05x01 - As Flies to Careless Boys...

Episode transcripts for the TV show "NYPD Blue". Aired: September 21, 1993 – March 1, 2005.*
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Ensemble cast revolving around New York's 15th Precinct.
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05x01 - As Flies to Careless Boys...

Post by bunniefuu »

Sylvia: keep your
fingers crossed.

He went to sleep?

Yeah, he did.

[Sighs] what am I gonna
do about these fish?

Did more die?

This lion's head's
on his way out.

Diane called this afternoon

About the 4 of us
having dinner one night.

That's her being clever.

If he'd have wanted it,
that'd have been him

This has to be horrible
for bobby.

I'm not gonna make it
any harder for him
than I did already.

What happened, andy?

There's enough people
in the middle.

Theo: mommy?

Be right there,

[Pounding on bar]

You need a new keg.

That is a new keg.
He just tapped it
an hour ago.

This contains sediment,
and it's flat.

Wanna come over here
and examine this,

Love to.
It's what I live for.

How's it going, bobby?

What do you want?

There's some developments
you ought to know about.

Customer: fine. I'll
drink this piss‐flat beer

With sediment in it.

You want‐‐
no, no, let me
drink this...

The grand jury's gonna call you
on the salvo homicide, bobby.

You got the subpoena?

You should also know
that in the last few weeks

We've taken
2 witness statements

That don't square
with your account
of what happened.

They have a car approaching you
immediately after the sh**ting.

Some exchange between
you and the driver,
then he leaves the scene.

I have to tell you,

There are people
in my office who think

Wanting out of the operation
the way you did

Would've given you motive
to take salvo out.

If it was me and I wasn't
involved in that homicide,

I wouldn't want to commit
a provable perjury about
what happened afterward.

Can't imagine
what would be worth
taking that weight on.

Is that it?

I'm trying to steer you
through this.

No. You're working
an angle,

Like it's been
all along.

D.a.'S also gonna
call your partner.

Customer, grumbling:
I pay my money, and
I'm talking to...

[Clangs fork down]

I gotta get back
to work.

Do you happen to know
where detective sipowicz
was that night?

are you gonna
tap a new keg?

What's your name?
Larry speaks.

The last 3 you had
are off that same keg
I just tapped, larry.

Are you saying
I made up
sediment? No, we're

Hey! Pal!
Shut it off

Hey, easy!
Or take it
somewheres else.

You're gonna
show me a g*n?!
Nobody's trying‐‐

We're trying to have
a conversation‐‐

Shut your mouth!

I got a g*n in my car!

I was in operation
desert storm!

Simone: calm down, larry.
Calm down.

This assh*le loudmouth,
he's on his way out.

I said what
I needed to.

It's to the short strokes now.

The question's
whether you're smart enough
to turn the weight loose.

When this is over,
you don't want to
see me again.

Larry: that guy's
an assh*le.

Maybe I'll try
a bottled beer.

Yeah, do that.

Andy: "there were 3 bears
that lived in a forest."

[Telephone rings]

A big guy...


It's bobby, andy.

I'm sorry to be
calling you so late.

I, uh, hope I didn't
wake the baby up.

No, no, no. We're...

Just reading
the three bears here.

Bobby: yeah?


So what's going on?

Some stuff came up.

We gotta talk.

I was thinking about coming
around the station house.

[Sylvia whispering
to theo]

Good. Sure.

I'll see you
tomorrow then, huh?

I put on a small
amount of weight.

Yeah, well,
I'll pick you out.


Good night.

Good night.

That was him
calling now.

[Clearing throat]

Yeah, we're
getting together
in the morning.

Ok. Theo,
let's talk about
these bears now.

[Pager beeps]

You got one, huh?


I guess that means
they're gonna beep
andy, too, right?

I think‐‐i think
he's catching.

I'll call when we leave
the crime scene,

As soon as we're
starting back.


Bobby, I know how
you feel about andy.

At some point,
you gotta look out
for yourself.

if andy's jammed up,

It's over
looking out for me.

