02x26 - Masquerade

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Fugitive". Aired: September 17, 1963 – August 29, 1967.*
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Dr. Richard is wrongly convicted for a m*rder he didn't commit, escapes custody and ends up in a game of cat-and-mouse with the real k*ller.
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02x26 - Masquerade

Post by bunniefuu »

Look, there's a bus.

If there's any
talking, let me do it.

You just relax.

I wanna check your passengers.


A QM Production.

Starring David Janssen
as Dr. Richard Kimble.

An innocent victim
of blind justice,

falsely convicted for
the m*rder of his wife,

reprieved by fate when
a train wreck freed him

en route to the death house.

Freed him to hide
in lonely desperation,

to change his identity,
to toil at many jobs.

Freed him to search
for a one-armed man

he saw leave the
scene of the crime.

Freed him to run before
the relentless pursuit

of the police lieutenant
obsessed with his capture.

The guest stars
in tonight's story:

Norma Crane, Edward Asner.

John Milford.

If you are a fugitive,
you travel a lot,

most often by hitching
a ride with a stranger.

And always you ask
yourself, who is he?

What kind of man
hides behind that face?

Thought you were
gonna drop me in town?

Sure will, if you still
wanna wait around.

Order me a cup
of coffee, will you?

Yes, sir?

A couple cups of coffee
and a hamburger, please.

Noreen, coffee, please.

Make it two.

Your coffee, sir.

Green River Motel.

Room 108, please.

Who is this calling?

It's official business.

There must be some
mistake. I'm sorry.

Number 108 is vacant.

Don't forget your change.

Hey, mister, forget something?

I think you'll need this.


Don't I know you from someplace?

I, ah... I don't think so.

Sure I do.

Recognized you the
minute we walked in.

Isn't that right, Willie?

That's right, Bo.

I've never been here before.

Well, maybe it's
your picture then.

Is that it, Bo?

Uh, picture? I
haven't done anything.

You got me mixed
up with someone else.

That'll be easy
enough to find out.

Shall we take a ride?

Yeah, we'll play a little game

down at the office. Who's who.

See if old Bo's right or not.

Look, I told you you got me
mixed up with someone else.

You got something in
there to prove who you are?

You take it out.

A driver's license.

You're Leonard Hull?


Well, what do you know?

As easy as that.

Well, I didn't think that...

You didn't think what, Mr. Hull?

You didn't think we'd
know who you were?

Maybe not by sight,

but they sent us a pretty
good rundown on you.

They sent you a rundown?

Yeah, they wired us last night
you might be heading this way.

Nobody figured you'd
show up so soon.

Well, we'd better not be
standing out here talking.

Willie, I'll ride with
Mr. Hull in his car.

You follow us back.

I think you better call in too.

Okay, Bo.

Shall we go, Mr. Hull?

Where are you taking me?

Don't worry, Mr. Hull.

We run a tight little
department in Clay City.

You're gonna be
perfectly safe with us.

Reach the sheriff yet?
Yeah, he's coming back.

He says to keep
him in his office.

And nobody's to know
anything, especially the papers.

Have a seat, Mr. Hull.

Can't be too careful.

Well, you're not gonna end up

like that other
witness, Mr. Hull.

Not in our town, anyway.

Uh... Can I read that
paper while we wait?


I've just been
reading all about you.

Pretty clever getting
outta that hotel room.

How did you spot him?

Ha. That old Bo's a
regular hound dog.

The way he smelled him out.

Of course, he didn't
know exactly who he was

till Mr. Hull showed
him that license.

Mr. Hull, you didn't think that

we'd be expecting
you to show up here

looking for your wife?

I guess I didn't.

You knew we had men
watching her around the clock,

guarding for any move
Blackburn might make.

How did you plan to see
her without getting caught?

I don't know.

Well, it's not a
wasted trip anyway.

The motel is just down the road.

When the sheriff gets
back, notifies Washington,

then we'll take you
right on down to see her.

This report on
the car you rented

just came in from Washington.

They say someone
else was checking on it

as early as last night.


