02x19 - The Young Men and the Sea

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Melrose Place". Aired: July 8, 1992 –; May 24, 1999.*
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Follows the lives and loves of eight young adults in an apartment complex in Los Angeles.
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02x19 - The Young Men and the Sea

Post by bunniefuu »

Good morning, Jane.

This is your wake-up call.

Look, I thought I'd come by

and we could have
a little breakfast...

Michael, I'm warning you.

If you don't stop bothering me,

I'm going to get
a restraining order.

I don't understand you, O.K.?

Why would you want
to restrain someone

who only wants the best for you?

I'm not kidding, Michael.


If you don't agree
to talk to me,

I... I'm going to
come to your office,

and I'm going to sit
in the middle of the studio,

and I'm not going to move

until you talk to me.

You are a sick man, Michael.

Stay away from me
and get some help.



Jane, what's wrong?

Michael has called me five times

in the last hours,

and now he is threatening
to come down to the studio.

Well, why are you even waiting
to get that restraining order?

You're totally letting him
do this to you.

You're right.
This is ridiculous.

I'm going down to Superior Court

before I even go to work.

I'm going with you.

That's O.K., it shouldn't be
that hard to get.

I've recorded all his calls.

But I have stories of
my own to back you up,

and I'm not letting
you go alone.

Just give me two minutes
to get my stuff

and get my shift covered, O.K.?


Don't worry,
by the time we're done,

no court in their right mind would
let Michael within feet of you.

I hope you're right.


Thanks, Syd.

I'm just happy I could finally
do something for you.

I don't know
what's wrong with it.

If I knew what was wrong
with it, I'd fix it.

That's why I'm calling.

O.K., can you...

I'll call you back.

Good morning.


Hey, I know that look.

That's the dog-ate-
my-homework look.

What's up?

The engine won't turn over.

We're going to have to save
Catalina for another time.


Yeah, it gets worse.

I had the boat booked for a
harbor cruise tomorrow night,

and, uh, I don't have
the money to fix it.

Hey, I know someone

who might be able to help out...

free of charge.

That's a big chip to call in.

You sure you want to do that?


It's not that big a deal...

I hope.

Jake? Hi, it's Jo.

Um, I have a favor to ask you.

What are you doing today?

Hey, Billy.

Wait up a second.

What's up?

They promoted me at work.

Hey, that's great.

Yeah, it is.

Only, um, the job's in New York,

and they want me there


Yeah, tell me about it.

So, I don't know
how to tell Alison.

I mean, she loves L.A.,
all her friends are here,

she's doing great
in her job and...

I just don't know how to
ask her to go with me.

Well, it seems pretty
cut and dried to me.

Well, unless she says no.

If she's committed to
the relationship, she'll go.

If the situation
was reversed, you'd go.

Tell her that.

Well, it would be nice
if it was that simple.

It is, if you make it that way.

Being in the Navy certainly
has its miserable moments.

Still, there's nothing
quite as amazing

as standing watch on the bridge

of a -foot-plus ship,

watching for lights as you
cross the North Atlantic.

Sounds special.

Well, uh...

the Navy provides
incredible opportunities.

Even if gay men aren't
allowed to serve openly,

restricted in duty,

passed over for promotions,

preferential assignments?

The military's been barred

from asking about
your sexuality, O.K.?

And no one has ever prevented me

from doing anything
I want to do.


Listen, um...

You want to have dinner tonight?

I'm not sure what time,
maybe : or : .

I got this lecture
at Academy Hall until then.

Yeah, sure.

I'll... I'll call you as soon
as I get back to my place.

Yeah, if I'm not here,
I'll be at the office.

I've got some paperwork
I need to catch up on.

Look, I'm sorry.

Forget it, it's O.K.

How do you do it?

How do you keep the two facets
of your life so separate?

I, usually...
I, uh...

I just keep my relationships
simple and short.

Dr. Michael Mancini?


Thank you.

"You are not to come within
feet of Jane Mancini."

"Jane Mancini is not to be
disturbed by telephone."

Oh, this is rich.

Hello, doctor. Can I help you?

I'm being restrained...

from telling my wife I love her.

Now, don't you think
that's funny?

I think that's hysterical.

