05x12 - A Box of Wendy

Episode transcripts for the TV show "NYPD Blue". Aired: September 21, 1993 – March 1, 2005.*
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Ensemble cast revolving around New York's 15th Precinct.
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05x12 - A Box of Wendy

Post by bunniefuu »

[Siren whoops]

We'll check the other side
of the street.

What's the story?

This guy's walking
by the trash heap,

Sees the box.

Likes the workmanship,
he wants to take it,

But it's too heavy.

Then he sees
the liquid coming
out of the bottom,

that putrid smell.

Calls us,
we pry it open,
this is what we find.

No i. D. On her.

Good‐looking lady.


What's this guy's name?

Ed peterson.

Mr. Peterson,

I'm detective simone,

This is
detective sipowicz.

This is the most
unbelievable thing

That's ever happened
to me.

Tell us
about it.

I‐‐i don't know
what to say.

I have no connection
to the box.

You were just
walking by?

I was a passerby, yeah.

I saw the box,
I admired it.

I thought I could use it
for storage or make
shelves, you know?

Uh...who knows?

It seemed
like free game,
being by the trash.

I wasn't stealing
I didn't think.

Nobody said that.

I was picking it up,
and, uh,

I noted this liquid
oozing out.

My instinct
was foul play,
and I reported it.

You live in
the neighborhood?

I work at this piano rental
store down the block.

I swear that's all I know.

Ok, don't get
so worked up.

There's, uh,
2 guys with diane
we should talk to.


Now I wish I never
saw that damn box.

Clyde jones, marco arnez.

Tell them what you told me.

We work at this building.
Monday's trash day.

Last week someone put that box
out there for dumping.

That's a nice box.
Good wood.

And it's made really good.

So we took it to the basement,
figured we'd get it later.

And did you?

We came back the end
of the week,

But you can't believe
how heavy the thing was.

Stunk, too. We just put it
back out for trash.

That was...last friday.

It's been sitting out there
ever since.

You didn't wonder
why it stunk?

Not really.

Thanks for cooperating.

Which one was gonna
get the box,

the two of you?

Clyde: I guess eventually
that would've been
a bone of contention.

Woman strangled
and bludgeoned,

Boarded‐up in
this homemade box.

No less than 10 people
wanted to make off
with that thing,

The handiwork made
such an impression.

Took a week for anybody
to report it.

No i. D.?

Simone: she's got these
nice designer clothes on,

And all the labels
were from good will,
so we're gonna go over there

And see if
we can get her name
off some of the receipts.

You checked with
missing persons?

Yeah. Nobody fits
her description.

Hey, andy, I thought
of a fitting name
for your case.

Fox in a box.



You've got an investigate‐aided
at bellevue:

6‐Year‐old boy,
seriously injured.


You up to it?

Sure. I just...
Need a minute.



morning. What do we got?

Ricky powell,

Caught one
in the chest.

These guys
were witnesses.

They're drivers
working the shift.

That look like
the perp got hit?

Ah, good possibility.


How you doin'?

I'm buggin' out,
you know?

can you tell us
what happened here?

Um, man, business is slow.

Ricky's taking a turn
at pinball,

And this puerto rican dude
comes in.

He's all pissed off,
shouting and everything.

Yeah, and drunk.
Stinking drunk.

Yeah, and he's talking
about how he wants a car,

So ricky says,
"give me a minute,"
you know?

"I'm finishing my game."

Yeah, he was only
on his first ball.

Yeah, he didn't
want to waste it.

But the dude's insisting,
so finally he gotta
give it up.

And then ricky told
the puerto rican dude,

"You gotta show me the money
before I give you the car."

And that's when my man
pulls out the g*n.

I saw that,
I hit the deck.

Yeah, we...
We got into the booth,

Covered ourselves,
you know?

All of a sudden,
blau! Blau!

Dude sh**t ricky.

Then we come out.

Ricky's dead,
and we can't help him.

Can you, uh, describe
the sh**t any more?

Maybe 30. Short hair.
He had a blue flannel shirt.

And an earring.
You know, one of them
black‐and‐white symbols.

What? Yin‐yang?

Yeah, that.

Any chance ricky
pulled a g*n, too.
Shot at this guy?

Nah. Ricky's mama
wouldn't let him
have no g*n.

I called her,
told her.

You should've
left that to us.

She gonna have
a real bad time, man,

'Cause ricky still
lived with her.

I don't think he was ever
planning on moving either.