Washington is positive
that he now knows

that you're the secret
witness, Mr. Hull.

And I don't have to
tell you this is his state.

He's got men everywhere.

Thanks for the warning.

It's not as simple as
that, and you know it.

You're in my
protective custody now.

What happened to McAdams

is not going to happen
to you, not if I can help it.

Sheriff, what if I don't want
your protective custody?

Now, I haven't
done anything wrong.

You can't hold
me against my will.

I don't know what
kind of a deal you made

in return for your testimony,

but I do know that you

and the rest of Buddy
Blackburn's executives

face that indictment
along with him.

I could hold you just
for leaving Washington.

Better get me Washington now.

When are you gonna show
some sense and trust us, Hull?

Don't you realize we're
trying to save your life?

Hey, sheriff, I don't
think I should see her.

You know, I... Why not?

Ah, well, uh...

I don't wanna get
her involved in all this.

She's already in it.

You've got four,
maybe five hours

before they get here from
Washington to take you back.

She's just a few
minutes down the road.

Uh, but you said that
Blackburn must know by now.

Now, wouldn't it
be safer...? Safer?

You come all this way,

then you tell me you
don't wanna see her?

I don't get you, Hull.

Well, I told you. I'm
afraid of what he might do.

And I told you, you're both
in my protective custody.

Let me worry about Blackburn.

Get in.


No, nothing, sir.

Stay back, then.

Yes, sir.


We're coming in.

Who is it?

Sheriff Mayhew, Mrs. Hull.

Got somebody here to see you.


Come see for yourself.

I... I'll be right out.

Are you just going to
stand there gawking?

I thought you might
be kinda pleased

to see your husband again.

Why, because he informed...

To save his own neck,

without caring about
what happened to me?

All right. I'll leave
you two alone.

If you want anything, just
signal the man out front.


It's me, Bo.

I'll be back when
they come for you

in a couple of hours.

Try anything and I'll sh**t.

If that doesn't stop you,

then this will when it goes off.

Either way, you're a dead man.

Look, I'd like to ex-explain...

Not another step!

I mean it.

You can put that down

if you'll just let me tell
you what happened...

No, I'll tell you.

I knew Buddy would send someone.

You think Blackburn sent me?

I thought I would be safe
until I read about McAdams.

Then I knew it was no use.

Uh, Mrs. Hull, I didn't
know anything about this

until I made the
mistake of borrowing

your husband's identification.

Then you've already
gotten to Leonard?

Well, not in the way you think.

I met him on the
road by accident.

I was hitchhiking, his
car was broken down.

He gave me a ride
after I fixed the fan belt.

Leonard never had a car.

They flew him to Washington.

Well, then he rented one.

The sheriff said that
Blackburn found out about it

even before the police did.

He was headed here to see me?

We stopped at a
restaurant outside of town.

He made a phone call. I
guess it was to contact you.

I... I just don't get it.

I don't know why
anybody in his right mind

would want Leonard's

I had to prove I
was... somebody.

Anybody. Otherwise the police

would have taken
me in for questioning.

The wallet was in
your husband's jacket.

We're about the same
height, same coloring.

I had no idea he was
gonna be somebody special.

And they bought that?

You... You don't
even look like him.

They, ah...

They haven't put a picture
of him out yet, have they?

And they can't.

Why? Why did you
go along with all this?

Well, the police would have
found out who I really was.

And who's that?

They want me for something
that happened a while back,

something I didn't do.

Do you really expect
me to believe that?

It's the truth.

I guess the rest is up to you.

I could call them and tell
them that you're not Leonard.

If you really thought I was
somebody sent by Blackburn,

why didn't you tell
them when I walked in?

Because whoever you are,

I wanna make a deal with you.

Hold it.

Turn around.

Hands up.

Feet down.

Okay, now. Who are you?

We haven't got much time.

Two men will be arriving
soon to pick up Leonard Hull.

One look at me...
Then take my offer.

Well, look, Mrs.
Hull, I told you, I...

All right. All
right, but you're...

You're passing
up $50,000 in cash.

Undeclared income.