Hey, how's it coming?


That's it? It's fixed?

It's fixed.

Wow. What do I owe you, Merlin?

How about a beer?

You got it.

You know, I don't know
how to repay you,

so I'm just gonna
give this my best shot.

You don't owe me anything.

I have free rein here,
but I haven't gone for it

because I don't know enough
about engines.

I want to think about coming
in with me, long-term.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, wait a minute.

It's a great opportunity.

It's - split,

my favor since I have to deal
with the administrative hassles.

What are you saying, you
want me to work with you?

Yeah. What do you say?

Yeah, I'll think about it.

O.K., all right.

Well, what about a one-shot
deal in the meantime?

Seriously. I booked the
harbor cruise tomorrow night,

and I would feel a whole lot
better if you were onboard.

- , yours?

Yours, payback for today.

Come on, what's five hours
of your time?

You can bring Amanda,

you get to see
the harbor lights.

Free food, free booze,
and... you get paid.

Man, you don't quit, do you?

I do.

Only when it's
absolutely necessary.

How could you book a harbor
cruise without an engine man?

I think they call it brass ones.

Yeah, solid brass.

So, it's a deal?

Yeah, it's a deal.

♪ ♪

What's all this?

What do all these things
have in common?

Oh, let's see.

Um, Arkansas?


Canada? Mm-mmm.


You're getting warm, you
got the first two letters.

Oh, n... New York?


What do I get for
the right answer?

An all-expenses-paid trip.

I'm liking this game
more by the second.

Alison, I got promoted.

Junior editor,
"Escapade" magazine,

New York City,

and they want me
to be there Monday,

and I want you to move
there with me.

Good morning.

Good morning.

Oh, thank you.

God, there's something wonderful

about waking up
to the smell of coffee

wafting through a portal.

I feel like I'm on vacation.

That's the idea.

Except for all these errands

I've been putting off
for a week.

That's a pretty
ambitious list for one day.

Now, where does it say,
"Pay Reed lots of attention"?

You got to read
between the lines.

You want some breakfast?

Mmm... no, thanks.

You know, um...

are you going back to
your place before lunch?

I don't know. Why?

Well, I'm expecting a lot
of people here tonight,

and everything
I consider valuable,

I keep in that one suitcase,

and I'd just feel a lot
better if it wasn't here.

You want me to keep it
at my place?

Yeah, yeah, if it's not
too much trouble.

I didn't mean you'd have to
swing back home first.

No problem.
I'll guard it with my life.


I mean, the truth is,
it's really nothing

but a bunch of
old pictures and junk.

I mean, that and a
will get you a large pizza

with the works.

I know... you didn't know
I was such a sentimental fool.

Well, I didn't know about
the sentimental part.

Yeah... and you know what else?

I wanted to thank you
for calling Jake

and agreeing to be
hostess tonight,

for everything.

You're welcome.

So, how important
are those errands?



Hey, Amanda.

Congratulations on
your move to New York.


Jake told me
about Billy's promotion.

Oh... I can't believe
word's traveled so fast.

I think it's great.

You'll probably come back

thinking differently,
dressing differently.

Amanda, I'm not
even sure I'm going.

You'd let Billy go without you?

Have you lost your mind?

I'm just not sure how
I feel about it, O.K.?

I've got a lot
of thinking to do.

Alison, true love, if that's
what it is, is a rare thing.

Don't let it slip
through your fingers.


It's almost noon.

What are you doing home?

Are you sick?


Yeah, I'm sick.

Should I get a doctor?
What should I do?

No, uh, look, uh...

I got food poisoning.

I'll live.

I'm just going to
turn on the water, O.K.?

I think you'll feel better
after a hot shower.

Hey, what are you doing here?

I brought you some groceries.

I figured you probably didn't
have time to get any.

Oh, no, how did you get in?

The key above the lamp outside.

I saw you put it there once.

Boy, you don't miss
a trick, do you?

Sorry, bad choice of words.

Michael, you're lying.

You don't have food poisoning.

You're taking dr*gs.

I'm in pain with my back,
so I took a couple of pills.

I mean, what do you want to do,
make it a felony out of it?

A couple of pills?

Michael, this bottle
is practically empty.