Ok. We may be
back in touch.


Maybe the blood trail
is ricky's.

You know, tried to
follow the guy out

Before coming back
and keeling over.




Notify crime scene.

Get these 2 guys outta here
and get their information.

Ok. Will do.

Excuse me, sweetie.

I have to talk
to a detective.

Detective simone.


I'm tim jones.

I need to report
my dearest friend in
the whole world missing.

Have a seat.

Her name is,
uh, wendy shatzi.

She's a pure angel,

And I think
something horrible
has happened to her.

What makes you
think that?

She's on a very
regular schedule.

Start of the week, she takes
care of her elderly invalid
mother here in new york.

On wednesdays, she goes
to florida, takes care of
her elderly invalid aunt.

Comes back saturday.
Same every week.

And there's been a change
in those patterns?

I've heard nothing for a week.
We talk every day.

Could she have stayed
in florida

A little bit longer
than usual this time?

She calls from florida.

We talk every day.

Well, the thing is, tim,

We can't take
missing‐person reports

From people who aren't
family members.

Ohh, dear.

Where's wendy
buy her clothes?

How's that apply?

It's just a question.

She's a thrift shopper.

Secondhand, you know?

Like the goodwill?


Tim, would you be
willing to take a look
at a picture for us?

Of what?

We're, uh, working
on a case right now
of an unidentified woman.


Yeah, she was found dead.

Oh, it's wendy,
I know it.

Could you take a look
at this photo?

Oh, no,
it's too terrible.

It's gonna be her,
I know.

Tim, it would
really help us‐‐

No, I can't, I can't.
It's gonna be her,
I know it.

Take a look
at the photo, tim.

Just look
at the picture.


Oh, damn it.

Is that wendy?

Why did you make me
look at it?

I told you
it was gonna be her.

Any ideas who'd do
something like that
to her?

You bet I do.

Her brother.

Her beady‐eyed
brother willy.

Thank you.


Wendy and him
fought all the time.


About what?


Wendy's rich.

She has a trust fund,

Plus what she made
as an actress.

She's an incredible

What does this willy
do for a living?



So you think he'd be
willing to pitch in
caring for the mother,

But, no, he's no help.

He just spends from the trust
and does squat with his life.

Did he and wendy
have a recent flare‐up?

Aunt frieda in florida‐‐

Last week she gives
the man who does her hair
an original picasso sketch.

As a token of appreciation,
you know?

Only it's a family treasure.

In her right mind,
she'd never part with it.

So the hairdresser
calls wendy and tells her.

Thank god he's honest.
He gives it back.

My point is,
frieda's losing her wits.

So wendy calls her
and talks to her
about it very frankly.

And god love the old girl,
she says to wendy,

"I better put you in charge,
otherwise I might give away
the whole store."

She was gonna give
wendy power of attorney.

And the first thing
she was gonna do
was cut willy off.

You know where he lives?

With the invalid mother.

2 Floors up from wendy.

I know he did this to her!

Ok, tim.

You want a glass
of water?


I just need a minute
to reassemble myself.

Excuse me. You have
a 6‐year‐old boy here?

I'm dr. Shane.

Detective russell.

The boy's name
is josh walker.

We just pronounced him
10 minutes ago.

What happened?

Broke his neck
in a fall.

I could be wrong,
but it looks like there's
a history of abuse there.

Ohh. Sexual?

No. M. E.'D be able
to tell you better,

But I think it's
worth looking into.

Are the parents here?

Linda walker's
the mother.

Stepdad's here, too.


Excuse me.

I'm detective russell.

I need to talk
to you and your wife
about josh's death.

He, uh...

He tumbled
down the stairs.

Back of our building.

He, uh, hit his head
flat on the pavement.

He was
a klutzy kid.

Did you see it,


Josh falling.

No, I was inside.

I saw it.

It was a helluva fall.

You were there
with josh.

Yeah. I was trying to
get him to go outside.

The kid needs fresh air
every once in a while.

Was he going

Well, he don't do
nothin' willingly.

He was moanin' and groanin'
it was cold.

That's when he stumbled,
and he took the dive.

What's your name,

Gary walker.
I'm her husband.

Mr. Walker, I'm gonna
have to ask you and
your wife to come down

To the station house,
talk some more
about this.

I can't do it. I'm already
losing enough time as it is
just being here.

Josh is dead.
You can miss work.

I'm losing hours, too.