Which no one
asked him to do.

Especially if he
took the guy out.

It's gonna be all right.

I'll call when we're
starting back.

See ya.


Witness: guy come on

Dragging girl
up the stairs,

Down comes a shot.

One boom?

Boom‐boom. No, couple
of sh*ts we heard,

And back down
the stairs.

Martinez: back comes the pimp
through the lobby?

Back with girl
in wrestling hold.

Yussef out from reception,
chase him to street.

And where are you now,
mr. Patell?

Out with yussef,
chasing pimp.

And‐‐boom!‐‐On the street,
blows his face all over me.

The pimp sh**t yussef.

sh**t yussef my friend
to death.

Martinez: and you sh**t
back to defend yourself.

Yussef gave me g*n
chasing pimp

Because he's afraid
to sh**t.

I sh**t
after he was shot.

You hit the hooker‐‐
the one in the purple.

You hit her by mistake.

I tried to protect yussef.

Any idea what started
this, mr. Patell?

Why the pimp when up there
looking for that other hooker?

No, I don't know why.

My best friend
in new york city.

Russell: chelsea,
who we looking for?


He come out the hotel
and shot me.

We'd be referring more
to your pal the pimp

Who m*rder*d somebody
in the second floor
of that hotel,

And then he blew this guy's
buddy's head off.

And I want to
hear about it‐‐

Cut it out.

You want both these homicides
to land on you?

Gerald gone crazy.

He done lost his girls
and his sense.

He say
fontella robbed him,

And she don't even work
for him no more.

Fontella? That'd be who
gerald was looking to whack
in that hotel room?

Keep yelling that
fontella robbed him

And he know
where she's at.

And then he yanked me
up and down
them hotel steps,

And then he bust 2 sh*ts
through the door,

And then he
dragged me outside.
Next thing, I'm shot.

Get me to
the damn hospital!

Gerald's last name and
usual places, chelsea,

And you're on your way
to bellevue.

I don't know
his last name.

sometimes frankie.

He like to be
anywhere now
trying for rock.

He crazy on rock.

That's what this
all about.

Now take me
to the hospital!

All right,
let's get her
out of here.

Doa in that hotel
never knew what hit him.

One through the door
right in the head.

Any signs of the guy

That pimp had the whole
wrong occupants.

The doa's in from cleveland
with his wife.

The wife should find
the travel agent
that booked them

Into that roachtrap
and put one in his head.

I want to get back
to the house.


Hey, bobby...

Hey, how's it
going, boss?

What's going on?

You know, a little
bit of everything.



Hey, how you doing?

Fine, detective.
It's good to see you.

Anticrime didn't have
that 61, lieutenant.

Oh, bum steer. Sorry.

Yeah. I don't know.

Hey, bobby.

How are you?

Whoa, what's
doin', james?

What do you think?


Yeah. Guys all
been ribbing me.

First time greg saw it,
he said, "hail, caesar."

I gave him the roman
centurion shot.

Hi, bobby.

how you doing?


How's it going?

So we're out
on a multiple.

Some whacked‐out

Perp's...in the wind?


We got his places

To drug corners in
the metropolitan area.

Boss, can i,
uh, borrow andy?

Yeah, sure.

Good to see you,

Good to see you.

Be good to
see you back.
See ya.

All right.

How's it going?

They're calling both of us
to the grand jury, andy.

What's the topic?

That fbi prick comes to
the place I'm working at
last night,

Says they got witnesses now
put a car coming up to me
when salvo gets hit.

I talk to the driver,
and then he pulls away.

This would be me.

I gotta ask you, andy‐‐

Could they have more?

More what?

Could they have statements
you pulled the trigger

They're holding back
to see where I go?

They could
have statements
I'm ann‐margret.

If you're asking
did I sh**t the guy,

I already
told you no.

I was worried
for you.

I followed you
to take your back.

sh**t salvo,

I drive up to see
are you all right.

If you want,

I'll be the witness,
you say take off.