I've had that bottle
since the accident,

all right?

I was on my feet
hours yesterday.

They expect me to be %,

and half the time, I'm in agony.

I'm sorry.

You're sorry, you're sorry,
everybody's sorry.

Now, look,

uh, I don't want you
cleaning my house,

and I don't want
your little handouts.

I just want you
and everybody else

to stay out of my way

so I can get back with Jane.

♪ ♪

This is great.

Welcome to my world.

It is incredible.

You know, Reed, talking about it

doesn't come close
to the reality.

The waves and the moonlight.

The whole thing just sings.

God, it's amazing how
you make everything

sound like an ad campaign.

I'll take that as a compliment.

Care to dance?


Well, I think one more batch
of hors d'oeuvres in the oven,

and that's it for the night.

So far, smooth sailing.

I'm not surprised,
with you in charge.

You're just saying that
because it's true.

I dreamt about this.

About what?

Running a charter business

to St. John or Tortola,

Setting sail every night,
watching the sunset

with your arms around the
woman you really care about.

Oh, it just feeds
right into the fantasy.

Yeah, I'll bet.

I'll bet you can't wait
to tell me all about it.

I'm serious.

Yeah, well,
I'm serious too, Reed.

I want to give you
half the collateral

you need to buy this boat.

Jo, I...

No, I do, I've thought
a lot about it,

and I want to do this with you.

I do want to
take it slow, though.

Well, you don't have
to ask me twice.

All right.

Well, I'll, uh,
see you later, partner.

All right, partner.

Hey, Ted, take the wheel.


It's amazing, isn't it?

I can't remember when
I had such a good time.

It's almost money for nothing.

You still want to
buy out the owner?

Oh, more than ever.

I got a month to come
up with the collateral.

grand, and
the bank is convinced

that I'm a good risk
to assume the loan.

I know, it's amazing.

I'd like to help you out,
purely selfish.

I think I'd have
my money back in a year.

Six months.

I appreciate it,

but, uh, I just got a partner.

You just got a partner... who?



Well, the last time she invested

in a business with a man she was
romantically involved with,

it burned to the ground.

I wouldn't be investing because I
have a compulsion to buy boyfriends.

I smell a good deal,
and I'm not going to run

when things stop working
in the bedroom.


why don't you tell me
how you really feel?

Besides, I'd be
a silent partner.

I'm not interested
in trying to run things

I know nothing about.

I'll think about it.

I'll let you know.

If I were you,
I'd give me an answer now,

before the vodka wears off.

O.K., well, the answer is, uh...



What a racket.
It practically runs itself.

I want to talk to you,

Please let me in!

Let me in!

You stupid b*tch!

This is Jane Mancini,
Melrose Place.

Yes. Why isn't anybody here?

I told you minutes ago
he was on his way!

I'm sorry, Jane. I just... I
just want to talk to you.

J-Jane, I know I...

I know I said some...

I got a restraining order
this morning.

Yes, my ex-husband,
Michael Mancini.

Please hurry!

Open that door!


Jane, come on
out here, will you?

I came all the way down here!

Can't you at least...
for one minute?

A few words!

Michael, you've got
to get out of here.

You know there's
a restraining order.

She's probably already
called the police.

No, I just want to talk to her!

You can't talk to her in jail.

But I...

You gotta come upstairs,
we'll figure it out.

Come on. Are they coming?

Just come up to my place.

No, I...

Come on.

Check around back.

Mrs. Mancini? Police officer.

I've been waiting for you
for minutes.

Do you have him?


He isn't here.

What do you mean he's not here?

He was here two minutes ago.

I'm sorry, ma'am.

We'll take another look around.

All right, thank you.

Hey, sailor,
can I buy you a beer?

Matt, what are you doing here?

I thought we were going to
meet at the restaurant.

I couldn't wait.

I can't stop thinking about you.

Ensigns Paul Martin,
Steve Green, Seth Adrian,

Adam Joshua, Joe Wallace...
Matt Fielding.

How you doing? How are you?

Nice to meet you.

Matt and I went
to high school together.

We, we just ran into each other
yesterday in Santa Monica.

We hadn't seen
each other in years.

Nice meeting you.