Money that Buddy slipped Leonard

for keeping a neat set of books,

and I've got the key to
the safety deposit box.

Look, Mrs. Hull, I
was not sent here...

All you'd have to do is
to tell Buddy that it's done.

That I'm dead and
buried somewhere

where nobody will ever find me.

Now, Mrs. Hull...

I swear to you once we're
out of here I'll disappear.

Like I was never born.

Aren't you safe here?


You marched in here, didn't you?

That was a fluke. Uh...

It couldn't have been planned.

They got McAdams.

Was that a fluke too?

No. Oh, no.

Buddy puts out an
order, and it gets done.

Well, not by me.

I'd have to be
crazy, wouldn't I,

to walk in here if I
was hired to get you?

One look at me,
you'd yell "fake."

That'd be it.

All right, all right.

Not by you.

But maybe, maybe somebody else.

And then if he didn't make good,

Buddy'll send
another and another.

My only chance is
getting out of here.

I've gotta get lost out
there, lost for good.

I'm sorry, Mrs. Hull.
I... can't help you.

You'll help me.

Hold it there.

Sheriff, he's here.

Over there.

This all he had on him?

That's it. No ID.

Nothing in the way of weapons.

All right, what's your name?

You like this cat-and-mouse?

No more than you do.

Wanna tell us about it?

You really don't know.

We've got a pretty good idea
of what you were doing there.

I was, uh, looking for a room.

Looking for a room
in back of the building?

Yeah, I lost my way.

Look, I haven't
done anything wrong.

Now, you either
charge me or let me go.

Let's start over.

What's your name?

Doe. John Doe.



What are you doing in
town? Where are you from?!

I thought we got
that cleared up.

It's a powerful instinct.

Turn around.

All right, turn around.

I wanna get dressed.

All right.

Relax. Have yourself a drink.

No, thanks.

Will you fix me one,
please? Scotch?


Why is Blackburn after you?

Because he knows your
husband has started to talk?

Leonard doesn't care
about what happens to me.

Buddy knows that.

But Buddy's afraid now.

For the first time in his
life, and he's plenty scared.

He thinks that Leonard's
told me something,

and he's not taking any chances.

Thank you.

You can turn around now.


You know, running away
isn't gonna solve anything.

Say we could escape.

To put you right out in the open

will make it a lot
easier for Blackburn.

And if I stay,
I'm a sitting duck.

No, I... I've gotta
get out while I can.

Well, there's nothing wrong

with trying to
save your own life.

How about your husband?

You don't catch on fast, do you?

Leonard and I,
well... We were, uh...

We were going to
split up a long time ago.

Well, why didn't you?

Buddy didn't approve.

One big, happy,
corporate family,

and nobody leaves.

He ran your private
lives that closely?

Buddy Blackburn
is a way of life.

It became Leonard's by choice

and mine by Leonard's.

It's a rotten way to live.

That's why you're going
to help me change it.

I'm sorry I can't help you.

Open up, please.

Mrs. Hull.

Mrs. Hull what?

What is it, Mrs. Hull?

We'd like the afternoon
papers, please.

You know it's gonna
be easy enough for us

to find out who you are,

just as soon as
we get your prints.

We've wasted
enough time already.

Now hold on.

Want to tell us now?

Save us all a lot of trouble?

It's just a question of time.

You have a lot to
spare, we have too.

All right.

This may come as
some surprise to you,

but the name is Hull.

Leonard Hull.

You've probably heard of me.

Like the devil you are.

You wanna play games,
we've got some ourselves.

Get his prints and
throw him in a cell.

Wait a minute. You
asked me and I told you.

Now the guy you're holding...

Th-the one that
flashed my wallet,

he's just some
hitchhiker I picked up.


Yeah, it was my coat

you took out to him
from the restaurant.

You still got him locked up?



Well, get him.

Well, where is he?

Gee, sheriff, I didn't expect
to see you back so soon.

I've got someone
anxious to see our guests.

Open up.


It's me, Ed.

Open it.

Where's Sorenson?

He came in to stay with
them while I went for the paper.

That's procedure.

When one of us leaves
his post, the other one...