Don't take a tone with me.

Gary, your wife's
been through
a tragedy here.

Yeah. Me, too.

Why don't we go ahead?

You want a minute
with your son, linda?

Yes. Please.

Do you like
this fruit tim?

He was quick
pointing to the brother.

[Clearing throat]

You wonder what's
in wendy's will for him.



[Latch turns]


William shatzi?

I'm detective simone,
this is detective sipowicz.
Can we come in, please?


My mother's ill.

Would you take the chain
off the door so we can
talk to you, please?


We're looking
into the whereabouts
of your sister wendy.

She's in florida.

We heard she was supposed
to be back last week.

No, she's looking after
my aunt in florida.

I just spoke with her
this morning.

Well, we'd really
like to talk to you
some more, mr. Shatzi.

Can we come in
and sit down?



Then we're gonna have to take
you down to the station house.

All right.

You don't need anybody
to sit with your mom?

Oh, she's asleep.

Hey, jill.


A guy matching
your perp's

Came into bellevue
with a b*llet wound.

A rico perez.

Maybe he's a grounder.

Who's this?

Brother of our doa.

Claims he spoke with her
this morning.

We're gonna try get
a search warrant
for his apartment.

He wouldn't
let us in.

Lt. Fancy: ok. Hard
to believe he lives
in new york.

More like he should be
in a painting, right?

The guy with the pitchfork
and his wife.

Have a seat.

Oh. Ok.

Can I have a coke?

In a few minutes.

There's bad news,

What's that?

Your sister wendy
is dead.

Dead? No.
She's in florida.

Aw, jiminy.

What do you know
about her being
in this box?


You said
you spoke to her
just this morning.

Yeah. I, uh,
must have been mistaken.

How long has she
been missing, willy?

Well, it's hard to say.

She goes to florida
so much.

I figure, she's not here,
she must be there.

You know, she's an actress,

And her schedule
is very haphazard.

I'd like a moment
to myself.

Yeah, sure. We'll step out
for a minute.

Thank you.

We'll have someone come in
and bring you a soda.

Be right
with you.

What's this?

Parents of a kid
who died in a fall.

You went on it alone?

To bellevue. Wasn't
exactly dangerous.

No. Just saying.

I go to the bathroom
by myself, too, bobby.

Linda, why don't you
come with me.

What am I doing?

Just sit tight.

I don't think so.

Gary, you sit
and wait,

Or I'll have
one of these guys
put you in a room.

Your choice.


Come on.

What kind of hitlers
you got working here?

In here.

Why can't gary come?
I don't mind.

I gotta talk to you

It's standard

Here you go.

I didn't say so
at the hospital,

I'm sorry
for your loss.


So, what's your work?


I can't stay
much longer, though.

Doesn't look right‐‐

Being pregnant
and serving booze.

This is gary's baby?


Do you believe
what he said, linda,

That josh fell down
those stairs?


Or do you think
he might have hit him

And knocked him
down the steps?

He is a hitter.

I wasn't a witness, but..

Your scenario
wouldn't surprise me.

So he'd hit josh

Oh, yeah.

And you, too?

I've been hit
all my life.

I don't have
a victimy thing about it.

But I gotta say,

Josh wasn't
no bundle of joy.

No, huh?

Cried all the time.

Woke us up crying
about monsters
in his nightmares.

Wiped his boogers
on the sofa.

He just couldn't
be right.


School kids
never liked him.

Neither did the teacher.

He was just...

Like, a misfit.

Did you
hit josh, too?


And you gotta understand,
gary didn't mean anything.

He'd be rough with josh,

But josh...
Didn't seem to learn.

Plus he'd make up for it‐‐
buy him a toy the next day,

Something like that.

I'm gonna ask you
again, linda.

Did you see josh
go down the stairs?


Did gary tell you
he pushed him?


But he lies.

Ok. I'm gonna
talk to him.

Why don't I get you
a ride home.

How's james doing,

Oh, his back's
in bad shape, I guess.

First bed.

He and gina doing
bed rest together?

Yeah. Wondering who's
gonna crack up first.

Rico perez?

What do you want?

Detective medavoy
and kirkendall.

We heard you got shot.

Uh‐huh, right
in my hip.

How'd it happen?

Some buddy of mine.

It was an accident.
I ain't charging him.

Charging's what
we do, rico.

your friend's name?

I don't know.

Are you intoxicated?

Look, I ain't talking
to you no more, ok?