Nice meeting you.

We're going to take off now.

Well, great questions
out there, men.

You really made me
earn my salary.

Thank you, sir, thanks.

Nice meeting you.

Nice meeting you.

What the hell are you
thinking, coming here?

Look, I wouldn't have come
if I knew you were working.

You said you had a lecture,

not a common translation
for "work".

The military can't
investigate you

without evidence
of public displays

of h*m* orientation.

Now, what are you
trying to do, hmm?

Give them evidence?

Look, Jeffrey, I don't walk around
with a sign around my neck, O.K.?

You're paranoid.

What did I do?

Just forget it...

and just stay the hell
away from me.

If that's the way you want
to live your life, fine.

Live it.

I went to three bakeries
to find this...

Chocolate ladyfinger
mousse cake.

The cake's great.

The dinner was great,
you know, everything...

This place looks great,
and uh...

When are you going to
stop tap-dancing

and talk about New York?

Billy, I can't move to New York.

Well, there it is. Terrific!

I'm not saying
I won't change my mind.

It's just...

it doesn't make any sense
for me to leave right now.

It makes sense
if you want it to.


your career is important...

and so is mine.

If things keep going
the way they have been,

I'll be promoted
by the end of the year.

I'd be crazy to leave now.

There's just... nothing
comparable in New York.

You don't know that.

We're not talking about Kansas.

We're talking about the biggest
advertising city,

if not the biggest in the world.

What if you hate New York?

What if I like it?

We can have a successful
long-distance relationship.

Other people have done it.

I don't care about other people.

Billy, "Escapade"
gave you a week

to pack everything and go.

They could give you a week to
pack everything and come back.

What do we do then?

I think... we should
be conservative.

Initially, you should
go without me,

and we'll take it from there.

I would love to think that we
could make it through this,

and I want what's best
for you and your career,

but no matter how
open-minded I try to be,

I keep coming back
to the same thing.

I just don't think
it's a good idea

for us to be , miles apart.

I don't understand your

I know more about boats
than I do about real estate,

and I'd be an equal partner
with Jo and Reed.

A guy who doesn't know half what he
sounds like he knows about boats.

Well, he talks
a pretty good game.

Yeah, he's got a good line.

Doesn't know anything
about maintenance.

So he doesn't know engines.

He has you, and he's
done this before.

Amanda... you're
missing the point.

And what point
am I missing, Jake,

that you're trying to keep
an eye on Reed to protect Jo?

That's ridiculous!

Oh, boy!

You were so dead set
against this guy.

I don't understand.

Now what, you suddenly
trust him?

I thought he was a con artist
and now I don't.

Besides, I'm not
assuming all the risk.

I know you're there to try
and protect Jo's investment,

and now you can
protect mine, too.

I know this is
completely irrational.

I mean, the more I-I try
to ignore it,

the more I just keep
staring at this suitcase.

I'm convinced
there's dr*gs in it.

Well, it's not like it's
coming out of nowhere.

He was in prison
for drug possession.

You're allowed to doubt him.

But maybe it's not doubt,
you know?

Maybe I'm really starting
to feel for him,

and I'm just looking
for an excuse to run,

to get rid of this anxiety.

The anxiety of another romance

or the anxiety of going
into business with him?

What makes you ask that?

I mean, just because I keep
replaying over in my head.

Jake's voice going,

"I can't believe you're getting
into business with an ex-con,"

an ex-con! Ex-con! Ex-con!

O.K., let's go over this again.

All right, the suitcase is here

to keep it safe from the
people on the boat.

Yes, and I mean,
if I had something,

one thing that I really
cared about,

I would want it safe, too.


So why was I up at : a.m.,

circling this thing
like an animal with its prey?

'Cause I'm insane, that's why.

Or... your instincts are right.

I got to know what's in it.


it's exactly
what he said was in here.

So much for women's intuition.



I want to apologize.

For what?

Putting me behind
the eight ball,

lying to your men,
or lying to yourself?

O.K. I guess I deserve that.

Why don't you let me know
when you're done?

Look, Jeffrey,
it took me a long time

to look myself in the mirror
and face my demons, O.K.?

I don't need to deal
with anybody else's.

I'm not asking you to.

