05x03 - Three Girls and a Baby

Episode transcripts for the TV show "NYPD Blue". Aired: September 21, 1993 – March 1, 2005.*
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Ensemble cast revolving around New York's 15th Precinct.
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05x03 - Three Girls and a Baby

Post by bunniefuu »

Hey, james.

Thank you note
from me and gina.

Lots of happiness.

Yeah. They're
beautiful dishes.

As far as the elopement,
I hope everyone understood.

Oh, yeah, sure.

Gina went home early?

Yeah. She came home
around 2:00.

She was feeling
a little queasy.

I guess that's
to be expected.

Afternoon, all.


How's it goin', andy?

Stocking up
for our 4:00 to 1:00?

4.75 for snack

Oh, yeah.

4.75. Say no more.

Even though, uh...

I'm no longer
drinking dairy.


How's it goin'?

4.75 for snack

Uh, tomorrow ok?

There you go.

your dinner, huh?

Yeah. I made pasta salad,
which my kids hate.

Now I'm eating it
the last 3 nights.

Long as
I bring a meal,

I don't mind
a 4:00 to 1:00.

I sort of enjoy it.

Me, too.

You miss
your tv shows.

That's one negative.

That's true, huh?

Hey. Hey, hey.
Hey. Hey.

You know, you need
psychiatric treatment.

What are you
talking about, andy?

About every time I collect
for snack replacements,

You stiff me on the change.

What happened? Oh.

I put in a nickel
for a quarter.


That's not exactly
a federal case.

Last time, you pay your share
with penny rolls.

Bank teller busts sylvia.
She's 14 cents light.

[Telephone rings]

Excuse me.

15Th squad.



He did it again.

We got a doa
under the fdr.

Car fire.

Oh, my god, abby.
Are you all right?

Is your stomach
all right?

I'll be right
over there.

Just sit down.

Try and stay calm.

What's the matter,

Push‐in robbery at her
and kathy's apartment.

James: is abby
all right?

Abby's shot in the arm.
Kathy's dead.

Oh, my god.

What do you got?

Female doa.

Shot during a robbery.

2 Women shared
the residence.

One of them's
on the job.

Yeah. We know abby.

She's pregnant,

But she was living
with the female doa.

Yeah. Ok.

You want some water
to drink?

Uh, no. Thanks, greg.

Hi, abby.

Abby, I'm so sorry.

I can't believe
all this happened.

Can you try and
tell us about it?

We'd come home
from grocery shopping.

The guy must have followed us
into the building.

Kathy had just
unlocked the door

When he put the g*n
in my back

And told us both
to go inside.

We did exactly
what he said.

And then I told him

To just take
the money and go.

Jill: then what happened?

Kathy tried to get the g*n
that we keep in that drawer.

Was he getting violent?

Is that why
she did that?

I don't know.

What, he just
suddenly shot?

She was worried
about me.

I could see her getting
more and more worried,

And, uh, and then she just
suddenly protected me.

And the guy shot her.

I ran for the bedroom,
and the guy shot me, too.

And that's when you got
hit in the arm.

Then he left.

I don't think
the whole thing

Could have taken
more than a minute.

What kind of a look did
you get at him, abby?



Druggie look.

No facial hair.

Maybe 5'10".

So, pretty

What did he take?

Uh, just the keys.

But he made no effort
to rob the place?


He probably
got your car.

I'll want to get those
particulars from you.

I need to lie down.


We'll do what we can
to catch this guy.

As tragic as it is,

Your job right now

Is to take care of
yourself and the baby.


No blood trail
from the door to the phone.


Not too much sign
of a struggle, either.

She said
the whole thing

Was over
in about a minute.


You wanna go knock
on some doors?

Let's do it.

Be careful.

Still hot
as hell.

What happened?

Car went up
about 4:00.

Fire started
in the interior.

Girl sitting in
the passenger seat

With a b*llet
in her head.

You know it's a girl?

You can still make out
some muscle tissue

In the breast area.

Have any i. D.?

Not on her.

Car's registered
to a jerry torelli.

Some son of a bitch.

Wanted her
good and dead.

That guy over there
saw what happened.

All right.