She... She... She had a g*n.

He grabbed me. I...
I couldn't do a thing.

Jenkins, get on the radio.

Get out all cars available.

Block the highway east
and west, routes 4A and 33.

Stop and search all
buses going in or out.

Yes, sir.

I'm sorry about this, Mr. Hull.

I'll bet you are.
Police protection.

Putting a stranger
in with my wife.

And now they're both gone.
Right under your noses.

Protective custody is not jail,

especially when you
fight not to be protected.

I'm not going back to
Washington, not to testify.

Not after this.

I'll have them back in an hour.

Before dark.

Have to, before dark.

That's right. Okay,
we're coming in now.


Look, there's a bus.

If there's any
talking, let me do it.

You just relax.

I wanna check your passengers.

Come on, sheriff,
don't block the road.

We got a schedule to make.

All right, all
right. You can go.


Let's take a look at the arm.

Does it hurt?

A little.

Hey. You've got a
real professional touch.

How did you learn it?

I was a medic in the service.

Doesn't look too bad.


Have a doctor take a look
at it when we get out of this.

If I get out of this.


Not good enough.

Listen, get descriptions out.

And get more cars on it.

I don't care where
you get 'em. Get 'em!

Be dark in a half hour.

Then you've lost 'em.

We've... got half the
state on this thing.

If there's any chance... Thanks.

Make me feel a lot better.

Mr. Hull, it's none
of my business,

but if you had
stayed in Washington,

none of this would
have happened.

You're right. It's
none of your business.

Sorry. It's not your fault.

I guess I'm just
worried about my wife.

Chances are she's okay.

She never liked the
protective custody thing.

Griped about it to my men.

Can't blame her for getting
scared and taking off.

Like I said, she's
probably okay.

This is where I get off.

You're not gonna leave me alone?

You can't keep
running with that arm.

Now, you just stay in the truck.

You'll be safe here.

When it stops, get to a
phone and call the police.


You could have broken your neck.


I can't help you
anymore, Mrs. Hull.

You may have
to go to the police.

Don't you understand? I...

I can't go back. I won't.

Why can't you? What
are you really afraid of?

I told you.

I just wanna get out
of this whole mess.

I wanna start my
life all over again.

Because of your husband?

Because you both
wanted a divorce,

and Blackburn wouldn't let you.

Yes, I told you
that. I told you.

If that were true,

you're the last
place in the world

your husband
would want to run to.

You don't
understand. He's just...

He's just running home to Mamma.

He's weak.

Leonard would have
never gotten anyplace,

done anything without me.

Like going to work
for Buddy Blackburn

in the first place?

I just wanted him to
be more aggressive.

I didn't pick Blackburn.

I just urged him to grab
a decent opportunity.

He let Buddy
walk all over him...

Over him and me.

You wanted revenge.

You wanted your
husband to do it for you,

and now you hate him
because he didn't give you that.

What are you going to do?

Take a look.

Get down.

Go get him a doctor.

You think you can make it
to that field office out there?


What about you?

I'll be gone when they get here.

I would appreciate it

if you didn't say
anything about me.

All right.

I'm sorry.

It wasn't your fight.

Yeah, well, it got that way

when I took your
husband's identification.

You know, somebody
oughta stop Blackburn,

and not out of hate.

Goodbye, Mrs. Hull.

I don't know anything
more about it than that.

When that man who
tried to k*ll me is better,

why don't you ask him?

She should be right
in here, Mr. Hull.

Okay, say it.

I put you in a spot
offering to testify.

You just said it.

Well, what else do
you want me to say?

That I'm sorry? Forget it.

No, maybe I am.

But not for you...

At least you're honest about it.

I came after you
because I wanted to hide...

Just to get away,
run, forget Buddy.


I just couldn't leave it.

I'm a bigger coward.

I was going to leave it.

Well, now I guess you can.

What about you?

I decided that if I
found you all right,

I'd go back, go through with it.

Not on my account.


On mine.

For a man named
Blackburn, justice will be done.

But for Richard Kimble,
that day has not yet come.

And so he moves on, searching.
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