I know it just
puts you in jail.

Why would we arrest you
for getting shot?

Ha ha. You'd come up
with something.

Were you at
avenue car service
this morning, rico?


'Cause you match
the description
of a guy

Who pulled
a sh**ting there.

Wasn't me.

The dispatcher
was k*lled.

Now, if you had
a part in that,

You wanna say so
up front.

No. No, uh‐uh.

I know how you trick people
into saying stuff,

And then you lock them up.

I ain't taking
any chances.

Where's the g*n that
goes with this holster?

Is that the g*n
you got shot with?

What's the doc say?

They admitting
this guy?

No. Treated and released.

Bring him into the house
after he's done.

See ya, rico.

Uh, one of your colleagues
brought in a ginger ale.

I asked for a coke.

Yeah. In a minute.

You got some
to do, willy.


Some detectives
talked to the people
in your building,

Asked about your
comings and goings
and so forth.


So mel arnold,
your doorman,

He says you left
the building
last monday

Hauling a big
wooden box
on a dolly.

You rolled it
right through
the lobby.

No, that's not true.

We got 3 other tenants
in the building

Saying the same thing.

Well, that's
very mysterious,

But it isn't so.

Willy, we know
about the money.


The trust fund
you been sponging off.

We know that
your sister wendy

Was gonna put
a stop to that.

Wendy wouldn't have
that authority.

Are you telling me
when we search
your place,

We're not gonna see
signs of a struggle

Between you
and your sister‐‐

Evidence that
you k*lled her,

Then boxed her up
and got rid of her?

Detective sipowicz,

That's quite a tale.

You're the one
dreamed it up.

No. This is a great

You're a gem.

Look, while you guys
are sorting out this mess,

May I please
have a sandwich...

And my drink?

[Knock on door]

Uh, we need the room
for a lineup.


Willy could
use some time
in the cage.

Get up.

Willy: what?


Come on, get inside.

Are‐‐are you going
to get my drink?

You're gonna
see 6 guys, roger,

But they won't
be able to see you.


If you recognize

Say which number
and where you
know him from, ok?

Ok. Got it.

Medavoy: uh, disregard
the cage creature.

I see him.
Number 2.

That's the dude
that shot ricky.

This was at
avenue car service
this morning?

Mm‐hmm, that's right.

He still
looks drunk, too.

Hold number 2.

Did anthony
pick him out, too?

Uh, we got
what we need, roger.

Yeah. Got that guy.

Mrs. Shatzi?

Woman: I'm soiled!

I'm soiled!


Ok, ma'am.

I'll call e. M. S.

We're police
detectives, ma'am.

Where's wendy?

She changes me.

Wendy's not here.

Still not here.

15Th squad...

When did you
see her last?

Oh, I don't know.

My memory's bad.

Has willy been
caring for you?

No. Blanca cares for me
till wendy gets back.

But wendy hasn't
been back.

Mrs. Shatzi, I have
to ask you something
that's important.

I want you to think
really hard.

Have you heard or seen
anything unusual
in the apartment

The past week or so?

I don't think so....

But I sleep a lot.

Have you noticed that
willy has been mad
at wendy recently?

He's always mad. They
have sibling rivalry.

Did he ever get so mad
that he was violent?

Willy's had a hard time.

Wendy's more adapted.

What do you mean,
"a hard time"?

Wendy was just a baby,
so she hardly remembers,

But willy...

Witnessed his dear
little brother's death.

To this day,
he's still...

Finding his way back.

I need a bath.

Yes, ma'am.

We've got someone
coming on the way

That's gonna
take care of you.

[Door opens]

Have a seat, gary.

I think I'd like
to get out of here
sometime this year.

Have a seat.

Can I see that?


You're the boss.

So, uh, let's talk
about you and josh

Out on the stairs
of your building.

He slipped and fell.

How many times
I gotta say it?

Yeah, I know that's
what you were
going with, gary,

But we got
a dead kid here.


So we gotta
get serious.

I know how frustrating
a 6‐year‐old can be,

And, as linda tells it,

Josh was
kind of a handful.

He wasn't
frustrating me.

Maybe you two were
playing around
on the stairs‐‐

Sparring, something
like that?


'Cause somehow, you
ended up punching him
in the face.

I'm just trying to see
how that happened.

I didn't punch him.

That's the inside
of josh's skin
from his forehead.

You see that mark‐‐

The diamond shape,
the "x" through it?