I'll talk to the firemen.


How you doin', sir?

What's your name?

Jim chaney. I saw it from
my window right there.

What'd you see, jim?

White guy dumps gasoline
into the car,

Lights it‐‐boom‐‐
expl*si*n. Inferno.

Then what happened?

The guy runs that way,

Gets in the car
that's waiting,

Car jams off
soon as he's in.

Did you get a look
at him,

What he was wearing?

No, chief. My eyes
was on that fire.

Yeah, ok.

Listen, um, I didn't know
there was a girl inside.

Otherwise, I'd have
tried to help.

You talked to us.
You helped.

Did you give the cop

Your name and number
and all that?


They said the fire marshal
called the owner.

They know not
to do that.

Well, luckily, they
didn't reach him.

All right. Let's
get over there.

Man: who's there?


Is there a problem?

You jerry torelli?

I'm detective sipowicz.

This is detective simone
and russell.

Nothing bad
happened, did it?

You drive a '92 pontiac?

My daughter julie

It's registered
in my name.

Does julie live here
with you, sir?

Yeah. She's just
out of high school.

As long as
she's all right.

When did you
last see julie?

We just saw her.

She was just here
for my birthday party

Till, uh, maybe 3:00.

Long as she's all right,

The hell with what
happened to the car.

That car's license plate is
involved in an investigation

That we're conducting
right now, mr. Torelli.

So nothing to be
alarmed about.

Where'd your daughter go
when she left?

I presume errands.

She got a boyfriend,
mr. Torelli?

I had to break that off.

So what's the story
with the license plate?

Someone put it
on another car?

What else
can you tell us

About her former
boyfriend, sir?

Woman: your ice cream's
melting, jerry.

Yeah. These are
police detectives.

They think the jerk
stole the license plate

Off julie's car.

Simone: hello, ma'am.

Are you her mother?

No. Lois is inside.

I'm jerry's

The jerk's name
is sam depaul.

Yeah, jerk.

Or "the creep,"
we call him.

We need to talk to him.

My niece jamie
knows where he lives.

She's here, too.

We'll need to talk to
her then, if that's ok.

So, what, the jerk
used her plate

To pull off some kind
of robbery?

That's what
the investigation's about?

Let us just talk
with your niece.

Did I say this was
a bad kid?

Is my judgment confirmed?

Take it easy
in front of lois.

Come on. Just
let her know

There's no cause
for concern.

My wife's
the nervous type.

What is it, jerry?

Everything's fine.

Honey, these are detectives.

They have some questions
about the jerk.

My wife lois.

Well, julie wasn't
seeing sam anymore.

We understand that,

We're hoping that jamie

Will know where
we can find him.


Is your name jamie?

Do you know where julie
went this afternoon?


Tell them about
the phone call.

Julie got a phone call
just after lunch.

Suddenly she's
in a big hurry

To skip out
on jerry's birthday.

Where was she going?

I'm not getting her
in trouble.

No one's getting
into trouble.

Who called
for julie?

Sam depaul?

All right. Yeah. She was
gonna go meet him,

But she must have
changed her mind.

'Cause sam called back later,
said she never showed up.


So I don't know
where she is.

But do you know
where he lives?

I know his block.

Wanna take a ride
with us?

Maybe you can
point it out.

Gets me out
of cleaning up.

Jerry: at least we know
julie's all right.


We'll stay in touch.

I don't think
that's something

To be concerned about
necessarily, gina.

M.e.'S on notice. As soon
as they're done with kathy,

He's gonna contact me.

Abby‐‐abby, don't worry
about that now.

Tomorrow's time enough.

Yeah. I personally

Put the felony alarm
out on your car.

Try and get some rest.

I'll call you with
any developments.


Worried about kathy's

That doctor from nyu
is coming up‐‐

Guy from across the hall.

He is? Good.

Yeah. I'll be interested
to hear his story.

What do you mean
by that, jill?

Greg, guy who lives
across the hall

Calls and wants
to talk to us,

We want to hear
what he has to say.

Oh, yeah. No.
That's true enough.

That's all.


Jill: that's the guy.

Are you detective

Yeah. Thanks
for coming in.