Because I was thinking
maybe you did it.

I told you I didn't.
I just told you so

You mind not breaking
all pissed‐off at me?

I followed you
to back you.

I know that you
were backing me.

I'm sorry it got
things complicated.

Well, that's the way
it worked out.

Do what you gotta do.
Put me there.

Let them try to prove
I pulled the trigger.

Andy, this
is not about me

Trying to get
from under this.

If I was looking
to do that,

I would've done it
4 months ago.

So, what do you figure
is our play?

If it's not you,

The hitter's gotta be
either in salvo's crew

Or whoever it was
that salvo owned
in the rat squad.

Say, before
the d. A. Serves us,

I go to i. A. B.,
I put you there
at the scene.

But I rule you out
as a suspect.

Whoever whacked salvo
finds out that you're
off the list,

Maybe that
shakes them lose.

That could work.

Worst the job can
come at you for

Was leaving
the crime scene.

We handle it
that you left

Not to compromise
an undercover.

You'd take it
to that shannon?

If he was salvo's hook,
found out salvo was up,

He's got reason
to shut salvo's mouth.

Try it.

I'm not gonna
put you there, andy,

Unless I know
it wasn't you.

Ask me did I do it
one more time,

I'm gonna sh**t you.


This is gonna
work out, andy.

The approach
definitely has to
take them unawares.

Telling the rat squad
the truth?

Always wanted
to try that
once myself.


I got an idea.

How about I go through
several hundred more 2‐50s

On misbehaving pimps?

Find one named beales,

I'll give you a small
savings bond.

4 Possibles from b.c.i. On
"gerald sometime frankie."

Any of them
named beales?

Corrections give me
a franklin beales

Bailed this whore
chelsea out
last december.

Have gerald bales.

The address
would make sense.

It's, like, 4 blocks
from the hotel.

God forbid these people
retain their names
consecutive months.

I want to tell you
the grand jury

Is gonna call you and bobby
about the salvo k*lling.

How'd you come
to that?

You can count
it's reliable information.

I'm trying to find out
more specifics about
what they got,

But I wanted to tell you
what I know so far.

Ok. Appreciate it.

Will you
let bobby know?

I didn't get a chance
while he was here.

Yeah, I'll make sure
he knows.

Homicide‐‐second and sixth.


I got a pretty good shot
finding more out tonight.

Yeah, huh?


You wired?

The cock‐and‐bull story
you put out about
your wire

The night salvo's hit,

You got stones
asking me if I'm up.

My machine
malfunctioned that night,

So I took it off.


I want to give
a fuller account

Of the events
that took place

The night of
joe salvo's

You mean you want
to change your story.

After joe salvo was shot,
a car approached.

Turned out to be
my partner andy sipowicz.

I was worried about
this meet with salvo,

So I had asked andy
to follow me

And cover my back.

When we saw that
there was nothing
we could do for salvo,

Detective sipowicz and me
both decided...

That he should
leave the area.

Never mind the k*ller
on the streets.

We heard sirens.

We knew that there
would be radio cars

Showing up
to pursue the sh**t.

We both felt
the right move here

Was to protect
my cover,

Conceal that
I had backup,

And that I was working

To flush whoever salvo's
corrupt contact was
inside the job.

They wind up making
who salvo owned?

He got whacked before
I could find that out.

Sergeant martens
in your bureau,

He was suspended.

You don't think
it could've been him?

The left hand
never knows,
right, bobby?

And why do you
come to us now?

I'm hearing
they're ready to move

On whoever it was
that took salvo out.

That works out
of homicide squad.

How are you hearing
anything about that?

I can't give that to you.
You know I can't.

I mean, you getting it
from the fbi?

Shannon, how do you
want to get this done?

How do you want to handle
the formal statements?

I'll get back
in touch with you.

I'll get in touch
within 24 hours.

You should keep this
to yourself,

You and sipowicz,

You don't wanna
tell nobody

Till I get
back in touch.

I'm feeling
better already.

Yeah, good.
Good, bobby.

