All right, get in the car.

Go on.

Are we gonna walk?

I'm gonna walk.

You invited the company.
You stay and meet 'em.


The towers would
have spotted the fire.

Your father's been notified.

He should be here
in a couple of hours.

Just stick in the wagon.

Hey, mister.

Mister, wait!

Wait a minute.


Oh, don't make me stay. Please.

Oh, you'll be all
right in the wagon.

You've been camping before.

Not like this. Not alone.

I'm scared.

Please. I'm afraid of the
dark. I've always been.

All right. There's an
old jacket in the car.

Well, go on. What
are you waiting for?

I guess I thought...

Turn out the spotlight
when you're there.

Go on.

You tired?

No, sir.

Well, I am.

Looks like a good place to camp.

We're gonna need some pine.

Yes, sir.

Got any matches, Phil?

No, sir.

Come on, let's have a look.

You don't want me
to search you, do you?

Didn't your father tell you

it wasn't safe to
play with matches?

I'm telling you, us galumphing
up here like an army t*nk.

You figure he was
gonna sit here and wait?

I didn't figure
he'd be here at all.

Well, we had the
boys up in the towers

trying to spot a campfire.

At least we're closer
than we were an hour ago.

Lend me your flashlight.

Well, he's on foot, so he's
gonna try to make time.

Not let any little
kid hold him up.

Assuming the
kid's still with him,

assuming he didn't ditch
him someplace already.

He hasn't ditched him yet.

He ditched the car
like I said, didn't he?

All he had was half a
t*nk of gas, like you said.

That's Phil's sweater.

Okay, so he was here.

That don't mean nothing.
Don't make much difference.

Nothing we can do till morning

not knowing which
way they're headed.

No, leave it.

See that sleeve.

What direction's that?

Oh, that's, ah, south by west.

Ah, heading down Melrose way.

Phil never put a sweater
down as neatly as that in his life.

Melrose sheriff station.

Come in, Melrose
sheriff station.

Melrose. Sergeant
Maynard. Go ahead.

This is Lieutenant Gerard.

I think we've got him pegged.

General direction,
south by west.

Moving towards Melrose.

That puts it up to you.

I'll tell the sheriff.


Oh, lieutenant,
I've got a kid myself.

We'll stay on it till
we pick them up.

I appreciate that,
Maynard, very much.

Over and out.

Good morning.

Good morning.

Just admiring your fishing pole.

It's yours.

Just like that? For nothing?

For taking that
g*n out of my face.

And maybe letting us
have some breakfast.

Well, I never did
have no resistance

against making a good deal.

Hey, that is a good trade.

Bet that cost you plenty.

It didn't.

It didn't cost him anything.

He stole it from Mr. Deebold.


Yeah. He's with my father.

My father's a detective
and they're after him.

Hey, Phil, I told you
not to make things up.

I'm not making it
up. It's the truth.

Gets worse all the time. I...

I guess the next thing
he'll be telling you

is that I'm a m*rder*r.

He is.

He k*lled his wife.

Well, it's no skin off of me.

Except I'm gonna have
to change the deal some.

If you want something to eat,

you're gonna
have to work for it.

Come on.

Come at me like
a regular wildcat.

Had to sh**t him
in self-defense.

They tell me that
deer are out of season.

They tell me that wives are too.

You don't talk about me
and I won't talk about you.

Wanna trade?

I'll trade.

I figured you would.

You almost earned
your breakfast.

It's right over the rise.

Bring it all back here.

Watch out for them traps.

Keep my camp meat
back here. Ungh.

The law gets kinda snoopy.

I reckon you know
about that, though.

Didn't hear you
saying thanks, boy.

Well, now, look, son,

just 'cause a
man kills his wife...

I didn't k*ll my wife.

I know.

And I didn't k*ll
this deer, neither.

Corbin? You home?

Uh-oh. That's Matt
Davis, the game warden.

Keep him quiet.

Hello, Matt.

Wasn't lookin' for
you up this way today.

Come on in.

Any time you don't keep
one eye open for me.

The fire tower
asked me to check.

You see any strangers around?