This is detective medavoy.

He's also working
on the case.

How do you do?

Detective martinez.

I realize
You probably think

I should have stayed
in my apartment,

But I'm a resident
at nyu

And I had just been
called to operate.

We understand.

What can you tell us

About the incident
across the hall?

I heard a g*nsh*t come
from the lesbians' apartment.

I went to my peephole
to see what was going on

After, oh,
a minute or so,

The lesbian who's a cop

Came to the door
and looked out.

She was crying and screamed
that kathy was dead.

That's the other lover.

Did you say
anything to her?

I wasn't sure
what was going on.

I mean, if she
had just used a g*n,

I didn't want to be
her next target.

Oh, so you just
kept watching her

Through the peephole,

A pregnant woman at risk
from a m*rder*r.

Excuse me. I didn't know
what the situation was.

And there was certainly
no gunman in the hallway.

So, if you ask me,

She would be your
most likely suspect.

God knows, she and
the other one fought enough.

You an expert on that
through your peephole?

What is your problem?

Dr. Bonan, as concerned
as you understandably were

About might be going on
in the hall

In the apartment
across the way,

Did you go right
to your peephole

When you heard
the g*nsh*t?

I don't know what you mean
by "right to the peephole."

She means,
was there an interval

Before you looked out?

Maybe...a minute.

It's a stressful thing
hearing sh*ts like that.

Particularly for
someone like yourself‐‐

Runs away, doesn't
have the decency

To call in what he saw
for several hours.


And then describes
people with epithets.

I'm reporting what I saw,

And I'm entitled
to my suspicions.

Absolutely, sir.
Yes, you are.

Do you have
any other questions?

Uh, no.

I appreciate
your coming in.


Greg, I think you gotta
hold open the possibility

That there are problems
with abby's story.

In what regard?

I'd be more comfortable

If there was a blood trail

From where abby got shot
to the phone.

There's a million possible
explanations for that.

Of course there are,

And the fact that this
jerk across the hall

Didn't see anybody
leave the apartment.

You yourself established a
possible explanation for that‐‐

The interval before he
went to the peephole.

Yeah, I know.

So how can you jump
to abby's lying?

Greg, we gotta look at
the possibility of a quarrel.

Abby in a state of anger
maybe shot kathy.

[Telephone rings]

I'm aghast at you
for saying that, james.

Jill: it's just
a possibility.

No, I really am.

15Th squad.

Detective medavoy?

Yeah. What's up?

You caught a homicide

Involving a uniform
in this precinct?

Uh, yeah. Abby sullivan.

We're looking
at it, also.

Is that right?

Some people
in the building

Are talking
to reporters,

Saying that it was
a lovers' quarrel.

Abby says the perpetrator
was a push‐in stickup guy.

Did abby?

They just recovered
officer sullivan's car.

Uh, we should check out
that car angle.

Um, obviously
keep you apprised.

Yeah, all right.

Would you mind if I
don't go over there

And check out
abby's car with you?

No. That's fine, james.

Crime scene probably
won't process it

Till morning anyways.

Was that gina before?

Yeah. I'm concerned
with her.

She's having some
feminine difficulty.

She's a little concerned,
so I want to be with her.

Oh, absolutely.

Her mother's coming down,

But I want to be
with her, as well.

Don't take what we were
saying wrong, greg.

I'm sure there's an
explanation for everything.

Oh! Yeah, yeah.

I hope gina's ok.

See ya later.

Wanna go over 61s

For push‐ins
in that neighborhood

Until crime scene
gets in touch?

I'll look
for similar patterns

abby's story.

Yeah. Why don't
we do that?

That sounds like
a plan, jill.

I didn't mean
to snap before.

I understand.

My god, what'll we do
if it's abby?

Let's just look
at the 61s.

Sipowicz: just
walk on in.

Look, I don't wanna
go no further.

All right, but you're sure
this is the building?

I don't want no more
to do with it.

If he pulled a robbery

Using a false license
plate, like you said,

I don't know what else
he could do.

Why don't I take you
home now, jamie?

Could you drop me

Someplace different
from home?

Yeah. I'll drop you
wherever you want to go.