You wait
to hear from me.

All right.
What do we got?

Walks off the street
to where the doa's

Sitting at
the coffee shop counter.

Takes the doa's
cup of coffee

And throws it
in his face.

The guy's screaming.

His face is all burned‐‐
running, trying to get out.

Everyone else is in
on the floor.

Perp throws how many
sh*ts inside?

Uh, statements say 3.

So far, we've found
2 casings.

He chased the doa

Puts one in his leg.

Then when the doa's down,
puts one in his ear,

Starts shouting, now try
to take his women.

After the guy's dead.

Yeah, shouts at the dead guy
for, like, 30 seconds,

Then he walks away.

Goes over here
and puts one
in the garbage can.

Garbage can
after his women, too?

Yeah, that
must be it.

Good luck with
this guy, andy.


It's the same

We got at the other
sh**ting, andy.

Plus the witnesses say
they saw this guy

Yelling at the corpse
about stealing
his women.

It's the pimp
from that hotel.

Fly in the ointment.

This doa's not
a competitor pimp.

He's a neighborhood

Suppose the perp's
lost his mind, medavoy.

Could that make
the neighborhood locksmith

A competitor pimp,
from his whacked‐out
point of view?

What you're
saying, andy,

That this could be
a spree‐k*lling

Like that
andrew cunanan.

See that, james?

I call this pimp
a possible spree k*ller,

He looks at me
like I'm dirt.

He probably don't
want you crowding
that cunanan guy

Off his pedestal.

What's that about?

I‐‐you know, I mean,
this is fun.

Seeing you has been
a lot of fun.

Is this a kiss‐off?

No. Hell, no.
Absolutely not.

So, does he, uh...

Take the kids to school,
your husband,

When they've
slept at his place?


He takes them
the next morning.


I see.

Do you have
to go in early?

A little.

About, uh, quarter to 8:00.

'Cause you're serving
those subpoenas?

Don't ask me too much
chapter and verse on that.

Oh, no, no.
I understand.

I'm a little

Even telling you
what I did.

I had other reasons
asking your plans, leo.

When I had to go in.

Don't get pissed off.

I'm not.

I'm allowed one
dumb statement
a night.

I'm not pissed off.

There was some kind
of hiccup at i. A. B.

They moved back
serving the subpoenas

Till the afternoon.

Are they looking
at simone and sipowicz

As witnesses
or as suspects?

I can't get into
chapter and verse, jill.

I understand.

You know, if I said
something like, uh...

What might
be true of one

Wouldn't necessarily
be true of the other.

That would be as far
as I could go.

Would they be looking
at bobby?

I can't talk
about it anymore.

Well, don't then.

I don't want you
to be uncomfortable.


It wouldn't be simone
for the suspect.


It'd be sipowicz.

Thank god I don't know
any national secrets.

Good morning.

Good morning,

How's it going?

Can bobby and I
get a few minutes?

Gotta go to work.

You just stopped by.

Call me later.

Why'd you go
to shannon, bobby?

Whoa. You know,
I would've made
the surveillance.

I guess you were
following him.

What did you tell him?

You said to get right
with what happened
that night.

Get right
with the grand jury.

I told him about
involving my partner
as backup

When I went
to go meet salvo.

Being the d. A.
Was about to move,

Both of us wanted
to make sure

It was on record
what andy was
doing there.

In other words,
you told shannon
he was hot.

What do you mean?

Don't play games
with me, all right?

Rule out sipowicz,

You tell shannon
he's the suspect.

Which I'm supposed
to know how?

You're not supposed
to know anything.

You're supposed to do
what I told you!

If you like shannon,
why hold off
moving on him

Until after
we testify?

That's none of
your business, either.

What's up here,

They want a little
bonus out of this?

Somebody's got
a hard‐on for andy,

Trying to get him
for perjury

Before the main show
goes on, huh?

I committed to you
to have a chance
to come out whole.

I came to you
at that bar,

I told you
how to play this.

Here out, it's on you.

All debts are paid,
all bets are off.