I came here to tell you...

what a pleasure it is
to spend time with someone

who's so comfortable
in his own skin.

Look, I want to be
with you, Matt.

I want to work on this.

I want to...

I want to work on integrating
both sides of my life.

What about your motto,
"simple and short"?

Well, it's all I know.

That's 'cause...

I never met anybody
who made me think

about how much
I was missing before.

You say that like you mean it.

I do.

Look, I need your help
on this one.

Come on,

what do you say?

I'd be willing to give it a try,

see how it goes.

Wow, you look beautiful.


You look incredibly handsome.


Ah, the man doesn't
like compliments.

Duly noted.

Actually, I love compliments.

I was just trying to figure out

when was the best time
to tell you

that our new partner
is joining us for dinner.

When did this happen?

Reed, are you nuts?

Relax. I'll explain it later.

Hello. Hello.

Hey. How are you?


Well, Amanda made her formal
offer this morning.

Wow, you work fast.

Just trying to keep up
with the neighbors.

To autonomy.

To autonomy.

And twin Marine V-
turbo engines,

and someone who knows more

than just how to pronounce them.

Now, this is what I'm thinking.

You were absolutely right
about the day trips...

Parties, weddings,

Cash in advance, clients supply
their own catering.

But I think we should do
a no-host bar.

We can put the application for the
liquor license under my name.

Amanda, maybe you should wait
a little bit.

We could put it under Jo's name.

You have everything
figured out, don't you?

Actually, there are still
plenty of unknowns.

Hi, Sydney.


Sorry to get you
out here so late.

That's O.K.,
it's good to see you.

I need a favor.

Sure. What?

I need you to go over to the
hospital pharmacy over there,

and get this prescription
filled for me.

It shouldn't take more
than minutes.

I'll wait here,
you just go over there,

get it and bring it
right back here, O.K.?

Michael, this is a prescription
for painkillers made out to me.

Yeah, well,
they're actually for me,

but I can't write
a prescription for myself.

I don't know, Michael.

Oh, come on, Syd.

Come on, go.

Oh, really...

I don't think you should
be taking these.

I mean, aren't they bad for you?


Well, if it was O.K. for you
to be taking them,

then wouldn't another doctor
give you a prescription?

What, are you God now?

You want to tell me
I'm in pain or not?

Or maybe you enjoy watching me
suffer, maybe that's it.

Michael, I just thought maybe
you should see a doctor.

Look, I am a doctor, damn it.

Now, look, you get
that prescription filled,

or you get out of my life.


I've got it all figured out.

What's that?

Our commuting schedule.

The cheapest way to do this

is with two-week
advance ticket purchases.

We have to stay over Saturday,

but we can just leave on
Friday and come back Sunday.

Oh, and I talked to one of
our account executives,

he said there's no problem
getting a fax modem

for my portable computer.

Alison, stop, O.K.? What?

Airline tickets and logistics
are not the issue.

On paper, we can make
anything work.

I'm just trying to look at
the situation practically.

Yeah, that's the problem.

We have to look at it

I mean, that's the barometer
for making this decision.

You know how most long-distance
relationships turn out.

I mean, there's going to be
Keiths and Steves

around every corner,
and people drift apart.

Not if they're committed
to making it work.

Well, maybe we define
that differently.

I think if you come with me,

then you're committed.

If that's not the case,

then what are we,
what are we dating for?

Why are we even talking?

You think you're
making this simple,

but you're the one
who's complicating things.

A long-distance
relationship will work

if you want it to.

You are glossing over

I don't know what it's gonna
take to convince you.


Please give us that.

I can't.

That's the one thing
I don't have.

I didn't know you felt this
strongly about it.

Have you been living
under a rock?

The way Amanda breathes
annoys me.

What were you thinking?

Well, that business
and your feelings

were like the separation
between church and state.


And that as a businessman
and your boyfriend,

I was protecting two things
that were important to me...

Financial and emotional.

Oh. Oh, that's smooth.

Yeah. Major points.

How could you do this
without even talking to me?

I didn't want you
taking out a loan,

and we needed another
investor anyway.

The evil that you know

is better than the evil
that you don't know.

You know I get all confused
when you get logical.

O.K., all right.