I'll send a sector car
for you guys.


People like
these family members

Being in the communications
room of the titanic

Is how that vessel sank.

You don't live here.

We're looking
for sam depaul.

No loitering
in the building

Goes double
if you know that jerk.

Oh. Police.

Sipowicz: you know
sam depaul?

The scumbag lives in 2‐f.

You seen him

No. His mom and stepdad
are home, though.

Heard them come in,
fighting as usual.

Great place to live, huh?

Thanks a lot.

It'd break my heart

If he wasn't
my neighbor no more.

Say 2‐b?


[Man and woman

Man: no.
No, no, no.

Woman: benny!


Detectives, ma'am.

What do you want?

Sipowicz: ask the lady
some questions.

I'm on the job, manhattan
north. What's it about?

It's kinda serious.

We don't want
to get into particulars.

Show some respect.
I said I'm on the job.

Manhattan south
piece of crap.

How about you
take a walk?

How about you try
working harlem?

See what real
police work is.

I worked harlem when
you were in high school.

Now back away before
I forget you're on the job.

Right there, benny.
Right there.

Right there, buddy.

Your son
sam depaul?


We need to talk
to him.

My stepson's not saying
a word to you assholes.

Go inside.
Go inside. Come on.

He's a decent guy,
you know...

Except when he, uh...when
he drinks, he gets, uh...

Where's sam?

I don't know. Uh,
he goes out late.

Ma'am, your son
may be involved

In a serious

We need to talk
to him.

All right. All right,
I'll tell him.

If he comes back,
I'll tell him.

Don't tell him.
Call and let us know.


I‐‐i gotta go
back inside.

Better let night watch
set up on this place.

We gotta go back and
tell that family, andy.

Yeah. That's
gonna be fun.

Oh. We still didn't
hear from julie.

Is your wife
with you, mr. Torelli?

Yeah. Come on in.

Sweetie, the detectives
are here again.


Here. Have‐‐
have a seat.

So, some news about
the...stolen car?

Mr. And mrs. Torelli,
there's nothing more we'd like

Than not to have
to tell you this.


Your car was recovered.

Your daughter was found
dead inside.

She'd been shot,

And the car was
then set on fire.

Is she dead?

Yes, I'm afraid so,
mrs. Torelli.

You said just
the car was stolen.

Who did it? The kid
I forbade her to see?

He is our main suspect,
this sam depaul.

We'd hoped to have him
in custody by now,

But we're still
working on that.

Look, folks,
as hard as it'll be,

If he does try
and contact you,

We would appreciate you
not saying that you know

What happened
to your daughter.

Get in touch
with us instead.

[Sobbing] forbade me
to end it sooner.

How many times did I say
he was trouble?

It's under
the bridge now.

Soon as we talk to sam,
we'll get in touch with you.

We'll‐‐we'll stay
out of your hair.

[Sobbing] julie!


[Sobbing loudly]


Go to your wife.

Mrs. Torelli:


Oh, my...

Oh, my baby.


Hey, sarge, we like this guy
for k*lling his girlfriend.

Uh, pass 'em out
to the day tour?

Yeah, sure.



How you doin'?
Oh. Coffee?

Somebody's been boostin'
all the tea bags.

Did you sleep at all?

Ahh. We spent half
the night at the e. R.

The doa's mother put her
hand through the wall

When we told her.

Night tour sittin'
on this guy's place?

Here you go.

Andy's gotta go for
that sinus operation.

Now he's trying
to catch an hour's sleep

Up there on‐‐
you know, the crib.

This is like
a mortar attack.

Hey, bobby. You lookin'
for this sam depaul?

Why? You got anything?

He was a passenger

In a car stop I did
5:00 this morning.

Where was this?

Had to be right
in front of his place.

His buddy's drivin'.

While I'm writin' him up
for a busted headlight,

This one gets out,
walks into the building.

You didn't happen to see

2 Detectives sittin'
on the place?

Yeah, I saw 'em.

And they don't move on the guy
when he's walkin' in?

Well, uh, they weren't
payin' too much attention.

You got your rack lights on,
and these morons,

They're sleepin'
through the whole thing.