A man and a kid?

A man and a kid?

Man's name's Kimble.

We're pretty sure
he's in this area.

He's a m*rder*r.

Grabbed the kid yesterday.

Any reward offered?

Well, not that I know of.

I haven't seen him.

But if he shows up,
why, I'll get hold of you.

You do that.

Hey, I'll walk you
partway down the hill.


you sure there ain't no
reward offered for that feller?

I'm sure of one thing.

If you saw him and didn't
tell me, you're in big trouble.

Now, you be a very good
boy and don't try anything.

Matt, can't you
and I talk a deal?

I didn't mean it. It fell.

I didn't mean it.

Like you didn't mean
the cards and the fire.


I didn't do it on purpose.

Didn't you ever get blamed
for something you didn't do?

I mean...

Yeah, I know what you mean.

They both must have heard it.

Corbin'll get you
back to your father.

He deserves you.

All right, back off.

In the other room. Move.

Matt Davis to
Moose Peak lookout.

Matt Davis to
Moose Peak lookout.

Moose Peak lookout. Go ahead.

They said Corbin would
be waiting to take us up.

He shouldn't have come down.

Hmph, take us a week to
get up there without him.

That's him.

I'm Lieutenant Gerard.

Howdy, I got a nice fat buck
waitin' for you up yonder.

How far?

Oh, about a half a mile.

Straight up.

How's the boy?
Oh, fine. Just fine.

I wouldn't touch
that. It's not a toy.

I know.

Is this the switch when you
wanna talk to somebody?

He asked you to
leave it alone, son.

Haven't you done
enough damage already?

Just keep your
hands to yourself.

Uh, you...

better keep this
out of his reach.

You too.

Come on, he'll get away!

Come on!

Argh! My foot! Ow!

My foot, my foot!

I'm caught, help!

My foot! I'm caught!

My foot. Help me.

My foot. Help!

My foot, help!

My foot. My foot!

All right. I'll be right there.

You said half a mile.

Well, now, I never measured it.

It's just up here a little ways.


Take it easy.

Come on, I'll get you out.


So you learned to say thanks.

Yes, sir.

Now pull.

You didn't have to come back.

You knew they'd
be here pretty soon.

Could you tell me something?

I thought you knew everything.

My dad... He says
the jury was sure.

People have always
been sure, Phil.

Sure the world was flat.

Sure they could make,
ah, gold out of lead.

They were sure that if a
mad dog bit them they'd die.

Being sure doesn't
make you right.

He's gone. He got away.

What about the boy?

I don't know. Kimble clipped me.

Which way would you guess?

Well, all I can say is we never
run into them coming down.

Lucky it didn't break your leg.

Does it hurt much?


What's the matter?

Come on, what is it?

You and Dad, you
can't both be right.


You better run.


And you won't tell 'em
which way I've gone?

Even if your father asks?

Phil, one break.


Phil, where are you?!

Phil! Phil!

I'm over here, Dad!

Are you all right?

Yeah. I just cut my foot.

He said I better
get to a doctor.

Where is he?


Dad, he came back, and
he helped take off the trap.

Which way did he go?

Phil, don't you understand?

He's wanted for m*rder.

He says he didn't do it.

Of course he says that.

And if he's right?

If he's right?

Well, it means that I'm wrong,

doesn't it, Phil?

Which way?

You got your walkie-talkie
back at the cabin?


Well, call the fire
tower on the way down.

Tell them to contact the
Melrose sheriff and tell him

there's a change in direction.

He's moving north by northeast.


Get the boy back
down to the car.

Come on.


Yes, Phil?

He really did go the way I said.

I wasn't lying to you.

I never thought you were.

Well, it wasn't your
fault he got away.

He's smart.

I hope you understand that.

Yes, sir.

But not that smart.

He'll make a mistake.

And when he does,
I'll bring him in.

And then I'll take time off
and we'll go camping, right?

Yes, sir.

For Richard Kimble,

another shabby room,
another lonely night,

another reaching
out to touch someone

he has met along the way.

That is how it is.

That is how it must remain.

Richard Kimble is a fugitive.
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