That remind you
of anything?


Look, I didn't mean
to hurt him.

Yeah, I believe that.

And that takes it
down from m*rder
to manslaughter.

I took josh outside.

I told him, amuse yourself
a little while

So linda and I could
get some time together.

He starts crying.
He‐he's cold.

He...he wouldn't
obey me.

I did get frustrated.

I gave him a shove.

The ring, gary.

The mark
on his head.

All right.

I gave him a smack,
a punch.

I couldn't believe
how he went flying.

Write down
what you told me

And show your sorrow
about losing josh.

That'll be the best
angle for you.

I can't go to jail.

If I go to jail,
my life is over.

How'd it go
at your guy's

First thing we find's
an 80‐year‐old woman
in dirty diapers.

No food anywhere,

Just some sodas
in the fridge.

That's how this guy
takes care of his mom.

You send someone
to tend to her?

E.m.s. Took her in.

And the search?

Came up with enough
to know that this
is our guy.

Been lying
like a son of a bitch.

That's gonna stop.

The sandwich
was very good.

We're sure glad.

But they gave me
a pepsi.

I think I made myself
duly clear twice

What kind of soda
I wanted.

We've been at
your apartment, willy.

We found your mother
helpless in bed.

Yeah. She's very ill.

But you don't see fit
to take care of her.

My sister wendy
does that.

Well, wendy's dead.
We've established that.


Let's run down
the list of things

That we found at your place
that we consider relevant,
shall we?

Number one‐‐splattered blood
around the bottom
of your door.


Number 2‐‐

a hammer, saw.

Carpentry's a hobby.

A day calendar
on your desk.

Shall we read it aloud?



"This is it.
Make a decision."


"Buy nails and dolly."

Friday‐‐you got nothing
on friday.

I guess you were
busy all day
building that box.

I didn't make a box.

"mission complete."

"garbage pickup, 8:15."

Do I need to go on here?

This is not my calendar.

Oh, no?
Maybe it's your mother's.

Has she also got an interest
in carpentry?

Someone must be
setting me up.

We found everything
at your place

Except for that t‐shirt
you had made up‐‐

"I k*lled my sister."


you're caught!

How can you sit there
and deny this?

I simply didn't do it.

May I have
my refreshment now?

You are not leaving here

Until you tell
the truth, willy.

Do you understand?

Now, we three
will sit here all night
if we got to,

Until you say
what you did with wendy.

You go ahead
and have a seat.

Can I offer you
something to drink?

Uh, let me
get to the point
why we're here.


We understand you have
a puerto rican man
in custody

For my nephew's death.

That's right.
He was identified by 2 men
as having shot ricky.

He didn't.

What makes you say that?

The man who shot ricky
has confessed to darlene.

He came to her
asking forgiveness.

We don't want to say
who it is.

It's just that you got
the wrong man here.

This puerto rican
shouldn't go to jail
for this sh**ting.

We're gonna need
more of an explanation
than that.

I don't want

Mrs. Powell,
you giving us information
on the homicide

Without backing it up,

You might as well
not have come in here at all.

We can't let someone go
just because you say to.

But I've forgiven
who k*lled my boy.

Can't that be enough?

No. I'm‐‐i'm sorry.
It can't.

Well, I personally believe
he should be punished.

Who are we talking about?

Jeb taylor.

[Darlene crying]

Ricky's best friend
since diapers.

He went to that car service,

Got into some sort
of struggle,

Shot the puerto rican
and ricky, too.

But on accident!

'Cause he was meaning to
protect ricky.

We're gonna have to
hear that from jeb.

Where do we find him?

First baptist church,

On ninth.


You were right
to come in.

What have we done?


Did you bring the coke?

You are wearing
on our patience, willy.

What are you gonna do,
beat me?

I wasn't saying that,
but don't think I won't.

What's that?

The machine
was out of regular.

What do you say, willy,
time for me
to take off my coat?

The machine
was out of regular? Huh?

What, are you kiddin' me?!

What the hell's that?

I didn't say diet!

I didn't say pepsi
or ginger ale.

How many times
do I gotta ask for
a plain old coca‐cola?


If we give you one,
will you confess?

Would you give me
a liter?


Would you give me
a liter?

Yeah, we might be able
to do that.

You give me 2 liters,

I'll tell you about
another m*rder.

Thanks for coming back,

Did gary confess?

He's writing it up.

You got honesty
out of him.

That's no easy thing.