I guess you know where
to pick this guy up.

Driver's name is,
uh, joe rizolli.

Here's his pedigree.

They're sleepin' while
the suspect is walkin' in.

Those guys, they
could sleep for andy.

After I left you
and andy last night

And dropped
that girl off,

I went
by a filling station

About a block from
the crime scene.

Guy almost passed out
denying he sold gas

In a container

Probably this rizolli
and his pal sam

Are who he didn't
sell it to.

Good morning.

Andy, you're not
gonna believe this.

That sam depaul? He gets to
his place at 5:00 this morning,

Night watch
totally misses him.

No, they didn't.

from downstairs,

He pulls over this car
with a busted headlight.

is the passenger.

Now, there's no way
that martelli knows

That we're lookin'
for this guy.

So he lets depaul out while
he's writing the driver up.

Depaul just walks
across the street,

Right into
his building. Boom.

And both night watch guys
got their heads

Up their ass asleep, huh?

I don't know
how anybody sleeps

Anywhere but their
own bed, anyways.

Him and me, we're upstairs
trying to catch one hour

In the crib.
Not a wink.

what's goin' on?

Another sleepless night
for us,

But them morons
on night watch...

The guy that we like
for this homicide,

They let him walk past
into his house,

And they snooze
right through it.

Let's go pick him up. We
ought to get this other guy

Off the street, too.

Yeah. This is a joe rizolli. He
was driving this depaul around.

Martinez: hey.

How's it goin'?

Actually, gina's not doin'
good with her pregnancy.

She's what they call

Oh, sorry, james.

Fancy: she seeing
a doctor?

Martinez: 9:15.

You want to go there, james?

She told me
to go to work

While her mother takes
her in, but I did think

I'd go over there
in about an hour's time.

Any news
on abby sullivan?

Um, yeah. The car was
pretty badly vandalized.

Jill's following that out.

And greg went to talk
with abby again.

Go pick this jerk up.

Talk with anti‐crime
for backup on the other guy.

I'll have a good
thought, martinez.

Thanks, andy.

This is so thoughtful
of you, greg.

I just got what
you usually ask for.

I appreciate it.

How's your arm?

It's all right.

Crime scene get anything
off my car yet?

Uh...yeah. They're, uh,
they're following that out

To...see if they can
lift some prints.

Jill's on that.

I should tell you,
abby, uh...

Your car was
pretty badly vandalized.

Stripped, you mean?

No. Vandalized...

Like, uh...someone
was acting in anger.

You know anyone who'd want
to hurt you like that?


I've, uh...i've got
some other questions

If you're up to it.


Um, one
of your neighbors

Said he heard a lot of fighting
between you and kathy.

Oh, the jerk resident
at nyu?

He hates us.

Is it true, though? Had you
and kathy been fighting?

We'd been under a lot of
stress 'cause of the baby.

I'd have morning sickness,

And kathy would just
be worried about me.


anyone would have.


Greg...kathy and I
loved each other.

We were a couple.

And‐‐and couples
have disagreements.

I‐‐i understand
what you're saying.

And now she's dead.

On the other hand,
abby, uh...

There's no witnesses
to corroborate your story.

Certain details

Not corroborated
by the crime scene‐‐

Say what you're
getting at, greg.

Lack of a blood trail
to the phone, for example,

Corroborating your actions
after you were shot.

I pressed my arm
against my shirt.

I see.

Ask the question you
want to ask, greg.

I think you know
the question, abby...

If possibly you
and kathy had a fight,

And in your anger‐‐

Did I k*ll her?

Did I k*ll kathy?

You know these type crimes,

The spouse is always
the first suspect.

No, I don't know about
these type crimes!

I know the person
I loved is dead.

And the answer
to your question is no,

I did not k*ll her.

All right,
all right.

My god, greg.

I believe what
you've told me, abby...

As far as it goes.

But I believe there's
more you could say

About the vandalizing
of your car.

The car bein' on delancy,
that's maybe significant.


I have an old girlfriend
who lives there.

Denise mccall.

It's been 2 years now,

But she took us
breaking up really bad.

Like how?

Like she wouldn't leave me
alone for months after...