I feel so alone now.


You know where
our thumbs are gonna be

When this nut‐job pimp
starts in again?

Nothing more from
that chelsea?

Nah. Her big

She don't like
the hospital's food.

With regards to this

She never knew
where he was from

Or any of his friends

Or never even
seen him cop.

That was his power
over her.

How's it going?


How'd she hook up
with him?

Picked her up working
the bus terminal
in virginia beach.

All she knew that
he was coming up
from the south.

They were here for,
like, about 6 months.

He took on
some other floozy,

A fontella.

And that was
his stable's high point

Until the crack
did him in.

How's it going?


Chelsea says
the last while,

Gerald/frankie had
stopped sleeping.

He started slicing up
her underwear with
a straight razor,

Hassling the tricks.

This cost her some enthusiasm
for keeping close touch.

She hadn't strolled
for this guy for,
like, a month,

And fontella
hadn't, either.

What's doing,

I'd like to talk
to andy.

I'd really like
to talk to andy myself.

Phone call,
detective sipowicz.

Man wouldn't
identify himself.

Everybody, please,
be patient.

Detective sipowicz.

Did you have
a good talk before?

Yeah. Real interesting.

The right time,
we should sit down.

Is that right?

You put us with him,
there's money in it.

How much money?

I got some
detectives here
comparing this guy

With that
andrew cunanan.

This is a very
high‐profile case.

Yeah, all right.


I'll be incognito.

Skels read the post.

Only paper that had
my name in it.

What did he say?

He can put me
where this, uh,
psycho's at.

Andy, we should
really talk
for a minute.

Can I come with you?

She's ok.

You didn't tell him?

Hadn't got a chance
to talk to him.

Um, this is awkward,

And I'm sure
I don't understand
all the angles,

So I'm‐‐i'm just
going to say it.

My understanding,
the grand jury's
looking at andy

For pulling the trigger
in the salvo homicide,

Looking at you
for a material witness.

Ok. Thanks.

They were
going to serve you
this morning,

But there was
some hang up,

And now they're
doing it this afternoon.

Any more details
on it, jill?

Just, uh,
andy's a suspect,

And you're
a material witness.

Appreciate it.

I'd like you guys for pilots
if my jet blew an engine.

He owns
one of them hats.

Who's talking to jill?

I think cohen,

And I hope
all she's gotta do
is listen.

What's going on?

Kriegel comes over
this morning with
his dress over his head

That I tipped shannon
he was hot.

So, uh, what?
Me and shannon
are both suspects?

I don't think
they like you for
the homicide, andy.

I think they like shannon,

And hurting you is
somebody's side action.

Some individual
I may have offended
in the past?

We got to get on the record
before the d. A. Serves us.

No way
shannon don't bury you.

Already explained
to him yesterday
what I was doing there.

Take it to fancy?

You don't figure
he's who's looking
to hang me?

No. He's got easier ways
to reach out.

[Knock on door]


E.s.u.'S got a guy
holed up in a building.

They think it might be
your man.

There goes
my phone tipster's payday.

Uniformed officer:
they got him. They're
bringing him down.

any of ours hurt?

No. Perp was kicking
on the door of
that guy's apartment.

sh**t the lock off.

Guy climbs out the window,
down the back way,

Hails a sector car
on the street.

Perp accuse the guy
of stealing his women?

No. Said
he owed him crack.

This guy deals?

Says he just moved in.

Perp's confusing him
with someone else.

Perp does get people

...sue you both
for violating my
constitutional premises!

he's about as loony
as I ever heard.



Get down!

Somebody from
the school district!

Get down! Get down!

get down!

I think it came
from that building!

It was him!

Take his g*n!

Calm down, ma'am!

Take his g*n!
He shot it!


Shannon, we're going to
straighten this out, ok?

I discharged this w*apon
at a private range
this morning.

Ok. Just holster
your w*apon.

I'm telling you why
this g*n has been fired.

Fancy: look, I'm not
arguing with you.