There was a mark
on josh's forehead

The coroner found.

It matched
gary's school ring exactly.

He hit josh with it?


If you'll testify
to gary's past behavior,

That'll really help
prosecuting him.

He's so proud
of that ring.

But you want to know
the truth?

Gary never went
to college.

He ordered that thing
in a catalog.

So are you willing
to talk to a d. A.
About gary's hitting?

Yeah, I guess I will.

Ok, then.

Can we talk about
something personal, linda?


Do you like kids?

Yeah, sure.

You were happy
getting pregnant again?

Well...gary wanted it.

But gary's
going to jail.

And we're divorcing,

I've had it with him.

So what about
this baby coming?

I guess it's...

Mine to deal with.

I don't want
one of them
late abortions.

You gotta
go into labor
just to get the thing.

You know,

Not everyone's
cut out to raise kids.

Saying I'm not
a fit mother?


When I had josh...

I thought nature

Make me into a warm,

Mom type.

But they
gave him to me...

I'm holding him
for the first time.




Maybe this baby
should go to someone

Who does feel warm
like you wanted to.

Stays with me,

I'll probably find
a new loser
to move in, and...

He'll beat this one,

I can make you
an appointment
with an agency.

You must think bad
of me.

I just want to figure
how you and the baby
can be happiest.


is what you're saying.


That's probably
the thing.

I'll make the call.


Try not to think
bad of me.



We don't need
no police involved.

I've made peace
with ricky's people.

Over sh**ting ricky?

Theyhave forgiven me.

You, you're the outsiders.

Why don't you just
step out and leave us alone?

Because our job
is finding out
how ricky died, jeb.

So why don't you explain
the circumstances to us?

All I planned
was to come over

And say hello
to my brother.

But I stepped
into a situation

I needed the good lord
to help me figure out.


There was a spanish man.

He was holding a g*n
over my brother ricky.


God told me
I had to interfere.

So what did you do, jeb?

I wrestled the g*n away,

But trying to hit
the spanish man,

I mistakenly hit
my brother ricky.

My best friend.

Fear took ahold of me.

I'm‐‐i'm sorry to say
I fled.

I'm sorry I was weak
at that moment.


I have confessed this
unto my lord,

And he, in his goodness,

Have granted me mercy.

Well, uh, we need you
to write this down, jeb.

Ricky's being watched over.

I'm sure he is.

[Takes breath]

I've found peace.

Write it down now.

"Trash is picked up
at 8:15 sharp
monday morning.

I had my box there
at 8:05."

In 10 minutes
somebody had to come by

And ruin the perfect crime.

"Saturday I knew
she was flying in at 2:40.

"I figure
she's home by 4:00.

"I wait by the door
with my hammer,

"Mentally prepared.

"4:13, I hear the elevator.

"Key's in the door.

"She's in.


I thought one good blow
would do the trick...

She kept
wriggling around
on the floor.


[Clears throat]

"So, I finish it
with a good strangle."

That was
the end of wendy.

"Box her up...

"Nail her...


Good‐bye, wendy.

Good‐bye, meddling,
nagging wendy.

Bossy wendy.


Stuck up,

Shrieky, shrilly...





Now, uh,

About my brother

Brigantine beach...

[Air escapes]




Look at you.

I'm going to a play
at kyle's school.

Oh. You'll be
the best‐looking mom there.

I've kind of got
an interest
in one of the dads.

By the way, diane,

Um, I know why
you were sick earlier.


Forgive me
being forward,

But I can spot
a pregnant woman
a mile away.

It's that obvious?

Oh, I doubt the guys
are onto you.


Alls I'm saying
is, uh...

You need any advice,

I'm right here.

Thanks, jill,
'cause I'm, uh...

Scared to death.

Yeah, I know.

Could you keep it quiet
for now?


And I'm real glad
for you both.


Good luck to kyle.

Oh, thanks.

[Door opens]

You, uh, feeling better?


This wacko willy‐‐

Turns out
that k*lling his sister
wasn't his first m*rder.

During some family vacation
at the beach, uh,

Willy takes
his little brother

Way out for a swim.

Once the little kid
gets so, uh, tired

That he can't go no more...

Pushes him under.

Hmm. That's love.

Yeah, huh?

Ahem. I, uh...

I let jill know.

That's ok with me.

She said she could tell.

Want to buy a crib
this weekend?


Yeah. And one of those,
uh, dangling things?


That's it.

That's an idea.
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