Calling, coming over.

It was verging
on stalking.

Have you seen her

2 Weeks ago, I go into
the subway, and there she is.

Obviously, she saw
that I was pregnant.

The look on her face...

Did she speak
to you at all...

Make any sort
of threat?

Not in so many words.

But she was really upset...


Do you think she could be
involved in this somehow...

Possibly hired the guy
that did this?

I think it could
be possible.

That would explain why
he didn't rob anything.

Damn it, abby! You should've
told me about this before!

I only started
thinking about it

After you told me
where the car was found.

A former lover
who was stalking you!

You didn't find that

No! I thought it was
a push‐in robbery, greg!

Oh, sure.
A push‐in robbery

Where nothin'
happens to get stolen,

But one of the lovers

Why are you talking
to me like this?

If denise was involved,

I obviously knew
nothing about it.


All right.

What's this denise's

If she's not there,

You should check
at a bar called lula's.

Some lesbian bar?

Yeah, greg.


What's the news
with gina?

She is having symptoms,

With her pregnancy
being at risk,

But nothing's foregone.

I was worried
we were in the process

Of, uh, the baby dyin'.

Oh, well, that's not
a foregone conclusion.

No. She has to completely
rest and be off her feet.

Well, she
she has to
could do that.
Do that

For the next 3 to 4
weeks, absolutely.

Well, i‐i‐i'd say

That's a basis,
uh, cautious optimism.



Hey, greg, I really
appreciate your concern.

I know you got a lot of
other stuff on your plate.

Don't be silly.
Welfare of a mother and child.

Yeah. I know that's the
same situation with abby.

Yeah. Well, uh...

On that front, uh...

It turns out
that a‐abby thinks

This, uh, may have
been some kind of, uh,

Vengeance homicide
for hire.


Were you able
to get any lifts?

We got a hit on a print
from the rearview mirror.

It matches a tommy lang.

2 Push‐in robberies
on his sheet.

Uh, well,
as‐‐as far as, uh,

This denise abby told me
about, uh...

Uh, she wasn't at home
or the bar abby said.

This lang gave
his parole officer

A good address
7 weeks ago.

Let's try that.

Thinking abby's former lover
might've hired the guy?

Yeah. Uh...that'd
be the scenario.


3 Hours sleep,
and you guys drag me in.

All right, look,
sam, you don't want

To be complainin' about
no sleep. All right?

I'm just sayin' this
better be somethin' good.

You got no idea what
it's about. Right, sam?

That's right.

Did you call your
girlfriend julie's

Family yesterday saying she
didn't show up to see you?

Yeah. I talked to her
on the phone.

She was gonna pick me up,
and then, uh, she blew me off.

Hmm. 'Cause julie
hasn't been seen since.

Oh, so that's how
you're gonna be, huh?

You go ahead and
you ask julie's cousin

That I called to tell her
julie never showed.

You got your alibi
tied up in a nice bow.

That's what happened,
my man.

You see, sam,
I say alibi,

And you don't
even blink.

Well, when'd you say that?

That must've
went right by me.

Hey! Hey! You sh**t
a girl in the head,

You burn her
past recognition.

You're gonna sit here
and crack wise with us?!


[Knock on door]

We got your buddy
joe rizolli

Across the hall
there, sam.

Suppose we ask him‐‐

Go ahead and ask him. Ask him
what did he actually see.

Joe rizolli,

Detectives simone
and sipowicz.

She's pretty good‐looking
for a detective, isn't she?

Looks kinda like a
charlie's angel or something.

So now you gonna tell me
what this is about?

You know
a julie torelli?

Yeah. She used to date
a friend of mine.

You see her last night?

I went clubbin'
last night.

With who?

Sam depaul.

Who dated julie torelli.

Look. Sam and me went
clubbin' last night.

People at adonis'
will vouch.

But before you and
sam went clubbin'

You had a little
adventure with gasoline.

Excuse me?

You helped sam depaul

Burn up julie torelli's
body in her car, joe.

That puts you
in a bad spot.

See, that don't
put me nowhere.

I didn't know nothin'
about no fire.

Are‐‐are you
a dummy, joe?

You want to be locked up
for life over this?