Just holster the w*apon

And let's straighten
this out.

Consistent to this minute,

I conducted a private
2‐part investigation.

Identify a: joe salvo's
organized crime higher‐ups,

And b: those on this job
his higher‐ups had reached.

Get off it, sean.

A: you just shot
at a cop.

Now, that's false.

Whoever's telling you
that, detective,

For god's sake
don't buy into it.

I'm trying not to leap
to conclusions.

B: you're on tape
6 weeks ago,

Confessing to
peter botallicco

You're who
took salvo out.

Peter botallicco
is an o. C. Higher‐up
I infiltrated

And was making
representations to

To establish
credibility with.

[Door opens]

I need you to try
and get something sensible
out of that pimp.

I'd have liked
to hear this guy
float an alibi

Off whacking lincoln
in that theater.

Martinez: you understand
what you signed now,

So this is
my day in court?
This is court tv?

Where johnnie cochran at?

Where o. J. At?

Russell: we want
to hear your story.

You're the star today.

Fiftiest lawyers
with clubs.

Nobody escapes
my secrets.

Sipowicz: just tell me
what to call you.

Any damn thing
you want.

Call me steve.

That's my mother's name.

Russell: steve's
what your mother
called you.

Come as hard
as you want.

I'm saying
what I choose
to reveal.

Yeah, you're in
the driver's seat,

All's we'd like revealed
is how these people
betrayed you

And brought on
whatever occurred.

Betrayed people
got betrayed.

That law's before
any cop or police

Or walking the streets
or god almighty.


Did chelsea
double‐cross you?

She'd be dealt with
if she had.

She still walking
the streets of america?

I believe
she's still somewhere
in the states.

Then you answered
your question!

Gerald, frankie, steve.
I got other fish to fry!

Come as hard
as you want!

I want to hear what happened

The second floor
of that fleabag hotel

And on the street outside!

And then I want to hear
about that coffee shop!

And if you don't
start telling me,

You're gonna find out
how silly your
last statement was.

Fontella still
walking the streets?

Or chelsea both?

Then I ain't completed
my mission!

This guy needs time
on a cot.

I took back
my unemployment insurance.

I don't rely on
government handouts.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

All right.
It's your turn,

Try him on, uh, that
spree‐k*lling aspect.

[Closes door]

6 Weeks, and you knew
it was shannon.

Shannon: you're coming
with fabrications of mine...

The bureau hired a liaison
effectiveness consultant
retired off your job‐‐

Guy named haverhill‐‐

About the leaks
on our operations.

Turned out the guy had
a hard‐on for sipowicz
and fancy both.

Fancy: the woman
you're talking about

Has already
picked you out of
a photo array, sean.

Since you've been
sitting here,

3 Other witnesses
have come in,

her i. D.

Now we got you
for throwing a shot
at sipowicz...

And they got you
for salvo.

You wouldn't fib to me,
would you?



I'm gonna go cook
for my mother,

And I should be back
by 9:00.

Yeah? Good.

It's starting to look
real good for bobby.

Yeah. I'm gathering
from people's attitudes.

I think he's
finally getting out
from the middle.

I've decided bobby
definitely recognized
my condition, james.

What, when he saw you
yesterday morning?

Yeah. I've been
going over it in my mind,

And I've decided
he definitely did.

You know, you got me
hog‐tied, gina,

Not letting me do
the right thing.

You're not supposed
to say anything for
the first 3 months.

I don't think that
applies to "I do."

Let me marry you.

I don't want you
trapped in something.

Trapped? God forbid
something happened
with your pregnancy.

That wouldn't change me
wanting to be married
to you one bit.

I gotta go cook
for my mother.


Yeah. I'll see you
later, james.

Am I acting crazy?

Nah. Not compared
to the guy
I just caught.

Good night,

Good night, greg.

Any progress?

She decided
bobby noticed.

About now,
gina wants to hang out

With people
that don't notice.

She'd have to hang out
with the legally blind.

I'll tell you,

That condition
brings out some
strange reactions.