I'll try not
to do it that often.

I'm sorry.

I, uh...

I should have
talked to you first.

Yeah, you should have.

Anyway, I'm beat.

I'm going to get going, O.K.?

No, no, no, no.

You don't have to go.

I want you to stay.

O.K., all right, you know what?

There's something
I wanted to give you.

I got it in my suitcase.

You know, the one
I gave you yesterday?


Go on, go get it.

Here we go.

Oh, this is great.

Tell me this broke

on the way
from the marina to here.

Come on, Jo, lie to me!

Tell me you didn't
break into it, huh?

I don't believe this.

What, are you disappointed,

disappointed you didn't
find any dr*gs?

Are you?

I'm sorry, Reed.

Come on, you had to know
I'd be curious.

Oh, oh, put it on me.

What do you think, Jo?

You think I'm ever going
to get out of jail?

I'll have your check
back to you in the morning.

I don't even know
how serious he is.

I wanted to throw him
a going-away party,

and he wouldn't let me.

That's weird.

He's trying to skip town

like "High Noon" or something.

Yeah, more like "The Fugitive".

Well, look at all
the advantages, you know.

I mean, you'll always be
on your best behavior,

and the time that you do spend
will be quality time.

Hey, I know it can work.

The trouble is convincing Billy.

Well, when he sees how happy
you are when you're together,

he'll come around.

I just can't seem to
get him to understand

that relationships
have to be flexible.

He must have gone

to the Amanda Woodward
school of self-interest.

You know, I wouldn't worry
about what Amanda said

at dinner last night.

When she feels threatened,
she gets territorial.

She'll pull back.

She has to,
she doesn't have time.

Yeah, well, Sheena,
she-mistress of the S.S.,

better find the time.

What do you mean?

Reed changed his mind
about a partnership with me.


He found out about
our little break-in.

Oh, no.


Last night, when we
got back from dinner.

Oh, I don't believe it.

Yeah, I couldn't, either.

Every time I start to mistrust
someone I care about,

everything goes down
the tubes, you know?

Don't be so hard on yourself.

What else were you supposed to
think under the circumstances?

That he'd
put his past behind him

and he deserved to go forward.

I owe him an apology.

Alison, I want this to work.

I need this to work.

Hey, Nick.

Yeah, it's me.

Listen, I want
to double up my order.

What can I say?

I just got double the cash.

Look, I got to go.



I didn't expect to see you here.

There's something I wanted
to say in person.


I'm listening.

I'm sorry for making you pay

for the disappointments
of past relationships.

Opening your suitcase...

wasn't really about you.

It was about me being scared

of letting you in.

Yeah, well...

maybe I was taking out
my frustrations

about people not trusting a con

to give them the right
time of day on you.

You're making me pay for what
a couple other guys did,

and I was making you pay

for what the justice
system did to me, and...

I don't know, uh...

Come here.

I need you.


It's me.

The hospital said
you didn't come in today.


Oh, my God. Michael.


Woman on phone: - - , what is
the nature of your emergency?

I need an ambulance.

May I have your address, please?

Uh, Beachfront Walk.

The nature of the problem?

A man is unconscious.

May I have the name of the man?

Michael Mancini,
Dr. Michael Mancini.

Do you know how
he was rendered unconscious?

I don't know.

Just hurry!

I'm here, Michael.

You're going to be just fine.

Billy, this is ridiculous.

We always take each other
to the airport.

I'm just going to go outside

and tell the taxi we don't
need him anymore.

I can't let you
take me this time.

It's different.

I don't know, I just...

I'm afraid I won't go
if you're there.

I just wish...

Oh, Billy, don't.

Look, I've already got
my first advance ticket.

By the time you find
the best take-out restaurant

in your neighborhood,
I'll be there.

I wish I shared your attitude.

Oh, we're going to be fine.

New York is one of the most
romantic cities in the world.

Just keep thinking about
all the great things

we're going to
do there together.

I am.


Well, um...
call me when you land.

I'll wait until after I hear
from you to do my run, O.K.?


Moment of reckoning.


Try to sleep on the plane.

That's what red-eyes are for.

I'll talk to you in six hours.


I'll see you.

Yeah, see you.
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