You, joe rizolli, the
accessory to m*rder?

Listen to me. Look,

I didn't know nothin'
about no gasoline.

Look, all I know is,

Sam called
to pick him up.

I get there, and he‐‐

He's got this pepsi
bottle full of gas.

I said, "I'll take you
where you want to go,

But I don't want
to know nothin'

About that pepsi bottle."
So that's what happened.

I took him
where he wanted.

He got out. I waited.
He‐‐he come back.

We went to the club.

congratulations, joe.

That story bought you
a lethal injection.

The hell
write him up the
if it does!
Same as depaul.

Wait, wait, wait!
Listen to me!

He had me stay
around the corner

So I couldn't see
what was gonna happen.

Look, a few minutes after
he got out of the car...

I saw this big fireball.

Then here comes sam
runnin' back.

Says, "now nobody'll
even know she was shot."


So how about that?

Yeah. That's good.

[Door opens]

He gave you up, sam.


You and your pepsi bottle
filled with gasoline.

Hey, joe rizolli
didn't see crap.

So he couldn't
give crap up.

Sit down!

"Now they won't even know
she was shot."

Those words ring a bell
there, sam?

'Cause joe rizolli
told us what you said.

He told us
you confessed.

Yeah. But please sustain
that smart‐ass attitude

A little while longer,

So I can have the pleasure

Of beatin' your balls off
every wall in this room

Until I tire myself out.

Look, sam,
if this wasn't m*rder,

No one is looking
to make it that.

If you and julie

Were talking out
relationship problems,

And you just happened
to have a g*n‐

Automatics. They can
go off like that.

No, it didn't happen,

'Cause I would never
hurt julie.

I'm just saying,

Make it an accident,
not a homicide,

Where you'd never
hurt her intentionally.

We were att*cked, man.

You want to know
what happened?

We we sittin'
in julie's car talking.

Matter of fact, we were
getting back together.

But, sam...don't forget
about the gasoline.

I'm tellin' you, man,

This guy comes up, this
son‐of‐sam‐type guy

You told joe rizolli
you shot her.

We were back together...

And this g*n
just goes off...

Totally on accident.

It was just
bad luck.

And I got so scared,
so I called joe,

And I got the gas
to set her car off.

It was just this chain
of bad luck.

This is where you
lit julie's car on fire

With julie in it,

you had shot her...



Where's the g*n?

I threw pieces of it out
the window riding the l.i.e.

They're by some marker,

You know,
so and so's responsible

For keeping this part
of the highway clean.

The name will come to me.

When it comes back
to you, you let us know.

We'll get
somebody to pick it up.

Is it vic‐‐vic damone?

I‐‐i don't know.

Me and julie,
we'd made up.

That's‐‐that's what's
so tragic.

100% Accident.

You just remember
to say all that...

When you
write it down.

I don't get
the woman detective?

Nah. She's gonna
let us handle this.

How about
a refreshment?

How about "shut up"?

You want a cool drink

After a hard night
of sh**ting people

And tearing up
their car, tommy?

Oh, man, i‐‐
come on.

We know what you did.
We got your prints.

My prints?

Yeah. That car
you knifed up

After you stole it?
It had your prints.

No. The cutting up
is on someone else.

And that'd be who?

Nut‐job woman
tequila put me with.

She planned
this whole thing.

Who's tequila?

A friend.

He knows the nut job
from that bar lula's,

Where they met.

She's a d*ke.

Who's a d*ke?

Denise who hired me.

She wanted someone
to take out the other d*ke.

So tequila says
"I know who you can get."

She puts me with her.

But I wasn't gonna do it.

I just wanted to get a little
robbery out of it for myself.

Then I get att*cked.

So what happened
was self‐defense.

You want to look
at my sheet?

I got one thing on there
with a knife.

That was also self‐defense.

So, you were gonna
double‐cross denise,

Take her money,
but‐‐but not do the m*rder.

She's a d*ke.

The two running around
the apartment,

Dykes, too.

yeah, we know that.

So what did
denise say to do?

k*ll the one
who ain't pregnant,

Take the car,

Make it look like
a robbery.