The mood swings
and the diet habits
in abby are unbelievable.

I know she wants
to get married.

I never noticed it
to that extent
when marie was carrying.

And I want
to marry her.

I wanted to
before she told me.

Of course, back then
my whole life
was a mystery.

Anyways, you know.


Cathy's up
in harriman.

I'm embarrassed
to even show you

What abby's
got me getting
for groceries.

Shannon: you're caught up
is all I can try
to describe it.

You're caught up
in something

That's too far gone
to retract.

Yeah, I know
how that feels.

That's what
I'd like understood.

There's no way 2 years ago

Any semblance, shape,
or form, I got an inkling

I'd be capable of this.

You accept
a little extra help and...

Suddenly you're used
to the additional income...

You want to write it,

My mystification
that I could do it.

That's exactly how deep's
my remorse.

You feel like you want
to write it now?

I'd rather write it
than live through it
again, lieutenant.

I'll tell you that much.

Yeah. Yeah, I know.

Martens, uh...

I'm sorry you got caught
in the switches.

Just give me a second,
would you?


All the time
you need.

I was a damn good cop.

This dirty
son of a bitch.

Don't stop
with shannon.

Bosses sit me down
3 months

So shannon
don't know they're
looking at him.

Every so often,
they make you hang
your ass over the plate

And take one for the team,
right, martens?

Seems like
that's how it goes,

Am I jumping the g*n?

They letting you
call yourself that?

What do you think, boss?

Come here, bobby.

Now I am through
wearing this
"kick me" sign.

I didn't
set you up,

I didn't
sit you down,

And I don't know
what that was about.

What I can do
is reach out.

And if that
gets you back,

Then you'll be
working your chart


There's a haverhill
you and andy crossed
a couple of years back?

Yeah. What about him?

He's working
for the fbi now.

He's looking
to stink up
our whole squad.

Are you and me straight?

we're straight.

'Cause the rest of it's
past us doing anything
about it.

And it makes me sick.

What are you
yelling at me for?

'Cause sometimes
you got to take one
for the team.

Why don't you see
if he needs a soda?

That gerald/frankie
propositioned me and jill
to work for him.

Sipowicz: careful how
you turn him down.

He's liable to m*rder
your gardener.

Does he go to the head
of the nut list?

Sipowicz: am I up
for a commendation?

Sit with a guy
who tried to whack me
and never raise a hand.

It was haverhill who was
looking to hurt you, andy.


Yeah. He's working
for the fbi now.

How about
my eighth grade
civics teacher?

I used to piss her off
pretty bad, too.

I understand
these subpoenas
are now moot?

Uh, give me mine.

Cohen: souvenir?

I already got some.

Do you have
a second for me?


Should have seen
the little wave
he give her before.

[Sipowicz sighs]


What else is new?


What's up?

Uh, I just, uh,

I mean,
I don't want to be
babyish about this,

But I kind of‐‐
I feel a need
for reassurance.

I mean,
I don't want to feel

Like I was some kind
of "deep throat."

Now watergate's over,

And you won't have
any more to do with me.

You know what, leo?


When you drop
the smart‐ass,

a sweet enough guy.

I like not being
a smart‐ass with you.

I also very much enjoyed
being naked with you.



I'm starting to prune.


That's good.


Boss called.

I'm back the first
of next week.


That's great, bobby.

I wouldn't have
made it if it wasn't
for you, diane.

You should make the bosses
pipe you up the stairwell.

Did you hear me?


Any chance I get a marriage
out of this?

I didn't even know
if I had a job.

How could we think
about setting a date?

Did I ask why we hadn't
set a date yet?

Are you turning lawyer
on me late in life here?


Ho ho.

Ha ha ha.

That was just a joke.


I hope so...

'Cause you're in a position
of extreme vulnerability.

I'll give you about
a half an hour
to cut that out.

Ha ha ha ha.

I got a better idea.

I love you, baby.

I love you.

You name the date.
You tell me where.

Right here...

For the rest
of my life.
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