She knew their schedule,

When they went shopping,

And everything else.

So, you, uh,
you followed 'em home,

Busted into the apartment‐‐

And was gonna rob 'em,

And then
there was complications,

'Cause denise, who acts
like she knows everything,

Didn't say nothin' about there
being a g*n in the house.

The one
I'm supposed to sh**t‐‐


The one
who ain't pregnant.

She goes into a desk drawer,
gets a g*n.

Now what am I supposed
to do with that?

That is an act
of self‐defense.

So you and self‐defense
are, like, best friends.

I was never
raising a g*n to them

Until she got one herself.

I told the other one
to go in the bedroom.

Was gonna grab
the loot I could get

And be done with it.

But then the tough one's
gotta run, get a g*n,

Turn the whole thing
into a sh**t.

But she didn't
get a shot off at you.


Turns out
I'm the quicker draw.


Who you're after
is this denise.

She is just this side
of crazy.

So where do we find her?

I'd try lula's.

Or where she lives.

Yeah, that's great.

[Knock on door]

What's up?

Yeah, um...

Abby just called.

Denise mccall is sitting
across the street

From her apartment.

Is she armed?

I don't know.

But you'd better
get over there.

Hank will take care
of this guy. Hank?

Uh...so, my situation?

I don't know, tommy.

You just admit
you shot a woman dead.

I don't know if we can just
let walk right away.

I told you
the circumstances.

Woman: people have a right
to the dreams of their lives,

And they have a right

To the courage
of seeking happiness.

Greg: how would that
apply to this?

The instance
of abby's...

[Woman talking]

Greg: yeah, we would.

Abby and I were the ones
talking about having a baby.

We were the ones
made plans for our family.

Then comes
the interloper.

Meaning kathy.

People prescribe their
own tragedies, you know.

If everyone
had just behaved,

She'd be alive,

And I'd be looking
at motherhood.

Now kathy's dead.

But you're still not on your way
to having a baby.

Denise: that's ok.

Door's open
for abby and me now.

You're way off, denise.

She doesn't want
nothin' to do with you.

Well, without the wannabe
novelist in the picture

Who writes like crap‐‐

And I should know,

'Cause I was at one
of her pathetic readings‐‐

You followed 'em around,
didn't you?

I did my homework.

You followed 'em until
you knew their patterns,

And then you stuck
this tommy on 'em.

I had him put people
in their rightful places.

Was it you tore up
abby's car?

In a fit of love.

Oh, yeah.

You give me all
the weird looks you want, ok?

But she's gonna
come around now.

Feeling as strongly
as you do, denise,

You want to make sure

Your side of it
gets on record.

Maybe starting with
hiring this tommy lang

To k*ll kathy.

Oh, gee, I thought
you'd never ask.

Then we can stack my writing
up against hers.

so, uh, denise,

Do you want to put
an end to this?

abby and i...

[Voices continue]

Doesn't show
an ounce of remorse.

I'd never say it
in court, but...

has crossed the line

Of not understanding
right and wrong.

She's not
the person you knew.

She was jealous whenever
we were together.

Possessive of my time.

Of what
I was thinking.

First, I was just
so glad to be loved.

When I knew it was over,

We went to counseling
for 6 months

To help her get ready.

I knew nothing was gonna
get her over it.

Finally, I just left...

Cut out every
part of my life

Where denise
was involved

So she wouldn't have
to see me,

Try to keep from
hurting her.

Even before
kathy and I met

And denise really
started stalking us,

I'd feel her
following me

Like some...
Haunted spirit.


Because I've been
that way myself.

No, abby.

Not jealous.

But just wanting
so much to be loved.

Like you're just an ache
with being so lonely...

And wanting to be
a part of life.

But I still...

Have my baby.

I am a part of life.

Of course you are.

No intention other
than friendship, abby.

I hope you'll let me
be a resource for you.

Thanks, greg.

We'll be part of life



How could you
do this to me?


I love you, baby.
I love you so much!

I'll take care of you now!

I love you!

I love you!

I love you!

We were meant
to be together!

I know it.
I feel it in my heart.

I love you!

Don't leave me!

Don't leave me!

Don't leave me!
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